Collective Behavior - correspondence and reviews, 1938
Freudian Ethic - correspondence, 1958- Sept. 1959
Freudian Ethic - correspondence, Oct. 1959-1960
Freudian Ethic - undated correspondence and misc. items
Freudian Ethic - reviews, 1959-1961
Freudian Ethic - reviews, 1959-1960
Freudian Ethic - book catalogs
Social Psychology - correspondence and advertisements, 1937-38
Son of Han - correspondence and reviews, 1936-37
Theory of Social Control - correspondence, 1954
When the Living Strive - correspondence, 1940-41
When the Living Strive - reviews, 1941
Typescript article, "A Communistic China?"
Typescript article, "Global Opinion and the Maintenance of the Peace"
Typescript article, "Global Utopianism"
Typescript article, "Parable of the Perturbed Motor Car (A Brief Tour of the Social Sciences)"
Typescript article, "Static Man in a Dynamic Age"
Typescript article, "Word Magic; Man's Greatest Tool Turns Upon its Creator"
Typescript lecture, [ethics of apathy]
Typescript lecture, "Marx and Freud: Ideologists of East and West"
Typescript lecture, "Public Oponion" (Citizenship lecture 1934)
Typescript lecture, "Social Change and the Function of the School" Aug. 3, 1933
Typescript chapters and notes on child psychology
Typescript story, "The Patient Plumber"
Typescript book: Chinese Red, Introduction and chapters 1-2
Typescript book: Chinese Red, chapters 3-5
Typescript book: Chinese Red, chapters 6-8
Typescript book: Chinese Red, chapters 9-10
Typescript book: Chinese Red, chapters 11-12 and bibliography
Typescript book: Freedom of the Skies, chapters 1-4
Typescript book: Freedom of the Skies, chapters 5-8
Typescript book: Freedom of the Skies, chapters 9-end
Typescript book: Freedom of the Skies, misc. items
Typescript book: Living through Chaos, chapters 1-5
Typescript book: Living through Chaos, chapters 6-10
Typescript book: Living through Chaos, chapters 11-13
Typescript book: Living through Chaos, chapters 14-16
Typescript book: Winds of Freedom, chapters 1-3
Typescript book: Winds of Freedom, chapters 4-7
Typescript book: Winds of Freedom, chapters 8-10
Typescript book: Winds of Freedom, chapters 11-13
Typescript book: Winds of Freedom, chapters 14-end
Meetings, programs from
Published articles, speeches, etc.
Reprints, 1928-1935
Reprints, 1936-1944
Reprints, 1948-1951
Signed copy of Son of Han (Harper & Brothers 1937)