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Finding Aid to the Madi Bacon Papers, 1831-1999 (bulk 1920-1970)
BANC MSS 2001/119 c  
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Container Listing


Series 1 Bacon Family Correspondence 1890-1999

Physical Description: Boxes 1-4, Carton 1


Further divided into two subseries.

Subseries 1.1 Madi Bacon 1907-1999

Physical Description: Boxes 1-4


Arranged hierarchically with family members first, followed by friends and colleagues in alphabetical order.

Scope and Content Note

Contains correspondence with family. The bulk of this subseries consists of correspondence between Bacon and her mother Maria R. Bacon (Misa) and is written in German or Austrian.
Box 1, Folders 1-7

Bacon, Charles S. (father) 1916-1947

Box 1, Folders 8-20

Bacon, Maria Von Rosthorn (mother) 1915-1951

Box 2, Folders 1-3

Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. 1927-1945

Box 2, Folders 4-6

Bacon, Alfons R. 1922-1986

Box 2, Folder 7

Lillie, Catherine (Kiffie) 1925-1929

Box 2, Folder 8

Chandler, Dorothy 1987, undated

Box 2, Folders 9-10

Bacon, Charles S., Jr. 1921-1971

Box 2, Folder 11

Hemken, Louisa 1927

Box 2, Folder 12

Hillyer, Irene 1946-1962

Box 2, Folders 13-16

Bacon, Ernst 1907-1986

Box 2, Folder 17

Lillie, Mary Prentiss (Penty) 1925-1927

Box 2, Folder 18

Camp, Peggy 1952-1963

Box 2, Folder 19

Wendt, Ellen 1999

Box 2, Folder 20

Bacon, Carl Alfons 1915-1924

Box 2, Folders 21-22

Rosthorn, Arthur von and Paula Pichler 1922-1949

Box 2, Folder 23

Lecher, Helene von Rosthorn 1958

Box 2, Folder 24

Family, miscellaneous 1931-1999

Box 2, Folder 25

Dear Family and Friends undated

Box 2, Folder 26

Cooke, Flora J. 1946

Box 2, Folder 27

Dow, Sylvia L. 1926-1927

Box 2, Folder 28

Elener, J. undated

Box 2, Folder 29

Ferrando, Guido 1929-1933

Box 2, Folder 30

Guinert, Rathe 1919-1924

Box 3, Folder 1

Hainisch, Marianna 1921-1925

Box 3, Folder 2

Hanna, John 1933-1951

Box 3, Folder 3

Holm, Einar (Jeff) 1976-1981

Box 3, Folder 4

Lehman, Lotte 1954-1955

Box 3, Folder 5

Mayer, Erna H. 1922-1927

Box 3, Folder 6

Pinschof, Karl 1956

Box 3, Folder 7

Porter, Nan 1922-1928

Box 3, Folder 8

Proudfoot, Helena 1919

Box 3, Folder 9

Reicher, Frieda 1925-1926

Box 3, Folders 10-11

Ross, Ella (Sis) 1928-1929

Box 3, Folder 12

Shepard, Faith 1924

Box 3, Folder 13

Swain, Barbara 1923-1925

Box 3, Folder 14

Swift, Page 1954-1957

Box 3, Folder 15

Tippy, Helen W. 1924-1925

Box 3, Folders 16-20

Wells, Elizabeth Craib 1930-1934

Box 4, Folder 1

Dorothy 1929-1947

Box 4, Folder 2

Lenny 1920

Box 4, Folder 3

Marjorie undated

Box 4, Folder 4

Robert and Helen (Bobbie) 1928

Box 4, Folders 5-15

A-Z Miscellaneous circa 1921-1999

Box 4, Folder 16

Letters from Students 1956-1999

Box 4, Folders 17-19

Unidentified correspondence circa 1920-1999


Subseries 1.2 Family Members 1890-1962

Physical Description: Carton 1


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

This subseries primarily consists of the correspondence of Bacon's mother, Maria R. Bacon (Misa) with family and friends in Austria and the United States. Also includes correspondence between her brothers and other family members.
Carton 1, Folders 1-33

Bacon, Maria Von Rosthorn 1890-1951

Carton 1, Folder 34

Bacon, Alfons- to parents 1903-1951

Carton 1, Folders 35-36

Bacon, Charles S., Jr. 1913-1947

Carton 1, Folders 37-43

Bacon, Ernst 1915-1962


Series 2 Professional Files 1933-1997

Physical Description: Cartons 2-3; Carton 4, folders 1-5; Box 5; Oversize box 1, folder 1


Arranged in rough chronological order by date of first employment.

Scope and Content Note

Contains miscellaneous material related to Bacon's music career. The bulk of the material concerns the San Francisco Boys Chorus. Much of the material in this Series is ephemeral in nature and includes programs, schedules, scrapbooks, clippings and a small amount of correspondence.
Carton 2, Folder 1

Elizabethan Madrigal Singers 1933

Box 5, Folder 1

Scrapbook circa 1933

Carton 2, Folder 2

Roosevelt College of Chicago, School of Music 1945-1946

Carton 2, Folders 3-32

San Francisco Boys Chorus circa 1949-1997

Carton 3, Folders 1-11

San Francisco Boys Chorus 1950-1981

Box 5, Folder 2

Scrapbook 1950s

Box 5, Folder 3

Guest Books 1959, 1985

Oversize_box 1, Folder 1

Scores 1963, undated

Carton 3, Folders 12-18

Teaching Files and Materials undated

Carton 3, Folders 19-31

Related Material undated

Carton 4, Folders 1-5

Related Materials and Newspaper Clippings undated


Series 3 Personal and Family Files 1831-1999

Physical Description: Carton 4, folders 6-29; Oversize box 1, folder 2


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains writings, biographical material, awards and honors and family ephemera.


Carton 4, Folder 6

"John Wilbye: A Study of His Madrigals," dissertation 1941

Carton 4, Folder 7

Masters Examinations 1941

Carton 4, Folders 8-11

Articles, poems and notes undated

Carton 4, Folder 12

Biographical Material undated

Carton 4, Folders 13-14

Awards and Honors circa 1930-1996

Carton 4, Folder 15

Financial File 1998-1999

Carton 4, Folder 16

Calendars 1998-1999

Carton 4, Folder 17

Guest book 1972-1987

Carton 4, Folders 18-19

Francis W. Parker School 1917-1999

Carton 4, Folder 20

"Madi Bacon: Thoughts on Conducting A Video Documentary," Thesis by Debra K. Golata 1996

Carton 4, Folders 21-22

Newspaper clippings circa 1933-1999

Carton 4, Folder 23

Bacon family- newspaper clippings and ephemera 1915-1989

Carton 4, Folders 24-25

Bacon, Charles Sumner 1925-1975, undated

Carton 4, Folders 26-27

Von Rosthorn Family undated

Oversize_box 1, Folder 2

Miscellaneous undated

Carton 4, Folder 28

Hans Gasser Notebooks 1831, 1852

Carton 4, Folder 29

German clippings 1886-1900