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Mott (William Penn, Jr.) Papers
BANC MSS 2000/133 c  
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Speeches, 1962-1992

Physical Description: Cartons 1-2

Scope and Contents

Contains typed copies of most of Mott's speeches given during his career as a park service official and a draft copy of a book of speeches Mott assembled but did not publish. Also contains some speech notes and miscellaneous items, such as programs from his speaking engagements and letters of thanks.


Arranged chronologically.
carton 1, folder 1

Book of speeches, draft, circa 1970's

carton 1, folder 2

"Who Designs Park Buildings", 1962

carton 1, folder 3

American Institute of Park Executives, 1963

carton 1, folder 4

"Man in California 1980's", 1964

carton 1, folder 5

Great Lakes Park Training Institute, 1964

carton 1, folder 6

Underground Power Conference, 1964

carton 1, folder 7

"New Concepts for Regional Park Planning", 1964

carton 1, folder 8

"The Park and Recreation Profession", 1964

carton 1, folder 9

"Employee-Employer Relations", 1964

carton 1, folder 10

"What is a Regional Park District?", 1964

carton 1, folder 11

"You've Gotta Have a Dream", 1964

carton 1, folder 12

Garden Club of America, 1965

carton 1, folder 13

"Solving the Silent Crisis", 1965

carton 1, folder 14

"Partners in Progress", 1965

carton 1, folder 15

"The Crisis", 1965

carton 1, folder 16

"Ten-Four", 1966

carton 1, folder 17

Statement on Recreation Planning and Management, 1966

carton 1, folder 18

"Parks, Open Spaces, and Shorelines", 1966

carton 1, folder 19

"Cities in Parks", 1967

carton 1, folder 20

"Philosophy of Recreation Service", 1967

carton 1, folder 21

"They Knew Nothing of the Art of Leisure", 1967

carton 1, folder 22

Charge of the Governor, 1967

carton 1, folder 23

"Following California's Trails", 1967

carton 1, folder 24

"Parks in the Jet Age", 1967

carton 1, folder 25

"The Hills Are Alive", 1967

carton 1, folder 26

American Public Works Association, 1968

carton 1, folder 27

"Recreation Opportunities for the Senior Citizen", 1968

carton 1, folder 28

Statements on the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, 1968

carton 1, folder 29

Statement to District Interpreters, 1968

carton 1, folder 30

Statement Concerning Proposed Redwood National Park, 1968

carton 1, folder 31

Statement Before the Assembly Subcommittee on Marine Resources, 1968

carton 1, folder 32

"The Public Interest in the Ocean Shoreline", 1968

carton 1, folder 33

Statement Before the Joint Legislative Committee on Water, 1968

carton 1, folder 34

Statement Before the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, 1968

carton 1, folder 35

Statement Before the Senate Committee on Water Resources, 1968

carton 1, folder 36

Statement Before Mills College, 1968

carton 1, folder 37

Redwood National Park Dedication, 1968

carton 1, folder 38

"Land Acquisitions and Conservation", 1969

carton 1, folder 39

Statement Before the House of Representatives, 1969

carton 1, folder 40

"Aiglatson", 1969

carton 1, folder 41

Van Duzen Grove Dedication, 1969

carton 1, folder 42

"Advance Planning", 1969

carton 1, folder 43

"Recreation Problems in Urban Impacted Areas", 1969

carton 1, folder 44

Remarks Before the Ways and Means Committee, 1969

carton 1, folder 45

The Dos Rios Dam and Reservoir Project, 1969

carton 1, folder 46

"Recreation Problems in California's Urban Impacted Areas", 1969

carton 1, folder 47

"New Goals and Objectives", 1969

carton 1, folder 48

"Changing Values", 1970

carton 1, folder 49

"The University's Role in Parks and Recreation", 1970

carton 1, folder 50

"The Challenge of Parks and Recreation in the Decades Ahead", 1970

carton 1, folder 51

"A Quality Environment--The San Francisco Bay Region", 1970

carton 1, folder 52

"Outlook for Recreation", 1971

carton 1, folder 53

"Planning for Progress", 1971

carton 1, folder 54

"California Parkway System", 1971

carton 1, folder 55

"The Challenge of Parks and Recreation in the Decades Ahead", 1971

carton 1, folder 56

"Public Relations--For What?", 1971

carton 1, folder 57

"Recreation--It Isn't What it Used to Be", 1971

carton 1, folder 58

Meeting of Resources Agency Directors and Commission with the Governor, 1971

carton 1, folder 59

"An Administrator Looks at Mechanized Recreation", 1971

carton 1, folder 60

"Focus for the Future: The Challenge of Parks and Recreation", 1971

carton 1, folder 61

"Public Relations--For What?", 1972

carton 1, folder 62

"Involvement", 1972

carton 1, folder 63

"Recreation Tomorrow", 1972

carton 1, folder 64

"Maintenance", 1972

carton 1, folder 65

"The Challenge of Parks and Recreation in the Decades Ahead", 1972

carton 1, folder 66

Rotary Club of San Francisco and Sacramento, 1973

carton 1, folder 67

"The Power of Positive People", 1973

carton 1, folder 68

"Planning Ain't What It Use To Be", 1973

carton 1, folder 69

"Camping in the California State Park System", 1973

carton 1, folder 70

Hi-Twelve Club, 1973

carton 1, folder 71

"The Power of Positive People", 1973

carton 1, folder 72

"Preservation of Natural Areas and Open Space", 1973

carton 1, folder 73

"The Recreational Potential of the State Water Plan", 1973

carton 1, folder 74

"The Power of Positive People", 1973

carton 1, folder 75

"Developing a Quality Continuous Inservice Training Program", 1973

carton 1, folder 76

"Recreation Area Management for Optimum User Benefits", 1973

carton 1, folder 77

"Conservation Promotes Tourism", 1973

carton 1, folder 78

"The Future: New Delivery Systems for Recreation", 1973

carton 1, folder 79

"You Gotta Have a Dream", 1973

carton 1, folder 80

"Carrying Capacity", 1974

carton 1, folder 81

"California Adobes", 1974

carton 1, folder 82

Outdoor Recreation Planning Meeting, 1974

carton 1, folder 83

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation, 1974

carton 1, folder 84

Statement to the Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation, 1974

carton 1, folder 85

"Planning as Viewed by an Administrator", 1974

carton 1, folder 86

"A State's Patrimony: Its Parks and the Visitors who Participate in Them", 1974

carton 1, folder 87

"The Land Acquisition Program for the California State Park System", 1974

carton 1, folder 88

"A State Parks Director Looks at Interpretation", 1974

carton 1, folder 89

"Change for the Future", 1975

carton 1, folder 90

"The California Coastline", 1975

carton 1, folder 91

"Don't Die on Third", 1975

carton 1, folder 92

"The Next Ten Years", 1975

carton 1, folder 93

"Who Needs Money?", 1975

carton 1, folder 94

"I Didn't Know That!", 1975

carton 1, folder 95

"Thanks Giving", 1975

carton 1, folder 96

"An Administrator Looks at Interpretation", 1976

carton 1, folder 97

"You Gotta Have a Dream", 1976

carton 1, folder 98

"The Importance of Historic Preservation", 1976

carton 1, folder 99

"Direction", 1977

carton 1, folder 100

"Wilderness Management", 1977

carton 1, folder 101

Benjamin Ide Wheeler Award, 1977

carton 1, folder 102

"Future Role of State Parks", 1978

carton 1, folder 103

"Recreation Facilities for a Livable City", 1978

carton 1, folder 104

"A Third Party Approach", 1978

carton 1, folder 105

"Now Is the Time", 1978

carton 1, folder 106

"Beating the Money Pinch", 1979

carton 1, folder 107

"Making Cities Good Places for Children to Grow Up", 1979

carton 1, folder 108

"The Challenge of the Eighties", 1980

carton 1, folder 109

"The Old Oak Tree", 1980

carton 1, folder 110

Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association, 1981

carton 1, folder 111

"Managing Parks for People", 1981

carton 1, folder 112

"Political Realities for Recreation", 1981

carton 1, folder 113

"Don't Depend on a Better Mousetrap", 1982

carton 1, folder 114

"Lead the Parade--Market Your Parks", 1983

carton 1, folder 115

"The Case for Park Foundations", 1984

carton 1, folder 116

Parks in the West Conference, 1984

carton 1, folder 117

"Changes and Challenges", 1984

carton 1, folder 118

Remarks to the Staff of the Western Regional Office of the National Park Service, 1985

carton 1, folder 119

The One-Hundredth Anniversary Ceremony of Canada's National Park System, 1985

carton 1, folder 120

California State Park Rangers, 1986

carton 1, folder 121

The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Tennessee State Park System, 1986

carton 1, folder 122

Enforcement and Visitor Protection Workshop, 1987

carton 1, folder 123

Military History Conference, 1987

carton 1, folder 124

United States National Park Service Urban Superintendents' Conference, 1987

carton 1, folder 125

Dedication of Ruins Shelters--Mese Verde National Park, 1987

carton 1, folder 126

National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni, 1987

carton 1, folder 127

League to Save Lake Tahoe, 1987

carton 1, folder 128

Cody Country Chamber of Commerce, 1987

carton 1, folder 129

Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation, 1988

carton 1, folder 130

Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (Plains, Ga.) Dedication, 1988

carton 1, folder 131

"Tourism and Parks '88", 1988

carton 1, folder 132

Unity College Commencement, 1988

carton 1, folder 133

United States National Park Service General Superintendents' Conference, 1988

carton 1, folder 134

Fiftieth Anniversary of Olympic National Park (Wash.), 1988

carton 1, folder 135

"Change", 1988

carton 1, folder 136

National Park Service/Historically Black Colleges and Universities President's Conference, 1989

carton 1, folder 137

Ranger Skills, 1989

carton 1, folder 138

Symposium on National Park Research and Resource Management Policy into the Next Century, 1989

carton 1, folder 139

Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site (Calif.) Advisory Committee, 1989

carton 1, folder 140

Clemson University College of Forest and Recreation Resources, 1989

carton 1, folder 141

Oceanic Society, 1989

carton 1, folder 142

"Economic Impact of Parks and Recreation", 1989

carton 2, folder 1

Lake Merritt Breakfast Club, 1989

carton 2, folder 2

"On the Seventh Day", 1989

carton 2, folder 3

"The Magic of Human Potential", 1989

carton 2, folder 4

Newton B. Drury Peak Dedication, 1989

carton 2, folder 5

"Plans, Plants, and the Presidio", 1989

carton 2, folder 6

"Yellowstone--Our Living Legacy", 1989

carton 2, folder 7

"Maritime Preservation", 1989

carton 2, folder 8

Flagpole Dedication at Fort Point (San Francisco, Calif.), 1989

carton 2, folder 9

"The Presidio", 1990

carton 2, folder 10

"Responsibility and Ethics that Natural Resources Professionals Must Face in Today's World", 1990

carton 2, folder 11

"What Is Your Business in the 21st Century?", 1990

carton 2, folder 12

"We Must Be Key Players in the Environmental Battles of the Nineties", 1990

carton 2, folder 13

"The Challenge of the 21st Century, Preserving our Natural and Cultural Values", 1990

carton 2, folder 14

"Endangered Species, An Overview", 1990

carton 2, folder 15

"Environmental Regulations Today and Tomorrow", 1990

carton 2, folder 16

"The Challenge of the 21st Century", 1990

carton 2, folder 17

Dedication of a Segment of the Ridge Trail, 1990

carton 2, folder 18

"Preservation of Planet Earth", 1990

carton 2, folder 19

"Survival in the 21st Century, Your Role as an Executive Educator", 1990

carton 2, folder 20-21

"The Individual, the Organization, and the Environment", 1990

carton 2, folder 22

"Preserving Planet Earth", 1990

carton 2, folder 23

Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail Groundbreaking, 1990

carton 2, folder 24

"The National Park Service", 1990

carton 2, folder 25

"Vision of Open Space", 1991

carton 2, folder 26

Rotary Club, Oakland, Calif., 1991

carton 2, folder 27

San Francisco Businessmen's Garden Club, 1991

carton 2, folder 28

"Preserving Flora Species", 1991

carton 2, folder 29

"Endangered Species: An Overview", 1991

carton 2, folder 30

"The Environmental Education Center--Its Future", 1991

carton 2, folder 31

"Changes on the Path to Excellence", 1991

carton 2, folder 32

"The History of California Preserved in the Parks of the California State Parks and Recreation Department", 1991

carton 2, folder 33

Bayland Park Groundbreaking, 1991

carton 2, folder 34

"Water", 1992

carton 2, folder 35

"Who's Responsible?", 1992

carton 2, folder 36

"The Power of Citizens' Participation", 1992

carton 2, folder 37

"Changing the Interpretation Emphasis", 1992

carton 2, folder 38

"Preserve Open Space", circa 1992

carton 2, folder 39

American Institute of Park Executives, undated

carton 2, folder 40

"My Park", undated

carton 2, folder 41

"The Song of the Cricket", undated

carton 2, folder 42

"Flag History of California", undated

carton 2, folder 43

"Interpretation and the New Park Visitor", undated

carton 2, folder 44

"Parks and Recreation--Changes and Challenges", undated

carton 2, folder 45

"What If", undated

carton 2, folder 46

"The Challenge", undated

carton 2, folder 47

"Preserving Our National Heritage", undated

carton 2, folder 48

"The Future of Interpretation", undated

carton 2, folder 49

"Manzanar", undated

carton 2, folder 50-51

Untitled speeches, undated

carton 2, folder 52

"Resource Management"--draft, undated

carton 2, folder 53-54

Correspondence, 1971-92

carton 2, folder 55-62

Speech notes, 1987-92

carton 2, folder 63

Background Materials, undated

carton 2, folder 64-78

Related Material, 1963-91


Professional Files,, 1933-1992.

Physical Description: Box 5-6; Cartons 3-6; Carton 7, folders 1-5; Oversize Box 1, folders 1-5; Oversize Box 2, folders 1-4; Oversize Folders B 1-4; Oversize Folders C 1-3; Tube 1

Scope and Contents

Contains miscellaneous materials from various professional positions. The National Park Service papers are truly miscellaneous and although they contain Mott's National Park Service travel vouchers and supporting material, they do not include office files or even his personal notes. The Mott National Park Service files are held by the National Archives.


Arranged hierarchically. Divided into three subseries: United States National Park Service, California Parks, and Private Practice and Consultant Work. The United States National Park Service is further divided into: Director of the National Park Service, Special Assistant to the Western Regional Director, and Related Material.

United States National Park Service,, 1933-1992.


Director of the National Park Service,

carton 3, folder 1-4

Correspondence, 1985-89

carton 3, folder 5

Articles, 1986, 1989

carton 3, folder 6

Writings, 1985-88

carton 3, folder 7

Memoranda, 1985-89

carton 3, folder 8

Briefing memo, draft, circa 1985-89

carton 3, folder 9

Interview, 1990

carton 3, folder 10

Resume, 1969

carton 3, folder 11

Notes, undated

carton 3, folder 12

Transition Team, 1985

carton 3

Director's Steering Committee,

carton 3, folder 13

21st Century Task Force, circa 1987

carton 3, folder 14

"Maintenance Management", 1985

carton 3, folder 15

Fire Management Review Team, Yellowstone Fires, 1988-89

carton 3

Regional Directors,

carton 3, folder 16

Meeting, 1985

carton 3, folder 17

Horace Albright Employee Development Fund, 1987

carton 3, folder 18

Memos from the Director, 1989

carton 3, folder 19-20

Superintendents' Conferences, 1985, 1986

carton 3, folder 21-36

Travel vouchers, 1986-87

carton 4, folder 1-20

Travel vouchers, 1987-88

carton 4, folder 21

Paradise Visitors Center, dedication, 1987

carton 4, folder 22

Birthday cards, 1989, undated

carton 4, folder 23

Retirement, 1989

oversize_folder 1B

Retirement placards, 1989

oversize_box 1, folder 1

Old Faithful Inn, print-reproduction, 1985-89

oversize_box 1

Certificate of appreciation, 1989

oversize_box 1, folder 2

White House Christmas Cards, 1987-88


Special Assistant to the Western Regional Director,

carton 4, folder 24-28

Correspondence, 1989-92

carton 4, folder 29-30

Memoranda, undated

carton 4, folder 31

Writings, 1989-91

carton 4, folder 32

Laurence Spelman Rockefeller, Congressional Gold Medal 1990,

carton 5, folder 1

Appointment books, 1989-90

carton 5, folder 2

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, (Calif.) Presidio Planning Team, 1991

carton 5, folder 3

Senior Executive Education Session for the National Park Service, 1992

carton 5, folder 4

Treasures Around the Bay Committee, 1991

carton 5, folder 5-8

Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, 1987-92

carton 5, folder 9

Central California Coast Biosphere Reserve, 1990-91

carton 5, folder 10

"California in the Year 2000", 1990


Related Material,


Landscape Architect,

oversize_box 2, folder 1

Blueprints, Strawberry Canyon Park, 1934

oversize_folder 2B

Blueprint, Chinquapin comfort station, Yosemite National Park, 1933

tube 1

"Master Plan for University of California, Strawberry Canyon Project", 1933

carton 5, folder 11-12

National Park Foundation, 1985-92

carton 5, folder 13

American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, 1990-91

carton 5, folder 14

American Fisheries Society, 1992

carton 5, folder 15

Beowawe Geysers and Steamboat Springs, 1989

carton 5, folder 16

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (North Dakota and Montana), 1987

carton 5, folder 17

Friends of the San Antonio Mission, 1991-92

carton 5, folder 18

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii), 1987

carton 5, folder 19

Huntley Meadows Park, 1988-89

carton 5, folder 20

High Sierra Stock Users Association, 1985

carton 5, folder 21

La Purisima Mission State Historic Park (Calif.) Advisory Board, 1990

carton 5, folder 22

Lane, L. W., Jr., 1985-90

carton 5, folder 23

Martini Creek bypass, 1985-92

carton 5, folder 24

National Celebration of the Outdoors, 1989-90

carton 5, folder 25

National Peace Garden Memorial (Washington, D.C.), 1990

carton 5, folder 26

The Nature Conservancy (U.S.), Tallgrass Prairie Reserve, 1989

carton 5, folder 27

Pacific/Atlantic Challenge, 1990

carton 5, folder 28

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) Centennial Celebration, 1990

carton 5, folder 29

William O. Douglas Outdoor Classroom, 1988-89

carton 5, folder 30-31

Wolf recovery in Yellowstone National Park, 1989-90

carton 5, folder 32-33

Administrative reports, 1984, 1992

carton 5, folder 34

House Subcommittee, questions and answers, draft, 1989

carton 5, folder 35-37

Miscellaneous, 1985-92


California Parks,, 1938-1992.


Director of California State Department of Parks and Recreation,

carton 6, folder 1-3

Correspondence, 1967-75

carton 6, folder 4

Memorandum, 1975

carton 6, folder 5

Oral history interview, 1982

carton 6, folder 6

Press releases, 1970

carton 6, folder 7

"Delegation of Responsibility within the California State Department of Parks and Recreation", 1973

carton 6, folder 8

Redwood Park Special Study Commission, 1968

carton 6, folder 9

Annadel State Park (Calif.), 1976

carton 6, folder 10

Master Plan Handbook, 1966

carton 6, folder 11

Letters of Recommendation, 1967, 1975

carton 6, folder 12-15

Congratulations on appointment, 1967

oversize_box 1, folder 3

Appointments and Resolutions, 1967-88

oversize_box 1, folder 4

Birthday Card, circa 1969

carton 6, folder 16

Birthday greetings, 1974

carton 6, folder 17

Miscellaneous, 1968-72


California State Parks Foundation President,

carton 6, folder 18

Correspondence, 1976-85

carton 6, folder 19

Memoranda, undated

carton 6, folder 20

Articles, 1982

carton 6, folder 21

"Annual Report", 1976

carton 6, folder 22-23

Diablo Ranch, 1979-91

carton 6, folder 24

Marconi Conference Center, 1984-85

carton 6, folder 25

Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation, 1990

carton 6, folder 26

Golden Bear Award, 1982

box 5

Golden Bear Award (object), 1982

carton 6, folder 27

Lane, L. W., Jr., 1973-90

carton 6, folder 28

Miscellaneous, 1969-72


East Bay Regional Park District General Manager,

carton 6, folder 29

Correspondence, 1964-92

carton 6, folder 30

Oral histories, 1981, 1990

carton 6, folder 31

Blue Ribbon Fire Prevention Committee, report, 1982

carton 6, folder 32

Metropolitan Equestrian Preservation Society. Skyline Ranch, 1990

carton 6, folder 33

Base Closure Commission, 1990-91

carton 6, folder 34

Regional Parks Foundation, 1992

carton 6, folder 35

Farewell card, 1967

carton 6, folder 36

Educator's guide, 1988

oversize_folder 3B

Segment of plastic tablecloth, circa 1960's

oversize_folder 4B

United States Geological Survey Map of the Redwood Skyline Vicinity, 1989

carton 6, folder 37

Miscellaneous, 1984, 1992


Oakland Park Department Supervisor,

carton 6, folder 38

Correspondence, 1945-46

carton 6, folder 39

"The Development of the Hights-Sequoia Park", 1938

carton 6, folder 40

"Planned Progress", 1946

carton 6, folder 41

Children's Fairyland, 1976, undated

carton 6, folder 42

Disneyland (Calif.) Press Packet, 1955

carton 6, folder 43

Joaquin Miller Park (Oakland, Calif.), 1941-46

oversize_box 1, folder 5

Mosswood Park and San Antonio Park drawings, 1938

oversize_box 2, folder 2

Advertisement for Children's Fairyland, 1950

oversize_folder 1C

Mosswood Park and Elmhurst Plaza drawings, 1938, 1946

oversize_folder 2C

Organizational Chart, First Presbyterian Church Drawings, Westminster Cascades, 1946, 1989

carton 6, folder 44-45

Miscellaneous, 1955-91

carton 6, folder 46-47

Clippings, 1946-48

carton 6, folder 48

Moraga Park and Recreation Authority, 1975


Private Practice and Consultant Work,, 1933-1965.

carton 7, folder 1

Private practice, 1943-48

oversize_box 2, folder 3-4

Drawings and blueprints, 1933, 1946

carton 7, folder 2-4

International Cooperation Administration, Costa Rica, 1961

oversize_folder 3C

Drawings, 1960-61

carton 7, folder 5

Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Interior, report, 1965

box 6, folder 1-6

Australia consultation work, 1964-1965

box 6, folder 7

Australian report, 1988


Organizations and Affiliations,, 1949-1992.

Physical Description: Carton 7, folders 6-56; Carton 8, folders 1-28; Oversize Box 1, folders 6-12

Scope and Contents

Contains materials from Mott's involvement in various organizations at the local, state, and national levels. These materials include some correspondence, memos, and meeting minutes as well as numerous awards and certificates of appreciation.


Arranged alphabetically.
carton 7, folder 6

Advertising Club of Oakland, 1962

carton 7, folder 7

Alameda-Contra Costa Regional Parks Foundation, 1990

oversize_box 1, folder 6

American Institute of Landscape Architects, 1957

carton 7, folder 8

American Institute of Park Executives, 1957-58

carton 7, folder 9

American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. Cornelius Amory Pugsley Award, 1973

oversize_box 1, folder 6

American Society of Landscape Architects, 1988

carton 7, folder 10

Association of National Park Rangers, 1977

carton 7, folder 11

Berkeley Exchange Club, undated

carton 7, folder 12

Blue Ridge Parkway Alumni Association, 1987

carton 7, folder 13

Business and Industrial Staff Services, 1949

carton 7, folder 14

Business and Professional Women's Club of Oakland, Inc., 1990

carton 7, folder 15

California Garden Clubs, Inc., 1987

carton 7, folder 16

California Exposition and State Fair, 1968

carton 7, folder 17

California Park and Recreation Society, 1968

carton 7, folder 18

California State Juvenile Officers Association, 1957

carton 7, folder 19

California State Railroad Museum, 1990-92

carton 7, folder 20

California Wildlands Program, 1989-91

carton 7, folder 21

Chabot Observatory and Science Center (Oakland, Calif.), 1990-92

carton 7, folder 22

City of Salem, Massachusetts, 1988

carton 7, folder 23

Colorado State University, Department of Recreation, undated

oversize_box 1, folder 7

Conservation Corps Institute of California, 1992

carton Ctn 7, folder 24

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, 1990

carton 7, folder 25

Cumberland Island Historic Foundation, Inc., 1988

carton 7, folder 26

Daughters of the American Revolution, 1980, undated

carton 7, folder 27

East Bay Botanical and Zoological Society, 1975

carton 7, folder 28

East Bay Conservation Corps, 1985-92

carton 7, folder 29

Employees and Alumni Association of the National Park Service, 1989

carton 7, folder 30

Environmental Alliance, 1991-92

carton 7, folder 31

First District Agricultural Association, undated

carton 7, folder 32-35

First Presbyterian Church of Oakland (Calif.), 1989-92

oversize_box 1, folder 8

Fort Scott National Historic Site, circa 1985-89

carton 7, folder 36-50

Gateway Task Force, Orinda, Calif., 1990-92

carton 7, folder 51

Goodwill Industries of the Greater East Bay, 1992

oversize_box 1, folder 8

The Great Navy of the State of Nebraska, 1987

oversize_box 1, folder 8

Hillside Gardeners of Montclair, 1952

carton 7, folder 52

Hot Springs National Park (Ark.), 1989

carton 7, folder 53

Huntington Beach (Calif.) Chamber of Commerce, 1972

carton 7, folder 54-56

International Institute of the East Bay, 1990-92

carton 8, folder 1

International Right of Way Association, undated

carton 8, folder 2

Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour, undated

carton 8, folder 3

Lake Merritt Institute, 1992

oversize_box 1, folder 9

Lambda Alpha, 1967, 1986

carton 8, folder 4

Landscape Architecture Foundation (U.S.), 1985

carton 8, folder 5

League of Women Voters of Oakland, 1991

carton 8, folder 6

Los Vaqueros Project, 1990-92

carton 8, folder 7

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site (Atlanta, Ga.), 1986

carton 8, folder 8

Metropolitan YMCA of Alameda County, 1966-90

carton 8, folder 9

Michigan State University, Distinguished Alumni Award, 1967

oversize_box 1, folder 9

The Morcom Amphitheater of Roses, undated

carton 8, folder 10

National Association of Interpretation (U.S.), 1989

carton 8, folder 11

National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers, 1974

carton 8, folder 12

National Park Service, Equal Opportunity Committees, 1985

carton 8, folder 13

National Republican Congressional Committee, 1983

oversize_box 1, folder 9

National Recreation and Park Association, 1965

carton 8, folder 14

Oakland Round Table, 1956

carton 8, folder 15

Perris Valley Chamber of Commerce, 1973

carton 8, folder 16

Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, 1990

carton 8, folder 17

Sacramento County Historical Society, undated

oversize_box 1, folder 10

San Francisco Bay Area Council, 1967

carton 8, folder 18

Save the Redwoods League, 1985-92

oversize_box 1, folder 10

Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, undated

carton 8, folder 19

State Board of Landscape Architects, 1954

carton 8, folder 20

State of Louisiana, Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, 1988

oversize_box 1, folder 11

Taliesin Fellowship, 1986

oversize_box 1, folder 11

United Crusade, 1968

oversize_box 1, folder 12

United States Department of the Interior, Outdoor Recreation Achievement Award, 1976

carton 8, folder 21

United States Forest Service, Penny Pines, undated

carton 8, folder 22

United States Postal Service, 1974

carton 8, folder 23-25

University of California, Berkeley, College of Natural Resources, 1990-92

carton 8, folder 26

USS Arizona Memorial (Hawaii), 1987

carton 8, folder 27

Wa Sung Service Club (Oakland, Calif.), 1961

carton 8, folder 28

Warrior's Path State Park, undated


Personal Papers,, 1931-1992.

Physical Description: Boxes 1-4; Carton 8, folders 29-64; Oversize Box 2, folders 5-7; Oversize Folders B 5-7; Oversize Folders C 4-5; Tube 1

Scope and Contents

Contains drawings and prints from Mott's masters project at the University of California, Berkeley, family correspondence, newspaper clippings about Mott's career, and tributes and obituaries produced after Mott's death in September, 1992.


Arranged hierarchically.
carton 8, folder 29

Family correspondence, 1960-61

carton 8, folder 30

Personal correspondence, 1973, undated

carton 8, folder 31

Ruth Mott, correspondence, 1961, 1991

box 1, volume 1-2

Scrapbooks, 1946-1948

box 2, volume 3-4

Scrapbooks, 1947-1950

box 3, volume 5-6

Scrapbooks, 1950-1951, 1958-1960

box 4, volume 7-8

Scrapbooks, 1960-1962, 1980-1988


Masters Project, University of California, Berkeley,

oversize_box 2, folder 5

Drawings, 1933

oversize_folder 5B

Plans and drawings ( William Penn Mott and Ruth Barnes), 1931

oversize_folder 4C

Drawing: "A Spanish Estate of the 16th Century", 1931

tube 1

Blueprint: "Mission Protestante", 1931

oversize_folder 6B

Preliminary Plan, Washington Square, Berkeley, undated



oversize_box 2, folder 6

William Penn Mott, 1923, 1927

oversize_box 2, folder 7

Barnes family, 1904-27

oversize_folder 7B

Masons Certificate, 1931

oversize_folder 5C

Poster: "Bill Mott Relaxes with a Friend", undated

carton 8, folder 32

Letters of condolence, 1992

carton 8, folder 33

Memorial Service, 1992

carton 8, folder 34

Tributes and obituaries, 1992

carton 8, folder 35

Christmas letters, 1950-89

carton 8, folder 36

Miscellaneous, 1968-90



carton 8, folder 37

Interviews, 1985, 1990

carton 8, folder 38-39

"Feedback from the nation's news media", 1985, 1988

carton 8, folder 40-64

Articles, 1946-92