Order coal now [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:001--D
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Food will win the war: You came here seeking freedom you must now help to preserve it: Wheat is needed for the Allies: Waste nothing [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:002--D
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[In Yiddish: Food will win the war: you came here seeking Freedom you must now help to preserve it: what is needed for the Allies: Waste nothing] [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:003--D
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Fight world famine: enroll in the Boy's Working Reserve [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:004--D
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Why Germany wants peace: every American ought to know why we entered this war: every American ought to know why this conflict must continue until our aims are archived [1917?] BANC PIC 2005.001:005--D
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Help them: Keep your war savings pledge ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:006--D
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The World cannot live half slave, half free...: the Kaiser proclaims: "woe and death unto those who oppose my will...": while Germany dreams of dominating the world by force there can be no peace [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:007--D
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With malice toward none, with charity for all; with firmness in the Right as God gives us to see the Right, Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the Nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, ... [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:008--D
The Health of the child is the power of the nation Children's year, April 1918-April 1919 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:009--D
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Il Cibo Vincerà La Guerra!!: Venite qui a cercare la libertà: Dovete ora aiutare a conservarla: II Pane è necessario agli alleati: Non Sprecate Nulla: Amminstrazione Viveri Degli Stati uniti [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:010--D
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Help our Town win the right to fly this flag: Third Liberty Loan Honor Roll: These are the people of our town who are helping to win the war by investing in Government Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan. [1917?] BANC PIC 2005.001:011--F
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The Hun-his mark: Blot it out with Liberty Bonds 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:012--F
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Keep these off the U.S.A. : Buy more Liberty Bonds 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:013--F
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Fight or buy bonds: Third Liberty Loan 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:014--F
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Must children die and mothers plead in vain?: Buy more Liberty Bonds [ca. 1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:015--F
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Oh boy! That's the girl!: The Salvation Army Lassie: Keep her on the job: Nov. 11th - 18th 1918: United War Work Campaign 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:016--F
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American war posters from the First World War circa 1914-circa 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001
Access Information
Alternative Form of Materials Available
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They Shall Not Perish: Campaign for $30, 000,000: American Committee for Relief in the Near East: Armenia--Greece--Syria--Persia 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:018--F
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Make your dollars end the war: if you can't fight your money can: Your liberty your forefathers died for is at stake: Buy a Liberty Bond and Uncle Sam will do the rest 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:019--F
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Four Years in the fight: the women of France: We owe them Houses of Cheer 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:020--F
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The Greatest Mother In The World 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:021--F
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The Greatest Mother In The World: Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, Dec. 16 - 23rd 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:022--F
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Sure! We'll finish the job: Victory Liberty Loan 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:023--F
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Have you answered the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call? 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:024--F
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[Untitled poster; A Red Cross Nurse in a cloak] [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:025--F
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And they thought we couldn't fight: Victory Liberty Loan ca.1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:026--F
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Carry On!: U. S. Government W.S.S.: Stamps! Stamps! Stamps! : Who'll buy a stamp? ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:027--F
His Home over there: More than 2000 such homes for our boys: United War Work Campaign, November 11th - 18th 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:028--F
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One of the thousand Y.M.C.A. girls in France: United War Work Campaign Nov. 11th to 18th 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:029--F
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For every fighter a woman worker: United War Work Campaign: care for her through the YWCA [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:030--F
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For United America: YWCA: Division for Foreign Born Women Jan, 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:031--F
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Y. W. C. A. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:032--F
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Universal Membership Week: Red Cross Christmas Roll Call Dec. 16 - 23nd [1914?] BANC PIC 2005.001:034--F
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If you can't go across with a gun: come across with your part of the Red Cross War Fund 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:035--F
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For every fighter: a woman worker: YWCA: back our second line of defense ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:036--F
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Buy United States Government War Savings Stamps: Your money back with interest from the United States Treasury [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:037--F
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Save your child from autocracy and poverty: Buy War Savings Stamps 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:038--F
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We Need You ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:039--F
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Keep the Home-Fire Burning [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:040--F
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Keep 'em smiling!: help war camp community service: "Morale is winning the war" ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:041--F
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American All!: Victory Liberty Loan: Honor Roll: Du Bois, Smith, O'Brien... 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:042--F
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For home and country: Victory Liberty Loan 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:043--F
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Invest in the Victory Liberty Loan: They kept the sea lanes open ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:044--F
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Share in the Victory--Save for your country--Save for yourself--Buy War Savings Stamps [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:045--F
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Joan of Arc Save France: Women of America save your Country: Buy War Savings Stamps 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:046--F
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"Victory" Liberty Loan: V : Bring 'em on we'll "Buy or Bust" [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:047--F
That liberty shall not perish from the Earth: Buy Liberty Bonds: Fourth Liberty Loan [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:048--F
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That liberty shall not perish from the Earth: Buy Liberty Bonds: Fourth Liberty Loan [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:049--F
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What are you doing to help?: Join your American Red Cross: Subscribing memberships $2.00 up [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:050--F
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"They shall not perish": Five Dollars will save a life: American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief: 25 New Montgomery Street [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:051--F
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Your work means Victory: Build another one: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:052--F
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Together we win: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:053--F
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Les foyers du soldat et du marin: Union Franco-Américaine: Y.M.C.A. 1914-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:054--F
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Les foyers du soldat-Y.M.C.A.-Union Franco-Américaine 1914-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:055--F
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Les foyers du soldat: Union Franco-Américaine: Foyer means home in France: Y.M.C.A. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:056--F
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Buddies: Proud of it: Join a Post: veteran Soldiers, Sailors and Marines [1914-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:057--F
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4,800,000 of US: Let's stick together in the American Legion: Veteran Soldiers: Sailors: Marines [1914-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:058--F
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They signal "send books": Good books left at the public library will be sent "Over There" and to our men in camp everywhere [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:059--F
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The Camp Library is Yours: Read to win the war: Library War Service [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:060--F
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Books wanted for our men in camp and "Over There": take your gifts to the public library [1915-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:061--F
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Your Nation's needs and your part in it: Railway men: Your job during the war is to carry things where the country needs them...the nation is counting on YOU for the operating and constructing Engineer Regiments... [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:062--F
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Even a dog enlists why not you? 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:063--F
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They crucify, American Manhood--Enlist 1914-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:064--F
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Destroy This Mad Brute: Enlist ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:065--F
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You are wanted by the U.S. Army 1915-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:066--F
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Americans!: Join and Fight: U.S.(address) Army 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:067--F
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On The Job For Victory: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation ca. 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:068--
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For Victory, Buy More Bonds: Fourth Liberty Loan 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:069--
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Lend your money to government: buy a United States Government Bond: Second Liberty Loan of 1917: United States Treasury will pay you interest every six months 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:070--
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The "Y" has more than 2000 such homes for our boys; United War Work Campaign; November 11 - 18th [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:071--
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He guards the Road to France: Warm his heart 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:072--
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Morale hastens Victory: back the boys over there: United War Work Campaign, Nov. 11 th - 18 th ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:073--
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Launching another victory ship : United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:074--
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U.S. Navy: Over There 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:075--
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"America, the hope of all who suffer, the dread of all who wrong", Whitter: Save Food and defeat frightfulness [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:076--
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To make the world a decent place to live in: do your part--buy U.S. Government Bonds: Third Liberty Loan ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:077--
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To make the world a decent place to live in: do your part--buy U.S. Government Bonds: Third Liberty Loan [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:078--
Teamwork builds ships [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:079--
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Send the Eagle's answer: more ships: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:080--
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Put the Pennant beside the Flag: Both Spell Victory [1914-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:081--
Hip Hip!: Another Ship-Another Victory: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:082--
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Nothing stops these men let nothing stop you 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:083--
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American Library Association: Library War Service 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:084--B
American Library Association: Library War Service 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:085--B
"Forget It, son, come on with me and re-enlist": [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:086--B
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Re-enlist Now!: Ask your commanding officer about a furlough; Columbia, "I'm glad you're going to stick, boys; I need proved men." 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:087--B
The U.S. Army wants Real men : Join the "university in Khaki" and fit yourself for higher rank n civil life or a commission in the army: you earn while you learn 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:088--B
No more men are needed for the watch on the Rhine, but 26,000 men are wanted to relieve the watch on the Rio Grande [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:089--B
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Bring back a "bunkie" with you: "I've had a great time on my furlough buddy. Now we'll get down to business together." BANC PIC 2005.001:090--B
First Division: First-Last-and All the time ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:091--B
First Division To Glory [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:092--B
On Front: To the Librarian: This Poster is for your bulletin board...: on verso : Read "Book in the war; The Romance of library war service by Theodore Wesley Koch"... [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:093--B
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Flags of the Allies: The Flags of Victory!: Insignia of the army and navy 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:094--B
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Win the next war now: for free book on home canning and home drying : write to national War Garden Commission Washington, D.C. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:095--B
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On plaque: Feb 12, 1809 April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln: below: Letter to Mrs. Bixby, Boston Mass from A. Lincoln (signature) [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:096--B
Lest They Perish: Campaign for $30,000,000" American Committee For Relief in the Near East: Armenia-Greece-Syria-Persia: One Madison Ave, New York: Cleveland Dodge, Treasure [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:097--B
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Have you clothing shoes blankets for the Red Cross March 24th to 31st for all liberated countries: Sign Here: We'll call [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:098--B
Save First; spend afterward: Buy War Savings Stamps (They earn more than 4% interest) [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:099--B
Get What you really want!: Don't buy what you don't need [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:100--B
Your War Savings Pledge: Our boys make good their pledge: Are you Keeping yours? ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:101--B
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[verso:b] Window Display Suggestions For Food Conservation Week November 21 to 28; Instruction about the display [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:102b--B
[recto:a] Window Display Suggestions For Food Conservation Week November 21 to 28 BANC PIC 2005.001:102a--B
Savings Division War Loan Organization: U.S. Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. [1918-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:103--B
On est prié de ne pas cracher par terre: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [ca. 1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:104--B
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Pas trop de chahut S.V.P: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine ca. 1916 BANC PIC 2005.001:105--B
Attendez un instant Ça chauffe! : Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1916] BANC PIC 2005.001:106--B
Munissez vous de monnaie!: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1916] BANC PIC 2005.001:107--B
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D'abord l'homme prend l'alcool: puis l'alcool prend l'homme: Proverbe Japonais: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:108--B
Pour la justice et le droit! : Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:109--B
Aide-toi le ciel t'aidera (La Fontaine Livre 6 Fable 18.):Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:110--B
fais ce que dois advienne que pourra: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Américaine [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:111--B
U.S. Marine Pictorial Service: U.S. Marines from Atlantic Fleet Ashore In Cuba [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:112--B
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U.S. Marine Pictorial Service: Marines Learn peace-time arts at their school [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:113--B
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U.S. Marine Pictorial Service: U.S. Marines with the Atlantic Fleet back from Cuba [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:114--B
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U.S. Marine Pictorial Service: Strangest of "Taxis" for Marine Corps Kiddie [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:115--B
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U.S. Marine Pictorial Service: U.S. Marines-you'll find 'em all over the world [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:116--B
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What the Navy is doing: Live and Learn [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:117--B
What the Navy is doing: Another Tooth In The National Buzz Saw-The Tennessee, Our latest Dreadnaught [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:118--B
Navy! Uncle Sam is calling YOU!: Enlist in the Navy! Do It Now!: I want you 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:119--B
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Welcome Home: Victory 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:120--AX
third liberty loan subscriber: We are 100% subscribed [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:121--AX
One Two Three: Now, all together!: Third Liberty Loan 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:122--AX
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Hunger Draws The Map [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:123--AX
A boy from this home has enrolled in the Victory Boys to earn and give to make our fighters fit: United War Work Campaign [1918-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:124--AX
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A girl from this home has enrolled in the Victory Girls to earn and give to make our fighters fit: United War Work Campaign [1918-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:125--AX
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Can vegetables, fruit, and the Kaiser too: write for free book to National War Garden Commission Washington, D.C. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:126--AX
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Second Liberty Loan of 1917: Buy A Bond: U.S. Treasury, Washington D.C. [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:127--AX
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How the Blue Triangle helps in France. Y.W.C.A. : Homes- For American War Workers: Recreation- For American Nurses: Rest Rooms-For French Munition Workers [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:128--AX
What W Stands for the Y.W.C.A. : welfare of women in war work [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:129--AX
Honor Button: Every American Should consider it an honor to wear this button: Victory Liberty Loan [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:130--AX
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Wear Your Fourth Liberty Loan honor button--4th Liberty Loan Bonds [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:131--AX
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Honor Emblem of His Firm's Employees have bought bonds of the 4th Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:132--AX
Four Previous Liberty Loans supported one Victorious Army: The Victory Liberty Loan will gather the fruits of Victory: Talk and work for its success: Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:133--AX
Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:134--A
Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:135--A
A) Color: Blue--recto: SALVAGE: "This card in your window tells the man who gives "Thrift Stamps to Junk" you wish him to call"; B) Color: Red--verso: W.S.S.: "Your letter carrier sells War Savings and Thrift Stamps, this card in your window..." [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:136 a + b--A
They also serve who daily sit and sew [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:137--C
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A million boys behind a million fighters: Every American Boy should enroll in the Victory Boys: Earn and give to help keep our fighters happy: United War Work Campaign: November 11 to 18 ca. 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:138--C
Defeat the Kaiser and his U-boats: Victory depends on which fail first, food or frightfulness: Eat less wheat 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:139--C
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Little Americans: Do your bit: Eat corn meal, mush, oatmeal, Cornflakes, homing and rice with milk: Eat no wheat cereals: Leave nothing on your plate 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:140--C
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Put the public library on the sea: Give a book you have read and liked: merchant Marine: Book Week April 19-26 [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:141--C
The President says "Hunger does not breed reform; it breeds madness and all the ugly distemper that makes an ordered life impossible... The future belongs to those who prove themselves the true friends of mankind": Save Food: Don't Waste! ca. 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:142--C
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Come On! Help finish the job [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:143--C
"The Child At Your Door" : 400,000 orphans starving : No state aid available: Campaign for $300,000,000 : American Committee Relief in the Near East: Armenia, Greece, Syria, and Persia. 1 Madison Ave. N.Y.: Cleveland H. Dodge, Treas. 1917 or 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:144--C
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Sugar means ships: The consumption of sugar sweetened drinks must be reduced: for your beverages 400 millions Ibs of sugar were imported in ships last year: Every Ship is needed to carry soldiers and supplies now 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:145--C
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Heroic Women of France toiling to produce food: Are you doing your part? [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:146--C
Are you a Victory Canner? Write for free book to National War Garden Commission, Washington, D.C.: Charles Lathrop Pack, president: P.S. Ridsdale, secretary 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:147--C
Wear this button: It stands for Love and Mercy: It breathes the spirit of Christmas: Join the Red Cross Army Membership a dollar a year: Red Cross membership week December 17 to 24 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:148--C
Join the Red Cross: Membership week December 17 to 24: a dollar a year: The Red Cross follows the flag [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:149--C
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these" [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:150--C
Join [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:151--C
Join: All you need is a heart and a dollar ca. 1917-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:152--C
Eight Million Patriotic Red Cross Workers have made 291,004,000 necessary articles for war purposes [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:153--C
The Queen of Belgium appealed to the Red Cross to aid in saving the children 1914-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:154--C
"It is a remarkable story" said President Wilson... [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:155--C
Your boy, your Red Cross and France [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:156--C
How to send mail, money and parcels to Prisoners in Germany or Austria: American National Red Cross Bureau of Prisoner's Relief [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:157--C
April 6, 1918--Children's year--April 6, 1919: Boys and Girls: The more you learn the more you'll earn: Stay in School!: Back--to--School Drive: U.S. Department of Labor Children's Bureau; Council of National Defense Child Conservation Section [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:158--C
He is a patriot who whether at the front, farm or forge gives himself to his country's service! : Y.M.C.A. war work comrades [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:159--C
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For the safety of womanhood: For the protection of childhood: For the honor of mankind and for Liberty throughout the world: Help 'till it hurts: Liberty Loan Committee of Washington [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:160--C
Buy Liberty Bond: Third Liberty Loan, Start April 6: buy today... at any bank: 1918 Liberty Month 1918 [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:161--C
His Liberty Bond: Paid in full [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:162--C
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Buy Liberty Bonds Today, U means you: S means subscribe: A means At once: $50-$100-$500-$1000 Bonds: payments may be made in installments: Do your Duty: Help Your Country [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:163--C
The American's Creed: "Victory" Liberty Bonds [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:164--C
Buy Buy Buy: Victory Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:165--C
[untitled 12 pages of 'poster index' (?)] [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:166--C
Saving Division: War Loan Organization: U.S. Treasury Department: W.S.S. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:167--C
American Library Association: Library War Service [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:168--C
American Library Association: Library War Service [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:169--C
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The men know Home Folks Know: Y.W.C.A. Hostess Houses in Seventy Camps: Ain't it a Grand and Glorious Feelin'? [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:170--C
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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Star of Service recognized by the Commonwealth: For the flag, For Liberty and For Justice [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:171--C
You freeze but it is warm around Cuba where the Atlantic Fleet Cruises for the winter: Join for instruction: work and play in the sunny seas: visit the isles of the West Indies: U.S. Navy : Ask Navy Recruiting Officer [1920] BANC PIC 2005.001:172--C
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Engineer If you are a Patriot if this is your fight: Get into it: Stop the ammonia leaks 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:173--C
Engineers: Blaze the trail for education 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:174--C
Battles Give Way to Sport in A.E.F.: Enlist in the U.S. Army [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:175--C
Which? Soldier or mechanic: Enlist in the engineers and be BOTH: For Information Apply At 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:176--C
Liberty Bond Posters--12 pages stapled [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:177--D
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Proofs of newspaper advertisements for the Third Liberty Loan: Buy Liberty Bonds 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:178--D
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[Proofs of newspaper advertisements for the Fourth Liberty Loan / Liberty Loan Committee of New England] [1919?] BANC PIC 2005.001:179--D
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Santa Clara County War Work Council: Third Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:180--D
MEN WANTED: 50,000 jobs at sea!: United States Merchant Marine. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:181--D
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Man THE SHIPS!: Enroll here for The Merchant Marine [1916-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:182--D
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Now for the Seven Sea!: Join the Merchant Marine and see the world [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:183--D
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He can win!: The Federal Board provides training: consult the local; Red Cross Home Service Section [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:184--D
Jobs for fighters: If you need a job or if you need a man, Inform the official central agency: The United States Employment Service Bureau for returning soldiers and sailors [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:185--D
You may be needed to help win the war [1918-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:186--D
E-E-E-Yah-Yip Go over with U.S. Marines ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:187--D
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Do Your Duty: Join the U.S. Marines: Help Them Defend America on Land and Sea: Apply At [1914-1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:188--D
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[Two Marines] [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:189--D
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Go Over The Top With U.S. Marines ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:190--D
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U.S. Marines: "Soldiers of the Sea" [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:191--D
Enlist Today: U.S. Marines: "Soldiers of the Sea" [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:192--D
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U.S. Marines: Enlist Today-Two, Three or Four Years [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:193--D
[U.S. Marines] [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:194--D
[Marines in a landing party] 1916 BANC PIC 2005.001:195--D
U.S. Marines: Enlist Today-Two, Three or Four Years 1913 BANC PIC 2005.001:196--D
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[U.S. Marines with American Flag] 1913 BANC PIC 2005.001:197--D
Enlist Today: U.S. Marines: Join For Two, Three or Four Years [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:198--D
U.S. Marines [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:199--D
Earn while you learn : Wanted: The Motor Transport Corps 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:200--D
1917--Distinctive Insignia--1919: American Expeditionary Forces 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:201--D
The United States Army builds men: Apply nearest recruiting office [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:202--D
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I am telling you on June 28th I expect you to enlist in the Army of War Savers to back up my army of fighters: W.S.S. Enlistment [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:203--D
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Know him by this sign--The medical caduceus: Medical Department U.S. Army [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:204--D
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The regular--ready! He was-he is-he will be Enlist for the infantry or in one of the twelve branches. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:205--D
What you gain if you go into the army [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:206--D
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General Perishing Says:--A Chance for you [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:207--D
Join the Air Service--Learn-Earn [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:208--D
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Grow with us: Tank Corps: U.S. Army (in background in white) 1920 BANC PIC 2005.001:209--D
Your Opportunity--Army Ordnance Schools 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:210--D
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Learn to make and test the big guns--better yourself, enlist and learn a trade in the Ordnance Department 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:211--D
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Here is your chance to see France and The Rhine: Enlist in the U.S. Army To-day: 50,000 for the A.E.F. [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:212--D
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Don't Talk, the web is spun for you with invisible threads, keep out of it, help to destroy it: Spies are listening [1918?] BANC PIC 2005.001:213--D
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Shoot ships to Germany and help American win--Schwab [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:214--D
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To Everyone in this plant: This plant is engaged upon government work: every person here owes the United States a duty to do his utmost to make material for our ships...: Our country is depending on you... ca.1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:215--D
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Our country needs ships to carry our boys "Over There" and keep them well supplied with food, clothing, and the munitions of war [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:216--D
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Are you working with Schwab? [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:217--D
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On The Job For Victory ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:218--D
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The Ships are coming: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:219--D
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Make every minute count for Pershing: United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:220--D
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Join us!: Coast Artillery Corps: U.S.A. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:221--D
The Signal Corps trains men for telegraph, telephone, radio: There is in your locality a U.S. Army Recruiting Office [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:222--D
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Motor Transport Corps training school Earn while you learn / Sgt. E.R. Euler, MTC 1919. 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:223--D
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The Motor Transport Corps offers you an opportunity to become an expert auto mechanic and repairman 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:224--D
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Learn and earn: There's a trade and an education for young men in the Ordnance Department U.S.A. 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:225--D
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Enlist in the Signal Corps [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:226--D
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Las Relaciones Hispano-Alemanas 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:227--D
Say! Young fellow: Do you want to be a mechanic?: The Motor Transport Corps will train you 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:228--D
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Our Regular Dvisions: Honored and Respected by all: Enlist for the Infantry 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:229--D
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Adventure and action: Enlist in the Field Artillery: U.S. Army 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:230--D
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The Big Gun Corps [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:231--D
50,000 going over!, Will you be one of them?: 50,000 for A.E.F.! Are you on? 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:232--D
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Recto: a, War Registration; Verso:b, Map showing registration precincts in the District of Columbia 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:233 a+b--D
"Put Fighting Blood In your Business: Here's his record! Does he get a job?"--Arthur Woods, Assistant of the Secretary of War [1917-1920] BANC PIC 2005.001:234--D
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Clear The Way!!: Buy Bonds: Fourth Liberty Loan ca.1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:235--D
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Remember Belgium: Buy Bonds Fourth Liberty Bonds ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:236--D
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President Wilson to the People of the United States [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:237--D
Beat Back the HUN with Liberty Bonds [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:238--D
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Hun or Home?: Buy More Liberty Bonds ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:239--D
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The Hun--his mark: Blot it out with Liberty Bonds [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:240--D
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Come On!: Buy More Liberty Bonds 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:241--D
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The Veterinary Corps: U.S. Army [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:242--D
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Are you fond of horses: U.S. Army: The Veterinary Corps [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:243--D
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First Division [Camp Taylor, Kentucky] : Regulars: Infantry Division 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:244--D
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See him through: Help us to help the boys: National Catholic War Council Knights of Columbus: United War Work Campaign week of November 11, 1918 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:245--D
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United we serve: United War Work Campaign $170,500, 000: Y.M.C.A.: Y.W.C.A.: National Catholic War Council-K of C: Library Association, Salvation Army... [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:246--D
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For Your Boy: United War Work Campaign: November 11 - 18, 1918 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:247--D
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Y.M.C.A. United War Work Campaign, November 11 - 18, 1918: cabled from France, August 21, 1918 from Pershing: "A Sense of obligation for the varied and useful service rendered to the army in France..." 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:248--D
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The Spirit of War Camp Community Service: United War Work Campaign: A Club Dinner [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:249--D
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The Spirit of War Camp Community Service: United War Work Campaign: Home hospitality [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:250--D
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The Spirit of War Camp Community Service: United War Work Campaign: Invitations to homes and entertainments [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:251--D
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The Spirit of War Camp Community Service: United War Work Campaign: Song of Today & Yesterday [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:252--D
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Workers lend your strength to the red triangle: Help the "Y" help the fighters fight: United War Work Campiagn--November 11 to 18 [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:253--D
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Richmond: Service men welcome, come in: YMCA [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:254--D
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"Hey Fellow!" : Your money brings the book we need when we want it: American Library Association: United War Work Campaign-week of November 11, 1918 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:255--D
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Library War Service of the American Library Association: United War Work Campaign--week of November 11, 1918 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:256--D
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Knowledge wins: Public Library Books are free: American Library Association [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:257--D
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American Library Association: Library War Service [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:258--D
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Join the Navy: The Navy offers unusual opportunities to young men: DO IT NOW [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:259--D
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Go To Sea On The Tennessee [1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:260--D
[untitled, nine images with captions] [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:261--D
Special Attention is involved to the Hospital Corps, U.S. Navy: The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:262--D
A Chance Shot [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:263--D
Our Country: Either do a good days work or give your berth to a live one! [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:264--D
Our Country: If you are for our country and the boys at the front then has he! [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:265--D
Y.M.C.A.: Les Foyers Du Soldat: Union Franco-Amèrcaine [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:266--D
Civilians: When we go through this we need all the help and comfort you can give: The Jewish Welfare Board: United War Work Campaign--week of November 11, 1918 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:267--D
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Where the victims are: Save the Survivors--3,950,000 starving people: campaign for $30,000.000: American Committee For Relief in the Near East ca.1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:268--D
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Lest we perish: Campaign for $30,000,000: American Committee For Relief in the Near East [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:269--D
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Give or we perish: American Committee For Relief in the Near East--Armenia, Greece, Syria, Persia--Campaign for $30,000,000 [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:270--D
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Every girl pulling for victory: Victory Girls: United War Work Campaign [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:271--D
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Patriotic League 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:272--D
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Y.W.C.A. [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:273--D
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Y.W.C.A. : in service for the girls of the world 1919 BANC PIC 2005.001:274--D
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Back our girls over there: United War Work Campaign [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:275--D
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The girl reserves of the Y.W.C.A.: Help us put the Blue Triangle over the top! [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:276--D
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Provide the Sinews Of War: Buy Liberty Bonds ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:277--D
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Over The Top For You: Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds: Third Liberty Loan [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:278--D
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Fight or buy bonds: Third Liberty Loan 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:279--D
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U.S.A. Bonds: Third Liberty Loan Campaign Boy Scouts of America: Weapons for Liberty ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:280--D
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Are you 100% American? Prove it!: Buy U.S. Government Bonds Third Liberty Loan: U.S. Treasury will pay interest every six months 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:281--D
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Buy Liberty Bonds: "That Government of the People, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the Earth" A. Lincoln [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:282--D
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Ring it Again: Buy Gov't Bonds: Third Liberty Loan 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:283--D
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My daddy bought me a government bond of the Third Liberty Loan: Did yours? 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:284--D
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Halt the Hun!: Buy U.S. Government Bonds: Third Liberty Loan ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:285--D
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"Good bye Dad, I'm off to fight for Old Glory, you buy U.W. Gov't Bonds": Third Liberty Loan 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:286--D
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Buy to-day: Buy Liberty Bonds at any bank BANC PIC 2005.001:287--D
June 28th "Out where the west begins": Pledge to buy war savings stamps to your limit ca. 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:288--D
Remember Argonne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Miiel Belleau-Wood...and Invest: Victory Liberty Loan: Woman's Liberty Loan Committee ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:289--D
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Help our town win this flag: Honor flag: 4th Liberty Loan: Honor Roll of Subscribers [1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:290--D
Honor Roll: The following patriotic men and women in this organization have invested in the Victory Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:291--D
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Finish the job subscribe to the "Victory" Liberty Loan [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:292--D
to-day buy that liberty bond [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:293--D
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Women!: help America's sons win the war: buy U.S. Government bonds: 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:294--D
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"Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons" W.G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury: buy a United States Government Bonds of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:295--D
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Our Daddy is fighting at the front for you: Back him up-: Buy a United States Gov't Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:296--D
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Save--Buy--for Victory: W.S.S. war savings stamps issued by the United States Government: For Sale Here [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:297--D
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Save and Inveast in the safest simplest security: buy W.S.S.: War Savings Stamps issues by the United States Government: Jan 1, 1918 $4.12 will equal Jan 1, 1923 $5.00 ca. 1917 BANC PIC 2005.001:298--D
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Is this your hand? : Yes! If you buy a War-Savings Stamp your name goes as a Thanksgiving Promise to Pershing [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:299--D
June 28th is National War Savings Day: Pledge yourself to save and buy War Savings Stamps, that there may be more money, labor and materials to provide for those who fight for you [1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:300--D
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Hold on to Uncle Sam's insurance, the strongest, safest and cheapest insurance in the world-Keep it up after you are back in civil life 1918 BANC PIC 2005.001:301--D
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Public Notice No.1 [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:302--D
Public Notice No.2 [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:303--D
Public Notice No.3 [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:304--D
U.S. Public Health Service gives free medical and surgical care and treatment to beneficraries of war risk insurance bureau [1917-1919] BANC PIC 2005.001:305--D
Give! [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:306--D
Lend! [1914-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:307--D
"V" [1917] BANC PIC 2005.001:308--D
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V: Invest BANC PIC 2005.001:309--D
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Show your button: Victory Liberty Loan [ca. 1917-1918] BANC PIC 2005.001:310--D