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Service, Caroline Schulz Papers
BANC MSS 99/237 cz  
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Series 1: Family Correspondence 1930-1987

Scope and Contents

Divided into two sub-series: Incoming and Outgoing. The bulk of the letters are from her husband, Jack. Of particular interest are the letters sent to Caroline by family and friends concerning the Supreme Court's decision in 1957.

Incoming 1930-1987

box 1, folder 1-22

Letters from "Jack" 1930-1984, Undated

box 1, folder 23

Letters from "Jack" to "everyone" 1941 1987

box 2, folder 1

Letters from "Mother" 1935, 1951-1954

box 2, folder 2

Letters from family, including "Father" (Schulz), Gertrude Hausman, "Tat" (sister, Katherine Bruce), "Mother" (Schulz), "Esta" (sister-in-law), John (grandson) 1950-1987

box 2, folder 3-5

Letters from family and friends concerning Supreme Court Decision 1957 June-Oct


Outgoing 1930-1984

box 2, folder 6-13

Letters to Schulz family 1930-1959

box 2, folder 14-15

Letters to "Tat" 1935-1936

box 2, folder 16

Letters to "Tat and Al" 1978

box 2, folder 17

Letters to family 1956-1984


Series 2: General Correspondence 1935-1997

Scope and Contents

Divided into two sub-series: Letters from Friends, and Miscellaneous.

Letters from Friends 1935-1997

box 3, folder 1-2

A-Z miscellany 1950-1997

box 3, folder 3

Bery, Prem 1990-1992

box 3, folder 4

Buckner, Adele 1975-1976


Griffith, Belle

box 3, folder 6

Hall, Gwen 1985-1988

box 3, folder 7

Henderson, Loy W. (Loy Wesley), 1892-1986 1951 1973

box 3, folder 8

Larmour, Constance 1987-1992

box 3, folder 9

Lyon, Cecil and Elsie 1952-1992

box 3, folder 10

McKelvey, Steward and Virginia 1981-1982

box 3, folder 11

Moorhead, Hilda 1992-1993

box 3, folder 12

Salisbury, Charlotte Y. and Harrison Evans, 1908- 1935 1983-1992 Undated

Scope and Contents

Includes enclosure of letter from Cy Carney to Peggy Darrow, written from the British to Peggy Darrow, written from the British Consulate in Yunnanfu on May 1, 1935
box 3, folder 13

Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim 1978-1986

box 3, folder 14

United States Government 1972 1989

Scope and Contents

Includes Griswold, Erwin N. (Erwin Nathaniel), 1904- (Solicitor General), Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1937- (Senator, West Virginia)
box 3, folder 15

Unidentified correspondents 1957-1988 Undated

box 3, folder 16

Greeting cards from friends and family 1969-1991 Undated


Miscellaneous 1965-1996

box 3, folder 17

Letters to miscellaneous friends 1971-1996

box 3, folder 18

Correspondence with newspaper and journal editors 1975-1989

box 3, folder 19

Correspondence with U.S. Government officials regarding Vietnam War and various legislation 1965-1989


Series 3: Writings 1919-1986

Scope and Contents

Divided into three sub-series: Notebooks, Prose, and Poetry. Drafts of her article on the Yangtze River include portions written by her mother-in-law, Grace Service in 1906 and by Caroline Service in 1975, along with source material, notes, and correspondence to family and Lisa Green.

Notebooks 1959-1985


Trip notebooks


Prose 1919-1984

box 4, folder 5

"Chinese Spring, 1975" 1975

Scope and Contents

Drafts, correspondence, and printed copy of the New York Times, Nov. 1, 1975, p. 29 [published as "Homage to China"]
box 4, folder 6-10

"2 Trips Through the Yangtze Gorges" 1975-1978

Scope and Contents

Drafts, source material, and printed copy of China Reconstructs, v. 27, no.9, Sept. 1978
box 4, folder 11

"A Visit to Lhasa" 1978

Scope and Contents

Drafts, correspondence, and printed copy of the Foreign Service Journal, Dec. 1978
box 4, folder 12-13

"When the Snow Thaws" 1979

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and printed copy of The New Yorker, Sept. 10, 1979
box 4, folder 14

Other Writings 1919-1984, Undated


Poetry 1967-1986

box 4, folder 15-17

"The Human Race" 1967-1969

Scope and Contents

Drafts, correspondence, musical arrangement, and copyright information
box 4, folder 18

Poetry 1973-1982, Undated

box 4, folder 19

"The Human Race and Other Poems" 1986


Series 4: Personal and Biographical 1930-1994

Scope and Contents

Includes material relating to Service's two oral histories, invitations, announcements, and other memorabilia, as well as clippings relating to or of interest to Caroline Service.
box 5, folder 1-4

The Bancroft Library, Regional Oral History Office 1976-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence with Willa Baum and Rosemary Levenson, drafts of introductory pages, and miscellaneous materials
box 5, folder 5-14

Foreign Service Family Oral History Project 1986-1994

Scope and Contents

Edited transcripts of interview, drafts, correspondence with Jewell Fenzi, and miscellaneous materials
box 5, folder 15

Photographs of Caroline Service 1970, 1973, Undated

box 5, folder 16

Invitations and announcements 1933, Undated

box 5, folder 17

Personal memorabilia 1971-1976, Undated

box 5, folder 18

Newspaper clippings with mentions of Caroline 1930-1937

oversize_folder 1A

Newspaper clippings with mentions of Caroline 1930-1937

box 5, folder 19-20

Miscellaneous articles and clippings 1966-1991

oversize_folder 2A

Miscellaneous articles and clippings 1966-1991

box 5, folder 21

Memorial programs for friends 1963-1994