Guide to the Herbert Stoyan collection on LISP programming
Guide to the Herbert Stoyan collection on LISP programming
Collection number: X5687.2010
Computer History Museum- Processed by:
- Paul McJones with the aid of fellow volunteers John Dobyns and Randall Neff
- Date Completed:
- 2010
- Encoded by:
- Sara Chabino Lott
Biography / Administrative History
Scope and Content of Collection
- Series 1: LISP history by year
- Series 2: Manuals, manuscripts, and assorted subjects
- Series 3: Source program listings
- Series 4: Computer media
- Series 5: Technical reports
- Series 6: Conference proceedings
- Series 7: Books
LISP history by year 1955-1993
Series Scope and Content Summary
- Progress reports (1957-1972) from several organizations headquartered at MIT, including Research & Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England, Research Lab of Electronics, and Project MAC Artificial Intelligence Group.
- Memoranda and technical reports (1955-1993) containing a few documents from Dartmouth and IBM Corporation (where McCarthy consulted) and continuing with documents from MIT, recording the development and early applications of LISP. This is followed by documents from System Development Corporation, where LISP 2 was developed, and Stanford University, where McCarthy started an artificial intelligence group in 1962. Later documents are from universities and research laboratories all over the world, as interest in LISP spread. See also series 5, Technical reports.
- Manuals (1960-1992) include a preliminary draft of the original MIT LISP programmer’s manual, as well as the LISP I and Lisp 1.5 programmer’s manuals. Also included in this series are manuals for all subsequent major implementations of LISP (e.g., MIT Maclisp, Stanford Lisp 1.6, BBN LISP, INTERLISP, IBM LISP, and Common Lisp) as well as many less well-known dialects and implementations. The collection includes multiple versions of the manuals for many implementations. See also series 2, Manuals, manuscripts and subject files.
- Source program listings (1964-1991) include mostly small to medium-sized programs written in LISP, such as LISP compilers, text editors, and artificial intelligence applications. See also series 2, Manuals, manuscripts, and subject files, and series 3, Source program listings.
102720392 A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Art. Intelligence 1955
102720393 People Interested in the Artificial Intelligence Problem. 1956
102720394 Dartmouth Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Report on the 5th and 6th Week. 1956
102720395 Notes on the Geometry Problem, Parts I and II 1956
102720396 Suggestions for Fundamental Research in Letter Recognition 1957
102720397 Progress Report No. 1 of the Research and Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England. M.I.T. 1957
102720398 A Proposal for a Compiler 1957
102720399 The Programming Problem (Handwritten) Manuscript 1957
102720400 Mathematics and the Programming of Digital Calculators, Manuscript 1957
102720401 The Artificial Intelligence Problem and the Natural Intelligence Problem. Manuscript 1957
102720402 Routines for Turning FORTRAN Program into FORTRAN Functions 1958
102720403 Progress Report No. 2 of the Research and Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England 1958
102720404 Progress Report No. 3 of the Research and Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England 1958
102720405 Proposal for a Programming Language (International Algorithm Language [IAL]) 1958
102720406 Some Proposals for the Volume 2 (V2) Language, Letter to A.J. Perlis and W. Turanski 1958
102720407 A Note on Syntactic Symmetry and the Manipulation of Formal Systems by Machine 1958
102720408 An Algebraic Language for the Manipulation of Symbolic Expressions (Draft) 1958
102720409 An Algebraic Language for the Manipulation of Symbolic Expressions (Draft) 1958
102720410 Programs with Common Sense, Symposium on the Mechanization and Thought Processes 1958
102720411 Notes on Debugging LISP Subroutines Handwritten Manuscript 1958
102720412 Additional Functions Handwritten Manuscript f. AIM 5 1958
102720413 Symbol Manipulation Language 1958
102720414 Writing and Debugging Programs 1958
102720415 Progress Report No. 4 of the Research and Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England (2 copies) 1958
102720416 A Time Sharing Operator Program for our Projected IBM 709, Letter to the Director of the Comp. Center of M.I.T . 1959
102720417 Quarterly Progress Report Number 52, Research Lab of Electronics 1959
102720418 Operator Systems, On 1959
102720455 Notes on the Compiler 1959
102720456 Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by Machine 1959
102720457 An Error in Memo 8 : Ecursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by Machine 1959
102720458 Explanation of Big "P" as of March 20, 1959 1959
102720489 LISP Programmer's Manual, Modifications 1-12, 13-20, 21-26 1959
102720490 Minutes of Programming Systems Advisory Meeting 1959
102720491 The LISP Differentiation Demonstration Program 1959
102720492 Conference on Symbol Manipulation Systems (Plan) 1959
102720493 Artificial Intelligence 1959
102720494 Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by Machine, Reprint from: Quarterly Progress Report No . 53 1959
102720495 Getting Closer to Machines That Think 1959-05
102720496 The Construction of the Admittance Matrix with a Digital Computer 1959
102720497 Symbolic Circuit Analysis with the 704 Electronic Computer 1959
102720498 Programs in LISP 1959
102720499 The Maling-Silver Read Program, Symbol Manipulating Language 1959
102720500 Progress Report No. 5 of the Research and Educational Activities in Machine Computation by the Cooperating Colleges of New England 1959
102720501 Compiler 1959
102720502 The Compiler in LISP 1959
102720503 Solution of an Electrical Network Using a Digital Computer 1959
102720504 Letter to the Editor (IAL Language) 1959
102720505 Artificial Intelligence 1959
102720506 LISP : A Programming System for Symbolic Manipulations, Extended Abstract 1959
102720507 Formal Integration on a Digital Computer, Extended Abstract 1959
102720508 Machine Manipulation of Algebraic Expressions 1959-10
102720509 LISP Programmers Manual, (Handwritten Draft + Machine Typed) 1959
102720510 The Form of Programs in the System. Manuscript ca. 1959
102720512 LISP, Preliminary Programmer's Manual - Draft 1960
102720513 Artificial Intelligence 1960
102720514 LISP I, Programmer's Manual 1960
102720515 A Fortran-Compiled List-Processing Language 1960
102720516 Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by Machine, Part I 1960
102720517 Heuristic Program that Solves Symbolic Integration Problems in Freshman Calculus, Symbolic Automatic Integrator (Saint) 1961
102720518 An Introduction to Comit Programming 1961
102720519 The LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual 1961
102720520 Quarterly Progress Report 64 1962-01-15
102720521 The LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual 1962
102720522 IBM7090 Data Processing System Reference Manual 1962
102720523 Pseudo-Arrays in LISP 1962
102720524 An Introduction to LISP 1962
102720525 Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation 1962
102720526 Computer Programs for Checking Mathematical Proofs 1962
102720527 Exercise to Define a Function (Exercise No. 2) 1962
102720528 On Efficient Ways of Evaluating Certain Recursive Functions 1962
102720511 Personnel to July 1 1965 - Project MAC : Machine-Aided Cognition and Multiple-Access Computer Systems 1965
102720529 Quarterly Progress Report No. 68 1963
102720595 Computer Formulation and Solution of Algebra Problems Given in a Restricted English 1963
102720596 LISP Symbolic Integration Program 1963
102720597 Polynomial Arithmetic in Lisp 1963
102720598 LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual, Errata 1963
102720599 Group Analysis Programs 1963
102720600 LISP Problem 1 and Correction to LISP Problem 1, LISP Problem 2 1963
102720601 Improvements in LISP Debugging 1963
102720602 An Algebraic Simply Program in Lisp 1963
102720603 First International LISP Conference Dec. 30, 1963 - January 4, 1964, Preliminary List of Participants and Papers 1964
102720604 M-Expression Translator (handwritten) 1963
102720605 PDP-1 LISP 1963
102720606 The M-460 LISP 1.5 System 1963
102720607 LISP 2 Specifications Conference 1963
102720608 A Machine Organization for a General Purpose List Processor 1963
102720609 Snobol Problem 1 and 2 1963
102720610 LISP System 1964
102720611 LISP as the Language for an Incremental Computer 1964
102720612 Syntax of the New Language 1964
102720613 New Language Storage Conventions 1964
102720614 Axiomatization and Implementation 1964
102720615 String Manipulation in the New Language 1964
102720616 LISP 2 Specifications Proposal 1964
102720617 Programmed Data Processor 6 Handbook 1964
102720618 A Multiuser Computation Facility for Education and Research 1964
102720619 The Automated Biological Laboratory, Summer Study in Exbiology 1964
102720620 A Program for the Solution of a Class of Geometric-Analogy Intelligence-Test Questions 1964
102720621 Editor Program in LISP 1964
102720622 A LISP II Programming System, Subm. to : System Develop. Corp. 1964
102720623 DDT commands 1964
102720624 Quarterly Progress Report No. 76 1965
102720625 LISP II Project Functional Arguments 1965
102720626 LISP II Project, Memo 1 The Internal Language 1965
102720627 LISP II Project, Memo 4 : LAP 1965
102720628 Input/Output for Lisp II 1965
102720629 LISP II : Corrections to Memo 1A 1965
102720630 LISP 1.5 for Share Distribution 1965
102720631 LISP II Project, Memo 7 1965
102720632 LISP II Memo 13 : Programming Examples 1965
102720633 LISP II Project : Input/Output 1965
102720634 LISP II Intermediate Language. Tech Memo 1965 1965
102720635 LISP II Internal Storage Conventions. Tech Memo 1965 1965
102720636 LISPITO, a LISP Processor for the IBM 1620 1965
102720637 Lisp Embedding in Algol 1965
102720638 A Version of LISP for the PDP-6 1965
102720639 List-Algol (no title, draft with handwritten sections) 1965
102719598 LISP 3600 : Users Manual (L2 KCIN LISP 3600) 1966
102720640 Linking Loader for MIDAS 1966
102720641 A LISP 2 Compiler 1966
102720642 An ALGOL List Processing Scheme 1966
102720643 The LISP 2 Syntax Translator 1966
102720644 The Q-32 LISP 1.5 Mod. 2.6 System : Operating System, Input-Output, File, and Library Functions 1966
102720645 MK01 Version of LISP Interpreter 1966
102720646 A Proposal for a Proof-Checker for Certain Axiomatic Systems 1966
102720647 Project MAC Progress Report III 1965 - 1966 1966
102720648 Technical Progress Report : LISP 2 : Period Ending July 6, 1966 1966
102720649 Syntax of LISP 2 Tokens 1966
102720650 LISP 2 Project : Input-Output 1966
102720651 The LISP 2 Programming Language and System 1966
102720652 The LISP 2 Programming Language and System 1966
102720653 PILOT : A Step Toward Man-Computer Symbiosis 1966
102720654 Operating Instructions for the LISP 2 Supervisor in the LISP 2 Core Image 1966
102720655 The Structure of a LISP System Using Two-Level Storage 1966
102720656 LISP 2 Source Language Syntax : Specifications for Syntax Translator 1966
102720657 LISP on the Imperial College 7090 Computer 1966
102720658 ALAM (Atlas Lisp Algebraic Manipulator) Programmer's Manual 1966
102720659 Interpretative System for the Programming of Recursive Functions on a Digital Computer 1966
102720660 The Implementation of LISP 2 1966
102720661 SIM, An S-Expression Pattern-Matching Function 1966
102720662 LITHP-an ALGOL list processor 1966-08
102720663 *LISP - A Prototype Machine Language for LISP Computer 1967
102720664 Conventions for Writing LISP 2 Syntax Equations 1967
102720665 LISP Display Functions 1967
102720666 Preliminary Guide to the LISP Editor 1967
102720667 LISP II Debugging 1967
102720668 LISP 2 for the IBM S/360 1967
102720669 LISP 2 Document Conventions 1967
102720670 LISP 2 Language Specifications 1967
102720671 LISP 2 Compiler Specifications. Tech Memo 1967 1967
102720672 LISP 2 Compiler Context Resolver Language and Processor Specifications 1967
102720673 LISP 2 Compiler Type Resolver Language and Processor Specifications 1967
102720674 LISP 2 Compiler Machine Link Specifications 1967
102720675 LISP 2 Compiler Register Counter and Code Generator Specifications 1967
102720676 LISP 2 Assembly Program (LAP) Specification 1967
102720677 LISP 2 Garbage Collector Specifications 1967
102720678 LISP 2 Storage Management : Paging of Binary Programs 1967
102720679 LISP 2 Internal Storage Conventions 1967
102720680 LISP 2 Storage Management : The "Growing Pain" Problem 1967
102720681 LISP 2 Input/Output Specifications 1967
102720682 LISP 2 Core Image Generator (CIG) Specifications 1967
102720683 The PDP-6 Proof Checker 1967
102720684 Project MAC Progress Report IV, 1966-1967 1967
102720685 A Generalized Macro Compiler for an Easily Modifiable Extension of LISP 1.5 1967
102720686 The BBN 940 LISP System 1967-07
102720687 Design and Implementation of FLIP, a LISP Format Directed List Processor 1967
102720688 Fundamental Concepts of Programming Languages : Part I 1967
102720689 Debugging in an On-Line Interactive LISP 1967
102720690 A Paged LISP Using the Dynamic Relocation Hardware of an IBM 360/67 1967
102720691 POSTSCRIPT : How ELIZA Passed the Turing Test 1967
102720692 Are storage allocation headaches getting you down? 1967
102720693 Design and Development Document for LISP on Several S/360 Operating Systems 1967
102720694 LISP 1.5 Implementation on the CD 3600 and the IBM System/360 Series 1967
102720695 Correctness of a Compiler for ALGOL-Like Programs 1967
102720696 A Backward Look Over Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) 1967
102720697 MIT RLE Quarterly Progress Report No. 80 1968
102720698 LISP A LISP-Like System for Incremental Computing 1968
102720699 LISP/360 : A Description of the University of Waterloo LISP 1.5 Interpreter for the IBM System/360 1968
102720700 The FUNARG Problem Explained 1968
102720701 The University of Texas 6400/6600 LISP 1.5, An Adaptation of MIT LISP 1.5 (Revision II) 1968
102719599 The University of Texas 6400/6600 LISP 1.5 : An Adaptation of MIT LISP 1.5 1968
102720729 STP - A Semantic Theorem Prover 1968
102720730 LISP Index 1968
102720731 Project Technical Report 1968
102720732 A Temporary Updater for LISP Users 1968
102720733 Technology's Potential [Really Just a picture of John McCarthy] 1969
102720734 A Property-List Representation for Certain Formulas in Predicate Calculus 1969
102720735 MLISP User's Manual 1969
102720736 Ett Svenskt Fragebesvarande Program for Slaektskapsrelationer [A Swedish Question-answering Program for Relationship Relationships] 1969
102720737 Standard LISP 1969
102720738 A Set-Oriented Property-Structure Representation for Binary Relations 1969
102720739 How to Start Using Uppsala's 3600 LISP System 1969
102720740 LISP Bulletin No. 1 1969
102720741 LISP 1.6 1969
102720742 REDUCE Users' Manual, Stanford Univ., Art. Intel. Project, Memo 50, Stanford, Feb. 1967 1969
102720743 LISP 3300 User's Manual, Version 1 1969
102720744 MAZE - A Program for Recursive Computation and List Processing 1969
102720745 Manuale per il Sistema ROMALISP [Manual for System ROMALISP] 1969
102720746 Wchodnoi Jasyk i Interpretator Sistemy Programmirowanija na Base Jasyka LISP dlja Maschiny BESM-6 [Input Language and Interpreter Systems Programming Based on LISP for BESM-6] 1969
102720747 Heuristic Dendral : A Program for Generating Explanatory Hypotheses in Organic Chemistry 1968
102720748 Project Technical Report 1969
102720749 LISP [Implementation of LISP on the Univac 1108] 1969
102720750 LISP, UNIVAC 1108 Reference Manual 1969
102720702 The Programming Language Lisp - Why, What and When (Draft) 1970
102720703 Project Technical Report 1970
102720704 Project MAC : Personnel, July 1969 to July 1970 1970
102720705 META/LISP, An Interactive Translator Writing System 1970
102720706 The Structure of the LISP Compiler 1970
102720707 LISP im System HYDRA II (EL X8 Karlsruhe) [HYDRA System in LISP II (EL X8 Karlsruhe)] 1970
102720708 Sekundaerspeicher in LISP [Secondary Memory in LISP] 1970
102720709 LISP for ALGOL Afficionados and ALGOL for LISP Afficionados 1970
102720710 SRI - Trace Package for PDP-10 LISP 1970
102720711 3600 LISP U3 Users Manual 1970
102720712 MLISP 1970
102720713 LISP 1970
102720714 Artificial Intelligence, MAC Progress Report V, July 1969 to Dec. 1970 1970
102720715 BALM - An Extendable List-Processing Language 1970
102720716 A LISP Interpreter for the PDP-9 1970
102720717 A LISP Interpreter for the PDP-8 (Issue 15) 1970
102720718 LISP8K and LISP16K, Two LISP Systems for the PDP-8 (with File I/O for OS/8) 1970
102720719 The Function of FUNCTION in LISP or, Why the FUNARG Problem Should be Called the Environment Problem 1970
102720720 A Proposed Solution to the FUNARG Problem 1970
102720721 LISP : Principles 1970
102720722 Datalogi Laboratoriet, Project Technical Report for 1970 and Plans for 1971 1970
102720723 Przetwarzanie Napisow - Wyniki Frac Frowadzonych Na Uniwersytecie Warszawskin [Processing Subtitles - Results of Work Carried out at the University of Warsaw] 1970
102720724 META/PLUS : The Syntax Extension Facility for SCRATCHPAD 1971
102720725 MATHLIB 1971
102720726 LAP 3300 (LISP Assembly Program), User's Manual 1971
102720727 LISP F 1.1 for CDC-3000 L Computer Series, Manual 1971
102720728 Design and Development Document for LISP on Several S/360 Operating Systems 1971
102720751 Project MAC Personnel July 1970 to July 1971. MAC-Progress Report VI 1971
102720752 Documentation of the REDFUN Package 1971
102720753 BBN - LISP, TENEX Reference Manual 1971
102720754 List-Processing in Plain FORTRAN 1971-08
102720755 Introduction to LISP 1971
102720756 Correctness of Two Compilers for a LISP Subset 1971
102720757 Bibliography of MIT AI Memos 1971-11
102720758 General LISP Processing 1971
102720759 LISP F1, a FORTRAN Implementation of LISP 1.5 1971
102720760 LISP F1 : Interne Beschreibung [LISP F1 : Internal Description] 1971
102720761 Kompilator Sistemy Programmirowanija LISP-BESM-6 [Compiler Systems Programming LISP-BESM-6] 1971
102719574 Provisional SHRDLU User's Manual (Version 0) 1972
102720762 Artificial Intelligence, Research at the Laboratory in Vision, Language, and Other Problems of Intelligence 1972-01
102720763 Correctness of Two Compilers for a LISP Subset 1972
102720764 BBN-LISP, TENEX Reference Manual 1972
102720765 LISP 1.5 - Handbuch fuer die CD3300 [LISP 1.5 Hand Book for the CD3300] 1972
102720766 LISP/360 Reference Manual 1972
102720767 Do What I Mean : The Programmer's Assistant 1972-04
102720768 Micro Planner Alternate Reference Manual 1972-04
102720769 CONNIVER and MICRO PLANNER demos 1972
102720770 Advanced Course on Programming Languages and Data Structures 1972-06
102720771 Automatic Programming Division, MAC - Progress Report VII, 1971-1972 1972
102720772 Requirements for Advanced Programming Systems for List Processing 1972-07
102720773 From PLANNER to CONNIVER - A Genetic Approach 1972
102720779 QA4 : A Procedural Calculus for Intuitive Reasoning 1972-11
102720780 Ein Compiler fuer das System LISP 1.5 X8 [A Compiler for the System, LISP 1.5 X8] 1972
102719581 Backtracking in MLISP [IJCAI-73 preprint] 1973
102720782 Axioms and Theorems for Integers, Lists and Finite Sets in LCF 1973
102720783 Vortrage zur Algorithmentheorie und Nichtnumerischen Datenverarbeitung [Lectures on Algorithms Theory and Non Numeric Data Processing] 1973
102720784 Documentation of the SEPAC Data Structure 1973
102720785 Documentation of the SEPAC Package 1973
102720786 MLISP 2 1973
102720787 Darstellung und Bearbeitung umfangreicher LISP - Programme [Presentation and Working with Large LISP - Programs] 1973
102720788 Pajaro Dunes Workshop on Automatic Problem Solving 1973
102720789 Various Papers from 3 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 1973
102720790 New Programming Languages for AI Research 1973
102720791 Research in Advanced Formal Theorem-Proving Techniques [Final Report] 1973
102720792 A Preliminary QLISP Manual 1973
102720793 UCI LISP Manual 1973
102720794 REMREC - A Program for Automatic Recursion Removal in LISP 1973
102720795 LISP 1.5 fuer den TR 440 [LISP 1.5 for the TR 440] 1973
102720796 A Portable LISP Compiler 1973
102720797 LISP 3300, User's Manual [Lecture Notes] 1973
102720798 Obrabotka Simwolnoi Informazii [Symbolic Information Processing] 1973
102720799 LISP sous CMS [LISP in CMS] 1973
102720800 Nichtnumeriche Verfahren und deren Anwendung in der Elementarteilchen-Physik [Non-numerical Methods and their Applications in Elementary Particle Physics] 1973
102720801 Top Down Operator Precedence 1973
102720802 Trees (Poem) 1973
102720803 Datalogilaboratoriet 1974 [Computer Science Laboratory 1974] 1974
102720804 MACLISP Reference Manual 1974
102720805 Monocopy and Associative Algorithms in an Extended LISP 1974
102720806 Formelmanipulation mit Recude auf dem TR 440 [Formula Manipulation with Recude on the TR 440] 1974
102720807 LISP - Interpretierung and Ubersetzung [LISP - Interpretation and Translation] 1974
102720808 Implementation of LISP 1.6 on the B-6700 Computer 1974
102720809 LISP/MTS User's Guide 1974
102720810 Two-Level Control Structure for Nondeterministic Programming 1974
102720811 LISP 3300, LAP 3300, Minicomp, Implementation Guide for CD3300 1974
102720812 LISP - System fuer den TR440 [LISP - System for the TR440] 1974
102720813 LISP 3300, Vers. 2 1974
102720814 Unwinding Structured Recursions Into Iterations 1974
102720815 An Experiment in Automatic Programming 1974
102720816 Zur Uebersetzbarkeit von Programmiersprachen [The Translatability of Programming Languages] 1974
102720781 INTERLISP Reference Manual 1974
102720899 Programovaci Jazyk TESLA - LISP 1.5 (I. u. II. Teil) [Programming Language TESLA - LISP 1.5 (Part I and II)] 1974
102720900 Everyman's LISP 1974
102720817 Anatomy of LISP 1975
102720818 MAGMA LISP Reference Manual 1975
102720819 MAGMA-LISP : A "Machine Language" for Artificial Intelligence 1975
102720820 A Basis for the Acquisition of Procedures from Protocols 1975
102720821 A Note on Hash Linking 1975-07
102720822 Proving Theorems About LISP Functions 1975-01
102720823 Harvard PDP-11 LISP 1975
102720824 U.T. Lisp Documentation Version 4.0 1975-05
102720825 LISP Reference Manual : CDC - 6000 1975
102720826 The LISP Machine 1975
102720829 LISP T 1600 1975
102720830 LISP - details : INTERLISP/360-370 1975
102720831 InterLISP/360 and /370 User Reference Manual 1975-02-01
102720832 Synthesis of LISP Functions from Examples 1975
102720833 Programmieren in LISP 1.5 - Benutzerhandbuch [Programming in LISP 1.5 - User Guide] 1975
102720834 Appendix - Utah Modifications Stanford Lisp/360 Ref. Manual, 4th Edition 1975
102720835 CONS 1975
102720836 A Semantically Based Fuzzy Grammar for a Natural Language LISP Tutor 1975
102720837 MACLISP - Sprachbeschreibung [MACLISP - Voice Description] 1975
102720838 Obrabotka Simwolnoi Informazii [Symbolic Information Processing] 1975
102720839 Woproci wytschislitenoi Matematiki i Programmirowania Isdatelstwo Mezniereba [Questions of Computational Mathematics and Programming, Published by Mezniereba] 1975
102720840 MACLISP - Kurzbeschreibung (Stand 23.6.1975) [MACLISP - Short Description] 1975
102720841 Etude d'un Modele Abstrait pour une Machine LISP et de son Implantation [Study of a Model for an Abstract Machine LISP and its Implementation] 1975
102720842 Implementing LISP Using an Abstract Machine 1975
102720843 Talk on LISP-History 1975
102720844 LISP - Ablagefunktion, C-Interpreter [LISP - Storage Function, C-Interpreter] 1975
102720845 Engineering of Quality Software Systems; Towards an Analysis of the LISP Programming Language 1975
102720846 MACLISP Reference Manual 1975
102720847 Computational Logic : Structure Sharing and Proof of Program Properties, Part II 1975
102720848 Introducing Iteration into the Pure LISP Theorem Prover 1975
102719011 MACLISP source code for Lisp LOGO 1975
102720849 A Design of Lisp Interpreters for Microcomputers 1975
102720850 LISP Primer 1975
102720851 The LISP 1.5/R10 Programming System 1975
102720852 CGOL Source 1975
102720853 LISP - Anleitung, (2. Auflage) [LISP - Instruction, (2nd edition)] 1975
102720854 LISP : Principles 1975
102720855 Some Observations on Conceptual Programming 1975
102720856 Interaktive Editier - und Debugging-Hilfen in einem Lisp-Programmiersystem [Interactive Editing and Debugging Tools in a Lisp Programming System] 1975
102720857 Inferring LISP Programs from Examples 1975
102720858 The Definition of a LISP Compiler Using Partial Evaluation 1975
102720894 A List Processor LIPQ 1975
102720895 SASL Language Manual 1975
102720896 LISP Editor, Usermanual 1975
102720897 LISP 1.6 II --- Eine Erweiterung der Stanford-Version [LISP 1.6 II --- An Extension of the Stanford Version] 1975
102720898 Ein neuer Interpreter-Algorithmus fur LISP und seine Korrektheit [A new Interpreter for LISP Algorithm and its Correctness] 1975
102718946 A Brief Critique of LISP 1976
102718947 InterLISP Performance Measurements, Interim Report (BBN Report No. 3331) 1976
102718948 VLISP-10, Manuel de Reference [VLISP-10 Reference Manual] 1976
102718949 A System which Automatically Improves Programs 1976
102718950 A LISP-Based System for the Study of Schenkerian Analysis 1976
102718951 Output Driven Interpretation of Recursive Programs, or Writing Creates and Destroys Data Structures 1976
102718952 CONS Should Not Evaluate Its Arguments 1976
102718954 Die Verwendung von LISP an wissenschaftl. Rechenzentren in der BRD [The use of LISP to Scientists. Data Centers in the BRD] 1976
102718955 Iterative Interpretation of Tail-Recursive LISP Procedures 1976
102718956 VLISP : Structure et Extensions d'un Systeme LISP pour Mini-Ordinateurs [VLISP : Structure and Extensions of a LISP System for Minicomputers] 1976
102718957 LISP User's Manual 1976-03-31
102718958 Why is the LISP 1.9 Interpreter so Fast? 1976
102718959 Data Representations of LISP with an Experience on TOSBAC-5600 LISP 1976
102718961 Masterscope Documentation for June 7 Version of LISP 1976
102718962 Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity 1976
102718963 STIS Design Optimization and Development 1976
102718964 QLISP : A Language for the Interactive Development of Complex Systems (Technical Note 120, SRI Projects 8721, 3805, 4763) 1976
102718965 Datalogilaboratoriet - Flerarsrapport 1970 - 1975 [Computer Science Laboratory - Annual Reports 1970 - 1975] 1976
102718966 Interlisp [LISP] Changes Update 1976
102718967 A Shallow Binding Scheme for Fast Environment Changing in a "Spaghetti Stack" LISP System 1976
102718968 Understanding LISP Programs is Improving LISP Programs 1976
102718969 Proceedings of the Symposium on A.I. and Programming Languages, SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 12, No. 8 1977
102718970 The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes 1977
102718971 Intelligent On-Line Assistant and Tutor System, 18 Sep. 1975 to 31 January 1977 1977
102718972 The Hierarchical Synthesis of LISP Scanning Programs 1977
102718993 LISP 1.9 Programming System 1976
102718973 Datalogilaboratoriet 1977 [Computer Science Laboratory 1977] 1977
102718974 Notes sur le VLISP 10.2 [Notes on VLISP 10.2] 1977
102718975 LISP TIMES E 3 1977
102718976 Proof by Semantic Attributes of a LISP Compiler 1977
102718977 Description par Attributs Semantiques de LISP Pur et Preuve de l'Equivalence de la Definition Traductive et de l'Evaluateur [Description by Semantic Attributes of Pure LISP and Proof of the Equivalence of the Translation and Definition of the Evaluator] 1977
102718978 Definition et Implantation de LISP l'Aide d'un Compilateur [Definition and Implementation of LISP with a Compiler] 1977
102718979 LISBET LISP Dialect for Teaching 1977
102718980 A Guided Tour of the InterLISP System, Part I 1977
102718981 InterLISP Programmierhandbuch [InterLISP Programming Guide] 1977
102718982 Implementing LISP in a High-Level Language 1977
102718983 A Note on Compacting Garbage Collection 1977
102718984 A Note on Conditional Expressions 1977-10
102718985 Contribution a la Definition Interpretative et a l'Implementation des Lambda- Langages [Contribution to the Definition Interpretation and Implementation of Lambda-Languages] 1977
102718986 MBALM/1700 : A Microprogrammed LISP Machine for the Burroughs B1726 1977
102718987 A Partial Evaluator, and its Use for Compiling Iterative Statements in LISP 1977
102718988 Een LISP Interpretator voor de PDP-11, Deel I en II [A LISP Interpreter for the PDP-11, volumes I and II] 1977
102719012 Definition and Implementation of a LISP System (Using Semantic Atributes) 1977
102719013 Definition and Implantation of a LISP System, a l'Aide d'un Compilateur [With the Aid of a Compiler] 1977
102718989 LISP/370, A Short Technical Description 1977
102718990 Small LISP (SLISP) 1977-08
102718991 Programmieren in LISP 1.5 - Benutzerhandbuch [Programming in LISP 1.5 - User Guide] 1977-02
102718992 Specialni Programovaci Jazyky [Special Programming Languages] 1977
102718994 Erweiterungen MACLISP [Extensions MACLISP] 1977-12
102718995 Rutgers/UCI LISP Manual 1977-04-24
102718996 MACSYMA Reference Manual, Version 9 1977-12
102718997 Announcement : 1977 MACSYMA Users' Conference 1977
102718998 Recursive Programming in LISP 1977
102718999 History of LISP 1977
102719000 Improving Programs by Source-to-Source Transformation 1977
102719001 Interpretarujuschtschaja Sistema LISP/ES [Interpreter System of LISP/ES] 1977
102719002 Macaroni is Better than Spaghetti 1977
102719003 A Methodology for LISP Program Construction from Examples 1977
102719004 A Display Oriented Programmer's Assistant 1977
102719005 Understanding and Improving Lisp Programs 1977
102719006 VLISP - AID 1977
102719007 LISP/370 : A Short Technical Description of the Implementation 1977
102719008 LISP : Program is Data, a Historical Perspective on MACLISP 1977
102719009 LISP : Data is Program, A Tutorial in LISP 1977
102719218 Standard LISP Report 1977
102719014 Proposal for the LISP Conference 1980 1978
102719015 Shallow Binding in LISP 1.5 1978-07
102719016 The Inference of regular LISP. Programs from examples 1978-08
102719017 Datalogilaboratoriet 1978 [Computer Science Laboratory 1978] 1978
102719018 Stanford LISP/360 at CERN - PROGRAM LIBRARY LONG WRITE-UP 1978
102719019 Einfuehrung in Lisp [Introduction to LISP] 1978
102719020 Measurements of Dynamic List Structure Use in LISP 1978
102719021 A Portable LISP Interpreter 1978-05-31
102719022 Amord in LISP with Truth Maintenance 1978
102719023 Inside InterLISP : Two Implementations 1978
102719024 On-the-Fly Garbage Collection : An Exercise in Cooperation 1978
102719025 A Case Study of QLISP : Representing Knowledge Taken From Medical Diaries 1978
102719026 Is a LISP Machine Different from a FORTRAN Machine? 1978
102719027 SLISP - The B-Interpreter, University of Utah, Symbolic Computation Group, Salt Lake City 1978
102719028 SLISP - A Standard LISP Implementation in SDL 1978
102719029 A Small Standard LISP Interpreter 1978
102719030 A Note on Conditional Expressions 1978
102719031 Aspects of Applicative Programming for Parallell Programming 1978-04
102719032 Unbounded Computational Structures 1978
102719033 Hashing Lemmas on Time Complexities with Application to Formula Manipulation, SYMSAC '76 1978
102719034 Notes on the Programming Language LISP 1978
102719035 LISP Bulletin 2 1978
102719036 Using an Efficient Sparse Minor Expansion Algorithm to Compute Polynomial Subresultants and the Greatest Common Denominator, Draft 1978-10
102719037 REDUCE/1700 : A Micro-Coded Algebra System 1978
102719038 MBALM/BIL - A Portable LISP Interpreter 1978
102719039 Rutgers/UCI Lisp Compiler 1978
102719040 LISP/370 : Manipulation of Data-List Structures 1978
102719041 Input/Output Facilities in LISP 1.9 1978
102719042 LISP - IRIS - 80 : Manuel d'Utilisation [LISP - IRIS - 80 : User Manual] 1978
102719043 Standard LISP Report 1978
102719044 Standard LISP Report (first revision) 1978
102719045 A Micro-Manual for LISP - Not the Whole Truth 1978
102719046 History of LISP 1978
102719047 LISP Programming and Proving 1978
102719048 Maclisp Reference Manual 1978
102719049 LISP F3 Implementation Guide and System Description 1978
102719050 LISP F3 Users Guide 1978
102719051 ID-LISP Manual 1978
102719052 Dynamische Benutzerhilfe im LISP-Programmiersystem [Dynamic User Assistance in LISP Programming System] 1978
102719053 DEBUG --- Eine interaktive Benutzerhilfe [DEBUG --- An Interactive User Help] 1978
102719054 FRL program listing 1978
102719130 LISP/370 : Program Description / Operations Manual 1978
102719055 Design and Downloading of a Display-Based Data Editor 1978
102719056 LISP-Contest 1978 1978
102719057 Interlisp Reference Manual 1978-10
102719058 Lisp Machine Manual (preliminary version) 1978-11
102719059 A machine independent LISP compiler and its implications for ideal hardware 1978
102719060 Un Systeme de Comprehension, d\'Amelioration et de Correction de Programmes Incorrects [A System of Understanding, Improvement and Correction of Incorrect Program] 1978-07
102719061 LISP 440 1978-02
102719062 August 1979 issue of BYTE : special issue on LISP 1979
102719063 Implementierung und Beschreibung eines LISP-Compilers (Mac COM) [Implementation and Description of a LISP Compiler (MAC COM)] 1979
102719064 LISP/370 Concepts and Facilities 1979
102719065 The Definition of LISP1.8+0.3i 1979
102719066 Compact Encodings of List Structure 1979
102719067 Extending Interlisp for Modularization and Efficiency (Extended Abstract) 1979
102719068 Recursive Programs as Functions in a First Order Theory 1979
102719069 First Order Programming Logic 1979
102719070 MACLISP - Kurzmanual [MACLISP Short Manual] 1979
102719071 MACLISP - Kurzmanual [MACLISP Short Manual] 1979-08
102719072 CYBER-LISP : Extensions to UTLISP for Interactive Users 1979-05
102719073 Reference Counting Can Manage the Circular Environments of Mutual Recursion 1979
102719074 MBALM/1700 : A Microprogrammed LISP Machine for the Burroughs B1726 1979
102719075 TLISP - A "Transportable LISP" Implemented in Pcode 1979
102719076 A Portable LISP Compiler 1979
102719077 An Application of LISP as an Implementation Language for the Domain Expert's Programming Environment 1979
102719078 A One-Pass Pretty-Printer 1979
102719079 PMETA - Pattern Matching META/REDUCE 1979
102719080 The LISP Machine Macro-Instruction Set 1979
102719081 LISP Machine Internal Storage Formats 1979
102719082 QLOG Interactive Environment - the Experience from Embedding a Generalized Prolog in InterLISP 1979
102719083 Fast Interpreter of LISP 1.9 1979
102719084 LISP Activities in Japan, Information Systems Lab., Toshiba R and D Center, Kawasaki, Japan ca. 1979
102719085 ALTO User's Handbook 1979-09
102719086 Reisebericht ueber die 6IJACI [Trip Report about the 6IJACI] 1979
102719087 The New UCI-LISP Manual 1979
102719088 Transcript of Messenger Lectures (Cornell) and Draft of Society of the Mind 1979
102719089 The InterLISP Virtual Machine Specification 1979
102719090 LISP-800 Implementierung eines LISP-Interpreters auf dem SME-800 [LISP-800 Implementation of a LISP Interpreter on the SME-800] 1979
102719091 LISP Notes 1979
102719092 Why Superroutines are Different from Subroutines 1979
102719093 An Arbitrary Precision Real Arithmetic Package in REDUCE*), +) 1979
102719219 Standard Lisp Report 1979-10
102719094 S1-NIL : New Implementation of LISP, Preliminary Version 1979
102719095 General Topics and Education : 'Anatomy of LISP', Computing Reviews, Reviews and Abstracts, December 1979, pp. 505-506 1979
102719096 New - LISP - Messages 1979
102719097 A Summary of MACLISP, Functions and Flags 1979
102719098 Prolog - The Language and its Implementation Compared With LISP 1979
102719099 LISP Machine Manual [Second Preliminary Edition] 1979-01
102719100 Course Notes for CS6.031 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Spring 1980 1980
102719101 Technical Correspondence : On Iverson's Operators 1980
102719102 Cromemco LISP, Instruction Manual 1980
102719103 The TLC-LISP Documentation 1980
102719104 Conference Record of the 1980 LISP Conference 1980
102719105 Papers on InterLISP-D, Xerox PARC 1980
102719106 New Features in UTLISP Version 5. and UTLISP 5.0 Ref. Manual 1980
102719107 VLISP-8 Manuel de Reference [VLISP-8 Reference Manual] 1980
102719108 Le Modele VLISP : Description, Implementation et Evaluation [The VLISP Model : Description, Implementation and Evaluation] 1980
102719109 MODLISP 1980
102719110 Compiling Embedded Languages in LISP, On 1980
102719111 Computing Facilities for AI : A Survey of Present and Near-Future Options 1980
102719112 Picturebalm : A LISP-Based Graphics Language System with Flexible Syntax and Hierarchical Data Structure 1980
102719113 REDUCE/1800 : Standard LISP and REDUCE on the Burroughs B1700/B1800 Computer 1980
102719114 A Portable LISP Compiler 1980
102719115 REDUCE - Sprak foer Formelbehandling [REDUCE - Language for Formula Treatment] 1980
102719116 MODLISP : A Preliminary Design 1980
102719117 Adding Type Declarations to InterLISP 1980
102719118 Siemens-Interlisp Benutzerhandbuch v 4.0 [Siemens Interlisp Manual v 4.0] 1980
102719119 LISP in Japan - From Past to Future 1980
102719120 Little Big LISP (Draft) 1980-08
102719121 Global Program Analysis in an Interactive Environment 1980-01
102719122 The CONNIVER Reference Manual : Revised for UCI AI-Library 1980
102719123 LISP Computers Go Commercial 1980-11
102719124 LISP - Notes on its Past and Future 1980
102719125 LISP Programming and Proving (Table of Contents only) 1980
102719126 muLISP/muSTAR-80 Artificial Intelligence Development System Reference Manual 1980
102719127 Symbolics product literature, price list, quote 1980
102719128 Transfer of Programs from Development to Runtime Environments 1980
102719129 Recursion Equations as a Programming Language 1980
102719131 VLISP-Manual 1981
102719132 Maclisp Extensions 1981
102719133 SYSLISP : A Portable LISP-Based Systems Implementation Language 1981
102719134 MACLISP - Kurzmanual [MACLISP - Short Manual] 1981
102719135 Garbage Collection of Linked Data Structures 1981-09
102719136 App-L-ISP for the Apple II Computer 1981
102719137 Overview of Spice Lisp 1981
102719138 Portable Standard LISP - A Brief Introduction 1981
102719139 A Portable LISP Compiler 1981
102719140 20BIGNUM.RED.2 1981
102719141 A Heterarchical Multi-Microprocessor LISP Machine 1981
102719142 Laborationsmaterial I Data Och Programstrukturer, D3 [Laboratory Materials of Data and Program Structures, D3] 1981
102719143 A Tutorial on Expert Systems : Putting Knowledge to Work 1981
102719144 Utah Symbolic Computation Group : Available Publications 30 October 1981 1981
102719145 A Note on the Optimization of Compiler Codes in LISP 1981
102719146 A New Fast and Safe Marking Algorithm 1981
102719147 Three Microcomputer LISP's 1981
102719148 LMI Newsletter Vol 1, No 1, and Quote to purchase CADR machine 1981
102719149 Little Big LISP 1981
102719150 Little Big LISP for the TRS-80, Installation Guide 1981
102719151 LISP for the TRS-80 1981
102719152 InterLISP-VAX : A Report 1981
102719153 Biography and Bibliograpy of John McCarthy 1981
102719154 History of LISP (LISP Session Part IV) LISP Session 1981
102719155 Un Sistema LISP per il VAX [A System for the VAX LISP] 1981
102719156 MACLISP Manual, The Pitmanual, Draft #4 1981
102719157 Using Dynamic Generic Functions in LISP Like Languages 1981
102719158 Dolphin InterLISP KL-One Benchmark, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto 1981-08-20
102719159 Further Steps in the Flight from Time-Sharing 1981-08
102719160 Advanced Computing Environments for A.I. and Cognitive Science, tutorial 1981
102719161 InterLISP, Benutzerhandbuch [InterLISP, User Manual] 1981
102719162 InterLISP, Freigabemitteilung [InterLISP, Release Notice] 1981
102719163 Softwareprodikt LISP (A Guide to LISP), Operating System BS3000 1981
102719164 Symbolics Price Quote and Product Information 1981
102719165 The InterLISP Programming Environment 1981
102719166 The Stiff Upper LISP User's Manual and Study Guide 1981
102719167 New Features in UTLISP Version 5 1981-07-29
102719168 LISP Machine Manual [Third Edition] 1981-03
102719169 LISP Machine Manual [Fourth Edition] 1981-07
102719170 LISP Machine Manual (Symbolics) 1981
102719171 LISP Another View (LAMBDA) 1981-08-18
102719172 Program Listing for NIL compiler 1981
102719173 Interlisp-Jericho User's Guide 1981
102719174 The T Manual - T, a Dialect of LISP, Version 2 1982
102719175 Two Graphics of Time vs Storage 1982
102719176 Artificial Intelligence - Languages and Machines 1982
102719177 Ein Algorithmus zur Automatischen Programmierung in LISP [An Algorithm for Automatic Programmin in LISP] 1982
102719178 An Optimizing Compiler for Lexically Scoped LISP 1982
102719179 VAX-NIL Installation Instructions 1982
102719180 Directory listing for NIL286.DIR (NIL on VAX/VMS) 1982
102719181 Le - LISP 68K, Le Manuel, (Provisoire) [LISP 68K Manual, (Provisional)] 1982
102719182 MACLISP - Kurzmanual [MACLISP - Short Manual] 1982
102719183 A Pragmatic Module Concept for Interlisp 1982
102719184 Press release for Symbolics 3600 1982
102719185 Internal Design of Spice LISP 1982
102719186 The Implementation of PEARL - A Package for Efficient Access to Representations in LISP 1982
102719187 FUGUE Notes Number 1 and 2 1982
102719188 The FRANZ LISP Manual 1982
102719189 Performance and Evaluation of LISP Systems 1982
102719190 PSL-V3-VAX-Times, Portable Standard LISP (2 Mails) 1982
102719191 PSL Interest Group : Newsletters #4-6, Univ. of Utah, CS Dep., Salt Lake City, Feb., May, June 1982 1982
102719192 Portable Standard LISP (PSL), A Brief Overview 1982
102719193 PSL : A Portable LISP System 1982
102719194 PSL : A Portable LISP System 1982
102719195 Die Programmiersprache LISP - eine einfuehrende Uebersicht [The LISP Programming Language - An Introductory Overview] 1982
102719196 The Hutlisp Programming System : User's Manual and Report 1982
102719197 Database Access in LISP 1982
102719198 Translations of Goedels 46 Function Definitions into LISP 1982
102719199 Programmiermethoden in der Kuenstlichen Intelligenz Forschung [Programming Methods in Artificial Intelligence Research] 1982
102719200 LISP Programming Techniques, (Draft) 1982
102719201 ISAR - Modell eines deutschsprachigen Faktenabfragesystems [ISAR - Model of a German Facts Query System] 1982
102719202 An Optimizing Compiler for LISP for the Z80 1982
102719203 A Session with the Little Meta Translator Writing System 1982
102719204 Package Reasoning Utility Package (RUP) 1982
102719205 Un Sistema LISP per il VAX [A System for the VAX LISP] 1982
102719206 GLISP User's Manual 1982
102719220 Standard LISP for the VAX, A Provisional Implementation 1982
102719207 Conf. Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming 1982
102719208 Semidisk, Software Tools, the BDOS Blues, Power, and LISPs 1982-08
102719209 Langage d'un autre type : LISP [Language of Another Type : LISP] 1982
102719210 Code Optimization Considerations in List Processing Systems 1982
102719211 Direct Execution of LISP on a List-Directed Architecture 1982
102719212 PLISP - Pascal-Pohjainen Standardi-LISP-Systeemi [PLISP - Pascal-based Standard-LISP-System] 1982
102719213 Computing Families of Natural Secret Languages 1982
102719214 Reflection and Semantics in a Procedural Language 1982-01-25
102719215 Common LISP Reference Manual 1982-07-29
102719216 Common LISP Reference Manual 1982-11-16
102719217 The Hacker's Dictionary (Draft) 1982
102719400 Common LISP - a survey and a critique 1982-11
102719222 Course Notes CS6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 1981-1983
102719223 The LOOPS Manual (Preliminary Version) 1983
102719224 The LOOPS Manual (Final Version) 1983
102719225 Introduction to the Memo Series of the Stanford Art. Intelligence Lab. 1983
102719226 Catalogue of Artificial Intelligence Tools, A (Spring 1983). SERC and Dept. of AI 1983
102719227 Introduction to NIL 1983
102719228 NIL Notes for Release 0.259 1983
102719229 LISP 80, Version 12, Manuel de Reference [LISP 80, Version 12, Reference Manual] 1983
102719230 Various Reports' Cover Sheets 1983
102719231 Lisp Programming [Table of Contents] 1983
102719232 Eine Dynamische Speicherreallokations-Strategie fur UCI-LISP [A Dynamic Memory Allocation Strategy for UCI-LISP] 1983
102719233 VAX-11 OPS5 User's Guide 1983
102719234 A Poor Man's Flavor System [2 versions] 1983
102719235 Scheme 311 Version 4 Reference Manual 1983
102719236 The Franz LISP Manual 1983
102719237 How to Parse Gaps in Spoken Utterances 1983
102719238 Golden Common LISP : A Technical Summary Version 1.1 1983
102719239 Release Notes VAX Unix V3.1 PSL System 1983
102719240 ALPHA - a High-Performance LISP Machine Equipped with a New Stack Structure and Garbage Collection System. 10th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture 1983
102719241 REDUCE Installation Guide for the DEC VAX-11 Series Running UNIX 1983
102719242 LISP - SP. A portable INTERLISP subset interpreter for mini-computers 1983
102719243 LISP-Ohjelmointikieli 25 Vuotta [Programming Language for 25 Years] 1983
102719244 IQLISP Reference Manual Version 1.4.3 1983
102719245 Update on the PSL Development Effort 1983
102719246 Advanced LISP Programming, Chapter 3 (Preprint aus Artificial Intelligence 1984) 1983
102719247 Introduction to the LISP System, Operations Manual 1983
102719248 LISP Machine Window System Manual 1983
102719249 ZMACS, Introductory Manual 1983
102719250 ZMAIL Manual, First Edition Version 50 1983
102719251 MACSYMA Reference Manual, Version 10, two volumes 1983
102719252 Reason Utility Package (RUP) 1983
102719253 Ist LISP Eine 'Langsame' Sprache? [Is LISP a "Slow" Language?] 1983
102719254 Etude des Relations avec l'Interprete dans la Compilation de LISP [Study of the Relations with the Interpreter in LISLP Compilation] 1983
102719255 GLISP User's Manual (revised) 1983
102719256 German and Swiss Chapter of the ACM News 1983-03
102719257 Naturlichsprachlicher Zugang zu Datenbanken [Natural Language Access to Databases] 1983
102719258 Common LISP Reference Manual, Mary Poppins Edition 1983
102719259 Fifth Generation Computer Systems Editorial Bulletin 1983
102719260 Power Tools for Programmers 1983
102719261 ESSEX LISP : The Third Stage 1983-09
102719262 The Flavors System : A Brief Overview 1983
102719263 Rule-Oriented Programming in Loops 1983
102719264 LISP - Teil 1 Programmierkurs and LISP-II Programmierkurs [LISP - Part I Programming Course and LISP-II Programming Course] 1983
102719265 Maschinen-unabhaengige Code-Erzeugung als semantikerhaltende beweisbare Programmtransformation [Machine-independent Code Generation as Provable Semantics Preserving Program Transformation] 1983
102719266 Kuenstliche Intelligenz am Institut fuer Informatik der Universitaet Stuttgart : Eine Uebersicht zu Forschung und Lehre [Artificial Intelligence at the University of Stuttgart Institute for Computer Science : A Review of Research and Teaching] 1983
102719267 Symbolics 3600 Software Documentation 1983
102719268 Symbolics Release 4.0 Documentation 1983
102719269 Getting Started With TLC-Logo (tm) Version 1.0 1983
102719270 A Summary of MACLISP, Functions and Flags, 5th Edition 1983-07
102719271 The Portable Standard LISP (PSL) User's Manual, Version 3.1 1983
102719272 Scheme Manual, Seventh Edition 1984
102719273 Catalogue of Applications for the Domain 1984
102719274 Implementation of Interlisp on the VAX 1984
102719275 STRUPPI, ein graphischer Pretty-Printer fuer LISP-Strukturen, (2 copies) [STRUPPI, A Graphical Pretty-printer for LISP Structures, (2 copies)] 1984
102719276 LISP Eine funktionale Einfuhrung [LISP A Functional Introduction] 1984
102719277 The Advanced, But Still Friendly, Dandelion Primer 1984
102719278 Programming in Common LISP, (Draft) 1984
102719279 CRL (Carnegie Representation Language) - Kernel Language Definition and User Manual, Version 1.0 1984
102719280 Künstliche Intelligenz auf 32 Bit. Computerwoche [Artificial Intelligence on 32 Bit. Computer Weekly] 1984-09-14
102719281 Die Libelle = LIsp BEnutzergruppe Lieblings LEktuere - No. 1 [The Dragonfly = Lisp User Group I Love to Read - No. 1] 1984
102719282 MikkoLISP Reference Manual, Preliminary Edition 1984
102719283 MikkoLISP in Kaeyttoe INTERCOSM ympaeristoessae [MikkoLISP Operating in an INTERCOSM Environment] 1984
102719284 Fundamental Abstractions of Programming Languages 1984
102719285 Queue-Based Multi-Processing LISP 1984
102719286 Software Pipelining 1984
102719287 Using CLOS-like Concepts in a Prototyping System 1984
102719331 LISP for the IBM Personal Computer 1984-07
102719332 INTERCOSM - Window Oriented User Interface, Users Guide 1984
102719288 Learning LISP (table of contents) 1984
102719289 TLC - LISP Kurzmanual, Vers. 2 [TLC - LISP Short Manual, version 2] 1984
102719290 Bach - Passacaglia and Thema Fugatum in C Minor; Fantasia in G Minor 1984
102719291 The MULTILISP Language : LISP for a Multiprocessor 1984
102719292 Implementation of Multilisp : Lisp on a Multiprocessor 1984-08
102719293 LISP Symbolienkaesittelyn ja tekoaelyn ohjelmointikieli [LISP Symbols Processing and Artificial Intelligence Programming Language] 1984
102719294 STeP-84 Tutorial and Industrial Papers; Symposium Papers 1984
102719295 Tops-20 Common LISP 1984
102719296 LISP : Recursion and Generality, (chapter 19) 1983
102719297 NIQ/3 1984
102719298 Truth Maintenance Program 1984-07
102719299 PSL Update Report 1984
102719300 The LMI Lambda Field Service Manual 1984
102719301 UO-LISP : A LISP Programming Environment Handbook 1984
102719302 Reason Utility Package (RUP) 1984
102719303 The Sigma Machine 1984
102719304 Norak-Data KPS-5 and KPS-10 Technical Summary 1984
102719330 Golden Common Lisp Reference Manual 1984-07-31
102719305 Proposals for the Benchmarks for the Third LISP Contest and the First PROLOG Contest 1984
102719306 The Preservation of the Environment ca. 1984
102719307 MACSYMA Applications Newsletter 1984
102719308 6.824 Natural Deduction Rules 1984
102719309 First thoughts on a reflective lambda calculus 1984
102719310 Interim 3-LISP Reference Manual 1984-06
102719311 Conf. Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming ACM Order No. 552840 1984
102719312 Symbolics 3600 Software Documentation, Release 4.4, Volume 1 1984
102719313 Symbolics 3600 Software Documentation, Release 4.4, Volume 2 1984
102719314 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 1A 1984
102719315 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 1B (Document and System Index) 1984
102719316 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 2 (System Fundamentals) 1984
102719317 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 3A (Lisp Language) 1984
102719318 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 3B (Lisp Language) 1984
102719319 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 4A (Program Development Tools) 1984
102719320 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 4B (Program Development Tools) 1984
102719321 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 5 (User Interface Support) 1984
102719322 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 6 (Utilities and Applications) 1984
102719323 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 7 (Networks and I/O) 1984
102719324 Symbolics Reference Manuals, Release 5, Vol 8 (System Installation) 1984
102719325 S.1 Users Guide (Preliminary) 1984-06
102719326 S.1 Reference Manual, Addendum 1 1984-08
102719327 TLC - LISP Documentation 1984
102719328 InterLisp/360-370 production and price information 1984
102719329 Etude, Realisation et Evaluation D'un Environnement de Programmation Utilisant des Representations Multiples pour le Developpement Continu de Logiciels tres Evolues [Design, Conduct and Evaluation of a Programming Environment Using Multiple Representations for the Continued Development of Sophisticated Software] 1984-04
102719333 The Implementation and Optimization of Portable Standard LISP for the Cray 1985
102719334 The LISP Tutor 1985
102719335 Apollo : LISP Product Brief 1985
102719336 Macros and Utilities for Franz LISP 1985
102719337 Review of : Build Your Own Expert System 1985
102719338 CommonLoops : Merging Common Lisp and Object-Oriented Programming 1985
102719339 Lisplog : Momentaufnahmen Einer Lisp/Prolog-Vereinheitlichung [Lisplog : Snapshots of a Lisp/Prolog Unification] 1985
102719340 Lisplog : Momentaufnahmen Einer Lisp/Prolog-Vereinheitlichung [Lisplog : Snapshots of a Lisp/Prolog Unification] 1985
102719341 Knowledge Craft™ 1985
102719342 European LISP Standardisation Group Opening Meeting 1985
102719343 Die Entwicklung generischer Kontrollstrukturen aus Kaskadierten ATNs [The Development of Generic Control Structures of Cascaded ATNS] 1985
102719344 LISP Workstation Brings AI Power to a User's Desk 1985
102719345 Proposal For The Development Of The European Common LISP 1985
102719346 Le Portage du Systeme LeLISP, Mode d'Emploi [The Portage System LISP, Users Manual] 1985
102719347 La Microprogrammation du Systeme LeLISP - Une Premiere Approche [Microprogramming the LISP System - A First Approach] 1985
102719348 CMS (Consistency Maintenance System) : Ein Interpreter fur konsistenzerhaltende Prozeduen [CMS (Consistency Maintenance System) : An Interpreter for Consistency Maintenance Procedures] 1985
102719349 Ein hardware-unterstuetzter LISP-Interpreter [A Hardware-assisted LISP Interpreter] 1985
102719350 The Extent of Scope 1985
102719351 Franz Company and Product Literature 1985
102719352 Scheme 84 Interim Reference Manual - Version 0.7 1985
102719353 Sun CommonLISP Benchmarks - Some Early Results 1985
102719354 Towards A Many-Sorted Approach To Artificial Intelligence Programming 1985
102719355 Artificial Intelligence Research Group, Activity Report 1985-06
102719356 The GCLisp Window System 1985
102719357 Golden Common Lisp 1985
102719358 Hewlett Packard Common LISP Development Environment 1985
102719359 IQLISP Reference Manual for the TI Professional Computers 1985
102719360 Flavors : Object-oriented Programming on Symbolics Computers 1985-12
102719361 Mac PSL 1.1 Available 1985
102719362 InterLISP-D, Ein Werkzeug fuer Rapid Prototyping [InterLISP-D, A Tool for Rapid Prototyping] 1985
102719363 Artificial Intelligence 1985-04
102719364 ObjectLISP for Experienced Programmers 1985
102719365 Sun : Sun Portable Common LISP - A Concise Reference Manual 1985
102719366 The Pell-Mell Rush Into Expert Systems Forces Integration Issue 1985-07
102719367 Current Developments in LISP 1985
102719368 The Rationale of LIER; A Considered LISP 1985
102719369 Closurize and Concentrate 1985
102719370 WEREX Vorstudie : UNCLE - UNIX CommonLisp Environment [WEREX Preliminary Study : UNCLE - UNIX CommonLisp Environment] 1985
102719371 Notes on PCS HW and SW Products for Artificial Intelligence 1985
102719372 Report on the 1985 IJCAI in Los Angeles, August 17-23 1985
102719373 Seminar - Kuenstliche Intelligenz [Seminar - Artificial Intelligence] 1985
102719374 UNCLE - UNIX CommonLisp Environment 1985
102719399 The Connection Machine 1985
102719375 An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - a Self-Study Text 1985
102719376 Der Reiz des Exotischen - Die Programmiersprache LISP [The Allure of the Exotic - The Programming Language LISP] 1985
102719377 The Quest to Understand Thinking 1985-04
102719378 LISP - eine Sprache fuer kuenstliche Intelligenz. Teil 1: Vergleich mit anderen Sprachen [LISP - A Language for Artificial Intelligence. Part 1: Comparison with other Languages] 1985
102719379 Interlisp-D 1985
102719380 Object-Oriented Programming for Common Lisp 1985
102719381 Dedicated LISP Hardware - an Overview 1985
102719382 Technical Description of Work Proposed : Engineering of Integrated Systems 1985
102719383 AI Europa 1985 Conference Proceedings 1985
102719384 PC Scheme User's Guide 1985
102719385 TI Scheme Language Reference Manual 1985
102719386 Lisp Reference (TI Explorer) (Preliminary) 1985
102719387 Explorer Diagnostics (Preliminary) 1985
102719388 Explorer Mass Storage Enclosure (Preliminary) 1985
102719389 Personal Consultant : Expert System Development Tools (Preliminary) 1985
102719390 TI : Personal Consultant 1985
102719401 TLC lisp-86 Documentation 1985
102719402 TLC lisp 1.08 1 of 3 1985
102719403 TLC lisp 1.08 2 of 3 1985
102719404 TLC lisp 1.08 3 of 3, Documentation 1985
102719391 InterLISP Reference Manual 1983
102719392 InterLISP-D Reference Manual, Vol I : Language 1985
102719393 InterLISP-D Reference Manual, Vol II : Environment 1985
102719394 InterLISP-D Reference Manual, Vol III : Input/Output 1985
102719395 Introduction to Interlisp-D, course lectures 1/3 1985
102719396 Introduction to Interlisp-D, course lectures 2/3 1985
102719397 Object Oriented programming and LOOPS, course lectures 3/3 1985
102719398 Masterscope, newsletter for Xerox Interlisp-D Users' Group, Vol 1, nos 1-3 1985
102719405 Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming 1986
102719406 ACM SIGSOFT vol 11, no 5, Oct 1986 1986
102719407 Type Subsumption as a Model of Computation 1986
102719408 The Death of Creativity : Is Common LISP a LISP-like Language? 1986
102719409 ATMS : Assunption-based Truth Maintenace System [Original Design] 1986
102719410 Reading list for seminar on 3-LISP 1986
102719411 CommonLoops, Merging Lisp and Object-Oriented Programming 1986
102719412 LE_LISP, Version 15.2, Le Manual Reference [2nd Edition, Mai 86] [LISP, Version 15.2, Reference Manual 2nd Edition] 1986-05
102719413 LE_LISP, Version 15.2, Le Manual Reference [2nd Edition, Mai 86] [LISP, Version 15.2, Reference Manual 2nd Edition] 1986-05
102719414 Weeks 30-36 of Common-Lisp@SU-AI mailing list 1986
102719415 C't magazin fur computer technik [C't Magazine for Computer Technology] 1986-03
102719416 Instant comments on PopLog Common LISP 1986
102719417 Instant Report on the Boston Common LISP Meeting 1986
102719418 Das LeLISP - System, version 2.15 auf dem IBM-PC [The LISP - System, version 2.15 on the IBM-PC] 1986
102719419 Low-Cost Work Station Aims to Move AI Out of the Lab 1986
102719420 Case for Support; Transportable Box of LISP Tools 1986
102719421 Franz Lisp 1986
102719422 Call for Papers : Lisp and Symbolic Computation Journal 1986-10-27
102719423 Issues of Separation in Function Cells and Value Cells 1986
102719424 Foundations of dialog engineering : the development of human-computer interaction, Part II 1986
102719425 DIAGTECH Diagnosing Technical Systems 1986
102719426 6.036 Problem Solving Paradigms Course Description 1986
102719427 HP LISP Language Reference (A-L) for HP 9000 Series 300 Computers 1986
102719428 HP LISP Language Reference (M-Z) for HP 9000 Series 300 Computers 1986
102719429 Hewlett Packard LISP Syntax Reference [HP9000 Series 300 Computers] 1986
102719430 Hewlett Packard LISP Application Notes [HP9000 Series 300 Computers] 1986
102719431 Knowledge Engineering Environment (KEE) System, Update 1986-08
102719432 STeP-86 Invited Papers : AI and Philosophy (Vol. 1, 2, and 3) 1986
102719433 EPIC - A Retagetable Highly Optimizing LISP Compiler 1986
102719434 A Portable Common LISP Subset with High Performance (Draft) 1986
102719435 InterLISP-D, Ein Werkzeug fuer Rapid Prototyping [InterLISP-D, A Tool for Rapid Prototyping] 1986
102719436 Guy Steel, Common LISP, and the Connection Machine 1986
102719437 CYC : Using Common Sense Knowledge to Overcome Brittleness and Knowledge Acquisition Bottlenecks 1986
102719438 Lucid Common LISP For The VAX 1986
102719439 Looking to a single language standard 1986
102719440 LISP For Cray Computers, Impementation of PSL 3.4 for Cray 1 and Cray X Computers with COS Operating System 1986
102719441 Usage of Vecter Hardware for LISP Processing 1986
102719442 Two Views of Generality 1986
102719443 6.824 Artifical Intelligence, Problem Set 2 Solutions 1986
102719444 Desiderata for the Standardization of LISP. Draft 1986
102719445 Status Report on the European Initiative on LISP Standardisation 1986
102719446 Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme 1986
102719447 MULISP-86, A Customizable LISP with Recent Enhancements and an Optional Compiler 1986
102719448 AI Forum Nr. 1/86 Siemens AG 1986
102719449 Der Zugang zur Welt der Artificial Intelligence [Access to the World of Artificial Intelligence] 1986
102719450 Connection Machine LISP - Fine-Grained Parallel Symbolic Processing 1986
102719451 AI and Programming Languages 1986
102719452 The Butterfly Lisp System 1986
102719453 Programmiermethoden der kuenstlichen Intelligenz. Konstanz (Entwurf) [Programming Methods of Artificial Intelligence. Constance (Draft)] 1986
102719702 AAAI-86 Notes 1986
102719454 Programmiermethoden der kuenstlichen Intelligenz [Programming Methods of Artificial Intelligence] 1986
102719455 Sun Product literature, including Common Lisp 1986
102719456 Variablenbindungen in LISP [Variable Bindings in LISP] 1986
102719458 TI Scheme Language Reference Manual. TI Part No.: 2537905-0001, Dec. 1985 1986
102719459 Munchner Arbeitskreis furkunstliche Intelligenz und Cognitive Science [Munich Study Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science] 1986-01-20
102719460 BYSO LISP and Waltz Lisp 1986-07
102719461 Lisp Pointers, Vol 1, Numbers 1-4 1987
102719462 The Implementation and Optimization of Portable Standard LISP for the Cray 1987
102719463 Le_Lisp de L'INRIA version 15.21 Le manuel de reference [LISP version 15.21 INRIA Reference Manual] 1987-12-25
102719464 VAX LISP 2.2 Language Processor 1987
102719465 A Critic for Lisp 1987
102719466 Franz Notes, vol 3 No 2 1987-07
102719467 LISP and Symbolic Computation - 1st Announcement Journal 1987
102719468 Smalltalk-80 1987
102719469 LISP Grundkurs, and Cambridge Lisp for the Atari ST 1987
102719470 Symbolische Informationsverarbeitung in LISP : Programmierstile und Verarbeitungsmodelle [Symbolic Information Processing in LISP : Programming Styles and Models of Computation] 1987
102719471 6.036 Problem Solving Paradigms Course Description 1987-02-08
102719472 Draft for EuLisp Proposal on Scope and Declaration of Variables 1987
102719473 More Speeding up Cray PSL and REDUCE 1987
102719474 Cray COS Version of REDUCE 2.2 Information Form 1987
102719475 Smalltalk-80 Programming System, Virtual Image Version VI 2.2, Virtual Machine Version VM 1.1 for Atari DE Release 1, Refernce Guide and Release Notes 1987
102719476 Denotational Semantic for LISP 1987
102719477 Genericity and Types. Proposal for ISO-LISP Level 0 Release 1.2 1987
102719478 The Programming language scheme 1987
102719479 CNS, a Poor Man's Connectionist System 1987
102719480 Handwritten note with two citations 1987
102719481 6.824 Artificial Intelligence, Fall Semester, 1987 1987
102719482 Sun Common Lisp User Guide and release notes for 2.0 1987
102719483 PC Scheme User's Guide : Revision B 1987-07
102719484 PC Scheme Tutorial 1987
102719485 Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme 1987
102719486 TI Scheme Language Reference Manual : Revision B 1987-07
102719487 Connection Machine Lisp : A Dialect of Common Lisp for Data Parallel Programming 1987
102719488 PC Scheme : A Lexical LISP 1987-03
102719489 Non-Deterministic Lisp with Dependency-Directed Backtracking 1987
102719490 PC Scheme : A Lexical LISP 1988-02
102719491 Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming 1988
102719492 LISP Pointers 1988
102719493 DRAFT : Extensions to Common LISP to Support International Character Sets 1988-09-09
102719494 Introduction : Lisp 1988-02
102719495 Common Lisp Object System Specifications : 1. Programmer Interface Concepts 1988
102719496 Common Lisp Object System Specifications : 1. Programmer Interface Concepts 1988
102719497 Common Lisp Object System Specification : 3 Metaobject Protocol 1988
102719498 Dynamic Variable Bindings and References 1988
102719499 Four invitations to EU-Lisp meeting, Brussels 1988
102719500 1st IWolES : International Workshop on Lisp Evolution and Standardization 1988
102719501 Semantics of Scheme 1988-02
102719502 Meeting notes on ISO WG-16--July 1988 1988
102719503 Le Lisp VAX/VMS 1988
102719504 Lisp and Symbolic Computation, vol 1, no 1 1988
102719505 Proposed US position statement for ISO 1988
102719506 Draft for EuLisp Proposal on Packages 1988
102719507 Minutes of EuLISP-XVIII, Bruxelles, 871125-26 1988
102719508 Proposals for the EuLisp Meeting in Brussels, 2/3-4/88 1988
102719509 PowerLisp version 1.0 documentation 1988
102719510 PowrLisp version 2.0 User's Guide 1988
102719511 PowerLisp version 2 Beta Test Notes Release 4 1988
102719512 PowerLisp : Power-Ex Installation Guide for 286 System 1988
102719513 Dynamic Variables in Common-Lisp and EuLisp 1988
102719514 Implementation of the LISP-Arbitrary. Precision Arithmetic for a Vector Processor 1988
102719515 Report on the 2nd meeting of ISO WG-16 1988
102719516 Integrating Pascal and Scheme 1988-10
102719517 Objekte der Begierde [Objects of Desire] 1988
102719518 Sun Common Lisp 3.0 Technical and Performance Report 1988
102719519 Explorer System Software Installation 1988
102719520 Data Systems Group Education and Development Center Training Catalog 1988
102719521 PC Scheme Documentation and Program Listings [Version 3.02 Oriented] 1988
102719522 How LISP has Changed 1988
102719523 LISP Pointers, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, Jan-June 1989 1989
102719524 Mercury KBE Release Notice, Ver 0.8, VAX/VMS Environment 1989-03-23
102719526 X3J13 Ballot, Feb 21, 1989 version 1989
102719527 X3J13 Ballot, March 10, 1989 version 1989
102719528 Expertensysteme - Anwendungen in der Technischen Diagnostik [Expert Systems - Applications in Technical Diagnostics] 1989
102719529 LISP and Symbolic Computation - An International Journal (Vol 2, No. 1) 1989-02
102719530 MAIL : Message-passing Aspect in LISP 1989
102719531 The Cleanup : Third Edition 1989
102719532 Implementation of Portable Standard LISP for the SPARC Processor 1989-07
102719533 The EuLisp Definition : Version -0.99 1989-04-07
102719534 The EuLisp Definition : Version -0.96 1989-05-19
102719535 The EuLisp Definition : Version -0.95 1989-06-28
102719536 Procyon Common Lisp : Production Information and Price List 1989-09
102719537 A Detailed Summary of a Deterministic Model of Modules and Macros for Lisp 1989-11-29
102719538 Draft of Common Lisp the Language : Second Edition (part 1 of 2) 1989
102719539 Draft of Common Lisp the Language : Second Edition (part 2 of 2) 1989
102719540 LISP Pointers 1989-1990
102719541 EUROPAL '90 : First European Conference on the Practical Application of Lisp 1990
102719542 TransScheme : Entwurf und Implementierung eines verteilten Scheme-Lisp Systems fure Transputernetwerke [Trans Scheme : Design and Implementation of a Distributed LISP Scheme for Transputer Systems Network Tools] 1990
102719683 XL1 - an eXperimental Language, Version 1.0 1989
102719543 DIN Kernel Lisp (DKLisp) Project 1991
102719544 Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme 1991
102719545 Implementation of a Functional Constraint System in SCHEME 1991
102719546 Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierung in LISP [Functional and Object-oriented Programming in LISP] 1991
102719547 EDS-Lisp : A Parallel Lisp for Distributed Memory Machine 1991
102719548 Hybride Wissensbasierte Systeme [Hybrid Knowledge Based Systems] 1991
102719549 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and the Mathematical Theory of Computation (In Honor of John McCarthy) 1991
102719550 ONTIC proof verification system 1991
102719551 Fortgeschrittene KI-Programmierung [Advanced AI Programming] 1992-06-2
102719552 ISLISP Integration Conference (with comments on IS2 working document) 1992
102719553 Comments on LISP issues from Professor Ito during meetings in Sendai and Bruessel 1992
102719554 The SCHEME Programming Language (An alternate world view) 1992
102719555 LISP : Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big 1992
102719556 WCL : Delivering Efficient Common LISP Applications under Unix 1992
102719557 Portable AI Lab - Lernsoftware fur die Kunstliche Intelligenz [Portable AI Lab - Educational Software for Artificial Intelligence] 1992
102719558 International Standard Lisp (ISLISP) Draft for Working Draft 2.5 1992-07-17
102719559 Untersuchung der Anwendung von LISP - Implementationstechniken auf SCHEME [Thesis and Program Listing] [Investigation into the use of LISP - Implementation Techniques SCHEME] 1992
102719560 Straight Talk About LISP 1992
102719561 Epsilon Programmer's Editor (Rev W) 1992
102719575 An Approach to the DIN Kernel Lisp Definition, Ver 1.2.1 1992-03-23
102719562 Scheme Digest vol 4, no 120 1992
102719563 Design Decisions for ISLISP 1992-07-17
102719564 List Processing chapter from Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, vol 25, supplement 10 1992
102719565 TOC of Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference of Artificial Intelligence 1992
102719566 First-class Data-type Representations in SchemeXerox 1993-06
102719567 PC-Scheme/Geneva 4.01 PL1 log 1993
102719568 Guardians in a Generation-Based Garbage Collector 1993-06
102719569 The Essence of Compiling with Continuations 1993-06
102719570 Tail-Recursion Stack Disciplines for an Interpreter 1993
102719571 Lisp and Symbolic Computation, vol 6, no 1/2 1993
102719572 Object-Oriented Programming in Lisp : Languages and Applications : Report on the ECOOP/93 Workshop 1993
102719573 Programmable Syntax Macros 1993-06
Manuals, manuscripts, and subject files 1963-2001
Series Scope and Content Summary
- AI systems
- Assorted languages
- Assorted subjects
- Computer algebra
- Manuals
- Personal papers
- Promotional materials
- Source program listings
- Standards
AI systems 1960-1995 1975-1995
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720453 AI Miscellaneous Paradigms For LISP Usuage 1960-1985
102720451 AI Research For Vision Concepts Using LISP 1960-1985
102720376 AM 1976-1982
102720375 ARBY, DUCK 1982-1984
102719644 Assorted papers on R1, XCON, XSEL 1980
102720374 CLASSIC description and reference manual 1995
102719648 Draft of Automated Math Theory Formation (PhD thesis) 1976
102720373 FOL lecture notes 1978
102720372 FOL source code listing 1978
102720371 Fuzzy Reference Manual 1977
102720370 Gensym G2 manual 1992
102720369 HBASE 1977
102719643 Handwritten notes about R1 configurer
102720444 KAPPA-PC Demo Guide 1992
102720368 KJ 1984
102720420 KRL 1978-1980
102720439 Knowledge Craft by Carnegie Group 1986
102720367 KnowledgeCraft by Danet manuals 1988
102720419 LEVEL5 Object User Manual 1990
102720366 LISA (Siemans Interlisp) 1980
102720421 Micro Expert Users Manual 1983
102720422 MicroPlanner 1978
102720454 Miscellaneous Information on LISP AI Implementation 1980-1995
102720452 Miscellaneous Papers On Using LISP For AI Process 1960-1995
102720426 NEXPERT Object 2.0 manuals 1991
102720423 Natural Language Programming 1975-1987
102720425 OPS5 and OPS5+ 1986
102720427 Personal Consultant Plus 1986
102719639 Production Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Based Consultation Program 1977
102719650 Program listing of CON6 component of AM system 1975
102719638 Program listing of Cryptarithmetic problem solver in KRL0 1975
102719647 Program listing of DWIM (Do What I Mean) 1977
102719640 Program listing of OPS5 1979
102719642 Program listing of R1 (VAX configuration program) 1983
102719654 Program listing of SOAR cognitive architecture 1986
102719651 Program listing of TOP6 component of AM system 1976
102719652 Program listing of UTIL6 component of AM system 1976
102719649 Program listing of knowledge base for AM system 1975
102719646 Program listing of simple GPS for MIT 6.036 1984
102719645 Program listings of small LISP examples at MIT 1984
102720443 Statice Tutorial 1988
102719641 VAX Systems and Options 1981
102719653 Why AM and EURISKO Appear to Work 1984
Assorted languages 1971-1992
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720429 CONNIVER Reference Manual 1972
102720430 GLISP User's Manual 1983
102720428 Galileo and other papers by Luca Cardelli 1983-1986
102720431 LOGLISP User's Manual 1981
102720450 Lisp benchmarks
102720432 MDL Programming Language 1979
102720435 MDL Programming Language 1980
102720433 MDL Programming Language Primer 1981
102720434 ML Handbook 1985
102720440 Natural Dynamic Semantics of Standard ML
102720438 PRLISP and PSL manuals and related materials 1976-1984
102720441 PROLOG-2 manuals 1988
102720437 Papers on pattern-matching languages 1972-1975
102720436 Polymorphism : The ML/LCF/Hope Newsletter 1983
102720449 Programming Environment reports 1975-1983
102720442 QA4 reports 1971-1972
102720445 QLISP reports 1975-1976
102720446 QLISP source code listing 1974
102719710 Quintus Prolog 3.1 Installation 1992
102720447 Smalltalk/V 286 Tutorial and Programming Handbook 1988
102720448 TABLOG : The Deductive-Tableau Programming Language 1984
Assorted subjects 1971-1994
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720344 APPLY Project reports and correspondence 1992-1994
102720354 Byte issue on Lisp papers 1979-08
102720348 Computere Language magazine and others 1987-1988
102719585 Copy of Parallel Lisp : Languages and Systems 1989
102720276 European Lisp User Group Meeting 99 1999
102720358 Flavors, a non-hierarchical approach to object-oriented programming 1982
102720346 Henry Baker papers 1988-1991
102719587 Humorous Papers (long jokes)
102720274 Kombinatorik Der Komposition und Anderer Verknuepfungen Regulaerer und Singulaerer Morphismen Klassisch, Rekursive, Topologisch 1989-1992
102720275 Lisp in the Mainstream : 40th Anniversary of Lisp 1988
102720355 Lisp papers 1970-1982
102720345 Lisp-related reports from French universities 1979-1984
102720356 List Processing [LISTEN-VERARB] 1963-1972
102720359 Logic Programming in Lisp [LOGLISP] 1974-1984
102720279 Miscellaneous Papers 1980-82
102720349 Miscellaneous Papers 1980-1988
102720347 Miscellaneous Papers 1986-1987
102720273 Miscellaneous Papers 1974-1989
102720388 Multics MACLISP Compiler : The Basic Hackery : A Tutorial 1977
102720381 Notes/Collected Papers on Lisp Compiler Development, Organized by Stoyan 1958-1988
102720383 Notes/Collected Papers on Lisp Internal Representation and Garbage Collection, Organized by Stoyan 1958-1988
102720382 Notes/Collected Papers on Lisp Interpreter Development, Organized by Stoyan 1958-1988
102720384 Notes/Collected Papers on Lisp Programming Environments, Preprocessor and Natural Lanaguages, Organized by Stoyan 1958-1988
102720357 Object models 1984-1988
102720378 Papers by John McCarthy 1969-1985
102720379 Papers by Marvin Minsky 1981-1988
102719584 Papers on Actor
102720353 Proceedings of three conferences on programming language theory and applications 1976-1990
102720278 Programming in Common Lisp 1984
102719582 Reprints of technical papers with Soviet routing stamps on Soviet paper
102719583 Reprints of technical papers with Soviet routing stamps on Soviet paper
102720277 Russian technical reports 1973-1984
102720343 Semantics and Pragmatics of the Lambda-Calculus 1971
102720342 System of Functional Abstraction 1963
102720377 Teaching Materials 1978-1985
Computer algebra 1967-1986
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720339 BIGNUM 1977
102720338 CAMAL User's Guide 1982
102720334 MACSYMA 1972-1984
102720335 MAPLE and Scratchpad II 1984-1986
102720333 Mathlab 1968-1974
102720336 REDUCE 1978-1984
102720341 Symbolic Integration 1967
102720340 Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory 1967
102720337 Various Notes and Articles Using Lisp 1982-1985
Manuals 1968-1996
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720192 AI :.INFO.; LISP RECENT (September 15, 1976) 1976-09-15
102719580 Allegro CL 4.3 Installation Guide and Release Notes 1996
102720226 Allegro CL Common Lisp User Guide : Version 4.1 1992-03
102720227 Allegro CL Common Lisp User Guide : Version 4.2 1994-01
102720228 Allegro CL for Windows : Version 3.0 1995-10
102720223 Allegro Common Lisp User Guide 1991
102720221 Allegro Common Lisp User Guide : Release 3.1 1989-11
102720222 Allegro Common Windows on X Manual : Release 1.3 Final 1990-08
102720224 Allegro Composer Developer Environment User Guide : Version 2.0 1992-03
102720225 AllegroStore 1.1 1994
102720295 Assorted META Documents 1970
102720297 Assorted Operations Manuals for Lisp Installations 1970-1984
102720242 CLOS Reference Manual 1988
102720238 CMSSL For *Lisp (Star Lisp) 1991
102720234 Common Lisp Users's Guide, Release 1.0 1985
102720239 Connection Machine (CM) User's Guide 1991
102720229 Connection Machine Lisp (Dialect of Common Lisp for Parallel Programming) 1987
102720301 FORLISP 1 : Un Lisp Hyperportable [A Lisp Hyperportable] 1976
102720314 FORTRAN-Lisp on CDC 6600 Computer [F3 version] 1978
102720220 FUGUE Notes #1-#3 1982-1984
102720213 GCLISP Developer Manuals (4.x) 1988-1991
102720208 Genera 7.0 Release Notes 1986
102720209 Genera 7.1 Update Kit 1987
102720296 Genera 8.0 Site Operations 1990
102720230 Getting Started in *Lisp (Star Lisp), Version 6.1 1991
102720212 Golden Common Lisp 2.0 Manuals 1985
102720311 InterLisp-D 1981-1983
102720310 InterLisp-D (cont) 1983
102720299 Interlisp Reference Manual 1983
102720308 Interlisp-D papers 1980-1984
102720201 Intermediate Lisp Programming 1984
102720204 Introduction to Genera 7.0 Student Notes 1986
102720217 Joshua Reference Manual 7.2 1988
102720198 LISP LORE : A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine 1986
102720300 LISP-SP 1983
102720305 Lisp 1.5 Interpreter for PDP-8 with OS/8 (PS/8) 1973-1974
102720312 Lisp F1 : A FORTRAN Implementation of Lisp 1.5 ca. 1971
102720188 Lisp For NOS/VE Language Definition, Usage Suppliment 1985
102720307 Lisp Interpreter for the PDP-8 1968
102720189 Lisp Machine Lisp Manual 1980
102720241 Lisp Machine Summary : 3600 Edition 1983
102720306 Lisp-8 User's Manual for PDP-8 1970
102720304 Lisp-II Macro 1977
102720285 Lisp/VM User's Guide (Program Offering Level) -0 Document Release 1984
102720286 Lisp/VM User's Guide (Program Offering Level) -1 Document Release 1985
102720256 Lyric Release 1987
102720190 MACLISP Reference Manual 1974-04-08
102720197 MACLISP kurzmanual [MACLISP short manual] 1975-1982
102720216 MS DOS Reference Guide 7.2 1988
102720195 MacLISP Manual : The PitMANUAL, Draft #4 1981-05-31
102720191 Maclisp Reference Manual 1975-12-17
102720194 Maclisp Reference Manual 1978
102720257 Medley Lisp 1988-1991
102720293 Miscellaneous TLC and IQLisp documents and source listings 1983
102720236 NIL Reference Manual, Corresponding to NIL Release 0.285 1984
102720309 Papers on Interlisp-D 1980
102720207 Patch Notes, 7.1, Software Bulletin, 1988
102720232 Portable Standard Lisp (PSL) Various User Guides 1978-1989
102720315 Programmer's Reference Manual : 4400P30 Franz Lisp Programming Language 1985
102720199 Release 6.1 Update Kit and Software Installation Manual 1986
102720386 Rutgers/UCI Lisp Manual (ILISP) 1977
102720202 September 1989 Release Notes 1989
102720214 Site Operations 7.2 1988
102720215 Software Installation Guide 7.2 1988
102720206 Software Service Bulletins #1, # 2, # 3 1986
102720196 Stuttgart MACLISP manuals and reports 1976-1979
102720235 Sun Common Lisp Reference Guide 1986
102720240 Symbolic Manuals 1986-1989
102720200 Symbolic Manuals 1983-1985
102720243 Symbolic Manuals 1983-1985
102720284 Symbolic Manuals 7.4 1989
102720287 Symbolic Manuals 7.4 Ivory Documentation 1989
102720294 Symbolic Manuals 8.0 1990
102720298 Symbolic Manuals 8.1 1991
102720205 Symbolic Manuals for Genera 7.0 1986
102720210 Symbolic Manuals for Genera 7.2 1988
102720289 TLC-LISP Version 2.0 CP/M-80 1982
102720290 TLC-LISP/86 Version 1.51 1986
102720292 TLC/86 Source Listing 1986
102720291 TLC/86 Source Listing - "Original (Allen)" 1986
102720218 The FRANZ LISP Manual (April 1982) 1982-04
102720219 The FRANZ LISP Manual (June 1983) 1983-06
102720211 The Golden Common Lisp Reference Manual : Caret Edition 1984-07-31
102720193 The Multics MACLISP Compiler : The Basic Hackery : A Tutorial 1977
102720231 The Portable Standard Lisp (PSL) Users Manual, Parts 1, 2 and 3. Version 3.2 1984
102720288 The TLC-LISP Documentation 1980
102720385 UCI Lisp Manual 1976
102720302 UniPress Emacs for IBM/MS-DOS [Emacs editor for M Lisp] 1987
102720313 User Listings of F2 [FORTRAN Implementation of Lisp 1.5] 1974
102720203 Using Your Symbolics Computer : A Workbook 1986
102720303 VAX Lisp/VMS User's Guide 1986
102720237 VLISP-10 Manuel de Reference [VLISP-10 Reference Manual] 1976
102720233 Various Lisp User Guides from Stanford University 1967-1973
102720316 XLISP : An Experimental Object Oriented Language, Version 1.5 1985
Personal papers 1970-2001, bulk 1980-1992
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720380 Notes and Working Material - History Chapter of Stoyan's Book on Lisp 1958-1980
102719712 Stoyan's handwritten notebook 1970
102719711 Stoyan's first Lisp implementation 1972
102719602 Manuscript for book LISP - Anwendungsgebiete, Grundbegriffe, Geschichte [Applications, Basics, History] 1980
102719656 LISP Bibliography 1980-1990
102719631 Stoyan Miscellaneous Notes/Pictures 1980-1990
102719634 Course notes on LISP 1982
102719637 Materials for Prolog Programming Environments Workshop 1982
102719605 Conference materials from GWAI-83 1983
102719657 Handwritten Bibliography and Newspaper Article 1983
102719663 Scattered Notes and Drawings in German 1983
102719623 Draft : Einführung in die methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz [Introduction to the Methods of Artificial Intelligence] 1984
102719620 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] 1984
102719619 Drawings : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] 1984
102719617 Edited Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] 1984
102719635 License agreement for Portable Standard Lisp 1984
102719618 Notes for Index : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [An Introduction to Programming] 1984
102719606 Programming Styles in Artificial Intelligence 1984
102719608 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [An Introduction to Programming (Draft)] ca. 1984
102719612 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming (Draft)] ca. 1984
102719611 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming (Draft)] ca. 1984
102719609 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming (Draft)] ca. 1984
102719610 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming (Draft)] ca. 1984
102719616 Draft : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] ca. 1984
102719613 Draft of chapter 12 : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] ca. 1984
102719614 Draft of chapters 1 to 8 : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] ca. 1984
102719615 Draft of chapters 9 to 12 : LISP. Eine Einführung in die Programmierung [LISP. An Introduction to Programming] ca. 1984
102719660 LISP Museum Catalog (ends 1985) 1985
102719601 Presentations/Briefing for Insiders by Stoyan 1985
102719621 Draft : Formelmanipulation - Computeralgebra [Formula Manipulation - Computer Algebra] ca. 1985
102719622 Draft : Formelmanipulation - Computeralgebra [Formula Manipulation - Computer Algebra] ca. 1985
102719604 Draft of Maschinen-unabhaengige Code-Erzeugung als semantikerhaltende beweisbare Programmtransformation [Machine-independent Code Generation as Provable Semantics Preserving Program Transformation] ca. 1985
102719603 Draft of Maschinen-unabhaengige Code-Erzeugung als semantikerhaltende beweisbare Programmtransformation [Machine-independent Code Generation as Provable Semantics Preserving Program Transformation] ca. 1985
102719626 Draft : Einführung in die Probleme der Künstlichen Intelligenz [Introduction to the Methods of Artificial Intelligence] ca. 1985-1988
102719600 Agreements and Contracts Between Stoyan and Insiders 1986
102719661 LISP Museum Catalog (ends 1986) 1986
102719636 License agreement for Le_Lisp 1986
102719629 Stoyan's Consulting Work for BASF (Notes) 1986
102719630 Telegram from Michel Carpentier (Project 1221, Esprit Activity) 1986
102719658 Bibliography of Actors-Related Work 1987
102719607 Die KI-Programmiersprachen [AI Programming Languages] 1987
102719625 Draft : Einführung in die methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz (Draft) [Introduction to the Methods of Artificial Intelligence (Draft)] 1988
102719624 Draft : Programmiermethoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz [Programming Methods of Artificial Intelligence] 1988
102719659 Bibliography of Actors-Related Work 1989
102719662 LISP Museum Catalog (ends 1988) 1989
102719632 Note on Major Differences Between JKLisp and DKLisp 1992
102719627 Foils : Formalisierung und Wissensrepräsentation [Formalization and representation of knowledge] 2001
102719628 Brochures for GSI - Background for Stoyans's Work With GSI undated
102719655 Information on John McCarthy undated
102719633 Program listing for German translation of Joseph Weizenbaum's ELIZA program undated
Promotional materials ca. 1985-ca. 1990
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720181 Apple Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp promotional materials
102720182 Delphi Common Lisp promotional materials
102720183 Franz promotional materials
102720184 Golden Common Lisp promotional materials
102720185 Hewlett-Packard (HP) Common Lisp and Prolog promotional materials 1987
102720186 Intellitech Entity Common Lisp (ECL) promotional materials
102720317 Lisp Machine Inc. (LMI) promotional materials
102720318 Sun Common Lisp 3.0 promotional materials 1988
102720319 Symbolics presentation materials
102720321 Symbolics promotional materials
102720320 Symbolics promotional materials
102720322 Tektronix promotional materials
102720323 Texas Instruments promotional materials
102720325 Top Level, Inc. Parallel Common Lisp promotional material
Source program listings 1963-1989
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720365 Compiler notes and listings 1977
102720264 Ein Modulsystem fur SCM [A Module System for SCM] ca. 1985
102720362 Interlisp HPDL listing 1979
102720270 KRL 1981
102720361 Lisp 1.9 Compiler listing 1979
102720271 Lisp compiler handwritten notes
102720387 Lisp library (Lisp 1.5) 1963-11
102720363 Lisp/360 compiler and assembly program listing
102720389 MACLISP LISP COMPILER listing 1981
102720266 Miscellaneous listings 1980-1989
102720267 Mycin (Medical Expert System) 1983
102720360 Programming environment source code listings 1983-1986
102720364 Reduce compiler listings 1977
102720265 Scheme listings 1985-1986
102720268 Snapshot of Stanford AI 1981
102720391 Unknown compiler 1979
102720424 Various MACLISP source code listings 1974-1979
102720269 Verify / Prover
102720390 Xerox Interlisp-D BYTECOMPILER 1981
Standards 1985-1993
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102720260 ANSI Common Lisp Standard 1991
102720258 Common Lisp Language, second edition DRAFT 1989
102720282 E-mails in list format for ISO/Lisp standard working groups 1986
102720259 ISO Standards : Drafts and comments 1986-92
102720281 Lisp Standard Working Papers 1991-1992
102720280 Lisp Standards 1991-1993
102720261 Other Standards 1985-1989
102720262 Scheme Mail 1986-1987
102720263 Scheme Standards 1986-1991
102720283 Yearly folders of collected papers and minutes of committee meetings for ISO Lisp Standards development 1985-1988
Source program listings 1963-1988
Series Scope and Content Summary
102719703 Program listing of LISP 1.5 Compiler and LAP 1964
102719686 INTERLISP OBJLIST program listing 1970-1980
102719684 Stanford LISP/360 Compiler program listing 1970-1980
102719685 UCI LISP Compiler program listing 1970-1980
102719709 Program listing of LISP 1.5 Compiler and LAP for CDC 3000-series (24-bit) 1971
102719694 MICRO PLANNER Alternate Reference Manual 1972
102719668 SHRDLU program listing 1974
102719667 Blocks microworld from SHRDLU program listing 1976
102719676 HBASE : Eine schnelle, saubers, effektive datenbasis [HBASE : A fast clean, effective database] 1977
102719666 MATHLAB program listing 1977
102719669 ATN (Augmented Transition Network) program listing 1978
102719665 Interlisp Edit functions program listing 1978
102719704 Program listing of LOGO 1978
102719671 REDUCE session listing 1978
102719664 LISP F3 program listing and related materials 1979
102719675 MACLISP : Kurzmanual [MACLISP : Short manual] 1980
102719677 Miscellaneous program listings by Guenther Goerz 1980
102719682 UT Lisp Interpreter Program Listing, Version 5 1980
102719679 EMYCIN program listing and documentation 1981
102719678 MLISP program listing, documentation, and related materials 1981
102719681 NIL Compiler for the S-1 program listing (S1COMP.LSP) 1981
102719670 REDUCE and Standard LISP Compiler program listing 1981
102719705 Session listing of someone (Martin Griss?) testing Portable Standard LISP 1981
102719696 The LOGLISP User's Manual 1981
102719697 Tiny Prolog program listing 1981
102719680 MACLISP Tape 1982
102719706 Program listing of LISP program labeled KANNITVERSTAN 1982
102719687 MUMBLE program listing 1983
102719674 NIL Notes for Release 0.259 1983
102719707 Program listing of FORTRAN program named CDL.FOR 1983
102719672 A Critique of Common Lisp 1984
102719673 Miscellaneous materials from NIL (New Implementation of LISP) 1984
102719698 Prolog interpreter program listing 1984
102719700 VAX LISP release notes and installation information 1984
102719699 VAX NIL program listing (partial) 1984
102719708 Line printer listing of email within KINET group 1985
102719691 MIT-AI Memos Stand Oktober 1985 1985
102719690 LISP Museum Catalog 1986
102719689 LISP Museum Catalog 1986
102719693 A Short Manual for TULISP 1988
102719692 Bibliography of Lisp, Prolog, and Artificial Intelligence books and papers 1988
102719695 QA4 documentation from UCI AI Library ca. 1975
102719688 Weeks 28, and portions of later weeks of Common-Lisp@SU-AI mailing list ca. 1984
102719701 Miscellaneous LISP application program listings ca. 1985
Computer media 1972-1990
Series Scope and Content Summary
- Magnetic Tape: ½ inch
- Cartridge: TK50
- Floppy Disk: 8 inch
- Floppy Disk: 5.25 inch
- Floppy Disk: 3.5 inch
Magnetic tape: ½ inch 1972-1989
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102719741 Boyer-Moore ACL theorem prover 1979
102719747 KI (artificial intelligence?)
102719723 LISP F3, 700228 1979
102719728 Le_Lisp V 15.2 de l'INRIA 1986
102719724 MATHLAB - PDP-10
102719742 Master Tape : Tools : Goerz TZ0962 1984
102719748 Okuno - Lisp/Prolog Contest 1984
102719745 Programs for semantic networks and speech recognition 1984
102719725 SHRDLU - PDP-10
102719722 SIN and MATHLAB - Telefunken TR440, GRZ, Berlin 1972
102719740 Stanford Verifier 1979
102719751 Stoyan VMS BACKUP format tape 1985
102719753 Stoyan VMS BACKUP format tape
102719752 Stoyan backup tape 1986
102719743 TR!? - Goerz FQ1135 1984
102719744 TR?! - Goerz FR1136 1984
102719746 Unlabeled tape 1989
102719749 Unlabeled tape
102719750 Unlabeled tape
102719729 VAX NIL Release 0.286 1984
102719726 VAX PSL 3.1 1983
102719727 VAX/UNIX REDUCE Version 3.0 1983
Cartridge: TK50 1984-1990
102719759 Backup tape 1990
102719758 Backup tape 1990
102719757 KI-Methoden 1988
102719754 VMS BACKUP MAX.BAK MACSYMA 84 1984
102719756 lsp.bak (NIL) 1986
Floppy disk: 8 inch 1979-1998
Subseries Scope and Content Summary
102719811 MYCIN
102719810 Manuscript of Stoyan's book LISP-Anwendungsgebiete, Grundbegriffe, Geschichte 1980
102719818 Miscellaneous TLC disks 1982
102719819 TLC LISP 1.45 1983
102719820 TLC LISP 1.51 1983
102719817 TLC Lisp working disks 1984
102719821 uMath, Wordstar
Floppy disk: 5.25 inch 1986-1988
102719823 LISP-Buch neu 12. Kap. Also LISP-Files Jan. 86 1986
102719824 Large collection of Stoyan working floppies
102719826 PowerLisp and various other things
102719825 TLC-LISP 1.45 and 1.51 disks
102719829 Texas Instruments PC Scheme diskettes and invoice and site license agreement 1988
102719827 Smalltalk-80 Virtual Image 2.2 / Virtual Machine 1.1 Atari ST 1987
102719828 ST-TEX TeX distribution for Atari ST 1987
Technical reports 1958-1999
Series Scope and Content Summary
102714717 ACM SIGART Bulletin V1,N1 to V3,N2 1990-1992
102714718 ACM SIGART Newsletter 65-110 1978-1989
102714719 ACM Transactions on Database Systems V18, N4 1993
102719578 ALGOL 68 M 1968
102714720 Artificial Intelligence V4, N3 1990
102714736 Carnegie Mellon University Department of Computer Science Technical Report (unnumbered) 1972-1981
102714735 Carnegie Mellon University Department of Computer Science Technical Report 79-105 to 91-263 1979-1991
102714734 Carnegie Mellon University Department of Computer Science miscellaneous papers 1990-1991
102719593 Computational Logic Structure : Sharing and Proof of Program Properties 1973
102714733 Digital Equipment Corporation Paris Research Laboratory (DEC PRL) 1991
102719595 Formal Semantics of LISP with Applications to Program Correctness 1974
102719592 Functional Semantics of Algebraic Theories 1972
102714732 Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung MBH (GMD) Reports [Society for Mathematics and Data Processing reports] 1993-1999
102714730 Improving Programs by Source-to-Source Transformation 1977
102719597 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1969
102714731 Linkoeping University Department of Computer and Information Science Research Reports 1982-1984
102714744 MIT AI and LCS miscellaneous 1979-1991
102714748 MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Memorandum 1-1509 1958-1994
102714747 MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Working Paper 54-335 1973-1991
102714743 MIT Carl Hewitt-related materials 1973-1994
102714721 MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Progress Reports 12-31 1974-1994
102714746 MIT Project MAC and Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) Technical Memorandum (TM) 23-387B 1971-1981
102714745 MIT Project MAC and Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) Technical Report (TR) 33-504 1966-1991
102714722 Objected-Objected Programming : Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA) 1986-1991
102719576 Plan Generation by Linear Deduction [Dissertation] 1992
102714723 RAND Corporation notes and reports 1963-1984
102719589 Reports from US Dept of Commerce : National Technical Information Services
102719596 Semantics and Pragmatics of the Lambda-Calculus 1971
102719590 Stanford Artificial Intelligence Memos
102714742 Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project Memorandum (AI Memo) 1-101 1963-1969
102714739 Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) Report 84-1 to 85-30 1984-1985
102714741 Stanford Computer Science Department Technical Report 26-1340 1966-1990
102719588 Stanford Computer Science Reports
102714740 Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Memo 77-3 to 84-18 1973-1984
102719579 Structural Frameworks with Higher-Level Rules 1987
102719591 Technical Reports
102719594 The Reactive Engine; and Flex 1969
102719577 Two Reports by A. C. Forino 1964-1965
102714724 Universitaet Passau Fakultaet fuer Mathematik und Informatik [University of Passau, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science] 1985-1986
102714727 University of Maryland Computer Science Technical Report Series 1975-1977
102714726 University of Massachusetts at Amherst Computer and Information Science (COINS) Report 1980-1983
102714725 University of New Mexico Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science 1985-1986
102714738 University of Toronto Computer Systems Research Group Technical Report 44-144 1974-1982
102714737 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Research Reports 1973-1988
102714877 Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1994; 1995; 1998; 1999
102714882 Colloquium on Software - Development - Methods, Tools, Experience 1995
102714886 Conferences on Artificial Intelligence within the Informatik-Fachberichte series (162, 203, 267, 291) 1986; 1989; 1991
102714880 Current computer science [Informatick aktuell] proceedings of German conferences 1992-1994
102714884 Fifth Symposium : Bases and Application of Computer Science (Grundlagen und Anwendung der Informatik) 1990
102714885 German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence - GWAI (Fachtagung fur Kunstliche Intelligenz) 1981-1992
102714729 IBM Conference on Natural Language Processing 1988
102714728 IBM Interdivisional Technical Liaison (ITL) Conference on Expert Systems 1988
102714890 Intelligent Robots & Computer Vision (Cambridge) 1984
102714879 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 1975-1987
102714878 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS) 14. 28. 54. 162, 170, 276, 296, 528 1974-1991
102714891 Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence Systems (ORAIS) 1989
102714883 Pragmatic aspects of the design and operation of information systems (Pragmatische Aspekte beim Entwurf und Betrieb von Informationssystemen) 1990
102714881 Proceedings of ACM (German Chapter) Numbers 11, 18, 25 1982; 1984; 1985
102714889 Robotics and Automation (IEEE Conference) 1987
102714888 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM) Joint SIGPLAN / IFIP 1991
102714887 Symposiums on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) Joint SIGACT / SIGPLAN 1994; 1995
Books 1960-1998
Series Scope and Content Summary
102719769 Actors : A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems 1986
102719778 Anatomy of LISP 1978
102719763 Arbeitstagung Entwurf von Schaltsystemen [Workshop design of switching systems] 1982
102719777 Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation : Papers in Honor of John McCarthy 1991
102719814 Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation : Papers in Honor of John McCarthy 1979
102719767 Auflösbarkeit und Eindeutigkeit Boolescher Gleichungen [Solvability and uniqueness of Boolean equations] 1992
102719773 Automated Theorem Proving 1982
102719736 Beitrage zur Forschungstechnologie [Contributions to the Research Technology] 1986
102719733 Beweistheorie [Proof theory] 1960
102719779 Common LISP, The Language 1984
102719780 Common LISP, The Language (Second Edition) 1990
102719816 Compiling Functional Languages 1988
102719762 Current Topics in Informatics Systems Research 1991
102719781 Das LISP-Buch [The LISP Book] 1988
102719760 Die Mondlandung des Internet [The lunar landing of the Internet] 1998
102719782 Die Programmiersprache LISP [The Programming Language LISP] 1987
102719771 Die Programmierungssprachen Pascal und Algol 68 [The programming languages Pascal and Algol 68] 1976
102719783 Dylan (An Object-oriented Dynamic Language) 1992
102719785 Einfuhrung in das Programmieren in LISP (2. bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage) Mit einem Anhang, LISP-Dialekte fur Personal-Computer [Introduction to Programming in LISP (second revised and expanded edition) With an appendix, LISP dialects for personal computers] 1984
102719784 Einfuhrung in das Programmieren in LISP [Introduction to Programming in LISP] 1982
102719737 Einfuhrung in die Algol-Programmierung fuer die Rechenanlage CD3300 [Introduction to the Algol programming for the computer system CD3300] 1970
102719772 Formal Languages : Automata and Structures 1968
102719764 Formelmanipulation mit dem Computer [Formula manipulation with the computer] 1985
102719822 GNU Bulletin 1992-1994
102719735 Hybride Wissensverarbeitung [Hybrid knowledge processing] 1993
102719734 Informatik in den Biowissenschaften [Computer science in the Life Sciences] 1993
102719732 Informationslinguistik [Information linguistics] 1986
102719768 Intelligenztechnologie [Intelligence Technology] 1983
102719786 InterLisp Programmierhandbuch [InterLisp Programming Manual] 1977
102719812 Kunden- und unternehmensorientierte Fuhrung und Fuhrungskrafteforderung in der Mercedes-Benz [Customer-and business-oriented management and leadership development in the Mercedes-Benz] 1997
102719789 LISP 1981
102719794 LISP (Opis, realizacja i zastosowania) [LISP (Description, implementation and application)] 1980
102719790 LISP (Second Edition) 1984
102719791 LISP (Second Edition) in German 1987
102719792 LISP - Eine Einfuhrung in die Programmierung [LISP - An Introduction to Programming] 1984
102719793 LISP --- Anwendungsgebiete, Grundbegriffe, Geschichte [LISP - Applications, Basic Concepts, History] 1980
102719795 LISP 1.5 Primer 1967
102719796 LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual 1972
102719797 LISP For Micros 1984
102719798 LISP [title contains Japanese characters] 1982
102719799 LISP-Maailma 1 (Johdatus kieleen ja ohjelmointiin) [LISP-World 1 (Introduction to language and programming)] 1985
102719800 LISP-Maailma 2 (Ohjelmointimenetelmat ja -jarjestelmat) [LISP-World 2 (Programming Methods and Systems)] 1985
102719801 LISPcraft 1984
102719787 Learning LISP 1984
102719788 Let's Talk LISP 1976
102719807 Little LISPer 1974
102719770 Lizenzvertraege [License Agreements] 1997
102719761 Logik-Texte [Logic Texts] 1971
102719802 Looking at LISP 1984
102719731 Mathematische Methoden in der Operationsforschung [Mathematical methods in operations research] 1971
102719713 Multiprocessor Systems 1976
102719808 New UCI LISP Manual 1979
102719774 Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming 1987
102719803 Object-Oriented Programming in COMMON LISP 1989
102719804 Performance and Evaluation of LISP Systems 1985
102719805 Praktische Einfuhrung in LISP, LISP die Sprache der Kunstlichen Intelligenz [Practical Introduction to LISP, LISP, the Language of Artificial Intelligence] 1987
102719719 Program Optimization 1976
102719739 Programmieren mit XBOOLE [Programming XBOOLE] 1992
102719815 Programmiermethoden in der Kunstlichen Intelligenz Forschung [Programming Methods in Artificial Intelligence Research] 1982
102719809 Programming Language LISP : Its Operation and Applications 1967
102719765 Prothetik Band III [Prosthetics Volume III] 1994
102719775 Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming 1987
102719813 Seventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1986
102719717 Software Testing : 1: Analysis and Bibliography 1979
102719718 Software Testing : 2: Invited Papers 1979
102719806 Software-Konstruktion mit LISP [Software Engineering with LISP] 1991
102719714 Structured Programming 1976
102719715 Structured Software Development : 1: Analysis and Bibliography 1979
102719716 Structured Software Development : 2: Invited Papers 1979
102719776 Struktur und Interpretation von Computerprogrammen [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs] 1991
102719730 Thinking Machines : The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence 1987
102719738 Ueber den Umgang mit dem Algol-Kompiler der CD3300 unter dem Betriebssystem Master [On the handling of the Algol compiler of the CD3300 with the operating system master] 1969
102719720 Virtual Storage 1976
102719766 [Automatic Data Processing Lisp and its realization] 1978