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Finding Aid to the Sidney Coe Howard papers, 1903-1980 (bulk 1903-1939)
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Container Listing


Series 1: Personal and Biographical, undated, 1906-1963

carton 1, folder 1

Biographical Sketch and Commemorative Tribute to Gillette and Howard, Phelps, William Lyon, 1940

carton 1, folder 2, oversize-folder 1

Biographical Materials, Miscellaneous, undated, 1940

carton 1, folder 3

Century Memorials, 1939

carton 1, folder 4

Sidney Howard: Friend and Playwright, van Druten, John, 1942

carton 1, folder 5

Sidney Howard: A Few Personal Memories, Clark, Barrett H., 1939

carton 1, folder 6

Sidney Howard: A Critical Study, Adams, Henry H., 1940

carton 1, folder 7-8

Personalia, undated, 1913-1937

Scope and Content Note

Includes birth certificates, passports, will, car registration and genealogical material related to the Howard family.
carton 1, folder 9

Theatre Guild, undated, 1925

carton 1, folder 10

Sidney Howard: American Playwright, Scott, Charles E., 1963

carton 1, folder 11

World War I Service, 1918-1919

carton 1, folder 12, oversize-folder 1

Awards, undated, 1925, 1934-1935

Scope and Content Note

Includes program for Pulitzer Prize awarded during Columbia University commencement, June 3, 1925, and proceedings for Founders' Day, Washington and Jefferson College, Nov. 10, 1934, when Howard was given an honorary degree.
carton 1, folder 13, oversize-folder 1-2

Memberhips Cards and Certificates, 1915-1944

carton 1, folder 14-15

Address Books, undated, 1937

carton 1, folder 16

Bluebooks, University of California, Berkeley, 1914

carton 1, folder 17-18

Scrapbook, University of California, Berkeley, 1913-1915

carton 1, folder 19-23

Diary Entries, Typed Excerpts, 1927-1939

carton 1, folder 24-25, carton 2, folder 1-7

Diaries, 1906-1939


Series 2: Correspondence, undated, 1897-1947, 1980


Subseries 1: Incoming, undated, 1897-1947, 1980

carton 2, folder 8

A, Miscellaneous, undated, 1935-1940

carton 2, folder 9

Adams, James Truslow, 1937

Scope and Content Note

2 letters regarding opposition to President Roosevelt's message on judiciary reform. One is a form letter.
carton 2, folder 10

Akins, Zoe, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 2, folder 11

Allen, Hervey, 1927-1942

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. Included are a letter, Jan. 19, 1942, addressed to Mrs. Howard, and a manuscript of "The Blindman: A Ballad of Nogent l' Artaud."
carton 2, folder 12

Allen, Ruth C., undated, 1935

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 2, folder 13

Alllgood, Sara, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 2, folder 14

The American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1935-1938

Scope and Content Note

4 letters regarding Howard's election to the Academy. Letter announcing his election is signed by Robert Underwood Johnson, Secretary, and Nicolas Murray Butler, President.
carton 2, folder 15

American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 1927

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Mar. 16, 1927. Expresses appreciation for Howard's graduation address. Mimeographed copy of addresses of Clare Eames and Howard at the graduation exercises included.
carton 2, folder 16

American Civil Liberties Union, 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters. From Roger Baldwin, B. W. Huebsch, and Clinton J. Taft.
carton 2, folder 17

The Amercan National Theatre and Academy, 1937-1938

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. From A. Conger Goodyear. Minutes of the first meeting of the advisory committee included.
carton 2, folder 18

American Newspaper Guild, 1936

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. Include letters from Heywood Broun and Clyde Beals regarding the Guild strike against the Hearst Wisconsin News.
carton 2, folder 19

American Play Company, Inc., 1932

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Jan. 22, 1932, regarding W. Somerset Maugham's reaction to Howard's use of the title “Alien Corn” for his play.
carton 2, folder 20

Ames, Winthrop, 1937

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Jan. 25, 1937, regarding a meeting for a national theatre movement.
carton 2, folder 21

Anderson, Judith, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 2, folder 22

Anderson, Maxwell, undated, 1925-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters and telegrams.
carton 2, folder 23

Anderson, Sherwood, undated, 1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 2, folder 24-26

Angell, Ernest, 1925-1939

Scope and Content Note

78 letters and telegrams. Several refer to litigation regarding plagiarism charges brought against Howard involving his play, They Knew What They Wanted, to his divorce, and to Clare Eames Howard's estate.
carton 2, folder 27

Austen, Mary (Hunter), 1916

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Aug. 19, 1916. Discusses her war work, the N.Y. theatrical scene, the coming presidential election, and other matters.
carton 2, folder 28

The Author's League of America, Inc., 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

22 letters. From Luise Sillcox, Executive Secretary; Ivan von Auw, Jr., Assistant Secretary; Elmer Davis, Vice-President; and John Howard Lawson. Letter, Jan. 30, 1936, written jointly by Davis and Lawson.
carton 2, folder 29-30

Author's League of America, Dramatist's Guild, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

51 letters. Primarily from Luise Sillcox, Executive Secretary. Regarding negotiation of standard contracts; motion picture rights; relations between dramatists', authors' and screen writers' guilds; formation of Dramatists' Play Bureau; relations with the Federal Theatre Project. Enclosure to letter, Dec. 24, 1936: copy of letter from Hallie Flanagan, Director, Federal Theatre Project. Letter, Feb. 1, 1937, is a copy of a letter addressed to Mrs. Flanagan. Howard served as representative of the Dramatists' Guild on the Authors' League Council, and as President of the Dramatists' Guild.
carton 2, folder 31

B, Miscellaneous, undated, 1916-1939

carton 2, folder 32

Bachmann, Larry, 1936-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters. Mainly regarding his efforts writing plays and screen plays.
carton 2, folder 33

Bacon, Leonard, 1924-1940

Scope and Content Note

34 letters. Included is a letter, Mar. 29, 1940, addressed to Mrs. Howard regarding Madam, Will You Walk. Also included: letter from Patty Bacon, May 1, 1928. See also Burlingame, Roger.
carton 2, folder 34

Baker, George Pierce, 1925-1933

Scope and Content Note

10 letters. With these is a letter written by his wife.
carton 2, folder 35

Ballard, Fred, 1925

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 2, folder 36

Barry, Philip, 1925-1932

Scope and Content Note

5 letters.
carton 2, folder 37

Behrman, Samuel Nathaniel, 1938-1945

Scope and Content Note

3 telegrams and letter.
carton 2, folder 38

Benét, Stephen Vincent, undated

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 2, folder 39

Bertensson, Serge, 1935-1936

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. Several refer to translating Paths of Glory into Russian for a production at the Moscow Art Theatre.
carton 2, folder 40

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 1937-1938

Scope and Content Note

2 letters written on behalf of Bethune-Cookman College.
carton 2, folder 41

Blankenhorn, Heber, undated, 1936

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 2, folder 42

Blankfort, Michael, undated

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 2, folder 43

The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Apr. 13, 1939. From Lambert Davis. Requesting comment on Christ in Concrete.
carton 2, folder 44

Boyd, Julian P., 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 31, 1939. Written for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, regarding a pamphlet about Benjamin Franklin.
carton 2, folder 45

Boyer, Charles, 1939

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Regarding Howard's offer of a part in Madam, Will You Walk
carton 2, folder 46

Brady, William A., 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. Several discuss casting for a revival of They Knew What They Wanted at the Playhouse in New York.
carton 2, folder 47

Braithwaite, Lillian, undated, 1927

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 2, folder 48

Brandon, Tom, 1932-1936

Scope and Content Note

7 letters. Many refer to his interest in fascist-type groups in the U.S. The last two letters refer to It Can't Happen Here.
carton 2, folder 49, carton 3, folder 1-5

Brandt and Brandt Dramatic Department, Inc., 1926-1947

Scope and Content Note

284 letters. The firm acted as Howard's agent. Letters from Harold Freedman included. Regarding contract negotiations, royalty payments, performance permissions, sale of motion picture rights for plays, payment for screen plays, etc. Letters written after Howard's death are addressed to his wife or to his secretary.
carton 3, folder 6

Broder, Jane, 1939

Scope and Content Note

7 letters and telegrams regarding the casting of Madam, Will You Walk.
carton 3, folder 7

Bromfield, Louis, undated

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 8

Burlingame, Roger, 1923-1935

Scope and Content Note

39 letters. A personal friend. Many of the letters comment on his own writing; several refer to Leonard Bacon.
carton 3, folder 9

Burris-Meyer, Harold, 1939

Scope and Content Note

3 letters regarding the planning for sound for Madam, Will You Walk. One letter is addressed to Elmer Rice.
carton 3, folder 10

C, Miscellaneous, undated, 1926-1939

carton 3, folder 11

Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 1933

Scope and Content Note

2 letters regarding her desire to play the role of Elsa in Alien Corn.
carton 3, folder 12

Canby, Henry Seidel, 1926-1934

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 13

Cather, Willa Sibert, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 14

Celler, Emanuel, 1937

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Identical letters regarding hearings on a Congressional bill affecting theatre people, addressed to Luise Sillcox and George S. Kaufman.
carton 3, folder 15

Clark, Barrett H., undated, 1922-1942

Scope and Content Note

27 letters. Some letters, 1937-1938, written on behalf of Dramatists' Play Service, while executive director; some written on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Letter, Mar. 20, 1942, addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 3, folder 16

Cobb, Humphrey, 1935-1936

Scope and Content Note

24 letters regarding Howard's dramatization of his novel, Paths of Glory, his experiences as a screenwriter in Hollywood, the difficulties of the Screen Writers' Guild in Hollywood, etc. Included also is a letter written by his wife, Anne Louise.
carton 3, folder 17

Columbia University, 1925-1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Letter, Apr. 2, 1925, from Frank D. Fackenthal, notifies Howard that They Knew What They Wanted was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.
carton 3, folder 18

Connelly, Marcus Cook, 1924-1937

Scope and Content Note

2 letters, 3 telegrams. The telegrams refer to the Screen Writers' and Dramatists' Guilds.
carton 3, folder 19

Cook (Thos.) & Son, 1933

Scope and Content Note

3 letters regarding Howard's proposed trip to the Near East.
carton 3, folder 20

Corbin, John, 1926-1933

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. Two refer to the Theatre Guild.
carton 3, folder 21

Corle, Edwin, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Mar. 9, 1939. Inquires if Howard would be interested in dramatizing his novel, Burro Alley. Also a letter from Mar. 10, 1939 written by his wife, Helen Corle.
carton 3, folder 22

Cornell, Katherine, 1933

Scope and Content Note

1 telegram.
carton 3, folder 23

Coward, Noel Pierce, 1926

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 24

Crawford, Cheryl, 1932, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter and telegram. The latter refers to Yellow Jack.
carton 3, folder 25

Creel, George, 1932

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Letter, Apr. 14, 1932, refers to Howard's interest in doing a play about Woodrow Wilson.
carton 3, folder 26

Cromwell, John, 1937

Scope and Content Note

3 telegrams, 1 letter regarding The Ghost of Yankee Doodle.
carton 3, folder 27

Crothers, Rachel, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 28

Crowninshield, Frank, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 29

Curie, Eve, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Apr. 1, 1936. Responding to Howard's request to do a play based on her biography of her mother.
carton 3, folder 30

Curry, John Stewart, 1936-1939

Scope and Content Note

4 letters.
carton 3, folder 31

D, Miscellaneous, undated, 1936-1941

carton 3, folder 32

Damrosch, Walter Johannes, undated, 1932-1937

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 3, folder 33

Dana, Julian, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 34

Davis, Harold Lenoir, 1935

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Letter, Nov. 21, comments on Howard's grandfather's association with Captain J. C. Ainsworth and the Oregon Steam Navigation Company.
carton 3, folder 35

De Kruif, Paul, 1926-1935

Scope and Content Note

26 letters. Most of them refer to Yellow Jack.
carton 3, folder 36

Digges, Dudley, 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters regarding acting in The Ghost of Yankee Doodle and the part of Benjamin Franklin in Howard's projected play about the political figure.
carton 3, folder 37

Dinneen, Joseph F., 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 38

Doran (George H.) Company, 1924

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Dec. 12, 1924. From E. F. Saxton, asking if Howard was interested in dramatizing The Book of Daniel Drew.
carton 3, folder 39

Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. Include letters from Nelson Doubleday. Some refer to problems involving motion picture contracts and publishing companies.
carton 3, folder 40

Dowling, Eddie, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 telegram.
carton 3, folder 41

Dramatists Play Service Incorporated, 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters. Primarily regarding royalty fees for non-professional performances of Howard's plays. See also Barrett H. Clark correspondence. See also Authors' League of America. Dramatists' Guild correspondence.
carton 3, folder 42

E, Miscellaneous, 1937-1939

carton 3, folder 43

Eames, Emma, undated, 1925

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. Aunt of Clare Eames.
carton 3, folder 44-45

Ernst, Morris Leopold, 1936-1938

Scope and Content Note

8 letters. Some refer to legal work for the Dramatists' Guild.
carton 3, folder 46

Ervine, Sr. John, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 26, 1936. Addressed to George Middleton.
carton 3, folder 47

F, Miscellaneous, undated, 1924-1939

carton 3, folder 48

Famous Productions, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 10, 1939. Regarding Howard's idea for a motion picture epic based on Pan-American Airways.
carton 3, folder 49

Farrar, John, 1926-1939

Scope and Content Note

8 letters. Most of them undated. Included are 2 letters written by his wife, Margaret, one addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 3, folder 50

Fauchois, René, 1932

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Dec. 2, 1932. Regarding Howard's adaptation of his play, Prenez garde à la Peinture.
carton 3, folder 51-52

Faust, Frederick, 1918, 1942

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 3, folder 53

Federal Theatre Project, 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

4 letters, 1935-1937. Include letters from Hallie Flanagan, Director.
carton 3, folder 54

Ferber, Edna, 1928-1939

Scope and Content Note

16 letters.
carton 3, folder 55

Films for Democracy, 1938

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 56

Flavin, Martin, 1929, 1939

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 57

Fitzgerald, Francis Scott, undated

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 58

Flexner, Anne, 1935-1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 59

Fontaine, Lynn, undated, 1929-1938

Scope and Content Note

6 letters and telegrams.
carton 3, folder 60

Freeman, Joe, 1933

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 26, 1933. Regarding a dispute between Upton Sinclair and the Russian filmmaker, Sergei Eisenstein.
carton 3, folder 61

Fremstad, Olive, 1914

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 62

French (Samuel) Inc., 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

4 letters regarding amateur production rights for Howard's plays, reprint permissions for published plays, etc. See also Barrett H. Clark correspondence.
carton 3, folder 63

G, Miscellaneous, undated, 1915-1939

carton 3, folder 64

Galahad, Joseph Andrew, 1919-1922

Scope and Content Note

18 letters. Howard offered him literary advice.
carton 3, folder 65

George, Grace, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 66

Gilder, Rosamond, 1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 3, folder 67

Golden, John, 1938

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 3, folder 68

Goldwyn (Samuel) Inc., Ltd, 1930-1939

Scope and Content Note

48 letters and telegrams. Include letters from Sam Goldwyn. Regarding Howard's screenplays for Arrowsmith and Dodsworth; the projected screenplay based on the “story” of the Pan American Airways, etc.
carton 3, folder 69

Gordon, Max, undated, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

12 letters and telegrams. Some refer to the question of the motion picture industry backing plays and to playwright-manager problems in contract negotiations. Letter, Nov. 27, 1939, is addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 3, folder 70

Gordon, Ruth, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 71

Gray, David, 1925

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 72

Greenbaum, Wolff, & Ernst, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 18, 1936. Analyzes a specimen power of attorney forwarded to them by the Dramatists' Guild.
carton 3, folder 73

Greene, Graham, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Feb. 21, [1939]. Refers to Howard's intended screen treatment of Brighton Rock. See also Gilbert Miller correspondence regarding Brighton Rock.
carton 3, folder 74

Greenstreet, Sydney, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 29, 1939. Addressed to Jane Broder. Regarding Madam, Will You Walk?.
carton 3, folder 75

The Group Theatre, Inc., 1932-1936

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. From Harold Clurman. Letters written in 1932 refer to Yellow Jack.
carton 3, folder 76

H, Miscellaneous, undated, 1925-1939

carton 3, folder 77

Hampden, Walter, 1927

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 78

Hapgood, Norman, 1923-1936

Scope and Content Note

17 letters. Enclosures to letters Jan. 7 and Jan. 9, 1931: letters of introduction for Howard. Several of the letters written in 1931 refer to Howard's projected play about Woodrow Wilson. Enclosure to letter, Dec. 18, 1936: copy of a letter written by Charles Chaplin to Mrs. Hapgood.
carton 3, folder 79

Harcourt, Brace, and Company, Inc., 1934-1940

Scope and Content Note

6 letters. Includes letters from Alfred Harcourt.
carton 3, folder 80

Harper & Brothers, 1935

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. From Cass Canfield. Expressing an interest in Howard's unwritten novel.
carton 3, folder 81

Harris, Jed, 1933-1942

Scope and Content Note

3 telegrams and 2 letters. Several refer to Yellow Jack. Letter, Feb. 4, 1942, is addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 3, folder 82

Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1935

Scope and Content Note

3 letters regarding Howard's application for a Master's degree.
carton 3, folder 83

Hayes, Helen, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 9, 1939. A financial appeal for the New York Skin and Cancer Unit.
carton 3, folder 84

Harris, Sam H., 1934

Scope and Content Note

1 telegram.
carton 3, folder 85

Hayward (Leland) & Company, Ltd., 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

62 letters and telegrams regarding screen plays for various studios in Hollywood. The company acted as Howard's agent in Hollywood for motion picture work.
carton 3, folder 86

Hellman, Lillian, 1938

Scope and Content Note

2 memoranda. Written on Samuel Goldwyn Inc., Ltd. "Inter-office Communication." With this: copy of Reeves Espy memos to Howard and to Hellman, same date.
carton 3, folder 87

Henderson, Daniel, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 88

Henderson, Victor, 1913-1939

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. Letters written in 1933 relate to Dr. Wilbur A. Sawyer who discovered successful method of vaccinating human beings against yellow fever. Letter, Aug. 26, 1939, addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 3, folder 89

Hopkins, Arthur, 1927-1936

Scope and Content Note

11 letters. Several refer to Paths of Glory which Hopkins produced.
carton 3, folder 90

Hayward, DuBose, 1927-1939

Scope and Content Note

4 letters.
carton 3, folder 91

Hofmannsthal, Hugo Hofmann, edler von, 1923

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 92

Hornblow, Arthur, Jr., undated, 1932-1939

Scope and Content Note

23 letters. Most of them written while he was associated with Paramount Pictures. Several refer to Howard's screenplays for the studio, including his work on The Light That Failed.
carton 3, folder 93-94

Howard, Charles Prescott, undated, 1917-1938

Scope and Content Note

27 letters.
carton 3, folder 95

Howard, Harmon, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 3, folder 96-98

Howard, Clare (Eames), undated, 1921-1923, 1928

Scope and Content Note

75 letters and telegrams.
carton 3, folder 99-100

Howard, Douglas Bruce, undated, 1910, 1918

Scope and Content Note

13 letters. Some written from various cities in Europe to Sidney Howard, who was in a sanatorium in Switzerland.
carton 3, folder 101-103, carton 4, folder 1-11

Howard, Helen Louise (Coe), 1910-1939

Scope and Content Note

326 letters and telegrams. Many of the letters were written during the 1910 European trip, when Sidney Howard was in a sanatorium in Switzerland.
carton 4, folder 12

Howard, Jack, 1934-1936

Scope and Content Note

5 letters.
carton 4, folder 13

Howard, Jennifer, undated, 1935-1938

Scope and Content Note

38 letters. Most of the letters, written while she was very young.
carton 4, folder 14

Howard, John Lawrence, 1897-1912

Scope and Content Note

32 letters.
carton 4, folder 15

Howard, John L., Jr., 1931-1938

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 16-18

Howard, Leopoldine Blaine (Damrosch), 1929-1939

Scope and Content Note

200 letters.
carton 4, folder 19

Howard, Peter, undated, 1933

Scope and Content Note

3 letters
carton 4, folder 20

Howard, Shafter, 1937-1938

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 21

Howard Family, 1918, 1931

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 22

Hume, Samuel James, 1940-1941

Scope and Content Note

9 letters. Addressed to Mrs. Howard regarding presentation of Howard's Cranbrook Masque at the 1941 Berkeley Festival. With these: drafts of two letters from Mrs. Howard, addressed to Robert Gordon Sproul and Hume.
carton 4, folder 23

Hurst, Fannie, 1936, 1939

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 24

Huston, Walter, 1933, 1936

Scope and Content Note

2 telegrams.
carton 4, folder 25

Hutchison, Ralph Cooper, 1934-1935

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. Written while President of Washington and Jefferson College. Several refer to Howard's honorary degree.
carton 4, folder 26

J, Miscellaneous, 1935

carton 4, folder 27

Johnson, Alvin, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 28

Jones, Robert Edmond, 1925-1939

Scope and Content Note

29 letters. Most of the letters are undated. Letter, Sept. 6, 1939, addressed to Mrs. Howard. With these: statement of his views on the theatre.
carton 4, folder 29

K, MIscellaneous, 1934-1938

carton 4, folder 30

Kanin, Garson 1940

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 31

Kellar, Greta, 1933

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 32

Kellogg, Charlotte (Hoffman), undated, 1926-1935

Scope and Content Note

11 letters.
carton 4, folder 33

Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, 1926

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 34

Kipling, Rudyard, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Sept. 16, 1935. Commenting on Howard's screen adaptation of The Light That Failed. See also letter, May 27, 1935, to Arthur Hornblow, Jr., bound in script of the screenplay of The Light That Failed, and Kipling's annotations in the script. (Carton 19)
carton 4, folder 35

Knoblock, Edward, 1931

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 36

Kreymborg, Alfred, 1937

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 25, 1937. Requesting use of Howard's name on the advisory committee of the One-Act Play Theatre.
carton 4, folder 37

Krutch, Joseph Wood, 1933

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 38

L, Miscellaneous, undated, 1935-1939

carton 4, folder 39

Labor Stage, Inc., 1936-1937

Scope and Content Note

5 letters regarding the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union's play contest.
carton 4, folder 40

La Farge, Oliver, 1929

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 41

Lawson, John Howard, 1935

Scope and Content Note

2 letters regarding the National Committee for Defense of Political Prisoners. See also Author's League of America.
carton 4, folder 42

League of American Writers, 1935

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 4, folder 43

The League of New York Theatres, 1936

Scope and Content Note

3 letters regarding the arbitration of a minimum basic agreement between the League and the Dramatists' Guild of the Authors' League.
carton 4, folder 44

Le Gallienne, Eva, 1934

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 45

Leigh, Vivien, 1939

Scope and Content Note

2 telegrams.
carton 4, folder 46

Leonard, Sheldon, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 telegram.
carton 4, folder 47

Le Roy, Mervyn, 1938

Scope and Content Note

4 letters and telegrams. Referring to Howard's screen adaptation of The Unvanquished.
carton 4, folder 48

Lewis, Philip, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 49

Lewis, Sinclair, undated, 1932-1940

Scope and Content Note

26 letters. Several refer to Howard's dramatization of Dodsworth and his projected screen adaptation of It Can't Happen Here. Two letters, 1940, addressed to Mrs. Howard, refer to Howard's academy award for screenplay for the movie version of Gone With the Wind. See also in Watkins (Ann) Inc. folder: enclosure to letter, May 15, 1933 (copy of a letter from Lewis to Watkins).
carton 4, folder 50

Lieber, Maxim, 1936

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. Suggesting that Howard dramatize Malraux's novel, La Condition Humaine.
carton 4, folder 51

Lippman, Walter, 1920-1928

Scope and Content Note

5 letters.
carton 4, folder 52

Lipschutz, Paul, 1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Primarily regarding the Playwrights Laboratory Theatre.
carton 4, folder 53

Littell, Robert, undated, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters.
carton 4, folder 54

Loftus, Cecilia, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 55

Lord, Pauline, undated, 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters.
carton 4, folder 56

Looms, Sayles & Company, New York, 1929-1931

Scope and Content Note

14 letters.
carton 4, folder 57

Losey, Joseph Walter, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

13 letters. Several, written from Moscow, refer to his efforts to get a Russian production of Yellow Jack.
carton 4, folder 58

Lowe, Edmund, 1934

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 59

Lunt, Alfred, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 postcard and telegram.
carton 4, folder 60

Lyman, William Whittingham, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 4, folder 61

Lyons, Eugene, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter and telegram.
carton 4, folder 62

M, Miscellaneous, undated, 1925-1939

carton 4, folder 63

Mabie, Edward Charles, 1933-1934

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. Written while Director of the University Theatre, State University of Iowa.
carton 4, folder 64

McBride (Robert M.) & Company, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, May 20, 1936. Suggests publication of Howard's screenplay for It Can't Happen Here.
carton 4, folder 65

McClintic, Guthrie, 1934-1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter and telegram.
carton 4, folder 66-67

McDuffie, Duncan, undated, 1917-1936

Scope and Content Note

10 letters and telegrams. Letters written during World War I and comment on his work in Washington.
carton 4, folder 68-70, carton 5, folder 1-11

McDuffie, Jean (Howard), undated, 1910-1938

Scope and Content Note

353 letters and telegrams.
carton 5, folder 12

Letters from Friends Written While Howard was Stationed in France, WWI, 1917-1919

Scope and Content Note

32 letters, postcards and telegrams.
carton 5, folder 13

MacLeish, Archibald, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 14

Mannes, Marya, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Apr. 3, 1936. Requesting Howard to write an article for Vogue.
carton 5, folder 15

Marquand, John Phillips, 1928-1937

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 16

Mencken, Henry Louis, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 17

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corporation, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

17 letters. From Sam Marx, Lucien Hubbard, Hunt Stromberg and others. Several refer to Howard's screenplay for Northwest Passage.
carton 5, folder 18

Miller, Gilbert, 1934-1939

Scope and Content Note

11 letters. Some refer to his refusal to sign the basic agreement with the Dramatists' Guild; some to Howard's plan for a dramatization of Graham Greene's Brighton Rock. Enclosure to letter, Oct. 29, [1938]: copy of his letter, Feb. 19, 1938, to Robert E. Sherwood. Also included in the file: letter, Dec. 14, 1938, from Harry Fleischman, general manager of the Gilbert Miller, to Howard.
carton 5, folder 19

Milton, Robert, undated, 1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 20

Mitchell, Margaret, 1936-1944

Scope and Content Note

8 letters. Refering to Howard's screenplay for Gone With the Wind. Letter, June 9, 1944, is addressed to Mrs. Howard.
carton 5, folder 21

Moran, John J., 1931-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters. From one of the participants in the yellow fever experiment which Howard dramatized in Yellow Jack.
carton 5, folder 22

Morgan, Harjes & Cie, 1918

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 23-24

Myers, Richard E., 1921-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters.
carton 5, folder 25

McKaig, Alexander, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter and telegram.
carton 5, folder 26

N, Miscellaneous, 1931-1939

carton 5, folder 27

Nathan, Robert, 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 28

The Nation, 1934

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. From Freda Kirchwey, Editor. Suggesting that Howard do some articles for the magazine on fascism in the U.S.
carton 5, folder 29

National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 30

National Council on Freedom from Censorship, 1931-1938

Scope and Content Note

4 letters.
carton 5, folder 31

National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1930

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Dec. 11, 1930. Informing Howard he was elected Vice-President.
carton 5, folder 32

The New Film Alliance, Inc., 1935-1936

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 33

New Masses, undated, 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

5 letters. From Isidor Schneider, literary editor, and others.
carton 5, folder 34

New Theatre League, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 35

Niles, Emory Hamilton, 1921-1935

Scope and Content Note

8 letters.
carton 5, folder 36

Norris, Kathleen (Thompson), 1924

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 37

Norton (W.W.) & Company, 1926-1937

Scope and Content Note

6 letters. Includes letters from W.W. Norton.
carton 5, folder 38

O, Miscellaneous, 1926, 1937-1938

carton 5, folder 39

Odets, Cllifford, undated

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 5, folder 40

Olivier, Laurence, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 1, 1939. Commenting on Madam, Will You Walk.
carton 5, folder 41

Olney, Warren, 1917

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 42

O'Neil, Eugene, 1927-1936

Scope and Content Note

6 letters.
carton 5, folder 43

Osborn, Paul, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 44

P-Q, Miscellaneous, 1933-1939

carton 5, folder 45

Pan American Airways, Inc., 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

9 letters and telegrams regarding Howard's interest in aviation as a subject for movie treatment ("Transatlantic Flight"). Also included are copies of letters forwarded to Howard for his information.
carton 5, folder 46

Pasadena Playhouse, 1933-1934

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. From Gilmor Brown. Include letter, May 20, 1944, addressed to Mrs. Howard regarding the Midsummer Drama Festival to be dedicated to the memory of Howard. Programs and photographs for the festival are also included.
carton 5, folder 47

Patch, Howard Rollins, 1936

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. Writing on behalf of the Harvard Dramatic Club.
carton 5, folder 48

Perkins, Edward N., 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

14 letters regarding purchase of property in Tyringham, Massachusetts.
carton 5, folder 49

Piscator, Erwin, 1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters regarding his adaptation of War and Peace for the stage.
carton 5, folder 50

The Playwright's Company, 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

28 letters. From Victor Samrock, business manager, and William Fields, press representative. Several deal with the production of Madam, Will You Walk. See also the following correspondence files: John F. Wharton; Maxwell Anderson; Elmer Rice; Robert Sherwood; and subject files.
carton 5, folder 51

Pope, Arthur Upham, 1934

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 52

Quinn, Arthur Hobson, 1926-1939

Scope and Content Note

4 letters.
carton 5, folder 53

R, Miscellaneous, undated, 1925, 1932-1938

carton 5, folder 54

Radin, Max, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 55

Random House, Inc., 1937

Scope and Content Note

1 letter. From Bennett A. Cerf.
carton 5, folder 56

Raphaelson, Samson, 1935

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Oct. 2, 1935. Addressed to Robert Wyler. Regarding his terms for adapting Denys Arnold's play, Mr. and Mrs. So and So, for the American stage.
carton 5, folder 57

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 1934

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 58

Reardon, Mark, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 59

Reinhardt, Max, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 60

Rennie, Mary, 1936-1938

Scope and Content Note

7 letters and telegrams.
carton 5, folder 61

Rhodes, Harrison Garfield, undated, 1924-1929

Scope and Content Note

38 letters.
carton 5, folder 62-63

Rice, Elmer, 1931-1939

Scope and Content Note

10 letters.
carton 5, folder 64

Richman, Arthur, 1930-1939

Scope and Content Note

5 letters.
carton 5, folder 65

Riegelman, Charles A., 1925

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 13, 1925. Regarding legal suit involving They Knew What They Wanted. See also Ernest Angell correspondence.
carton 5, folder 66

Riggs, Lynn, undated, 1930-1934

Scope and Content Note

5 letters.
carton 5, folder 67

Roche, Josephine, undated, 1932-1934

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 5, folder 68

S, Miscellaneous, undated, 1929-1939

carton 5, folder 69

Sachs, Emanie Louise (Nahm), 1933

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 70

Scribners (Charles) Sons, 1924-1940

Scope and Content Note

23 letters. Include letters from Maxwell Perkins. Regarding publication of Howard's novels and plays. Included is a letter, July 30, 1940, addressed to Mrs. Howard; and a letter, Dec. 26, 1939, addressed to Howard's secretary. Enclosure to the latter is a memo showing the publication date of Howard's books.
carton 5, folder 71

Selznick International Pictures, Inc., 1936-1939

Scope and Content Note

25 letters. Include letters from David O. Selznick. Most of them refer to the screenplay of Gone With the Wind. Enclosures to letter, June 20, 1938: copy of letter from Walter White, secretary of NAACP and copy of Selznick's reply.
carton 5, folder 72

Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley, circa 1918

Scope and Content Note

17 letters. Written from France where she was a correspondent for the New Republic.
carton 5, folder 73

Sheean, Vincent, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 5, folder 74

Sheldon, Edward Brewster, undated, 1925

Scope and Content Note

8 letters and telegrams.
carton 5, folder 75

Sherwood, Robert Emmet, 1925-1946

Scope and Content Note

44 letters and telegrams. Many of them refer to the Dramatists' Guild, motion picture backing of plays, plays in progress, etc. Letters written after Howard's death are addressed to Mrs. Howard. See also enclosure to letter, Oct. 29 [1938] written by Gilbert Miller. See also screenplay of Northwest Passage (Carton 18).
carton 5, folder 76

Sillman, Leonard, 1939

Scope and Content Note

3 letters regarding the production of They Knew What They Wanted.
carton 5, folder 77

Sinclair, Upton, 1932

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Dec. 27, 1932. Regarding the Russian film maker Sergei Eisenstein.
carton 5, folder 78

Sitwell, Osbert, undated

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, Feb. 5.With this: typed copy of poem. "Rat Week," by Osbert Sitwell; Howard's notes in margin.
carton 5, folder 79

Skinner, R. Dana, 1925

Scope and Content Note

2 letters regarding his review of Lucky Sam McCarver.
carton 5, folder 80

Stewart, Donald Ogden, 1937

Scope and Content Note

1 letter regarding the Screen Writers' Guild.
carton 5, folder 81

Strong, Austin, 1931-1938

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. One is addressed to Jean McDuffie, who forwarded it to Howard with her note on it.
carton 5, folder 82

Sullivan, Margaret, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, [1939]. Declining a part in the play, Madam, Will You Walk?.
carton 6, folder 1

T, Miscellaneous, 1934-1939

carton 6, folder 2

Taylor, Deems, 1926

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 6, folder 3

The Theatre Guild, Inc., 1926-1939

Scope and Content Note

30 letters and telegrams. Include letters from Theresa Helburn, Lawrence Langner and Warren P. Munsell.
carton 6, folder 4

The Theatre Union, Inc., NYC, 1935-1937

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 6, folder 5

Thompson, Dorothy, undated, 1933, 1939

Scope and Content Note

4 letters. Letter, Sept. 30, 1939, from her secretary to Mrs. Howard, encloses draft of Thompson's column on Howard.
carton 6, folder 6

Towne, Charles Hanson, 1938

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 6, folder 7

U, Miscellaneous, 1936

carton 6, folder 8

V, Miscellaneous, 1936-1938

carton 6, folder 9

Van Doren, Carl, 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

9 letters. Regarding Howard's proposed play on Benjamin Franklin .
carton 6, folder 10

Van Druten, John, undated, 1926-1946

Scope and Content Note

18 letters. Letters written after Howard's death are addressed to Mrs. Howard. See also manuscript of tribute to Howard in Carton 1.
carton 6, folder 11

The Viking Press, Inc., 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

5 letters, 1935-1939. Include letters from B. W. Huebsch. Some refer to Howard's proposed dramatization of Carl Van Doren's Benjamin Franklin.
carton 6, folder 12

Vildrac, Charles, 1922-1934

Scope and Content Note

17 letters.
carton 6, folder 13

W, Miscellaneous, undated, 1910, 1934-1939, 1980

carton 6, folder 14

Walker, June, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 2, [1939]. Regarding casting for revival of They Knew What They Wanted.
carton 6, folder 15

Walpole, Hugh, 1927

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 6, folder 16

Wanger, Walter, 1940

Scope and Content Note

1 telegram, Mar. 2, 1940. Addressed to Mrs. Howard. Regarding motion picture academy award for Howard's screenplay for Gone With The Wind.
carton 6, folder 17-19

Watkins (Ann), Inc., 1932-1939

Scope and Content Note

136 letters. Include letters from Ann Watkins. The firm acted as Howard's agent for production of the play, Dodsworth, and the sale of the motion picture rights; and in negotiating for the play based on Carl Van Doren's Benjamin Franklin. Enclosure to letter, May 15, 1933: copy of a letter from Sinclair Lewis to Watkins.
carton 6, folder 20

Webster, Margaret, 1939

Scope and Content Note

6 letters.
carton 6, folder 21

Weill, Kurt, 1939

Scope and Content Note

3 letters. Referring to possibilities of doing music for Howard's plays.
carton 6, folder 22

Werfel, Franz, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 postcard.
carton 6, folder 23

Werner, M.R., undated, 1927-1938

Scope and Content Note

14 letters.
carton 6, folder 24

Wharton, John F., 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

27 letters. Most of them regarding formation of the Playwrights' Company.
carton 6, folder 25

White, Walter (Francis), 1938

Scope and Content Note

2 letters.
carton 6, folder 26

White, William Allen, 1933, 1937

Scope and Content Note

1 letter and telegram.
carton 6, folder 27

Whitney, John Hay, 1936

Scope and Content Note

1 letter, June 8, 1936. Regarding the "minimum basic agreement" of the Playwrights' Guild.
carton 6, folder 28

Wiborg, Mary Hoyt, 1935-1936

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 6, folder 29

Williams, Annie Laurie, 1939

Scope and Content Note

1 letter.
carton 6, folder 30

Winsloe, Christa, 1933

Scope and Content Note

2 letters. In German.
carton 6, folder 31

X-Y-Z, Miscellaneous, 1925, 1935

carton 6, folder 32

Unidentified, undated, 1936-1939

carton 6, folder 33

Young, Stark, undated, 1925

Scope and Content Note

3 letters.
carton 6, folder 34

Yellow Jack, Miscellaneous, undated, 1931-1938

carton 6, folder 35

Opening, Ghost of Yankee Doodle, 1935

carton 6, folder 36-37

Madam, Will You Walk?, Actors, 1938-1939

carton 6, folder 38

Benjamin Franklin, Actors, 1939

carton 6, folder 39

Casting Actor for Plays, Miscellaneous, 1936-1939

carton 6, folder 40

Miscellaneous, undated, 1919, 1929, 1935

carton 6, folder 41

Unidentified Correspondents, undated, 1917, 1929


Subseries 2: Outgoing, 1903-1940

carton 6, folder 42


carton 6, folder 43-44

Addressed to Mother from Harvard, 1915-1916

carton 6, folder 45-48


carton 7, folder 1-20


carton 8, folder 1-27

1928-April 1936

carton 9, folder 1-23

May 1936-1940


Series 3: Writings, undated, 1910-1957


Subseries 1: Plays, undated, 1916-1957

carton 10, folder 1-5

Alien Corn, undated, 1927-1939

Scope and Content Note

Preliminary notes for a comedy to be called "Miss Braun" (typescript); "Preliminary Scenario for a play in Three Acts to be called Miss Braun" (typescript); notes for the second act (holograph); two typescript copies of the script (carbons), one with cuts and emendations in Howard's hand; annotated copy of the published play (Victor Gollancz Ltd., London, 1933); photographs of productions.
carton 10, folder 6-21, cardfile-box 1

Benjamin Franklin, undated, 1931, 1939

Scope and Content Note

Unfinished play. Howard was working on this play, based on Carl Van Doren's biography, at the time of his death. Included are miscellaneous notes and background material; stenographer's notebooks containing notes in shorthand (10 v.); Howard's working script (annotated typescript with a few holograph pages); three typescript copies of the working script; four folders containing drafts and revisions (typescript and holograph); copy of English Institute Annual 1939, inscribed to Mrs. Howard by Carl Van Doren, in which Van Doren comments on Howard's projected Franklin play.
carton 10, folder 22

The Cranbook Masque, 1916

carton 10, folder 23, carton 11, folder 1-2

Dirt Farmer, 1931-1934

carton 11, folder 3-6

Dodsworth, undated, circa 1930, 1932

Scope and Content Note

Preliminary outline for a dramatization of Sinclair Lewis' novel; typed copy of script (carbon).
carton 11, folder 7

The Early Worm, undated

Scope and Content Note

Scenario for a dramatic treatise in three acts by Sidney Howard and John Marquand. Typescript.
carton 11, folder 8-9

Fete Gallante, 1928

Scope and Content Note

Preliminary scenario for The Lady of the Camellias (holograph); a typed synopsis; annotated typed copy of the script marked "First completed draft," with some holograph notes; typed copy with cuts and corrections in Howard's hand.
carton 11, folder 10

The First Act, 1939

carton 11, folder 11-13

Gather Ye Rosebuds, undated, 1934

Scope and Content Note

Original title: Bird of Our Fathers. Written in collaboration with Robert Littell. Four typescript copies, some annotated and marked.
carton 11, folder 14-20, carton 12, folder 1-13

The Ghost of Yankee Doodle, undated, 1928, 1936-1937

Scope and Content Note

Howard's note about the title of the play and his explanation for the genesis of the play; many copies of the script (final text, production text, revised and unrevised copies, many of them heavily annotated); draft and revised pages, both holograph and typescript.
carton 12, folder 14

Half Gods, undated

Scope and Content Note

Notes for the play (typescript), with cover page, entitled "Marriage Play: Notes."
carton 12, folder 15

The Kingdom of Sancho Panza, undated

Scope and Content Note

An adaptation of Melchior Lengyel's comedy for English production. Typescript.
carton 12, folder 16

The Labryinth, 1935

carton 12, folder 17

The Last Night of Don Juan, 1925

Scope and Content Note

An adaptation of Edmund Rostand's La Derniere Nuit de Don Juan for English production. Annotated typescript.
carton 12, folder 18-20

The Late Christopher Bean, undated, 1932

Scope and Content Note

Based on Prenez Garde à la Peinture by René Fauchois. Annotated typescript; draft and revised pages, both holograph and typescript; printed pamphlet edition of the French play.
carton 13, folder 1

Lexington, 1925

Scope and Content Note

Compiled and, in part, written by Sidney Howard. For the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. Typescript, with a few annotations.
carton 13, folder 2

Lucky Sam McCarver: Four Episodes in the Rise of a New Yorker, 1924

Scope and Content Note

Corrected typescript [in the hand of Clare Eames Howard?]
carton 13, folder 3

Lute Song, "Pi-Pa-Ki or The Story of the Lute by Kao-Tong-Kia," undated

Scope and Content Note

Arranged for presentation on the American stage by Will Irwin and Sidney Howard. Three typescript copies.
carton 13, folder 4-23, carton 14, folder 1-13

Madam, Will You Walk?, undated, 1938-1945, 1957

Scope and Content Note

Original titles, Summer Solstice and Summer Night. Notes on chronology of the play; stenographer notebooks containing notes in shorthand; many copies of the script, some dated, most of them typescripts with annotations; draft and revised pages, holograph and typescript; Kurt Weill's musical score (holograph) for the play; sketch for the stage set; casting notes; galleys for the published play; clipping of the text as published in Theatre Arts, Feb. 1957.
carton 14, folder 14

Madame Curie, 1936

Scope and Content Note

Memorandum for Samuel Goldwyn, March 3, 1936, regarding play scenario based on the life of Madame Curie; notebook containing a few pages of notes.
carton 14, folder 15-16

Ned McCobb's Daughter, 1926

Scope and Content Note

Scenario notes for a comedy to be called Carrie McCobb; draft (holograph) and corrected typescript.
carton 14, folder 16

Ned McCobb's Daughter (act III, page 4) 1926 BANC MSS 70/185 z

Scope and Content Note

Typescript of play with handwritten notations.

Additional Note

This material was selectively digitized from a larger resource or collection.
carton 14, folder 17-18

Ode to Liberty, circa 1930, 1934

Scope and Content Note

Adapted from Liberte Provisoire by Marcel Duran. Annotated typescript with title, Temporary Liberty by Michel Duran, and note laid in, "Temporary Liberty (Adapted by S. H. as Ode to Liberty?);" annotated typescript with note on title page: "First Draught, uncut and uncorrected November 1st, 1934, with corrections."
carton 14, folder 19

Path to Glory, 1935

Scope and Content Note

Dramatization of Humphrey Cobb's novel. Title page of script and list of characters; "First Notes. June 20-25, 1935;" "A Foreword for College Dramatic Societies" written by Howard re dramatization of the novel; [Cobb's notes?, 1 p.]; three pages of script; photograph of the set elevation.
carton 14, folder 20

The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, circa 1918-1919

Scope and Content Note

By Sidney Howard and Barrett H. Clark; founded upon the novel of the same name by James Branch Cabell. Typescript with additions and corrections in manuscript. Note by Clark on the title page. Also bound in is the manuscript of "Patricia," a comedy by Clark, suggested by certain episodes in Cabell's The Rivet...
carton 14, folder 21

Romance: A Spectacle Play, undated

carton 14, folder 22, carton 15, folder 1

Salvation, 1927

Scope and Content Note

By Sidney Howard and Charles MacArthur. A draft copy, with annotated, corrected pages; and two typescript copies.
carton 15, folder 2

S.S. Tenacity, Vildrac, Charles, English Translation, undated

Scope and Content Note

English adaptation of Charles Vildrac's Le Paquebot Tenacité. Typescript.
carton 15, folder 3-5

The Silver Cord, 1926, 1930

Scope and Content Note

Statements by Clare Eames Howard and Roger Burlingame regarding the beginnings of the play; holograph draft; typescript, with revisions and deletions.
carton 15, folder 6-7

They Knew What They Wanted, circa 1920, 1952

Scope and Content Note

Copy of the judge's opinion in the suit brought against Howard, The Theatre Guild, et. al, involving alleged plagiarism; mimeographed copy of the television adaptation by Don Ettlinger, 1952.
carton 15, folder 8-12, oversize-folder 3

Yellow Jack, 1925-1952

Scope and Content Note

With Paul de Kruif. Typescript copy; draft and revised pages (holograph and typescript); background material; Howard's preface to the published play; copy of "Backstage with Yellow Jack" by Paul de Kruif; copy of the stage design; photographs of productions of the play; mimeographed copy of television adaptation by Alan Anderson.
Oversize includes a poster for a production of the play in Amsterdam.
carton 15, folder 13

Plays Not Written by Howard, undated,

Scope and Content Note

The Pretender, by Lawrence P. Bachman Jane Eyre, by Helen Jerome. Note on title page: Copyright 1937 by Sidney Howard. Pirate Scenario, by Edward Sheldon
carton 15, folder 14-15, cardfile-box 1

Dred Scott, 1933, 1937

carton 15, folder 16

Notes for a Crime Play, 1935

carton 15, folder 17-19

Notes for a Play about Sutter, circa 1930, 1935

carton 15, folder 20-23

Notes on Woodrow Wilson, 1930-1931


Subseries 2: Short Stories and Articles, undated, 1926-1939

carton 16, folder 1

Doth the Wild Ass Bray, undated

carton 16, folder 2

Hollywood on the Slide, undated

carton 16, folder 3

The Homesick Ladies, undated

carton 16, folder 4

Jane Lister, Dear Childe, undated

carton 16, folder 5

A Long Job for Charlie, undated

carton 16, folder 6

The Marvel: A Fable, undated

carton 16, folder 7

Memoirs of a Commercial Dramatist, 1935

carton 16, folder 8

Miss Lily, undated

carton 16, folder 9

Miss Parker, 1926

carton 16, folder 10

Poison Ivy, undated

carton 16, folder 11

A Simple Heart, 1931

carton 16, folder 12-13

Wanted: A Motive, undated

carton 16, folder 14

Untitled Manuscript about Professor George Pierce Baker, undated

carton 16, folder 15-20

Shorthand Notebooks, undated, 1939


Subseries 3: Novels, undated, 1910, 1925

carton 16, folder 21

Godhead, undated

carton 16, folder 22-27, carton 17, folder 1-5

Jacob Ely, undated, 1925

carton 17, folder 6-7

Fragments, undated, 1910


Subseries 4: Scripts, undated, 1924-1939

carton 17, folder 8-10

Brothers Karamazov, 1932

Scope and Content Note

"Preliminary notes for a Talking Picture Treatment of... " (typescript); "First complete version" of the script (typescript with some corrections and deletions); another version (typescript, with some corrections).
carton 17, folder 11-12

Dodsworth, 1936

Scope and Content Note

"Notes for a Motion Picture Treatment of... " (typescript); draft and revised pages of the script; annotated and corrected typescript; "First Draft Shooting Script" (mimeographed copy).
carton 17, folder 13-21, carton 18, folder 1-16, carton 19, folder 1-5

Gone with the Wind, circa 1930-1939

Scope and Content Note

"Preliminary Notes on a Screen Treatment of... " (typescript); copy of a letter from the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America to David Selznick commenting on the first draft of the script; footage estimates; technical notes and other miscellaneous items; draft and revised pages of the script; many versions of the screen play (corrected typescripts and mimeographed copies). Howard's annotated copy of Gone With the Wind is also included.
carton 19, folder 6-8

It Can't Happen Here, circa 1930-1939

Scope and Content Note

Preliminary notes for motion picture treatment (typescript); corrected and revised typescript of the screen play; inter-office communications.
carton 19, folder 9-11

The Light That Failed, 1935

Scope and Content Note

Typed copies of the script; two mimeographed copies, one bound, with commentaries, in ink and pencil, by Rudyard Kipling, and, bound in, a letter, May 27, 1935, from Kipling to Arthur Hornblow; related clippings.
carton 19, folder 12-13

Nobody's Town, 1937-1939

Scope and Content Note

Preliminary treatment for motion picture to be based on Edna Ferber's novel (typescript); "Revised treatment and continuity outline;" notes and suggestions from I. von Cube; background material; notes; revised pages of the scenario; typed copies of the scenario.
carton 19, folder 14-17, carton 20, folder 1-3

Northwest Passage, 1938

Scope and Content Note

Mimeographed copy of Robert Sherwood's screenplay; draft and revised pages of Howard's script.
carton 20, folder 4-6

Notes for Plays and Stories, undated, 1924-1930

carton 20, folder 7

Ideas for Stories, 1929-1930

carton 20, folder 8

Paths of Glory, 1935

Scope and Content Note

"Memorandum for a picture treatment of... " (typescript)
carton 20, folder 9-12

The Real Glory, 1938

Scope and Content Note

Earlier title: The Last Frontier. Mimeographed and typed copies, with revisions.
carton 20, folder 13-20

Transatlantic Flight, 1938

Scope and Content Note

Earlier titles: The Thunderbird and Brother Barnstormer. Story outline by Howard in collaboration with William Van Dusen; background material; notes; revised pages of script; typescript copies.
carton 20, folder 21, carton 21, folder 1-4

The Unvanquished, 1938

Scope and Content Note

Screen adaptation of William Faulkner's novel. First draft of script -"uncut; uncorrected;" mimeographed copy stamped "Temporary Incomplete;" revised pages of the script; copy of a letter, Sept. 2, 1938, from Joseph I. Breen to L. B. Mayer listing some objections to the script.
carton 21, folder 5

Way of the Lancer, circa 1930-1939

Scope and Content Note

Incomplete copy of the script.
carton 21, folder 6-9

Notebooks and Notes, undated


Series 4: Publications, 1912-1915 1941

carton 21, folder 10-17

The Occident, 1912-1915

carton 21, folder 18

Asides, 1941

carton 21, folder 19

Pelican, 1914

carton 20, folder 20

Adventures of Tomorrow, 1914


Series 5: Subject Files, undated 1910-1961

carton 21, folder 21-24

Author's League of America, Dramatist Guild, 1935-1939

Scope and Content Note

Copy of constitution and by-laws; reports and memoranda; lists of members; notices of meetings; names of officers, members of committees, etc.; copies of notices sent to members; copy of memorandum for Hallie Flanagan, director of the WPA Federal Theatre Project, Dec. 11, 1936, with recommendations from the Guild; occasional digests of meetings; copy of "Minimum Basic Agreement Negotiation by the Dramatists' Guild... and Other Theatrical Producing Managers... ;" copies of letters from producers regarding proposed changes in the minimum basic agreement; clippings; etc.
carton 21, folder 25

Bibliographies, undated

carton 21, folder 26-27, carton 22, folder 1-12

Clippings, undated, 1917-1961

carton 25, folder 15-16

Memorabilia, World War I Related, circa 1916-1919

carton 22, folder 13

Miscellaneous Papers of and about Clare Eames, undated, 1922, 1930

carton 22, folder 14

Miscellany, undated, 1916-1919, 1938

carton 22, folder 15-26

The Playwright's Producing Co., Inc., undated, 1937-1943

Scope and Content Note

Memorandum regarding the proposed playwrights' producing plan; copy of press releases; memoranda written by members of the company; minutes of meetings of board of directors, 1938-39; financial reports, 1938-42; clippings; playbills for some of the plays produced by the company.
carton 22, folder 27-29

Playbills and Programs, undated, 1915-1947

carton 22, folder 27

They Knew What They Wanted (2 page spread of program cover) 1924? BANC MSS 70/185 z

Scope and Content Note

Back cover includes a floor plan of the Garrick Theatre.

Additional Note

This material was selectively digitized from a larger resource or collection.
oversize-box 1

Scrapbook, 1910-1916

carton 22, folder 30

South American Trip, 1937


Series 6: Financial, undated 1916-1946

carton 22, folder 31

Accounts, Farm, 1936-1939

carton 22, folder 32

Accounts, Selznick International Pictures, Inc., 1938-1939

carton 22, folder 33

Accounts, The Vanquished, 1938

carton 22, folder 34

Apartment Rentals, 1937-1939

carton 22, folder 35

Box Office Statements, Marseilles, 1930

carton 22, folder 36

Box Office Statements, Madam Will You Walk?, 1939

carton 22, folder 37

Cashbook, Farm Operation, 1938-1939

carton 23, folder 1

Checkbook, 1938-1939

carton 23, folder 2-4

Contracts, 1921-1948

Scope and Content Note

Includes contracts for dramatic productions; contracts with publishing companies and notes regarding publication of his plays; and contracts with motion picture companies for screenplays and adaptations of his plays for the screen.
carton 23, folder 5

Contributions, undated, 1935-1939

carton 23, folder 6

Copyright, 1916-1943

carton 23, folder 7

Miscellany, undated, 1921-1942

carton 23, folder 8-12

Estate, undated, 1930-1946

carton 23, folder 13-14, oversize-folder 1

Expense Books, 1936-1937

carton 23, folder 15-22

Farm, undated, 1927-1939

carton 23, folder 23-25

The Fifth Avenue Bank of New York, 1933-1939

carton 23, folder 26

Howard Terminal, 1934-1935

carton 23, folder 27

House, 157 E. 82nd St., NYC, 1926-1939

carton 23, folder 28

Household, 1925, 1931

carton 23, folder 29-30, carton 24, folder 1

The Harriman National Bank, 1923-1936

carton 24, folder 2-21

Income Tax, 1922-1939

carton 24, folder 22-23

New York City Taxes, 1926-1940

carton 24, folder 24

Social Security Taxes, 1938-1939

carton 24, folder 25-27

Insurance, 1919-1943

carton 24, folder 28-31

Investments, 1931-1939

carton 24, folder 32-33, carton 25, folder 1

Ledger Sheets, 1935-1937

carton 25, folder 2

Legal Document on Plagarism, The Know What They Wanted, 1927

carton 25, folder 3

Legal Agreement, Madam, Will You Walk?, 1939

carton 25, folder 4

Miscellaneous Accounts, 1938-1939

carton 25, folder 5

Morgan & Co., 1930-1935

carton 25, folder 6-13

Royalty Statements, undated, 1927-1940

carton 25, folder 14

Securities Sold, 1936-1937


Series 7: Family Papers, undated 1853-1962


Subseries 1: Damrosch, undated, 1912-1962

carton 25, folder 17-19

Diaries, Damrosch, Polly, undated, 1912-1922

carton 25, folder 20-21

Plays and Stories, Damrosch, Polly, undated

carton 25, folder 22

Articles, Damrosch, Polly, 1929-1930

oversize-box 1

Photographs, Dedication Ceremony, S.S. Sidney Howard, 1943

carton 25, folder 23, oversize-folder 2-3

Damrosch, Walter, 1924-1939

carton 25, folder 24

Clippings, Damrosch Family, undated, 1920, 1926, 1929-1930

carton 25, folder 25

Letters, Damrosch-Howard Wedding, 1931

carton 25, folder 26-27, carton 26, folder 1-5

Correspondence, Condolences, 1939

carton 26, folder 6-13

Correspondence, A-W, undated, 1939-1943

carton 26, folder 14

Correspondence, Madam, Will You Walk?, 1939, 1941

carton 26, folder 15-16

Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1930-1962

carton 26, folder 17-21

Correspondence, Family, undated, 1918-1933


Subseries 2: Howard, undated, 1853-1953

carton 27, folder 1

Diary, Howard, Bruce, 1910

carton 27, folder 2-8, carton 28, folder 1-2

Diaries, Howard, Helen, 1910-1927

carton 27, folder 9

Engagement Book, Howard, Helen, 1938

carton 27, folder 10-14

Diaries, Howard, John, 1910-1914

carton 27, folder 15

Diary, 1879

carton 27, folder 16

Notes for Lectures by Dr. Rand on Chemistry, Howard, John L., 1863-1864

carton 28, folder 3

Correspondence, Howard, John L., 1890-1914

carton 28, folder 4-8

Correspondence, Howard, Helen, undated, 1912-1943

carton 28, folder 9

Correspondence, Miscellaneous, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, John L., undated, 1890-1917, 1956

carton 28, folder 10

Correspondence, McDuffie, undated, 1914, 1922

carton 28, folder 11

Correspondence, Miscellaneous, undated, 1937-1939

carton 28, folder 12

Letter Fragments, undated, 1891

carton 28, folder 13

Bruce Howard Memorial Fund, 1918-1919

carton 28, folder 14

Valley Springs Deed and Papers, 1906-1910

carton 28, folder 15

Miscellaneous Prose, undated

carton 28, folder 16

Legal Documents, 1867-1942

carton 28, folder 17

Personal Documentation (Helen L. Howard) and Miscellaneous Papers, undated, 1913-1943

carton 28, folder 18

Bruce Howard Estate, 1916-1920

carton 28, folder 19-30

Estate of Helen L. Howard, undated, 1916-1953

carton 28, folder 31

Howard Goldwyn, Jennifer, Personal File, Securities Custody Account, 1950-1951

carton 29, folder 1

Olympia Tax Receipts, 1904-1911

carton 29, folder 2

Placerville Tax Receipts, 1907-1915

carton 29, folder 3

Port Townsend Tax Receipts, 1898-1911

carton 29, folder 4-6

Receipts and Lists, Business and Personal, undated, 1887-1942

carton 29, folder 7

New England Life Insurance Company Policies, undated, 1883-1914

carton 29, folder 8

Fire Insurance, 1906-1911

carton 29, folder 9

Business Papers, undated, 1892-1941

carton 29, folder 10

Stauffer Chemical Company and F.M. Smith, undated, 1900, 1904

carton 29, folder 11-12

Olney Jr., Warren, 1914-1917

carton 29, folder 13-14

West Coast Land Company, 1889-1903

carton 29, folder 15

Doubtful and Miscellaneous, 1853, 1890-1897

carton 29, folder 16

Obituaries, Howard, John L., 1914

carton 29, folder 17

Accounts, 1896-1911

carton 29, folder 18

Western Fuel Company Case, 1909-1914

carton 29, folder 19

Mix, Deeds, Agreements, 1896-1911

carton 29, folder 20

Miscellany, undated, 1895-1950