Findig aid for the Jasia Reichardt correspondence, 1956-1987 890143

Laura Schroffel and Annette Leddy
Special Collections
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles 90049-1688
Business Number: (310) 440-7390
Fax Number: (310) 440-7780

Contributing Institution: Special Collections
Title: Jasia Reichardt correspondence
Creator: Toymakers Co-operative
Creator: Studio International (Firm)
Creator: Morris, Desmond
Creator: Finlay, Ian Hamilton
Creator: D S H (Dom Sylvester Houédard), 1924-1992
Creator: Lebel, Jean-Jacques
Creator: Carmi, Eugenio, 1920-
Creator: Reichardt, Tony
Creator: Benedit, Luis, 1937-
Creator: Kitaj, R. B.
Creator: Bill, Max, 1908-1994
Creator: Furnival, John, 1933-
Creator: Chopin, Henri
Creator: Reichardt, Jasia
Creator: Wadley, Nicholas (2017-11)
Identifier/Call Number: 890143
Physical Description: 12 Linear Feet (17 boxes, 1 flatfile folder)
Date (inclusive): 1956-1987
Abstract: Jasia Reichardt correspondence, 1956-1987, consists mainly of correspondence between artists, writers, and Reichardt from 1965 to 1975 when she was Assistant Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, and Director of the Whitechapel Gallery.
Physical Location: Request access to the physical materials described in this inventory through the catalog record  for this collection. Click here for the access policy .
Language of Material: Collection material is in English, Polish, and French.

Related Archival Materials

See also Jasia Reichardt archive of concrete and sound poetry, 1958-1975, accession no. 890143B.

Processing History

In 2009 with grant funding from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), Laura Schroffel processed the collection and made an inventory under the supervision of Ann Harrison, while Annette Leddy helped devise the arrangement and wrote the descriptive notes. Documentation for the acquisition of the archive included a detailed item-level inventory. Andra Darlington scanned the inventory and linked it to this finding aid at the beginning of each series.

Preferred Citation

Jasia Reichardt correspondence, 1956-1987, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, Accession no. 890143.


Arranged in three series: Series I. General correspondence, 1956-1987; Series II. The Toymakers Co-operative, 1971-1972; Series III. Artists' thoughts on the seventies, 1970-1981.

Biographical/Historical Note

Polish-born Jasia Reichardt has lived most of her life in England, where in the 1950s she was associated with the Gaberbocchus Common Room, a meeting place for artists and scientists. She has worked as an art writer, curator, and author of interdisciplinary studies about the relationship between literature and art or science and art. She was Assistant Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, from 1963 to 1971, where she curated two exhibitions of lasting impact: Between Poetry and Painting (1965) and Cybernetic Serendipity (1968). In 1971 and 1972, she worked for The Toymakers Co-operative soliciting artists to create original toys, a project funded by an American entrepreneur seeking new, more ingenious products. From 1974 to 1976 she was Director of the Whitechapel Gallery, after which she taught at various colleges, wrote for international art magazines, and independently curated exhibitions generally on the relationship between cybernetics and art. She has authored and edited several books, including Robots: Fact, Fiction and Prediction (1978), worked on a project about the visualization of mathematics, and curated the exhibition Electronically Yours (1998) for the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography.


Open for use by qualified researchers.

Scope and Contents of Collection

Series I, the major portion of the archive, consists of general correspondence with artists and writers from the 1960s and 1970s, when Reichardt was first Assistant Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, and then Director of the Whitechapel Gallery. Many of the letters concern exhibitions she organized, including discussion with artists as to selection of work and their post-opening responses. Other letters comprise requests for submissions to the ICA Bulletin or for appearances on panels, as well as publication proposals. Among the most substantial files are those from artist/poets who participated in Reichardt's exhibition Between Poetry and Painting (1965), such as Henri Chopin, John Furnival, Ian Hamilton Finlay, and Dom Pierre Sylvester Houedard, though her broad circle of friends and colleagues extends to Max Bill, Jean-Jacques Lebel, and anthropologist Desmond Morris. Many of these files include drawings, photographs, or poems. There is also extensive correspondence with Reichardt's first husband and art dealer Tony Reichardt; collaborating artists, among them R.B. Kitaj; as well as with art critic Nick Wadley, Reichardt's second husband.
Files relating to the Toymakers Co-operative, an enterprise for which Reichardt solicited artists to create original toys, comprise Series II. The original proposal from Reichardt, the artist's response, and a printed profile of the final product and its creator are included in most files. Many of the same artists as in Series I, such as Luis F. Benedit and Eugenio Carmi, participated in this project.
Series III, Artist's thoughts on the seventies, concerns a project Reichardt worked on as guest editor of Studio International in 1981, asking artists to present their thoughts on the 1970s in written or visual form. Included here are their responses, as well as occasional photographs of their work.

Publication Rights

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Photographs, Original
Photographic prints -- 20th century
Drawings (visual works) -- 20th century
Nineteen seventies
Visual poetry
Concrete poetry
Art and technology
Art exhibitions -- 20th century


General correspondence, Series I. 1956-1987, undated

Physical Description: 6.3 Linear Feet (13 boxes)


Series I is arranged in alphabetical order by last name.

Scope and Contents

This series comprises correspondence about exhibitions Reichardt organized, publications she edited, and her arrangements for visits and interviews. For more information about the contents of this series, see the detailed item list that was acquired with the archive, available in the repository and online: Correspondents A-C , Correspondents D-G , Correspondents H-L , Correspondents M-R , Correspondents S-Z .
box 1, folder 1

Abakanowicz, Magdalena, 1969-1983

box 1, folder 2

Adami, Valerio, 1962-1969

box 1, folder 3

Adams, Robert, undated

box 1, folder 4

Adelmann, Marianne, 1962-1964

box 1, folder 5

Adhemar, Jean, 1976

box 1, folder 6

Adrian, Marc, 1975-1977

box 1, folder 7

Adzak, Roy, 1974-1977

box 1, folder 8

Agam, Yaacov, 1966-1975

box 1, folder 9

Agar, Eileen, undated

box 1, folder 11

Aiken, John, 1981-1983

box 1, folder 12

Aitchison, Craigie, 1969

box 1, folder 13

Albarn, Keith, 1967

box 1, folder 14

Alley, Ronald, 1974-1980

box 1, folder 15

Alvarez, Al, 1980

box 1, folder 16

Anthony, Laurie, 1973-1975

box 1, folder 17

Anton, Laurie, undated

box 1, folder 18

Arias-Mission, Alain, 1967

box 1, folder 19

Arikha, Avigdor, 1978-1979

box 1, folder 20

Armajani, Siah, 1972-1973

box 1, folder 21

Arnatt, Keith, 1976

box 1, folder 22

Arnould, Marcel, 1961-1964

box 1, folder 23

Ascott, Roy, 1962-1966

box 1, folder 24

Ashton, Dore, 1958-1959

box 1, folder 25

Atila, 1972

box 1, folder 26

Atlan, undated

box 1, folder 27

Auerbach, Frank, 1971-1973

box 1, folder 28

Ayres, Gillian, 1962

box 1, folder 29

Ayrton, Michael, 1971

box 1, folder 30

Bacci, Edmondo, 1960

box 1, folder 31

Bakker, Gijs, 1967

box 1, folder 32

Baldwin, Vim, 1965

box 1, folder 33

Baljeu, Joost, 1963-1964

box 1, folder 34

Bann, Stephen, 1970-1977

box 1, folder 35

Barnard, Gwen, undated

box 1, folder 36

Barns-Graham, Wilhelmina, undated

box 1, folder 37

Baro, Gene, 1965-1969

box 1, folder 38

Barret, Cyril, undated

box 1, folder 39

Bayrle, Thomas, 1966

box 1, folder 39A

Baz, Izgan, undated

box 1, folder 40

Behan, Peter, 1968-1971

box 1, folder 41

Benedit, Luis F., 1970-1978

box 1, folder 42

Benn, Anthony Wedgwood, 1968

box 1, folder 43

Benveniste, Asa, 1976

box 1, folder 44

Berger, John, 1961

box 1, folder 45

Bevan, Oliver, 1973-1974

box 1, folder 46

Bicât, André, 1961

box 1, folder 47

Biederman, Charles, 1966-1970

box 1, folder 48

Bill, James (Jakob), 1960-1976

box 1, folder 49

Bill, Max, 1960-1982

box 1, folder 50

Birot, Pierre Albert, 1965

box 1, folder 51

Blaine, Julien, undated

box 1, folder 52

Blake, Peter, 1970

box 1, folder 53

Blakeston, Oswell, 1968

box 1, folder 54

Blench, Ruth, 1982

box 1, folder 55

Bloc, André, 1964-1966

box 1, folder 56

Boden, Margaret, 1977-1978

box 1, folder 57

Bonython, Kim, 1983

box 1, folder 58

Bory, Jean Francois, 1967


Boshier, Derek, 1962-1985

box 1, folder 59

Correspondence, 1962-1984

box 17, folder 1

Color photograph, 1985

box 1, folder 60

Bowen, Dennis, 1958-1962

box 1, folder 61

Bowness, Alan, 1964-1969

box 2, folder 1

Bratby, John, undated

box 2, folder 2

Brausen, Erica, 1961-1973

box 2, folder 3

Breakwell, Ian, 1967-1984

box 2, folder 4

Brecht, George, 1968

box 2, folder 5

Brest, Jorge Romero, 1967-1969

box 2, folder 6

Brett, Guy, 1977

box 2, folder 7

Britton, Roy, 1968-1969

box 10, folder 39

Broecke, Floris van den, 1980-1981

box 2, folder 8

Bronowski, Dr. Jacob, 1973

box 2, folder 9

Brooker, William, 1978

box 2, folder 10

Brown, Earle, 1967

box 2, folder 11

Bruner, Jerome, 1972-1973

box 2, folder 12

Buchanan, George, 1969

box 2, folder 13

Budny, Millicent, 1975

box 2, folder 14

Bueno, Mauricio, 1975


Burstow, Robert, 1980

box 2, folder 15


box 17, folder 2

Color photograph

box 2, folder 16

Burt, Laurie, 1965-1968

box 2, folder 17

Buzzati, Dino, 1971-1972

box 2, folder 18

Cadbury, Belinda, 1979-1980

box 2, folder 19

Cameron, Charles, 1965-1967

box 2, folder 20

Capra, Fritjof, 1973

box 2, folder 21

Caprara, A., 1966

box 2, folder 22

Carluccio, Luigi, 1962

box 2, folder 23

Carmi, Eugenio, 1964-1979

box 2, folder 24

Caro, Anthony, 1962-1977

box 2, folder 25

Carswell, John, 1965

box 2, folder 26

Carter, John, 1982

box 2, folder 27

Carzou, Jean, 1961

box 2, folder 28

Castelli, Leo, 1962

box 2, folder 29

Castro, Sonia, 1967

box 2, folder 30

Celant, Germano, 1973-1974

box 2, folder 31

Chadwick, Lynn, 1962-1973

box 2, folder 32

Chandra, Avinash, 1960-1963

box 2, folder 33

Chilton, Michael, 1964-1981


Chopin, Henri, 1964-1981

box 2, folder 34


box 17, folder 3

Color photograph

box 2, folder 35

Chow, Michael, undated

box 2, folder 36

Christo, Jachareff, 1962-1968

box 2, folder 37

Christoforou, John, undated

box 2, folder 38

Cieslewicz, Roman, 1981-1986

box 2, folder 39

Clapham, Peter, 1979

box 2, folder 40

Claus, Jorgen, 1979-1980

box 2, folder 41

Clay, Jean, 1967

box 2, folder 42

Clemente, Jack, 1961

box 2, folder 43

Cobb, John, 1985

box 2, folder 44

Cobbing, Bob, 1968-1976

box 2, folder 45

Cohen, Bernard, 1969-1970

box 2, folder 46

Cohen, Harold and Becky, 1967-1984

box 2, folder 47

Cohn, Stephen, 1970-1981

box 2, folder 48

Cole, Richard, 1983

box 2, folder 49

Coleman, Les, 1974

box 2, folder 50

Collis, Maurice, 1961

box 2, folder 51

Cook, Barrie, 1977

box 2, folder 52

Cook, Peter, 1968

box 2, folder 53

Copley, William, 1961

box 2, folder 54

Cordeiro, Waldemar, 1968-1981

box 2, folder 55

Cortright, Steven, 1968

box 2, folder 56

Cosey Fanni Tutti, 1979

box 2, folder 57

Cox, Kenelm, 1966

box 2, folder 58

Creffield, Dennis, undated

box 2, folder 59

Cribbs, Nora, undated

box 2, folder 60

Crisp, Quentin, 1977

box 2, folder 61

Crozier, Bill, 1963-1978

box 2, folder 62

Csaky, Mick, 1977

box 2, folder 63

Cutler, Ivor, 1971-1983

box 2, folder 64

Cutts, Simon, 1967-1968

box 1, folder 10

D'Aguilar, Michael and Paul, 1960-1962

box 10, folder 38

Dam, Wim van, 1978

box 2, folder 65

Damoglou, Effie, 1962

box 2, folder 66

Darwin, Robin, possibly 1972

box 2, folder 67

Davie, Alan, 1962

box 2, folder 68-69

Davies, John, 1973-1985

box 2, folder 70

Davis, Douglas, 1983

box 2, folder 71

Davison, Anne, 1966

box 2, folder 72

Daws, Lawrence, 1978

box 2, folder 73

Dawson, Chris, 1967

box 3, folder 1

De Bono, Edward, undated

box 3, folder 1A

De Charmoy, Cozette, 1977-1983

box 3, folder 2

De la Maisoneuve, Suzel, 1977

box 3, folder 3

De Morand, Colette Morey, 1978-1987

box 3, folder 4

Dekkers, Ad, 1969

box 3, folder 5

Demarco, Richard, 1967-1976

box 3, folder 5A

Demirjian, Jorge, 1972-1974

box 3, folder 6

Denny, Robyn, 1963

box 3, folder 7

Dermisache, Mirtha, 1972

box 3, folder 8

Dienst, Rolf-Gunter, 1964-1965

box 3, folder 9

Dimbleby, Richard, 1963

box 3, folder 10

Dorfles, Gillo, 1972-1981

box 3, folder 11

Dorflinger, Hans, 1977

box 3, folder 12

Douglas, Mary, 1972

box 3, folder 13

Douthwaite, Patricia, 1963-1979

box 3, folder 14

Downie, Judith, 1973

box 3, folder 15

Drabble, Margaret, 1984

box 3, folder 16

Druks, Michael, 1977

box 3, folder 17

Dubuffet, Jean, 1961

box 3, folder 18

Duchamp, Marcel, 1964

box 3, folder 19

Dunlop, Frank, 1968-1972

box 3, folder 20

Dzamonya, Dusan, 1978-1982

box 3, folder 21

Ede, Jim, 1964-1965

box 3, folder 22

Elias, 1974

box 3, folder 23

Ernest, John, 1963

box 3, folder 24

Escobedo, Helen, 1980-1982

box 3, folder 25

Evans, Christopher, 1967-1972

box 3, folder 26

Evans, Garth, 1971-1985

box 3, folder 27

Eysenck, H.J., 1966

box 3, folder 28

Fabrizio, Claude, 1972

box 3, folder 29

Falk, Hans, 1968

box 3, folder 30

Fangor, Wojciech, 1966

box 3, folder 31

Fare, John Charles, 1972

box 3, folder 32

Farr, Dennis, 1962-1965

box 3, folder 33

Fidler, Frank, undated

box 3, folder 34

Fields, Duggie, 1985

box 3, folder 35

Finlay, Eric, 1965-1969

box 3, folder 36

Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 1964-1981

box 3, folder 37

Fischer, Harry, 1964-1977


Flanagan, Barry, 1966-1969

box 3, folder 38


box 17, folder 4

Color polaroid

box 3, folder 39

Flocon, Albert, 1973

box 3, folder 40

Flowers, Angela, 1984

box 3, folder 41

Folon, Jean-Michel, 1971-1976

box 3, folder 42

Forster, Colin, 1977

box 3, folder 43

Fox-Pitt, Sarah, 1974

box 3, folder 44

Francken, Ruth, 1968

box 3, folder 45

Franks, Dale, 1980

box 3, folder 46

Frenel, Jacques, 1965

box 3, folder 47

Fry, Edward, 1967

box 3, folder 48

Fullard, George, 1961-1964

box 3, folder 49

Furnival, John, 1963-1977

box 3, folder 50

Gablik, Suzi, 1976

box 3, folder 51

Gainsborough, Richard, 1962

box 3, folder 52

Gamzu, Haim, 1966

box 3, folder 53

Gardner, Stephen, 1968

box 3, folder 54

Garnier, Pierre, 1967

box 3, folder 55

Gaul, Winfred, 1966

box 3, folder 56

Gaunt, William, 1974

box 3, folder 57

Gaussot, Christine, 1980-1981

box 3, folder 58

Geesin, Ron, 1972-1973

box 3, folder 59

Geiger, Anne Marie, 1984

box 3, folder 60

Geldzahler, Henry, 1964

box 3, folder 61

Geoffrey, J. Iqbal, undated

box 3, folder 62

Gette, P.A., 1968

box 3, folder 63

Ghiringhelli, Paola, 1962-1984

box 3, folder 64

Gibson, Jean, undated

box 3, folder 65

Giedon-Welcker, Carola, 1964-1969

box 3, folder 66

Gilbert & George, 1969-1970

box 3, folder 67

Gilbert, Stephen, 1963

box 3, folder 68

Gisiger, 1966

box 3, folder 69

Glashan, John, 1980

box 3, folder 70

Glusberg, Jorge, 1974-1975

box 4, folder 1

Goertz, Mathias, 1966-1975

box 4, folder 2

Golding, John, 1972

box 4, folder 3

Gombrich, Ernst H., 1961

box 4, folder 4

Goodyear, John, 1983

box 4, folder 5

Gowing, Lawrence, 1978-1979

box 4, folder 6

Grabowski, M.B., 1961-1962

box 4, folder 7

Graef, Roger, undated

box 4, folder 8

Graham, W.S., undated

box 4, folder 9

Gray, Nicolete, undated

box 4, folder 10

Green, Peter, 1966

box 4, folder 11

Greenham, Lily, 1964-1972

box 4, folder 12

Gregory, Richard, 1982

box 4, folder 13

Gregory-Hood, Alex, 1967

box 4, folder 14

Grigorova, B. & M. Hirshal, 1965

box 4, folder 15

Grylls, Vaughan, 1979

box 4, folder 16

Haan, Wim de, undated

box 4, folder 17

Haftmann, Werner, 1964

box 4, folder 18

Hall, David, 1966-1967

box 4, folder 19

Hall, Nigel, circa 1985

box 4, folder 20

Hall, Peter, Sir, 1976

box 4, folder 21

Hambling, Maggi, 1970

box 4, folder 22

Hamilton, Richard, 1966

box 4, folder 23

Hammacher, Arno, 1977-1983

box 4, folder 24

Hammacher, Bram, 1967-1985

box 4, folder 25

Hansen, Al, 1966-1967

box 4, folder 26

Harvey, Michael, 1964

box 4, folder 27

Havinden, Ashley, 1965

box 4, folder 28

Hayman, Patrick, 1963

box 4, folder 29

Heidsieck, Bernard, 1965-1966

box 4, folder 30

Henderson, Ian, 1983

box 4, folder 31

Henri, Adrian, undated

box 4, folder 32

Hepworth, Barbara, 1965-1968

box 4, folder 33

Heron, Patrick, 1963

box 4, folder 34

Hertlein, Grace, 1971

box 4, folder 35

Higgins, Charles, 1961

box 4, folder 36

Higgins, Dick, 1967-1969

box 4, folder 37

Hill, Anthony, 1962-1972

box 4, folder 38

Hilton, Tim, 1985

box 4, folder 39

Hirst, Derek, undated

box 4, folder 40

Hitchens, Ivon, undated

box 4, folder 41

Hockney, David, 1974

box 4, folder 42

Hodin, J.P., 1974

box 4, folder 43

Hoeydonck, Paul van, 1964

box 4, folder 44

Hogarth, Paul, 1962

box 4, folder 45

Holroyd, Michael, undated

box 4, folder 46

Horder, John, 1978

box 4, folder 47

Horowitz, Michael, 1964-1982

box 4, folder 48

Hosali, Nina, undated

box 4, folder 49

Houedard, Dom Pierre Sylvester, 1964-1985

box 4, folder 50

House, Gordon, 1970

box 4, folder 51

Hovdenakk, Per, 1978

box 4, folder 52

Howard, Philip, 1976

box 4, folder 53

Hudson, Tom, 1966-1977


Hughes, Patrick, 1968-1984

box 17, folder 5

Color photograph

box 4, folder 54


box 4, folder 55

Hulten, Pontus, 1968-1969

box 4, folder 56

Hutchins, Alice, circa 1975

box 5, folder 1

Ikome, Prince S.N.L., 1967

box 5, folder 2-3

Ilott, Terence, 1972-1980

box 5, folder 4

Irwin, Gwyther, 1980-1981

box 5, folder 5

Jacquemon, Pierre, 1962

box 5, folder 6

Jadot, Maurice, 1959-1960

box 5, folder 7

Jak (Raymond Allen Jackson), 1978

box 5, folder 8

Jandl, Ernest, 1965

box 5, folder 9

Jaray, Tess, undated

box 5, folder 10

Jean, Marcel, 1960

box 5, folder 11

Jenkins, Paul, 1963

box 5, folder 12

Johnson, Richard, 1977

box 5, folder 13

Jones, Allen, 1972-1974

box 5, folder 14

Jorn, Asger, 1968

box 5, folder 15

Juda, Annely, 1961

box 5, folder 16

Kaal, Julien, 1969

box 5, folder 17

Kabdebo, Thomas, undated

box 5, folder 18

Kadishman, Menashe, 1962

box 5, folder 19

Kahn, Erich, 1961

box 5, folder 20

Kaine, John, 1975

box 5, folder 21

Kantor, Tadeusz, 1977-1981

box 5, folder 22

Kapp, Edmond, 1964

box 5, folder 23

Kar, Ida, undated

box 5, folder 24

Kasmin, J., 1960

box 5, folder 25

Kenedy, R.C. 1967-1975

box 5, folder 26

Kenny, Michael, 1983-1984

box 5, folder 27

Kent, Sarah, undated

box 5, folder 28

Kepes, Gyorgy, 1969

box 5, folder 29

Kidner, Michael, 1963

box 5, folder 30

King, Phyllis April, 1976-1984

box 5, folder 31

Kirchberger, Gunther C., 1969

box 5, folder 32-33

Kitaj, R.B., 1967-1972

box 5, folder 34

Knapp, Stefan, 1974

box 5, folder 35

Knowles, Justin, 1968

box 5, folder 36

Kolar, Jiri, 1965

box 5, folder 37

Konstam, Nigel, 1981

box 5, folder 38

Kostelanetz, Richard, 1969

box 5, folder 39

Kowalski, Piotr, 1974

box 5, folder 40

Krajcberg, F., undated

box 5, folder 41

Krauze, Andrzej, 1980-1982

box 5, folder 42

Kriwet, Ferdinand, 1964-1970

box 5, folder 43

Kubasiewicz, Jan, undated

box 5, folder 44

Kudielka, Robert, 1966-1967

box 5, folder 45

Kudo, Tetsumi, 1967

box 5, folder 46

Kultermann, Udo, 1963-1966

box 5, folder 47

Kurtycz, Marcos, 1980

box 5, folder 48

Kuryluk, Ewa, 1979-1983

box 5, folder 49

Kustow, Michael, 1968-1972

box 6, folder 1

Labisse, Felix, 1972

box 6, folder 2

Lacey, Bruce, 1964-1983

box 6, folder 3

Lancaster, Mark, 1966

box 6, folder 4

Lanceley, Colin, 1970-1983

box 6, folder 5

Latham, John, 1974-1982

box 6, folder 6

Lattanzi, Luciano, 1961

box 6, folder 7

Lawrence, Tony, 1984

box 6, folder 8

Leapman, Edwina, 1980

box 6, folder 9

Lebel, Jean-Jacques, 1965-1967

box 6, folder 10

Leonelli, Dante, 1963-1965

box 6, folder 11

Lessore, Helen, 1984

box 6, folder 12

Lienhard, Charles, 1962

box 6, folder 13

Lifton, John, undated

box 6, folder 14

Lijn, Liliane, 1973-1984

box 6, folder 15

Lim, Kim, 1968-1983

box 6, folder 16

Lin, Richard, 1966-1976

box 6, folder 17

Lipton, Seymour, 1962-1974

box 6, folder 18

Lloyd, Frank, 1970

box 6, folder 19

Lloyd, Gilbert, 1963

box 6, folder 20

Lockwood, Anna, 1972


Logan, Andrew, 1969-1983

box 6, folder 21


box 17, folder 6

Color photograph

box 6, folder 22

Logan, Peter, 1976

box 6, folder 23

Louw, Roelof, 1967

box 6, folder 24

Lucebert, 1963-1964

box 6, folder 25

Lucie-Smith, Edward, 1966-1980

box 6, folder 26

Lynton, Norbert, 1964-1975

box 6, folder 27

Maddox, Conroy, 1963

box 6, folder 28

Maine, John, undated

box 6, folder 29

Makowski, Zbigniew, 1968

box 6, folder 30

Maler, Leopoldo, 1974-1980

box 6, folder 31

Malina, Frank, 1965

box 6, folder 32

Man, Maurice, 1966

box 6, folder 33

Manning, Hugo, 1975

box 6, folder 34

March, Lionel, 1982


Marshall, Francis, 1975-1980

box 6, folder 35


box 16, folder 1

Project materials

box 6, folder 36

Martin, Kenneth, 1969

box 6, folder 37

Masi, Denis, undated

box 6, folder 38

Masoero, Jeanne, 1978

box 6, folder 39

Matsumoto, Takeshi, 1972

box 6, folder 40

Mayer, Hansjörg, 1965-1966

box 6, folder 41

McAllister, Bill, 1977

box 6, folder 42

McCarthy, Mary, 1973

box 6, folder 43

McFayden, Ian, 1978

box 6, folder 44

McLean, John, 1978

box 6, folder 45

Medalla, David, 1980-1981

box 6, folder 46

Meijer, E.R., 1968

box 6, folder 47

Melly, George, 1971

box 6, folder 48

Melo, Francisco, 1981

box 6, folder 49

Melville, Robert, 1962

box 6, folder 50

Menuhin, Yehudi, 1969

box 6, folder 51

Merkin, Richard, 1966

box 6, folder 52

Messens, E.L.T., 1959-1970

box 6, folder 53

Messer, Thomas, 1967

box 6, folder 54

Mica, Prince Nemo, 1972

box 6, folder 55

Miller, Jonathan, 1973

box 6, folder 56

Millichip, Paul, 1967

box 6, folder 57

Milligan, Spike, 1972

box 6, folder 58

Milner, Marion, 1972

box 6, folder 59

Miskin, Lionel, 1970-1979

box 6, folder 60

Mladek, Meda, 1972

box 6, folder 61

Monchaux, Paul de, 1984

box 6, folder 62

Moon, Jeremy, undated

box 6, folder 63

Moore, Henry, 1965-1969

box 6, folder 64

Morgan, Edwin, 1964

box 6, folder 65

Morland, Dorothy, 1978

box 6, folder 66

Morris, Desmond, 1968

box 6, folder 67

Morris, Michael, 1968

box 6, folder 68

Mortensen, Richard, 1960

box 6, folder 69

Musgrave, Victor, undated

box 7, folder 1

Nagasawa, Tadanori, 1979-1983

box 7, folder 2

Nalecz, Halima, 1961

box 7, folder 3

Nash, Katherine, 1968-1969

box 7, folder 4

Neagu, Paul, 1972-1974

box 7, folder 5

Nesbitt, Lowell, 1967

box 7, folder 6

Newcombe, William, undated

box 7, folder 7

Newsome, Victor, 1965

box 7, folder 8

Nicholson, Kate, 1964

box 7, folder 9

Nicholson, Simon, 1968-1973

box 7, folder 10

Nicholson, Winifred, 1964

box 7, folder 11

Nicolle, Jacques, 1969

box 7, folder 12

Niikuni, Seiichi, 1969

box 7, folder 13

Nissen, Brian, 1971-1982

box 7, folder 14

Nolan, Sidney, 1972-1981

box 7, folder 15

Nour, Nazli, 1964

box 7, folder 16

Nuttall, Jeff, undated

box 7, folder 17

Onasick, Renya, 1978

box 7, folder 18

Ono, Yoko, 1967


Onwin, Glen, 1975

box 7, folder 19


box 17, folder 7

Color slides

box 7, folder 20

Oster, Gerald, 1967

box 7, folder 21

Ostoja-Kotkowski, Stanislaw, 1963-1967

box 7, folder 22

Oxenaar, Rudolf, 1962-1965

box 8, folder 1

Page, Robin, 1966


Paik, Nam June, 1969-1975

box 8, folder 2


box 16, folder 2

Oversize correspondence

box 8, folder 3

Palazzoli, Daniela, 1967-1969

box 8, folder 4

Paolozzi, Eduardo, 1963-1973

box 8, folder 5

Partridge, Roger, 1983

box 8, folder 6-10

Pasmore, Victor, 1961-1985

box 8, folder 11

Passingham, Keith, 1982

box 8, folder 12

Peire, Luc, 1965

box 8, folder 13

Pennie, Michael, 1980

box 8, folder 14

Penrose, Roland, Sir, 1966-1980

box 8, folder 15

Peri, Peter, 1962

box 8, folder 16

Petherbridge, Deanna, 1972-1977

box 8, folder 17

Phillips, Ann Cole, undated

box 8, folder 18

Phillips, Tom, 1966-1971

box 8, folder 19

Piché, Roland, 1966-1984

box 8, folder 20

Piene, Otto, 1964

box 8, folder 21

Pillet, Edgard, 1961-1962

box 8, folder 22

Pink, Lutka, 1956-1979

box 8, folder 23

Piper, John, 1967-1983

box 8, folder 24

Plackman, Carl, 1985

box 8, folder 25

Plumb, John, 1964-1967

box 8, folder 26

Pomodoro, Arnaldo, 1974

box 8, folder 27

Pope, Terry, 1977-1981

box 8, folder 28

Porridge, Genesis, 1977

box 8, folder 29

Porter, Peter, 1971

box 8, folder 30

Pozzi, G., 1963

box 8, folder 31

Prater, Chris, undated

box 8, folder 32

Preece, V.M., undated

box 8, folder 33

Prévot, Marthe, 1972

box 8, folder 34

Price, Cedric, 1969

box 8, folder 35

Procktor, Patrick, 1966

box 8, folder 36

Quist, Wim, 1977

box 9, folder 1

Rainer, Yvonne, undated

box 9, folder 2

Ramshaw, Wendy, 1973

box 9, folder 3

Read, Herbert Edward, Sir, 1964-1965

box 9, folder 4

Rees-Mogg, Ann and William, 1985

box 9, folder 5

Reise, Barbara, 1973-1977

box 9, folder 6

Reydams, Jacqueline, 1963

box 9, folder 7

Rich, John, 1963

box 9, folder 8

Richards, Ceri and Francis, 1962-1971

box 9, folder 9

Richards, J.M., 1966

box 9, folder 10

Richards, Raymond, 1976-1981

box 9, folder 11

Riches, Martin, 1979-1983

box 9, folder 12

Rickey, George, 1975

box 9, folder 13

Riddell, Alan, 1973

box 9, folder 14

Riley, Bridget, 1963

box 9, folder 15

Roberts, David, 1974

box 9, folder 16

Robertson, Bryan, 1967


Robson, Peter, 1973

box 9, folder 17


box 17, folder 8

Color slides

box 9, folder 18

Rodillon, Suzanne, 1958

box 9, folder 19

Rogers, Claude, 1966

box 9, folder 20

Roose-Evans, James, undated

box 9, folder 21

Rothenstein, John, 1965

box 9, folder 22

Rudowicz, Teresa, 1963

box 9, folder 23

Russell, John, 1962-1968

box 9, folder 24

Russell, Vera, 1966-1973

box 9, folder 25

Rutherford, Eric, undated

box 9, folder 26

Sakane, Itsuo, undated

box 9, folder 27

Sandberg, Willem, 1976-1977

box 9, folder 28

Sandiford, Ronald, 1976


Sandle, Michael, 1963-1983

box 9, folder 29


box 17, folder 9

Color photographs

box 9, folder 30

Sato, Key, 1961-1969

box 9, folder 31

Savelli, 1967

box 9, folder 32

Schetteni, Ulrico, undated

box 9, folder 33

Schippers, Wim T., 1967

box 9, folder 34

Schmidt, Peter, 1975

box 9, folder 35

Schmit, Tomas, 1967

box 9, folder 36

Schneemann, Carolee, 1967-1968

box 9, folder 37

Schöffer, Nicolas, 1964

box 9, folder 38

Schonfield, Victor, 1972

box 9, folder 39

Schreib, Wener, 1966-1967

box 9, folder 40

Schwartz, Elliott, 1971-1972

box 9, folder 41

Schwarz, Arturo, 1965

box 9, folder 42

Scott, Tim, 1972-1978

box 9, folder 43

Sedgley, Peter, 1966-1968

box 9, folder 44

Setch, Terry, 1964-1973

box 9, folder 45

Seuphor, Michael, 1965

box 9, folder 46

Shaffer, Brian, 1972

box 9, folder 47

Sharkey, John, 1964-1965

box 9, folder 48

Sieveking, Lance, undated

box 9, folder 49

Slade, Roy, 1965-1967

box 9, folder 50

Sladen, David, 1966

box 9, folder 51

Smith, Jack, 1966-1972

box 9, folder 52

Smith, Richard, 1956

box 9, folder 53

Snelson, Ken and Kathy, 1976

box 9, folder 54

Solt, Mary Ellen, 1967-1969

box 9, folder 55

Somerville, Lilian, 1962

box 9, folder 56

Sonnabend, Yolanda, 1968-1980

box 9, folder 57

Soper, Lord, 1983

box 9, folder 58

Southall, Derek, 1967

box 9, folder 59

Souza, Francis, undated

box 9, folder 60

Spate, Virginia, 1983

box 9, folder 61

Spencer, Charles, 1977

box 9, folder 62

Spencer, Herbert, 1963

box 10, folder 1

Staber, Margit, 1975

box 10, folder 2

Stanislawski, Ryszard, 1968-1984

box 10, folder 3

Staynes, Anthony, 1963

box 10, folder 4

Steele, Jeffrey, 1963-1964

box 10, folder 5

Stephenson, Cecil, undated

box 10, folder 6

Stephenson, Ian, 1962-1969

box 10, folder 7

Stezaker, John, undated

box 10, folder 8

Stokes, Adrian, 1972


Stonyer, Andrew, 1980-1983

box 10, folder 9


box 17, folder 10

Color slide

box 10, folder 10

Stroud, Peter, 1963-1967

box 10, folder 11

Struycken, Peter, 1977-1983

box 10, folder 12

Sugiura, Kohei, 1977-1982

box 10, folder 13

Sujo Volsky, Glenn, 1977-1980

box 10, folder 14

Sutherland, Graham, 1968-1974

box 10, folder 15

Sutherland, Robert G., 1970-1973

box 10, folder 15a

Sutton, Trevor, undated

box 10, folder 16

Swale, Suzan, 1979-1982

box 10, folder 17

Swart, Herman, 1964-1976

box 10, folder 18

Sylvester, David, 1962

box 10, folder 19

Szeemann, Harald, 1963-1974

box 10, folder 20

Takis, 1967-1969

box 10, folder 21

Tenney, James, 1967

box 10, folder 22

Terauchi, Yoko, 1983

box 10, folder 23

Thomkins, André, 1975

box 10, folder 24

Threfall, Timothy, 1968

box 10, folder 25

Tillim, Sidney, 1964

box 10, folder 26

Tilson, Joe and Jos, 1963-1977

box 10, folder 27

Tinguely, Jean, 1974

box 10, folder 28

Topor, Roland, 1980

box 10, folder 29

Toynton, Norman, 1974-1979

box 10, folder 30

Treadwell, Nicholas, 1983

box 10, folder 31

Trevelyan, Julian, 1958

box 10, folder 32

Tsai, Wen-Ying, 1969-1971

box 10, folder 33

Tucker, William, 1971

box 10, folder 34

Turnbull, William, undated

box 10, folder 35

Tyzack, Michael, 1964

box 10, folder 36

Utermohlen, Bill, 1981

box 10, folder 37

Valoch, Jiri, 1967

box 10, folder 40

Vanderbeek, Stan, 1976

box 10, folder 41

Vantongerloo, Georges, 1962-1964

box 10, folder 42

Vaux, Marc, 1963

box 10, folder 43

Verlon, André, 1962

box 10, folder 44

Vijlbrief, 1964

box 10, folder 45

Voda, Andy, 1976

box 10, folder 46

Vries, Herman de, undated

box 11, folder 1

Wagemaker, Jaap, 1963-1964

box 11, folder 2

Wall, Brian, 1963

box 11, folder 3

Wall, Patrick, 1972

box 11, folder 4

Weatherson, Sandy, undated

box 11, folder 5

Wensen, Gustave, 1964

box 11, folder 6

Wenyon, Michael, 1978

box 11, folder 7

Weschke, Karl, 1962-1984

box 11, folder 8

Whetstone, Trevor, 1980-1982

box 11, folder 9

Whishaw, Jean, undated

box 11, folder 10

White, Gabriel, 1961

box 11, folder 11

Whiteley, Brett, 1966-1970

box 11, folder 12

Whitfield, Laurence, 1963

box 17, folder 11

Whiting, Jim, 1982

box 11, folder 13

Williams, Aubrey, 1970

box 11, folder 15

Williams, Emmett, 1965-1968

box 11, folder 16

Williams, Glynn, undated

box 11, folder 14

Williams, Jonathan, 1966-1967

box 11, folder 17

Wills, Paula, 1983

box 11, folder 18

Wilson, Colin St. John, 1968

box 11, folder 19

Wilson, Gerard, 1969-1980

box 11, folder 20

Winiarski, Ryszard, 1973

box 11, folder 21

Wise, Gillian, 1969

box 11, folder 22

Wollheim, Richard, 1972

box 11, folder 23

Wong, Jos, 1964

box 11, folder 24

Woodham, Derrick, 1966-1968

box 11, folder 25

Xanthou, Andreas, 1968-1969

box 11, folder 26

Xisto, Pedro, 1965-1966

box 11, folder 27

Yamaguchi Kenritsu Bijutsukan, 1968

box 11, folder 28

Young, Tony, 1979

box 11, folder 29

Younger, John, 1965

box 11, folder 30

Zack, Leon, undated

box 11, folder 31

Zadkine, Ossip, 1961

box 11, folder 32

Zangs, Herbert, 1967-1968

box 11, folder 33

Zulawski, Marek, 1960


The Toymakers Co-operative, Series II. 1971-1972

Physical Description: 4.4 Linear Feet (1 box, 1 flatfile folder)


Series II is arranged in alphabetical order by last name.

Scope and Contents

This series comprises Reichardt's correspondence with the artists she contracted to create toys. For more information about the contents of this series, see the detailed item list that was acquired with the archive, available in the repository and online: Series II .

Baj, Enrico, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 1


box 17, folder 12

Color slides, black and white negatives


Benedit, Luis F., 1971-1972

box 12, folder 2


box 17, folder 13

Color photograph, black and white negative

flatfile 1**


box 12, folder 3

Bill, Max, 1971

box 12, folder 4

Blake, Peter and Jann Haworth, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 5

Bueno, Mauricio, 1971

box 12, folder 6

Bury, Pol, 1971

box 12, folder 7

Carmi, Eugenio, 1972

box 12, folder 8

Cavaliere, Alik, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 9

Chadwick, Lynn, 1971

box 12, folder 10

Evans, Garth, 1971-1972


Folon, Jean-Michel, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 11


box 17, folder 14

Black and white negative

box 12, folder 12

Gerstner, Karl, 1971


Glaser, Milton, 1972

box 12, folder 13


box 17, folder 15

Color photographs

box 12, folder 14

Kitaj, R.B., 1971

box 12, folder 15

Kolar, Jiri, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 16

Kriwet, Ferdinand, 1971

box 12, folder 17

Le Parc, Julio, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 18

Lijn, Liliane, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 19

Maler, Leopoldo, 1972

box 12, folder 20

Matusow, Harvey, 1972

box 12, folder 21

Morris, Robert, 1971

box 12, folder 22

Nicholson, Simon, 1971

box 12, folder 23

Noguchi, Isamu, 1971

box 12, folder 24

Ravilious, John, 1971-1972


Saint-Phalle, Niki de, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 25


box 17, folder 16

Color slide, black and white negatives


Scarpa, Giorgio, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 26


box 17, folder 17

Color photograph

box 12, folder 27

Smith, Mike, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 28

Takamatsu, Jiro, 1971

box 12, folder 29

Takis, 1972

box 12, folder 30

Testa, Clorindo, 1971

box 12, folder 31

Tsai, Wen Ying, 1971-1972

box 12, folder 32

Vasarely, Victor, 1971

box 12, folder 33

Wise, Gillian, 1971

box 12, folder 34

Wood, John, 1972


Artists' thoughts on the seventies, Series III. 1970-1981, undated

Physical Description: 1.25 Linear Feet (3 boxes)


Series III is arranged in alphabetical order by last name, with the exception of the first folder, which contains the issue of Studio International in which Reichardt collected and edited the artists' reflections.

Scope and Contents

This series comprises each artist's response to Reichardt's letter requesting the artist's reflection on the decade of the 1970s. For more information about the contents of this series, see the detailed item list that was acquired with the archive, available in the repository and online: Series III .
box 13, folder 1

Studio International, 1981

box 13, folder 2

Ackroyd, Norman, 1980

box 13, folder 3

Adams, Norman, 1980

box 13, folder 4

Alley, Anthea, 1980

box 13, folder 5

Ashton, Graham, undated

box 13, folder 6

Atherton, Kevin, 1980

box 13, folder 7

Atkinson, Conrad, 1980

box 13, folder 8

Ayres, Gillian, 1980

box 13, folder 9

Barker, Clive, 1980

box 13, folder 10

Barnard, Roger, 1980

box 13, folder 11

Beale, Philippa, 1980

box 13, folder 12

Beauchamp, Charles, 1980

box 13, folder 13

Bellingham-Smith, Elinor, 1980

box 13, folder 14

Bergman, Stephanie, undated

box 13, folder 15

Beveridge, Karl, 1980

box 13, folder 16

Binnington, David, 1980

box 13, folder 17

Blamey, Norman, 1980


Boshier, Derek, 1980

box 13, folder 18


box 17, folder 18

Color photograph

box 13, folder 19

Bratby, John, 1980

box 13, folder 20

Breakwell, Ian, 1980

box 15, folder 42

Broecke, Floris van den, 1980

box 13, folder 21

Buhler, Michael, 1980

box 13, folder 22

Buhler, Robert, 1980

box 13, folder 23

Cameron, Shriley and Roland Miller, 1980-1981

box 13, folder 24

Camp, Jeffrey, undated

box 13, folder 25

Carter, John, 1980


Chopin, Henri, 1979

box 13, folder 26


box 17, folder 19

Color slides, black and white negative

box 13, folder 27

Cina, Colin, 1980

box 13, folder 28

Clatworthy, Robert, 1980

box 13, folder 29

Coleman, Les, 1973-1980

box 13, folder 30

Collingbourne, Stephen, 1980

box 13, folder 31

Collins, James, 1980

box 13, folder 32

Colverson, Ian, 1980

box 13, folder 33

Cook, Barrie, 1980

box 13, folder 34

Copnall, John, 1980

box 13, folder 35

Cosey Fanni Tutti, 1980

box 13, folder 36

Cox, Lizzie, undated

box 13, folder 37

Critchley, David, 1980

box 13, folder 38

Crozier, Bill, 1980

box 13, folder 39

Davie, Alan, 1980


Davies, Ivor, 1980

box 13, folder 40


box 17, folder 20

Color slides

box 13, folder 41

Davies, John, 1980

box 13, folder 42

De Charmoy, Cozette, 1980

box 13, folder 43

Donnelly, Peter, 1980

box 13, folder 44

Dorflinger, Hans, 1980

box 13, folder 45

Downing, Holly, 1980


Druks, Michael, 1979-1980

box 13, folder 46


box 17, folder 21

Color photograph

box 13, folder 47

Dubsky, Mario, 1980

box 13, folder 48

Dunn, Peter and Loraine Leeson, undated

box 13, folder 49

Dwoskin, Stephen, 1980

box 13, folder 50

Edwards, John, 1980

box 13, folder 51

Evans, Garth, 1980

box 13, folder 52

Eyton, Anthony, 1980

box 13, folder 53

Fairman, David, 1980

box 13, folder 54

Fausset, Shelley, 1981

box 13, folder 55

Fields, Duggie, 1977-1980

box 13, folder 56

Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 1980

box 13, folder 57

Fisher, Joel, undated

box 13, folder 58

Flanagan, Barry, 1980

box 13, folder 59

Floyd, Christine, 1980

box 13, folder 60

Forster, Noel, 1980

box 13, folder 61

Friend, Ian, 1980

box 13, folder 62

Frost, Terry, 1980

box 14, folder 1

Gingell, John, 1980

box 14, folder 2

Ginsborg, Michael, 1980

box 14, folder 3

Godal-Chowdhury, Paul, 1980

box 14, folder 4

Green, Alan, 1980

box 14, folder 5

Green, Anthony, 1980

box 14, folder 6

Grimwood, Brian, 1979-1980

box 14, folder 7

Gross, Anthony, 1980

box 14, folder 8

Grylls, Vaughan, 1980

box 14, folder 9

Hall, David, 1980

box 14, folder 10

Havers, Mandy, 1980

box 14, folder 11

Hawkes, Julian, 1980

box 14, folder 12

Hedges, Janet, 1980

box 14, folder 13

Henri, Adrian, 1980

box 14, folder 14

Herman, Josef, 1980

box 14, folder 15

Heron, Susanna, 1980

box 14, folder 16

Hill, Anthony, 1980-1981

box 14, folder 17

Hodgkin, Howard, 1980

box 14, folder 18

Hogarth, Paul, 1980


Horton, Brother Stephen, 1980

box 14, folder 19


box 17, folder 22

Color slide

box 14, folder 20

Hubbard, John, 1980

box 14, folder 21

Hughes, Patrick, 1980

box 14, folder 22

Inlander, Henry, 1980

box 14, folder 23

Irvin, Albert, 1980

box 14, folder 24

Irwin, Gwyther, undated

box 14, folder 25

Jacklin, Bill, 1980

box 14, folder 26

Jennings, Phil, 1980


Jewell, Dick, 1978

box 14, folder 27


box 17, folder 23

Color transparency

box 14, folder 28

Johnstone, William, 1980

box 14, folder 29

Jones, Glyn, 1980

box 14, folder 30

Kaine, John, 1980

box 14, folder 31

Kalkhof, Peter, 1980

box 14, folder 32

Kardia, Carolyn, 1980

box 14, folder 33

Kempsell, Jack, 1980

box 14, folder 34

Kenny, Michael, 1980

box 14, folder 35

Khanna, Balraj, 1980

box 14, folder 36

Kiff, Ken, 1980

box 14, folder 37

King, David, 1980

box 14, folder 38

Kitaj, R.B., undated

box 14, folder 39

Konstam, Nigel, 1980

box 14, folder 40

Kossoff, Leon, undated

box 14, folder 41

Kraguly, Radovan, 1980

box 14, folder 42

Krikorian, Tamara, 1980

box 14, folder 43

Lancaster, Mark, undated

box 14, folder 44

Lanceley, Colin, undated

box 14, folder 45

Latham, John, 1980

box 14, folder 46

Lawson, Michael, 1980

box 14, folder 47

Leapman, Edwina, 1980

box 14, folder 48

Lebrun, Christopher, 1980

box 14, folder 49

Leonard, Michael, 1980

box 14, folder 50

Lijn, Lilliane, 1970-1980

box 14, folder 51

Logan, Andrew, undated

box 14, folder 52

Lyons, Kieran, 1973-1980

box 14, folder 53

Mahr, Mari, 1980

box 14, folder 54

Masi, Denis, undated

box 14, folder 55

Mason, Michael, 1980

box 14, folder 56

McFayden, Jock, 1980

box 14, folder 57

McKeever, Ian, undated

box 14, folder 58

Mealing, Stuart, 1980

box 14, folder 59

Medalla, David, 1980

box 14, folder 60

Mitchell, Denis, 1980

box 14, folder 61

Monro, Nicholas, 1980


Moyse, Arthur, 1980

box 14, folder 62


box 17, folder 24

Color transparency

box 14, folder 63

Napper, John, 1980

box 14, folder 64

Neagu, Paul, 1979-1980

box 14, folder 65

Neiland, Brendan, 1980

box 14, folder 66

Nelson, Frank, 1980

box 14, folder 67

Newman, Abraham, 1980

box 14, folder 68

Nuttall, Jeff, 1980

box 14, folder 69

Onwin, Glen, undated


Palin, Nicki, 1980

box 15, folder 1


box 17, folder 25

Color slide


Payne, Nick, 1980

box 15, folder 2


box 17, folder 26

Polaroids and color photographs

box 15, folder 3

Pennie, Michael, 1980

box 15, folder 4

Petherbridge, Deanna, 1980

box 15, folder 5

Pope, Terry, 1980

box 15, folder 6

Poynter, Malcolm, undated

box 15, folder 7

Priest, Margaret, 1980

box 15, folder 8

Pye, William, 1980

box 15, folder 9

Quenel, Frances, undated

box 15, folder 10

Redfern, David, 1980

box 15, folder 11

Rees-Mogg, Anne, undated

box 15, folder 12

Reynolds, Alan, 1980

box 15, folder 13

Reynolds, Daphne, 1980

box 15, folder 14

Rhodes, Zandra, 1980

box 15, folder 15

Richards, Frances, 1980

box 15, folder 16

Richardson, Anthea, undated

box 15, folder 17

Ronnen-Wall, Vera, 1980

box 15, folder 18

Rothenstein, Michael, undated

box 15, folder 19

Rush, Richard, 1980

box 15, folder 20

Russell, Bruce, undated

box 15, folder 21

Sandle, Michael, undated


Sedgley, Peter, 1978-1980

box 15, folder 22


box 17, folder 27

Color photograph

box 15, folder 23

Shaffer, Brian, undated

box 15, folder 24

Shurrock, Chris, 1980

box 15, folder 25

Sinden, Tony, 1980

box 15, folder 26

Smith, Jack, 1980


Smith, Stan, 1980

box 15, folder 27


box 17, folder 28

Color slides

box 15, folder 28

Smith, Wendy, 1980

box 15, folder 29

Sonnabend, Yolanda, undated

box 15, folder 30

Southall, Derek, 1980

box 15, folder 31

Steele, Jeffrey, 1980

box 15, folder 32

Stonyer, Andrew, 1978

box 15, folder 33

Sutton, Philip, 1980

box 15, folder 34

Sutton, Trevor, 1980

box 15, folder 35

Swale, Suzan, 1980

box 15, folder 36

Tindle, David, 1980

box 15, folder 37

Tirr, Willy, 1980

box 15, folder 38

Toren, Amikam, 1980

box 15, folder 39

Troostwyk, David, undated

box 15, folder 40

Turlington, Roy, 1980

box 15, folder 41

Upton, Michael, undated

box 15, folder 43

Wakely, Shelagh, 1980

box 15, folder 44

Watkins, Jesse, 1980

box 15, folder 45

Wegner, Nicholas, 1974-1980

box 15, folder 46

Weschke, Karl, 1980

box 15, folder 47

Whitfield, Laurence, 1980

box 15, folder 48

Whittaker, J.C., 1980

box 15, folder 49

Williams, Glyn, undated

box 15, folder 50

Williams, J. Kyffin, 1980

box 15, folder 51

Willing, Victor, 1980

box 15, folder 52

Wiltshire, Richard, 1980

box 15, folder 53

Yates, Marie, 1977-1980

box 15, folder 54

Yhap, Laetitia, 1980