The Fourth of July Orations Collection contains 150 speeches, orations, and addresses on American Independence, July 4th
by many individuals from various places from 1795 to 1876. Some of the recurring themes include the birth of the American
institutions and the passing of the Revolutionary generation; strident party factionalism of the Jefferson and Jackson era;
education, religion and temperance; the American Indian; the Gold Rush and westward expansion; slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction.
The orations took place in cities around American such as: Boston, Buffalo, Charlestown, Chambersburg, Penn., Chestel, Vermont,
Columbus, Ohio, Dedham, Mass., Hartford, Conn., Hudson, Wis., Jackson, Tenn., Lyme, New Hampshire, Mansfield, Middlebury,
Morristown, Newark, Newburyport, Norwich, Northampton, New Jersey, New York, Ogdensburgh, Providence, Portland, Maine, Portland,
Oregon, Princeton, Reading, Penn., Richmond, Salem, Mass, Springfield, St. Louis.