1. National History Standards Project 1983-2004
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National Council for History Standards meeting : presentation of issues 1992 February 21
Letters in response to National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 February 21 1992 February - April
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook -- correspondence regarding National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 April
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook -- focus group correspondence and reports 1992 February - May
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Agenda through Question 6 1992 June 11 - 12
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Tab A through Tab S 1992 June 11 - 12
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Section 2 through Section 8 1992 June 11 - 12
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Tab A through Tab S 1992 June 11 - 12
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National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Council on world history lessons 1992 March
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Standards feedback 1992 May
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 June 11 -- Standards correspondence 1992
Focus group feedback -- Focus groups 1992 February - May
Focus group feedback -- National Forum for History Standards 1992 April 9-10 1992 March - May
Transcriptions and feedback of National Forum for History Standards meeting 1992 April 10 1992 April, June
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National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 May 1 -- Transcripts and correspondence 1992
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 May 1 -- Reviews 1992 June - July
National Council for History Standards meeting 1992 May 1 -- Focus group reports 1992 March - May
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook: Curriculum Task Forces 1992 July
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook: National Council for History Standards meeting (1 of 2) 1993 February 20-21
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook: National Council for History Standards meeting (2 of 2) 1993 February 20-21
Charlotte Crabtree's notebook: National Council for History Standards meeting 1993 June 10-12
National Center for History in the Schools fourth year renewal performance report 1991-1992
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Progress Report and Sample Standards 1992 November
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Photographs of Colonial Williamsburg and children 1994, 1988
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Correspondence and drafts 1994
Rebuttals to Lynne V. Cheney, et al. 1994 October - November
Feedback on draft standards 1994
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Focus group feedback on draft standards 1994
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Publicity and media coverage 1994
Letters from Diane Brooks, California Department of Education, and other states' standards 1994
National Council for History Standards meeting notebook 1994 May 19-21
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Reference material -- "Before the last bell rings" by Edmund Lindop 1983
Reference material -- Articles and clippings 1988, 1991, 1994
National Standards for United States History 1995 May 5
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National Standards for World History ca. 1995
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American Historical Association correspondence and feedback ca. 1992 - 1995
Organization of American Historians correspondence regarding Joyce Appleby letter 1992 February
Letter of support from presidents of American Historical Association and Organization of American Historians 1995 January 5
Organization of American Historians award grants for history standards conferences 1995
World History Association letter regarding standards 1995 March 1
Organization of History Teachers and standards 1994-1995
National Catholic Education Association 1995
Letters of support from forum groups 1994-1995
National Council for the Social Studies feedback 1994 December
American Federation of Teachers : Albert Shanker on standards 1992-1995
Letters of support from task force teachers 1994-1995
Support from teachers 1994-1995
Supporters of United States History Standards 1993-1994
Standards reviews in Education Week 1994-1995
President Clinton on standards 1992-1993
Debate over standards (folder 1 of 2) 1989-1995
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Debate over standards (folder 2 of 2) 1989-1995
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Assessment debate 1991-1992
Lynne V. Cheney on tests 1991 - ca. 1994
National Council on Education Standard and Testing assessment debate 1991-1992, 1996
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National Council on Education Standard and Testing History Task Force 1992
Lamar Alexander's support and National Council for Education Standards and Testing report 1992
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National Educational Goals Panel 1992 December 18
National Educational Goals Panel "Promises to Keep: Creating High Standards for American Students" 1993 November
National Educational Goals Panel reports and correspondence 1991-1993
"Systematic School Reform and Educational Opportunity" by Jennifer A. O'Day and Marshall S. Smith 1992 September 24
Refutation of criticism regarding George Washington and cultural diversity 1995
Western democracy and Soviet communism in standards 1994
Historian critics of standards 1994-1995
Historian supporters of standards 1994-1995
Ken Jost and Congressional Quarterly attack 1995 August - September
Support : National Council for History Standards members 1994
National Council for History Standards responses 1994-1995
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Responde to Lynne V. Cheney's "flim flam" issue 1994-1995
Letter of support from education researchers 1994 November 8
Support : press 1994-1995
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Negative press including John Leo and Charles Krauthammer 1994-1995
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Lynne V. Cheney's Review Panel 1994-1995
Items by and about Lynne V. Cheney 1992-2004
History and revisionism 1994-1995
John Fonte attacks 1994-1995
Rush Limbaugh 1994, 1996
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Letter regarding President Clinton and standards 1995 November 3
Department of Education statement on standards by Marshall Smith 1994 October 26
Sherrin Marshall correspondence 1995-1996
Richard Riley of Department of Education on standards 1995
National Endowment for the Humanities 1993-1996
Diane Ravitch and Chester E. Finn 1989-1996
Diane Ravitch 1995-2000
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas commencement address and response 1996 May - June
Lamar Alexander on standards and testing 1992-1997
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Arthur Schlesinger correspondence 1994-1995 March
Paul Gagnon 1991, 1994, 1996
Gil Sewall of the American Textbook Council 1992-1994
Conservative political context 1997 March
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Newt Gingrich attack 1995-1997
Bob Dole attack 1995-1996
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Pat Buchanan 1995-1996
United States Congress on standards (folder 1 of 2) 1994-1996
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United States Congress on standards (folder 2 of 2) 1994-1996
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House Representative Lamar Smith attacks 1996 November 29
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MacNeil Lehrer Newshour (VHS videocassette) 1991 November 28
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National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 1 of 4) 1992 April 10
National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 2 of 4) 1992 April 10
National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 3 of 4) 1992 April 10
National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 4 of 4) 1992 April 10
National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 1 of 5) 1994 May 19
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National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 2 of 5) 1994 May 19
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National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 3 of 5) 1994 May 19
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National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 4 of 5) 1994 May 19
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National Forum for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 5 of 5) 1994 May 19
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National Council for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 1 of 5) 1994 May 20
National Council for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 2 of 5) 1994 May 20
National Council for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 3 of 5) 1994 May 20
National Council for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 4 of 5) 1994 May 20
National Council for History Standards meeting (audio cassette 5 of 5) 1994 May 20
Joyce Appleby and Lynne V. Cheney on National Public Radio "Talk of the Nation" (audio cassette) 1994 November 8
"Dr. Brunworth" (audio cassette 1 of 2) ca. 1990s
"Dr. Brunworth" (audio cassette 2 of 2) ca. 1990s
Charlotte Crabtree on KKLA and John Stewart ca. 1994
2. History On Trial (Book) 1991-1997
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Book prospectus and correspondence 1995 ca. April - December, 1996
Feedback on history standards 1994-1995
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Paranoia of critics 1995
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Politicization of criticism 1995
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Articles on history standards referenced in History On Trial 1994-1997
1994 Forum meeting notes and feedback referenced in History On Trial 1991-1995
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Chapter arrangement and draft materials (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) ca. 1996
Chapter 1 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 2 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 3 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 4 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 5 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) ca. 1996 August
Chapter 6 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 7 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 8 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 August
Chapter 9 (Charlotte Crabtree's notebook) 1996 September
"Western Civ, Multiculturalism, and the Problem of a Unified World History" by Ross E. Dunn 1996 April 19
3. California History -- Social Science Framework 1986-1991
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Political concerns and articles by Duane Campbell 1986
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Letter suggesting framework reviewers 1986 December 3
Progress report for framework 1987 March 7
Internal review and feedback on the framework 1987 April - May
Publisher feedback on the framework 1987 May - June
Feedback on the History and the Language Arts frameworks 1986-1987
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Feedback on the framework 1987 March - October
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Feedback on the framework 1987 April - July
Feedback on the framework 1987 May
Feedback on the framework (folder 1 of 3) 1987 May - June
Feedback on the framework (folder 2 of 3) 1987 May - June
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Feedback on the framework (folder 3 of 3) 1987 May - June
Feedback on the framework 1987 May - July
Special interest feedback on the framework 1987 May - June
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Arab community feedback 1987 June - 1988
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General input on human rights and genocide 1987 July - August
Right to Life group feedback on human rights and genocide ca. 1987 August
Gay and Lesbian community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 July - ca. August
Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia feedback on human rights and genocide 1986, 1987 July - August
Armenian community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 March - August
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Chinese community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 August
Turkish community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 August
American Indian community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 July 7
Ukrainian community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 July
Jewish community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 August 11
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Polish community feedback on human rights and genocide 1987 August
Polish and Jewish Holocaust deaths for human rights and genocide 1988 March - May
Model Curriculum for Human Rights and Genocide 1988
California State Board of Education and feedback on the framework 1987 - 1989
National Commission on Social Studies in the Schools meeting 1987 November
1988 Conferences "Continuity and Change: Toward the 21st Century" 1987-1988
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Internal feedback, politicization, and framework-building process 1987-1988
Correspondence and conference material 1988
Lynne V. Cheney "Remarks Before the Annual Meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies" 1989 April 7
"National History Day Overview and Junior Group Performance" (Videocassette) 1988
"National Forum on History Textbooks, San Francisco, California" (Videocassette 1 of 2) 1988 February 24
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"National Forum on History Textbooks, San Francisco, California" (Videocassette 2 of 2) 1988 February 24
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"History / Social Studies Framework" (Videocassette) 1988 March 3
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"History / Social Studies Framework" (Videocassette) 1988 March 3
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"Graduate School of Education Media Training" (Videocassette) 1988 March 11
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California Department of Education Summit: Bill Honig Speech and Working Group Reports (Videocassette)
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"California Assessment Program: Assessing Authentic Achievement" (Videocassette) 1990 January
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"America's Toughest Assignment: Solving the Education Crisis" (Videocassette) 1990 September 6
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"Bill Honig: ABC World News Tonight" (Videocassette) 1990 September 14
"Doing Research At The Virginia Historical Society" (Videocassette) 1991 June
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Board of Education Administrative Report (Audio cassette 1 of 2) 1987 June 12
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Board of Education Administrative Report (Audio cassette 2 of 2) 1987 June 12
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Board of Education meeting (Audio cassette 1 of 2) 1987 July 9
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Board of Education meeting (Audio cassette 2 of 2) 1987 July 10
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"Ethical Issues and Religion: Charlotte Crabtree" (Audio cassette) ca. 1980s
"Keynote: Making History in Sacramento: Charlotte Crabtree" (Audio cassette) ca. 1988 February 24
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"National Forum on History Textbooks" (Audio cassette 1 of 3) 1988 February 24
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"National Forum on History Textbooks" (Audio cassette 2 of 3) 1988 February 24
"National Forum on History Textbooks" (Audio cassette 3 of 3) 1988 February 24
"Full Commission" (Audio cassette) 1988 May 20
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"Multicultural Content and Social Studies" (Audio cassette) 1990 January 18
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"Public Comments on History Textbooks Curriculum Commission" (Audio cassette 1 of 2) 1990 July 18
"Public Comments on History Textbooks Curriculum Commission" (Audio cassette 2 of 2)
Board of Education meeting: Policy and Planning Item 15 (Audio cassette 1 of 2) 1990 September 18
Board of Education meeting: Policy and Planning Item 15 (Audio cassette 2 of 2) 1990 September 18
Charlotte Crabtree on KBRT "Talk from the Heart" (Audio cassette) 1990 August 16
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Charlotte Crabtree on KBRT "Talk from the Heart" (Audio cassette) 1990 August 16
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"Class record" (Audio cassette) undated
4. Academic Work 1960 - ca. 1990
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Academic correspondence 1961-1979
Presentations -- "Effects of Structuring on Children's Thinking" 1964 March 31
Presentations -- "Inquiry Approaches: How New and How Valuable?" 1965 November 25
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Presentations -- "Effects of Instruction in Regional Geography in Grades One Through Three" 1966 November 25
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Presentations -- Children's Concept Learning in Geography Under Two Experimental Curricula" 1967 February 17
Presentations -- "The Nature of Inquiries in the Social Sciences: Implications for Curriculum"
Presentations -- "Using Social Science Concepts in Disciplined Inquiry: Implications for Instruction" 1969 February 14
Presentations -- "Priorities in Materials for the Social Studies: A Response" 1969 November 28
Presentations -- "Some Effects of High Objective Uncertainty in Problems-Centered Instruction on Children's Language and Thinking" 1969 November 29
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Presentations -- "Factors of Sequence and Transfer in Learning the Skills of Geographic Analysis" 1974 April 18
Presentations -- "Sequence and Transfer in Children's Analytic Thinking in Social Studies" 1974 November 28
Presentations -- "Some Factors in Children's Learning of the Skills of Economic Analysis"
Presentations -- Geographic skills curriculum ca. 1970s
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Publications -- "Problem Solving in the Elementary School" 1960
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Publications -- "Children's Concept Learning in Geography: Delineating Patterns and Function in Geographic Regions Through Air Photo Analysis" ca. 1962
Photographs (19) and slides (5) for "Teaching geography" and "Air photo analysis" projects ca. 1962-1968
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Publications -- "Fostering thinking" and "Promoting intellectual development through problem solving" 1963
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Publications -- "Resources for Teaching about the World: Elementary" 1964 March
Publications -- Progress Report "Teaching Geography in Grades One Through Three: Effects of Instruction in the Core Concept of Geographic Theory" 1964 December
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Publications -- "Children's Language in Problem and Non-Problem Centered Discussions" ca. 1965
Publications -- "Challenging Children to Think" 1965
Publications -- Introduction to Childhood Education Symposium 1965 February
Publications -- "The Social Studies: Field in Transition" 1965 May
Publications -- Progress Report "New Approaches to Geographic Education in Elementary Schools. A First Grade Study of Functional Differentiation in the Local Community" 1965 November
Publications -- Project report "Teaching Geography in Grades One Through Three: Effects of Instruction in the Core Concept of Geographic Theory" 1966
Publications -- "Effect of Two Levels of Structuring on Gifted Children's Evaluative Thinking" ca. 1966
Publications -- "Inquiry Approaches to Learning Concepts and Generalizations in Social Studies"
Publications -- "Inquiry Approaches: How New and How Valuable?" 1966 November
Publications -- "Inquiry Approaches: How New and How Valuable?" 1970
Publications -- "Inquiry Approaches: How New and How Valuable?" ca. 1971
Publications -- "Supporting Reflective Thinking in the Classroom" 1967
Publications -- "Effects of Structuring on the Productiveness of Children's Thinking" 1967 Fall
Publications -- "Effects of Structuring on the Productiveness of Children's Thinking"
"Teaching Geography" project correspondence with United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1965-1968
Publications -- Final Report "Teaching Geography in Grades One Through Three: Effects of Instruction in the Core Concept of Geographic Theory" 1968
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Publications -- "Using Social Science Concepts to Create Models of Inquiry" 1969 Fall
Publications -- "Problems-Resolution in the Elementary School" 1971
Publications -- "Teacher's Guide for You and Me" 1972
Publications -- "Families Live Everywhere" 1972
Publications -- "Families Are Important" 1972
Publications -- "We Live In Communities" 1972
Publications -- "Effects of Instruction in Spatial Relationships on Children's Use of Coordinate Reference Systems in Mapping" ca. 1972
Publications -- "Some Effects of High Objective Uncertainty in Problems-Centered Instruction on Children's Language and Thinking" ca. 1973
Publications -- "Children's Concept Learning in Geography; Delineating Pattern and Function in Geographic Regions Through Air Photo Analysis" ca. 1974
Publications -- "Children's Language in Problem and Non-Problem Centered Discussions"
Publications -- "Children's Thinking in the Social Studies I. Some Factors of Sequence and Transfer in Learning the Skills of Geographic Analysis" 1974
Publications -- "Children's Thinking in the Social Studies II. Sequence and Transfer Effects in Learning the Skills of Economic Analysis" 1975
Publications -- "Sequence and Transfer in Children's Learning the Analytic Processes of Geographic Inquiry"
Publications -- "Fostering Transcultural Learning in the Social Studies: Perspectives and Practices" 1978
"External Review of the Master of Arts Degree Program: Department of Elementary Education, California State University, Northridge" 1979 June
Technical report "Contextual Knowing: Some Antecedents and Effects in Young Children's Learning of an Analytic Schema in Geography"
Publications -- "To Become One With The World" on Corinne A. Seeds 1982
Publications -- "Children's Thinking in the Social Studies III: A Causal Model Analysis of Some Effects of Acquired Cognitive Schemata on Children's Learning in Geography" 1983
Publications -- "Social Studies Education, Elementary Schools" ca. 1990