Finding Aid to the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Bay Area Post Records, 1928-1995 (bulk 1937-1988)
Finding Aid to the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Bay Area Post Records, 1928-1995 (bulk 1937-1988)
Collection number: BANC MSS 71/105 z
The Bancroft Library- Finding Aid Author(s):
- Mario H. Ramirez
- Date Completed:
- 2012
- Finding Aid Encoded By:
- GenX
Removed or Separated Material
Biography/Organization History
Scope and Content Note
Administrative, undated, 1938-1990
Bay Area Post, Executive Board, Minutes, 1984-1988
Bay Area Post, Financial, 1974-1990
Bay Area Post, General, undated, 1937-1987
Bay Area Post, Legislative, 1975-1982
Bay Area Post, Minutes, 1983-1988
Bay Area Post, Record of Contributions to the Bancroft Library, 1984
Los Angeles Post, undated, 1973-1980
Memorial Awards, undated, 1982-1983
National Administrative Committee, undated, 1977-1983
National Board, Minutes, 1967-1987
National Executive Board, Minutes, 1979, 1982, 1985-1986
National Organization, undated, 1985-1987
National Resident Board, 1975-1977
New York and National Board, undated, 1938-1985
New York Post, undated, 1985-1986
Register of Volunteers and Their Whereabouts, 1975
Correspondence, undated, 1936-1989
Amsbury, Clifton, 1937-1938, 1968
Baley, Barney, 1937-1938, 1954, 1974-1984
Bay Area Post, undated, 1940-1988
Bender, Ed, 1970-1987
Boehm, George, undated, 1984-1985
Bonetti, Frank, 1988-1989
Brown, Archie, 1942-1944, 1981-1983
Cole, C.M., 1937-1939
Curtis, Lee, 1937-1938
Dinner, 1973-1980
Ehrenbourg, Ilya, 1936-1937
Fasanella, Ralph "Bob," 1937-1938
Form Letters, undated, 1962-1984
Foucek, George, 1937-1938
Gandesa, 1979
Gardner, Ben, 1935-1948
Goldring, Benjamin, 1979-1980
International Solidarity with the Spanish People, 1975-1976
MacLeod, Donald, 1937-1938, 1974-1982, 1985
McCarthy, Bill, 1987
Mates, David, 1970-1976
Miscellaneous, undated, 1937-1986
Moffitt, James K., 1953-1954
Parsons, Edward L., 1940-1951
Patri, Jacomo, undated
Reiter, Peter, 1940
Reunion, 1972
Rosenstein, Herman, 1970-1989
Sennett, William, 1937-1938
Thayer, Don, 1966-1981
Wilshusen, Werner, 1937
Wolff, Frieda, 1982-1983
Wolff, Milt, undated, 1971-1988
Wolff, Milt, undated, 1977-1987
Wolman, Gene, 1937
Biographical, undated, 1937-1995
Allan, Ted, undated,
Amsbury, Clifford, undated, 1969-1970, 1979
Arvola, Edward, undated, 1938
Arvola, Frank, undated, 1972, 1980-1983
Balchowsky, Eddie, undated, 1989
Baley, Barney, undated, 1937-1938, 1942, 1976-1979, 1982-1984
Barnett, James, undated, 1973, 1981, 1984
Barsky, Edward K., undated
Bates, Ralph, undated
Bessie, Alvah, undated, 1951-1952, 1978, 1984-1985
Bottcher, Herman, undated, 1943-1945
Brown, Archie, 1977, 1990
Clark, Durward, undated
Cook, Jerry, undated
Corbin, Jerry, 1984
Crooks, Jimmy, 1980
Curtis, Lee, undated, 1971
DeMaio, Tony, 1983, 1988
Draper, Muriel, undated
Du Berrier, Hilaire, 1983
Duncan, Lowell, 1938, 1979
Ewen, Jim, 1938
Fasanella, Ralph, 1937, 1973-1975, 1987-1989
Felsen, Milt, 1989
Foucek, George, 1937-1938
Gardner, Ben, undated, 1937-1938, 1944, 1989
Goff, Irving, 1986, 1989
Goldstein, Ben, 1985
Joliot-Curie, Irene, undated, 1944, 1948, 1954
Hogarth, Paul, undated
Kailen, Clarence, 1986
Kozar, John, undated, 1979
Landis, Arthur H., undated, 1938, 1986
Levine, Sidney, undated, 1938
Lister, Enrique, undated
Lucid, Jack, undated, 1971, 1977
MacLeod, Don, undated, 1938-1939, 1963, 1977-1978, 1985
Mates, Dave, undated, 1973-1975
Mendelson, Wilfred, 1980
Menzies, David, 1938
Merriman, Robert, 1985-1987
Miltenberger, John M., undated
Miscellaneous, undated, 1965, 1977, 1982, 1995
Newman, Sol, undated, 1980
North, Joseph, 1976
Orton, Fritz, undated
Osheroff, Abe, undated, 1974
Palencia, Isabel de, undated, 1946-1947
Parsons, Edward L., 1948-1949
Quiggle, Harlan G., undated, 1937-1939
Rigamonte, Gino, undated, 1937, 1939,
Rolfe, Edwin, undated
Romero, Ernie, 1938, 1975, 1978
Sasson, Abraham, 1938
Schuetrum, Walter, 1985-1986
Sennett, William, undated, 1982, 1984
Spencer, L.F., 1937-1939
Stamm, Morris, 1977, 1984
Stratton, Felice, undated, 1941
Thayer, Donald, 1973
Thompson, David, undated
Tisa, John, 1976
Tivin, Isadore, 1979
Tyler, Hamilton, 1984
Vail, Earl, undated, 1938, 1979, 1982
Vogel, Otto, undated, 1938-1939
Wachtel, Marion, undated, 1970, 1977, 1984-1987
Wellman, Saul, undated
Wolff, Milton, undated, 1973-1984
Zimmer, Robert, undated
Subject Files, undated, 1937-1990
40th Anniversary, 1976-1977
50th Anniversary, 1979, 1985-1988
Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, 1981-1986, 1990
Annual Dinners, 1976-1984
Assorted Appeals for Aid to Spanish Refugees, undated, 1939, 1941
Bibliographies, undated, 1939-1940, 1980
Brief for Petitioner, U.S. Court of Appeals, Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade vs. Subversive Activities Control Board, 1962
California Council Table, 1949
Educational Outreach Programs, 50th Anniversary, undated, 1985-1986
Film Project, undated, 1980, 1984
Flyers, undated, 1938, 1949, 1951, 1974, 1978, 1980-1988
Historical Commission, undated, 1976-1982
ILWU Resolution and Spain, 1951
International Brigades, undated, 1937-1987
Japanese Involvement in the International Brigades, 1985-1986
Madison Square Garden Spanish Refugee Appeal, 1945
Materials from Anniversaries, 1971-1991
Materials Supporting the Carabanchel Ten, undated, 1972-1974
Miscellaneous, undated, 1948-1987
Newsletters, undated, 1937-1947, 1977-1984
Newsletters, undated, 1974-1987
Nicaraguan Ambulance Project, undated, 1984-1990
Notes on Testimony of Witnesses for the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade before the Subversive Activities Control Board, undated
Obituaries, 1977-1984
Paquebot "Paris," Cherbourg-Southhampton-New York, Departure, 1938
The Passionate War, 1983
Press Releases, undated, 1963, 1974-1975, 1979, 1984
Programs, 1964, 1977-1988
Refugees, Mexico, undated, 1939-1947, 1953
Return to Life, undated
Salvadoran Relief, undated, 1981-1982, 1988
Script for 50th Annniversary of Spanish Civil War, 1986
Song Sheets, undated, 1937-1939, 1961-1963
Spain, Catholic Church, 1939
Vet Dinner, 1977-1982
Video Biographical Project, undated
Unions, undated, 1938-1954, 1976
Transcript of Testimony of Witnesses for the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade before the Subversive Activities Control Board, 1954
Transcript of Testimony of Witnesses for the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade before the Subversive Activities Control Board, 1954
War Ephemera, undated, 1938
Organizations, undated, 1928-1990
American Committee to Save Refugees, undated
American Rescue Ship Mission, undated, 1941
American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, undated, 1973-1975
Asociación de Aviadores de la Republica, undated, 1978, 1981-1982
Asociación de Ex-Presos y Represalidos Políticos, undated, 1980-1982
Comité International de Coordination et d'Information pour l'Aide a l'Espagne Républicaine, 1938
Continental Conference to Aid Spanish Refugess, 1940
Gray Panthers, 1982
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, undated, 1939-1954
Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, undated, 1936-1937
Miscellaneous, undated, 1937-1982
New El Salvador Today (NEST), 1985-1986
Nicaragua Information Center, 1986
North American Spanish Aid Committee, undated
Office International pour l'Enfance, 1937-1938
Party of Marxist Unity (P.O.U.M), circa 1920, 1928, 1937-1938
Sender Freies Berlin, undated, 1983
Spain, Ministerio de Propaganda, 1936
Spanish Civil War Historical Society, 1980
Spanish Information Bureau, 1946-1947
Spanish Refugee Appeal, undated, 1939-1954
Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign, 1939
State Department, 1949-1950
Unitarian Service Committee, 1945-1951
United American Spanish Aid Committee, undated
United Nations, Spain, 1946-1949
U.S. Committee for a Democratic Spain, undated, 1970-1976
U.S. - El Salvador Institute for Democratic Development, undated, 1985-1986, 1989-1990
Varsovie Hospital, undated, 1946, 1949-1953
Veteran's Rights Committee, undated, circa 1940s-1950s, 1971-1987
Publications, 1936-1989
ABC, 1975
A.M.I.: Periodico de la Ayuda Medica Extranjera, 1938
Among Friends, 1938
Arriba, 1975
Camb16, 1975, 1983
Collier's, 1945
Ejércicio del Ebro, circa 1930s
Femmes du Monde Entier, 1946
The Fight For Peace and Democracy: Spain, 1938
General, 1942-1989
Information Bulletin, 1937
International Press Correspondence, 1938
Interviu, 1977
Libertad, 1974, 1977-1980
Mac-Paps News Bulletin, 1974, 1976-1978, 1983
Mundo Obrero, 1937, 1975, 1978-1981
New Masses, 1939
Newsfront International, 1977, 1980-1981
Photo-History: War in Spain, 1937
Spagna per la Liberta Della, 1976-1979
Spanish Magazines, undated, 1938, 1978, 1980
Sucesos: Grandes Reportajes a la Historia del Mundo, La Guerra Civil Española, undated
Upstate Magazine, When Americans Fought in Spain, 1983
Visiones, 1936-1937
Volunteer for Liberty, Our Fight, 1937-1938
Clippings and Articles, undated, 1935-1991
50th Anniversary, 1985-1986
Articles on Post-Civil War Spain, undated, 1949, 1975-1976, 1982
Articles Related to Spain During the Civil War and the American Participants, undated, 1938, 1962, 1973, 1978
Bender, Ed and Wolff, Milt, 1978-1987
Gardner, Ben, 1933, 1945
German Newspapers, 1935-1936, 1943
Magazine, undated, 1939-1987
Newspaper, undated, 1936-1991
Photocopies, undated, 1938-1988
Postcards and Tranparencies, circa 1930s, 1986-1987
"Poster" Postcards, circa 1930s
Photographic and Post-War Postcards, circa 1930s, 1986-1987
Color Transparencies of Selected Posters, circa 1930s
Posters and Other Oversize, undated, 1930-1987
Return to Life, circa 1930s
But What about the Guys in the Lincoln Brigade?, 1987
Bay Area Post VALB 40th Anniversary Banquet, Honoring the Premature Anti-Fascist Women, 1979
Additional Note
Spanish Refugee Appeal/Reservations Here, undated
[Bl]acklist [Un]fair [to AL]B Vets!, undated
Scratchboard--Swastika Over Family, undated
United American Spanish Aid, Bulletin, 1941
Mientras haya un puñado de nuestra tierra, undated
Franco c'est la guerre, 1950
Photocopy of Labor Defender Cover, 1930
La Vanguardia Folio, 1938
Scrapbook Pages, Newspaper Clippings, undated
The Spanish Civil War, 1976
Additional Note
La Guerra Española, Conferencias, undated
La Guerra Española, Cine Club, undated
Homenaje a las Brigadas Internacionales, 1986
Spain 1936: Fifty Years: A Civil War Retrospective, 1986
1936-1986: Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, 1986
Es preciso hacer toda clase de sacrificios para ganar la guerra, undated
Obreros/Campesinos/Soldados/Intelectuales: Reforzad las filas del Partido Comunista, undated
El arte de España es un objetivo de la aviación fascista, 1937
Additional Note
Nuestros brazos seran los vuestros, undated
Additional Note
España lucha por su independencia, undated
Additional Note
El agua en malas condiciones produce mas bajas que la metralla, undated
Amnesty Now!, Freedom for Political Prisoners in Spain, undated
Ayer sembraste ..., undated
Additional Note
Exposición "14 Meses de Guerra," undated
What Are You Doing to Prevent This?, undated
Additional Note
18. Juli 1936 Beginn Des Spanischen Freitheitskampfes, 1936
La república crea/El fascismo destruye, undated
Additional Note
Hoy: Enviad los trapos a las tendencias de Alcadia, undated
Additional Note
Carta del Estudiante del Pueblo, 1938
Spanish Refugees Ball, 1940
United American Spanish Aid New Year's Eve Ball, 1940
Map of Toledo, undated
Workers' Bookshop Map of Spain, undated
No podria viure sense la llibertat, undated
Españoles del mundo entero ..., undated
La república atiende hoy a la madre y al niño, undated
Residencias, undated
Fiesta del Niño, 1938
Hagamos felices a los niños, undated
¡Estoy muy bien madre!, undated
Universidad Obrera de México, 1936
Los Institutos para Obreros, undated
Juegos Deportivos Nacionales de la Revolución, 1941
Organitzeu festivals esportius, undated
!!Todos a reconstruir España!!, 1938
Ambulancies per al front, undated
España: Una. Justa. Fuerte., 1936
!Solidaridad! Periodico Mural del Socorro Rojo de España, undated
H X HAC, 1930
Za wasza, wolnosc i nasza!, 1966
Mysmy Hiszpanio nie zampomnieli, undated
Escola nova/Poble lliure, undated
Additional Note
Los nacionales, undated
Additional Note
Los nacionales, undated
Additional Note
July 1936: Republican Spain Opens World Fight against Fascism, 1936
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Los internacionales unidos a los españoles, 1937
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Viva la República Española (Manuscript over cropped poster), undated
Additional Note
Viva la República Española (Manuscript over cropped poster), undated
Additional Note
Campesino: Trabaja para el pueblo ..., undated
Additional Note
Julio 1936-Julio 1937: Unidos en la retaguardia como en la vanguardia, 1937
Additional Note
!Jugetes para nuestros peques!, undated
Additional Note
Setmana de l'Exercit Popular: Dia del Combatent [Cropped], undated
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Setmana de l'Exercit Popular: Dia del Combatent [Entire], undated
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Hoy más que nunca victoria [Fragment], 1938
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Hoy más que nunca victoria, 1938
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Hoy más que nunca victoria, 1938
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Cobla Barcelona, undated
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Las hordas fascistas extranjeras ..., undated
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¡Con disciplina se defiende la república!, 1937
Additional Note
21 photos mounted on 2 boards, undated
Mundo Obrero (features Dolores Ibárruri), 1982
Cittadini!, 1977
Solidaridad con Chile, 1983
A Catalunya, A l'esquerra, 1982
Per la pau no a l'OTAN, 1981
Más allá del cambio, 1983
X Congresso PCE, 1981
Evita las Enfermedades Venereas Tan Peligrosos, undated
A Victoria Impone a Quienes la Desean Sacrificios Considerables..., 1938
Dona! Supera la Leva Obia (Written on verso is a letter dated Sept. 17, 1938 to: Marshall Lakey from: Harry Shepard letter written from hospital - author later killed), undated
El Pueblo en Armes Defendio la Republica Contra los Traidores, 1938
Scrapbooks, 1933-1945
Arvola, Edward, 1938
Arvola, Edward, 1938
Flory, Elizabeth, 1933-1945
Artifacts, undated, 1937-1984
Board Game, ¡Viva España!, 1977
Button, Amnesty for All Poltical Prisoners in Spain, undated
Button, Disabled Veterans' Fund, undated
Button, CNT AIT, undated
Button, Longshoremen's Union 10, 1949
Button, Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade, U.S.A., International Brigades, 40th Anniversary, 1939-1976, 1976
Button, Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade, U.S.A., International Brigades, Return to Spain, 1983
Cuts, Return to Life, undated
Fascist Emblem, undated
Fascist Insginia, undated
Hand Fan, Asociacion de Ex-Presos y Represalidos Politicos, undated
Hat, circa 1930s
Leather Belt, circa 1930s
Lighters, undated
Medal, Brigadas Internacionales de la Libertad, Madrid, 1984
Metal Plate, undated
Metal Plate, Return to Life, undated
Metal Shard, 1938
Miscellaneous Printed, undated, 1937-1938
Money, undated, 1937
Nazi Insignia, circa 1940s
Pin, Asociación de Ex-Presos y Represalidos Politicos, Libertad, 1975
Pin, Aviator, undated
Pin, Car, undated
Pin, Friend, Abraham Lincoln Brigade, undated, 1939
Pin, Friend of Abraham Lincoln Brigade, For Liberty in Spain, 1939
Pin, Madrid, 1938
Pin, Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad, 1936-1937
Postage Stamps, undated
Scarf, Camp van Doren, Mississippi, circa 1940s
Scarf, U.H.P, undated
Spanish Machero Folding Knife, undated
Sproket, undated
Statuette of Boy with Red Cap (Worker Statue), undated
Train Ticket, 1938
Uniform, circa 1930s
Wallet, undated
Wineskin, Arvola, Frank, circa 1930s
Selected items digitized from this collection.
Scope and Content Note
Teatro Salon Condal poster. November 1938 BANC MSS 71/105 z
Scope and Content Note