1943-44 Correspondence.
1933-34 Correspondence.
California Civil War claims versus U.S.
Arizona--California notes.
1933 Miscellaneous Correspondence.
1935-37 Correspondence.
San Diego Water Counsel.
1940-42 Miscellaneous Correspondence.
1935-37 Miscellaneous Correspondence.
1937-39 Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Personal Correspondence 1945-50, A to K.
Personal Correspondence 1945-50, N to Z.
Memorandum on P.D.S. employment by San Diego since 1934, legal booklets on California versus U.S.
Pictures, Swing and Coolidge, Swing and Lindberg, etc.
Congratulatory letters, Boulder Dam, news clippings, Imperial Valley welcome, Boulder dam documents.
1932 Congress Correspondence
San Ysidro custom house.
War debts.
Desert land entrymen.
San Jacinto park, special bills.
Colorado River Miscellaneous, grand jury indictment.
Miscellaneous clippings. 1929-31.
News clippings. 1932, Senate campaign.
Congress Correspondence
Airmail route.
Air base, camp Kearny.
San Diego.
San Diego Coronado tunnel.
Camp Kearny.
San Diego Chamber of Commerce.
Congress--Correspondence, border closing.
Congress--Correspondence, border closing.
Ku Klux Klan, Rockwell Field, Medal of Honor men.
Port of San Diego, Old Town Bridge, North Island Pier, Harbor dredging, Laguna Mountains forest road.
Clipping service. 1932, prohibition.
News clippings, Boulder Dam. 1926-28.
California beaches, withdrawal of lands for Los Angeles benefit, Mexican land grant titles, dry dock, Gnat control.
S.D. dirigible base, camp Kearny, destroyer base, customs div.
Federal prison, fort Rosecrans, El Capitan, Riparian owners, Mailing list.
Nevada-California RFC loan, P.O., National Forest bill 13547.
Nevada-California power. 1937, I.I.D., California Colorado Commission. 1937, P.W/ A. California. 1938.
All American Canal reports, Yorktown sesquicentennial.
Palm Springs, I.I.D. Correspondence. 1939-40.
Pictures, autobiography.
Harbor, Rosecrans.
August 1930 newspapers.
1929 papers, magazines, pictures.
1932 veterans speech.
1935 Correspondence, Boulder Dam.
I.I.D. Correspondence. 1933-41.
Colorado River pamplets.
Boulder Dam magazine articles, news clippings.
All- American Canal, P.W.A.
1936 Correspondence, Miscellaneous and I.I.D.
Serra, San Diego books, Recreation Era. January 1933, Swing signature block, glass plate negatives (many broken) House Rules Manual.
Photos belonging to Ed Fletcher (?) Colorado River Commission reports.
San Diego and environs, Lake Hodges.
Swing speeches, bound, House calendars 68-72 congresses.
Colorado River Treaty with Mexico.
Colorado River Treaty with Mexico.
Legislative History Bills sponsored by Swing, 69-70 Congresses.
Legislative History Bills sponsored by Swing, 71-72 Congresses.
Bibliographic government material pertaining to Colorado, Imperial Valley S-J bill hearings.
Legislative History Bills by Swing 67-68 Congresses.
Colorado River Hearings Senate. 1924-25.
Kettner bill hearings.
Six wrapped scrap books.
Twenty additional unnumbered boxes, many pertaining to Fallbrook water.
Wrapped autobiography: This is My Life. added. January 17, 1969.
Personal papers and family correspondence.
Miscellaneous clippings and photographs.
Personal and miscellaneous correspondence, ca. 1950s.
Family correspondence and files.
Newspaper clippings.
Falbrook Public Utility District.
Fallbrook Public Utility District--Cases.
Fallbrook Public Utility District / Santa Margraita Mutual Water Company.
Mexican Water Treaty, ca. 1940s.
Tiajuana River Valley--California Water & Telephone Company.
Tiajuana River Valley--Allen versus California Water & Telephone Company. 1944-48.
Tiajuana River Valley--Allen versus California Water & Telephone Company. 1951-62.
Tiajuana River Valley--Allen versus California Water & Telephone Company. n.d.
Pamphlets, Colorado River--Miscellaneous publications on water.
San Diego Water Authority.
Miscellaneous water information.
Photographs and maps of water districts.
Miscellaneous water cases--including Del Mar Terrace.
Miscellaneous water cases.
Miscellaneous water cases--working briefs.
Miscellaneous Legal Correspondence. 1933.
ca. 1935.
ca. 1940.
ca. 1943.
ca. 1945.
ca. 1946.
ca. 1947.
ca. 1948.
Miscellaneous correspondence, ca. 1953-63.
Miscellaneous correspondence, ca. 1954-63.
Personal records, organizations, etc.
Desk diaries. 1929-55.
Desk diaries. 1955-63.
Mimeographed material: 1945 - Flood control survey Sacremento--San Joaquin Basin Stream.
Proceedings. 1938. Colorado River Commission Hearings. 1922.
List of Swing Files--A through Z
A Miscellaneous.
Agricultural Conditions.
All-American Canal--Brochure and Contract of September 1931.
All-American Canal--Correspondence.
All-American Canal--Newspaper Articles.
Amendments Proposed.
Arentz Bill. 1933.
Articles on Boulder Dam.
Arizona Contract re Delivery of Colorado River Water.
Arizona's Position on Compact.
Arizona's Views on Boulder Canyon Project.
Arizona versus U.S. (California et al.) to Enjoin Boulder Canyon Project.
B Miscellaneous.
Bills for Boulder Canyon Dam and All-American Canal.
Boulder Canyon Geological Formations.
Boulder City--Miscellaneous.
Boulder Dam Appropriations.
Boulder Dam Association--Files 1-3.
Boulder Dam Association, Organization of.
Boulder Dam Association, Reports from Mr. Evans.
Boulder Dam Bill.
Boulder Dam Ceremonies.
Boulder Dam City Concessions.
Boulder Dam Employment.
Boulder Dam Land Settlement, etc.
Boulder Dam Pictures.
Boulder Dam Positions, Concessions, and Employment.
Boulder Dam Resolution of Endorsements.
Coachella Valley Water District.
Colorado River Basin Chamber of Commerce.
Colorado River Bibliography.
Colorado River Commission (California).
Colorado River Commission--Compact--Hoover. 1922.
Colorado River Committee Report.
Colorado River Correspondence During Recess. 1927 (A to Z).
Colorado River General Correspondence. 1927 (A to Z).
Colorado River Legislation Discussions.
Compact--California's Ratification. 1929.
Compact--Six-State--News Clippings.
Compact--Tri-State. 1929.
Congratulatory Messages.
Congressional Party to colorado River.
Control Club--Colorado River.
Cotton Agreement.
Correspondence--Charles L. Childers.
Davenport Bill and Davenport Views.
Davis Resignation.
Delegation. 1924.
Distribution of Power.
Douglas Report.
Electric Power.
Electric Power Propaganda.
Endorsements By Individuals.
Endorsements by Organizations.
Engineering Personnel and Plans.
Federal Development of Water Power.
Federal Farm Loans.
Federal Power Commission.
Federal Trade Investigation.
Financial Aspects of Swing-Johnson Bill.
Flood Menace.
Flood Menace--Reports on.
Flood Protection--Emergency Appropriations.
Fredericks-Bartlett Campaign.
Fredericks Bill.
G Miscellaneous.
Giant Power.
Girard Filing.
Glenn Canyon.
Greer's Report.
H Miscellaneous.
Hayden, Carl (on Compact).
House and Senate Hearings--68th Session Congress.
House and Senate Hearing--69th Congress.
House Representative Bill 2903--Swing-Johnson Bill.
House Representative Bill 9826 and Committee Prints.
I Miscellaneous.
Imperial Irrigation District.
Imperial Irrigation District.
Imperial Irrigation District. 1931.
Imperial Irrigation District--Minutes of Board of Directors.
Imperial Irrigation District--Rose, Aten and Pound (pleadings).
Imperial Irrigation District--Rose, Aten and Pound (pleadings).
Irrigation District Indictments.
J Miscellaneous.
K Miscellaneous.
L Miscellaneous.
Labor Bill Introduced H.R. 13562--Boulder Dam.
Labor on Hoover Dam.
Laguna Dam Power Plant.
Laguna Salada.
Las Vegas, Nevada Chamber of Commerce.
Legislature, California: Special Session 1926 & Friend W. Richardson.
Letter by California Congressmen.
Letters of Acknowledgment to Telegrams and Letters re: Boulder Dam.
Letters of Congratulation--Boulder Dam.
Letter-Writing Campaign.
Lineberger Bill.
Los Angeles Examiner Poll.
M Miscellaneous.
Metropolitan Water District.
Metropolitan Water District.
Metropolitan Water District--contract.
Mexico Lands--Treaty with Mexico.
Mining Interests.
Mississippi River.
Miscellaneous (Documents).
Miscellaneous (Correspondence -UNSORTED) Files, 1, 2, and 3.
Miscellaneous--Colorado River--H to Q.
Miscellaneous--Colorado River--E to Z.
Moffat Tunnel.
Mussel Shoals.
National Boulder Dam Association.
Navigability of Colorado River.
New Mexico Views.
Newspaper Articles on Boulder Dam.
Newspaper Correspondence, Colorado River.
News Releases.
Nevada Taxes.
Nevada Views.
New Endorsements.
Newspaper Clippings.
News Letters: Outgoing.
O Miscellaneous.
Ohio Chamber of Commerce.
Opinion of the South.
P Miscellaneous.
Phipps Bill.
Plan for Construction of Boulder Dam.
Political Party Declarations.
Power Companies--Colorado River.
Power Development--Imperial Irrigation District.
Power Market in Souther California.
Power Propaganda--Correspondence.
Power Propaganda--Magazines, brochures, articles, et cetera.
President's Proclamation.
President's Trip to Boulder Dam.
President's Views--Coolidge and Harding.
Public Ownership League.
R Miscellaneous.
Ratification (OLD) by California of Seven-State Compact, Colorado River.
Reclamation Era (Magazine).
Reclamation of New Lands.
Reports on Project: By Government Officials.
Richards Bill.
Rio Colorado Supply and Development Company.
Rolph's Activities.
Rules Committee.
S Miscellaneous.
San Juan River Project.
Secretary Wallace's Trip.
Secretary Weeks Trip.
Secretary Wilbur's Trip.
Secretary Works' Report.
Senate Committee: Trip of Appropriation and Reclamation Committees.
Silt Problem--Boulder Dam Site.
Southwestern Exposition.
Speeches in the House and Senate.
Specification for Boulder Dam.
Statements and Speeches by Swing and Johnson.
Statements and Speeches by Swing.
States Rights.
Swing, Phil D.: Endorsements and Commendations.
Swing, Phil D.: attacks on, and defenses of.
Swing, Phil D.: Employment by Irrigation District, Colorado River.
Swing, Ralph.
T Miscellaneous.
Texas Views on Project.
Trips of Congressmen.
U Miscellaneous.
United States Chamber of Commerce.
Upper States Views.
Utah's Views.
V Miscellaneous.
Vote on Boulder Dam.
W Miscellaneous.
Western Waters Association.
Winning of the West Conference.
Works' Board of Engineers.
Works' Fact Finding Commission.
Works' Hearing--Colorado River.
Works' Views on Project--Colorado River (Report on Project).
X, Y, and Z Miscellaneous.
Arvin B. Shaw correspondence. 1946-52.
Miscellaneous printed material.
Scrapbook--congratulatory telegrams & letters. May 1928-July 1930.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam I.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 1a.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 2.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 3.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 4.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 5.
Scrapbook--Boulder Dam 5a.
Scrapbook--Black Canyon--Imperial Valley.