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Summaries regarding OGPU work for struggle against counterfeiters, 1927
Draft content of a bulletin published by the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1927
Dispatches, reports, and statements of RSFSR NKVD inspectors concerning inspection of local administrative departments in regard to struggle against crime, 1927
Minutes of gubernia level conferences of personnel of militia and criminal investigation, 1927-1928
Expenditure estimates for gubernia and oblast level administrative departments, 1926-1927
Conclusions made by the RSFSR NKVD Criminal Investigation Department in regard to draft Regulations for the Workers' and Peasants' Militia; regulations for uezd level congresses of Soviets and executive committees, 1927
Information from local departments of criminal investigation regarding their work; lists of individuals subject to search and detention, 1927-1928
Daily summaries concerning criminal accidents registered in Moscow and Moskovskaia gubernia, 1927
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Directorate regarding activities of the Administrative Department of Smolenskaia gubernia in 1925-1926, 1927
Summaries and information regarding crime in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ and Dal'nevostochnyĭ kraĭs and regarding results of struggle against crime, 1927-1928
Reports, accounts, statistical data, informational summaries, and other documents concerning activities of departments of criminal investigation of NKVDs of autonomous republics, 1927-1928
Correspondence with inspectors of criminal investigation of Uzbekskaia SSR regarding struggle against bandits; report and informational summaries regarding activities of classified operation section of the Criminal Investigation Department of Zeravshanskaia oblast, 1926-1928
Instruction issued by the Main Militia Directorate of Ukrainskaia SSR, with evaluation of the instruction by the RSFSR NKVD, regarding secret development (agenturnaia razrabotka) by two republics and related investigations; correspondence with the NKVD of Ukrainskaia SSR and its departments regarding search for and detention of criminals, 1927
Report of the Chief of the RSFSR NKVD Subdepartment of Science and Technology regarding payment for research conducted by the RSFSR NKVD Office of Scientific-Technological Expertise, 1927
Regulations for the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1927
Document relating to establishment of training classes at the RSFR NKVD Subdepartment of Science and Technology, 1927-1928
Working plan for the RSFSR NKVD Subdepartment of Science and Technology; reports of the Subdepartment regarding its activities, 1927-1928
Correspondence with the OGPU, administrative departments of guberniias, and police institutions abroad regarding inquiries concerning identification of persons (in Russian and German), 1927-1928
Instructions for and correspondence with administrative departments of guberniias and subdepartments of criminal investigation regarding establishment and activities of criminal investigation museums, 1927-1928
Correspondence with administrative departments of guberniias regarding literature on criminal search, rules for acceptance to the school for training scientific-technological experts, and regarding conditions and work of offices of science and technology of criminal investigation institutions, 1927-1928
Correspondence with administrations of prisons in Moscow regarding delivery of prisoners for inquiries, 1927
Correspondence with the Administrative Department of the Komi autonomous oblast regarding conditions and work of scientific-technological offices and laboratories, 1927
Lists of individuals for whom search had been stopped, 1927
Opis 74, Selected Records of the Secretariat of the Collegium and the RSFSR NKVD General Department, 1924-1929
Minutes of meetings, directives, and resolutions of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1928-1929
Internal orders of the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
Summary of prospective congresses and conferences within the RSFSR NKVD system, 1928
Resolutions and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK Presidium, RSFSR Sovnarkom, USSR Council of Labor and Defense, and RSFSR Economic Council submitted to the RSFSR NKVD as governing documents, 1928-1929
Circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
List of files for executive personnel of the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
Circulars of the RSFSR NKVD regarding submission and review of complaints against actions of officials; articles submitted to the editorial board of Krest'ianskaia gazetanewspaper regarding illegal actions of officials, 1924-1928
Correspondence with executive committees of kraĭs and oblasts and newspaper editorial boards regarding investigation of complaints against actions of officials, 1927-1928
Circular issued by the USSR TsIK regarding tasks of village and volost' level auditing commissions, 1928
Minutes of a conference of representatives of people's commissariats and public organizations regarding contest for the best section of city and volost' Soviets and volost' level executive committee, with related materials, 1927-1929
Proceedings from conferences of chiefs of organizational departments of TsIKs of autonomous republics and executive committees of oblasts, kraĭs, and guberniias, 1928
Circular of the USSR Sovnarkom and RSFSR NKVD regarding issuance of the Second Bond for industrialization of people's economy, 1928
Working plan for the VTsIK Presidium, 1928
Resolutions and draft resolutions of the USSR TsIK and Sovnarkom and RSFSR VTsIK and Sovnarkom submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for evaluation and for information; evaluation of draft resolutions by the RSFSR NKVD, 1928-1929
Draft rules and instructions of the RSFSR Central Archival Directorate regarding archival part of office work in governmental institutions, 1928
Petition of the VTsIK Committee for the North regarding inclusion of Karagas (Tulunovskiĭ okrug, Sibirskiĭ kraĭ) in raĭons of Northern area, with RSFSR NKVD considerations in this regard, 1928
Resolutions, draft resolutions, and other documents issued by the USSR Council of Labor and Defense (STO), Central Metric Commission of the USSR RSFSR STO, RSFSR Economic Council, RSFSR State Planning Commission, and RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for evaluation and information, with RSFSR NKVD evaluation of the documents, 1928
Resolutions, draft resolutions, regulations, reports, crediting plans, petitions, and other documents of USSR and RSFSR people's commissariats, TsIKs of autonomous republics, Moscow City Council (Mossovet), gubernia and oblast level executive committees, and joint stock associations submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for evaluation and information, with RSFSR NKVD evaluations of the documents, 1928
Draft resolutions on the RSFSR NKVD Planning Commission with memorandum of a consultant of the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Municipal Economy, with proposals concerning the draft, 1928
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD interdepartmental conference considering proposals of the USSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate regarding inspection of the RSFSR NKVD accounting system, 1928
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Commission for Wages and Conflicts, 1928
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD trade union committee and economic commission, 1928
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Places of Confinement, 1928
Circulars and memoranda for the RSFSR NKVD General Department, 1928-1929
Directives for the RSFSR NKVD Map Publishing House, 1928
Internal rules for the RSFSR NKVD, 1928-1929
Plans and reports concerning activities of RSFSR NKVD directorates and departments, 1927-1928
Plan for the RSFSR NKVD Editorial-Publishing Department, manufacturing, editorial-publishing, and trading-financial plans and a balance of the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House, 1927-1928
Working plan and list of research subjects for the RSFSR NKVD State Institute for the Study of Crime and Criminals, 1928
Memorandum regarding activities of the RSFSR NKVD Map Publishing House and its balance; inspection statements regarding conditions of militia and criminal investigation, arranged by gubernia; report concerning work of the audit commission that audited the Procurement and General Service Association of the Militia of the Republic and of the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House, 1928
Memoranda, reports, and statements regarding work of the RSFSR NKVD library, 1928
Summaries of expenditure estimates of the RSFSR NKVD and subordinate institutions, 1928-1929
Labor agreement between the RSFSR NKVD and the Moscow Gubernia Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Employees, 1928
Petition from the RSFSR NKVD to the Commission for Construction of the USSR Council on Labor and Defense concerning allotment by higher authorities of all critical materials for municipal construction at the All-Union Association of Municipal Economies, 1928
Correspondence with the Main Administration of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army regarding cash payment to Red Army rank and file going on vacation, 1928
Correspondence with the USSR Higher Council of People's Economy, USSR People's Commissariat of Finance, and other institutions regarding establishment of the Kommunstroĭ joint stock company for capital construction, 1928
Correspondence with the VTsIK Organizational Department approving managerial measures, 1928
Correspondence with the VTsIK Organizational Department and RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Municipal Economy regarding revision of the Regulations for Village Soviets, 1928
Memorandum to the RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding daily schedule for the 15th All-Russian Congress of Soviets and for the 3rd Session of the VTsIK (XIII Convocation), 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR Economic Council regarding liquidation of the Economic Council of Severo-Zapandaia (Northwestern) oblast, 1928
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats regarding their activities, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR Central Archival Directorate regarding use of archival materials for practical and scholarly purposes and return of archival fonds of former ministries of the Russian Empire to Leningrad to be included in the holdings of the Central Historical Archives, 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Municipal Economy and the Administrative Department of Sibirskiĭ kraĭ regarding convocation of congresses and conferences of municipal economy personnel and employees of correctional labor institutions, 1928
Telegrams from the RSFSR NKVD to departments of executive committees in kraĭs and guberniias regarding measures for improving activities of institutions of criminal investigation, struggle against home brewing of alcoholic beverages, and distribution of loans for construction of homes, 1928
Information regarding student internship at institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system, 1928-1929
Correspondence with executive committees of kraiĭs, oblasts, and guberniias requesting that they discontinue sending informational materials from uezd level executive committees and city Soviets to the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
Correspondence with the NKVD of Tatarskaia ASSR regarding changes in the RSSFR NKVD structure in connection with reorganization of the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Directorate, 1928
Correspondence with the NKVD of Ukrainskaia SSR and Moldavskaia ASSR regarding updating the structure of administrative institutions and improvement in the methods of their work, 1928
Circulars issued by the RSFSR NKVD regarding changes in deadlines for submitting lists of nationalized buildings, 1928
Materials of the Second All-Russian Congress of administrative and criminal investigation personnel, 1928
Letter from the Academic Secretary of the All-Russian Association of Oriental Studies regarding the association's activities, 1928
Impressions of seals and stamps of the RSFSR NKVD liquidated dormitory, 1928
Reports of the RSFSR NKVD Rationalization Bureau regarding improvements in office work within the people's commissariat system, 1928
Correspondence with local administrative departments and city Soviets regarding improvement in office work, 1928
Documents of the RSFSR NKVD Commission facilitating distribution of the second industrialization loan, 1928
Questionnaires and applications submitted by RSFSR NKVD employees requesting their admission to a cooperative housing association, 1928
Opis 75, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Registration and Assignment and Department of Management, 1927-1928
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Central Qualifying Commission, 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Places of Confinement and administrative departments of guberniias regarding work with personnel, 1928
Orders and a report regarding work of the Chief of the Administrative Department of Lenigradskaia oblast; plan for agricultural campaign in CherepovetskiĬ okrug, 1928
Minutes of meetings and resolutions of plenums and presidiums of executive committees of autonomous oblasts, kraĭs, guberniias, oblasts, okrugs, uezds, and raĭons, of congresses of Soviets, and city Soviets, 1928
Orders issued by chiefs of gubernia and oblast level administrative departments, 1928
Collections of orders for Workers' and Peasants' Militia of Ukrainskaia SSR (printed in the Ukrainian language), 1928
File relating to application of A. P. Kazhikhin, former militia employee, regarding his enlistment for work in militia institutions, 1927-1928
File relating to the petition of A. I. Tokarev, employee of the Department of Municipal Economy of the city of Smolensk, requesting transfer to work in Siberia, 1928
Memorandum of a RSFSR NKVD consultant regarding delivery of collected legislative acts and other governing materials to village Soviets, with related draft resolution of the RSFSR Sovnarkom, 1928
Minutes and registers of meetings of executive committees and people's commissariats of autonomous republics, 1928
Register of meetings of the Executive Committee of Birskiĭ canton, 1928
Opis 76, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Finance, 1927-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR Sovnarkom, regulations for budget rights of autonomous republics; correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding appropriations for places of confinement, 1928
Resolution of the RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense regarding approval of wages for RSFSR NKVD personnel; regulations for the RSFSR NKVD Finance Department; minutes of a meeting of personnel of the RSFSR NKVD General Directorate regarding reorganization of management, 1927-1928
Report of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium regarding activities of the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House from May 1928 through May 1929; summary account and accounts concerning production expenditures of the Map Publishing House, 1928-1929
Expenditure estimates and estimated summary of revenues and expenditures of the RSFSR NKVD, with attachments to expenditure estimates, 1927-1928
Materials concerning RSFSR NKVD balance, 1927-1928
Consolidated annual accounts, annual and quarterly balances, and turnover balance sheets of the RSFSR NKVD, 1927-1928
Monthly trial balances of the RSFSR NKVD, 1927-1928
Revenue and expenditure estimates for correctional labor houses, confinement houses, and special purpose isolation wards, 1927-1928
Financial account of the Special Purpose Ward in Irkutsk (Sibirskiĭ kraĭ), with explanatory memorandum, 1927-1928
Consolidated personnel structure of positions and wages for central institutions of RSFSR people's commissariats, 1927-1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance concerning financial matters, 1927-1928
Correspondence with NKVD local directorate and places of confinement regarding financial matters, 1927-1928
Correspondence with RSFSR schools for middle rank militia and criminal investigation commanding officers concerning financial matters, 1927-1928
Collation statements concerning penitentiary funds of correctional labor houses in uezds and guberniias, 1927-1928
Information regarding debts in payments for maintaining prisoners in correctional labor houses, 1928
Personal account cards of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1927-1928
Payment sheets for salary payment to employees of RSFSR NKVD dormitory, 1928
Memorandum of the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy to the RSFSR Economic Council regarding advance payment by the RSFSR State Bank to the Leningrad Paper Trust on the account of the following year budget, submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for information, 1928
Draft resolution of the RSFSR Economic Council regarding release of cash deposited in banks by the RSFSR Gostorg (State Export-Import Agency joint stock company), submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for information, 1928
Opis 77, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Administrative Supervision, 1923-1930
Resolutions and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom, letters to the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding administrative management, 1927-1928
Resolution of the Central Metric Commission of the RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense regarding repeal of a resolution of the former Interdepartmental Metric Commission concerning introduction of the metric system in the silicate industry; circulars issued by the Interdepartmental Metric Commission of the RSFSR Economic Conference, 1928
Minutes of the Organizational Conference of the VTsIK Presidium held on 27 June 1928 regarding mutual relations between village Soviets and land societies (zemel'nye obshchestva) and regarding retraining of Soviet grassroot personnel, 1928
Resolution of the Collegium of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, reports, and summaries concerning review of implementation by people's commissariats and their local institutions of the resolution of the VTsIK and Sovnarkom of 23 July 1927 on rights and responsibilities of local institutions of Soviet management, 1928
Draft resolutions of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom, with RSFSR NKVD evaluation of the draft resolutions; correspondence with people's commissariats and other institutions regarding preparation of evaluations, 1928
Evaluation by the RSFSR NKVD of water sports flag and pennant samples submitted by the VTsIK Higher Council for Physical Culture, 1928
Draft regulations, instructions, rules, and other documents of RSFSR people's commissariats, with RSFSR NKVD evaluations of the drafts, 1927-1928
Letters to the RSFSR Sovnarkom and correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Trade regarding restrictions on sale of alcoholic beverages, 1927-1928
Resolutions and orders issued by the RSFSR NKVD, 1927-1928
Circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD, 1927-1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy (VSNKh) and administrative departments of gubernia level executive committees regarding enterprises of the printing industry and surveillance over them, 1926-1928
Report concerning fulfillment of working plan by the RSFSR NKVD Department of Administrative Supervision; statements concerning fulfillment of resolutions of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom and decisions adopted by the Collegium of the USSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspection, 1928
Report from the legal team of the USSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspections regarding inspection of the activities of grassroot network of judicial and investigative institutions and prosecutor's office; proposals and conclusion made by the RSFSR NKVD Militia Department concerning the report, 1928
Memorandum from the Chief of the Foreign Division of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Administrative Supervision regarding inspection of local administrative departments and proposals relating to inspection of the Foreign Division of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia, 1928
Cards registering inspection of fulfillment of mandatory resolutions by local administrative institutions and excerpts from draft proposals of an unknown author concerning simplification of the Soviet apparatus, 1928
Letters to the VTsIK, correspondence with the All-Russian Central Electoral Commission of the VTsIK and administrative departments in guberniias regarding petitions from various individuals requesting electoral rights, 1928
Letters to the VTsIK and correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice and local administrative departments regarding introduction of positions of village representative in urban type settlements, with representative job description, 1928
Letters to he RSFSR Sovnarkom and correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding registration of religious associations, permission for religious ceremonies, and confiscation of church assets, 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy (VSNKh), RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, and other institutions regarding rules for using official seals, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Labor and executive committees of guberniias regarding involvement of population in labor and transport services, 1928-1929
Memoranda from chiefs of RSFSR NKVD departments, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding prohibition of gambling and liability for organizing lotteries and games without permission, 1927-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding supervision of public shows, publication and distribution of published works, and control of sale of typewriters, 1927-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding issuance of permits for games and lotteries, 1927-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions from various individuals requesting exemption from compulsory military service in connection with their religious beliefs, 1928
Correspondence with the Interdepartmental Metric Commission of the RSFSR Economic Council, with gubernia level administrative departments, and other institutions regarding introduction of the metric system of measures and weights in the RSFSR, 1925-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding city administrative apparatus, 1927-1928
Draft resolution of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding the right of village Soviets to seizures; draft instruction of the RSFSR NKVD and People's Commissariat of Justice and correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice in this regard, 1927-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding oversight and supervision of legality of resolutions adopted by gubernia, volost' and raĭon level executive committees and city Soviets and liability for violation of resolutions, 1927-1928
Draft instructions of the RSFSR NKVD and other institutions concerning guarding of state museums, 1927-1928
Resolution of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom and circulars and instructions of the RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding issuance of permits for opening private enterprises with games of skill (non-gambling), 1927-1928
Draft resolution of the RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding liability of private entrepreneurs for not submitting information about their enterprises; documents relating to development and approval of the draft resolution, with RSFSR NKVD conclusion in this regard, 1927-1928
Lists of individuals who applied to the VTsIK Presidium to restore their voting rights, 1928
Identification cards of employees of various publishing houses authorized to distribute printed matter in various localities, 1928
Identification cards issued by the RSFSR NKVD Department of Administrative Supervision to various individuals authorizing them to take pictures within RSFSR borders, 1928
Resolutions of executive committees of autonomous oblasts, kraĭs, okrugs, and guberniias, 1928
Minutes and orders of administrative departments of executive committees in oblasts and guberniias, 1928
Reports, accounts, and statements concerning inspection of activities of administrative departments of executive committees in guberniias and uezds, 1928
Memorandum regarding the situation in the Administrative Department of Kaluzhskaia gubernia, with attached financial documents of the department, 1928
Resolutions of the Presidium of the Moscow City Soviet (Mossovet), 1928
Excerpts from minutes and circulars of presidiums of gubernia level executive committees and of kraĭ level administrative departments, 1928
Report and summary concerning activities of the Extraordinary Commission of Nizhegorodskaia gubernia; telegrams from Khabarovsk regarding struggle against flooding, 1928
Reports of local institutions of administrative management of Saratovskaia gubernia regarding implementation of the USSR TsIK manifesto of 15 October 1927 regarding amnesty in honor of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, 1928
Correspondence with the Administrative Department of Tverskaia gubernia regarding changes in its structure, 1928
Minutes of presidiums of gubernia and uezd level executive committees, 1928
Resolutions adopted at the Third Congress of Administrative Personnel of Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ; inspection statement concerning administrative institutions of the kraĭ, 1928
Report concerning activities of the Executive Committee of Komi autonomous oblast, 1928
Excerpts from minutes of executive committees of Votskaia autonomous oblast and Izhevskiĭ uezd; conclusion of the RSFSR NKVD regarding abolition of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Izhevskiĭ uezd; correspondence with the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Tsentral'no-Chernozemnaia Oblast' regarding transfer of military registration from raĭon level executive committees under authority of raĭon level administrative divisions, 1928
Annual and semiannual operative, operational, and calendar working plans for administrative departments of Viatskaia and Samarskaia guberniias and Kalmytskaia and Ural'skaia oblasts, 1928
Bulletins of the All-Union Bureau of Foreign Sanitary Information of the People's Commissariat of Health regarding spread of plague and cholera on the territory of the USSR, 1928
Resolutions of the VTsIK and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding changes of and amendments to articles of the Marriage, Family, and Guardianship Code and regarding registration of vital statistics, 1927-1928
Circular issued by the RSFSR NKVD concerning submission by health care institutions of names of children deceased before reaching one year, 1928
Correspondence with the Main Directorate of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army of the USSR People's Commissariat for Military and Navy Matters and gubernia level administrative departments regarding lists of losses among Red Army personnel during the Civil War, 1927-1928
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and gubernia level administrative departments regarding registration of vital statistics and issuance of birth, death, and marriage certificates, 1927-1928
Information from gubernia level administrative departments regarding change in names of citizens; correspondence with citizens willing to change their last names; lists of individuals who changed their first and last names, 1927-1928
Resolutions of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom and circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD regarding protection of state borders; lists of settlements located in closed security areas, 1927-1928
Resolutions of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom and circulars and instructions of the RSFSR NKVD regarding rules for entrance to the RSFSR of agricultural and industrial immigrants and their re-emigration; minutes of interdepartmental conference concerning the issues, 1927-1928
Excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK Presidium regarding petitions of various individuals opting for Soviet citizenship, 1928
Excerpt from a minute of the RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding petition of the TsIK of Buriat-Mongol'skaia ASSR requesting temporary closure of the border with Mongolia, 1928
Minutes of interdepartmental meeting regarding order of the day of the Second Conference on Communication between Europe and Asia through Siberia (Prague, 13 November 1928), with attached agenda of the Conference and communication rules, 1928
Circular of the RSFSR NKVD and correspondence with the Foreign Division of the State Bank and gubernia level administrative departments requesting special statements and documents giving permission for trips abroad in order to be allowed to purchase foreign currency, 1928
Instruction of the RSFSR NKVD regarding issuance of foreign passports to USSR citizens and residence permits to foreigner; correspondence with administrative departments regarding petitions from various individuals for permission to go abroad, 1928
Resolution of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of Astrakhanskaia gubernia regarding naturalization of a number of individuals in the USSR; questionnaires of foreigners opting for Soviet citizenship, 1928
Report concerning work of the Foreign Division of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia, 1928
Minutes of the Technical Commission of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia preparing preliminary decision on granting USSR citizenship to foreigners, 1928
Summaries reflecting the number of permissions to go abroad, issued by the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia, 1928
Instruction issued by the Foreign Division of the NKVD of Belorusskaia SSR regarding rules for admitting foreigners as permanent residents or visiting alien in Belorusskaia SSR; account of the work of Interdepartmental Commission of the VTsIK Presidium for preliminary considerations over petitions concerning restoration of citizenship; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding clarification of the Rules for Union Citizenship, 1928
Circular issued by the NKVD of Ukrainskaia SSR regarding acceptance by raĭon level administrative divisions of petitions from foreigners for residence permits; instruction of the NKVD of Ukrainskaia SSR regarding rules for admitting foreigners and permanent residents or visiting aliens on the territory of Ukrainskaia SSR, 1928
Information from gubernia level administrative departments regarding foreigners residing in the guberniias, 1928
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding information about foreigners and documents sent abroad, 1928
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications of various individuals petitioning for USSR citizenship and extension of their stay in the USSR, 1928
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding explanation of rules for going abroad, 1928
Letters to the VTsIK Presidium and correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions of foreign nationals requesting USSR citizenship and regarding extension of their stay in the USSR, with RSFSR NKVD conclusions in regard to the petitions, 1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding issuance of reports on death of foreign nationals in the USSR; violation of traffic rules by representatives of foreign missions; and other matters, 1927-1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding legal status of USSR nationals abroad and of foreign nationals in the USSR, 1927-1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding inquiries of missions and other institutions in regard to information about foreigners in the USSR, 1927-1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding clarifications relating to entrance to the USSR and exit abroad and regarding issuance of resident permits to foreigners, 1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications of various individual petitioning for issuance of certificates confirming their option for citizenship and visas for trips abroad, 1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments concerning petitions of various individual renouncing their USSR citizenship, with RSFSR NKVD conclusions in regard to the petitions, 1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government, Red Cross Society, and gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions of various individuals opting for foreign citizenship, 1928-1929
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions of various individuals for permission for relatives residing abroad to visit the USSR, 1928-1929
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding protection of buildings occupied by consulates, 1928
Correspondence with a representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government and with gubernia level administrative departments regarding submission to the RSFSR NKVD of documents concerning deceased foreigners, 1928
Correspondence with the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia regarding imposition of fine on citizens who had not returned their foreign passports in a timely manner, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding clarification to the Instruction to the Regulations for issuance of residence permits to foreigners and deductions to local budgets for charges for issuance of foreign passports, 1927-1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding clarifications of rules for issuing residence permits and petitions of foreigners relating to the same issue, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions of various individuals asking for permission to go abroad on preferential terms, with RSFSR NKVD conclusions in regard to the petitions, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments concerning introduction of a new format for foreign passports and return of used foreign passport, 1928
Lists of foreign nationals opting for Soviet citizenship, 1928
Questionnaires, applications, and petitions from various individuals requesting permission to go abroad, 1927-1930
Applications from various individuals requesting exemption from duty on foreign passports, 1928
Draft Regulations for Non-Profit Societies and Unions, with evaluation of the draft by the RSFSR NKVD and local administration departments, 1927-1928
Statutes of nonprofit societies and unions; RSFSR NKVD instructions and correspondence with local administrative departments regarding registration of societies and unions and surveillance over their activities, 1926-1928
Resolution of the RSFSR NKVD regarding closing down the A. S. Neverov writers team, the team's code, report concerning its activities, and minutes of general meetings of members, 1928-1930
Minutes and other documents of the Commission for closing down the Union of Gypsies Residing in the USSR, 1928-1929
Code of the "He-Halutz" All-Russian Jewish Labor Organization; permissions issued by the Main Directorate for Literature and Publishing Houses to the He-Halutz journal editorial board for purchase of foreign periodicals, 1923-1927
Minutes of the Central Committee Bureau of the He-Halutz All-Russian Jewish Labor Organization, 1927-1928
Cash book of the Central Committee of the He-Halutz All-Russian Jewish Labor Organization, 1927
Resolution of the RSFSR NKVD regarding closing down of the He-Halutz All-Russian Jewish Labor Organization; minutes of meetings, statements, and other documents of the Commission for closing it down, 1928
File relating to the suit of the RSFSR Agricultural Bank against the All-Russian Mennonite Agricultural Society, 1925-1928
Documents of the All-Russian Mennonite Society, including data and questionnaires concerning conditions and activities of Mennonite colonies and correspondence with local divisions of the society about delivery and paying off seed loans; correspondence with debtors of the society, balances, and other financial documents, creditors' claims on the society. In Russian and German, 1926-1930
Documents of the Commission for closing down the All-Russian Mennonite Society, 1928-1930
Draft resolution concerning resident permits for foreigners, with conclusion of the Directorate of the Representative of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs at the RSFSR Government in regard to the draft, 1928
Draft resolution of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding implementation of the Regulations for Union Citizenship, with RSFSR NKVD evaluation of the draft, 1928
Circulars and instructions issued by the Foreign Division of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Administrative Supervision, 1928
Minutes of a conference of representatives of organizational bureaus in Moscow., 1928
Correspondence with the VTsIK Secretariat, USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, and okrug and gubernia level administrative departments regarding resending to the right addresses of wrongly addressed letters, applications, complaints, and other documents, 1928
Correspondence with RSFSR NKVD structural subdivisions regarding compilation of working plans and submission of reports, 1928
Statements concerning service activities, issued for former RSFSR NKVD employees, 1928
Cash book of the Literaturnyi osobniak movie theater and the Agitation Bureau of the Society of Writers and Critics, 1928
Circulars and instructions issued by kraĭ level ZAGS institutions, with RSFSR NKVD comments, 1928
List of valid directives of the RSFSR NKVD; correspondence with gubernia level executive committees and administrative departments regarding work of ZAGS institutions, 1928
Correspondence with the USSR Central Statistics Directorate regarding mutual relations between ZAGS and statistics institutions, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding issuance of statements based on vital statistics records, social education of children and youths, and explanation of marriage and family laws, 1928
Correspondence with the Executive Committee of Saratovskaia gubernia regarding increase in number of employees in gubernia level ZAGS, 1928
Opis 78, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Militia Directorate and Department of Criminal Investigation, 1925-1929
Resolutions and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom; circular of the RSFSR NKVD regarding militia service of women; list of full time job positions for the RSFSR NKVD Militia Department, 1928
Regulations for the RSFSR NKVD Militia Department; plans and reports of the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Directorate and Militia Department, 1927-1928
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1928
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD; list of files of executive officers within the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
Clippings from central and local newspapers concerning work of local militia institutions, 1928
Correspondence with the Headquarters of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, USSR People's Commissariat of Railways, local administrative departments, and other institutions regarding conditions and activities of local militia institutions, and struggle against theft from railway transport and forestry, 1928
Lists of employees of the RSFSR NKVD Militia Department; memoranda of the RSFSR NKVD Militia Department regarding job responsibilities of the department's employees and plans for inspection of local militia departments; memoranda from chiefs of local militia departments regarding work with personnel, 1928
Reports and summary of information from chiefs of gubernia level administrative departments concerning relations of administrative institutions with trade unions and correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments in regard to the issue, 1928
Reports from chiefs of local militia institutions to the Chief of Militia of the Republic regarding their activities, 1928
Memoranda, statements, and other documents concerning inspection of and instructions for local administrative departments and institutions of militia and criminal investigation, 1928
Correspondence with local administrative departments regarding improvements in economic work in militia institutions and places of confinement, 1928
Orders issued by gubernia, kraĭ, and oblast level administrative departments and chiefs of local militia, 1927-1928
Report of the Chief of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee of Troitskiĭ raĭon (Leningradskaia oblast) regarding work of district militia officers and village executioners (ispolniteli) in the raĭon, 1928
Resolution of the RSFSR Sovnarkom, letters to the RSFSR Sovnarkom, and correspondence with local administrative departments regarding bonuses for militia employees to be paid from penalty fund, 1928
Plan for preparation for and celebration of the 11th Anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments concerning the plan, 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice and gubernia level administrative departments regarding exemption of militia institutions from responsibilities for issuing statements and certificates concerning marital and property status and transfer of the responsibility to house management units, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding processing of complaints filed by citizens against actions of local authorities, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments concerning execution of court sentences in regard to individuals sentenced to exile, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding work of militia institutions, 1928
Inspection act concerning activities of militia departments in the city of Viatka, 1928
Resolution of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom, letters to the RSFSR Sovnarkom, and correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding work of militia institutions, 1928
Resolutions, minutes, and verbatim records of the Second All-Union Congress and gubernia level congresses of administrative personnel, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications and complaints from militia employees concerning wrongful layoffs and service transfers, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding insuring militia employees and insurance payments, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding bonuses and awards for militia employees and rules for wearing jubilee badges, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding evaluation of militia employees, 1928
Information from the Chief of the Administrative Department of Moskovskaia gubernia about registration of citizens liable for call-up, 1928
Dispatches from gubernia level administrative departments concerning suicides among militia employees, 1928
Report of the NKVD of Chuvashskaia ASSR regarding activities of militia and criminal investigation there; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding reorganization and personnel structure of local administrative institutions, 1928
Regulations issued by the RSFSR NKVD for administrative personnel of militia schools; instruction of the RSFSR NKVD on recruiting students to militia schools; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding the issue, 1928
Minutes of a conference of chiefs of militia schools for middle and junior officers and of gubernia level militia schools; curricula, programs for and reports about work of militia schools, 1928
Correspondence with militia schools of guberniias regarding their personnel and wages of instructors; personnel structure of militia schools, 1928
Reports and accounts of the Chief of Science and Technology Subdepartment of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation and of chiefs of gubernia level militia schools regarding hands-on training for students of militia schools; correspondence with gubernia level militia schools regarding methods of teaching, 1928
Memorandum from the Chief of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation regarding insufficient knowledge and skills of graduates from schools for militia commanding officers, 1928
Correspondence with the Committee of the Central Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Officials regarding trade union work with paramilitary officials, 1928
Correspondence with local administrative departments and chiefs of militia schools regarding financing of militia schools, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level militia schools regarding evaluation, transfer, and assignment of their graduates, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding establishment of schools and classes to train junior commanding personnel of militia, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding establishment of short-term classes for and out-of-school training of militia employees, 1928
Minutes of meetings of teachers and of educational commissions of militia schools; orders and plans for the schools and reports concerning their work, 1928
Regulations for the RSFSR Criminal Investigation; five-year plan for release of finance to criminal investigation institutions; memoranda regarding merges of the Department of Criminal Investigation of Moscow with the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1927-1928
Regulations for kraĭ level subdepartments of criminal investigation; draft Code for Service with the Militia; instructions, circulars, and memoranda regarding activities of criminal investigation institutions; budgets with explanatory memoranda of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation ; lists of employees of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation and of chiefs of gubernia level subdepartments of criminal investigation, 1927-1928
Regulations and statutes of the RSFSR NKVD Militia Directorate and Department of Criminal Investigation, local departments of criminal investigation, and of the RSFSR NKVD Planning Commission; instructions and memoranda regarding rules for and results of inspection of militia and criminal investigation institutions, 1928-1929
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1928
Minutes of a conference of employees of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation; reports and accounts regarding work of the Active Subdepartment of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation; reports and memoranda regarding inspection of local institutions of criminal investigation, 1928
Orders issued for the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1925-1929
Circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1928
Plans for and reports of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1927-1928
Memoranda from employees of RSFSR NKVD departments, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the USSR OGPU, gubernia level administrative departments and local departments of criminal investigation regarding improvement in work of crime and search institutions, situation with crime, struggle against bandits, search for and detention of various individuals (with attached questionnaires of those searched for), and information about criminal records, 1928
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House and gubernia level administrative departments regarding subscription to secret publications of the RSFSR NKVD, 1928
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding activities of crime and search institutions, struggle against crime, and reorganization of investigative institutions; reports and memoranda from chiefs of gubernia level administrative departments and local subdepartments of criminal investigation; statements and conclusions concerning inspection of gubernia level administrative departments, 1927-1928
Informational surveys and summaries, registers, reports and accounts concerning activities of criminal investigation institutions in the union and autonomous republics and situation with crime in the republics, 1928
Correspondence with criminal investigation institutions in Uzbekskaia SSR and Turkmenskaia SSR regarding spotting bandits and search for and detention of various individuals, 1928
Resolution of local institutions of criminal investigation regarding inquiries into criminal cases and conclusions made in regard to the cases by inspectors of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1928
Investigation cards of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1928
Minutes of conferences of employees of gubernia level administrative apparatus and investigative personnel regarding struggle against crime, 1928
Information regarding abuse of office and other offences cleared by gubernia level criminal investigation institutions, 1928
Report and memorandum regarding inspection of administrative departments and city militia institutions in Severo-Kavkzskiĭ kraĭ, 1928
Resolutions and orders issued by oblast level administrative departments; reports of oblast level subdepartments of criminal investigation concerning their work; correspondence with local departments and subdepartments of criminal investigation regarding struggle against crime, 1927-1928
Monthly statistical registers concerning activities of registration bureaus of local departments of criminal investigation; lists of wanted individuals; lists of criminals registered in the fingerprint database, 1928
Circulars and instructions of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation concerning documenting scientific-technological assessments and compilation of statements; reports and statements of the Chief of the Subdepartment of Science and Technology of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation regarding activities of the Subdepartment and regarding establishment of Science and Technology Offices at gubernia and okrug level institutions of criminal investigation; and regarding training of criminal investigation personnel in contemporary inquiry methods, 1928
Correspondence with various foreign police institutions regarding identification of a person, 1928
Excerpts from minutes of Academic Council of the RSFSR NKVD State Institute for the Study of Crime and Criminals regarding transfer of the Museum of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate of Criminal Investigation under the institute authority, 1928
Material for compiling a dictionary of criminal jargon, 1927-1928
Explanatory memoranda regarding the L. M. Sytin device for surveying (filming) crime scenes (locus delicti); lists of textbooks for training classes for experts in science and technology, 1928
Information from gubernia and okrug level administrative departments and local departments of criminal investigation regarding detention of criminals, delivery of their fingerprint information, and change of last name by various individuals and their criminal records, 1928
Opis 79, Selected Records of the Secretariat of the Collegium and of the General Department of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate of Administration and Management, 1928-1930
Resolutions and draft resolutions, excerpts from minutes of the USSR TsIK, Sovnarkom, Council of Labor and Defense, VTsIK, and RSFSR Sovnarkom and Economic Council; regulations for RSFSR criminal investigations; regulations for the Workers' and Peasants' Militia; correspondence with local administrative institutions regarding struggle with criminal offences, 1928-1929
Summons to meetings and preparatory materials of the VTsIK Presidium and Secretariat, Preparatory Commission of the USSR TsIK and Sovnarkom, RSFSR Sovnarkom and Economic Council, and the Presidium of the State Planning Commission (Gosplan) of the USSR Presidium of the RSFSR State Planning Commission, 1928-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR Collegium and excerpts from minutes of the Collegium, 1929
Regulations for the Secretariat of the Collegium and departments of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate of Administration and Management, 1928-1929
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1929
Materials accompanying minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1928-1930
Disciplinary Code of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia and Criminal Investigation; regulations for societies for aid to militia and criminal investigation institutions; summary of a report of the Main Directorate of Places of Confinement regarding reorganization of labor houses for juvenile offenders; minutes of the Commission for reorganization of the Main Directorate of Municipal Economy, 1929
Minutes of conference of chiefs of oblast level administrative departments and their deputies for correctional labor regarding reorganization and budget of places of confinement, 1929
Draft resolutions of meetings of the RSFSR Sovnarkom relating to tasks and work of governmental commissions, established as liaison between the RSFSR Sovnarkom and local institutions of administrative management, 1929
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD, 1929
Report concerning work of the First Conference of Municipal Personnel of Moskovskaia oblast', 1929
Reports of the RSFSR State Planning Committee, Administrative Commission of the VTsIK Presidium, Committee for the North of the VTsIK Presidium, All-Russian Central Union of Consumer Associations (Tsentrosoiuz), Administrative Commission of Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ, and other institutions regarding their activities, 1929
Reports of the RSFSR NKVD departments regarding inventory of municipal property, inspection of the Institute of Municipal Economy in Leningrad and Applied Academy of Municipal Economy; draft resolutions of the RSFSR NKVD Planning Commission; planned targets for capital investment in improvement in Karel'skaia ASSR, 1929
Articles by the RSFSR People's Commissar of Internal Affairs regarding convocation of a congress of administrative personnel of the RSFSR and a trip to Leningrad, 1929
Resolutions of the Financial Department of the Moscow City Soviet (Mossovet); correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Department of Finance regarding inspection by RSFSR NKVD inspectors of activities in collecting stamp duties, 1929-1930
Orders of the RSFSR NKVD, of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate for Administration and Management and of its General Department, 1929
Plans and rules for inspecting local institutions of administrative management, 1928-1929
Letters to the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding measures for implementation of the Code relating to privileges to be granted to servicemen and their families and regarding amendments to the RSFSR Civil Code; correspondence with local institutions of administrative management and other institutions regarding establishment of labor market and aid to the unemployed, 1928-1929
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats regarding evaluation of draft resolutions of the RSFSR Sovnarkom; correspondence with the General Service Department of the USSR TsIK regarding living space for RSFSR NKVD employees, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education regarding proposals for the forthcoming conference concerning people's education to be held by the TsK VKP(b), 1928-1929
Documents relating to inspection of visitors reception at the RSFSR NKVD by the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, 1928
Circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD; regulations for administrative departments of raĭon level executive committees, 1929-1930
Minutes of meetings held by the RSFSR NKVD to develop instructions for fee collection for registering marriages, divorces, and changes of last and first names, 1029-1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education, VTsSPS, and other institutions regarding approval of statutes of voluntary societies and unions; list of dismissed files relating to the approval of voluntary societies, 1929-1930
Minutes of the Assignment Commission of Moskovskaia gubernia, 1919
Minutes of a meeting held by the RSFSR Deputy Commissar of Internal Affairs regarding implementation of a resolution of the Collegium of the RSFSR Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate on corrective actions in administrative work, 1928
Excerpts from orders, reports, statements, and other documents issued by gubernia level administrative departments, 1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding financial matters, 1928
Correspondence with the Administrative Department of Chernomorskiĭ okrug regarding struggle against criminal offences, 1927
Opis 80, Selected Records of the Department of Organization and Information of the RSFR NKVD Directorate of Administration and Management, 1928-1930
Resolutions of the VTsIK, and RSFSR Sovnarkom, with RSFSR NKVD evaluation of their drafts, 1928-1930
Draft resolutions of the Economic Council, reports of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, People's Commissariat of Finance, People's Commissariat of Agriculture, Higher Council of People's Economy, and other central institutions submitted to the RSFSR NKVD for evaluation and/or information, 1928-1929
Annual, quarterly, and monthly working plans for the RSFSR Sovnarkom and Economic Council (drafts) , with RSFSR NKVD comments on them, 1929
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1929
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD, rules for office work, and list of files of RSFSR NKVD executive officers, 1928-1929
Regulations for city division of okrug level administrative departments; correspondence among RSFSR NKVD departments regarding administrative work in city settlements, 1928-1929
Regulations for administrative directorates of kraĭ level executive committees; reports and resolutions of the Second All-Russian Congress of Administrative Personnel; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding rights of local administrative institutions, 1928-1929
Decisions and resolutions adopted by congresses and conferences of employees of gubernia, oblast, and kraĭ level administrative departments; reports, informational statements, and data submitted by gubernia, oblast, and kraĭ level administrative departments regarding implementation of decisions and resolutions of the congresses and conferences, 1929-1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding development and fulfillment of a five-year plan for RSFSR NKVD administrative institutions, 1929
Planned targets for building the administrative system of the RSFSR NKVD, with explanatory materials for key figures, 1929
Plans for the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate regarding inspection of RSFSR NKVD local institutions and correspondence with the Commissariat concerning coordination of plans, 1928-1930
Circulars issued by the RSFSR NKVD, reports of local administrative departments, and other documents regarding improvement in managing village Soviets and regulation of voluntary self-payment in villages, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding municipal economy in out-of-the-way and raĭon level towns, 1928-1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding public catering and consumer cooperation, 1928-1929
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding approval of draft classification of laws and directives issued by the USSR Government and governments of the union republics, 1929-1930
Correspondence with RSFSR NKVD departments and local administrative departments regarding improvements in office work within the RSFSR NKVD system, 1928-1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding personnel and wages for raĭon level executive committees and village Soviets, 1928-1930
Minutes of kraĭ, oblast, and gubernia level executive committees; orders and circulars issued by kraĭ, oblast, and gubernia level administrative departments; inspection statements concerning local administrative departments, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Labor, People's Commissariat of Finance, Chief of Joint NKVD RSFSR Classes, and other institutions regarding training of administrative personnel, 1929-1930
Regulations for training classes for experts in science and technology, curriculum for classes of the Subdepartment of Science and Technology of the Criminal Investigation Department of the RSFSR NKVD Administrative Directorate, 1929
Orders of the Main Administration of Places of Confinement, 1929-1930
Opis 81, Selected Records of the Administrative Department of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate of Administration and Management, 1923-1929
Resolutions of the VTsIK and of RSFSR Sovnarkom and Economic Council; comments of the RSFSR NKVD on various projects; correspondence with gubernia level executive committees and other institutions regarding draft governmental resolutions and other governing documents, 1928-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR people's commissariats and circulars and instructions of the RSFSR NKVD regarding imposition of administrative punishment for violation of rules and mandatory resolutions; correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, People's Commissariat of Agriculture, gubernia level administrative departments, and other institutions regarding execution of mandatory resolutions adopted by local administrative institutions and imposition of punishment for their violation, 1928-1929
Minutes of meetings of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium; resolution of the Collegium concerning report of the Chief of the Administrative Department of Nizhne-Volzhskiĭ kraĭ, 1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR NKVD; correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Labor and other institutions regarding employment of individuals exempt from military service because of their religious beliefs, 1928-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR NKVD and correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding use of premises by religious associations, closure of houses of worship, and rules for selling religious items, 1927-1929
Resolutions, instructions, and rules adopted by the RSFSR NKVD; correspondence with the Holy Synod and gubernia level administrative departments regarding regulations, registration and re-registration of religious associations, permission for religious ceremonies, arrangement of cemeteries, and rules for internment and for collection of voluntary donations, 1928-1929
Statement issued by the RSFSR NKVD concerning disfranchisement of ministers of religion; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments concerning legal status of ministers of religion, 1928-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR NKVD and correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding permissions for acquiring and using copy machines, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level administrative departments regarding struggle against illegal lotteries and gambling, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding turning in ZAGS archives to archival institutions and ZAGS registration books to corresponding administrative centers, 1928-1929
NKVD RSFSR instruction concerning request of documents from abroad and search for citizens; correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and gubernia level administrative departments concerning applications of various individuals requesting copies of birth, death, marriage, and other certificates, 1928-1929
Instruction of the RSFSR NKVD on collecting percentage of cash recovered from clearance of crime against property and on payment of bonuses for employees of criminal investigation department, 1929
Rules developed by the RSFSR NKVD regarding establishment of parimutuels at race tracks of the RSFSR; correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding surveillance over parimutuels, 1928-1929
Report of the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy (VSNKh) regarding alcohol production from synthetic material; correspondence with the RSFSR State Planning Commission (Gosplan) regarding coordination of a five-year plan for struggle against alcoholism, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions from religious congregations and groups of believers complaining of closure of churches and chapels, 1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy (VSNKh), RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, gubernia level administrative departments, and other institutions regarding establishment of the Commission for Disciplinary Punishment and rules and terms for administrative punishment, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education and gubernia level administrative departments regarding surveillance over public entertainment centers, 1928-1929
Memoranda from the Chief of the RSFSR NKVD General Department regarding directives of governmental institutions concerning work of state institutions, 1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level administrative departments, Izvestiia newspaper editorial board, and other institutions regarding use of official stamps, 1928-1929
Correspondence with Sovetskoe foto magazine editorial board and gubernia level administrative departments regarding rules for taking photographs, 1928-1929
Mandatory resolutions of kraĭ, oblast, gubernia, and city executive committees, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level administrative departments regarding struggle against natural disasters, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level administrative departments regarding surveillance over stamp engraving enterprises, 1928-1929
Informational-directive letter from the RSFSR NKVD to kraĭ, oblast, and gubernia level administrative departments regarding registration of and surveillance over non-profit societies and unions, with related correspondence; correspondence with board of societies and unions regarding permits for congresses, 1928-1929
Documents of the Commission for Closure of the Literaturnyĭ osobniak Society of Poets and Critics, 1929-1930
Minutes of the Board, directives, ledger, inspection statements, and other documents of the Literaturnyĭ osobniak Society, 1923-1929
Personal files of agents of the Bureau of the Literaturnyĭ osobniak Society, 1928-1929
Statute, plans, reports, and other documents of the All-Russian Society for Encouragement of Arts, 1924-1929
Resolutions of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate regarding inspection of the Society of Handicraftsmen and Artisans, 1925-1928
Evaluation by the RSFSR NKVD and other institutions of draft regulations for mutual aid societies of self-employed individuals, 1926-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Health, and gubernia level administrative departments regarding approval of statutes of various societies and unions and their registration, 1928-1929
Documents of the Commission for Closure of the Russian Society for Keeping Poultry and Small Livestock and for Village Farms, 1928-1929
Draft of the First Article of the Code of Vital Statistic Laws, 1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding complaints against administrative departments by individuals desiring to change their last names, 1928
Statements to certify registration of various individuals in vital statistics registers, 1928
Excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK Presidium concerning petitions of various individuals opting for Soviet citizenship, 1928-1929
Minutes of the Technological Commission of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia regarding preliminary conclusions relating to granting USSR citizenship to foreigners; lists of foreigners opting for USSR citizenship, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance and gubernia level administrative departments regarding collection of fees for issuance of foreign passports and residence permits to foreigners, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and gubernia level administrative departments regarding contact with consulates of foreign countries, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and local administrative departments regarding property rights of foreigners in the USSR and of USSR citizens abroad, 1929
Correspondence with the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and gubernia level administrative departments regarding petitions to enter and exit the USSR, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and a foreign division of the USSR State Bank regarding petitions of various individuals to enter or exit the USSR and regarding currency exchange, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications of various individuals petitioning to surrender USSR nationality or to opt for USSR citizenship, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Foreign Division, gubernia level administrative departments, and other institutions regarding applications of various individuals concerning establishment of their citizenship, extension of their stay in the USSR, or issuance of residence permits, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the NKVDs of the union republics, Consular Department of the USSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications of various individuals petitioning for permits to go abroad, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding applications of various individuals for foreign passports under privileged conditions, 1928-1929
Complaints filed by various individuals who were denied trips abroad, 1929
Regulations for the RSFSR NKVD Planning Commission and its divisions, 1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level administrative departments regarding rules for compiling five-year plans, 1929
Circulars and instructions issued by the RSFSR NKVD Foreign Division, 1929-1930
Register of the Commission for Liquidation of the All-Russian Mennonite Agricultural Society, 1929-1930
Opis 82, Selected Records of the Department of Finance of the RSSFR NKVD Directorate of Administration and Management, 1927-1931
Resolutions and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom, 1929-1931
Resolutions, minutes, circulars, and instructions of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance; correspondence with the Budget Directorate of the RSFSR Peoples' Commissariat of Finance regarding release of credits for places of confinement, 1928-1929
Circulars issued by the RSFSR NKVD for chiefs of places of confinement and administrative departments regarding record-keeping and accountability of places of confinement and use of prisoners at maintenance and repair of city pavements, 1928-1929
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate for Places of Confinement; information regarding personnel structure and distribution of salary fund among places of confinement, correctional labor houses, and colonies, 1928-1929
Summons to meetings of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, with meeting materials, 1928-1929
Balance of the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House, 1928-1929
Quarterly report sheets and annual reports regarding revenues of correctional labor houses, 1927-1929
Annual financial reports of correctional labor institutions in Siberia, 1929-1931
Expenditure estimates and personnel structure for the RSFSR NKVD; with materials for compiling expenditure estimates, 1928-1929
Lists registering movement and spending of appropriation for local militia, criminal investigation, and correctional labor institutions, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding financing of institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system, 1929-1930
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats regarding implementation of the instruction on accounting and accountability for administrative institutions and regarding release of credits for correctional labor houses, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the USSR State Bank regarding estimates of administrative and general service expenditures of institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system, 1929-1931
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD departments regarding release of funds for various needs, 1928-1929
Correspondence with schools for administrative and militia personnel regarding release of credits for school renovation, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia and oblast level executive committees regarding release of funds for maintenance of local administrative authorities, 1928-1929
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Places of Confinement and the Institute for the Study of the Crime regarding distribution of funds received from operation of places of confinement, 1928-1929
Correspondence with special purpose isolation wards and correctional labor houses regarding their financing, 1928-1929
Correspondence with administrative departments and places of confinement in Dal'nevostochnyĭ kraĭ regarding increase in wages for personnel of special militia and payment for railway tickets of individuals released from confinement, 1929-1931
Powers of attorney issued for various individuals to collect money from the RSFSR NKVD, 1928-1929
Correspondence with kraĭ and gubernia level administrative departments regarding appropriations for building and renovating prisons and maintaining prisoners, 1929-1930
Opis 83, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Criminal Investigation Department, 1928-1929
Regulations for the RSFSR NKVD Militia Directorate and administrative departments of kraĭ and okrug level executive committees; working plans for the RSFSR Department of Criminal Investigation; reports of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium regarding militia and criminal investigation work, 1929
Orders and directives for the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation and General Department, 1929
Working plans for the RSFSR NKVD Departments of Criminal Investigation, 1929
Resolutions and conclusions of senior inspectors of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation regarding inquiries and investigative files relating to criminal offences, 1929
Correspondence with local administrative departments regarding work of criminal search institutions, 1928-1929
Informational summaries regarding criminal offences and struggle against them, arranged by union and autonomous republic and then by oblast, kraĭ, and gubernia, 1928-1929
Inquiry cards of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1929
Reports of the Chief of the Subdepartment of Science and Technology of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation regarding subdepartment activities; correspondence with the RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding activities of laboratories and offices of scientific-technological expertise, 1928-1929
Programs for lectures at classes for training scientific-technological experts held by the RSFSR NKVD Department of Criminal Investigation, 1929
Minutes of the Interdepartmental Conference held at the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding publication of lists of numbers of convicts, 1929
Monthly registers concerning activities of registration bureaus of the union and autonomous republics, kraĭs, and guberniias; lists of persons registered in a fingerprint database, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding registration of criminals by fingerprints, 1928-1929
Correspondence with gubernia level departments of criminal investigation regarding appointment, firing and travel of personnel of registration bureaus, 1928
Correspondence with foreign police institutions regarding identification of various persons. In the Russian and German languages, 1928-1929
Information from the Administrative Department of Moskovskaia gubernia regarding change of first and last names by various individuals, 1928-1929
Correspondence with kraĭ, oblast, and gubernia level administrative departments regarding investigation of abusive actions by militia employees, with related clippings from local newspapers, 1929
Opis 84, Records of the Administration of Affairs; Directorate of Administration and Management; and Department of Finance of the RSFSR NKVD, 1921-1931
Resolutions of the VTsIK, RSFSR Sovnarkom, and RSFSR Economic Conference, 1929-1929
Minutes of extended sessions of the Secretariat of the VTsIK Children Commission; report of the Commission regarding struggle against child homelessness in the RSFSR, 1920
Meeting agendas of the Administrative Commission of the VTsIK Presidium, 1929-1930
Report concerning meeting of the Plenum of the VTsIK Presidium Commission for organizing and directing aid funds for homeless children, 1930
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1930
Materials concerning minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1929-1930
Memoranda from chiefs of RSFSR NKVD directorates regarding personnel training, 1930
Minutes of the Commission for Constructing a Socialist Quarter in Moscow, 1930
Excerpts from minutes of the USSR TsIK Presidium regarding naturalization in the USSR of various individuals; documents required to issue exit visas to foreign nationals, 1930
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD, 1920-1930
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Administration of Affairs, 1930
Lists of assignments given to the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs by the Government, 1930
Documents regarding development of a five-year plan for training personnel to build socialism in cities and villages, 1930
State of developing municipal economy in the USSR compiled from reports of city institutions of municipal economy, 1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding measures for more rational structure of governmental bodies, 1930
Evaluation by the RSFSR NKVD of draft resolutions of the VTsIK and Sovnarkom concerning implementation of regulations for administrative directorates of kraĭ level executive committees; registration of disfranchised individuals; and development and submission to the RSFSR Sovnarkom of documents relating to building the Soviet state, 1929-1930
Informational summaries issued by the Organizational Department of the VTsIK Presidium regarding accounting and inspecting campaign in city Soviets, 1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding conditions and activities of militia and criminal investigation institutions, 1927-1930
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding implementation of continuous working week in enterprises and institutions, 1929-1930
Consolidated summary of expenditures and revenues in the RSFSR state budget, 1930
Statements concerning execution of the USSR financial plan for January-June 1929; situation of USSR local budgets, financing of naval and road transport, and execution of expenditure estimates of the USSR People's Commissariat of Communication Lines, 1929-1930
Informational bulletin of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding fundraising in villages for socialist construction projects, 1930
Minutes of the Commission of the RSFSR NKVD for Aid to State Loans, 1929-1930
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding subscription to the "Piatiletka v chetyre goda" loan, 1930
Balance of the RSFSR NKVD Publishing House, 1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding work of local archives, 1930
Letters from foreign nationals submitted to the RSFSR NKVD from local administrative institutions for translation, 1930
Newspaper clippings relating to RSFSR NKVD activities, 1929-1930
Lists of applications from dispossessed kulaks (wealthy peasants) sent to the VTsIK by the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, 1930
Reports from the Chief of the Administrative Directorate of Zapando-Sibirskiĭ kraĭ regarding activities of administrative institutions in the kraĭ, 1930
Resolutions and an order and instruction issued by the Executive Committee of Buĭskiĭ raĭon and by the Extraordinary Commission of Solegalicheskiĭ raĭon (Ivanovskaia industrial oblast) regarding timber harvesting, 1930
Resolutions relating to village Soviets, 1929-1930
Verbatim records of conferences of chiefs of kraĭ level administrative directorates, 1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding Soviet authorities in areas of complete collectivization, 1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments regarding establishment of experimental models of okrugs, 1929-1930
Correspondence with gubernia level administrative departments and other institutions regarding improvement in control and inspection in grassroot authorities, 1929-1930
Informational summary of the RSFSR NKVD regarding activities of local administrative authorities, 1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice and gubernia level administrative departments regarding reconstruction of grassroot authorities of institutions of state insurance, 1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice and Administrative Department of Moskovskaia oblast regarding establishment of printing industry enterprises and surveillance over their activities, 1929-1930
Statutes for societies and unions, with documents relating to their approval, 1928-1930
Documents concerning establishment and activities of the All-Russian Agricultural Society, 1928
Index of files held at archives of the All-Russian Agricultural Society, 1930
Minutes of the Board of the J. S. Bach Music and Art Society, 1928-1929
Documents of the All-Russian Society of Photographers, including minutes of the Board, Council, and Geography and Culture Division, personal questionnaires of members, lists of membership fee payments, and article by the Chief of the Society on photographic work in the USSR, 1924-1930
Documents concerning convocation of the Fifth Conference on Europe-Asia Passenger and Luggage Transportation via Siberia, 1930
Circulars from the USSR NKVD to gubernia level administrative departments and places of confinement supported by state budgets; statements regarding service of RSFSR NKVD personnel, 1929-1931
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats regarding approval of budgets and personnel structure of the RSFSR NKVD, RSFSR NKVD financial plans, and establishment of wages for several groups of employees, 1929-1931
Correspondence with people' commissariats of autonomous republics, Association for Procurement and General Services of the RSFSR Militia, Leningrad Institute of Public Construction Projects, and other institutions concerning financial matters, 1830-1931
Accounting sheets concerning expenses from the RSFSR NKVD budget for confinement houses and correctional labor institutions, 1929-1931
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Places of Confinement regarding credits for places of confinement and payment of loans by them, 1929-1931
Consolidated expenditure estimates from special budgets and special purpose budgets of places of confinement, 1929-1930
Correspondence with local administrative departments regarding release of credits for maintenance of departmental militia and places of confinement, 1929-1931
Personal account cards of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1929-1930
Materials relating to liquidation of the RSFSR NKVD and transfer of its materials to the October Revolution Archives, 1930-1931
Circulars issued by the RSFSR NKVD regarding registration of vital statistics, 1930
Informational report of the RSFSR NKVD regarding local administrative authorities, 1930
Documents regarding establishment of the Society of Musical Culture, including statute, questionnaires of founding members, and related correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education, 1930
Financial plan for the Association of Factory and Labor Colonies of the RSFSR NKVD Main Administration of Places of Confinement, 1930
Directives from the RSFSR NKVD to oblast and uezd level Soviets, undated
Statements regarding auditing societies in the USSR, undated
Alphabetical lists of individuals opting for USSR nationality, undated
Information regarding Arskiĭ canton of Tatarskaia ASSR, undated
Information concerning structure of RSFSR populations arranged by gubernia and uezd, undated
Documents of the Forest and Technology Society of the Moscow Institute of Forest and Technology, including statute, minutes of the society and its academic council, reports, and inspection statements, 1921-1929
Documents of the All-Russian Society for Assistance in the Studies of Animal Products, 1931
RSFSR NKVD resolutions, circulars, instructions, and rules developed in cooperation with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, and other institutions and published in RSFSR NKVD bulletins, 1927-1929
Opis 87, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Secretariat, 1927-1930
RSFSR NKVD resolutions, circulars, instructions, and rules developed in cooperation with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, and other institutions and published in RSFSR NKVD bulletins, 1927-1929
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding assignment of candidates for promotion (vydvizhentsy) to work at the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Office, 1929-1930
Correspondence with institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system regarding budgets of higher educational institutions of the system, 1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture regarding reorganization of the Moscow Land Surveying Institute, 1929-1931
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Directorate for Personnel Management, 1930
Correspondence with institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system regarding admission to RSFSR NKVD educational institutions, 1930
Model plans for higher educational institutions submitted by the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education for guidance, 1930
Correspondence with the USSR Sovnarkom, USSR State Planning Commission and the RSFSR State Planning Commission regarding assignment of higher educational institutions and specialized secondary schools to various departments, 1930-1931
Correspondence with local executive committees and municipal departments regarding assignment of graduates of the Land Managing Department of Moscow Land Surveying Institute, with a list of students, 1930
Memoranda, statements, and inspection statements regarding inspection of a school for factory and plant training for Moscow city railways, 1930
Opis 88, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate for Personnel Management, 1929-1931
Materials, including statements, surveys, and statistical data, used to prepare a report concerning work of the RSFSR NKVD Directorate for Personnel Management, 1929-1930
Correspondence with RSFSR people's commissariats and other institutions regarding assignment of candidates for promotion (vydvizhentsy) to work at the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Office, 1929-1930
Correspondence with institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system regarding budgets of higher educational institutions of the system, 1930
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture regarding reorganization of the Moscow Land Surveying Institute, 1929-1931
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Directorate for Personnel Management, 1930
Correspondence with institutions within the RSFSR NKVD system regarding admission to RSFSR NKVD educational institutions, 1930
Model plans for higher educational institutions submitted by the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education for guidance, 1930
Correspondence with the USSR Sovnarkom, USSR State Planning Commission and the RSFSR State Planning Commission regarding assignment of higher educational institutions and specialized secondary schools to various departments, 1930-1931
Correspondence with local executive committees and municipal departments regarding assignment of graduates of the Land Managing Department of Moscow Land Surveying Institute, with a list of students, 1930
Memoranda, statements, and inspection statements regarding inspection of a school for factory and plant training for Moscow city railways, 1930
Opis 89, Selected Records of the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1918-1925
Orders and instructions issued by the Department of Forced Labor of the Moscow Military Commissariat; minutes of the Central Directorate for POW and Refugee Matters; personnel structure and other documents of the Kozhukhovskiĭ holding station for prisoners of war, 1918-1920
Documents concerning inspection of Moskovskaia Prison Hospital, including minutes of the Special Commission for Inspection, reports, and memoranda, 1918
Lists of prisoners of Andron'evskiĭ, Arkhangel'skiĭ, Voronezhskiĭ, Kozhukhovskiĭ, Novo-Peskovskiĭ, Novo-Spasskiĭ, Ordynskiĭ, Orlovskiĭ, Petrozavodskiĭ, Pokrovskiĭ, Rozhdestvenskiĭ, and Saratovskiĭ, concentration camps, 1919-1923
Lists of Austrian and German prisoners of war, 1918
Sample POW card, 1919
Decrees, resolutions, circulars, and instructions issued by the VTsIK, RSFSR Sovnarkom, RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense, RSFSR NKVD, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, and other institutions regarding establishment and activities of forced labor camps, 1919=1922
Petitions from prisoners and their family members requesting release from prison and expedited investigation of their cases, 1919
Minutes of the interdepartmental conference regarding financial relations between the RSFSR NKVD Financial Department and local departments of forced labor; RSFSR NKVD circular concerning registration of state revenues, 1919-1920
Orders for the Directorate of Forced Labor Camps in Moscow and for the Novo-Peskovskiĭ concentration camp, 1919
Instructions and circulars of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Forced Labor, 1919-1920
Instructions for convoy guards and sentries of forced labor camps; memoranda and reports of camp commandants regarding convoy teams and escapes of prisoners, 1919-1920
Minutes of the Commission for Prisoners of War and defectors at the Civil War; correspondence with concentration camps and prisons regarding admission and release of prisoners, 1919-1921
Documents regarding registration and assignment of Civil War prisoners of war; orders of the Revolutionary-Military Council of the Republic; information concerning the number of prisoners of war; petitions from prisoners of war, 1919-1920
Memoranda from the RSFSR Higher Council of People's Economy, people's commissariats, and other institutions to the Directorate of Concentration Camps in Moscow regarding temporary assignment of labor force from camps, 1919
Orders issued by the Presidium of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission. Printed copy, 1919-1920
Correspondence with the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, Central Directorate for POWs and Refugees, and commandants of camps regarding establishing camps and their activities, enlisting prisoners to general service work, providing them with food and uniforms, and their release, 1919-1922
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Financial Department and commandants of camps regarding financing of camps, 1919-1921
Reports and accounts of gubernia level subdepartments of forced labor and chiefs and commandants of camps regarding establishment of camps and their activities, 1920-1922
Correspondence with the Directorate for Managing Concentration Camps of the Moscow City Council (Mossovet) regarding approval of the Department's budget, 1919-1920
Request lists for paying salary to prisoners of Andron'evskiĭ concentration camp, 1919
Orders for forced labor camps, 1919-1921
Reports from the Commandant of the Novo-Peskovskiĭ Forced Labor Camp regarding escapes of prisoners, 1919
Minutes of a plenary meeting of the Executive Committee of Cherepovetskaia gubernia, 1919
Lists of individuals arrested by the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, 1919-1922
Conclusion of an investigator of the Special Department of the Fifteenth Army regarding charges of sabotage and counter-revolutionary agitation brought against employees of the Special Department of the 10th Rifle Division, 1919
Information from the Kozhukhovskiĭ Station for Assembly and Assignment of Prisoners of War regarding transfers of White Army POWs, 1919
Lists, personal cards, and interrogation papers of White Army POWs, 1919
Provisional labor certificates issued for individuals sentenced to forced labor, 1919
Orders for the Main Directorate of Forced Labor and Central Directorate for Evacuation of Population, 1920-1922
Minutes of the Interdepartmental Commission for Polish POWs, 1920
Order of the Revolutionary-Military Council of the Republic and RSFSR NKVD regarding establishment of special commissions attached to the Main Directorate of Forced Labor and to subordinate local institutions, 1920
Draft regulations for establishment of uezd level subdepartments and bureaus of forced labor; reports, accounts, and dispatches from chiefs of subdepartments of forced labor and commandants of camps regarding their activities, 1920
Minutes of the Collegium and orders issued by the RSFSR NKVD; reports of the Chief of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1920
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Forced Labor, 1920
Circulars issued by the Main Directorate of Forced Labor and correspondence with the Housing and Land Department of the Moscow Soviet of Workers' and Red Army Deputies regarding extension of premises of the Ivanovskiĭ Special Purpose Camp, 1920
Minutes of the Commission for Polish POWs of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1920
Minutes of the Provisional Commission for Amnesty of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, 1920-1921
Minutes of the Commission for Pardoning Working Cossack among POWs; correspondence with Revolutionary-Military Council of the Republic and commandants of camps regarding release of Cossacks, 1920
Excerpt from minutes of 7 December 1920 of the Special Central Commission for Suspension of the Revolutionary-Military Council of the Republic; personnel structure for the Main Directorate of Forced Labor Camps and gubernia level directorates of forced labor camps, 1920-1921
Reports from commandants of forced labor houses in Moscow regarding their activities; lists of personnel of places of confinement in Moscow, 1920-1922
Reports concerning activities of gubernia level bureaus of forced labor, 1920-1921
Reports of RSFSR NKVD auditors, statement, conclusions, and other documents relating to audit of gubernia level subdepartments of forced labor and concentration camps, 1920-1922
Questionnaires regarding condition of the Kaluzhskiĭ Concentration Camp; lists of camp prisoners, 1920
Documents relating to cultural and educational activities of concentration camps, including minutes of cultural and educational commissions, programs, reports, and statements, 1920-1921
Information from the Zvenigorodskiĭ concentration camp regarding categories of prisoners and delivery of clothes and food for them, 1920
Court orders of people's courts of Orekhovo-Zuevo, 1920
Registration cards of prisoners of Pokrovskiĭ and Vladykinskiĭ forced labor camps, 1920
Minutes of the Medical Commission of the Rozhdestvenskiĭ Forced Labor Camp, 1920
Minutes of a joint conference of RKP(b) Committee of Sergievskiĭ raĭon and of the Executive Committee Presidium regarding concentration camps in Sergievskiĭ raĭon, 1920
Report from an inspector of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of Moscow regarding inspection of Khodynaskaia hospital for Infectious Disease; list of hospital employees and their hospital identification cards, 1920-1922
Investigation reports concerning escapes of prisoners from camps, 1920
Minutes of Tambovskaia and Tsaritsynskaia Commissions for Assignments, 1920-1921
Financial report of the Subdepartment of Forced Labor of the Department of Management of Tul'skaia gubernia, 1920
Charts of camps of the Department of Management of Tul'skaia gubernia, 1920
Investigative record regarding conviction of former officers from the Kolchak Army for escape from the Iaroslavskiĭ Concentration Camp, 1920
Documents regarding arrangement of labor brigades of prisoners of war, including resolution of the RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense, reports, lists, questionnaires, applications and identification cards of prisoners of war, 1920-1921
Correspondence with the RSDFSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding rules for maintenance of foreign nationals in confinement, 1920-1921
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, Higher Council of People's Economy, All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, and other institution regarding clarification of the term "prisoner of Civil War", expediency of prisoners' labor, and vacant places in forced labor camps in Moscow, 1920-1921
Correspondence with departments of forced labor of gubernia level executive committees and commandants of concentration camps about security guarding of camps, 1920-1921
Telegrams from departments of forced labor of gubernia level executive committees regarding prisoners' labor in agriculture, uniforms for Polish POWs, establishment of labor brigades, deportation of POWs to their native land, and release of prisoners by VTsIK amnesty, 1920-1921
File charging A. S. IUrison, employee of the Special Department of the 7th Army, with service in the White Army, 1920
Rules for guarding concentration camps; minutes of meetings of chiefs of departments and subdepartments of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor; inspection statement regarding security guarding of camps in Moscow, 1921
Rules for labor colonies for underage offenders; statute of agricultural labor colonies for teenagers kept in confinement, 1921
Minutes of the Commission for implementation of the VTsIK amnesty in honor of the 4th anniversary of the October Revolution; dispatches from commandants of places of confinement in Moscow regarding implementation of the amnesty; lists of prisoners released by the amnesty, 1921-1922
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium; circulars of the RSFSR NKVD Administrative Department, 1921
Minutes of an interdepartmental conference held by the Main Directorate of Forced Labor regarding propaganda work among Polish prisoners of war; lists, registration cards and questionnaires of Polish POWs willing to join the Polish Red Army, 1921
Orders, circulars, bulletins, and a report concerning RSFSR NKVD activities, 1921
Draft circular of the RSFSR NKVD regarding measures for struggle against typhus in places of confinement; correspondence with gubernia level departments of justice regarding inspection of places of confinement, 1921-1922
Rules for departments and bureaus of forced labor; instructions and reports of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1921
Minutes of the Production and Technology Department of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1921
Circulars of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1921
Circulars and instructions of the RSFSR NKVD Department of Forced Labor, 1921
Reports from chiefs of Economic Department and Logistical Subdepartment of the Production and Technology Department of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor regarding their activities, 1921
Report of members of the Tariff and Rate Commission of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor regarding tariff calculations for payment of bonuses, 1921
Statistical tables regarding composition of prisoners in RSFSR camps, 1921
List of places of confinement in the RSFSR, 1921
Statistical data regarding number of prisoners registered at the Bureau of Forced Labor, 1921
Correspondence with gubernia level subdepartments of forced labor regarding assignment of prisoners to gubernia level forced labor camps; report on the number of prisoners in forced labor camps of Tambovskaia gubernia, 1921-1922
Minutes of production meetings at the Orlovskiĭ Isolation Ward and Gomel'skiĭ and Tverskoĭ correctional labor houses, 1921
Expenditure estimates for the Subdepartment of Forced labor of the Executive Committee of Voronezhskaia gubernia and concentration camps in the gubernia, 1921-1922
Order for the Administrative Division of the Labor Battalion, 1921
Petitions of foreign POWs kept in the Andron'evskiĭ Concentration Camp, 1921
Documents regarding transfer of forced labor camps from the authority of the Executive Committee of Petrogradskaia gubernia to the authority of the Executive Committee of Novgorodskaia gubernia, including statements, reports, and correspondence with gubernia level executive committees, 1921
Correspondence with the Department of Soviet Management of the Executive Committee of Olonetskaia gubernia regarding refusal of the Commandant of the Olonetskiĭ Camp to accept prisoners convicted by the Pudozhskiĭ Disciplinary Comrades' Court, 1921
Minutes of the special commission for temporarily assigning prisoners of war to the Labor Army or Red Army at the Directorate of Forced Labor in Tver'; lists and applications of POWs willing to join the Red Army, 1921
Outline of premises of the Tomskiĭ and Mariinskiĭ forced labor houses, 1921
Correspondence with the Department of Forced Labor of the NKVD of Belorusskaia SSR regarding implementation of the Code of Labor Law, 1921
Correspondence with the Main Directorate of Public Works and Compulsory Service of Ukrainskaia SSR regarding subordination of places of confinement in Ukrainskaia SSR, 1921
Correspondence with the Central Directorate for Evacuation of Populations regarding repatriation of POWs, 1921
Correspondence with a special representative for prisoners of war from the Polish Army; with the Russian-Ukrainian-Polish joint commission for repatriation matters, with subdepartments of forced labor at gubernia level executive committees; and other institutions regarding labor use of prisoners of war, their repatriation, and political and educational work among prisoners of war, 1921
Reports of special representatives and political instructors of the Political Directorate of the Republic regarding work among Polish POWs in Petrograd and inspection of concentration camps for Polish POWs, 1921
Lists of Polish POWs kept in concentration camps, in labor brigades, and being treated at the Brestskaia Central Concentration Hospital, 1921-1922
Alphabetical lists of prisoners kept in places of confinement and working at various institutions in Moscow, 1921
Lists of Polish POWs leaving for their motherland, 1921
Lists and identification cards of prisoners; instructions and other materials concerning the VTsIK amnesty of 7 November 1921, 1921
Correspondence with commandants of forced labor camps regarding release of prisoners, 1921
Correspondence with the Main Directorate for Mining and Development of Minerals regarding use of skilled workers kept in confinement, 1921
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs regarding search for and repatriation of foreign prisoners of war, 1921
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Main Militia Directorate, Directorate of Forced Labor of Moscow, departments of forced labor at gubernia level executive committees, and other institutions regarding security guarding of places of confinement, 1921-1922
Minutes of the meeting of employees of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor held on 21 January 1922, 1922
Reports from a chief of guards of concentration camps of the Republic and NKVD inspectors regarding measures to improve guarding of camps and results of inspection of sanitary conditions in camps, 1922
Summary of reports by unknown author regarding establishment of cluster directorates and medical and sanitary division of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, 1922
Statistical data concerning number of detained criminals, 1920-1922
Information regarding condition of households in labor colonies, 1922
Lists of works conducted in places of confinement, 1922
Information regarding training of prisoners and educational work among them, 1922
Alphabetical list of foreign POWs and hostages kept at concentration camps of the Directorate of Forced Labor in Moscow, 1922
Lists of foreign nationals kept in gubernia level concentration camps, 1922
Registration cards of Hungarian POWs, released from the Semenovskiĭ Concentration Camp, 1922
Lists of Latvian citizens subject to repatriation, 1922
Draft resolutions of the Main Committee for Labor regarding forced labor of individuals not involved in socially useful work (obshchestvenno-poleznyĭ trud), 1920
Petitions of Polish POWs willing to stay in Russia, 1921
Correspondence with the construction office for building a state power plant in Kashirskiĭ raĭon regarding use of prisoners' labor, 1921-1925
Opis 90, Selected Records of the Local Trade Union Committee of RSFSR NKVD Employees, 1918-1930
Minutes of the Executive (Local) Trade Union Committee of RSFSR NKVD Employees and correspondence with the Food Committee and the Snabzhenie Housing Cooperative Association regarding establishment of a housing cooperative association for RSFSR NKVD employees, 1918
Registration cards of RSFSR NKVD employees, members of the Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers, 1918-1930
Regulations issued by and minutes of the commission for improving discipline, production rate, and everyday life of RSFSR NKVD employees; information regarding violation of discipline by RSFSR NKVD personnel, 102-
Minutes of general meetings of RSFSR NKVD personnel, of RSFSR NKVD departments, of the Executive (Local) Committee of RSFSR NKVD Employees, RSFSR NKVD Presidium, Plenum, cells, and commissions. Included are also minutes of RSFSR NKVD Collegium (file 85 and 134), 1920-1930
Minutes of general meetings of RSFSR NKVD employees, of commissions of the Executive (Local) Committee of employees of the RSFSR NKVD Central Directorate for Evacuation of Populations; applications for clothes from employees, 1920
Information regarding structure of gubernia and uezd level executive committees, with data on party affiliation and date of joining the party for January-June 1920, 1920
Membership cards of members of the All-Russian Trade Union of Soviet Workers, 1920-1922
Identification cards, applications, and membership books of members of the RSFSR NKVD Trade Union, 1920-1924
Regulations for and minutes of departments and directorates of the RSFSR NKVD, 1921
Bulletins (orders) of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1921
Consolidated lists of RSFSR NKVD employees to be paid bonuses, 1921
Personal questionnaires and registration sheets of members of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1921-1922
Regulations, circulars, instructions, a plan and report concerning work and establishment of commissions and departments of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1922
Regulations for the Commission for Job Safety and for an institute of delegates at Soviet institutions and enterprises; correspondence with RSFSR NKVD departments regarding vacation, recreation, and health care of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1922-1923
Regulations for commissions for job safety; instructions and circulars concerning social insurance of personnel, 1922-1923
Regulations, instructions, and statutes concerning work and other activities of local trade union committees and their commissions, 1922
Minutes of the Plenum of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, Board Presidium, and general meetings of employees of the RSFSR NKVD cooperative association, 1922-1923
Instructions and circulars of the Moscow Department of Trade Union of Workers of Soviet and Trade Institutions and Enterprises for 1924, 1922-1924
Collective Employment Agreement between the Board of the All-Russian Trade Union of Workers of the Sewing Industry and Department of Food Supply of the RSFSR NKVD Central Directorate for Evacuation of Populations, 1922
Regulations, circulars, instructions, reports, and accounts regarding work of the RSFSR NKVD Trade Union Local Committee, 1922
Lists registering and re-registering members of the Trade Union of Workers of Soviet, Public, and Trade Institutions and Enterprises, 1922-1923
Correspondence with RSFSR NKVD departments regarding layoffs of personnel, 1922
Notice regarding election of delegates to a city trade union conference, 1922
Lists of youth employed by the RSFSR NKVD and not affiliated with the party, 1922
Regulations for the Bureau of legal aid, institute of delegates to the Soviet institutions, and wage conflict resolution commission; circulars of the Central Council of the Trade Union of Workers of Soviet, Public, and Trade Institutions and Enterprises, 1923
Regulations for the strike fund of the Department of All-Russian Trade Union of Soviet Workers of Moskovskaia gubernia; circulars and excerpts from bulletins of the Department, 1923
Statute, regulations, and other documents concerning establishment of a mutual loan society at the Department of the Trade Union of Workers of Soviet, Public, and Trade Institutions and Enterprises of Moskovskaia gubernia, 1923
Minutes of the Liquidation Commission and transferable balance of the cooperative association of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1923
Circulars of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Soviet Workers and correspondence regarding celebration of the May 8th holiday, regarding convocation of a city conference, Red Fleet week, and other issues; registration lists of the Local Trade Union Committee of RSFSR NKVD Employees, 1923
Working plans, reports, and accounts concerning work of the RSFSR NKVD and its commissions, 1923-1925
Excerpt from bulletin No. 2-3 of the All-Russian Trade Union of Soviet, Public, and Trade Enterprises and Institutions Employees regarding registration of teenagers for health examination, 1923
Minutes of the Cultural and Educational Commission of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee of Moskovskaia gubernia and its Presidium; instructional materials, correspondence, reports, plans, accounts, and other documents regarding the activities of the Cultural and Educational Commission; accounts of and working plans for the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1920-1930
Trade Union members' cards of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1923
List of members of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and its commissions, 1923
Regulations, minutes of meetings, working plans, and other materials of the Cooperative Commission of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 19824
Circulars and instructions of the Council of Trade Unions of Moskovskaia gubernia; working plans for the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee for January-March 1924, 1924
Circulars of the All-Russian Trade Union of Municipal Economy Workers, 1924
Memorandum of and working plan for the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee regarding work with youth; questionnaire data concerning household conditions of RKSM (Russian Young Communist League) members; summary of reports concerning the October Revolution, and other materials, 1924-1925
Essays and articles by RSFSR NKVD employees to the Rupor wall newspaper, 1924
Informational letters from the RKP(b) Committee of Krasnopresnenskiĭ raĭon, 1924-1925
Correspondence with the Department of All-Russian Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers of Moskovskaia gubernia regarding inspection of the unemployed, registration of teenagers working at governmental institutions, submission of data on trade union members, and other issues; list of NKVD RSFSR staff members, 1924
Documents concerning personnel of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924-1925
Application for membership and lists of members of the RSFSR NKVD trade union, 1924
Statements concerning service at the RSFSR NKVD; identification cards, credentials, and evaluation of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1924-1925
Resolution of the USSR People's Commissariat of Labor regarding paid vacations; regulations for commissions for labor safety; excerpts from minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee; statements of RSFSR NKVD employees who were members of employment exchanges, 1925
Regulations for delegate institutes at Soviet institutions and enterprises and minutes of general meetings of employees of RSFSR NKVD directorates regarding reelection of deputies, 1925
Minutes of the sectional bureau of the patronage society of the RSFSR NKVD and inspection statement on sponsoring Lovetskaia volost' of Zaraĭskiĭ uezd (Riazanskaia gubernia), 1925
Circular letters and correspondence with the Moscow Subdepartment of the TsK of the Trade Union of USSR Soviet and Trade Workers regarding work of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1925-1926
Informational and informational-instructional letters from the Department of the Trade Union of USSR Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia, 1925-1927
Report from the Chief of the RSFSR NKVD General Directorate regarding work of the Qualifying Commission for hiring at the RSFSR NKVD; summary of a report by a consultant to the Commission for simplification of operations of RSFSR NKVD administration, 1925-1926
Correspondence with the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers regarding debt retirement, subscription to newspapers and magazines, establishment of an orphanage, membership fees, and other issues; bulletin No. 2 of 23 October 1925 of the gubernia level commission of the RKP(b) Moscow Committee for Celebrating the 8th Anniversary of the October Revolution, 1925
Statistical data concerning RSFSR NKVD personnel, 1925-1928
Registration and personal cards, lists registering reception of membership books and membership fees from those who joined the USSR Union of Soviet and Trade Workers; registration cards of RSFSR NKVD personnel for 1928-1930, 1925-1930
Regulations for commissions of job safety, local trade union committees, treasurers, and general meetings of employees of institutions and enterprises united by the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers, 1926
Documents concerning reelection of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and delegate body attached to the Local Committee; minutes of general meetings; report concerning work of the Local Committee, 1926-1930
Working plan for the Board of the Moscow gubernia Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers for January-June 1926; excerpt from informational-instructional letter of 10 June 1926 from the Union regarding collection of membership fees, 1926
Reports concerning work of the Local Trade Union Committee, instructions to the Committee, and working plans for the Committee's commissions, 1928-1929
Reports regarding inspection of local trade union committees of the RSFSR NKVD and USSR People's Commissariat of Trade, 1926
Agreement between the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers of Moskovskaia gubernia and People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate regarding conditions for hiring, laying off, and paying workers of institutions and enterprises within Moscow city borders; materials for the report of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee regarding its work in 1926-1927, 1926-1927
Documents relating to approval of personnel structure of the RSFSR NKVD central administration, 1926-1927
Documents regarding celebration of anniversaries of the October Revolution, 1926-1927
Correspondence with house managements regarding information about financial conditions and marital status of RSFSR NKVD employees residing there, 1926-1927
Excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK presidium regarding restoration to RSFSR NKVD employees of voting rights lost according to articles of the RSFSR Constitution, 1927
Minutes of the Provisional Central Commission for Aid in Sale of 8th State Bonds for Industrialization, with related materials, 1927-1929
Minutes of commissions and cell bureaus of MOPR (Mezhdunarodnaia organizatsiia pomoshchi bortsam revoliutisii - International Association for Aid to Revolutionary Fighters), Osoaviakhim (Obshchestvo sodeĭstviia oborone, aviatsionnomu i khimicheskomu stroitel'stvu - Society for Aid to Defense, Aviation, and Chemical Industry), Cafeteria Board, Economic Subcommission, other organizations attached to the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, and the military study group of the October Revolution Club, 1927
Minutes of election meetings of employees of the Administrative Department, Inspectorate, and Secretariat of the RSFSR NKVD Central Administrative Directorate and its Secret Division, 1927
Instruction to new members of the Local Trade Union Committee adopted by the general meeting of NKVD RSFSR employees on 14 April 1927; minutes of the Commission for Labor Safety; reports regarding work of the Cultural Commission and Labor Safety Commission; agreement between the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia and the RSFSR NKVD, 1927-1928
Labor agreement between the Board of the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia and the RSFSR NKVD, with related materials, 1927-1928
RSFSR NKVD budget for 1927/1928 budget year, 1927-1928
File relating to preparation for election to the Soviets of Workers' and Red Army Soldiers' Deputies, 1927-1929
Documents concerning election of assessors to the People's Court of the city constituency in Zamoskvoretskiĭ raĭion (Moscow), 1927-1928
Document regarding work of study groups attached to the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1927-1930
Documents relating to fundraising for Nash otvet Chemberlenu Fund (Our answer to Chamberlain), 1927
Statements regarding service of RSFSR NKVD employees with related references of the Local Trade Union Committee, 1927-1928
Methodological directives clarifying major decisions of the XI All-Union Conference of the VKP(b) among workers unaffiliated with the VKP(b) in clubs and propaganda rooms (krasnyĭ ugolok), 1928
Plan for implementing decisions of the IV All-Union and XIV All-Russian congresses of Soviets; regulations for the Development Department of the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of Municipal Economy and the Bureau of Innovations; program for training workers promoted by the RSFSR NKVD Administrative Division and correspondence with RSFSR NKVD departments regarding firing of employees, payment of financial aid, and extension of vacation terms for RSFSR NKVD employees, 1928-1930
Report regarding work of the Osoaviakhim cell at the RSFSR NKVD, 1928-1929
Agreements between the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia and the RSFSR NKVD (printed copies); minutes of the meeting for concluding collective bargaining for 1930 of 11-13 December 1930, with attached text of the agreement, 1928-1929
Collective bargaining between the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia and the RSFSR NKVD, with related materials, 1928-1929
Internal code of conduct for the RSFSR NKVD and other institutions, with related clippings from the Trud newspaper, 011928
RSFSR NKVD budget for the 1928/1929 budget year, 1928
Documents concerning rules for calculating expenditures on administration and management in 1928/1929, arranged by expenditure estimates of departments and institutions financed from the RSFSR state budget, 1928
Personal questionnaires of participants of the rifle group of the RSFSR NKVD for 1926 and other documents relating to the group's work, 1926, 1928-1929
Questionnaires of members of the Section of Engineering and Technology of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1928-1929
Excerpts from minutes of the Presidium and circular letters from the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia oblast, 1929-1930
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and proposals of the working team for inspection of the RSFSR NKVD administration, 1929-1930
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, Economic Commission, Economic Cell, and Main Directorate of Places of Confinement and other documents, 071929
Excerpts from minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and Commission for Wages and Conflicts of the Main Directorate of Municipal Economy, with attached petitions from employees, 1929-1930
Correspondence with trade unions, factory and plant committees, voluntary societies, and other organizations regarding fundraising to purchase automobiles for Osobaia Krasnoznamennaia Dal'nevostochnaia Krasnaia Armiia (Special Red Banner Red Army on the Far East), drafting of Soviet workers for educational work in villages, and other issues, 1929-1930
Petitions to the Local Trade Union Committee from RSFSR NKVD employees; lists of employees of RSFSR NKVD departments, 1929-1930
Orders for the RSFSR NKVD Administration of Affairs and Directorate of Administration and Management, submitted to the Local Trade Union Committee for information, 1929-1930
Directive letter from the VKP(b) raĭon level committee, raĭon level Soviet, and assistance council (shefskiĭ sovet) of VKP(b) cell to factions of local trade union committees at factories and plants, and headmen and assistance bureaus of Zamoskvorech'e regarding election to Soviets, 1930
Resolutions, excerpts from minutes of the Presidium of the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia oblast; minutes of meetings of RSFSR NKVD employees on economics; and minutes of meetings of shockworkers (udarnik); memorandum regarding RSFSR NKVD personnel in 1930-1931, with attached personnel structure, 1930
Minutes of the Pervomaĭskaia Commission (commission for celebrating the 1st of May holiday) and plan for celebrating the 1 May 1930, 1930
Statements, identification cards, and credentials of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1929-1930
Regulations, minutes of meetings, working plan, and report concerning work of the Economic Commission of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924-1925
Working plans, minutes of meetings, accounts, directive materials, and other documents regarding activities of economic commissions of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and its departments and of economic bureaus of RSFSR NKVD main directorates; list of members of the Economic Commission of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924-1930
Petitions from RSFSR NKVD employees requesting assistance in entering higher educational institutions, 1922
Documents concerning activities of the Commission for Culture and Education of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924-1925, 1930
Minutes of the Society for Aid to Intervention Victims of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924
Minutes of meetings of a group for political education of the RSFSR NKVD, 1924-1925
Minutes of the Presidium of the Board of the Krasnaia ploshchad' club of the Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers in Moskovskaia gubernia; correspondence regarding establishment and classes of study groups, arrangement of lectures, meetings, and other cultural and educational matters, 1924-1926
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Commission for Culture and Everyday Life, 1925
Documents relating to establishment of the DoloĬ negramotnost' (Down with Illiteracy) Society in Krasnopresnenskiĭ raĭon of Moscow, 1925
Minutes of the bureau of the cell of the Doloĭ negramotnost' Society at the RSFSR NKVD and reports regarding cell work in 1927-1929, 1926-1929
Minutes of the Commission for Improvement in Everyday Life of the Krasnyĭ Oktiabr' Orphanage; lists of books, assets, and food delivered to the orphanage by the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, with other materials attached to the minutes, 1923
Correspondence of the Commission for Improvement in Everyday Life of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee with departments and main directorates of the RSFSR NKVD and other institutions regarding improvement in the financial situation and everyday life conditions of RSFSR NKVD employees, aid to homeless children, reemployment of laid off employees, and other issues, 1924
Expenditure estimates for the RSFSR NKVD Orphanage named after Anatoly Lunacharsky and receipts for various items acquired for the orphanage, 1924
Regulations for the Commission on Wages and Conflicts of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee and minutes of the Commission, with related materials; applications of RSFSR NKVD employees requesting raises in the basic wage rate and correspondence of the Commission in this regard; instructional and other materials concerning activities of the Commission on Wages and Conflicts of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1920-1930
Regulations, minutes of meetings, inspection statements, plans, reports, accounts, and other documents regarding activities of the Commission for Labor Safety of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1920-1929
Minutes of the Social Aid Bureau attached to Health Center No. 1 of the Department of Health Care of the Moscow City Council, submitted for information, 1923
Minutes of the Agitation Subcommission for promoting healthy labor and everyday life at Health Center No. 1 and of the commission for referring employees to RSFSR NKVD health resorts, 1924
Report of the RSFSR NKVD Bureau for Promoting Efficiency and an excerpt from the Ofitsial'nyĭ biulleten' TsK profsoiuza sovetskikh i torgovykh sluzhashchikh SSSR regarding establishment of RSFSR NKVD typing offices and results of scientific investigation of labor and health of typists; information regarding personnel of the RSFSR NKVD Main Directorate of General Services, 1927-1928
Minutes of the Women's Commission of the RKP(b) cell of the RSFSR NKVD; working plan for and report of the Commission in regard to its work among women working for the RSFSR NKVD in April-August 1925, 1924-1925
Minutes of the Women's Commission of the RSFSR NKVD regarding assistance to British miners on strike and their families, 1926
Minutes of meetings of the branch of the mutual aid fund of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1922-1923
Documents concerning activities of the mutual aid fund of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1923
Minutes of the Auditing Commission of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee; inspection tests concerning activities, office work, financial conditions, and accounting of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee; accounts, reports, and other documents relating to the Auditing Commission's activities; minutes of the Commission for Wages and Conflicts of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1922-1928
Minutes of the Presidium of the Board of the Cooperative Association of RSFSR NKVD employees, 1923
Regulations for auditing commissions and minutes of 24 November 1925 of the all-city conference of representatives of auditing commissions and treasurers of local trade union committees; informational bulletin, informational-instructional letters and a circular to auditing commissions of the Moscow Department of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers, 1925-1927
Minutes of meetings and conferences of the Delegate's Body of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, with related materials including a report, plans, and statement concerning work of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, minutes of meetings of a group of employees of the RSFSR NKVD Statistics Bureau, Secretariat of the Central Administrative Directorate, and other materials of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1924-1930
Circulars, informational-instructional bulletin, internal rules and regulations, and other materials of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers; proceedings of state labor saving banks, Finansovaia gazeta newspaper, and other materials, 1925
Minutes of general meetings of RSFSR NKVD employees, of the Commission for Culture and Education, of the Local Trade Union Committee plenum, and other documents, 1922-1925
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Cooperative Bureau; lists of and instructions for collecting equity contribution from shareholders of cooperative association, 1930
Correspondence with the Department of the Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers of Moskovskaia gubernia (oblast') regarding payment of membership dues; expenditure and revenue estimates for 1929-1930; financial report of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1929-1930
Working plan for the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee; minutes of the meeting; statements of the Auditing Commission of the Local Trade Union Committee regarding cash acceptance and deposit, 1929-1930
RSFSR NKVD Personnel structure as of 22 August 1929; information regarding promoted workers working in the Soviet crediting and trading-cooperative administration as of 1 June 1930; and instructional letters from the Personnel Division of the USSR Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Workers regarding work with personnel, 1930
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of a faction of the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, 1923-1925
Minutes of the Commission for Cooperation, Housing, and Everyday Life; list of RSFSR NKVD employees who were members of the Kommunar cooperative association, 1925-1927
Correspondence of the Local Trade Union Committee with RSFSR NKVD departments and various institutions regarding household issues, corporate patronage, and vacations, 1926-1928
Index of documents of Fond R-393, RSFSR NKVD, 1918-1931
Opis 91, Selected Records of the VLKSM (All-Union Young Communists League) Cell of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, 1920-1927
Minutes of the Bureau of the RKSM-VLKSM cell of the RSFSR NKVD; Bureau monthly plans for 1925, 1920-1921, 1923-1927
Minutes of the Commission of the RKSM cell of the RSFSR NKVD for work with Kuliabinskaia and Tuchkovskaia RKSM cells (Ruzskiĭ raĭon, Moskovskaia gubernia), with report concerning the Commission's work, 1924
Excerpts from minutes of the Bureau of the VLKSM cell of the RSFSR NKVD; record card (lichnyĭ listok) of I. B. Novikov, 1923-1925
Minutes of general meetings of the RKSM-VLKSM cell of the RSFSR NKVD; working plan for Young Pioneers team No. 77 at the RSFSR NKVD from 8 September through 7 November 1924 (file 23), 1920-1927
Circulars, instructions, and other governing materials issued by raĭon level VLKSM committees; applications of various individuals, 1926-1927
Payment sheets for membership dues of the VLKSM cell at the RSFSR NKVD, 1926
Outgoing correspondence to various organizations regarding cell members; lists, reviews, and other documents, 1927
List of cell members and candidate members; payment sheets, applications, and correspondence regarding cell members, registration of distribution and completion of workloads assigned to members of the VLKSM cell of the RSFSR NKVD; list of cell members as of 1 October 1927, 1927
Minutes of the Editorial Board of the Collegium of the RKSM Cell; of meetings of members of the Commission for Club Work and of the Rifle Committee of RKP(b) and RKSM cells of the RSFSR NKVD, 1923
List of members of the RKSM Cell at the RSFSR NKVD, arranged alphabetically, 1923
Minutes of the Commission for patronizing foreign cells; letter from the RSFSR NKVD RKSM Cell to the Polish Komsomol (Young Communist League); outline of connections between Russian and foreign cells, 1923
Correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD Local Trade Union Committee, Directorate of General Services, and Department of Registration and Assignments regarding release of cash, arrangement of mass meetings (massovki), opening of a Komsomol (Young Communists Union) School for political education, and other issues; reviews of work of Komsomol members, 1926
Fond R-1005, Supreme Tribunal of the All-Russian Executive Committee; RSFSR Supreme Court, 1918-1991 (Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK, 1918-1919; Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK, 1919-1921; Tribunal of Appeal of the VTsIK, 1919-1921; Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK, 1921-1922)
Opis 1, Records of the Military Collegium, 1921-1923
Draft Decree of the RSFSR Sovnarkom; instruction and memorandum of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK to the RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense regarding reorganization and unification of all revolutionary tribunals, 1921
Circulars and orders from the Revolutionary Military Council of the Russian Republic, 1921-1923
Circulars of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK, 1921-1922
Correspondence with the Presidium of the VTsIK regarding commutation and suspension of death penalty, 1921
Correspondence with the Revolutionary-Military Council of the Republic and revolutionary-military tribunals of armies, fronts, and military okrugs regarding sentences, amnesty, tribunal operations, and other issues, including a letter from V. D. Bonch-Bruevich, Administrator of Affairs of the USSR Sovnarkom, to E. M. Sklianskiĭ, Deputy People's Commissar for Military Issues, regarding urgent investigation of an execution by the Military Tribunal of the 40th Division of 34 Evangelical Baptists, with attached correspondence relating to circumstances of the execution (file 6, pp 21-23), 1920, 1922
Telegrams from military tribunals of armies, military okrugs, and fortified areas, with messages concerning death sentences passed upon servicemen charged with counterrevolutionary actions, agitation against Soviet power, robbery, and other offences, 1921-1923
Minutes of Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK and of its Plenum, with related documents, 1923
Minutes of executive meetings of visiting sessions of the Military Collegium of the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1923
Statistical data regarding transfer of investigative files within the Military Collegium of the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1923
Registers listing individuals sentenced to death by the RSFSR Supreme Court in 1922-1923, 1922-1923
Regulations, with related documents, concerning unification of all revolutionary military tribunals of Ukrainskaia SSR in the Supreme Tribunal of the TsIK of Ukrainskaia SSR and regarding the right of the All-Ukrainian TsIK to suspend death sentences rendered by the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of Ukraine, 1921
Documents relating to reorganization and disbanding of revolutionary military tribunals for fronts, armies, military okrugs of railways, and waterway transport, including reports, telegrams, dispatches, lists, and other documents, 1920-1921
Circulars from the Revolutionary Military Tribunal (RVT) of the Republic; personnel structure for the Republican Revolutionary Military Tribunal, 1921-1922
Conclusions and instructions issued by thee Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK in response to inquiries from revolutionary military tribunals, 1921
Reports and inspection statements concerning revolutionary military tribunals for fronts, armies, military okrugs, railways, and waterway transport, including documents relating to their reorganization, 1921-1923
Circulars of the RSRSR Supreme Court, 1922-1923
Personnel structure for the military and military transport collegiums of the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1923
Data relating to activities of visiting sessions of revolutionary military tribunals; inspection statement of revolutionary military tribunals of border detachments of the Western front; data concerning activities of revolutionary military tribunals for fronts, armies, and military okrugs in 1923, 1923
Minutes of the RSFSR Supreme Court, with related documents concerning approval by the People's Commissariat of Justice of Ukrainskaia SSR of operations of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the Ukrainian Military Okrug, 1923
Correspondence with the Presidium of the VTsIK, Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, and other institutions, regarding assignment of A. I. Mikoian, N. V. Krylenko, and D. I. Kurskiĭ to clarify location of the Iugo-Vostochnoe Division of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK, disbanding of divisions of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK in Kalmytskaia, Tatarskaia, and Bashkirskaia ASSR, and rules for subpoenaing servicemen, 1921-1922
Minutes No. 16 of 6 October 1921 of the executive meeting of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK regarding review of penalties in connection with the amnesty in honor of the third anniversary of the October Revolution, with attached materials of supervisory procedure against convicts, 1921
Minutes of court sessions of revolutionary military tribunals for internal troops of the Republic; court decisions; lists of convicts, 1921
Correspondence with chiefs of concentration camps and prisons in guberniias regarding sentences imposed on prisoners in confinement, with attached sentences, complaints, and petitions from convicts, 1921
Rules for army revolutionary military tribunals; lists of revolutionary military tribunals of fronts, armies, and military okrugs, 1921
Minutes of a meeting of instructors of inspectors of the Department for Instruction and Inspection of the Directorate for Judicial Supervision of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal, 1922
Correspondence with the Supreme Tribunal of the All-Ukrainian TsIK regarding its restructuring, 1922
Lists of military and military transport tribunals and of individuals convicted by revolutionary military tribunals in 1922, arranged alphabetically, 1922
Correspondence with the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the Turkestanskiĭ front regarding struggle against Basmachi, 1922
Reports concerning inspection of revolutionary military tribunals for railways, 1922
Opis 1A, Selected Investigatory Files, 1921-1923
Cases relating to secret collaboration of various individuals with Maloyaroslavskoe, Moskovskoe, and Rizhskoe departments of secret political police (okhranka) and with gendarmerie directorates in Vladimirskaia guberniia and Kronshtadt, 1918-1940
Sabotage and bribery case against executive officers of the Main Directorate for Metal Distribution of the VSNKh, 1918-1919, 1921, 1924, 1928
Case of V. A. Kogan, P. I. Kisilev, A. Ryzhkov, and N. Sheviakov re strike at the Tul'skiĭ Gun Manufacturing Plant, 1918
Case of "kulak elements" (wealthy peasants) arson of peasant's houses, 1918
Case of English soldiers captured by the Sixth Army of the North-Eastern Front, 1918
Case of IA. M. Vaikhanskiĭ and A. A. Gol'tsman re sabotage, 1919
Case regarding conflict between Voskresenskiĭ, Military Commissar, and the Executive Committee of the Tambovskiĭ Gunpowder Plant, 1919-1920
Case of Grofler and Kaplank anti-Soviet activities, 1919
Case of Medvedev, Petrov, Khokhriakov, and others, re torture and shooting of prisoners, 1919
Case of Petrov, Solonin, and other detachment commanders of the First Southern Revolutionary Army, re illegal requisition and confiscation of citizens' property (Novokhoperskiĭ uezd of Voronezhskaia guberniia and Borisoglebskiĭ uezd of Tambovskaia guberniia), March 1919
Case of P. A. Koz'min, member of the Collegium of the Main Administration of Flour Grinding and Collegium of the VSNKh Food Department, re discrediting Soviet power (illegal occupation of executive positions in various institutions), 1920
Case of A. M. Tarabykin, V. I. Korolev, Kurakina, and others, regarding connection with counter-revolutionaries and assistance to the son of Count Kurakin in his escape abroad by issuing false documents and plundering evidences, 1920/1921
Cases of D. A. Sundukov, G. A. Nedostroev (also Tsypin), E. N. Zabitskiĭ, P. M. Danilin, M. G. Grigor'ev, M. I. Es'kov, F. A. Khramov, S. A. Tsypina, Titov, Kabatov, I. N. Romanenko, A. O. Tikhonov, A. I. Alison, and P. M. Tarasov (eminent Socialist Revolutionaries-Maximalists), re establishment of counter-revolutionary and fighting squad, 1920-1921
Cases of Lents and Sidorin, re disorganization of transport work and opposition to Soviet authority, 1920-1921
Case of I. A. Maslenitskiĭ and M. A. Chadaev, residents of Okladnevo village in Piatnitskaia volost (Borovichskiĭ uezd), re unfulfilled bread duty, 1920
Case relating to the complaint filed by D. A. Bulatov, VTsIK member, of illegal actions of R. F. Korneichuk, agent of the ChK Railway Transportation Department, who removed him from the train going from Moscow at Yartsevo station for travelling without a ticket, 1921-1922
Case of N. E. Zorin (raĭon representative from Kolkovskaia oblast in Viatskaia guberniia), re erroneous amnesty, 1921-1923
Case of Smirnova (Chair of the Moscow Tribunal), re limitation of tribunal member rights, 1921
Case of I. A. Shevchenko, F. I. Gavrilov, M. A. Rozhkov, and others, re counter-revolutionary disturbances in Saratov (March 1921, 1921-1922
Case of A. M. Riazanskiĭ, member of the Bar Association, re disclosure of secret VTsIK Supreme Tribunal circulars, with attached circulars containing rules for judicial practices, 1922
Case of I. F. Rybolov, re concealment of his officer rank, 1922
Case of F. N. Trankovskiĭ, re participation in monarchist organization, 1922
Case of S. N. Uskov, re participation in White Guard plot, 1922-1923
Case of M. G. Bakhtamov and P. A. Kraiushkin (former members of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal in Donskaia oblast), regarding discrediting the Soviet power by organizing drunken feasts during visiting sessions of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal in Novocherkassk, 1921-1922
Sentences, minutes, and decisions of revolutionary military tribunals in Chuvashskaia Autonomous Oblast, Crimea, Cheliabinsk, Tiumen', Bashkiriia, Simferopol', Sevastopol', and Dagestan, 1922
Record of interrogation of individuals convicted as Right Socialist Revolutionaries in Moscow; verbatim records of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal in the trial of Right Socialist Revolutionaries; petitions of defendants concerning correction of mistakes in the verbatim records, 1918-1922, bulk 1922
Case of P. M. Svetozarov, I. V. Lavrov, and other priests, re mass disturbances of believers against confiscation of church valuables (Shuia, 15 March 1922), 1922
Case of P. I. Pyrikov, A. D. Klotaev, IA. I. Shcheludakov, and others of the Balakovskoe Society of Free Worldview; excerpts from the minutes of the VTsIK Presidium concerning dismissal of the case and release of the accused individuals, 1922
Case of Rogov, chief of Aleksinskoe Politburo, and V. V. Marshanov, staff member of the Politburo, regarding their beating of prisoners in Aleksin (Tul'skaia guberniia), 1922-1923
Cases of I. S. Kondrushkin, P. A. Gusev, and I. I. Kozlov, concerning death sentence to K. F. Karpinskiĭ, Chief of the Operative Directorate of the Headquarter of the Samaro-Zlatoustovskaia Railway internal troops, 1922-1923
Case of Kochetov, Tiapin, and Renskiĭ, relating to unpaid three months' salary to employees of the Zhitovo-Uspenskie mines railway branch, which caused a workers' strike, 1922-1923
Case of L. N. Grozdov, former Deputy Procurator in Rybinskaia guberniia, re discrediting the Soviet power by abuse of office and heavy drinking; Grozdov was sentenced to forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital, 1923
Case of M. M. Munianov, member of the Kalmytskiĭ TsIK, re illegal amnesty to bandits, 1923
Case of M. I. Rutkovskiĭ, chaplain of the Iaroslavskaia Catholic Church, re counter-revolutionary activities (expressed by refusal to give away church valuables). (Volumes 1 and 2 are missing.), 1923
Case of A. A. Kovalev (former chief of Kutomarskaia and Gorno-Zerektuiskaia hard labor prisons) and others, re cruelty to political prisoners and corporal punishment in tsarist Russia, 1923
Case of L. G. Tsypliak, A. I. Maletskiĭ, and other Petrograd Catholic priests, re counterrevolutionary activities (expressed by refusal to abide by the Decree of 22 November 1922 on withdrawal of church valuables), 1922
Case of Sementovskiĭ, V. M. Semashko, B. M. Rykhlinskiĭ, and other former prison staff members, re torture of political prisoners of tsarist Russia, 1923
Case of G. M. Karinov, I. S. Volkov, and others, re unauthorized execution of prisoners, 1923
Case of P. A. Dreigon, re illegal crossing of the Soviet-Polish border, 1925-1926
Case of G. A. Moskvin (member of the VTsIK), re discrediting the Soviet power by heavy drinking and fighting during business trips, 1926-1928
Case of A. S. Boldyrev (Acting Procurator of the Kabardino-Balkariia), re unsubstantiated criticism of Soviet and party institutions in Kabardino-Balakariia and indulgence of religious superstitions, 1927-1928
Minutes - verbatim records of trial of Khudaikulov, D. Babakhanov, Ch. Soltanbekov, and other former court officers in Kirgizskaia ASSR, re anti-Soviet activities, 1927-1931
Case of T. Khudaibergenov and others, re anti-Soviet activities expressed in abuse of office and connection with bais (wealthy people, owners of lands and cattle), 1927-1930
Case of M. Mirkhadyev, Z. Kushetov, and others, re killing collective farm Soviet authorities, 1931
Anti-Soviet activities case of A. Sharafetdinov and IA. T. Mukhametov, re participation in killing a village activist in Isanbetevo village (Bashkirskaia ASSR), 1931
Anti-Soviet activities case of I. Ziazikov, Kh. M. Khamkhoev, I. Orukhanov, and others, re their participation in killing Chernoglaz, Secretary of the VKP(b) Committee in Ingushskaia oblast, 1932
Case of peasants of Sheluchkov village in Viaznikovskiĭ raĭon, re anti-Soviet agitation against collective farms, 1933
Anti-Soviet activities case of A. N. Butov, E. G. Torgunov, A. M. Sergienko, and other residents of stanitsa (settlement) Kardonikskaia in Karachaevskaia autonomous oblast, re undermining the economy of the collective farm and damaging equipment, 1932
Case of C. A. Tsatkhalangov, former chair of the court of Kalmytskaia oblast, and others, re struggle against Soviet power, 1933-1934
Case of S. I. Belov, V. A. Poluianov, D. P. Podlesov, and other employees of the Nordvik Polar Station (Bulunskiĭ raĭon of Yakutskaia ASSR), re sabotage, 1934-1935
Case of T. S. Fedosov, N. V. Lebin, I. N. Fedoseenko, and others, re anti-Soviet activities; case of Branetskiĭ, former Chair of the Court in Zapadno-Sibirskiĭ kraĭ, re mistaken shooting of N. V. Lebin, 1934
Case of S. D. Semenchuk, S. P. Startsev, and A. F. Karbovskiĭ, re criminal actions against the Soviet power in killing Vulfenson, physician at the winter camp on Vrangel Island, 1935-1936
Minutes of RSFSR Supreme Court sessions, with attached sentences, 1935-1936
Case of IU. V. Chumburadze and Zhdanov, re criminal connections with representatives of Czechoslovak companies and bribes received in exchange for secret information of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce, 1935-1936
Case of IA. O. Toot, G. E . Fadeev, O. P. Makarova, and others, re violation of socialist law, 1935
Case of Chekleshev, Samsonov, and others, re establishment of the counter-revolutionary "Union of Struggle for New Russia" and anti-Soviet agitation, 1935
Case of Tagirov, G. G. Gaisarov, Iakshimbatov, and others, re participation in a counterrevolutionary rebel organization (Tsor area), 1935
Case of Kh. I. Zyrianov, re a religious sect not recognizing the Soviet power, 1936-1940
Case of N. M. Sadovskiĭ, re spying (upon arrival from Kharbin to Piatigorsk), 1936
Case of K. Abdurzakov, A. Asimov, and other residents of kishlak (village) Murkut (Pervomaiskiĭ village Soviet of Nakautskiĭ raĭon in Kirgizskaia SSR), re anti-Soviet participation in killing village activists, 1936
Case of I. V. Voĭguev, former court member in Orenburgskaia oblast, re counterrevolutionary agitation in the form of critical remarks during discussion of the draft USSR Constitution, 1937
Case of V. S. Larin, city of Piatigorsk resident, re participation in the underground Trotskyite organization (in Leningrad), 1937
Case of A. A. Fezi-Zhilinskaia (former chief editor of "Vodnyĭ transport" magazine), re connection with Trotskyite underground organizations, 1937
Case of P. E. Ershov, former Chair of the Ural Osoaviakhim (Society Assisting Defense, Aviation Building, and Chemical Industry Construction) Council, and others, re hiring "class enemies and counterrevolutionary elements", 1937
Case of A. F. Vinogradov and others, re establishment of Monarchist party (in Moscovskaia and other oblasts), 1937
Counterrevolutionary activities case of I. N. Bliudnik, I. TS. Koblents, B. E. Davidov, and others, re manufacturing defective goods for export, sale of goods without order, and pollution of the Velikaia river with industry waste, 1937-1938
Case of I. I. Busorgin (former Acting Procurator of Omskaia oblast) and V. I. Nikanorovskiĭ (former Chief of the Investigative Department of the Procurator's Office in Omskaia oblast), re ungrounded initiation of criminal proceedings against employees of Soviet economic agencies, 1938
Case of executive personnel of the Procurator's Office of Omskaia oblast, re political mistakes in management of lower level staff, 1938
Case of S. P. Terent'ev, M. S. Anofrinov, V. S. Andreev, A. G. Ogloblin, and others (employees of the Procurator's Office of Smolenskaia oblast), re violation of the Soviet legal system case in ungrounded arrests of executive officers in a raĭon, 1938-1940
Anti-Soviet activities case of L. A. Sidorenko, Acting Procurator of Kurskaia oblast, re participation in 1934 in a right Trotskyite organization in procurators' institutions of Zapadno-Sibirskiĭ kraĭ, 1939
Counterrrevolutionary activities case of I. L. Semashko, A. I. Strekolovskiĭ, N. V. Gusakov, and others, re participation in the Trotskyite organization in Krasnoarmeiskiĭ raĭon of Krasnoiarskiĭ kraĭ, 1940
Case of A. I. Bochkov, V. K. Berezin, R. M. Lindeman, R. D. Bergman-Venikos, and others (managers of the OGPU Moscow Refinery), re plan for export of precious metal scraps and presenting precious metals from the State Bank as waste, 1936
Case of M. K. Mikhailov-Sokal'skiĭ, courier of the White Army, re arrest and escape, 1918
Register of court cases tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK, Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal, and RSFSR Supreme Court in 1918-1940, 1918-1940
Verbatim records of meetings of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK concerning the Takticheskiĭ tsentr (Tactical Center) counter-revolutionary organization, 1920
Case of K. K. Ernst, V. K. Lomakin, and I. I. Krumen', former employees of the Riga prison, re cruelty toward political prisoners, 1918
Conclusion of the Accusatorial Collegium of the VTsIK Revolutionary Tribunal in espionage case re representatives of the French Military Mission, 1919
Case of Sopronov and others, re desertion and hiding of bread, 1922
Case of I. S. Zakharenko, A. F. Bubianin, P. T. Gabyshev, and others, re shooting staff members of Tsentro-Sibir' and other agencies, 1918-1921
Opis 2, Records of the Appellate Collegium, 1918-1922
Rules for visiting sessions of Revolutionary Tribunal for Food; correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding return of appeals under the jurisdiction of general court, including also: report of the VTsIK's Appeal Tribunal to the Seventh All-Russian Congress of Soviets regarding its activities in 1919-1920 (pp. 283-284); circulars of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice to executive committees, departments of justice, and councils of people's judges in guberniias regarding the activities of people's courts (pp. 50. 51. 167); personal cards with detailed biographical data of personnel of the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK (pp. 492-559); minutes of the Collegium of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding discussion of the N. V. Krylenko report relating to amendments of various departments relating to the draft law on revolutionary tribunals (pp. 52, 53); letter from the Administration of Affairs of the RSFSR Sovnarkom to the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding imprisonment of Oskar Blum who was denied bail by the Supreme Tribunal; and ruling dismissing Blum's appeal, 1918-1920
Regulation for revolutionary military tribunals; judgments of revolutionary military tribunals and tribunals in guberniias, with correspondence concerning revision of appealed sentences; questionnaires of executive personnel of revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, including excerpts from the minutes of the VTsIK Presidium of 18 March 1920 concerning approval of the Regulations for the Revolutionary Tribunals, with the attached Regulations (p. `139); memorandum of N. V. Krylenko to the Defense Council suggesting suspense of considerations re subordination of railway tribunals to revolutionary military tribunal, 1918-1920
Circulars from the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK; identification cards for employees of the Appeal Department of the RSFSR Supreme Court, revolutionary military tribunals in guberniias, and justice departments, 1918-1921
RSFSR People's Court Code, 1918
Correspondence with the People's Commissariats of Justice, of Food Supply, and of Post and Telegraph Offices, regarding establishment of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal in Sarapul'skiĭ uezd, assignment of a staff member of the People's Commissariat of Food Supply to participate in the congress of chiefs of collegiums of revolutionary tribunals, and establishment of informational service at post and telegraph offices, 1919
Documents relating to activities and reorganization of revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, including correspondence with justice departments of executive committees (ispolkom) concerning reorganization of revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, establishment of investigative commissions under the tribunals and responsibilities of their members, data concerning the structure of revolutionary tribunals, and correspondence relating to convicts' appeals, arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by guberniia, 1918-1921, 1923
Appeals and petitions from convicts and their relatives, with related correspondence with the RSFSR NKVD and revolutionary tribunals in guberniias; proposal for improvement of ChK struggle with bandits, including report regarding activities of the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK in January-December 1919, January-October 1920, and January-February 1921 (pp. 22-25, 37-41, 73); decree concerning early release (p. 50); correspondence with the Central Commission for Struggle Against Desertion relating to rules for trying desertion cases (pp. 151-157, 169, 170), letter from the Moscow Political Red Cross to the VTIK regarding access of Red Cross representatives to defense in revolutionary tribunals during trial of political cases (pp. 84, 85), minutes of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the 8th Army regarding attempt of a group of people to overthrow the Soviet power, 1918-1920
Minutes of the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK for January-December 1919, January -October 1920, and January-February 1921, 1919-1921
Minutes of the Interdepartmental Conference under the Central Commission for Struggle against Desertion of 4 January and 11 January 1921, with attachment, 1921
Telegrams from the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK to the Presidium of the VTsIK, RSFSR Sovnarkom, TsK RKP(b), and other institutions regarding commutation, administration, and suspension of death penalties; telephone messages of the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK to various institutions, including excerpts from Protocol No. 8 of the Presidium of VTsIK of 13 January 1920 regarding rules for appeals and complaints of those sentenced to death, 1921
Alphabetical lists and registers of the Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK and the Appeal Department of the Supreme Tribunal, 1918-1923
Opis 3, Records of the Directorate of Court Supervision, 1921-1923
Excerpt from minutes of the VTsIK Presidium, with resolutions suggesting that Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK consult with Ukrainian TsIK to consider establishment of a Plenipotentiary Division under the Ukrainian TsIK reporting to Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK; Code for the Plenipotentiary Division of the Ukrainian TsIK (pp. 30-32); draft resolution of the VTsIK concerning establishment of higher judicial centers for revolutionary tribunals in the Soviet republics submitted to the Supreme Tribunal by the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Nationalities (pp. 19-27), 1921
Correspondence with the Moscow Extraordinary Commission concerning appeals filed by convicts, including a letter from VChK to the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK with request to oblige all subordinate tribunals to submit to the VChK all correspondence and photographs found during searches (p. 60); resolution of the Special Interdepartmental Commission of the VChK on measures to accelerate proceedings and strengthen repression of criminal actions committed by food authorities submitted to Supreme Appeal Tribunal of the VTsIK (pp. 16-19), 1919-1921
Circulars of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK issued in February-November 1921, 1921
Circulars of the RSFSR People's Commissar of Justice; statement concerning inspection of the revolutionary tribunal in Vologodskaia guberniia (pp. 64-67), 1921
Report of the Chief of the Record and Statistics Department of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK to the Chief of the Directorate for Judicial Surveillance regarding introduction of unified report format to be used by revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, August 1921
Credentials and identification cards of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK; correspondence regarding appointments and assignments, including reports of the Chair of the Military Department of the Directorate of Judicial Surveillance of the VTsIK about their activities in July-September 1921 (pp. 11-13), petition of IU. I. Zorokhovich, legal adviser to the Military Tribunal of the VTsIK regarding mandatory inclusion in plenum agenda of a draft agreement with foreign countries on extradition of several categories of criminals (p. 10); resolution concerning Krylenko's report on the structure of the Investigative Department in accordance with a new law and order of procedure in processing case by revolutionary tribunals, 1921
Petition from members of the Chinese Workers' Party regarding assassination of the Chair of the Executive Committee of Chinese Workers in Petrograd; correspondence with the TsK RKP(b) regarding assignment of party members to the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK, 1921-1922
Documents relating to the activities and reorganization of revolutionary tribunals, including reports, accounts, excerpts from minutes, inspection statements, and correspondence relating to review of death sentences, arranged in chronological order, and then alphabetically by guberniia, 1921-1922
Documents relating to the activities of revolutionary tribunals in oblasts, autonomous oblasts, and autonomous republics, including reports, accounts, inspection statements, statistical reports, and correspondence relating to suspending or commuting death sentences, 1921-1923
Enactments of the Unified Supreme Tribunal of Ukrainskaia SSR, with circulars, staff structure, and minutes of the Plenum, 1921-1922
Resolution of the Kirgizskiĭ TsIK regarding amnesty in honor of the 4th anniversary of the October Revolution; resolution of the RSFSR Sovnarkom regarding strengthening its institutions for struggle against counterrevolution, 1921-1922
Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic and the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK of 12 November 1921, regarding restructuring of the Revolutionary Tribunal under the Commander of Troops in Tambovskaia guberniia into the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Separate Corps of the Orlovskiĭ Military Okrug, awarding it all the rights of the army level revolutionary military tribunal and staff structure of revolutionary tribunals of a corps; telegram from Ul'rikh, Chair of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK concerning immediate implementation of the order (pp. 129-130); draft memorandum from F. E. Dzerzhinskiĭ, Chair of the VChK, to the TsK RKP(b) regarding release of VChK agencies from judicial duties, additional measures for abolishing departmental revolutionary tribunals, limits on death penalty for political crime, and strengthening repression of abuse of office; minutes of the Commission, chaired by F. E. Dzerzhinskiĭ, discussing changes in confinement and penal policy of the VChK and other judicial institutions and establishment of local commissions for review of convictions of proletarians and peasants (pp. 125-127); letter from L. D. Trotsky, Chair of the Revolutionary Military Council (Revvoensovet) of the Republic, to the Chair of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK and to the RSFSR People's Commissar of Justice regarding measures applied against Red Army soldiers for sale of uniforms, negligence in maintenance of weapons, and cowardice; draft VTsIK resolution "On Punishment for Unfulfilled Obligations of Red Army Soldier and for Offences Against Safety of Military Property" (pp. 131-133); correspondence with the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of Turkestan regarding report relating to its activities, with attachment (pp. 8-25); correspondence with the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of Black Sea West Coast regarding arrest of I. G. Martynovskiĭ by ChK in Odesskaia guberniia, with attached investigative documents, 1919-1921
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK held in September-December 1922, with related materials, 1922
Circulars of the Supreme Tribunal of the VTsIK issued in January-October 1922, 1922
Provisional instruction concerning work of the Plenum of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal, including reports and accounts relating to the activities of a department of the Directorate of Judicial Supervision of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal for the year 1922 and mandates of the personnel of the Directorate of Judicial Supervision within the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1922-1923
Reports and accounts relating to activities of the Procurator of the Directorate of Judicial Supervision of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal and procurators of revolutionary tribunals in guberniias issued in August-December 1922; correspondence with the Procurator's Office of the Republic and the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding appointment of procurators to revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, 1922
Correspondence with the TsK RKP(b) regarding location of the Iugo-Vostochnoe division of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal and discretion during arrests of food officers while collecting agricultural tax in kind, 1921
Correspondence with the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice regarding restructuring of the militia, changes in several articles of the criminal code, reorganization of judicial institutions, and other issues, January 1922 - January 1923
Resolutions, minutes, and reports of the United Supreme Tribunal of the Turkestan Republic, 1921-1923
Desk registers of the Directorate of Judicial Supervision and the Investigative Department of the VTsIK Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal; 1920 alphabetical book attached to the desk register of the Investigative Department, 1919-1922
Correspondence of the Directorate of Judicial Supervision of the VTsIK Supreme Court concerning citizens' petitions, 1921
Opis 4, Records of the Department of Finance and General Service, 1921-1923
Resolution of the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars on the establishment of a monetary fund to cover salary payments and on the rules to draw up and examine budgets and ledgers of state expenditures and revenues in 1921-1923, 1921-1923
Personnel structure for the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal, 1921
Circulars of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, 1921-1922
Instructions for drawing up and examining draft budget for the years 1922-1923, with attached estimated expenditure sheets and explanatory memoranda; salary request lists for payment to be made to the personnel of the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1922-1923
Main ledgers of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal and the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1922, 1924
List of members of the Collegium of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal; reports of the Financial Department of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal concerning finance appropriation for increase in wages of Tribunal personnel, 1922
Statements concerning audit of the Department of Finance and Special Services of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal by the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, with related correspondence, 1922
Personnel structure for revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, oblasts, and okrugs, 1922
Expenditure estimates for revolutionary tribunals in guberniias and autonomous oblasts, with attached explanatory memoranda and correspondence relating to appropriation of funds to maintain revolutionary tribunals, arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by guberniia and autonomous oblast, 1922
Correspondence with the Department of the VTsIK Supreme Tribunal of Gorskaia Republic regarding emergency loans, 1922
October-December 1922 expenditure estimate for the United Revolutionary Tribunal of Dagestanskaia ASSR, 1922
Lists of personnel and personnel structure for the RSFSR Supreme Court; circulars issued by the Budget Directorate of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance; regulations for establishment of the Department of Mutual Calculations under the USSR State Bank, 1922-1923
Minutes of the Estimate Section of the Budget Commission of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance of 30 March 1923; estimate sheets for spending on Sibirskoe, Dal'nevostochnoe, Vladikavkazskoe, and Turkestanskoe departments of the RSFSR Supreme Court; inspection statement regarding salary payment to personnel of the RSFSR Supreme Court, 1923
Instructions for personnel of the General Service Department of the RSFSR Supreme Court; report of the Chief of the Department regarding its operations in March-February 1923, 1923
Balance sheet of the Financial Department of the RSFSR Supreme Court as of 1 October 1923; turnover sheets for February and September 1923, 1923
Opis 7, Selected Appeals, Filed by Convicts, 1918-1923
Appeals filed by prisoners convicted by revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of espionage, treason, service in security forces and gendarmerie, participation in White Army organizations, and counterrevolutionary uprisings, as well as of arrests and shooting of Soviet state workers and turning them in to the White Army, and of anti-Soviet propaganda, 1918-1923
Appeals claims filed by prisoners convicted by revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of abuse of office, 1918-1923
Appeals filed by prisoners convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of various criminal offences, 1918-1923
Appeals filed by prisoners convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of banditry, 1919-1923
Appeals filed by prisoners convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of desertion, 1919-1923
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of forgery of documents, 1920
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of failure to fulfill tax in kind, 1920-1923
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of concealing church valuables and agitation against their confiscation, 1922
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of making and passing counterfeit currency, 1922
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of crossing the border illegally and buying gold and silver to be taken abroad, 1922
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of robbing public grain collecting stations (ssypnoĭ punkt), 1922
Appeals filed by those convicted by the revolutionary tribunals in guberniias of violating the Labor Code, 1923
Opis 8, Investigatory Materials of the Revolutionary Military Council of the VTsIK, 1917-1920
Materials of the Extraordinary Investigative Commission and Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK regarding the R. V. Malinovskiĭ case, including the following documents: records of interrogation of S. P. Beletskiĭ, former Director of the Police Department, records of interrogation of V. I. Lenin, N. K. Krupskaia, IA. M. Sverdlov, V. N. Pogodin, A. G. Badaev, V. F. Pletnev, and other witnesses; judgment and decision of the accusatorial collegium in the case of R. V. Malinovskiĭ; sentence of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the VTsIK and statements concerning enforcement of the sentence, 1917-1919
Case of B. M. Dumenko, Commander of the Second Composite Cavalry Corps, and his fellows M. N. Abramov, I. F. Blekhert, M. G. Kolpakov, S. A. Kravchenko, and others, re crime in public office, with attached documents found on V. N. Mikeladze, slain military commissar of the Cavalry Corps, 1918-1920
Documents collected in 1967 by T. S. Katrechko, Associate Professor, relating to the case of B. M. Dumenko, Commander of the Second Composite Cavalry Corps, shot on 7 May 1920, with excerpts from the 1920 investigative file and copies of letters from participants in the Civil War protesting ungrounded 1964 rehabilitation of B.M. Dumenko and pointing to mistakes of historians presenting the events in the news, 1964-1967
Opis 67, Copies of the Minutes of Executive Sessions of the Court and Sentences Rendered by the Revolutionary Tribunals in Guberniias, 1918-1922
Copies of sentences, rulings, minutes of regulatory meetings of revolutionary tribunals in guberniias, autonomous oblasts, and divisions of the Supreme Tribunals of the VTsIK, arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by guberniia, autonomous oblast, and republic, 1918-1922
Rulings of the Appeal Commission for Criminal Cases of the RSFSR Supreme Court relating to judgments of courts in oblasts and guberniias arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by oblast and by guberniia, 1923
Rulings of the Appeal Collegium for Criminal Cases of the RSFSR Supreme Court relating to judgments of Transport Military Tribunals in railway okrugs, 1923
Rulings of the Appeal Collegium for Criminal Cases of the RSFSR Supreme Court relating to judgments of military revolutionary tribunals of army military units, 1923
Sentences, rulings, and minutes of regulatory meetings of military revolutionary tribunals of military okrugs and rifle corps, 1923-1926
Fond R-4042, Main Directorate of Places of Confinement of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, 1922-1930
Opis 1, Records of the Secretariat, 1922-1929
Resolutions, draft resolutions, excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK Presidium, RSFSR TsIK, STO (Council of Labor and Defense), RSFSR Council of People's Commissars, and RSFSR Economic Conference relating to the following issues: rules for compiling and distributing 1922 balance sheets, regulations for labor cells of NKVD personnel, self-governing of labor houses by their inmate pupils; instructions, rules, and minutes of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, one day census of white collar workers in Moscow; and amnesty of prisoners (1927); internal rules for the RSFSR NKVD; reports of the GUMZ and VTsIK concerning participation of inmates in agricultural work in 1926; "convoy free" work of prisoners (1926); report concerning the Higher Arbitration Commission attached to the RSFSR Economic Conference, 1922-1925, 1927-1929
Regulations for the GUMZ, for the Commission for Prisoners kept in camps attached to guberniia level subdepartments of forced labor, for the RSFSR NKVD reserve of executive officers attached to its central apparatus, All-Russian and local committees for aid to prisoners held in or released from camps; orders and bulletins of the RSFSR NKVD issued in 1922; circulars of the RSFSR NKVD; instructions of the GUMZ, and resolution of the Second All-Russian Congress of Administrative Personnel, 1922, 1925-1927
Circulars of the VTsIK, NKVD, GUMZ, Central Department of Correctional Labor, and the RSFSR Interdepartmental Metric Commission; "Instruction and Statute for the State Stamp Duty" brochure approved by the RSFSR VTsIK and Sovnarkom on 16 February 1922; instructions of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs for the GUMZ Chief and correspondence with the Executive Committee in Gomel' regarding incorrect information about its activities submitted to the Administrative Department (1926-1927); GUMZ evaluation of NKVD memoranda, report of the Chief of the General Service Division of the Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Viatka (city) regarding its activities; plans for inspection to be conducted by NKVD and GUMZ instructors, report of the Consultant of the NKVD Main Directorate of Municipal Services regarding submission of draft Regulations for the NKVD Planning Commission, with attached draft (1928), 1922-1928
Orders of the RSFSR NKVD, GUMZ, and the Main Directorate of Forced Labor; orders of the Troop Commander and the Commander of the USSR Staff of Convoy Troops regarding service and training of troops in 1926-1927, 1922, 1926-1927
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium, excerpts from minutes of the USSR VTsIK and Sovnarkom, minutes of meetings of GUMZ executive personnel and of the interdepartmental conference of the GUMZ regarding homelessness and juvenile delinquency, and of the GUMZ Commission for Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the October Revolution; minutes of the commission for implementation of a saving drive within the RSFSR NKVD, and of the Economic Commission under the RSFSR NKVD Trade Union Committee; orders and circulars of the NKVD and GUMZ (1924); lists of GUMZ employees; summary of report presented by GUMZ employees in regard to the Correctional Labor Code (1924), 1923-1928
Draft Correctional Labor Code, with related materials, 1923-1924
Program, instruction, report summaries, and other materials concerning the Second All-Russian Congress of Personnel of the Penitentiary System, 1924
1925-1928 GUMZ working plans, quarterly plans for GUMZ departments, and reports regarding fulfillment of the plans; minutes of a conference of RSFSR NKVD employees regarding NKVD quarterly plans (1927), 1925-1928
Reports concerning GUMZ activities in 1923-1924, with related materials, 1925
Materials, including orders, instructions, diagrams, etc., concerning convocation of the Third All-Russian Congress of personnel of the correctional labor system, improvement of RSFSR NKVD office work; and order of the NKVD, minutes of GUMZ meetings, reports, etc. regarding changes in the structure of local NKVD and GUMZ institutions in accordance with the NKVD order, 1925-1927
Comments of foreign delegations in regard to their visits to places of confinement in the USSR; articles from foreign newspapers relating to the International Prison Congress; clippings from the foreign press and Soviet central and local newspapers regarding places of confinement, 1925-1927
Verbatim records of the concluding meeting of the Second Congress of Administrative Personnel, conference of directors of training and educational departments of places of confinement, and of meetings of GUMZ chiefs in the union and autonomous republics in January 1926, 1926
RSFSR NKVD budget for 1926-1928, 1926-1928
Agreement, with attachments, between the TsK of the All-Russian Trade Union of Employees of Soviet, Public, and Trade Institutions with the GUMZ regarding the right of GUMZ employees to become members of the trade union, 1926-1927
Resolutions regarding report at the First All-Russian Conference on Health Care in Places of Confinement; regarding conference of people's commissars of internal affairs of autonomous republics convened in regard to a report of the GUMZ Chief on punitive policy and relations of the GUMZ with corresponding institutions in the autonomous republics; instruction for managing internal order in places of confinement; summary of reports by GUMZ employees regarding assignment and overseer commissions, 1927 and undated
Code for service in places of confinement, 1928
Correspondence with the editorial board of the Rabochaia gazeta, Hearing Bureau under the USSR and RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, and with the Central Health Resort Bureau of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Health Care regarding investigation of rude behavior of staff members of the exhibition of places of confinement at the Polytechnic Museum toward Rabochaia gazeta editorial board members; and regarding delivery of pictures of confinement houses to the People's Commissariat of Health Care; excerpts from the comment book for exhibit visitors; data regarding delegates to the First All-Union Convention of Penitentiary System Personnel, 1925
Lists of prisoners kept in places of confinement in guberniias, 1928
Opis 1A, Records of the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor, 1920-1922
Resolutions of the VTsIK, excerpts from Mossovet (Moscow City Council) resolutions; rules regarding release of prisoners for work outside prison; report of the commandant of the Vladykinskiĭ Forced Labor Camp regarding camp condition (1920); correspondence with the Department of Forced Labor of the RSFSR NKVD, Managerial Department of the Mossovet (Moscow City Council), and camp superintendents regarding inspection of places of confinement, exemption of camp personnel from mobilization, and other personnel issues (1920), 1920
Regulations for the Division of Inspection and Instructions and General Service Department of the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor, and for auxiliary enterprises of the Central Directorate for Evacuation of the Population; personnel structure and lists of the Directorate personnel; resolution of the STO (Council of Labor and Defense) regarding conscription of miners to the Red Army (1921); reports from camp superintendents regarding their activities; correspondence with the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor regarding prisoners' petitions, 1920-1922
Orders and draft orders of the Main Directorate and Moscow directorates of forced labor, Directorate for Registration and Control of Forced Labor, Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, and Commissariat for Military Matters in Moskovskiĭ okrug regarding military issues, implementation of amnesty, and personnel issues; excerpts from minutes of the VChK Commission for Implementation of Amnesty; correspondence with the Zvenigorodskiĭ Forced Labor Camp regarding its liquidation; monthly personnel payment sheets of the Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp (1920-1921); correspondence with superintendents of labor squads regarding admittance of prisoners of war (1921), 1920-1921
Circulars from the People's Commissar of Justice, Main Directorate of Forced Labor of the USSR NKVD and the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor regarding construction and repair work and personnel issues; excerpts from resolutions of the Collegium of the VChK Special Department regarding amnesty in 1920-1921; resolution of a department of the Revolutionary Tribunal in Kievskiĭ military okrug under the 41st Separate Regular Infantry Division concerning charges brought against military men and civilians, 1920-1921
Instructions concerning work of the Bureau of Forced Labor without Confinement; data relating to Bureau activities, transfer of convicts, and militia on guard in camps; lists of individuals who had not shown up for registration (1920-1921); excerpts from the Code of Garrison Duty; data about and lists of guards and surveillance service personnel of Moscow places of confinement and of the First Labor Battalion consisting of Polish prisoners of war (1921), 1920-1921
Reports, accounts, and memoranda of the Moscow Directorate of Camps, Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor and their subdepartments; of inspectors regarding activities of the directorates, their structure, inspection of places of confinement, and cultural and educational work there; lists of personnel of the Rozhdestvenskiĭ Camp (1920); reports of the auditor from the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor regarding inspection of prisoners' work at the Kashirskaia State Electric Plant, People's Commissariat of Railways, construction of the Bol'shoĭ Theater, and other projects (1920); report of the commandant of the Novo-Peskovskiĭ Forced Labor Camp regarding shortcomings in the work of the Brest hospital, and a list of officers being treated in various hospitals, 1920-1921
Data, memoranda, and informational statements from uezd level departments of the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor regarding inspection of monasteries and premises to use as camps; lists of inmates and prisoners of war in Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp, 1920
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of the Commission for POW Affairs; reports, memoranda, and accounts relating to POW affairs, defectors, escapes of POWs, and situation with labor squads and personnel; inspection statements concerning labor squads (1920-1921); minutes of the Commission for Revision of Prisoner Cases under the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor (1921); minutes of joint meetings of the Communist cell and employees of the Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp for Polish POWs; reports from the Head of the Polish Department and from the instructor for political issues of the Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp (1920), 1920-1921
Lists of prisoners and POWs arrested by the All-Russian and Moscow ChK, POWs in labor squads, inmates and POWs kept in the Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp; lists, data, and affidavits relating to registration of Polish POWs; lists of POWs kept in Vladykinskiĭ Camp, of Polish POWs treated in the prison hospital in Brest; correspondence with the Zvenigorodskiĭ Camp regarding admittance of pupils from children reception center and POWs; register of prisoners kept in concentration camps of the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor, 1920-1921
Statements, with related material, regarding transfer of the authority over camps of the Moscow Directorate of Forced Labor to commandants of camps, 1920
Materials, including minutes, reports, registration cards, correspondence, etc., regarding investigation of escape of prisoners from forced labor camps, 1920-1921
File concerning transfer of POWs from Zvenigorodskiĭ Forced Labor Camp under the authority of the Commander of the Third Labor Squad, 1920
Report, estimated expenditure sheet, list of personnel, and other materials relating to cultural and educational work in the Pokrovskiĭ Forced Labor Camp, 1921
Opis 2, Records of the Administrative and Penitentiary Department, 1922-1929
Resolutions, excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK, Sovnarkom, STO (Council of Labor and Defense), and the RSFSR Sovnarkom; rules, instructions, reports from the NKVD and Main Directorate of Places of Confinement to Sovnarkom, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, and Central Committee of Trade Union of Soviet Workers regarding organizational issues, billing, struggle against typhus, supplies for personnel of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor, improvement in economic conditions for local personnel of places of confinement and their wages, delay in conscription to and detachment soldiers from the Red Army; minutes No. 1 and 2 of the Central Commission for Minors, with material relating to juvenile delinquency (1925-1928); minutes of meetings of GUMZ executive personnel regarding forced labor; instructions for forced labor bureaus in okrugs and raions, with related materials (1926-1927); draft resolutions of the USSR VTsIK and Sovnarkom regarding amendments to the RSFSR Labor Code and regarding assignment commissions (1926); minute No. 3 of the Plenum of the Child Commission under VTsIK of 26 August 1926 regarding revision of local commissions; materials relating to activities of the VTsIK Commission concerning improvement in children's life and struggle against juvenile delinquency (1926); minutes of the Interdepartmental Commission regarding draft resolution of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Health on medical institutions in the republic (1927); VTsIK resolution, GUMZ circular, and correspondence regarding release of peasant prisoners for agricultural work (1927), 1921-1928
Orders of the RSFSR NKVD, RSFSR GUMZ of the NKVD, with attachments, and GUMZ orders regarding places of confinement in Moscow (1924); orders issued by the GUMZ of Bashkirskaia ASSR and correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Justice of Bashkirskaia SSR regarding establishment in Bashkiriia of an office of the Procurator General of the Republic (1922); GUMZ orders, memoranda, judgements, and correspondence with places of confinement and inspectorates in guberniias and with the military procurator of the 10th Infantry Corps of the Moscow Military Okrug regarding charges of misconduct in office against officials in places of confinement (1927-1928); order of the Chief of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee and Militia of Mariĭskaia Autonomous Oblast regarding inspection of the Kozmodem'ianskiĭ Correctional Labor House (1925); order-report of the Chief of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee and Militia of Voronezhskaia guberniia regarding inspection of places of confinement (1927); order of the Chief of the Administrative Department of the Executive Committee and Militia of Pskovskaia guberniia regarding inspection of places of confinement (1927); orders of the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement of Bashkirskaia, Buriat-Mongol'skaia, and Kirgizskaia ASSR regarding personnel issues (1927); order of the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement of Nizhegorodskaia guberniia regarding revision of the Arzamasskiĭ Correctional Labor House (1928); charges of habitual negligence in office against Auke, Chief of the Arzamasskiĭ Correctional Labor House (1927-1928); data concerning escapes from prison (1928), 1922, 1924-1925, 1927-1929
Circulars and instructions of the RSFSR NKVD, Administration of Affairs of the RSFSR NKVD, Main Directorate of Places of Confinement (GUMZ) of the RSFSR NKVD, Administrative Penitentiary Department of the GUMZ, and the Central Assignment Commission, with data and report sheets concerning fulfillment of plans and governmental directives, with minutes of meetings of GUMZ executive officers (1924-1925); reports regarding activities of the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement of Krymskaia ASSR (1924); reports from heads of correctional labor houses, inquiry protocols, and correspondence with inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias and krais (1928); circulars of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, Assignment Commission of Sibirskiĭ kraĭ, and report of the Viatskiĭ Labor House for Juvenile Offenders for January-March 1928, 1921-1928
Resolution of the RSFSR NKVD, regulations, and report of the NKVD regarding GUMZ activities submitted to the 10th Congress of Soviets, and other documents regarding concentrated location of places of confinement under the RSFSR NKVD, 1922
Correspondence of the GUMZ with the USSR NKVD, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice, VTsSPS (All-Union Central Trade Union) and local trade unions, and with the Russian-Ukrainian delegation within the Russian-Ukrainian-Polish joint commission for repatriation regarding search for Polish POWs; with inspectorates and directorates of places of confinement in guberniias and oblasts, with people's commissariats of labor and directorates of places of confinement, with the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, and with the Children's Commission under the RSFSR people's commissariats of labor, health, and finance; with the headquarters of the USSR convoy troops, administrative departments of executive committees, revolutionary committees, RSFSR Council of People's Commissars, and the Procurator's Office of Moskovskaia guberniia, regarding personnel salary, sanitary conditions in the places of confinement, prisoner suicides, escapes, and other incidents; re financing of places of confinement, release of prisoners for agricultural work, conditions in places of confinement; rules for revising cases of Red Army soldiers confined to penal battalions; draft code of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners and those released from places of confinement (1924); regarding security of camps, prisoner complaints, renaming of several places of confinement, imposition of penalty on prisoners evading labor, rules for early release of prisoners; implementation of the Correctional Labor Code, personnel of correctional labor, payment for prisoners' labor; activities of assignment commissions in okrugs; conditions for minors, complaints from personnel of places of confinement, Leningrad Committee for Aid to Released Prisoners, rules for registering days worked by prisoners upon their release, killing of prisoners, implementation of the Resolution of the VTsIK Presidium on Amnesty, closing of several places of confinement, hunger strikes of prisoners, change of prisoner personal cards, restoration of voting rights to employees of the places of confinement who formerly worked pre-revolutionary prisons, and retraining of personnel for places of confinement, 1921-1929
Reports regarding activities of directorates of places of confinement in guberniias and oblasts, inspectorate of places of confinement, with results of the inspections, and transfer of prisoners to Lenskie mines (1922); report of the Central Administrative Directorate of the RSFSR NKVD regarding the structure of administrative institutions in oblasts (krais ) and guberniias divided into raions (1926); report of the Chief of the General Directorate of the NKVD RSFSR regarding work of the qualifying commission for accepting individuals to NKVD service (1926); reports from the commander and the head of medical and sanitary department of the Brest Hospital regarding condition of the Novinskaia hospital (1922); report of the Chief of the General Department of the RSFSR NKVD regarding work of the qualifying commission for acceptance to RSFSR NKVD service (1926); report from the GUMZ to the RSFSR NKVD regarding establishment of an eight-hour working day for office workers in the places of confinement (1927), 1922-1928
Materials, including resolutions, regulations, reports, statements, minutes, evaluations, and correspondence, relating to inspection of places of confinement, development of a correctional labor code, transfer of houses for rent in Moscow under the authority of the GUMZ (1924), introduction of the Statute for Service in the Places of Confinement (1925), struggle against homelessness of children (1926-1927), inspection of places of confinement, transfer of budget of places of confinement in RSFSR guberniias from state to local budget, construction and repair works in the Lefortovskaia prison in Moscow (1923-1924), establishment of the Severo-Kavkazskiĭ Correctional Labor House for Juvenile Offenders in the building of a former seminary in Novocherkassk (1926); materials of the First All-Russian Conference of Workers of the Penitentiary System (1928); materials of the RSFSR Congress of Administrative Personnel (1928); materials relating to celebration of the May 1 holiday in places of confinement (1925); materials concerning medical and sanitary conditions in places of confinement, 1922-1928
Statements concerning inspection of places of confinement, 1922, 1924-1929
Registration cards for agricultural farms attached to places of confinement in guberniias, 1922
Regulations for administrative departments of executive committees in guberniias and oblasts, for reorganization of places of confinement in guberniias, for GUMZ bureaus of forced labor, for the RSFSR NKVD, for the commission verifying qualifications of people applying for positions in places of confinement in Moscow, for responsibilities of overseers, implementation of the instruction and code for service at places of confinement, for the USSR GUMZ Inspectorate, for a census of inmates, administrative-penitentiary department, confinement houses in Kostromskaia guberniia (1927), and medical and sanitary service in the places of confinement; draft regulations for the All-Russian and local committees for aid to prisoners; draft regulations for administrative departments of executive committees in krais and oblasts (1928); data regarding convicts sentenced to forced labor (1923); personnel structure for correctional labor houses in guberniias (1927), 1923-1028
Minutes of meetings of the RSFSR NKVD for 1924 and 1926-1927; of the GUMZ interdepartmental personnel commission and the People's Commissariat of Labor for 1922-1923, and the GUMZ Central Personnel Commission for 1923; three member commission for setting up a congress of representatives of guberniia- and oblast-level inspectorates (1923); investigation transcripts, with conclusions, and other materials concerning escapes from places of confinement in Moskovskaia guberniia; minutes of meetings of GUMZ executive officers (1925), of a constituent conference of the Kaluzhskiĭ and Eniseiskiĭ committees for aid to released prisoners (1925), legal subdepartment of the Central Department of Culture of the RSFSR State Planning Commission (1926), Assignment Commission of Tverskaia guberniia (1925-1926), and of the inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias (1926, 1928); minutes of the VTsIK (Twelfth Convocation) regarding amnesty (1927), Commission of VTsIK for improvement in the life of children (1927-1928), Central Commission for improvement in children's life (1927-1928), of the Central Commission for Affairs of Minors; of the interdepartmental conferences for inspection of low level justice and investigatory personnel, of conferences of the RSFSR Sovnarkom and the Central Committee of Trade Unions of Soviet and Trade Workers regarding improvement in material conditions of personnel of places of confinement (1928); of conferences of heads of educational and training departments of places of confinement in Moscow (1928); lists of delegates to the First All-Russian Congress of Personnel of the Penitentiary System (1923), 1922-1928
GUMZ appeal; draft resolution and excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom; conclusions made by the peoples' commissariats of justice and of labor from the draft Sovnarkom resolution regarding implementation of the Labor Code among GUMZ personnel; petitions submitted by the Executive Committee of Sibirskiĭ kraĭ, by the VTsIK of Kalmytskaia ASSR, and other institutions to the USSR Sovnarkom regarding establishment of executive commissions under the NKVD in republics, 1923-1924, 1927
Data relating to escapes from places of confinement, personnel structure of places of confinement in guberniias, workshops of places of confinement in Moscow, and release of prisoners for agricultural work; statistical data regarding work of the Administrative-Penitentiary Department in 1926-1928, 1923-1924, 1926-1928
Sample prisoner's registration card developed by the GUMZ in 1924, 1924
List of the GUMZ places of confinement in the RSFSR in 1924, 1924
Surveys regarding condition of correctional labor system in guberniias and regarding release of prisoners for agricultural work in guberniias in 1927, 1925, 1927
Working plans of the GUMZ for 1927-1928, of the Administrative-Penitentiary Department for 1926-1927, and of inspectorates of places of confinement in Orenburgskaia, Pskovskaia, and Saratovskaia guberniia for 1926-1927; 1924 production plans of the Orshan' Farm attached to the Lipetskiĭ Correctional Labor House and the Iurtsevo agricultural farm attached to the Lipetskiĭ Correctional Labor Camp; registration cards of state farms in Vitebskaia guberniia of the Belorusskaia SSR, 1924, 1926-1928
Evaluation by the NKVD RSFSR and GUMZ of the draft resolutions circulars, and instructions issued by the Sovnarkom, RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army), and people's commissariats, 1922
Draft regulations for registration of personnel of administrative departments in guberniias and their subdivisions in uezds; internal rules for places of confinement and correspondence relating to their implementation, 1925-1926
Instructions for evaluating administrative personnel in places of confinement; instruction for the Bureau of Forced Labor and its subdivisions regarding forced labor without imprisonment; instruction concerning rules for enforcing judgments of banishment and exile, 1926-1927
"Correctional Labor Code" brochure (in the Ukrainian language, 1926), 1926
Memorandum from the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ Krai to the GUMZ regarding establishment of a department for training personnel of places of confinement within the 3rd School for the Militia Commanding Personnel, 1926
Clippings from local newspapers relating to conditions of places of confinement and to local events, 1926, 1928
Excerpts from visitor registers of places of confinement in Moscow, 1927
Case relating to cancellation by the VTsIK of a resolution of the Orenburgskiĭ Executive Committee on exemption of buildings and agricultural lands of a former convent from the authority of the Iletskiĭ Isolation Ward, 1927-1928
Letters and petitions from employees and prisoners in places of confinement in guberniias regarding disorder in the work of those institutions, and requests to publish their letters, with related correspondence, 1927
Sentences, investigation statements, and dispatches from places of confinement in guberniias regarding homicides and suicides committed by employees of places of confinement; judgments of executive committees, with guberniia-level procurator's appeals against them, 1927
RSFSR NKVD estimated expenditure sheet, with attachment for 1927-1928, 1928
List of positions for institutions with irregular working hours, 1928
Appeals from prisoners and their family members regarding review of their cases and release from custody, 1928-1920
Sentences, memoranda, petitions from prisoners, and other materials relating to assignment of prisoners to places of confinement, 1928
Charts and diagrams concerning conditions in the Samarskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Cell in 1926-1927, 1928
Outline of the report to, and a draft resolution of the Third Congress of Administrative Personnel of Severo-Kavkazskiĭ Kraĭ regarding correctional labor system in the kraĭ, 1928
Reports from chiefs of correctional labor houses in guberniias, judgments, decisions, and correspondence with the houses regarding criminal proceedings against officials for abuse of office, 1928
Joint agreements of the personnel of places of confinement in guberniias with the TsK of the Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Personnel regarding employment, layoffs and wages of personnel of places of confinement, 1928
Petitions from prisoners and correspondence with correctional labor houses for juvenile offenders regarding bail by their families, 1928
Records of the Subdepartment of Statistics, 1920-1924
Registers and data regarding the number and structure of inmates in RSFSR places of confinement, 1920-1924
Data relating to prisoners' cases tried by assignment commissions, 1922
Statistical data regarding assignment commissions of places of confinement in guberniias, 1923
Opis 3, Records of the Department of Labor 1922-1929
Resolutions, orders, circulars, excerpts from minutes of the VTsIK, RSFSR Sovnarkom, RSFSR NKVD, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance, and Economic Council of the RSFSR, and correspondence regarding prisoners' labor, punitive policy and living conditions in places of confinement, service for governmental enterprises and institutions, state income and property tax, tax exemption for lease of agricultural land by places of confinement, appropriations for establishment and development of agricultural colonies, deduction from prisoners' compensation for state revenue, amendments to the Correctional Labor Code and its implementation, training and production shops, agricultural enterprises, labor houses for children from orphanages and homeless children, approval of plans for various branches of people's economy and culture in the RSFSR in 1927-1928 and maintenance of personnel in places of confinement; model statutes for industrial and agricultural enterprises attached to correctional labor institutions; personnel structure and lists of personnel of the GUMZ and Central Directorate for Population Evacuation (Tsentroevak) (1922-1923), 1922-1923, 1925-1928
GUMZ internal orders, memoranda, and correspondence; instructions for recording deductions from wages of those serving forced labor terms; decisions of inspectors reviewing Kolomenskoe division of the Moscow Bureau of Forced Labor; circulars and rules for the GUMZ Labor Department in regard to compiling and reviewing summary accounts of the general division of places of confinement (1925-1926); minutes of the Leasing Directorate of the Moscow Council of People's Economy regarding use of surplus stock equipment (1927); circular issued by the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate regarding measures for implementing savings (1926); orders, circulars, and directives issued by the NKVD of Ukrainskaia SSR (1926-1927), 1922-1928
Informational and statistical data regarding activities of the GUMZ Labor Department; conditions in places of confinement and agricultural colonies; estimated expenditures; operation of printing facilities of Moskovskiĭ, Ivanovskiĭ, and Taganskiĭ correctional labor houses in 1923-1924; work done by prisoners of guberniia level places of confinement in 1922-1928; deductions made from penitentiary funds in 1925, accounting in places of confinement, brick production by Lianozovo-Kriukovskaia Labor Factory-Colony in 1926, establishment and work of production shops in places of confinement in guberniias, harvest gathered by agricultural colonies in 1926, spending of special funds by places of confinement in guberniias and wages in Moscow places of confinement, and exhibition items produced by workshops in places of confinement, 1922-1928
Reports, abstracts from reports, accounts, and excerpts from accounts of chiefs and inspectors of places of confinement, and GUMZ inspectors regarding activities of guberniia-level subdepartments of forced labor and directorates of places of confinement; regarding inspection of places of confinement and establishment of the Production-Commerce Department; regarding "importance of brickyards for the GUMZ", activities of agricultural colonies and correctional labor houses and their financial situation, revenues of places of confinement, activities of labor departments of places of confinement (1927); petition regarding subsidies for equipment and labor management in places of confinement; dispatches from the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement in Novgorodskaia guberniia regarding separation of juvenile offenders from adult prisoners in the Kresttsy Correctional House (1927), 1922-1929
Materials, including minutes, reports, inspection statements, accounts, etc., relating to inspectorate of places of confinement, their practice in compiling budgets, compliance of office work (orders, estimated expenditure sheets, information sheets, etc.) with the code for guberniia level places of confinement; materials relating to transfer of buildings and assets of former Kozhukhovskiĭ Camp from the authority of Kashirstroĭ (Directorate for Construction of Kashirskaia State Power Plant) to the Labor Department of the GUMZ (1925); materials concerning use of prisoners' labor in logging areas of the "Volga-Kaspiĭ-les" enterprise (1926); materials relating to the GUMZ petitioning the People's Commissariat of Agriculture to grant a discount to the First Correctional Labor Agricultural Colony in Novgorodskaia guberniia for paying state seed credit; materials relating to repairing and remodeling Arkhangel'skiĭ Correctional Labor House; materials relating to development of bills on forced labor without confinement (1927-1929); materials relating to establishment of production workshops at the Verkhoturskiĭ Labor House for Juvenile Offenders (1927-1928), 1922-1929
Descriptions and estimated expenditure sheets of colonies and farms of places of confinement in Smolenskaia guberniia, 1922
Correspondence with people's commissariats of agriculture, workers' and peasants' inspectorate, trade, finance, and justice, with the RSFSR Economic Conference, USSR Foreign Trade Bank, Directorate of State Agricultural Depots, State Institute for the Studies of Crime and Criminal Personality, GUMZ departments, directorates and inspectorates of places of confinement in Brianskaia, Vologodskaia, Viatskaia, Eniseiskaia, Ivanovo-Voznesenskaia, Kurskaia, Leningradskaia, Moskovskaia, Nizhegorodskaia, Novgorodskaia, Omskaia, Orlovskaia, Riazanskaia, Saratovskaia, Severo-Dvinskaia, Smolenskaia, Tambovskaia, Tverskaia, Tul'skaia, Ural'skaia, Iaroslavskaia guberniias, Dal'nevostochnyĭ, Severo-Kavskazskiĭ, and Sibirskiĭ krais, and in Komi ASSR, with individual forced labor bureaus, colonies, and correctional labor camps regarding prisoners' salary, equipment and raw material supplies for production workshops of correctional labor houses, equipment repairs, delivery of Fordson tractors to correctional labor houses, and rules for attracting prisoners to work at production enterprises of places of confinement; bills on establishment of forced labor bureaus in guberniias, payment of loans for mutilation, health check of prisoners sent to hard labor, inspection of work maintenance in places of confinement, production plans, taxation of labor department of places of confinement, inspection of financial situation in places of confinement and their financing, establishment of agricultural work in places of confinement, lease of land, and conditions in retraining divisions of places of confinement; articles in local newspapers regarding shortcomings in the work of places of confinement; resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense regarding discount on fuel for tractors used in agriculture (1928), 1922-1928
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars, of the Plenum of the Children's Commission under the VTsIK, Collegium of the RSFSR NKVD, meetings of executive officers, GUMZ commissions, interdepartmental conference and the Special Conference under the Budget Directorate of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding centralization of all places of confinement in 1924-1925, organizing foreign exhibits by VOKS ((All-Union Society for Foreign Connections); internal orders for the USSR NKVD (1924); report of the Chief of the Directorate of Convoy Guards regarding work of the Department of Convoy Guards (1924); correspondence with the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars and RSFSR people's commissariats of agriculture and of justice, Central Labor Institute of the VTsSPS (All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions) regarding deductions of state revenues from labor houses for minors, rationalizing production principles of labor departments of places of confinement, etc. (1926-1927); minutes of board meetings of the All-Union Committee for Aid to Prisoners (1927); excerpts from orders issued by the Krasnodarskiĭ Forced Labor Camp; report concerning activities of and conditions in the Armavirskiĭ Forced Labor Camp, 1921-1922, 1924, 1926-1928
List of work conducted in places of confinement; balance lists regarding accounts of places of confinement and statements regarding conditions of prison buildings of the Directorate of Places of Confinement arranged by guberniia, 1922-1925
Circulars of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Labor, of the General Department of the RSFSR NKVD, GUMZ, and Labor Department of the GUMZ; attachments to circulars regarding cost-cutting in the labor divisions of places of confinement, regarding rules for compiling annual reports about labor divisions, regarding debts owed by individuals and institutions to labor divisions of places of confinement, improvement in nutrition of inmates, rationalization of organizational, production, and labor principles to be adopted by the enterprises of places of confinement, increased length of working days in agricultural enterprises, prisoners' wages, use of prisoners' labor at printing facilities of places of confinement, statutes for labor divisions of places of confinement, rules for deductions made by enterprises and third parties from prisoners' salaries, and introduction of food stands in places of confinement; minutes of a conference regarding activities of the labor division at Viatskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward (1926); estimated expenditure sheets for inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias for 1927-1928; report of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Printing Industry regarding enterprises of the printing industry in places of confinement (1928); list of positions for the Department of General Management of the GUMZ and plan for trips of inspectors to places of confinement (1928); correspondence with the Central Union of Consumer Associations and RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding introduction of food stands in places of confinement, 1923-1928
Estimated expenditure sheet of the RSFSR NKVD in 1923-1924; estimated charges of construction divisions of GUMZ for 1923-1924; estimated expenditures for places of confinement; 1924-1925 budgets for colonies in Smolenskaia guberniia, for the Labor Division of Sokol'nicheskiĭ correctional house; estimated expenditure and revenue sheets for maintenance of the Forced Labor Bureau in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ; estimated budget for forced labor without confinement in Tul'skaia guberniia; agreements among correctional labor houses, state farms, and the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement in Smolenskaia guberniia on lease of land and correspondence regarding harvest sale, plans for colonies, rules for accounting, etc., 1923-1924, 1926
Balances, initiation balances, trial and checking balances, consolidated balances, explanatory notes to balances and final balances, evaluation of balances, and turnover balances of the Department of Labor of the GUMZ and labor divisions of various correctional labor houses; annual accounts of labor divisions of places of confinement in Saratovskaia and Viatskaia guberniias (1926-1927); accounting report of the First Correctional Labor House in Leningrad (1926), financial accounts of the labor division of the Leningradskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward (1926-1927), Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Smolensk (1927-1929); data regarding expenses of production units in the Labor Division of the Experimental Penitentiary Division of the State Institute for the Studies of Crime and Criminals (1927-1928), 1923-1929
Registration cards for production in the Gorki State Farm of the Velizhskiĭ Correctional House, "Anniska" Mansion of the Sebetskiĭ Correctional House in Vitebskaia guberniia, "Krasnaia poliana" Agricultural Colony of the Directorate of Places of Confinement in Kurskaia guberniia, the agricultural enterprise in the Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Orlovskaia guberniia, and Elanskiĭ state farm of the Correctional House in Penzenskaia guberniia, 1923-1924
Production and financial plans, production programs, organizational plans, and production plans of the GUMZ in regard to "correctional labor work;" working plans for the GUMZ Labor Department, agricultural colonies, state farms, industrial colonies, and labor divisions of places of confinement; plans for construction of Elovskaia and Zavarzinskaia agricultural farms and the horticultural establishment of the Tomskiĭ Correctional Labor House, and agricultural plot of the Correctional Labor Home in Tsaritsynskaia guberniia, 1923-1928
Regulations for agricultural labor colonies and Cultural and Educational Commissions of the GUMZ and for statistics and accounting of administrative departments of local executive committees; draft regulations for All-Russian and local committees for aid to prisoners (1927-1928); list of agricultural enterprises attached to RSFSR places of confinement (1924); instructions for labor divisions in RSFSR places of confinement; resolutions of the Council of Social Insurance under the USSR People's Commissariat of Labor regarding social insurance for the unemployed, 1923-1928
Informational statements issued by the Statistics Bureau of the NKVD regarding GUMZ activities in January-June 1924, 1924
List of places of confinement in the RSFSR owing deductions to the GUMZ from final balances of their labor divisions in 1924-1926, 1924-1926
Instruction for introducing simplified accounting in labor divisions of places of confinement, with materials for implementation of the instruction and a draft instruction concerning labor divisions in RSFSR places of confinement, 1925
Diagrams reflecting the structure of prisoners and a report regarding struggle with crime in the RSFSR, 1925
Surveys regarding release of prisoners for agricultural work in 1925-1926, 1925-1926
Actions at law brought against GUMZ by different institutions to the Higher Arbitration Commission of the USSR Council of Labor and Defense (STO), with attachments; regulations for social remedy in places of confinement, 1925-1927
Bulletins of the RSFSR NKVD for January-December 1926. Printed copy, 1926
File regarding discussion at the meeting of the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars of an appeal from the RSFSR NKVD regarding deductions from prisoners' compensation for establishment and development of production enterprises, 1926
Summary of the report, with draft resolution, to be presented at the meeting of the commission for implementing austerity drive and establishing and simplifying accounting by municipal services; memorandum from the Chief of the GUMZ Labor Department regarding the Department activities, 1926
Statements, data, and correspondence with inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias regarding acceptance, of supplies of weapons for security guards of places of confinement; inspection statements regarding the financial situation of the Volia Agricultural Colony and correspondence with the Executive Committee of Gomel'skaia guberniia, regarding colony financing from the local budget, 1926-1928
Files of Kriukovskaia Labor Factory-Colony and Lianozovskaia Production Colony, 1926
Case relating to the establishment of the "Danilovskoe" Agricultural Colony attached to the Ustiuzhskiĭ Correctional Labor House of Cherepovetskaia guberniia; correspondence with inspectorates of places of confinement in Cherepovetskaia guberniia regarding renaming and establishment of agricultural colonies attached to correctional labor houses, 1926
Statute for the Industrial, Procurement, and Commercial Association of industrial labor divisions of places of confinement in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ (Sevkavpromzagottorg), with explanatory memorandum, and correspondence with the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ regarding lack of possibilities to implement the Statute in full, 1926
Statute for a correctional labor factory-trade colony under the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ; minutes of the meeting of chiefs of labor divisions of places of confinement in Leningradskaia guberniia of 22 October 1926; appeals from divisions of the State Trade Directorate of Tatarskaia ASSR regarding an action to be brought against the Central Detention House in Kazan', 1926-1927
Acceptance-transfer statement of 25 June 1927 regarding handing over the Envelope-Cardboard and Binding-Packaging Factory of the GUMZ, with related materials, 1927
File relating to the construction of the Turkestano-Sibirskaia (Semirechenskaia) railway using prisoners' labor, 1927
Memorandum from the Land Directorate in Sibirskiĭ kraĭ and Land Reclamation Directorate of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Finance regarding rescinding of contracts with the Detention House in Irkutsk relating to Khudakovskiĭ and Uladovskiĭ state farms, 1927
Statements-reports from inspectors of the GUMZ Labor Department regarding activities of labor divisions of places of confinement in Kirgizskaia autonomous oblast, Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ, and Tambovskaia guberniia, 1927
Petitions from prisoners of correctional labor houses in guberniias complaining of bad management, poor cultural and educational work, incorrect payment for labor, etc., with related correspondence with chiefs of correctional labor houses, 1927
Agreement of the Correctional House in Maĭkopskiĭ okrug with transitional correctional divisions and the okrug level financial department regarding sale of a tannery by the financial department, with tannery drawings attached to the agreement, 1928
Opis 4, Records of the Department of Culture and Education, 1922-1928 1922-1928
Resolutions of the VTsIK, USSR and RSFSR Councils of People's Commissars, All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee, and Council of People's Commissars, reports, instructions, and GUMZ circulars concerning cultural and educational work in places of confinement, salary raise for educators and instructors of institutions for problem children; and re publication of the Voice of a Prisoner newspaper, 1920, 1924-1925, 1928
Circulars of the People's Commissariat of Justice and the General Department of the NKVD regarding vocational training in the places of confinement (1926), re the exhibition devoted to the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Personnel of Penitentiary Institutions displaying results of educational and training work in Moscow places of confinement (1926), re installation of radio lines to places of confinement, delivery to the GUMZ of newspapers and journals published by correctional labor institutions in the RSFSR; data concerning distribution of finances for cultural and educational work in places of confinement; report of the Cultural and Educational Division of the GUMZ regarding its activities in 1923; personnel structure for the GUMZ (1923); circular of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education regarding assistance to be rendered by guberniia level political and educational departments to educational and training divisions of places of confinement; report of the Cultural and Educational Division of the GUMZ regarding its activities in 1925-1926; GUMZ circulars and instructions and correspondence with the State Institution for the Study of Criminals with places of confinement in guberniias regarding methods of studying personality of criminals; resolution adopted by a kraĭ-level conference of chiefs of educational divisions of places of confinement in Dal'nevostochnyĭ kraĭ (1928), 1922-1924, 1926-1929
Materials, including reports, budgets, accounts, data, educational programs, etc., regarding cultural, educational and training activities in Moscow places of confinement, in particular the Moscow Women's Correctional Labor House, Ivanovskiĭ Transitional Correctional Labor House, Moskovskiĭ Labor House for Juvenile Offenders, Tikhvinskiĭ Correctional Labor House, Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional Labor House, Taganskiĭ Preliminary Detention House, and Moscow First Prison Hospital, and regarding Inspectorate of activities of cultural and educational divisions of places of confinement in Moscow; materials relating to moving exhibitions devoted to the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution displaying craft works of prisoners in foreign countries(1927), 1922-1928
Files of the Moscow Juvenile Labor House, 1922-1923
Data relating to cultural and educational work in places of confinement, arranged by guberniia, to appropriations for cultural and educational work, with related correspondence, to the results of Inspectorate of cultural and educational work in places of confinement in Moscow; personnel structure for Vladimirskiĭ Correctional Labor House (1923), 1922-1928
GUMZ internal orders for 1923; GUMZ orders for places of confinement in Moscow for 1924; order of the Administrative Department in Gomel'skaia guberniia relating to renaming the educational division, entitling it the political-educational division (1924), 1923-1925
Reports relating to cultural and educational divisions in places of confinement arranged by guberniia; explanatory memorandum to the budget on establishment of five labor houses in Tomskaia guberniia; revision statement concerning facilities of the Orlovskiĭ Correctional Labor House (1923), 1922-1928
Reports from chiefs of educational divisions of various places of confinement, arranged by guberniia; report from the Correctional Labor Home in Pskovskaia Guberniia regarding establishment of the Penitentiary Museum (1925); memoranda from GUMZ inspectors, data, and correspondence with guberniia level inspectorates of places of confinement regarding educational work in RSFSR places of confinement (1927-1928); reports of directors, physicians, and personnel of educational divisions of guberniia-level places of confinement regarding participation of medical personnel in educational work (1927); presentation by the Chief of the Correctional Labor House in Pskovskaia guberniia at the opening of the 2nd Art Exhibition displaying prisoners' paintings (1927), 1922-1928
Minutes, with attachment, of conferences of chiefs of educational divisions of places of confinement in Moscow; of the Methodological Commission under the GUMZ Cultural and Educational Division (1924-1925), of the Commission for Inspectorate of Political and Educational Work of Places of Confinement in Moscow, with attached working plan for training and educational divisions of places of confinement in Moscow (1925), of the Commission for Culture and Education under the Experimental Plenipotentiary Division of the State Institute for the Study of Criminals and Crime, with attachments (1926-1927), of GUMZ conferences relating to extramural education in places of confinement (1927-1928), of the Training and Education Division of the Educational Council of Moscow Places of Confinement (1927), of the Cultural Commission under Training and Education Division of the First Correctional Labor House in Leningrad (1927), and of education personnel of Moscow places of confinement (1927-1928), 1924-1928
Regulations, draft regulations, circulars, instructions, programs, class plans, and other documents relating to management of places of confinement, introduction of training and cultural-educational activities in places of confinement, of self-education and extramural education, regarding the commission reviewing qualification of individuals applying for work in Moscow places of confinement (1925); minutes of the Job Rates Commission attached to the joint local trade union Committee of Educational Personnel of Moscow Places of Confinement; regulation and instructions for students of the Planning Department of Moscow State University (1925); circulars and working plans of the People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, 1924-1928
Draft Correctional Labor Code and instruction for places of confinement and for training and educational divisions of RSFSR places of confinement, 1924
GUMZ working plans for cultural and educational work in 1925, for Inspectorates of places of confinement in Moscow and Leningrad in regard to cultural and educational work, and for the training and educational division of the Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Saratov; reports regarding cultural and educational activities in the RSFSR places of confinement (1924-1925), lists of expenses, with an explanatory note, on training and education in places of confinement, subject to state budget (1925), data on the number of prisoners taught the hornbook in Saratovskaia guberniia (1925); minutes of the RSFSR NKVD Collegium and GUMZ executive personnel (1927), 1924-1925, 1927-1928
Novina magazine nos. 1-45 and 48-52 for 1925-1926 published by the Ministry of Justice of Czechoslovakia (in Czech) exchanged for Doloĭ prestupnost'(Down with Crime) newspaper, 1925-1926
Correspondence of the GUMZ Cultural and Educational Department with other departments, the State Institute for the Study of Crime under the RSFSR NKVD, and with local inspectorates of places of confinement regarding cultural and educational work, publications relating to correctional labor, financing of cultural and educational work, literacy campaign among inmates, plans for school, out-of-school and cultural and educational work in places of confinement, reorganization of radio installation and periodical publication in places of confinement, and studies of crime; X godovshchina (10th Anniversary) bulletin published by the Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Tobol'sk (1927); resolutions of the VTsIK and Sovnarkom regarding increased wages for educators and instructors in institutions for intractable juvenile offenders; report about psychological work in the Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional Labor House in Moscow (1926), 1925-1928
Curricula for and data relating to cultural and educational work in the Correctional Labor House for Women in Moscow; curricula for night schools, with explanatory memorandum, 1925-1926
Individual questionnaires for prisoners in places of confinement in Moscow compiled to study criminals' personality, 1927
Materials, including programs, papers' abstracts, etc., of the First All-Russian Conference of the Heads of Educational and Training Divisions of Places of Confinement, 1928-1929
Materials, including GUMZ circulars, exhibition budget, list of exhibit items, and correspondence, relating to the exhibition of prisoners' craft works in honor of the Second All-Union Penitentiary Congress, 1928
Summary of the report to the Second All-Union Conference on General Self-Education, 1928
Opis 5, Records of the Department of General Service and Supply, 1922-1927 1922-1927
Resolutions, excerpts from minutes of the USSR VTsIK, Council of Labor and Defense, RSFSR Council o People's Commissars, Economic Conference Preparatory Commission under the USSR Council of People's Commissars, Council of Social Insurance under the USSR People's Commissariat of Labor, Commission for Municipal and Nationalized Buildings under the NKVD, and Executive Committee of Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ regarding food and forage delivery to places of confinement, plan for fuel supply to the RSFSR for 1927, etc.; data concerning distribution of food rations among places of confinement; reports of the RSFSR People's Commissar of Internal Affairs presented at the USSR and RSFSR councils of people's commissars regarding social insurance tariffs for civilians working at places of confinement and instructors of the All-Russian Committee of Aid to Released Prisoners; circulars of the Central Metric Commission under the RSFSR Council of Labor and Defense (1927); lists of nationalized buildings, subject to state budget (1926-1927), 1926-1927
Circulars of the RSFSR NKVD, GUMZ, and Central Correctional Labor Department of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Justice (1925); working plans for and survey of the activities of the GUMZ Department of General Services and Supply (1926); statement concerning Inspectorate of the Second Correctional Labor House in Leningrad, and consolidated register of finance distributed in 1926-1927 issued by the Inspectorate in Leningradskaia guberniia, 1919-1927
Estimated calculations arranged by place of confinement; estimated expenditure sheets of the RSFSR NKVD, GUMZ, Institute for the Study of Criminals and Crime under the NKVD, and places of confinement, arranged by guberniia; explanatory memorandum of the Institute for the Study of Criminals and Crime under the NKVD and correspondence with the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars and RSFSR People's Commissariat of Railways regarding rights of released prisoners to acquire train tickets (1925/1926), 1922-1926
Rules for managing labor divisions of places of confinement; provisional regulations for GUMZ and its local institutions and for All-Russian and local committees of aid to inmates of places of confinement, released prisoners, and their families; minutes of a commission for acquiring uniforms for administration and guards of places of confinement (1924); reports of the Department of General Services and Supply and other materials relating to uniforms for administration and security guards of places of confinement, reimbursement for unused vacation to teachers and tutors of the Moscow House for Juvenile Offenders, adjustment of general services in places of confinement, and appropriations for them, 1924, 1927
Correspondence of the GUMZ Department of General Services and Supply with the NKVD Financial Department, RSFSR People's Commissariat of Health, confinement houses in Moscow, and inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias regarding wages of personnel in places of confinement and improvement of nourishment in places of confinement, 1924-1925
Inspection statements regarding revision of buildings and facilities of the Correctional Labor House of Vologodskaia guberniia and estimated expenditure sheets for their repair; acceptance-transfer statement concerning transfer of office files from a former chief of the Smolenskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward to a new chief, with attached lists of buildings, personnel, prisoners, and equipment, 1924-1925, 1927
Materials, including estimated expenditure sheets, accounts, building drawings, registers, minutes, memoranda, reports, dispatches, etc., regarding construction and repair work in correctional labor houses and isolation wards, arranged by guberniia, 1924-1925
Bulletins of the RSFSR NKVD for 1925-1926, 1925-1926
Working plans for the GUMZ Department of General Services and Supply; reports and accounts of the Department regarding its activities (1925), 1925, 1927-1928
Reports of the Chief of the GUMZ Department of General Services and Supply, explanatory memoranda, and statements regarding expenses for places of confinement and appropriations for construction and repair of buildings in places of confinement, improvement in everyday life, and offset of debts, 1925-1926
Minutes of the RSFSR NKVD commission for processing data submitted by local NKVD institutions in regard to buildings subject to nationalization and of meetings held by the GUMZ regarding the Vologodskiĭ Correctional Labor House and other issues, 1925-1927
Report of the General Service Division of the Aleksandrovskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward for 1924-1935; inspection statement regarding revision of places of confinement in Irkutskaia guberniia; list of employees of the Irkutskiĭ Isolation Ward, and correspondence with the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement of Irkutskaia guberniia regarding uniforms for and nutrition in places of confinement, 1925
Questionnaire data on results of Inspectorate of logistics and the financial situation in places of confinement and correspondence with inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias, 1926
Opis 6, Records of the Finance Department, 1924-1928 1924-1928
GUMZ general ledgers for 1924-1928, 1924-1928
Opis 7, Records of the Assignment Commission, 1924-1928 1924-1928
GUMZ internal orders and circulars; excerpt from the minutes of the Collegium of the Moscow Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of 28 April 1927 and report of the Chair of the GUMZ Administrative-Legal Section regarding Inspectorate of the Sretenskiĭ Confinement House, 1924, 1927
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of the assignment commissions of Moskovskaia, Arkhangel'skaia, Astrakhanskaia, Kaluzhskaia, Leningradskaia, Smolenskaia, Tambovskaia, and Tverskaia guberniia, in Bashkirskaia, Buriat-Mongol'skaia, Kazakhskaia, and Komi ASSR and of observational commissions attached to places of confinement in Moskovskaia guberniia, 1925-1927
NKVD instruction regarding rules for submitting files to the NKVD Central Archives, their safekeeping, and issuance of informational statements (spravka); memoranda of the Chief of the General Department of the RSFSR NKVD Administration of Affairs regarding registration of circulars, 1925
RSFSR NKVD Bulletin No. 11 of 17 March 1925. Printed copy, 1925
Reports and registers relating to the activities of assignment commissions in guberniias, krais, and oblasts and processing of files by them, 1925-1926
Materials, including sentences,, statements, petitions, and correspondence relating to transfer of inmates from one place of confinement to another within the RSFSR and release by amnesty and parole of inmates of places of confinement in Moscow, 1926-1927
Correspondence with places of confinement in Moscow regarding inmates' hunger strikes, 1926
Data relating to cases processed by surveillance commissions attached to places of confinement in Moscow and to the number and structure of inmates in the places of confinement, 1927
Statistical reports regarding activities of assignment commissions in Ul'ianovskaia guberniia, Dal'nevostochnyĭ kraĭ, and Iakutskaia ASSR, 1927
Draft resolutions of the Presidium of the Soviet of Moscow guberniia regarding forced labor in the guberniia's uezds; statistical data regarding prisoners released from places of confinement in Moscow, 1928
Procurator's appeals against a resolution of the Moscow Assignment Commission, 1928
Complaints lodged by prisoners and their families against a resolution of the Moscow Assignment Commission, with related correspondence with inspectorates of places of confinement in guberniias, 1928
Opis 9, Records of the Main Directorate for Places of Confinement of the RSFSR NKVD, 1924-1928 1924-1928
Minutes of the Joint Division of Forced Labor Enterprises (Printkust) and of the Central Industrial-Economic Association of Enterprises (KustGUMZ), and of the Liquidation Commissions and Board of the KustGUMZ; resolution of the Mossovet (Moscow Soviet) Presidium regarding taxation of individuals with high salaries in Moskovskaia guberniia (1923); rules for special running on-demand accounts, etc., 1922-1923
Statute of the Central Administrative Directorate for Managing Industrial Enterprises attached to forced labor camps; minutes No. 2 of the Prinkust (Joint Division of Forced Labor Enterprises) of 22 February 1922, 1922
Reports relating to activities of the Main Directorate of Forced Labor and reports of GUMZ employees regarding exemption of forced labor camps from the state budget, personnel of the GUMZ Logistic and General Service Subdepartment, and food supplies for camps delivered from the Central Storage, 1922
Materials, including audit statement, instructions, personnel structure, correspondence, minutes of meetings, etc., relating to Inspectorate of activities of and conditions in the Semenovskiĭ Forced Labor Camp and to dissolution of the Association of GUMZ Enterprises, 1923
Correspondence with departments and subdepartments of forced labor under executive committees in guberniias regarding establishment of enterprises of forced labor and their transfer to the authority of the Prinkust, 1922-1923
Balance lists and confirmatory balance of the Promkust as of February 1923, 1923
Internal orders of the RSFSR NKVD, decision of the Liquidation Commission regarding payment of wages to laid off KustGUMZ personnel; memorandum of the Chair of the Liquidation Commission regarding the KustGUMZ balance as of 22 April 1929, with balance and other materials relating to closing down the Central Industrial-Economic Association of Enterprises (PrintKUST), 1924
Opis 10, Records of the Moscow Division, 1922-1928 1922-1928
Reports, memoranda, accounts of GUMZ employees and the Chief of the Lefortovo Prison regarding Inspectorate of places of confinement in Moscow, revision of activities of the Forced Labor Bureau in Moscow, conditions in the Butyrskaia prison, and transfer of prisoners from the prison, regarding Inspectorate of the Lefortovskiĭ Isolation Ward, Avdot'insko-Tikhvinskoe Agricultural Division attached to the Lefortovskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Moscow, of the Association of Factory-Labor Colonies, and of the Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional Labor House, regarding rules for serving forced labor term up to 14 days, and regarding security and convoy of prisoners; inspection statement regarding activities of the Bureau of Forced Labor of Moskovskaia guberniia; correspondence with the Chief of the Lefortovskiĭ Isolation Ward with the GUMZ regarding processing of prisoners' petitions relating to remedy of shortcomings revealed during Inspectorate of the Isolation Ward, and regarding debts incurred by the Lefortovskiĭ Isolation Ward, 1922-1923
Correspondence with the Moscow Division of the GUMZ with the Health Department of the Moscow Soviet, with the medical Inspectorate of Moscow places of confinement, with the Moscow Institute of Forensic Medicine, with the Director of the Labor House for Minors, with the Headquarters of the convoy guard troops of the Republic, with Rabochaia gazeta and Rabochaia Moskva newspaper editorial boards, with industrial enterprises of the Forced Labor Bureau in Moskovskaia guberniia regarding health of prisoners, health care system in places of confinement, order of the day for prisoners in labor divisions, and surveillance over prisoners, regarding convoy guard, newspaper articles relating to maintenance of inmates in Moscow places of confinement; essay regarding visit of Henri Barbusse, French writer, to the Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional House, and his impressions of it; regarding payment for prisoners' labor and production rate; statute of the Industrial Association of the First Transitional Correctional House in Moscow (1928), 1924-1928
Resolutions of the VTsIK and RSFSR Sovnarkom; orders and circulars issued by the GUMZ in 1925-1928; internal orders of the Taganskiĭ Confinement House in Moscow for December 1925 relating to its personnel; VTsIK circulars and minutes of the interdepartmental meeting of the Commission convened according to the RSFSR Sovnarkom resolution of 10 February 1927; plans for Moscow places of confinement for 1925-1926; statement concerning Inspectorate of the Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional Labor House and correspondence with its chief regarding prisoners' complaints, violation of discipline by overseers, and personnel of the correctional house; investigation protocols regarding misdemeanors committed by inmates of the Taganskiĭ confinement house and correspondence with the Chief of the Taganskiĭ Confinement House and the Procurator of Moscow Guberniia regarding conditions of inmates; reports filed by GUMZ personnel and chiefs of Moscow places of confinement regarding crime committed by their officials, bonuses to be paid to employees of the State Institute for the Study of Crime and Criminals; report of the GUMZ Chief regarding juvenile delinquency; GUMZ reports regarding development of trade and production activities of places of confinement in Moscow, 1925-1928
Investigation materials, including minutes, reports, and correspondence, relating to suicides and homicides in places of confinement in Moscow; materials, including draft statutes, excerpts from minutes of the RSFSR Sovnarkom, plans relating to the establishment of the State Institute for the Study of Crime and Criminals; documents relating to Inspectorate of Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional House, including reports, inspection statements and investigation transcripts; reports, statements, and data relating to Inspectorate of Kriukovskaia Factory-Plant Colony, of the Moskovskiĭ Correctional Labor House for Juvenile Offenders, of the Second Moskovskiĭ Correctional Labor House for Juvenile Offenders; Inspectorate of Serpukhovskiĭ Confinement House, Taganskiĭ Preliminary Detention House, correctional labor houses in Moscow, the First Moscow Transitional Correctional Labor House; Inspectorate of financial and economic activities of places of confinement in Moscow; investigatory documents regarding prisoner escapes from places of confinement in Moscow; materials relating to Inspectorate of the Educational and Training Division of the Association of Agricultural Colonies attached to the Lefortovskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Cell; materials relating to assigning a brick plant located at the Lianozovo train station to the GUMZ; materials relating to Inspectorate of places of confinement in Moscow by surveillance commissions under the Procurator's Office of Moskovskaia guberniia, 1924-1928
Minutes of conferences of chiefs of places of confinement in Moscow held in May 1926 and of executive officers held in June-December 1927; investigation transcripts, reports, data, and correspondence with places of confinement in Moscow regarding prisoners' escapes; minutes of the surveillance commissions of the First Correctional House for Women in Moscow to the First Central Prison Hospital; minutes of conferences held at the Sokol'nicheskiĭ Correctional Labor House, Lianozovo-Kriukovskaia Factory-and-Works Colony; minutes of the Plenum of the Procurators' Subsection of the Procurator's Office in Moskovskaia guberniia; inspection statement concerning revision by procurator's institutions in places of confinement in Moscow and correspondence with the Procurator of Moskovskaia guberniia regarding results of the Inspectorates; summary of the report of the Chief of the GUMZ Cultural and Educational Department regarding methodology and technology for the study of inmate personality; minutes of the Bureau of the Section of Paramilitary Employees under the Department of Trade Union of Soviet and Trade Employees in Moskovskaia guberniia and administrative officers of Moscow places of confinement held in May-November 1928, 1925-1928
Reports and petitions from employees of Moscow places of confinement and investigation transcripts relating to conflicts and accidents in Moscow places of confinement, 1926
Articles sent from Moscow places of confinement to central and wall newspapers, with attached investigation transcripts and related correspondence, 1926
Statistical reports from Moscow places of confinement for 1926; summaries and data relating to productivity of labor at the enterprises of Moscow places of confinement; statistical data regarding structure of prisoners in Moscow places of confinement, 1926-1929
Acceptance-transfer statements and lists concerning transfer of assets and office files in Moscow places of confinement; statements regarding Inspectorate of the Lefortovskiĭ Special Purpose Isolation Ward in Moscow, First Agricultural Colony for Women in Moscow, and Correctional Labor House in Moscow, of compliance with regime of economy introduced in labor divisions of places of confinement in Moscow, and of the First Factory-and-Works Colony in Moscow; list of employees of the Kriukovskaia Factory-and-Works Commission, 1926, 128
Complaint petitions filed by inmates of places of confinement in Moscow, with related correspondence with chiefs of places of confinement in Moscow, 1926-1927
Findings of Inspectorate of the First Factory-and-Works Colony in Moscow, 1926
Applications of employees and various individuals regarding hiring, layoffs and work-related transfers in Moscow places of confinement; collection of internal orders of the Administrative Department of the Moscow Soviet of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies and of Workers' and Peasants' Militia in Moscow, 1926
Working plans for the GUMZ, Inspectorate of Places of Confinement, places of confinement in Moscow, and the Institute of Forensic and Psychiatric Medical Examination, 1926-1927
Comments of Soviet and foreign delegations regarding their visits to places of confinement in Moscow, 1927
Case regarding establishment of brick production in the Lianozovo-Kriukovskaia Factory-and-Works Colony, 1927-1928
Report abstract and dispatches from the chiefs of the GUMZ and of Moscow Forced Labor Bureau regarding release of prisoners sentenced to forced labor from convoy, payment for their labor, and regarding forced labor in the First Transitional Correctional Labor House, 1928
Opis 11, Records of the All-Russian Society for Aid to Released Prisoners, 1925-1928 1925-1928
Regulations for the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Released Prisoners; circulars of the Committee and correspondence with Inspectorate agencies in guberniias regarding use of unclaimed cash and clothes of inmates, 1925-1928
Regulations and statute of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners, draft regulations for activities of patronized industrial enterprises of the All-Russian and guberniia-level committees, and decisions of the VTsSPS and RSFSR People's Commissariat of Labor regarding the draft regulations; resolution of the USSR People's Commissariat of Labor regarding registration of unemployed and job assigned by employment exchanges, 1925-1926
Regulations, minutes of meetings, memoranda, and other materials relating to activities of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Individuals Released from Places of Confinement, 1925-1927
Order of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners relating to personnel issued in February-July 1925, 1925
Reports relating to activities of Zabaikal'skiĭ, Orenburgskiĭ, and Orlovskiĭ guberniia level committees for aid to prisoners; minutes of the Zabaikal'skiĭ Committee for April-September 1925; correspondence of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners with the Orenburgskiĭ guberniia-level Committee, 1925-1927
Data relating to activities of the Board of guberniia-level committee for aid to prisoners, with attachment and related correspondence, 1925-1927
Minutes of meetings, reports, accounts, instructions, working plans, balances, lists of employees, correspondence, and other materials relating to activities of the All -Russian and Saratovskiĭ, Stalingradskiĭ, Tambovskiĭ, Tverskoĭ, and Cherepovetskiĭ committees for aid to prisoners, 1925-1928
Correspondence with the Committee for Aid to Prisoners of Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ regarding its activities, appropriations and issuance of loans; statute of the Society for Aid to Prisoners in Severo-Kavkazskiĭ kraĭ, 1925-1928
Minutes of the Organizational Bureau for Establishment of the Committee for Aid to Prisoners in Mariĭskaia Autonomous oblast; correspondence with the Inspectorate of Places of Confinement of Mariĭskaia Autonomous Oblast regarding assistance to the Committee, 1925
Prisoner petitions; correspondence with the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Released Prisoners, inspectorates of places of confinement, and lists of prisoners to be released in regard to assistance to be rendered to them, 1925-1929
Minutes and excerpts from minutes of the USSR Council of People's Commissars and of the constituent meeting of board members of the Moscow Committee for Aid to Prisoners; report concerning fund of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners for 1927-1928; memorandum of the Chief of the Department for Inspection of Labor Division of the Novgorodskaia Agricultural Colony, 1927-1928
GUMZ circulars, minutes nos. 4-6 of July-August 1928 of the Board of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Prisoners; statute of the Kurskiĭ State Sewing Factory, attached to the Committee; working account assets lists of the Committee for Aid to Prisoners of Iaroslavskaia guberniia, and other materials, 1928-1929
List of committees for aid to released prisoners in guberniias and data relating to committee activities in 1928, 1928
Minutes and orders of the Association of Industrial Enterprises for October and December 1929 and January 1930; report summary regarding activities of the Commerce Department for 1930; data regarding enterprise production output, 1929-1930
Planned targets for enterprises of the Association of Industrial Enterprises, 1929-1930
Opis 13, Records of the Main Directorate of Places of Confinement of the RSFSR NKVD, 1925-1928
Internal orders of the RSFSR NKVD for 1925, 1925
GUMZ internal orders for January-February, April, and June-November 1925, 1925
RSFSR NKVD instructions and statistical data regarding the number of administrative units in the USSR, 1924-1925
Fond R-5446, Records of the Council of People's Commissar (Sovnarkom) of the USSR, 1922-1958
Opis 5, Selected Records of the Administration of Affairs, 1924 1924
Correspondence and other materials for developing Fundamental Principles of the Criminal Law of the USSR and Union Republics and Fundamental Principles of Criminal Proceeding of the USSR and union republics drafted and edited by the Constitutional Commission, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re the grant to personnel of the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court of equal rights and benefits with those on active military service, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to payment by local administration for maintenance of local OGPU personnel and facilities, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to exemption of agreements concluded by military and navy institutions and OGPU troops in 1923-1924from notary registration and stamp duties, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to approval of F. E. Dzerzhinskiĭ as the chair of the USSR United State Political Administration (OGPU) and V. P. Menzhinskiĭ and G.G. Yagoda as his deputies, 1924
Opis 5A, Selected Records of the Administration of Affairs, 1923-1924 1923-1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to establishment of the special-purpose forced labor Solovetskiĭ camp, re establishment of Arkhangel'skiĭ and Kemskiĭ transit and placement stations, re imposition on the OGPU of management of the camp, and re exemption of the camp from taxes, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to an increase in the number of convoy troops, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to engagement of OGPU and NKPS troops in guarding the frontier belt, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to debts owed by the OGPU and Military and Navy institutions to the government, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re crediting an additional 274,096.25 rubles to OGPU and Military and Navy institutions to pay excise duties on equipment supplied to them and re financing additional expenses for a Moscow -Mongolia - China - Japan flight, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re increase in and re-armament of frontier troops, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re payment of excise duties, taxes, and customs by the OGPU and the People's Military Commissariat and re payment by the Navy for supplies, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re allocation of additional fund to the 1923-1924 NKPS estimated expenditure sheet for uniform of OGPU Transport Department agents, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re financing of the OGPU Courier Service Unit from the state budget for the sole purpose of delivery of classified information issue by state institutions, and re the right given to the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Ukrainskaia SSR to transfer money and valuables using the OGPU Courier Service, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re payment by the OGPU and Military and Navy institutions of their 1922-1923 debts to state industrial enterprises, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re delivery of alcohol to the OGPU for prisoners of the special-purpose Solovetskie camps working on timber logging, 1954
Correspondence and other materials relating to guarding Volkhovstroĭ (Volkhov Hydroelectrical Station Construction Project) by OGPU troops, 1924
Correspondence and other material re an increase in OGPU internal troops and appropriation of additional financing from the USSR Sovnarkom reserve, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re appropriation of 905,927 rubles to pay excise duties imposed on supplies delivered in 1923-1924 to OGPU and Military and Navy Departments, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re a credit line of 75,000 rubles from the USSR reserve fund in the OGPU expenditure estimate, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re an increase of 600,000 rubles in the OGPU expenditure estimate for the second half of the year to cover the deficit in expenses for maintenance of the special-purpose forced labor Solovetskiĭ camp, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re implementation by the OGPU of the STO Resolution of December 14, 1923, about rules for credits of the Military Department, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re an increase in OGPU troops, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to exemption of OGPU employees from general labor law, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re liquidation of guberniia political departments in Moscow and other cities and transfer of their responsibilities to the OGPU in Moscow and to offices of OGPU representatives in oblasts, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re delivery of SK type powerboats to the OGPU Baltic border fleet, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re increase in staff of the OGPU Leningrad First Independent Company, 1924
Correspondence and other materials relating to reduction in OGPU border and guard troops from January 15, 1925, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re granting OGPU border guards the right to free exchange of telephone devices in telephone and telegraph lines belonging to the people's commissariats of industry and trade and other institutions, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re transfer by the OGPU of 10 percent of all valuables found in the Museum of Military History located in the former residence of the count Yusupov to a special fund established by the USSR Sovnarkom by resolution of August 21, 1924, to build housing for workers, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re allocation of 128,581 rubles on maintenance of border troops; regulations on the Red Army volunteers of the Independent Border Company within OGPU troops, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re credit of an additional 100,000 rubles and transfer of 10 motorboats to the OGPU Baltic Fleet, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re financing from an OGPU plan for increase in territorial troops from draft of conscripts born in 1902, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re crediting the OGPU with the amount of 500,000 rubles from the USSR Sovnarkom Reserve Fund, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re an additional credit of 60,000 rubles from the 1923-1924 estimated expenditure sheet to pay for heating and repairs in the OGPU internal prison, 1924
Correspondence and other materials re crediting the OGPU account to provide warm clothes and sustenance in the amount of 6 rubles per month to needy individuals sentenced to administrative exile, 1924