Raymond F. Gale Papers

Processed by David C. Gartrell
Department of Special Collections
Davidson Library
University of California, Santa Barbara
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Guide to the Raymond F. Gale Papers, 1968-1990

Collection number: HPA Mss 11

Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara

Contact Information:

  • Department of Special Collections
  • Davidson Library
  • University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Santa Barbara, CA 93106
  • Phone: (805) 893-3062
  • Fax: (805) 893-5749
  • Email: special@library.ucsb.edu
  • URL: http://www.library.ucsb.edu/special-collections/
    Processed by:
    David C. Gartrell
    Date Completed:
    01 May 2002
    Latest revision:
    Encoded by:
    David C. Gartrell; A. Demeter
© 2002-2012 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary

Title: Raymond F. Gale Papers
Date (inclusive): 1968-1990
Collection Number: HPA Mss 11
Creator: Gale, Raymond F., 1918-
Collection Size: 1.5 linear feet (4 regular and one half-size manuscript boxes)
Repository: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library. Department of Special Collections
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9010
Physical Location: SRLF.
Abstract: The Raymond F. Gale Papers include typescripts of published books and papers, notes, exercises, lectures, and other works by Gale, a professor of humanistic psychology at Ball State University from 1962-1983. Also included in the collection are the elements of a slide show (slides, script, recording) put together by Gale in 1974 entitled "The Common Strivings of People."
Language: English.

Access Restrictions

Collection is stored off-site; advance notice required for retrieval.

Publication Rights

Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Collections, UCSB. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Department of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which also must be obtained.

Preferred Citation

Raymond F. Gale Papers. HPA Mss 11. Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Raymond F. Gale, September 1988.


Raymond F. Gale was a professor of humanistic psychology at Ball State University from 1962 until his retirement in 1983. Prior to his faculty appointment he had served as director of counseling at the same institution's Burris Laboratory, following several years of work as a teacher and school counselor in Illinois public schools. Gale's research and writing focused on the common strivings of people across cultural divisions.

Scope and Content of Collection

The Raymond F. Gale Papers represent Gale's thirty years of teaching, research, and writing during his tenure at Ball State University. Included are notes and typescripts for his 1969 book Developmental Behavior: A Humanistic Approach as well as two later books; typescripts of several lectures, book proposals and articles; and the slides, script, and recording for a slide show entitled "The Common Strivings of People."

Indexing Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog.
Gale, Raymond F., 1918-.
Humanistic psychology.
Self-actualization (Psychology).


Series 1:  Books


Developmental Behavior: A Humanistic Approach to the Emerging Self, ca. 1968

Box 1: 1

Typescript, pp.i-160

Box 1: 2

Typescript, pp. 161-313

Box 1: 3

Typescript, Chp. 1

Box 1: 4

Typescript, Chp. 2

Box 1: 5

Typescript, Chp. 3

Box 1: 6

Typescript, Chp. 4

Box 1: 7

Typescript, Chp. 5


Toward Human Excellence: Creating Your Potentials, ca. 1990

Box 1: 8

Typescript, Chapters 1-5

Box 2: 1

MS draft, Chapter 6

Box 2: 2

MS draft, Chapter 7

Box 2: 3

MS draft, Chapter 8

Box 2: 4

MS draft, Chapter 9

Box 2: 5

MS draft, Chapter 10

Box 2: 6

MS draft, Chp. 11

Box 2: 7

MS draft, Chp. 12

Box 2: 8

MS draft, Chp. 13

Box 2: 9

MS draft, Chp. 14

Box 2: 10

MS draft, Chp. 15


Knocking Knees and Noses with the Natives: A Contemporary Odyssey, n.d.

Box 3: 1

Draft of unpublished MS, Chp. 1

Box 3: 2

Draft of unpublished MS, Chp. 2

Box 3: 3

Draft of unpublished MS, Chp. 3

Box 3: 4

Draft of unpublished MS, Chp. 4


Series 2:  Articles

Box 3: 5

"Bill of Assertive Rights," n.d.

Box 3: 6

"Challenges of Existential Thinkers," n.d.

Box 3: 7

"The Common Strivings of People," n.d.

Box 3: 8

"Concepts of Leadership," n.d.

Box 3: 9

"Coping with the Human Realities of Your Life: Toward Expanded Psychological Health," n.d.

Box 3: 10

"Cosmic Humanism and Imagery Around the World as Revealed by Ten Years of Cross Cultural Studies," n.d.

Box 3: 11

"Counseling Which Should make a Difference," n.d.

Box 3: 12

"Developmental Behavior..." n.d.

Box 3: 13

"The Effects of an Organized Study of Transactional Analysis and Value Clarification Upon the Self-Concept and Self Actualizing Behavior," 1978

Box 3: 14

"Existential Model of the Person," n.d.

Box 3: 15

"A Humanistic Activity," n.d.

Box 3: 16

"Humanistic Approach in Contemporary Society," n.d.

Box 3: 17

"Humanistic Behavior..." n.d.

Box 3: 18

"Humanistic Dimensions of Education," n.d.

Box 3: 19

"On Humanistic Education," n.d.

Box 3: 20

"The Humanistic Model of the Person," n.d.

Box 3: 21

"The Humanistic Nature of the Person," n.d.

Box 3: 22

"Humanistic Perspectives and the Modern School," n.d.

Box 3: 23

"Learning to Become a Person," n.d.

Box 3: 24

"Learning..." n.d.

Box 3: 25

"Let the Real You Step Forward," n.d.

Box 3: 26

"Love as a Creative Personal Risk," n.d.

Box 3: 27

"The Meaning of a Child's Valentine," n.d.

Box 4: 1

"Meeting our Survival and Enhancement Needs..." n.d.

Box 4: 2

"Mental Health Care in China Today," n.d.

Box 4: 3

"The Person as a Perceiver," n.d.

Box 4: 4

"The Person as a Striver," n.d.

Box 4: 5

"To Be and to Become..." n.d.

Box 4: 6

"Toward Psychological Becoming..." n.d.

Box 4: 7

"Who Shall Survive?" n.d.


Series 3:  Teaching Materials

Box 4: 8

Activities for AASMI and AHP Conventions

Box 4: 9

Course description, sample exam

Box 4: 10

Dyadic Encounter [exercise]

Box 4: 11

Life Planning Microlab

Box 4: 12


Box 4: 13

Micro-Labs in Awareness & P.G.

Box 4: 14

Priorities in Life [exercises]

Box 4: 15

Psycho-Imagination Exercises


Series 4:  Other Writings

Box 4: 16

Book proposal: Developmental Behavior: A Humanistic Approach to the Emerging and Actualizing Self

Box 4: 17

Book proposal: Facilitating Learning: A Humanistic Approach

Box 4: 18

Book proposal: Let the Real You Step Forward

Box 4: 19

Excerpts from "Unique Self" brochures

Box 4: 20

Faculty Lecture: "Explorations into Humanness," 1978

Box 4: 21

Notes on Emotional Maturity

Box 4: 22

Notes on Perception/Feelings

Box 4: 23

Research Grant: Final Report, October 10, 1977

Box 4: 24

Transpersonal Psychology

Box 4: 25

Vitae, book & lecture announcements


Series 5:  Slide Show

Tape No. A4136/CS

Common Strivings of People, ca. 1975

Tape No. A4134-4135/CS

Common Strivings of People, ca. 1975

Box 5: 1

Slide show script: "The Common Strivings of People: A Cross Cultural Study," 1974

Box 5: 2

Slides from tray 1, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 3

Slides from tray 2, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 4

Slides from tray 3, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 5

Slides from tray 4, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 6

Slides from tray 5, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 7

Slides from tray 6, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974

Box 5: 8

Slides from tray 7, "The Common Strivings of People," 1974