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Finding Aid to the Philippine Commerce and the Manila Galleon Collection, 1769-1830
BANC MSS 91/111 z  
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Chronological Index

item Part I: #1

1769 Dec. 19 Real Cédula y Reglamento de Comercio dado por Su Magestad ... Drafted by Thomas del Mallo on behalf of the King. Establishes RTCM.

item Part II: #81

1773 Aug. 12 Representaton to King. Poverty in Islands because of an earthquake and decline in trade, in particular the galleon trade with New Spain; raise silver quota that can be legally bought back from New Spain.

item Part II: #90

1773 Sept. 24 Copy of decree. Gives Consulado right to use "Real Consulado."

item Part II: #91c

1777 Aug. 21 Decree regarding loss of the San Carlos.

item Part II: #64

1779 Aug. 15 Royal Order. Philippine merchants given permission to ship to America clothes and goods from China for duration of war and that Viceroy should not put obstacles in way of disembarkation of goods shipped on Nao.

item Part II: #91b

1779 Oct. 13 Copy of decree of 10/13/1779 reducing duties on silver brought into Philippines; extends concessions of previous decree allowing additional goods to be taken to Acapulco.

item Part II: #89

1780 ? Undated. List of royal decrees 1773-1779. Brief summary of 40 royal decrees.

item Part I: #2a

1785 Mar. 10 Real Cédula de la erección de la Compañía de Filipinas. Establishes RCF.

item Part II: #22e

1786 Feb. 11 David, Verzosa and Iriarte to Miguel de Orbaneja. Copy. 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México.

item Part II: #85

1788 Jan. 9 Two sets of accounts, one undated. Merchants' accounts of Acapulco fairs.

item Part I: #3

1788 Jan. [?] RCF. Protest against Real Orden of Oct. 28, 1787 on sales tax.

item Part II: #83

1788 July 16 2 copies of RTCM decision. Not to send Nao in 1788 because of abundance of goods brought in by Company into New Spain; harvests poor and mines not in full operation.

item Part II: #78

1788 Aug. 9 Apoderado General to King. Petition regarding unfair competition of RCF in introduction of Company goods via the port of Vera Cruz in New Spain; Spanish community in Islands is dependent on Nao's trade with New Spain; Company should not be allowed to trade with New Spain.

item Part II: #79

1788 Aug. 30 Treatise on state of the Islands. Many topics, including that Islands' economy is almost entirely dependent on success of Acapulco fairs.

item Part II: #80

1788 Oct. 2 Treatise on decline of the Islands. Gives brief history; decline of Nao also means decline in European population in Manila.

item Part I: #4

1788 Dec. 22 Para fomento de ... RTCM to the King. Only Spaniards should be eligible for post of Commander of Acapulco Nao.

item Part II: #84

1788 [?] Copies of accounts; profits and losses at Acapulco fair.

item Part II: #22b

1789 Jan [?] RTCM to Miguel de Orbaneja. 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México.

item Part I: #2b

1790 Apr. 11 RCF. Acción de doscientos cincuenta pesos ... Martín Diego Saenz Diez.

item Part II: #82

1790 [?] Representation to King. Appeals RCF's attempts to abolish the Nao; galleon trade is the only means of survival of people in Philippines; reasons for not holding fair in Acapulco was because port was already saturated with goods brought by Company.

item Part I: #5

1791 July 14 RTCM to the King. Repeats request of Part I: #4 (Commander of Acapulco Nao) and transportation of goods is given to naval officers in preference to merchants.

item Part II: #23

1793 July 12 RTCM to Miguel de Orbaneja. Dissatisfaction of way galleons are run. Inexperienced commander; the San Andrés; the Magallanes; make Acapulco a free port.

item Part II: #10

1794 July 18 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Confirms Tirado's new position; unable to hold fair in Acapulco since 1786.

item Part II: #88

1794 July 19 List of cargo of Magallanes. Types of goods and identifying marks on containers.

item Part II: #1

1794 July 21 RTCM to Miguel de Orbaneja y Ortega. Orbejana has been replaced as Apoderado General by Jacinto Sánchez Tirado.

item Part II: #96

1795-1802 8 sets of accounts. Prepared during Sánchez Tirado's period in office and handed over to Doncel after former's death. (See Part II: #95)

item Part II: # 2

1795 May 9 Miguel de Orbaneja to RTCM. Plans to start legal proceedings to contest his dismissal.

item Part II: #3

1795 May 11 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to RTCM. Tirado challenges Orbaneja's objections.

item Part II: #86

1795 June 16 Dossier issued by RTCM. Challenge of Company's purchase of boletas on the Nao.

item Part II: #87

1795 June 30 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Revoking RCF's concessions; expenses of escorting the Magallanes and payment to be made to Orbaneja.

item Part II: #12c

1795 July 20 Legal action between Uztariz and Bermúdez de Castro; merchandise on San Pedro Nao to Acapulco in 1780.

item Part II: #4

1795 July 28 RTCM to Orbaneja. Thanks him for handing over documents.

item Part II: #13

1795 July 28 RTCM to Diego Cardoqui. Royal order brought on the Magallanes; subscription to Correo Marítimo.

item Part II: #87

1795 July 28 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Revoking RCF's concessions; expenses of escorting the Magallanes and payment to be made to Orbaneja.

item Part II: #5

1795 Aug.11 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. 100 pesos to be collected from Josef Veyra.

item Part II: #6

1795 Aug.13 RTCM to King. Asks King to approve appointment of Sánchez Tirado; pension for Orbaneja.

item Part II: #7

1795 Aug.13 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Accompanies Part II: #6; command of Nao.

item Part II: #8

1795 Aug 13 RTCM to Orbaneja. He was dismissed because of his promotion to Consejo.

item Part II: #12a

1795 Sept. 28 Legal action between Uztariz and Bermúdez de Castro; merchandise on San Pedro Nao to Acapulco in 1780.

item Part II: #20

1795 Oct. 13 Request by Apoderado of Consulado in Mexico to ship 50,000 to 60,000 pesos payable to residents of Manila.

item Part II: #12b

1795 Nov. 22 Legal action between Uztariz and Bermúdez de Castro; merchandise on San Pedro Nao to Acapulco in 1780.

item Part II: #12d

1795 [?] Legal action between Uztariz and Bermúdez de Castro; merchandise on San Pedro Nao to Acapulco in 1780.

item Part II: #9

1796 Mar. 1 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Congratulations for winning his case against Orbaneja; 11,000 pesos have been sent him from Apoderado in Mexico.

item Part II: #14

1796 Apr. 5 Joseph Señan to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Subscription to Correo Marítimo.

item Part II: #11

1796 June 11 Affidavit signed by King's scribe. Estate of late Marqués Cañete.

item Part II: #87

1796 June 30 RCTM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Revoking RCF's concession; expenses of escorting the Magallanes and payment to be made to Orbaneja.

item Part II: #22a

1796 July 9 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México.

item Part II: #19

1796 July 22 King to Governor of Philippines. King decided in favor of Consulato regarding merchant who took 400 pesos from Montepío Fund.

item Part II: #15

1796 Sept. 27 Juan Moxzo to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Subscription to Correo Marítimo.

item Part II: #18

1796 Oct. 21 Draft letter to Governor of Philippines. Extraction of gold to cease in accordance with King's wishes.

item Part II: #17c

1797 Jan.13 Draft relating to 3% duty because of war with Britain.

item Part I: #6

1797 Jan. 28 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Commandership of Nao still not decided in favor of Spaniards.

item Part II: #17d

1797 Jan. [?] RTCM relating to duty because of war with Britain.

item Part II: #24

1797 Feb. 1 Dictamen de la Contaduría. Transferring responsibility for financing of Nao to main Treasury Office.

item Part II: #46

1797 Feb. 1 List of duties and taxes.

item Part II: #44

1797 Feb. 6 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Petition to King; problems about the Islands and why Spain should do more.

item Part II: #25

1797 Mar. [?] Dossier regarding financial matters related to Nao.

item Part II: #16

1797 Apr. 5 Juan Moxzo to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Subscription to Correo Marítimo.

item Part II: #21

1797 Apr. [?] RTCM regarding exempting merchants of costs of royal ship escorting the Magallanes.

item Part I: #7

1797 June 1 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Request for Cédula about post of commander of Nao.

item Part I: #8

1797 June 1 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Draft of Part I: #7.

item Part II: #47

1797 Oct. 14 Real Compañía de Filipinas. Challenges RTCM's request for reduction of duties.

item Part II: #45

1797 Nov. 28 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Lowering duties on goods carried on the Nao.

item Part II: #17a

1797 [?] Summary relating to duty on cargo because of war with Britain; decision in favor of 3% duty.

item Part II: #17b

1797 [?] Conditions relating to 3% duty because of war with Britain.

item Part I: #9

1798 July 20 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Regarding command of Nao.

item Part I: #10

1798 Sept. 12 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Draft of letter regarding command of Nao.

item Part I: #11

1798 Dec. 20 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Draft of letter regarding command of Nao.

item Part II: #26

1798 Dossier issued by RTCM. Funds taken from funds for Obras Pías.

item Part II: #22c

1799 Jan. 2 Orbaneja to RTCM. "Copy of letter originally dated 1/12/1798. April 1992." regarding 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México.

[Note: I believe the Quaritch inventory to be in error on both dates.

The date of the letter has been written over, changing the day and month to 2 Enero. I cannot read what was originally written. The year has been changed from 1798 to 1799. There is a note at the bottom that someone asked who held some office in Abril de 92, obviously 1792, not 1992. V.C.F.]

item Part II: #22f

1799 Jan. 12 Agustín La Torre to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México; identifies the priest.

item Part II: #22d

1799 Jan. 22 Benito López to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. 150 pesos sent by Procurador General de México.

item Part I: #28b

1799 Aug. 14 Consulado de Manila to King. Armenians on Islands.

item Part II: #27c

1799 Oct. 10 King to RTCM. Appointment of Francisco Cardeña y Gallardo.

item Part II: #27d

1799 Oct 21 King to RTCM. Appointment of Francisco Cardeña y Gallardo.

item Part I: #28a

1799 [?] Real Consulado de Manila. Foreigners on Islands; Armenian merchants.

item Part II: #34

1800 Feb. 4 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Dangers of using northern route to New Spain; loss of the San Andrés; silver quotas.

item Part II: #71a

1800 Feb. 10 Cédula ... segundo testimonio. Copy of decree of Dec. 4, 1777 regarding choice of Maestre de Plata.

item Part II: #71b

1800 Feb. 10 Segundo testimonio. Selection of Maestre de Plata for expedition to Acapulco.

item Part II: #73

1800 Feb. 10 Primer Testimonio. Regarding Governor, Assessor and RTCM's role in future expeditions; damage to the Magallanes; loading, unloading, storage and overland transportation of cargo.

item Part II: #91a

1800 Feb. 10 Collection of copies of royal decrees. Decree of Dec. 11, 1776 allows RTCM to send goods to Acapulco to value of 750,000 pesos instead of 500,000 and double the silver for two years; problems because of war with Britain.

item Part II: #92

1800 Feb. 10 Tercer Testimonio. Documents regarding concessions requested by individuals and granted under decree of Dec. 11, 1776 (see Part II: #45a).

item Part II: #43

1800 Feb. 14 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Appointment of an incompetent relative of the Governor of Philippines.

item Part II: #75

1800 Feb. 14 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Regarding 3 testimonios of complaints against Governor related to sending cargo on now damaged Magallanes by northern route (dangerous sailing and risks of attacks by British); loss of the San Andrés; problems of the Magallanes; appointment of Maestre de Plata; purchase of the San Rafael using Consulate funds.

item Part II: #76

1800 Feb. 14 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Governor appoint young incompetent relative as commander of the Magallanes.

item Part II: #27a

1800 Feb. 15 Appointment of Francisco Cardeña y Gallardo.

item Part II: #42

1800 May 25 Alexo López de la Peña (Captain of San Rafael) to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Problems regarding cargo of the Magallanes; passenger list.

item Part II: #40

1800 May 31 Gabriel Gutiérrez de Terán to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Cargo on the San Rafael arrived in Acapulco; repairs to the Magallanes.

item Part II: #41

1800 May 31 Gabriel Gutierrez de Terán to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Permission for the San Rafael to leave for Manila; Magallanes's failure to arrive.

item Part II: #27b

1800 July 9 Appointment of Francisco Cardeña y Gallardo.

item Part II: #35

1800 July 9 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Loss of the San Andrés was largely because of negligence; general hazards of galleons.

item Part II: #36

1800 July 9 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Philippine merchants believe government favors the Company.

item Part II: #37

1800 July 14 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Errors in stipulating cargo limits for the Magallanes.

item Part II: #38

1800 July 14 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Excessive duties on goods.

item Part I: #12

1800 Oct. 10 Real Resolución al Expediente sobre el mando de la Nao. King's decision.

item Part II: #60

1800 Nov. 27 Return of the San Rafael from Acapulco to Philippines; some docs. relate to its captain, Alexo López de la Peña.

item Part II: #31

1800 Dec. 5 Dossier of copies. Cargo of goods carried on San Rafael and possibility of holding a fair.

item Part II: #30

1800 Dec. 6 Dossier of copies. Ownership of cargo shipped on San Rafael to Mexico.

item Part II: #28

1800 Dec. 15 Ship carrying cargo accompanying the Nao San Rafael to Manila.

item Part II: #61

1800 Dec. 15 Copy of dossier. Powers of attorney for merchants with cargo on the San Rafael.

item Part II: #29

1800 Dec. 19 Dossier of documents on cargo carried by the San Rafael ... to Mexico; trade fair either in Cuernavaca or San Agustín de las Cuevas.

item Part II: #77

1800 Dec. 23 RTCM to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Governor interfering in distribution of boletas; Governor wants Consulado to introduce ordinance regulating how they run their affairs.

item Part II: #59

1800 Copy of dossier regarding petition of Sept. 10, 1800 relating to permission to bring back 500,000 pesos over the prescribed amount because of all their misfortunes and decline in trade.

item Part II: #66

1800 [?] Diego de Agreda to Viceroy of New Spain. Permission to ship excess silver from previous years; extra 200,000 pesos for the San Rafael.

item Part II: #65

1801 Jan. 9 Junta Superior of Real Hacienda. No trade fairs in Acapulco, so merchants can ship silver to twice the value of cargo of the Magallanes and the two frigates that brought it.

item Part II: #67

1801 Feb. 3 Junta Superior de Real Hacienda. Decision regarding return of excess silver.

item Part II: #32-33

1801 Mar. 27 Diego de Agreda to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Agreda took over from Mexico-based Apoderado and he will ensure safety of the Magallanes, at risk from British. #33 is a copy.

item Part II: #68

1801 Apr. 6 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Censure of Governor for having purchased Danish frigate the Crown Prince with funds belonging to Consulado; will cause financial problems for widows.

item Part II: #69

1801 Apr. 8 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Governor interfering with Islands' trade, particularly matters regarding Consulado; made unpopular appointments.

item Part II: #70

1801 Apr. 8 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. King should censure Governor for appointment of maestre de plata; restore Consulado's powers.

item Part II: #39

1801 June 3 Alexo López de la Peña to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Compensation for loss of the San Andrés in 1798; inadequate silver quotas permitted to be brought back from Mexico; contraband goods.

item Part II: #74

1801 June 10 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Decline in trade; reduce payment of duties from triple to single contributions.

item Part II: #72

1801 June 15 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Complains that Consulado cannot use its full powers, which has caused losses; Governor's use of northern route for the San Rafael and the Luconia; censure the Governor and Assessor for interfering with RTCM.

item Part II: #62

1801 July 24 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Misfortunes of Islands because of war with France and Britain; protection for galleon trade; King should order Viceroy of New Spain to repeal provisions governing return of silver.

item Part II: #48

1801 Sept. 26 Diego de Agreda (RTCM's Apoderado in Mexico) to Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. RCF ship illegally selling goods in San Blas under false pretenses.

item Part I: #13

1801 Oct. 20 Apoderado general del Consulado to King. Difficulties of war with Britain. Fair in Acapulco.

item Part I: #14

1801 Oct. 24 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Complaint against Governor of Manila - unsuitable employees.

item Part II: #57

1801 Nov. 7 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Request that the King refuse approval of Governor's additional 21 articles; Supercargo of Nao should be approved by Consulado; observe provisions of decree of 1757.

item Part II: #56

1801 Nov. 16 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Governor of Philippines is not keeping RTCM informed on disputes; requests that Secretaryship of New Spain should inform Consulado of measures taken since 1794 relating to trade in Philippines.

item Part II: #54

1801 Ignacio Cobarrubias (RTCM) to Viceroy of New Spain. Unloading and sale of cargo from the San Francisco Xavier; if is allowed, could be precedent, which would damage Islands.

item Part II: #58

1801 [?] Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. History of trade in Philippines; misfortunes like loss of several galleons and a fire in warehouses in Manila; Crown should help boost the Islands trade with New Spain; merchants bring back all silver of proceeds of their trade in Acapulco, paying 7% duties on all over one million pesos.

item Part II: #63

1801 [?] Diego de Agreda to Viceroy of New Spain. Galleon losses; asks Viceroy to allow merchants to ship back silver they have in Acapulco.

item Part II: #94

1802-1807 Borradores de la Contradicción de Sánchez Tirado al pase de poseres a Doncel ... 41 docs. Dismissal of Sánchez Tirado; appointment of Doncel; problems of Sánchez Tirado handing over accounts; Doncel questions Sánchez Tirado.

item Part II: #93

1802-1813 32 copies of fiscal responses to Expedientes of Consulado. Armenians; appointments of Maestre de Plata and Oidor.

item Part II: #97

1802-1820 49 copies of royal decrees and royal orders relating to RTCM. All aspects of Philippine trade.

item Part II: #52

1802 Jan. 5 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Make an example of the San Francisco Xavier; make it return to Peru; should not be allowed to sell cargo in New Spain; should give copy of order to Viceroy of New Spain.

item Part II: #55

1802 Jan. 29 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Distribution of boletas on the Nao; favoritism of Governor in assigning space.

item Part II: #50

1802 Feb. 14 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado (?) to Manuel Godoy. Illegal unloading and sale of goods from San Francisco Xavier in San Blas.

item Part II: #49

1802 Feb. 26 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado (?) to Diego de Agreda. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier under false pretenses, thus allowing the Company to sell goods in Acapulco illegally.

item Part I: #15a

1802 June 11 Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to King. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - problems with Philippine trade.

item Part I: #19a

1802 July 5 RTCM to Miguel Cayetano Soler. Request to bring back in cash profits from previous expeditions to Mexico; Acapulco.

item Part I: #15b

1802 Oct. 14 Baltasar Doncel to King. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - must protect Philippine merchants.

item Part I: #16

1802 Dec. 15 Real Consulado de Manila to King. Interference in merchants' affairs by Governor and Capitán General.

item Part I: #17-18

1802 Dec. 24 Real Consulado de Manila to King. Account of trading conditions; unfair competition; commercial opportunities on California coast; Botany Bay. #18 is a copy.

item Part I: #15c

1802 [?] Por acuerdo del Consejo. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - claims for compensation from Consulado.

item Part I: #19b

1802 [?] Se ha de formar nueva representación ... Request to bring back in cash profits from previous expeditions to Mexico; Acapulco.

item Part II: #51

1802 [?] Jacinto Sánchez Tirado to Príncipe de la Paz. Sale of goods from the San Francisco Xavier.

item Part II: #53

1802 [?] Diego de Agreda to Viceroy of New Spain. Urges Viceroy not to allow the San Francisco Xavier to unload and sell its cargo; make repairs so it can go to Lima as soon as possible.

item Part I: #28c

1803 Apr. 4 Rafael María de Aguilar to Miguel Cayetano Soler. Foreigners on Islands; merchants have uncompetitive monopoly.

item Part I: #19c

1803 July 13 Baltasar Doncel to King. Request to bring back in cash profits from previous expeditions to Mexico; Acapulco; trade in last 10 years.

item Part I: #20

1803 Aug. 27 Baltasar Doncel to King. Complains RCF making profits at Islands' expense through monopoly of cotton production.

item Part I: #21

1804 Jan. 4 Permission from Viceroy of New Spain for repatriation of money.

item Part I: #15d

1804 Jan. 7 Baltasar Donce to King. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - no specific content given.

item Part I: #21

1804 Jan. 11 Summary of Viceroy's permission.

item Part I: #33a

1804 Feb. 18 RTCM to King. Extension of concession to take cargo to New Spain.

item Part I: #31a

1804 Mar. 20 RTCM to King. Appointment of Maestre de Plata for expedition from north of Luzon to Acapulco.

item Part I: #31b

1804 July 20 Governor of Philippines to King. Appointment of Maestre de Plata.

item Part I: #22

1804 Sept. [?] Baltasar Doncel to King. Reduction in duties.

item Part I: #23

1805 Jan. 21 May be Jan. 24. Real Consulado de Manila. Reduction of rights of Nao de Acapulco; New Spain.

item Part I: #15e

1805 Aug. 13 Baltasar Doncel to King. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - no specific content given.

item Part I: #28

1805 Sept. 4 RTCM ... Governador de Filipinas .... Refutes Part I: #28c.

item Part I: #24-25

1805 Sept. 28 Representación ... nueva Cédula of July 12, 1803. Problems because of Compañía de Filipinas; close port of Veracruz to Company vessels carrying Asian goods. #25 is copy.

item Part I: #27

1805 Dec. 11 Real Consulado de Manila to King. Governor of Mexico should be ordered to prohibit unloading vessels at San Blas.

item Part I: #26a

1805 Dec. 18 RTCM to King. Extraordinary trading permits with New Spain during war with Britain; direct trade between Asia and America.

item Part I: #26c

1805 Dec. 18 Baltasar Doncel to ? Extraordinary trading permits with New Spain during war with Britain.

item Part I: #26d

1805 [?] Baltasar Doncel to ? Extraordinary trading permits with New Spain during war with Britain; someone should intercede with King.

item Part I: #30

1806 Mar. 3 Presented by Consulado de Manila. Evidence in court proceedings.

item Part I: #29a

1806 July 30 RTCM to King. Cleaning of sandbanks.

item Part I: #29b

1806 July 30 Apoderado General to King. Fondo de Averías and sandbanks.

item Part I: #31c

1806 July 30 RTCM to King. Appointment of Maestre de Plata.

item Part I: #32a

1806 July 30 RTCM to King. Confiscation of cargo from Danish vessel Hardenger, which came to New Spain.

item Part I: #32b

1806 July 30 RTCM to King. Manila merchants' efforts to prevent Hardengerfrom sailing.

item Part I: #33b

1806 Oct. 4 Copy of Real Cedula. Granting extension to take cargo to New Spain.

item Part I: #34

1807 Mar. 12 RTCM to King. Borrowing money because war with Britain makes impossible for agent in Mexico to send money.

item Part I: #46a

1807 Apr. 4 Minutes of Junta of Dec. 16, 1803. Subsidies of Commanders of Nao; reduce their subsidies.

item Part I: #35

1807 Apr. 11 RTCM to King. Docking of San Francisco Xavier in San Blas.

item Part I: #36

1807 Apr. 15 Indice de despachos ... ; punishment of captain of Danish Hardenger.

item Part I: #37

1807 Apr. 15 RTCM to King. Exemption from giving boletas to military.

item Part I: #38a

1807 Apr. 15 RTCM to King. Prohibit foreigners from introducing into New Spain goods from Asia.

item Part I: #39a

1807 Apr. 15 RTCM to King. Loading packages onto the Nao.

item Part I: #46b

1807 Apr. 15 RTCM regarding bonuses for Nao commanders.

item Part I: #38b

1807 Aug. 17 Baltasar Doncel to King. Prohibit foreigners from introducing into New Spain goods from Asia.

item Part I: #38c

1807 [?] Baltasar Doncel to Estaba Barea. Prohibit foreigners from introducing into New Spain goods from Asia. Part I: #38d is the same.

item Part I: #39b

1807 [?] Loading packages onto the Nao.

item Part I: #40

1808 Jan. 27 Baltasar Doncel to Miguel Cayetano de Soler. Funds in Cajas de Avería.

item Part I: #15f

1808 Sept. 26 Diego de Agreda to Baltasar Doncel. Unloading of San Francisco Xavier at San Blas - measures taken against sale of goods.

item Part I: #41

1809 June 22 Autos ... Jacinto de Celis and Angel de la Fuente.

item Part I: #42

1810 Mar. 4 RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Accounts of Fondo de Avería.

item Part I: #43a

1810 Apr. 4 RTCM to King. Changes in salaries of agents.

item Part I: #44

1810 June 30 RTCM to King. Widows of military officials.

item Part I: #45

1810 July 1 RTCM to King. Financing vessel taking annual cargo to Acapulco.

item Part I: #59d

1810 July 7 Letter to King via Doncel. Request for unlimited free trade with America; unsuccessful fairs in Acapulco and bad winds; loss of two frigates.

item Part I: #47

1810 Aug. 20 RTCM to King. Payment of expenses of war.

item Part I: #46c

1810 Aug. 21 Baltasar Doncel to King? Bonuses of Nao commanders.

item Part I: #49

1810 Sept. 16 RTCM to King. Pedro Abraham gets naturalization letter.

item Part I: #46d

1810 Sept. 17 Baltasar Doncel to King. Bonuses of Nao commanders.

item Part I: #48

1810 Sept. 20 RTCM to King. Now defunct Patriotic Society; boletas.

item Part I: #43b

1810 [?] Baltasar Doncel to Contador General de Indias. Changes in salaries of agents.

item Part I: #50a

1811 Aug. 21 Plan de Comercio y libre navegación ... ; allows Philippine merchants to trade with all ports in America and Peninsula.

item Part I: #50b

1811 Aug. 21 RTCM to Congreso Nacional de las Cortes. Regarding Plan de Comercio y libre navegación.

item Part I: #51

1811 Dec. 20 RTCM to King. Bonuses for Nao commanders.

item Part I: #50c

1811 El Duende Político o la Tertulia .... Printed, 18ll. An article on Comercio libre.

item Part I: #52

1812 Mar. 31 RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Accounts of Fondo de Avería for 1808.

item Part I: #53

1812 [?] Listed as undated. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda de Ultramar. Request that merchants be allowed to bring back more than 500,000 pesos paying a duty of 6%.

item Part I: #59e

1813 Aug. 7 Import/export tax; establishment of a nautical college.

item Part I: #59f

1813 Aug. 7 RTCM to King. Approach British cabinet regarding abolition of taxes on Spanish vessels in British ports of India; otherwise, tax British vessels.

item Part I: #83f

1813 Sept. 14 Consulado de Manila. Decree abolishing the Nao; trade to be done in private vessels. Printed.

item Part I: #54

1814 Feb. 5 RTCM to King. Requests removal of government monopoly on bonga fruit.

item Part I: #57a

1814 June 17 Consulado de Manila ... comercio de Filipinas. Report on eight legal matters relating to abolition of the Nao; cargo permit to be increased from 500,000 to 1 million; reduction of duties; ships to Peru; export by residents and natives of products of the Islands; free trade with inhabitants and Spanish establishments of Northwest California coast; silver in excess of permitted amount to be taxed at 6%; Philippines should be treated same as Puerto Rico.

item Part I: #57b

1814 June 17 Report on pending matters with Consejo. Long accounts about history and importance of items in Part I: #57a; importance of Islands to New Spain and Peru; dangers of English in Southern California; abolition of the Nao; free trade and potential expansion of trade with California.

item Part I: #56c

1814 July 15 Testimonio del expediente ... Problems preventing the Nao from setting sail for Acapulco.

item Part I: #56d

1814 July 15 If the Nao is not ready to sail by Sept. 8, will have to wait until Feb.

item Part I: #56a

1814 July 20 Testimonio del expediente ... carena del Navío de Magallanes. Problems with money for fitting out the Magallanes.

item Part I: #56b

1814 July 20 Continuation of Part I: #56a. Failure to careen Magallanes will make it unseaworthy.

item Part I: #56e

1814 July 20 Correspondence about departure of the Nao.

item Part I: #56f

1814 July 20 Treasury's problems supplying funds for fitting out the Magallanes.

item Part I: #55

1814 Oct. 1 RTCM to King. Employees of Real Hacienda prevented from being members with voting rights of Consulado.

item Part I: #81a

1814 Dec. 14 Insurance policy taken out on ship Victoria.

item Part I: #56

1814 [?] Fitting of Magallanes, last Nao to sail from Acapulco; navigation of Acapulco, including information provided by Malaspina expedition; War of Independence in Mexico.

item Part I: #60

1815 Jan. 24[?] Baltasar Doncel to King. Request for reimbursement for postage costs.

item Part I: #58

1815 Apr. 23 ... boletas ... extinguida Nao de Acapulco. Boletas after suspension of Nao.

item Part I: #83g

1815 Apr. 23 Consulado de Manila. Royal order confirming abolition of the Nao.

item Part I: #68

1816 Jan. 13 RTCM to king. Abolition of the Nao.

item Part I: #61

1816 Jan. [?] Baltasar Doncel to Ministro de Hacienda. Expedition by Real Consulado.

item Part I: #62

1816 Feb. 3 Baltasar Doncel to King. Organization of an expedition.

item Part I: #63

1816 Apr. 27 Baltasar Doncel to King. Subsidy.

item Part I: #64

1816 May 11 Baltasar Doncel to King. Abolition of the Nao.

item Part I: #65

1816 July 13 Baltasar Doncel to Ministro de Hacienda. Fondo de Averías.

item Part I: #67a

1816 July 13 Baltasar Doncel to King. Excessive duties imposed by British on Spanish ships in Indian port.

item Part I: #59g

1816 Aug. 1 RTCM to King. After abolition of Nao, wants to keep regulations relating to distribution of permits.

item Part I: #66

1816 Oct. 21 Baltasar Doncel to King. Wants to send copy of decree abolishing the Nao to the Viceroy of New Spain.

item Part I: #69

1816 Dec. 2 RTCM to King. Abolition of the Nao; permit to be extended to 750,000 pesos.

item Part I: #67b

1816 Dec. 16 Baltasar Doncel to King. Duties imposed by British in Indian ports.

item Part I: #70

1817 Jan. 10 Wenceslao Argumosa to Baltasar Doncel. Fine imposed by Consulado on Celis and Fuente (See Part I: #41).

item Part I: #59h

1817 Jan. 24 RTCM to King. Reduction of duties on goods introduced to New Spain.

item Part I: #59i

1817 Jan. 24 RTCM to King. Imposition of new duties by Governors of New Spain.

item Part I: #71

1817 Jan. 24 RTCM to King. Abolition of the Nao; import duties established in 1734.

item Part I: #78a

1817 Jan. 24 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Reduction of import duties in New Spain imposed on private ships after abolition of the Nao.

item Part I: #78b

1817 Jan. 24 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Claiming that government of New Spain should not demand taxes other than those in article 4 of Reglamento.

item Part I: #81b

1817 Mar. 15 Insurance policy on ship Victoria. Cancellation after payment.

item Part I: #74b

1817 July 4 Copy of paragraph of letter regarding Doncel's salary reduction.

item Part I: #72

1817 July 18 RTCM to King. Reimbursement in respect to Patriotic loan and other taxes demanded of merchants in New Spain.

item Part II: #95b

1817 Sept. 3 Note from executors of Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. Requests meeting with Doncel to settle Sánchez Tirado's affairs.

item Part I: #73

1818 Feb. 6 Baltasar Doncel to King. Expedition by Ibargoyen to China to purchase mercury for Mexican silver mines; says was pretext for commercial speculation detrimental to merchants in New Spain.

item Part II: #95a

1818 Feb. 14 Note from executors of Jacinto Sánchez Tirado. After Sánchez Tirado's death, executors hand over to Doncel all documents related to RTCM.

item Part I: #74a

1818 Apr. 6 Baltasar Doncel to King. His salary to remain at 1,250 pesos.

item Part I: #78c

1818 Dec. 19 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Derecho de reemplazo. Merchants have to pay taxes on goods in China or India, in Manila and in New Spain; imports and exports of gold and silver have more taxes.

item Part I: #80a

1819 Apr. 20 Poderes del RTCM en favor de Francisco Garibay. Previous powers of attorney revoked and new ones granted to Pedro Xavier de Vera, Francisco de Garibaray and Narciso Sans de Azofra.

item Part I: #75

1819 Apr. 23 Baltasar Doncel to King. Taxes on silver sent to Manila.

item Part I: #76

1819 Apr. 23 Baltasar [Doncel] to King or Ministro de Hacienda. Reduction in his salary.

item Part I: #82a

1819 Apr. 26 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Wants him to represent them; powers of attorney; get papers back from Doncel; agent in Mexico; send correspondence via New Spain, Lisbon, etc.

item Part I: #82b

1819 Apr. 26 Consulado de Manila. List of matters pending; extend allowance to 750 pesos; free trade within Spanish empire.

item Part I: #82c

1819 Apr. 26 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Garibay and Azofra. Power of attorney granted to Vera first and to them second and third.

item Part I: #77

1819 July 1 Baltasar Doncel to King. Fitting of Magallanes, the last Nao.

item Part I: #59a

1819 Aug. 19 Consulado de Manila. Index to representations of Consulado and commerce of Manila; matters pending in court; annotations.

item Part I: #59b

1819 Aug. 19 Copy of Part I: #59a, with different annotations.

item Part I: #82d

1819 Aug. 19 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Money to be handed over by Doncel; agent in Mexico; cases pending should be sent on British vessel leaving for Gibraltar.

item Part I: #82e

1819 Nov. 6 Consulado de Manila. Copies of representations; bill of exchange; Doncel fired; new regulations; letter sent on British vessel via Gibraltar.

item Part I: #82f

1819 Dec. 4 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Vera appointed as secretary to King.

item Part I: #59j

1819 Dec. 19 RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Requests that new Derecho de Reemplazo be revoked.

item Part I: #78d

1819 Dec. 19 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Requesting exemption from Patriotic loan in New Spain.

item Part I: #59c

1819 [?] Description of documents enclosed.

item Part I: #78e

1820 Jan. 3 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Harsh conditions imposed by religious foundations of capital lent to merchants.

item Part I: #78f

1820 Jan. 3 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Appointment of Vicente Arrieta as Secretary; post of Archivist abolished.

item Part I: #83a

1820 Jan. 3 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Correspondence received from Doncel regarding almojarifazgo.

item Part I: #83b

1820 Jan. 3 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to King. Appointment and salary of a secretary.

item Part I: #83c

1820 Jan. 3 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to King. Harsh conditions imposed by religious on capital investment for purchase of goods.

item Part I: #83d

1820 Mar. 14 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Establishment of nautical college; almojarifazgo.

item Part I: #83e

1820 May 17 Consulado de Manila. Request for reduction of 33.33% tax on goods in New Spain; trade ruined by insurrection in Mexico and by permits granted to foreigners; abolition of the Nao.

item Part I: #79

1820 May 24 Viceroy of New Spain to Governor of Philippines. Until new regulations for commerce are drawn up, they should proceed with royal orders of 1798 and 1806.

item Part I: #78g

1820 July 18 Proceedings of Comercio de Filipinas. Creation of nautical college.

item Part I: #83h

1820 July 18 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Bills of exchange payable; Doncel's handling of request to exempt from Patriotic loan.

item Part I: #83i

1820 July 18 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Sres. Vocales de la Comisión de Reemplazos de Guerra.

item Part I: #83j

1820 July 18 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Sres. Vocales de la Comisión de Reemplazos de Guerra. History of their role; war subsidy.

item Part I: #83k

1820 July 18 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Sres. Vocales de la Comisión de Reemplazos de Guerra. Bill of Exchange in favor of RCF regarding chartering the frigate Atocha belonging to RCF. Royal frigate, the Reina Isabel, to take military expedition of Mar del Sur [Pacific Ocean].

item Part I: #83l

1820 July 20 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Sres. Vocales de la Comisión de Reemplazos de Guerra. Receipt of royal order of Nov. 11, 1818 requesting that Consulado undertake administration of war subsidy.

item Part I: #83m

1820 Aug. 1 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Pedro Xavier de Vera. Sends duplicates of various letters already sent via New Spain.

item Part I: #83n

1820 Nov. 11 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay and Narciso Sanz de Azofra. Consulado is giving Bernabé Escalada, the temporary Ministro de Hacienda, full powers to appoint representatives.

item Part I: #83o

1820 Dec. 4 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Bernabé de Escalada. Sending duplicates of powers of attorney.

item Part I: #84a

1821 Mar. 3 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of June 13, 1820 regarding appointment of agents.

item Part I: #84b

1821 June 26 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of various letters; new regulations.

item Part I: #84c

1821 June 26 Consulado de Manila; RTCM to Bernabé Escalada. Iturbide declared independence in Mexico and seized funds of Philippine merchants, which he was supposed to be escorting to Veracruz; government of New Spain.

item Part I: #84d

1821 Aug. 16 Consulado de Manila. Reduction of Doncel's salary.

item Part I: #80b

1821 Nov. 9 Poderes de RTCM ... Revokes powers given to late Pedro Xavier de Vera and granted to Narciso Sans de Azofra. New powers to Bernabé de Escalada.

item Part I: #84e

1821 Nov. 28 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of papers relating to fitting of Magallanes in 1813; compromise with Doncel; free trade.

item Part I: #84f

1821 Dec. 1 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Bernabé Escalada. Receipt of letter regarding Doncel; Garibay's power of attorney be confirmed.

item Part I: #97

1821 Exposición ... Compañía de Filipinas. Shareholders receive due compensation because privileges were terminated in 1820.

item Part I: #85a

1822 Feb. 7 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of various letters; nautical college.

item Part I: #85b

1822 Dec. 31 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Minutes of meetings of Cortes.

item Part I: #85c

1822 Dec. 31 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of various letters; money received from Vera's estate.

item Part II: #100

1822 [?] El Apoderado del Real Consulado ... Wants King to introduce tax of 0.5% on Spanish trade and 1% on foreign trade to pay cost of fitting out the bergantín Félix and to pay for expedition to go to Mexico to rescue monies stolen by rebel government under Iturbide.

[Note: Augustín de Iturbide was Emperor of Mexico, 1822-1823. Related documents are Part I: #84c, dated 1821 and Part I: #87a, dated 1825. V.C.F.]

item Part I: #86a

1823 Jan. 30 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay, relating to abolition of the customs duties office.

item Part I: #86b

1823 Feb. 4 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay, relating to abolition of customs duties office.

item Part I: #86c

1823 Feb. 4 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. New customs duties should not be implemented in Philippines, especially in relation to Asian goods.

item Part I: #86d

1823 Feb. 15 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to King. Contributions to charitable institutions; clearing sandbanks.

item Part I: #86e

1823 Apr. 10 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Money collected for Pedro Urquijo.

item Part I: #86f

1823 May 27 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to King. Appointment of teachers to nautical college.

item Part I: #86g

1823 Nov. 20 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of letters; charitable donations; teachers at nautical college.

item Part I: #87h

1823 Nov. 20 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Money paid to Pedro Urquijo.

item Part I: #91a

1824 Sept. 9 Consulado de Manila. Francisco Garibay a Sres. Presidente y Vocales ... New customs tariffs; difficulties for Philippines.

item Part I: #91b

1824 Oct. 16 Consulado de Manila. Francisco Garibay to Juez de Imprentas. Permission to reprint document on customs tariffs.

item Part I: #87a

1825 Jan. 6 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Proposal to abolish bonded warehouse in Manila be revoked; seizure of money by Iturbide in Mexico.

item Part I: #92a

1825 Jan. 10 Francisco Garibay to Juez Protector de Imprintas ... Printing of tariffs established by courts.

item Part I: #87b

1825 Jan. 22 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to king. Trade with foreigners; legislation covering Cuba.

item Part I: #87c

1825 Jan. 22 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to King. Payments to charitable foundations causing trade to suffer.

item Part I: #87d

1825 Jan. 22 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to king. Protests abolition of bonded warehouse; would have to use British-owned warehouse in Singapore.

item Part I: #81c

1825 Jan. 25 Insurance policy on ship Victoria. Only one to be issued in Manila.

item Part II: #98a

1825 Feb. 21 Real Junta de Aranceles to Francisco Garibay. Thanks him for sending 20 copies of regulations of trade promoted by RTCM. [Note: Quaritch misread date as 1829. V.C.F.]

item Part I: #87e

1825 Apr. 26 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Received various letters and issues of the Gazeta.

item Part I: #92b

1825 June 29 Francisco Garibay to Sres. Presidentes y Vocales ... Special committee relating to tariffs in the Philippines.

item Part I: #80c

1825 Dec. 10 Poderes de RTCM ... Francisco Garibay has presented himself.

item Part I: #87g

1825 Dec. 13 Consulado de Manila. Bill of exchange.

item Part I: #87f

1825 Dec. 31 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of various letters and documents.

item Part I: #90c

1825 Dec. 31 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Question about 1825 accounts explained; terrible state of trade in Philippines; pectoral cross as gift for the Bishop.

item Part II: #99

1825 Estracto del Espediente promovido por el Consulado ... Printed. Petition about declining commercial interests of Islands.

item Part I: #88a

1826 Jan. 14 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Recovery of money seized by Agustín de Iturbide.

item Part I: #90d

1826 Jan. 14 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to ? Accompanies Part I: #90c; apologizes for paltriness of gift to Bishop.

item Part I: #88b

1826 July 15 Consulado de Manila. Copy of royal order. New customs building for Manila.

item Part I: #88c

1826 Oct. 13 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt and approval of Garibay's accounts for 1825.

item Part I: #88d

1826 Oct. [?] Consulado de Manila. Receipt of various letters; Havana; customs building.

item Part I: #89a

1827 Feb. 13 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Election of prior and consuls.

item Part I: #89b

1827 Feb. 13 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Election of José de Eguia.

item Part I: #89c

1827 Feb. 13 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda? Election of José de Eguia.

item Part I: #93a

1827 May 28 RTCM to King. Concessions granted in Real Cédula of 3/7/1820 are helping trade.

item Part I: #93b

1827 May 28 RTCM to King. Cannot afford to contribute to cost of new customs building.

item Part I: #95c

1827 May 28 RTCM to King. Rights to trade with peninsula without duties.

item Part I: #93c

1827 Sept. 30 RTCM to King. Requests copy of approval of their 1819 accounts.

item Part I: #93d

1827 Sept. 30 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Ordenanzas of the Consulado.

item Part I: #90e

1827 Oct. 1 Consulado de Manila. Encloses copy of royal order of Sept. 21, 1826 in which King gave pectoral cross to his secretary; thanks the Consulado.

item Part I: #89d

1827 Dec. 7 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Receipt of various letters; money lost on the Feliz; build a steamship from Fondo de Avería to dredge obstructed canal, which forms port of Manila.

item Part I: #89e

1827 Dec. 13 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Bill of exchange; Chinese traders.

item Part I: #90f

1827 [?] Consulado de Manila. Arrival of decrees.

item Part I: #90g

1827 [?] Consulado de Manila. Note about arrival of Gazetas.

item Part I: #94a

1828 Jan. 14 RTCM to King. Increase in secretary's salary.

item Part I: #94b

1828 Jan. 29 Consulado de Manila to Ministro de Hacienda. Approval of accounts for 1819.

item Part I: #94c

1828 Mar. 3 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Same subject as Part I: #94b; send copy of royal order to Consulado.

item Part I: #94d

1828 May 16 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Approval of secretary's salary. [Note: 1828 seems more probable than 1818, given the rest of this group. V.C.F.]

item Part I: #94e

1828 July 17 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Approval of new Ordenanzas; is to send copy of Dec. 18, 1769 Ordenanza.

item Part I: #94f

1828 Aug. 30 Francisco Garibay to Juez de Imprentas ... No content given.

item Part I: #94g

1828 Sept. 2 Francisco Garibay to Juez de Imprentas. Permission to print trade regulations.

item Part I: #94h

1828 Sept. 2 Francisco Garibay to King. Asks King to order Juez de Imprentas to give permission for regulations to be printed.

item Part I: #94i

1828 Sept. 22 Francisco Garibay to Juez de Imprentas. Permission to print trade regulations. [Note: Must be 1828, not 1818. V.C.F.]

item Part I: #90a

1828 Nov. 8 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Francisco Garibay. Approves his actions; query on 1825 accounts being clarified.

item Part I: #90b

1828 Nov. 8 Consulado de Manila. RTCM to Ministro de Hacienda. Royal order of Oct. 21, 1827; cuenta de avería.

item Part I: #94j

1828 Nov. 25 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Accounts of Fondo de Averías.

item Part I: #95a

1829 Jan. 12 Francisco Garibay to King. Goods from Cuba cannot enter Spain under same conditions as those from the Philippines.

item Part I: #95b

1829 Jan. 15 Consulado de Manila to Ministro de Hacienda. Extension on exemption from duties for another 10 years.

item Part II: #98b

1829 Jan. 27 Francisco Garibay to Real Junta de Aranceles. Accompanies copies of royal orders for King's attention.

item Part II: #98c

1829 Feb. 13 Real Junta de Aranceles to Francisco Garibay. Thanks Garibay for the 20 copies of royal orders governing RTCM.

item Part I: #95d

1829 July 1 RTCM to King. Extension of privileges. Part I: #95e is draft.

item Part I: #96a

1829 [?] Extension of privileges.

item Part I: #96b

1830 June 28 Francisco Garibay to Council. Formalities to be carried out for purposes of implementing regulations.

item Part I: #96c

1830 July 2 Francisco Garibay to Ministro de Hacienda. Wants royal order confirming royal cédula to be sent with the regulations. Governor requires copy of original cédula.