The Collection of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-1 Computer Materials is comprised of program listings, manuals,
technical papers, promotional materials, design drawings and photographs regarding the PDP-1 digital computer spanning 1959
to 1983.
In 1960 Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) launched its first computer, the PDP-1 (Programmed Data Processor-1). The computer
cost $120,000.00, and was 8 feet by 2 feet by 6 feet in size. The computer was designed in three and a half months by Ben
Gurley. He based his system on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory TX-0 and TX-2 computers
and used DEC's initial product, a series of interconnectable circuits known as "Laboratory Modules," to create the PDP-1.
9 linear feet
8 boxes
The Computer History Museum can only claim physical ownership of the collection. Users are responsible for satisfying any
claims of the copyright holder. Permission to copy or publish any portion of the Computer History Museum's collection must
be given by the Computer History Museum.
Collection is open for research.