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Guide to the Antiquarian Maps Collection, 1493 - 1962
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Call No: E Asia 1591
Asiatic Russia

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Asiatic

Call No: Russia 2264 & 2266

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Astrakhan -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Bessarabia -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2225
Panoramic View of the Black Sea & Surrounding Country, 1858

Physical Description: 93 keyed references

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Black Sea

Call No: Wat 2270
Black Sea & Surrounding Country

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Black Sea

Call No: Wat 4526
Carte Réduite de la Mer Noire, 1772

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Black Sea

Call No: Wat 0771
Black Sea / Rapkin, J., cartographer / Rapkin, engraver19th c.?

Physical Description: Vignettes: Varna, Sin ope, Sebastopol, Silistria, Odessa, Constantinople ; 25 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Black Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2138
Caspian Sea

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Caspian Sea

Call No: Wat 2139
Caspian Sea

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Caspian Sea

Call No: Wat 2239
Révolution de la Mer Caspienne

Physical Description: 4 stages

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Caspian Sea

Call No: Wat 2243
Caspian Sea

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Caspian Sea

Call No: Russia 2266

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Caucasus -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2200
Casanie Regnum cum adiacentibus Provinciis et Parte Fluvii Volgae

Physical Description: No. 9 ; 48.5 x 55.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- central

Call No: Russia 4521
Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum cum vicinis Wallachiae, Moldaviae, ... / Homann, J. B., 1663-1724, cartographer / 1720 , ca.

Physical Description: Watermark ; 48 x 67.5 cm.
1991 purchase

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- central -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2266

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Circassia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Crimea -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2295
The CrimeaHughes, engraver

Physical Description: Inset: Enlarged plan of Sevastopol ; 23 x 30.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Crimea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1136
Tractus Borysthenis vulgo Dniepr ... Pontum Euxinum ...

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Dnieper River

Call No: Russia 1136
Tractus Borysthenis vulgo Dniepr et Niepr dicti à Kiovia ad Urbum Aczakow ubi in Pontium Euxinum se exonerat / Jansson, J., 1596-1664, et al., cartographer / 1680 - 83

Physical Description: 45.5 x 54 cm.
Williams, Rona, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Dniepr river -- 17th c.

Call No: Wat 0471
Dwinae Fluvii ca 1680

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Dvina River

Call No: Russia 0471
Dwinae Fluvii nova descriptio / Jansson, J., 1596-1664, et al., cartographer / 1680 - 83

Physical Description: Plate IX ; 46.5 x 54.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Dvina River -- 17th c.

Call No: E Asia 1708
Russia in Asia ...

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- east

Call No: Asia 0212
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Asia 0760
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Asia 0796
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Asia 2112
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Asia 2117
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Asia 2151
European Part of Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: E Asia 0308 a, b, c
Russian Empire & Tartary

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: E Asia 0451
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: E Asia 0755
Russian Empire

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire

Call No: Russia 2110
New and Accurate Map of the Whole Russian Empire contained both in Europe and Asia / Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: No. 40 ; 35 x 46.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2115
An Accurate Map of the Russian Empire both in Europe and Asia1785

Physical Description: 33.5 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2116
The Russian Empire, in Europe & Asia, wuth the Northern Discoveries Between Asia & North America / Bowen, Thomas, d. 1790, cartographer / 1750 ca.

Physical Description: 32.5 x 45 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2133
The Russian Empire in Europe & Asia1750, ca.

Physical Description: 22 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2232
The Whole Russian Empire -- European Part with the Several Countries ... Asiatic Part ... Coast of North America / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1772

Physical Description: 49 x 128.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2285
Carte de l'Empire de Russie: European Russia -- Asiatic Russia / Aubert, cartographer / Tardieu, P. F., engraver1800, ca.

Physical Description: 2 sheets ; 54 x 60 cm. ca.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 0010
Russian Empire / Thomson, John & Co., fl. 1814-69, cartographer / N. R. Hewitt, engraver1814

Physical Description: 49 x 59 cm.
Jones, R. L. bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2209
Russian Empire

Physical Description: 25 x 40.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Empire -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Esthonia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2266

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Georgia -- 19th c.

Call No: Misc 2240
Carte du Gouvernement Civil et Ecclesiastique de Moscovie ...

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Government

Call No: Misc 2240
Carte du Gouvernment Civil et Ecclesiastique de Moscovie ... Officiers de la Cour

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Government

Call No: Russia 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Grodno -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2261

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Iaroslav -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Iekaterinoslav -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kalouga -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kazan -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kharkov -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kherson -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kiev -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kostroma -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Kourland -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Koursk -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Livonia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Minsk -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2261, 2263, 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Moscow -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 0168
Moschovia nuova Tavola / Ptolemy-Ruscelli, cartographer / 1561

Physical Description: Latin text ; 18.5 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Moscow, Tartary -- 16th c.

Call No: Russia 2264
Nijnii Novgorod

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Nijnii Novgorod -- 19th c.

Call No: Mil 1038
Cronstadt fortifications 1820

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North

Call No: Russia 2131
Carte des Pais Habités par les Samojedes et Ostiacs

Physical Description: Tome S Page 118, Carte 24 ; 17 x 24.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2149
...Eastern Part of Northern States ... includes Eastern Part of Sweden, European Russia ...

Physical Description: Tables of information at right. ; 51 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 4522
Carte Nouvelle de Moscovie represente la partie Septentrionale / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / 1719-50

Physical Description: 41.5 x 55.5 cm.
purchase 1991

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2219
Partie Septentle de la Russie d'Europe / Giraldon, fl. 1815, cartographer / Chamouin, engraver

Physical Description: 23 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2292
Northern Part of Russia, in Europe

Physical Description: Pl. V ; 19.5 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 4529
Northern Part of Russia, in EuropeDarton Jun., engraver

Physical Description: 19 x 21 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2136
Scythia et SericaToms, W. H,, engraver

Physical Description: Tab. XXI ; 20.5 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North -- antiquity

Call No: Russia 4520
Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae, MDCCXXXIV1734

Physical Description: Inset: View of St Petersburg; 13 keyed references to St. Petersburg area. ; 47.5 x 56 cm.
1991 purchase

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- North St.Petersb. -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2261

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Novgorod -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2259

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Olonetz -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Orel -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Orenbourg -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Orlov -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Penza -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2259, 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Perm -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2262, 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Podolia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Pskov -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Riazan -- 19th c.

Call No: Asia 2114
Russia & its Governments

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia

Call No: Russia 0269
Russiae, Moschoviae et Tartariae Descripto Auctore Antonio Ienkinsono Anglo edita Londoni Anno 1562 et dedicata illustriss: D, Henrico Sydneo Wallie presidi / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598, see note below

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 36 x 45 cm..Scale: 1: 12 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 16th c.

Call No: Russia 4523 OS
La Russie Blanche ou Moscovie Divisée suivant l'Estendue des Royaumes. Duchés, Principautées, Provinces et Peuples qui sont Presentement soubs la Domination du Czar de la Russie ... (outer title lists almost 40 distinct subdivisions.) / Sanson, N., 1600-1667, cartographer / 1670, ca.

Physical Description: 58.5 x 80 cm.
purchase 1991

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 17th c.

Call No: Russia 0487
Nieuwe Kaart van Muskovie of Rusland ... 1734 / Tirion, Isaac, d. 1769, cartographer / 1744

Physical Description: 28.5 x 35 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 1002 a, b
Map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary and ye Black Sea Corrections by Capt. John Perry / Moll, Herman, 1688-1745, cartographer / 1713 , ca.

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : Insets: North Part of Russia; Asof and Mouth of Don; Mouth and lower reach of Volga; Dedication to Peter Alexovitz, Absolute Lord of Russia ; each 61 x 98 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 1003
A Correct Map of Moscovy / Price, Charles, fl. 1658-1701, cartographer / 1711

Physical Description: Dedicated to Sir Thomas Powell ; 96.5 x 64 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 1153
The Dominions of Moscovy in Europe / Moll, Herman, 1688-1745, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: 25 x 16 cm..Scale: 1715 ca.?

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2119
Russia or Moscovy in EuropeJ. Lodge, engraver1783

Physical Description: 34 x 36.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2121
A Map of Moscovy or Russia in Europe ... / Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767, cartographer / 1759

Physical Description: 19 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2128 a, b
Russia in Europe with its Dismemberments from Poland in 1773, 1793 and 1795George Allen, engraver(a) 1799 (b) 1809

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 31.5 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2134
A Map of the present Seat of War between the Russians, Poles, and Turks18th c.

Physical Description: 26 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2135

Physical Description: Plate 120 No. 56 page 589 ; 28 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2141
Moscovey in Europe / Senex, John, d. 1740, cartographer / 1720 ca.

Physical Description: Dedication to Abel Ketelbey ; 59.5 x 50 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2213
Moscovia o Russia

Physical Description: 28 x 34 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2215
The Russian Empire in Europe from the Sr. D'Anville ... / Bayly, J., cartographer / 1780 ca.

Physical Description: 48.5 x 56 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2217 1&2
Carte de Russie: Northern half, Southern half / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / 1780

Physical Description: 2 sheets : Dedication to Monseigneur André Artémonidès de Matueof ; each 49.5 x 65.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2274
Russia / Russell, J. C., 18th c., cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: VI ; 23 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2277
Russie d'Europe / Tardieu, J. B., 1746-1816, cartographer /

Physical Description: 30.5 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2282
Partie Septentrionale et Meridionale de la Russie Europeenne Tartarie Russienne et Petite Tartarie

Physical Description: 5 ; 24 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2291
Russia in Europe, divided into Governments ... Drawn from the latest Authorities / Wilkinson, R., fl. 1785, cartographer / T. Conder, engraver1794

Physical Description: NB. The Governments are named from the principal Town in each. ; 27.5 x 21.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 3831
Russia cum confiniis

Physical Description: 14.5 x 20 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2120
Muscovy or Russia in EuropeBarlow, engraver1806

Physical Description: 37 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2211
Russia in Europe

Physical Description: 7 vignettes ; 35 x 24.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2214
Russia / Hall, Sidney, fl. 1818-1860, cartographer /

Physical Description: 10 ; 52 x 41 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2216
Russia in Europe / Pinkerton, J., 1758-1826, cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 61.5 x 50 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2220
Russia in Europe / Wyld?, artist ; / Thomson, cartographer / Hewitt, engraver1814

Physical Description: Inset: Statue of Peter the Great at St. Petersburg ; 31 x 22.5 cm. .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2251 1&2
The Russian Dominions in Europe ... Russian Atlas of 1806 (Southern half and Northern half) / Nantiat, Jasper, 18th, 19th c., cartographer / 1806-08 ?

Physical Description: 2 sheets ; each 55 x 93 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2253 a, b
(a) Russia in Europe -- (b) European Russia / Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826, cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) Published in Edinburgh ; 60 x 50 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2254
Russia in Europe

Physical Description: 61.5 x 51 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2255
Russia in Europe / Swanston, cartographer /

Physical Description: 54 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2256
Map of Russia in Europe -- Geog. and Statistical Map of Russia / Gros, C., 18th, 19th c., cartographer / J. Walker, engraver1828

Physical Description: Extensive text ; map 34 x 26 cm.; Overall size of sheet, 42 x 52 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2275
Russia / Lizars, W. H, 1788-1859, cartographer / Lizars, engraver1828

Physical Description: 15 ; 22.5 x 18 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2276
Russia European Part / CMC, artist ; / Lizars, cartographer /

Physical Description: 28 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2278
Russie d'Europe / Lapié, Pierre, 1777-1851, cartographer / 1816

Physical Description: 26 ; 30.5 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2279

Physical Description: 27 x 21.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2281
European Russia

Physical Description: Russia 16 ; 26 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2283
Russia in EuropeNeele, engraver1814

Physical Description: 23 x 18 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2284
Russia in Europe

Physical Description: 26.5 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2285
Russia in Europe / [Cary?], cartographer / 1822?

Physical Description: 9 ; 23 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2286
Russia in EuropeJones & Smith, engraver1801

Physical Description: 25.5 x 20 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2287
Russia in Europe / Darton, W., fl. 1810-1837, cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 29 x 24 cn.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2288
Russia in Europe1820

Physical Description: 31 ; 35 x 27 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2289 1&2
(1) Northern Part of Russia in Europe -- (2) Southern Part of Russia in Europe(1) 1804; (b) 1803

Physical Description: 2 sheets ; each 17 x 20 cm .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Russia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2259

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Saroslavl -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Simbirsk -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2261, 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Smolensk -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2123
Map of the Country between the Black and the Caspian Seas

Physical Description: Orientation: South at top ; 17 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2124
The Sea of Azof or Lacus MaeotisJ. Russell, engraver

Physical Description: III ; 17 x 36.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2126
Map of the Steppe between the Lower Volga and the Don Where the Caspian Sea was formerly united with that of AzofJ. Russell, engraver

Physical Description: I ; 18 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2199
... Present Seat of War between the Russians, Poles and Turks ...To His Excellency the Count of Czernichew Commander in Chief of her Majesty the Empress of all the Russias Fleet and Gallies Lieutenant General of her Armies, one of the Lords of her Admiralty, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to his Majesty the King of Great Britain ... / Dury, Andrew, 18th c.; Bell, P., cartographer / (map) T. Bowen, engraver1769

Physical Description: 84.5 x 126 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2242
Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe Partie Meridionale

Physical Description: Tome 4 No. 31 ; 36 x 46 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2208
Southern Part of Russia in Europe19th c. ?

Physical Description: 19 x 21.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2224
Caucasus and Crimea / Crimea according to Huot & Demidoff ..., cartographer /

Physical Description: Inset: Sebastopol; 10 vignettes; 2 panoramic scenes; 8 human figures and animals ; 45.5 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2226
Carte des Landes Situées entre le Volga et l'Oural, et des Contrees Voisines

Physical Description: Tom 1, Pl 29, Pag 706 ; 37.5 x 44 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2293
Southern Part of Russia, or Muscovy in Europe

Physical Description: Pl. VI ; 19.5 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2137
Bosporus, Maeotis, Iberia, Albania et Sarmatia AsiaticusToms, W. H., engraver

Physical Description: Tab. XXV ; 20.5 x 31 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South -- antiquity

Call No: Mil 1040
Heights and Bay of Alma1854

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South Crimea

Call No: Mil 1060
Battle of Inkerman1854

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South Crimea

Call No: Russia 2111
A Map of the Roads of Crim Tartary, the Ancient Chersonesus Taurica18th c.?

Physical Description: 28.5 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South Crimea -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2223
The CrimeaRapkin, engraver

Physical Description: Inset: Sebastopol before the investment by the Allies; 4 vignettes: Banks of the Alma, Eupatoria, Balaklava Harbour, Sebastopol ; 23.5 x 33 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South Crimea -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 1188
Tabula Geographica continens Despotatus Wallachiae atque Moldavia ... Bessarabiae ... Podaliae / Hase, J. M., 1684-1742, cartographer / 1769

Physical Description: 46.5 x 50.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South east -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2264
Russia in Europe Part VII: Kostroma, Kazan, Orenbourg, Moskva, Viatka, Simbirsk, Voron, Astrakhan, Perm, Tambov, Aratov, Nijnii Novgorod, Vladimir, Penza, Toula, Zemlia Boiska Don1835

Physical Description: Note: Areas of Perm & Orenbourg extend across Oural mountains and are, therefore, in Asia. ; 31 x 40.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- South east -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260
St. Petersburg

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- St. Petersburg -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Tambov -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2265

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Taurina -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Tchernigow -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263, 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Toula -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2261

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Tver -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Ukraine -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2259, 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Viatka -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260, 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Vilna -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Vitebsk -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2261, 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Vladimir -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2118
Carte des Colonies Allemandes etablies sur le Volga dans le territoire de Saratof / Tardieu, A., cartographer / Tardieu, P. F., engraver18th c.

Physical Description: Tom V Pl XIII P 251 et suivant ; 28.5 x 30.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Volga area -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2109
Naeukeurige Kaert van der Loop der groote Riviere Volga ... St. Petersburg ... 1754G. Sepp, engraver1754

Physical Description: 38 x 28.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Volga river -- 18th c.

Call No: Russia 2262

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Volhynia -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2259, 2261

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Vologda -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Voron -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2263

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- Voronej -- 19th c.

Call No: Russia 2264
Zemlia Boiska Don

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Russia -- ZemliaBoiskaDon -- 19th c.

South America


Call No: So Amer 0041
Brasil Nuova Tavola / Ptolemy-Ruscelli, cartographer / 1561

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Latin text; Watermark ; 18.5 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 16th c.

Call No: So Amer 0027
Novus Brasiliae Typus -- Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: Inset: Baya de Todos Sanctos; Orientation: West at top; German text; Watermark ; 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 7 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0028
Brasilia: Excudebat Johannes Blaeu / Blaeu, J., 1586-1673, cartographer / post 1642

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; French text; Watermark; Dedication to Christoph : A B Artischav Arciszewski ; 38.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1; 11 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0097
Praefecturar Paranambucae pars Meridionalis (Section 2 of Marcgraf map of Brasil) / Blaeu, J., 1596-1673, cartographer / 1662

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Inset: Natives with seine net, one lookout at top of laddered tower to warn of approaching fishermen with catch. ; 41.5 x 44 cm..Scale: 1: 450,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0098
Praefecturae Paranambucae pars Borealis una cum Praefectura de Itâmaraca (Section 3 of Marcgraf map of Brazil) / Blaeu, J., 1596-1673, cartographer / 1662

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Inset: Sugar mill, Sea battle, Dutch & Spanish, 1640; Keyed references ; 41.5 x 53 cm..Scale: 1: 450,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0428
Carte der Provinz Goyaz ... Surveyed by Thos. Souza, Cavalry Major, in 1777 / von Eschwege, W., cartographer / 1777

Physical Description: 27 x 37.5 cm.
Branner, J. C, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1203
Continuazione del Bresil Fol. II (12° - 24° )

Physical Description: 23 x 17 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1204
Continuazione del Bresil (Fol. 3)

Physical Description: 23 x 17 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1213
South America. The Coast of Brazil Being Corrected by Mr. John Adams Anno 1772 / Adams, J., fl. 1670-1696, cartographer / Thos. Bowen, engraver1772

Physical Description: Pl. III to face title Vol.I ; 26 x 23.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1243
Carte de la Partie Méridionale du Bresil, avec les Possessions Espagnoles voisines qui en sont a l'Ouest / Bonne, R., 1727-1795, cartographer / Dior, engraver1785, ca.?

Physical Description: Prevailing winds indicated.; Liv. VIII No. 34 ; 21.5 x 32 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0103
Carte Géographique, Statistique et Historique du Brésil19th c.

Physical Description: Extensive French text ; map 29 x 27.5 cm.; Overall size 46 x 60.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0427
Carte eines Theils de Provinz Matto Grosso / von Eschwege, W., cartographer / 1828

Physical Description: Taf. IV ; 27 x 25 cm.
Branner, J. C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0429
Carte des Golddistrictes ... S. Paolo ... Minas Geraes / von Eschwege, W., cartographer / 19th c.

Physical Description: 23.5 x 32 cm.
Branner, J. C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0431
Theil der neuen Karte der Capitania von Minas Geraes / von Eschwege, W., cartographer / 1822

Physical Description: Taf. II ; 52 x 46 cm.
Branner, J. C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0421
The Great River Marañon or of ye Amazons, With the Mission of the Society of Jesus, Geographically describ'd by Samuel Fritz settled Missioner on ye said River F. I. de N of ye Society of Iesu late Missioner on this River Marañon Engrav'd it at Quito 1707 ... / (Fritz); Senex, J., cartographer / 1715, ca.?

Physical Description: Note: These inland Parts of South America being but little if at all known, wee thought it not proper to continue ye course of these Rivers further than thay are in the Original.; Dedicated to Philip V. ; 23.5 x 41,5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil: Amazon -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1621 OS
Planta Geral da Estrada de Ferro Central de Pernambuco

Physical Description: MS roll ; 29 x 363 inches.Scale: 1: 20,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Brazil (railroad) -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0064 A
Chili -- Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: Oeiwntation: East at top; German text; Watermark ; 35.5 x 48 cm..Scale: 1: 5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Chile -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 1244
Le Chili: Tiré de Alf de Qualle de la C. d. I. et divise en treize Iurisdictions par N. Sanson / Sanson, N., 1600-1667, cartographer /

Physical Description: 27 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Chile -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 4750
Coquimbo Bay and Port Herradura from 1868 British and 1853 French surveys

Physical Description: Part of Hydrographic Office; U S N Chart 1326 ; 26 x 42 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Chile -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1229
Map of South America / Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer / 1777

Physical Description: Vol. I ; 46 x 33 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- cintinent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1191
A Plan of the East End of the Island of Quibo (entrance of Montijo Bay)

Physical Description: Orientation: S W at top; Pl.XXV D ; 22 x 50 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Colombia -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0052 B
Amerique Meridionale divisée en ces principales Parties ou sont distingués les uns des autres les Estats suivant qu'ils apartiennent presentement aux François, Castillans, Portugals, etc. / Sanson, N., cartographer / 1674

Physical Description: Dedication to Monseigneur le Dauphin Outer title: L'Amerique Meridionale ... la Terre Ferme, le Perou, le Chili ... ; 58 x 89 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0233
Amerique Meridionale par N. Sanson d'Abbeville ... 1650 / Sanson, N., 1600-67, cartographer / Peyrounin, engraver1650

Physical Description: Watermark ; 39.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0026
L'Amerique Meridionale dressé sur les Observations ee Mrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres et sur les memoires les plus recens / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / c. 1700

Physical Description: Tracks of Magellan, Le Maire, Mentana, Schouten, Gallego ; 45.5 x 59.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0096
L'Amerique Meridionale -- (outer title): America Meridionalis in Suas Praecipuas Partes Divisa ... / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / 1730, ca.?

Physical Description: Shows tracks of Drake, Magellan, Mendana, Schouter, leMaire, Sarmiento Gallego, Olivier; Branner autograph on verso ; 47.5 x 58 cm.
Branner, J. C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0102
A Map of South America with all the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable from the latest Observations / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-1775, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: Key to mines & settlements; Prevailing winds indicated ; 47 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0104
South America / Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer / G. Terry, engraver1787

Physical Description: 34 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0210
Amerique Meridionale divisée en ses Principales Parties ou sont distingués les uns des autres Les Estats ... Dedié au Roi / Sanson, N., cartographer / Cordier, engraver1719 ?

Physical Description: Watermark ; 41 x 64.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0211
Amerique Meridionale dressée sur les Observations de Mrs de L'Academie Royale des Sciences ... Avec Privilege -- (outer title): America Meridionalis in suas Praecipuas Partes Divisa ad usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1725, cartographer / 1730?

Physical Description: Watermark ; 47.5 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 14 mill.?

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0231
L'Amerique Meridionale Divisée en ses Principales Parties Presenté à Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne -- (outer title): America in Suas Praecipuas Partes Accurat e Divisa, ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis / Jaillot, H., 1640-1712, cartographer / 1737-50

Physical Description: 48 x 60.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0234
America Meridionalis / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / 1730 ?

Physical Description: Watermark ; 32 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0417 1, 2
A Map of South America: Southern half -- Northern half / d'Anville, G. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1775

Physical Description: 2 sheets : Inset on sheet 2: Falkland Islands with historical note; Trade information on sheet 1.; Sheet 2 verso carries Branner autograph and cost. ; each 50 x 119 cm.
Branner, J. C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1131
A Map of South America ... Published under the Patronage of the Duke of Orleans by Monsr D'Anville, drawn & engraved for for J. Harrison / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1791

Physical Description: 72.5 x 51 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1206
South America / Wilkes, cartographer / 1796

Physical Description: 24 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1207 a, b, c
South America / Jefferys, T., 1695(?)-1771, cartographer / 1766

Physical Description: 3 similar maps ; each 18 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1209 a, b
An Accurate Map of South America ... Drawn from the Sieur Robert ... / Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766, cartographer / G. Rollos, engraver

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 19.5 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1210
South America from the best Authorities / Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: 15 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1214
South America According to the Latest Observations

Physical Description: front Page 360 ; 16 x 20 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1215
An Accurate Map of South America from the Best Authorities / Bowen, T., d. 1790, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: 19.5 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1216
South America / Russell, artist ; / Russell, engraver18th c.

Physical Description: 19 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1217
South America from Monsr Bonne's Atlas

Physical Description: 25 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1218
A New and Correct Map of South America from the latest Improvements and regulated by Astronomical Observations

Physical Description: 19 x 29.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1223
South America ... Drawn from the best Maps by T. Jefferys, Geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales / Jefferys, T., 1695(?)-1771, cartographer / 1749

Physical Description: 26 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1226
A New Map of South America drawn from the latest discoveriesL. Puke, engraver1794

Physical Description: 29 x 20.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1227
A new and accurate map of South America ... Drawn from the latest and best ObservationsR. W. Seale, engraver1762

Physical Description: 35 x 26.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1230
South America agreeable to the most approved Maps & Charts / (Kitchen) Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer /

Physical Description: 34.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1231 a, b
An accurate Map of South America from the best Modern Maps and Charts / Bowen, T., d. 1790, cartographer /

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 33.5 x 46 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1233
South America ... Drawn from the Best Authorities / Russell, J., cartographer / 1799

Physical Description: 40.5 x 45 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1234
A Map of South America According to the best Authorities ... Engraved for Carey's American edition of Guthrie's Geography Improved

Physical Description: 34 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1235
A Map of South America ... Drawn from the Latest and Best AuthoritiesJno Lodge, engraver1780

Physical Description: Watermark ; 28 x 29 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1236
South America, Drawn and Engrav'd from the best Maps and Charts / Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: 33.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1237
A Map of South America According to the best Authorities1785

Physical Description: Watermark ; 34.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1238
South America agreeable to the most approved Maps and Charts, by Thos Conder, 1778 / Conder, T., fl. 1780-1801, cartographer / 1778

Physical Description: 34 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1239
South AmericaNeele, engraver1797

Physical Description: Watermark ; 34.5 x 39.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1240
A General Map of South America From the Best SurveysB. Tanner, engraver1796

Physical Description: 36.5 x 45 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1257
South America with its Several Divisions according to the Possessions of the European Powers / Kitchin, T., 1718-1784, cartographer / 1794

Physical Description: 43.5 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1258, 1,2,3
Amérique Méridionale -- Publiée sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans -- North -- Prémier Prince du Sang MDCCXLVIII / d'Anville, G. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / G. Delahaye, engraver1748

Physical Description: 3 sheets ; (1) 42 x 77.5 cm.; (2) 48 x 77 cm.; (3) 39 x 77 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1259 1, 2
A Map of South America containing Tierra-Firma, Guyana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia from Mr D'Anville with Several Improvements and Additions and the Newest Discoveries: North-- South / d'Anville, G. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1794

Physical Description: 2 sheets : Inset: Chart of the Falkland Islands ... Hawkins 1593; Explanatory text ; each 50 x 118 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 3314 1,2,3
South America: Performed under the Patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans First Prince of the Blood...Sieur d'Anville Improved by Mr Bolton for Mr. Postlethwayt's Dictionary of Commerce / d'Anville, G. B. B., 1679 -1782 Bolton, cartographer / Kitchin, engraver1755

Physical Description: 3 sheets [Noth, Middle, South] ; (1) 42 x 76 cm.; (2) 47 x 75 cm.; (3) 38.5 x 75.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 4881
South America

Physical Description: 11 x 12 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1125 1, 2
Colombia Prima or South America Drawn from the Large Map in Eight Sheets by Louis Stanislas D'Arcy Delarochette: Northern half -- Southern half / de la Rochette, L. S. d'A., fl. 1795, cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 2 sheets ; each 54 x 67.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1208
South America agreeable to the most approved maps and charts including the latest Discoveries of the most Eminent Navigators along the Coast and in the Seas contiguous theirtoFlyn, engraver1830, ca.

Physical Description: Tracks of explorers shown.; Vol. II to face p.447 ; 19 x 29.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1211
South AmericaW. Darton Jun., engraver1829, ca.

Physical Description: 19 x 21.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1212
South AmericaBell, engraver

Physical Description: 19 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1219
South America1809

Physical Description: 22 x 18 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1220
South AmericaFindlay, engraver

Physical Description: 25 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1221
South AmericaG. Aikman, engraver

Physical Description: Plate XXIII ; 25.5 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1222
South America / from Arrowsmith, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver

Physical Description: 25.5 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1224
A New Map of South America ... Drawn from the latest Discoveries

Physical Description: 17.5 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1225
South America

Physical Description: Inset: Chimborazo ; 25.5 x 25 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1228
South AmericaHewitt, engraver

Physical Description: Inset: Rope bridge near Penipe; XLI ; 31 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1242
Amérique Méridionale / Delamarche, F. fils, 19th c., cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 26.5 x 29.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1246
Amérique MéridionaleChamounin, engraver

Physical Description: 29.5 x 21.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 1247
Amérique Méridionale

Physical Description: Inset: Iles Galapagos; Vignettes: Forêt Vierge, Mountain, shore, village ; 39.5 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 3307
Carte de l'Amérique Méridionale / Vivien de Saint Martin, L., 1802-1897, cartographer / Giraldon-Bovinet, engraver1825

Physical Description: No. 36 ; 40 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- continent -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0232 B
Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detriot de Magellan etc. Dressée sur les Descriptions des P. P; Alfionse d'Ovalle, et Nicolas Techo ... Avec Privilege -- (outer title): Tabula Geographica Paragaiae, Chilis ... / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / post 1757

Physical Description: Watermark; Tracks of explorers; Lower right: Steamer duck identified and described ; 49.5 x 57.5 cm..Scale: 1: 9 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- lower half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0237
Typus Geographicus Chili Paraguay Freti Magellanici etc., MDCCXXXIII / de l'Isle, G., 1657-1726, cartographer / 1733

Physical Description: Inset: Plan de la Ville de Santiago; Watermark ; 48.5 x 56.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- lower half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0239 B
Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan / C. Simoneau, artist ; / de l'Isle, G., 1657-1726, cartographer / Liebaux et fils, engraver1703

Physical Description: Tracks of explorers; Steamer duck identified and described ; 49.5 x 65 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- lower half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1185
Le Perou et le cours de la Rivre Amazone / Sanson, N., 1600-1667, cartographer / 1650, ca.

Physical Description: 20.5 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 1186
Guiane divisée en Guiane et Caribane / Sanson, N., 1600 = 1667, cartographer / 1657

Physical Description: Watermark ; 20 x 27.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0484 OS
Carte Generale & Particuliere de la Colonie d'Essequebe & Demerarie située dans la Guiane en Amerique redigée et dediée au Comité des Colonies & Possessions de la Republique Bataveen Amerique, & a la Côte de Guinée par le Major F. von Bouchenroeder, 1798 / von Bouchenroeder, F., cartographer / J. Turpin, engraver1798

Physical Description: Insets:Continuation de la Riviere Demerarie, Essequebe et Mazaronie Carte Generale (section of continent's coast), Keys to structures, crops and land use; Orientation: S W at top ; 62.5 x 97.7 cm.
Sowers, Margaret C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1202
A Map of the Dutch Colonies of Surinam and Barbutius, and the French Colony of Cayenne; between the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers, inSouth America1763

Physical Description: 22.5 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1241
A Map of the Dutch Settlements of Surinam, Demerary, Issequibo, Berbices, and the Islands of Curassoa, Aruba, Bonaire, etc. with the French Colony of Cayenne, and the adjacent Spanish Countries, taken from a Map Executed under the Patronage of the Court of France.1781

Physical Description: Pages 283-86 of Political Magazine remain attached.; Watermark ; 27.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1251
Carta della Guyana / Bellin, N., 1703-1772, cartographer /

Physical Description: Tratta della Carta dell'America da Mr Bellin ; 22.5 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 3684
New Granada (Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Equador)1811

Physical Description: 71.5 x 50.5 cm.
Krakauer, Eliz., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0065 A
Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan / Blaeuw, W., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: French text ; 37.5 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 4 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north east -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0065 B
Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 38 x 49 cm..Scale: 1: 4 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north east -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0235
Novae Hispaniae, Chili, Peruviae et Guatimalae Littorae / de Wit, F., 1616-98, cartographer / c. 1680

Physical Description: Orientation: East at top; Elaborate cartouche; Watermark ; 49 x 56.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- north east -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0032
Guiana Amazonum Regio -- Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 37.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- northeast -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0033
Paraguay, O Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta Cruz de la Sierra / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 37.5 x 48 cm..Scale: 1: 10 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Paraguay -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0034
Paraguay, O Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta Cruz de la Sierra / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: German text; Watermark ; 37.5 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 10 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Paraguay -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 1205
Le Paraguay ... Par le Sr Robert de Vaugondy, Fils de Mr Robert, Geog. du Roi ... 1749 / Robert de Vuagondy, Didier, 1723-86, cartographer / 1749

Physical Description: 16.5 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Paraguay -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0059
Tractus Australior Americae Meridionalis a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum / de Wit, F., 1616-98, cartographer / post 1688

Physical Description: Elaborate cartouche & sea battle ; 40 x 55 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Patagonia -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0060
Peru -- Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Hondius, 1563-1611; Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1630

Physical Description: Oreintation: East at top; French text; Watermark ; 38 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 7 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Peru -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0099
Peru / (Hondius, J., 1563-1611); Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: Orientation: East at top; German text; Watermark ; 38 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 7 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Peru -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0343
Perou / [Mallet, A. M., 1630-1706?], cartographer / 1686?

Physical Description: French text ; 14.5 x 10 cm.
Sowers, Margaret C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Peru -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0344
Peru / du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683, cartographer / 1678?

Physical Description: 10.2 x 12.4 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Peru -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0342
Peru -- (outer title): Description de Peru

Physical Description: French text ; 18.8 x 25.7 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Peru -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0018
Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra / Wytfliet, C., fl. 1597, cartographer / 1597

Physical Description: Watermark ; 23 x 29 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 16th c.

Call No: So Amer 0430
Chart of S.E. Part of Terra del Fuego, including Strait of LeMaire and part of Staten Land by Captn Cook 1769 -- Plan of Success Bay in Strait of LeMaire / Cook, Capt. James, 1728-1779, cartographer / 1780, ca.

Physical Description: 2 maps : Orientation: (Success Bay plan) East at top ; 21 x 34 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1184
A Chart of the Straits of Magellan / Bowen, Thos., d. 1790, cartographer / 18th c.

Physical Description: 17 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1187
A Map of Chili, Patagonia, la Plata and ye South Part of Brasil / Moll, H., 1688-1745, cartographer / 1713, ca.

Physical Description: Watermark ; 28 x 20.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1245
Carte de la Terre de Feu et des Detroits de Magellan et de LeMaire avec les Nouvelles Isles d'Anycan et de Beauchêne

Physical Description: 13 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1027
Stretto de le Maire

Physical Description: Watermark ; 19 x 27 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south -- 19th c.

Call No: So Amer 0002
Exquisita & magno ... Freti Magellanici (Tierra del Fuego) / (Mercator, G., 1512-1594); Hondius, J., 1563-1611, cartographer / 1623

Physical Description: Inset: Islands; Orientation: South at top; Watermark; Latin text ; 34 x 46.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.7 mill.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- south tip -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0061
Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissima delineatio ... Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / D. Grijp, engraver1635

Physical Description: German text; Watermark; Penguins, Patagonian giant ; 37.5 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 2 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Strait of Magellan -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0062 A
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierra del fuego, cum celeberrimus fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire detectis novissima et accuratissima descriptio exhibetur / Blaeu, W., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: French text; Watermark; Ships; Dedication to D. Constantino Hugenio ... ; 41.5 x 54 cm..Scale: 1: 2 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Strait of Magellan -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0062 B
Tabula Magellanica qua Tierra del fuego, cum celeberrimus fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire detectis novissima et accuratissima descriptio exhibetur / Blaeu, W., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark; Ships; Dedication to D. Constantino Hugenio ... ; 41,5 x 53.5 cm..Scale: 1: 2 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Strait of Magellan -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0232 A
Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil, et du Pays des Amazones Dressée sur les Descriptions de Herrera de Laet, et des P. Pd Acuña, et M Rodriguez et sur plusieurs Relations ... Avec Privilege -- (Outer title): Tabula Geographica Peruvae ... / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / post 1757

Physical Description: Watermark ; 49 x 57 cm..Scale: 1: 9 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- upper half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0236
Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terre Ferme et Reg. Amazonum / de l'Isle, G., 1657-1726, cartographer / c. 1733

Physical Description: Watermark ; 48.5 x 57 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- upper half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0238
Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones ... 1703 / de l'Isle, G. 1657-1726, cartographer / 1745

Physical Description: A 1745 re-issue of 1703 plate ( So Amer 239 A), date partially removed; Watermark ; 48.5 x 65.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- upper half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0239 A
Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones / de l'Isle, G., 1657-1726, cartographer / 1703

Physical Description: Watermark ; 48.5 x 66 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- upper half -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 0063 B
Venezuela cum parte Australi novae Andalusiae Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit Amstelodami / Blaeuw, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1630

Physical Description: German text; Watermark ; 37.5 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 3 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- Venezuela -- 17th c.

Call No: So Amer 0426
Carte Nouvelle et exacte de la Mer Pacifique ... 1744 (Coastline: Mexico to Cape Horn)1744?

Physical Description: Inset: Plan de la Baye de St. François with keyed references; Orientation: East at top; Watermark; Right & left: Longitude by Paris & Lima meridians, respectively. ; 33.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- West -- 18th c.

Call No: So Amer 1201
[Western South America - Lake Titicaca to Valparaiso]Neele, engraver1806

Physical Description: 12''-37" ; 25.5 x 19.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

South America -- west -- 19th c.

Spain & Portugal


Call No: S & P 0107 B
Hispalensis conventus Delineatio Auctore Hieronijmo Chiaves / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1612 ?

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark ; 35 x 46 cm..Scale: 1: 600,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Andalusia -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0106
Andaluzia continens Sevillam et Cordubam / Mercator-Hondius-Jansson, cartographer / 1638

Physical Description: 35.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 1.2 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Andalusia -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0107 A
Hispalensis conventus Delineatio Auctore Hieronijmo Chiaves / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598, see note below

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 35 x 46 cm..Scale: 1: 600,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Andalusia -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0158 a,b
Andaluzia continens Sevillam et Cordubam / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / (a) 1635? (b) 1640

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (a) French text; (b) Latin text ; each 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 1.2 mill.
de Lemos / Leighton

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Andalusia -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0142 a, b
Arragonia Regnum Auctore Joanne Baptiste Labanna / Blaeu, G. & J., 1571-1638 &, 1596-1673, cartographer / (a) 1640

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : Orientation: West at top; (a) Watermark, French text ; each 42 x 52 cm..Scale: 1: 800,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gifts (both maps)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Arragon -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0488
Novissima Arragoniae Regni Tabula, Authore Ioanne Baptista Labanna / Mercator, G., 1512-1594, cartographer / 1633

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Many names in dedication panel ; 44.5 x 55.5 cm..Scale: 1:700,000
Leighton, Philip, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Arragon -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0179
Biscaia et Guipuscoa Cantabriae Veteris Pars / Blaeu, G., 1527-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 38.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 600,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Biscay, Guipuzcoa -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0380
(1) Carpetaniae Partis Desc 1584 cum privilegio Imp. et Belgico ad decennium -- (2) Vardusorum sive Guipuscoae Regionis Typus -- (3) Bay of Cadiz Hanc Insulam Perlustrabat, et sua manu depingebat Georgius Hoefnaglius Antwerpian Belga. Dum extendar / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1592

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark ; 39 x 49 cm.: (1) 17 x 23.5 cm.; (2) 17 x 23 cm.; (3) 23 x 46.5 cm. .Scale: (1) 1:250,000; (2) 1:300,000; (3) 1:100,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- CarpetaniaCadiz -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0162
Utriusque Castiliae nova descriptio / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: French text ; 41.5 x 50.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.7 mill.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Castille -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0337
Utriusque Castellae nova descriptio / Mercator-Hondius-Jansson, cartographer / post 1637

Physical Description: 41 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 1.7 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Castille -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0163
Catalonia / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: 38.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 750,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Catalonia -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0166
Gallaecia Regnum descripta a F. Fer Ojea Ord. Praed.et postmodum multis in locis emendata et aucta / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: French text; Bar of music in one cartouche ; 37.5 x 49 cm..Scale: 1: 800,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Galicia -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0346
Le Royaume de Galice Divisé en plusieurs Territoires et les Asturies Divisees en Asturie d'Oviedo et de Santillana Dressez sur les Memoires de Rodrigo Mendez Silva ... / Nolin, J. B., 1689-1724, cartographer / 1704

Physical Description: French text & table of information; Watermark (Lister 144) ; 44.5 x 71.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Galicia, Asturias -- 18th c.

Call No: Mil 3794
Gibraltar Strait

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Gibraltar

Call No: S & P 0165
Granata et Murcia Regna / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: French text ; 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 1.3 mill.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Granada -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0159
Legionis Regnum et Asturiam Principatus / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1635

Physical Description: 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 800,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Leon & Asturias -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 4665
Carta Geográfica Descriptiva de la Provincia de LugoJ. Alfaro, engraver1881

Physical Description: Extensive Spanish text; Keyed symbols ; map 25 x 23 cm.; Sheet 31 x 46 cm..Scale: 1: 750,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Lugo -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 0132
Navarra Amstelodami sumptibus Ioannes Janssony- / Mercator-Hondius-Jansson, cartographer / post 1636

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top ; 38 x 49 cm.Scale: 1: 420,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Navarra -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0176
Navarra Regnum / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / 1640

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; French text ; 42 x 50 cm..Scale: 1:650,000
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Navarra -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 4664
Carta Geográfica Descriptiva de la Provincia de OrenseJ. Alfaro, engraver1882

Physical Description: Extensive Spanish text; Keyed symbols ; map 18 x 20 cm.; Sheet = 31 x 43 cm. .Scale: 1: 750,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Orense -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 4666
Carta Geográfica Descriptiva de la Provincia de OviedoJ. Alfaro, engraver1881

Physical Description: Extensive Spanish text; Keyed symbols ; map 15.5 x 34 cm.; Sheet = 31 x 43 cm..Scale: 1: 750,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Oviedo -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 4667
Carta Geográfica Descriptiva de la Provincia de PontevedraJ. Alfaro, engraver1881

Physical Description: Extensive Spanish text; Keyed symbols ; map 18.5 x 20 cm.; Sheet = 31 x 43 cm. .Scale: 1: 750.000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Pontevedra -- 19th c.

Call No: Mil 3615
Carte du Portugal, 1802

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal

Call No: Mil 3615
Carte du Portugal

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal

Call No: S & P 0100
Portugalliae que olim novissima & exaltissima descriptio Auctore Vernando Alvaro Secco, Cum privilegio Guidoni Ascanio Sfortiae S.R.E., Card. Camer. ... Vale Rome XIII Calendias Junias Anno MCCCCCLX / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598, see note below

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; French text; Watermark ; 34 x 51.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.2 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0157 a, b
Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lusitania Auctore Vernando Alvero Secco / Blaeu, G., 1571-1638, cartographer / (a) 1635? (b) 1636

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : Orientation: West at top; French text; Watermark; MS note of de Lemos family tombs at Atrofa ; each 38.5 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.6 mill.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift of both maps

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0181
Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio emendata a J. Danckerts / Danckerts, cartographer / 1680, ca.

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top ; 42.5 x 54.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.1 mill
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 3530
Portugalliae et Algarbiae Regna per Nicolaum Visscher / Visscher, N., 1587-1637 or 1618-1679, cartographer / 1680?

Physical Description: 46.5 x 56.5 cm..Scale: 1: 1.5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0169
Portugalliae et Algarbiae (quae olim Lusitania) Novissima Descriptio; Nieuwe ende perfecte Caerte van het Coningryck Portugael ende Algarve ende nabuirige grensen Getrocken uyt de beste Auctoors Geographi ... / Allard, Carel, 1648-1709, cartographer / 1700 ca.

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top ; 44.5 x 56.5 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0172
Regnum Portugalliae divisum in Quinque Provincias Majores ... / Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1689-1762, cartographer / 1736

Physical Description: 60 x 47 cm.
Ratner, L. & I., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0184
Nova Regni Portugalliae et Algarbiae / de la Feuille, Jacobo, b. 1668, cartographer / 1750, ca.

Physical Description: 49.5 x 69 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 1491
Carta Topografica: Detailed map of area N of Tagus R. to Torres Nova / Vidal, Lt. J. M., cartographer / 1817

Physical Description: MS map : Orientation: East at top; Portuguese text ; 52.5 x 120 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1492
A Sketch of the Scene of Action in Portugal Intended to illustrate the Operations ... Wellington ... Massena ... / Luffman, cartographer / 1811

Physical Description: 38 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3490
A New Map of the Kingdom of Portugal Divided into its Provinces ... 1825 / Cary, J., 1754-1835, cartographer / 1825

Physical Description: 47 x 51.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3491
Portugal / Pinkerton, cartographer / 1813

Physical Description: 69.5 x 48.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3531 a,b
PortugalJ. & C. Walker, engraver(a) 1831 (b) 1845

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) Published by C. Knight ; each 35 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 0520
Carta Geografica quw contiene los Caminos, Rios, Pueblos de alguna consideracion de las Provincias de Avila, Segobia, Salamanca, Zamora, Toro, Valladolid y Palencia aumentada del maps general ...

Physical Description: MS map ; 81 x 82.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain

Call No: S & P 3792
Nuova Carta della Spagna

Physical Description: 28.5 x 36 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain --

Call No: S & P 3803
Hispanien Veteris Des. / van den Keere, P., 1571-1646 ca., cartographer / 1640, ca.

Physical Description: 16 x 20 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain

Call No: S & P 0097
Hispania Nova Tabula / Ptolemy-Ruscelli, cartographer / 1561

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark ; 18.5 x 25 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0099 A
Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locuple'ssimamDescriptio cum privilegio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1584

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark ; 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 3.5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0099 B
Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locuple'ssimamDescriptio cum privilegio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1592

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 3.5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0170
Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupletissima Descriptio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1572

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 38 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 3.5 mill.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 1404
Von dem Mechtigen Keonigreich Hispanien (The Great Kingdom of Spain) / Munster, cartographer / 1570 ?

Physical Description: woodcut ; 8 x 13.5 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0168
Spaine: Newly described, with many adictions, both in the attires of the people & the setuations of their cheifesr Cityes by John Speed 1626 / Speed, John, 1552-1629, cartographer / 1676?

Physical Description: Top border: 9 small city views; Side borders: costumed figures ; 41.5 x 53.5 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0336
Hispanien nach aller seiner gelegenheit in Bergen, Stetten, Volckeren, Konigreichen, Wasseren und Inseln / Munster, S., 1489-1552, cartographer / 1628

Physical Description: Woodcut ; 32 x 36.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 1497
Carte d'Espagne et des Principaux Etats Appartenans a Cette Monarchie dans les 4 Parties du Monde

Physical Description: No. 38; French text and 14 inset maps of Spanish possessions in Europe, North and South America and islands ; Spain 14 x 16 cm.; Overall size, 33.5 x 44 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 3527
Regnorum Castellae Novae, Andaluaiae, Granadae, Valentiae et Murciae ... / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1690, ca.

Physical Description: Watermark ; 49.5 x 59 cm..Scale: 1: 1.4 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 3528
Regnorum Castellae Veteris, Legionis, et Gallaeciae Pincipatuumq Biscaiae, et Asturiarum ... / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1690, ca.

Physical Description: 50 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 1.4 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 3529
Novissima Arragoniae Regni Tabula Edita Per Fredericum de Wit / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1690, ca.

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top ; 44.5 x 55 cm..Scale: 1: 700,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0027
L'Espagne Divisée en Tous ses Royaumes et Principautés ... Ferdinand VI ...Dediée a Messire Camille Perrichon Ancien Prevôt des Marchands et Commandant de la de Lyon ... 1750 ... N. Bailleul le jeune / Bailleul, N., cartographer / 1750

Physical Description: 2 watermarks; French text ; 49 x 69.5 xm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 1403
España Dividida segun costumbran los Geografos por D. Thomas Lopez Año 1772 / Lopez, D. Thomas, 18th / 19th c., cartographer / 1772

Physical Description: 9.5 x 11.5 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3517
De l'Espagne en Général

Physical Description: No. 28; French text in 2 columns; Watermark ; map 31.5 x 32.5 cm; overall size 31.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3518
De l'Espagne divisée par Provinces

Physical Description: No. 29; French text in 2 columns; Watermark ; map 31 x 32.5 cm.; overall size 31 x 55 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3521 a,b
L'Espagne (after Rodrigo Mendez Sylva) / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / (a) Simoneau, engraver(a) 1701

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) Published by Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, 48 x 60 cm., engraved by Joan van Lugtenburg; (a) & (b) Watermark ; (a) 45 x 62 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3526
A Map of Old and New Castile from the Observations of Rodrigo Mendes Silva and others / Senex, J., d. 1740, cartographer / 1710, ca.

Physical Description: 44.5 x 54.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 1482
Plan de la Baie d'Algésiras19th c.

Physical Description: Carte No. 19 ; 21.5 x 24.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3519-1,2,3, a,b
Spain (España)(a) 1831 (b) 1845

Physical Description: 6 sheets including 2 similar maps : (b)Published by C. Knight, London ; Each map,(sheet 1) 24.5 x 30 cm. (2) 26 x 34.5 cm. (3) 30 x 39.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3493
Carte de l'Espagne Ancienne

Physical Description: 20.5 x 33 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain -- antiquity

Call No: S & P 1232
Draught of the Bay of Bulls between Rotta and Fort St. Catherine ... Under the Command of his Grace the Duke of Ormond with the disposition of the Frigates which were ordered to stand in by the Shore to favor the Landings; as also the Situation of the Ground and Bay, with that of the Enemy's Batteries of Troops

Physical Description: Part of Bay of Cadiz; Watermark ; 44.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain (Cadiz) -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 0156
Descripcion del Reyno de Galizia Auth. F. Fer Ojea ... / Ortelius, A., 1527 -1598, cartographer / 1608

Physical Description: Italian text; Watermark ; 38 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 900,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0015
Hispaniae et Lusitaniae complura pia loca Immaculatae Virgini dicata Eiusdemq Beneficijs inclyta1699

Physical Description: 23 x 35 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0182
Spain and Portugal / Lea, Philip, fl. 1666-1700, cartographer / 1695?

Physical Description: Elaborate cartouche ; 49 x 57.5 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0348
Totius Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae descriptio auct: F. de Wit / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1680, ca.

Physical Description: Heraldry ; 46 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 2.4 mill?

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 1488
Hispaniae et Portugalliae Regna / Visscher, N., 1587-1637 or 1618-1679, cartographer / 1680?

Physical Description: 45.5 x 55.5 cm..Scale: 1: 2.5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 17th c.

Call No: S & P 0017
Les Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal / Bonne, R., 1727-95, cartographer / André, engraver

Physical Description: Liv 1 V VI No. 8 ; 22 x 32 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0164
Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae -- (outer title): El Reyno di Espana dividido en dos grandes Estados di Aragon y de Castilla ... / Homann, J. B., 1663-1724, cartographer / 1740 ca.

Physical Description: 47.5 x 58 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0192
Los Reynos de España y Portugal Segun las ultimas y nuevas observationes de las Accademias y de Paris y de Londres1721 ?

Physical Description: Spanish text; Short descriptive text and lists of provinces, cities, etc. ; 47 x 63.5 cm.
(see notes)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0439
A New and Exact Map of Spain and Portugal / Moll, H., 1688-1745, cartographer / 1711

Physical Description: Advt. complains of misleading maps by others; Dedicated to John, Duke of Argile & General of her Majesty's Forces in Spain ; 62 x 98 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0443
Nieuwe Kaart van Spanje en Portugal / Tirion, Isaak, d. 1769, cartographer / 1744

Physical Description: 33.5 x 38 cm..Scale: 1: 4 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0459
A Map of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-75, cartographer / Seale, engraver1785, ca.

Physical Description: 38 x 47 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 1543
Royaume d'Espagne divisé par ses différents Etats. Avec le Royaume de Portugal à l'Occident / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / Elizab. Savouré, engraver1761

Physical Description: 17 x 23.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3485
Spain and Portugal1787

Physical Description: 22 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3486
A Map of Spain & Portugal Drwn from the Best Authorities

Physical Description: 22.5 x 26.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3487 a,b
A New and Accurate Map of Spain and Portugal Drawn from the best Authorities, by Thos Bowen, 1778 / Bowen, T., d. 1790, cartographer / 1778

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 19 x 29 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3488
Spain and Portugal

Physical Description: Plate 136 No. 78 Vol. 2 p. 235; Watermark ; 28.5 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3489
A Map of Spain and Portugal Drawn from the best Authorities1783

Physical Description: Watermark ; 34.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3516 a,b
Spain and Portugal from the best Authorities (a) 1785; (b) 1799

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (a) Watermark; ; each 34 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3520
A New Map of Present Spain & Portugal ... / Wells, E., 1667-1727, cartographer / R. Spofforth, engraver1700

Physical Description: Watermark; Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester ; 37.5 x 49.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3522
Spain and Portugal divided into their respective Kingdoms and Provinces from the Spanish and Portuguese provincial maps / Faden, cartographer / 1796

Physical Description: 50.5 x 72.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3523
The Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal ... / Sayer, R., fl. 1780-1870, cartographer / 1772

Physical Description: Watermark ; 47 x 54.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 3524
A New Map of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal ...1794

Physical Description: Watermark ; 48 x 64 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th C.

Call No: S & P 3525
Spain and Portugal Distinguish't into their Kingdoms and Principalities ... / Senex, J., d. 1740, cartographer / 1719

Physical Description: Watermark ; 48.5 x 55.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 18th c.

Call No: S & P 0183
Spain and Portugal / Thomson, John & Co., fl. 1814-69, cartographer / 1815

Physical Description: 53 x 65 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 0460
Spain and Portugal / Pinkerton, J., 1758-1826, cartographer / Neele, engraver1810

Physical Description: 50.5 x 70.5 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1485
Spain and PortugalHall, engraver

Physical Description: XXX - XXIX ; 38 x 50.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1489
Spain and Portugal / Wyld, J., 1790-1836, cartographer / 1812 ?

Physical Description: reduced from the large map in 4 sheets ; 54.5 x 77 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1490
Spain and Portugal / Swanston, cartographer /

Physical Description: Inset: Balearic Islands ; 42.5 x 53.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1493 a,b
A New and Accurate Map of Spain and Portugal, from the best Authorities

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 22.5 x 29 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1494
Spain and PortugalW. Train, engraver

Physical Description: Pl. CCCCXCVIII ; 20 x 25 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 1496
Fairburn's Map of Spain & Portugal intended to Illustrate the Operations of the Spanish Patriotic Forces (aided by the British) Against the French Armies. In the Heroic Attempt to Rescue their Country from Bonaparte the Tyrant of the Continent With Particular Plans of Cadiz, Gibraltar, Corunna, etc. / Fairburn, John, cartographer / 1808

Physical Description: 12 insets of harbors, fortifications, and plan of Gibraltar; English text ; 61 x 100 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3484
A New and Accurate Map of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal / Cary, J., 1754-1835, cartographer /

Physical Description: 21 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3512
Spain and Portugal

Physical Description: Plate XXII ; 19 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3513
Spain and Portugal

Physical Description: 20 x 25.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3514
Spain and Portugal1827

Physical Description: 21.5 x 26.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 3515
Spain and Portugal

Physical Description: 8 vignettes ; 26 x 32 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 4963
Spain and Portugal19th c.

Physical Description: Inset: Minorca ; 35 x 44.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Spain & Portugal -- 19th c.

Call No: S & P 0021
Valentiae Regni olim contestanorum si Ptolemaeo, edetanorum si Plinio credimus typus; Cum privilegio ad decennium 1584 / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1592

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Latin text ; 34.5 x 49 cm..Scale: 1: 700,000
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Valencia -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0104 A
Valentiae, olim Contestanorum si Ptolemaeo, Edentanorum si Plinio credimus Typus, cum privilegio ad decennium 1584 / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1584?

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; Latin italic text; Watermark ; 35 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 700,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Valencia -- 16th c.

Call No: S & P 0104 B
Valentiae, olim Contestanorum si Ptolemaeo, Edentanorum si Plinio credimus Typus, cum privilegio ad decennium 1584 / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1584, see note below

Physical Description: Orientation: West at top; French text; Watermark ; 35 x 49 cm..Scale: 1: 700,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Spain & Portugal -- Valencia -- 16th c.



Call No: Wat 1192
A Plan of the Harbour of Chequetan or Seguataneo Lying in the Latd of 17° 36m No

Physical Description: Orientation: Northeast at top; Pl XXXI E; Watermark ; 29 x 49.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4729
A Chart of the Atlantic Ocean1782

Physical Description: 1 sheet ; 50 x 64 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4725
Nord-Atlantische Ocean1868

Physical Description: Inset: Atlantische Telegrafen Westend-Ostend ; 34.5 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4726
Der Atlantische Ocean1866

Physical Description: Many crossing details shown - ship, captain, days logged ; 32.5 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4727
North Atlantic Ocean1851-63

Physical Description: folded ; 61 x 95 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4728
Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean1898

Physical Description: folded : Insets: Explanations of symbols, etc., Extensive text and information ; 55 x 81 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4730
Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean with Track of the Shipping to West Indies, North AmericaJ. Moffat, engraver1817?

Physical Description: 50 x 63.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1107
A New Map or Chart of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, with part of Europe, Africa & America: Shewing the Course of the Galleons, Flota etc. to and from theWest Indies / Bowen, E., d. 1767, cartographer / 1740

Physical Description: Inset: Portraits of Adm. Robert Blake & Vice-Adm. Edward Vernon; Watermark ; 35.5 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1109 a, b
A New and Accurate Chart of the Western or Atlantic Ocean Drawn from the most approved Modern Maps etc., 1778 / Bowen, Thos., d. 1790, cartographer / (a) 1778; (b) 1788

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; each 22 x 27.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1121
A New Chart of the Vast Atlantic Ocean; Exhibiting the Seat of War, both in Europe & America, likewise the trade winds and course of sailing from one continent to the other; with the banks, shoals and rocks: drawn according to the latest discoveries and regulated by astronomical observations. / Bowen, E., d. 1767, cartographer / E. Bowen, engraver1755

Physical Description: Watermark ; 31 x 43 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1122
A New Map or Chart in Mercator's Projection of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, with part of Europe, Africa and America1781

Physical Description: Lower right: Silhouette of Isle of St. Paul by Sir Robert Barker on Board the Kent, Aug. 25, 1764 ; 41 x 52 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1171
The Western Ocean (showing parts of Africa, western Europe, eastern North America, South America)18th c.?

Physical Description: Coastal place names only ; 43.5 x 53 cn.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Atlantic Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4786
# 3: Chart of the Great Pacific Ocean or South Sea to Illustrate the Voyage of Discovery made by the Boussole and Astrolabe in the Years 1785, 86, 87 & 88 / La Pérouse, J. F. de G., cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 35 x 48.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- B. & A. voyage. -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1985
A Chart of the Straits of Babelmandell and Moha / Thornton, John, cartographer /

Physical Description: Orientation: East at top; Inset: Moha Harbor ; 44.5 x 55.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Bab el Mandel Strait -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4797
# 52: Plan de la Baie de Castries située sur la côte orientale de Tartarie ... Juuillet 1787 / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 35.5 x 50 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Baie de Castries -- 18th c.

Call No: Europe 2249
Baltic Sea

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Baltic

Call No: Wat 0310
A Correct Chart of the Baltick or East Sea from ye Sound to Petersburg / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-75, cartographer / Seale, engraver1785, ca.

Physical Description: Inset: Harbour of Petersburg ; 38 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Baltic Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2252
A General Chart of the Baltic or East Sea including the Gulfs of Botnia and Finland ... Compiled from Surveys made by order of the Admiralties of Copenhagen, Stockholm and St. Petersburgh1803

Physical Description: Insets: Gulf of Finland ; 80 x 61 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Baltic Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4882
A Correct Chart of the Baltic Sea ... engraved for Malham's Naval Gazetteer 18011801

Physical Description: 23.5 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Baltic Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 5002
Carta quarta generale di Europa -- Baia di Biscaia / Dudley, Sir R., 1573-1649, cartographer / Lucini, engraver1646-7

Physical Description: 37 x 49.5 cm.
Margaret C. Sowers gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Bay of Biscay -- 17th c.

Call No: Wat 4613
A correct Chart of the Bay of Biscay, Part of the Western Ocean & Mediterranean Sea Describing the Coasts of Spain and Portugal, with Part of France From Morlaix to Valencia: Done from the latest and best DiscoveriesR. W. Seale, engraver1744-47

Physical Description: Watermark ; 47.5 x 37 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Bay of Biscay, etc. -- 18th c.

Call No: Nor Am 1248
Bay of Honduras

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Bay of Honduras

Call No: Wat 2210
Chart of Norton Sound and of Bhering Strait made by the East Cape of Asia and the West Point of AmericaT. Conder, engraver1790, ca.

Physical Description: 21 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Bering Strait -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4526
Carte Réduite de la Mer Noire dressée pour le Service des vaisseaux du Roy par Ordre de Mr de Boynes, Secretaire d'Etat ayant le Département de la Marine, par le S. Bellin Ingénieur de la Marine, 1772 / Bellin, N., 1703-1772, cartographer / Croisey, engraver1772

Physical Description: Pont Euxin aujourdhui Mer Noire, en Turc Kara Degrizi, en Russe et Polonois Czarne; More Splendid compass rose with Torkish names for 16 Black Sea winds.; Watermark ; 55 x 83 cm.
Purchase 1991

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Black Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 0771
Black Sea / Rapkin, J., cartographer / Rapkin, engraver19th c.?

Physical Description: Vignettes: Varna, Sin ope, Sebastopol, Silistria, Odessa, Constantinople ; 25 x 32.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Black Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2225
Panoramic View of Black Sea and Surrounding Country1855

Physical Description: 93 keyed references ; 26 x 30.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Black Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2270
[The Black Sea and Surrounding Countries]19th c.

Physical Description: 21.5 x 29.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Black Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4651
Bird's Eye View of Boston Harbour and South Shore to Provincetown Showing Steamer Routes1905

Physical Description: 35 keyed references ; 44.5 x 53 cm.
Millicent Sears

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Boston -- 19th-20th c.

Call No: Wat 1197
A Plan of the Straights of Bahama through which the Expedition Fleet was Conducted in the Year 1762 against the Havana1763

Physical Description: 11 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caribbean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 0152
A New Chart of the Caspian Sea / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-17892, cartographer / G. Terry, engraver1788

Physical Description: 51.5 x 25 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2138
Carte de la Mer Caspienne levée suivant les ordres du Czar par Mr. Charles van Verden en 1719 et 1721. Envoyée a l'Academie Royale des Sciences par sa Maiesté Czariene et reduite par G. Delisle, 1er Geographe du Roy de l'Academie Royale des Sciences / van Verden, Karl, fl. 1720; de l'Isle, G. 1675-1726, cartographer / Starck-man, engraver1725, ca.

Physical Description: Six different compass variations shown; Watermark ; 44.5 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2139
A New and Accurate Map of the Caspian Sea Laid down from the Memoirs of Soskam Sabbas, a Georgian Prince, assisted by some late Improvements by Emanl Bowen / Bowen, E., d. 1767, cartographer / 1750, ca.?

Physical Description: 32.5 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2239 1,2,3,4
Révolution de la Mer Caspienne (4 stages of the Caspian Sea): Population primitive -- Carte de Ptolomée -- Carte d'Abulfede -- Carte de Czar Pierre le Grand Rectifiée par Mr d'Anville18th c.

Physical Description: 4 sheets : Watermark on each sheet ; each 22 x 30.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2239 1,2,3,4
Révolution de la Mer Caspienne: Population primitive -- Carte de Ptolomée -- Carte d'Abulfeda -- Carte de Czar Pierre le Grand Rectifiée par Mr d'Anville18th c.

Physical Description: 4 sheets : Watermark on each sheet ; each 22 x 30.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2243
Maris Caspii (Western shore)1728

Physical Description: Watermark ; 49.5 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Caspian Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4889
A Chart of the British Channel and the Bay of Biscay, with a Part of the North Sea, and the Entrance of St. George's Channel, By Monsr L. Abbé Diquemare with Several Emendations and many Useful Additions by L. S. de la Rochette, 3d Edition, MDCCXCIV / Diquemare & de la Rochette, cartographer / 1794

Physical Description: Keyed references ; 51 x 88.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Channel, Biscay -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1891 1, 2
China Sea--Tongeen Gulph, Hainan--Coasts of Malay Peninsula, Cambodia, Borneo / Horsburgh, J., 1762-1836, cartographer / J. Walker, engraver1806-21 ?

Physical Description: 2 sheets : Dedication to James Drummond Esq. ; each 61.5 x 90 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- China Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1891 1, 2
China Sea: Tongeen Gulph, Hainan--Coasts of Malay Peninsula, Cambodia, Borneo / Horsburgh, J., 1762-1836, cartographer / J. Walker, engraver1806-21 ?

Physical Description: 2 sheets : Dedication to James Drummond Esq. ; each 61.5 x 90 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- China Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4777
# 4: Plan of the Bay of Conception in Chili ... Engraved for the Voyage of La Pérouse / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 25 x 36.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Conception Bay -- 18th c.

Call No: Europe 0578 1, 2, 3
Danube River

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Danube

Call No: Europe 578
Danube River

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Danube

Call No: Russia 1136
Tractus Borysthenis vulgo Dniepr et Niepr

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Dniepr River

Call No: Russia 0471
Dvina River

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Dvina River

Call No: Russia 471
Dvina River

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Dvina River

Call No: Germany 4197
Nobilis Fluvius Albis

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Elbe river

Call No: Wat 0328
A Correct Chart of the English Channel from the No. Foreland to the Lands End on the Coast of England, and from Calais to Brest on the Coast of France / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-75, cartographer / Seale, engraver1785, ca.

Physical Description: Insets: Isles of Scilly, Plymouth Sound, Falmouth Haven, Isle of Wight and adjacent Harbours ; 38 x 48 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- English Channel -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4887
Chart of the British Channel with the opposite Coast of the United Kingdom and France1816

Physical Description: Keyed references to 38 invasions of England.; Schedule of Packet sailings from several ports. ; 33.6 x 41.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- English Channel -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 3794
The Strait of Gibraltar from the Spanish Survey of Brigr Don Vincent Tofiño / Abbot, Charles, R.N., cartographer / 19th c.

Physical Description: MS : Fine watermark ; 19.5 x 29 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Gibraltar Str. -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2336
[Gulf of Finland, 12 x 23 cm--Ladoga, 11 x 9 cm--Cronstadt, 11 x 14 cm]

Physical Description: 3 maps on 1 sheet ; 23 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Gulf of Finland -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 2258
Gulf of Finland -- Revel Road (from a Russian Survey of 1846)1853

Physical Description: Soundings in fathoms ; 48 x 63 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Gulf of Finland -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 2258 a, b
Gulf of Finland ... Revel Road from a Russian Survey of 1846(a) J & C. Walker, engraver1853

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b)Views: The Domberg at Revel, The Domberg Town and Mole at Revel ; Soundings in fathoms ; 48 x 63 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Gulf of Finland -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1119
Chart of the supposed Course of the Florida Stream1804

Physical Description: 16 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Gulf Stream -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4883
A Correct Chart of the Irish Sea or St. George's Channel ... engraved for Malham's Gazetteer1801?

Physical Description: 24 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Irish Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Indies 1635
Strait of Malacca

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Malacca

Call No: Indies 1635 1, 2
Strait of Malacca

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Malacca

Call No: Wat 1979
A Plan of Soundings from Pulo Aor to the Southward ... Sincapour Strait ... 1806 / Horsburgh, J., 1762-1836, cartographer / J. Walker, engraver1806 - 21?

Physical Description: Insets: View of Saddle Hill, etc., View to the Northward of the Reef; Notes ; 74 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Malaysia -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1320
A Plan of the Bay of Manila -- A Plan of the Harbour of AcapulcoR. W. Seale, engraver18th c.

Physical Description: 2 plans : Inset: Profile view of 2 Ladrone Islands; Watermark; Pl. XXXIII ; 26.5 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Manila & Mexico -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 0781
Carte de la Mediterranée ... Presentée a Monseigneur Le Chevalier de Noailles Lieutenant General des Galeres de France, Par ses Tres humbles Serviteurs Henry Michelot et Nicolas Therin1689

Physical Description: Key to 65 identified islands ; 47.5 x 65 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Mediterranean -- 17th c.

Call No: Wat 0444
A Correct Chart of the Mediterranean / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-75, cartographer / Seale, engraver1785, ca.

Physical Description: Inset: Road of Leghorn ; 34.5 x 72 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Mediterranean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4833
The Mediterranean & Turkish EmpireFindlay, engraver1840

Physical Description: 19.5 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Mediterranean -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1354 a, b
Tabula Geographica continens Vestigia et Processum Itineris tam Maririmi quam Terristris (Mediterranean Sea) / de Bruin, Cornelii, cartographer /

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : Inset: Principium Itineris Maritimi ex Italia; (b) 22 x 36.5 cm., a reduced version of (a) ; (a) 31.5 x 58 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Mediterranean -- antiquity

Call No: Wat 4788
# 15: Chart of the Coasts of America & Asia from California to Macao according to the Discoveries made in 1786 & 1787 by the Boussole & Astrolabe / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 37.5 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- N. Amer. - Asia -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4793
# 39: Chart pf Discoveries made in 1787 In the Seas of China and Tartary between Manilla and Avatcha by the Boussole & Astrolabe / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 49 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- NE Pacific -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4794
# 43: Chart of Discoveries made in 1787 in the Seas of China and Tartary by the Boussole and Astrolabe, from their leaving Manilla to their arrival at Kamtschatka / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: Sheet I ; 37.5 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- NE Pacific -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4795
# 46: Chart of Discoveries made in 1787 in the Seas of China and Tartary by the Boussole and Astrolabe, from their leaving Manilla to their arrival at Kamtschatka / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: Sheet II ; 36 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- NE Pacific -- 18th c.

Call No: C & T 1069
New England Coast

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- New England -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4796
# 47: Carte des Découvertes au Nord du Japon Faites en 1643 par Vaisseaux Hollandais le Kastrickum et le Breskens, Comprenant la Terre de Jeso l'Ile des Etats et la Terre de la Compagnie, dont partie a été reconnue en 1787 par les Frégates Francoises le Boussole et l'Astrolabe / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: Insets: Extraits de la Carte de Scheuchzer et Kampfer, Vue de la Terre de la Compagnie (across bottom) ; 38 x 49 .5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Pacific -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 0140 a, b
(a)A Correct Chart of the German Ocean from the North of Scotland to the Start Point, on the Coast of Great Britain; and from So. Bygden on ye Coast of Norway, to C. de la Hogue on ye Coast of Normandy in France. From the latest and best Observations, Mr. Tindal's Continuation of Mr Rapin's History -- (b) Eng'd for Harrison's edition of Rapin(a) Seale, engraver(a) 1744-47

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (a) Watermark; (b) Published by Harrison, London, engraved by Sudlow ; each 47.5 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1162
A Chart of Part of ye Seacoast of England, Holland & Flanders, etc. / Moll, H., 1688-1745, cartographer / 1715, ca.

Physical Description: 20 x 27 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4881
A Chart of the German Ocean or North Sea, from the Shetland Islands to Start Point, on the Coast of Great Britain, and from The Coast of Norway, to Cape La Hogue including Denmark and Holland and Part of Baltick Sea.18th c.?

Physical Description: 34 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4886
A Correct Chart of the North Sea, with the Adjacent Coasts of Britain, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Islands of Orkney and Shetland, the Entrance to the Sound and Baltic Sea1781

Physical Description: Watermark ; 32 x 27.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4888
The North Sea with the Kattegat from the Chart of Messrs Deverdun, de Borda, and Pingré made public, in 1777, by order of Louis XVI; Constructed on a Larger Scale, and with Considerable Additions and Emendations , by L. S. de la Rochette / (several), cartographer / 1796

Physical Description: 65 x 61 cm,.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- North Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4789
# 16: Chart of Part of the North West Coast of America Explored by the Boussole & Astrolabe ... every day at noon ... Mr Dagelet / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 49 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- NW America -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4790
# 17: Carte Particuliere de la Côte du Nord-Ouest de l'Amérique ... Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786 (1er Feuille) / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 36 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- NW America -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4663
A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 29 1/2 d. North (includes coast of California & Mexico)R. W. Seale, engraver1768 ?

Physical Description: Tracks: Acapulco - Teniam - China - Nostra Seigniora de Cabadonga from Acapulco - Guam - Philippine Islands where she was taken by Commodore Anson in the Centurion the 30th of June 1743 ; 27.5 x 88 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Pacific Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4758 a, b
Pacific Ocean on Mercator's ProjectionA. Findlay, engraver

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (a) No southern coast on Australia; (b) names of New Holland and Australia, coastline completed and additional information ; 19 x 35 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Pacific Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4764
A Chart establishing the New Discoveries in the North and South Pacific Ocean, also those on the Northwest Coast of America

Physical Description: Watermark ; 43 x 34.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Pacific Ocean -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4756
A Chart exhibiting the New Discoveries in the North & South Pacific Ocean, also those on the Northwest Coast of America, and on the Eastern Coast of Tartary1805?

Physical Description: Watermark ; 41 x 34.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Pacific Ocean -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 0151
Persian Gulph from the original by D'Anville / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / G. Terry, engraver1788

Physical Description: 29 x 43 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Persian Gulf -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1707 a, b
(a) Sinus Persicus maximam partem ad observationes proprias, MDCCLXV ... -- (b) Carte du Golfe de Perse / Niebuhr, C., cartographer /

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 21 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Persian Gulf -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4791
# 19: Plan of the Port des Français on the North West Coast of America Discovered July 1786 by the Boussole & Astrolabe / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 37.5 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Port des Français -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 4792
# 26: Plan of the Entrance to the Port of Buscarelli on the North West Coast of America / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 38 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Port of Buscarelli -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 0819
Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge, MDCCLXV / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1765

Physical Description: Insets: Port de Giddah, Metzua et Arkiko, Suakem, Al Babo (ou la Porte) et ses environs; Watermark ; 67 x 48 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Red Sea -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1954 1, 2
Chart of the Red Sea: Part 1st: Straits of Bab-el-Mandel to Salaka ... Western Channel ... Actual Survey ...Honorable Company's Cruiser Panther ... A.D. 1804-5; Part 2nd: ... African & Arabian Coasts from Salaka and Jiddah to Suez 1804-5Cooper, engraver1809

Physical Description: 2 sheets ; each 74.5 x 60 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Red Sea -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4799
# 67: Part of the Pacific Ocean between California and the Phillipine Islands -- (upper) From the Spanish Chart ... Anson ... Manilla and Acapulco -- (lower) From the Sapnish Chart shown to la Pérouse ... / La Pérouse, cartographer / Neele, engraver1798

Physical Description: 35 x 48 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Spanish charts -- 18th c.

Call No: Br Isl 3235
A Correct Chart of St. George's Channel and the Irish Sea

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St. George Channel

Call No: Wat 4885
Chart with the Entrances of the English, St. George's and the Bristol Channel with part of the Atlantic Ocean. Shewing the relative Situations to Milford Haven & like- wise those of the principal Ports on the South of England and Ireland as connected with thar Haven, including likewise parts of the Coast of France nearest to it.c. 1800

Physical Description: 31 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St.George's Chan. -- 19th c.

Call No: Nor Am 3404
[St. Lawrence River]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St. Lawrence

Call No: Nor Am 3405
[St. Lawrence River]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St. Lawrence

Call No: Nor Am 3406
[St. Lawrence River]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St. Lawrence

Call No: So Amer 1184
Straits of Magellan

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- St. of Magellan

Call No: Wat 4616
Chart of the Straits between Denmark and Sweden, Shewing the Passage from the Kattegat through the Sound, to Copenhagen Roads; and thence through the Grounds to the entrance to the Baltic ... Compiled from the Maritime Surveys of Professor C. C. Lous and Admiral Nordenankar1801

Physical Description: 61 x 38.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Straits -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 3846
Chart of the Strait of Sunda ...To Captain Krusenstern of the Imperial Russian Navy. As a Tribute for his laudable Exertions to benefit Navigation and Maritime Science, this Chart of the Strait of Sunda is Inscribed by his Faithful and Affectionate Friend James Horsburgh / Horsburgh, J., 1762-1836, cartographer / 1818 & 1853 additions

Physical Description: Insets: Sketch of Nangga Harbour; Plan of Merak Harbour on the North side of Java; Plan of Batavia Road and the adjacent channels; French MS notes concerning voyage ; 78 x 62 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Sunda Strait -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 1103
Répresentation du Cours ordinaire des Vents de Traverse, qui règnent le long des Côtes dans la Mer Atlantique & celle des Indes[J. B. Schley?], engraver

Physical Description: 19 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- trade winds -- 19th c.

Call No: Wat 4624
An Exact Draught of the Bay and Harbour of Vigo1744-47

Physical Description: Orientation: East at top; Keyed references ; 36 x 47 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- Vigo -- 18th c.

Call No: Wat 1048
Corisco Bay (west coast of Africa) ... Surveyed by Capt. Vidal & Lt. Bedford 1836 - 38 in HMS AetnaJ. & C. Walker, engraver1838?

Physical Description: 62,5 x 48 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Waters -- West Africa coast -- 19th c.

Western Hemisphere


Call No: W Hem 4556
[Statistics and information concerning the governments North America Mexico and New Mexico--1 small map South America]18th c.

Physical Description: 4 small views; 1 small map : 4 small views: Conseil des Indes de Madrid, Conseil de Terre Ferme, Conseil de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Conseil de l'Amerique Meridionale, California island ; 33.5 x 44.5 cm.
Sowers, Margaret C., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- ConseildesIndes -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0194 A
Culiacanae, America Regionis Descriptio -- Hispaniolae, Cubae, aliarumque insularum circumiacentium, delineatio; Cum Imp. et Regio. privilegio decennali, 1579 / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; (a) 20 x 46 cm.; (b) 22 x 49.5 cm. (sheet)36 x 50 cm..Scale: (a) 1: 1.7 mill.; (b) 1: 8 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Islands & Mex. -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 0194 B
Culiacanae, America Regionis Descriptio -- Hispaniolae, Cubae, aliarumque insularum circumiacentium, delineatio; Cum Imp. et Regio. privilegio decennali, 1579 / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1580

Physical Description: Latin text; Watermark ; (a) 20 x 46 cm.; (b) 22 x 49.5 cm. (sheet 36 x 50 cm.).Scale: (a) 1: 1.7 mill.; (b) 1: 8 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Islands & Mex. -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 0026
The Isthmus of Panama with the Coast from Great River on the Moskito Shore to Cartagena, by Thomas Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty / Jefferys, T., 1695(?)-1771, cartographer / 1775

Physical Description: Shows track of Gallions from Cartagena & Portobello and return and track from Cartagena to Havanna; Watermark ; 48 x 63 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- isthmus -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0044
A New General Map of America Drawn from Several accurate particular Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical Observations by Emanuel Bowen / Bowen, E., d. 1767, cartographer / 1762

Physical Description: 35.5 x 43 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S Am erica -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0011
Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1587

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 35.5 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 40 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 0001
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per I Danckerts Amstelodami / Danckerts, Justus, 1635-1701, cartographer / 1680

Physical Description: California as island; 1st or 2nd state ; 49.5 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 22.5 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0002
Novissima et Accuratissima Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae Descriptio multis Locis recentibus aucta et correcté divisa in Omnes Partes Hodierna per Fredericum de Wit; Amsterdami cum Privilegio D.D.Ordinum Westfris ... / de Wit, F., 1616-98, cartographer / de Wit, engraverc. 1680

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark; 3rd state ; 49 x 58 cm..Scale: (McL. ca 1:37 mill.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0015
America / Hondius, J., 1563-1611, cartographer / 1623

Physical Description: Inset: Modus conficiendi et bibendi potum stration (7 x 22 cm.) ; 37.5 x 50 cm..Scale: 1: 40 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0035
America noviter delineata Auct Judoco Hondio / Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1611, cartographer / 1630

Physical Description: Insets: Polus Arcticus, Terra Australis Incognita, Views of Pomiooc, Carolina, S. Augustin, Havana Portus, S. Domingo, Cartagena, native figures; Watermark ; 41 x 55 cm..Scale: 1: 100 mill.
Hopkins, Timothy, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0048
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per N. Visscher, Cum Privil: Ordin:General Belgii Federati / Visscher, N., 1618-79 or 1639-1709, cartographer / 1670

Physical Description: California island (flat top) ; 44 x 54 cm..Scale: (McL. ca 1:42 mill.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0050
Novissima et Acuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per F. de Wit / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1680, ca?

Physical Description: Californis island (indented top); Several Great Lakes are shown; Watermark ; 49 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 40 mill.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 17th c.

Call No: W Hem 0020
Americae Mappa Generalis ... MDCCXXXXVI / Hasius, J. M., 1674-1742, cartographer / 1746

Physical Description: 46 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0052
Americae Mappa Generalis ... MDCCXXXXVI / Hase, J. M., 1684-1742, cartographer / Seb. Dorn, engraver1746

Physical Description: 47 c 53.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0054
America / [Morden, R., d. 1703?], cartographer / 1705

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark ; 36 x 50 cm..Scale: (McL. ca 1:49 mill.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0054 O S
Carte d'Amérique divisée en ses principaux Pays Dressée sur les Mémoires les plus recentes, et sur differents voyages et asujettie aux Observations Astronomiques de Mrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences Par Mr l'Abbe Clouet de l'Academie Rle de Rouen 1787 / Clouet, J., b. 1730, cartographer / 1787

Physical Description: Inset: Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes (polar projection of half N. hemisphere); Tracks of explorers shown as well as a large bay or Sea of the West ; 47 x 63 cm.
Golder, Prof. F., gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0199
L'Amerique Meridionale et Septentrionale Dressée selon les dernieres Relations et suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes dont les points principaux sont placez sur les Observations de Mrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences par N de Fer Dressée et Dediée a nos seigneurs les Enfans de France / de Fer, N., 1646-1720, cartographer / H. van Loon, engraver1717

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark ; 46.5 x 60 cm..Scale: (McL. ca 1:30 mill.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0214
Hémisphere Occidental ou du Nouveau Monde ..., MDCCLXI -- Revu et augmenté des Nouvelles découvertes en 1786 par M. Barbié du Bocage / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1786

Physical Description: folded ; 65 x 61 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0341
L'Amerique America noviter delineata / after Hondius, J., cartographer /

Physical Description: French text ; 18.7 x 24.7 cm.
Jones, R. L., bequest

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0522
A Map of America According to ye Newest and most Exact Observations / Moll, H., 1688-1745, cartographer / 1716

Physical Description: 26.5 x 18 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 1436
Hémisphère Occidental ou du Nouveau Monde ... Publié sous les auspices de Monseigneur Louis Philippe Duc d'Orléans, premier Prince du Sang, MDCCLXI / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1761

Physical Description: 66 x 61.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3191
Americae tam Septentrionalis quam Meridionalis ... / Zurner, A. F., 1680-1742, cartographer / 1709

Physical Description: California as Island ; 50 x 58 cm..Scale: (McL. ca 1:38 mill.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3413
[N. & S, America with tracks of Bougainville, Byron, Mouat, Cook, Drake, Carteret, Wallis]T. Bowen, engraver

Physical Description: 26 x 21 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3415
The Western Hemisphere from the Latest Discoveries

Physical Description: 27 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3431 a, b, c
America North and South: with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ... / Dunn, S., d. 1794, cartographer / (a) 1774 , (b) 1786

Physical Description: 3 similar maps : (c) published by Laurie & Whittle, London, 1794; Watermark (a & b) ; each 30 x 44 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3435
A Map of America or the New World wherein are introduced all the known parts of the Western Hemisphere, From the Map of D'Anville; with the necessary alterations, and the addition of the Discoveries made since the year 1761. / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / 1797

Physical Description: 52.5 x 59 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3436 a, b 1,2
A New Map of the Whole Continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies from the Original Materials of Governor Pownall / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / (a) 1786; (b) 1794

Physical Description: 2 similar maps on 3 sheets : Inset: Sup. to N. America (Baffin & Hudson Bays); (b) on 2 sheets, each 55 x 120 cm. ; (a) 104 x 120 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 0342
A New Map of America exhibiting its Natural & Political Divisions Compiled from Discoveries and Surveys of Sir Alexr Mackenzie, Don Juan de Langara, Vancouver, Ellicott, Falconer etc.1824

Physical Description: Published by Robert Wilkinson, London, 1824. Re-publ. by William Darton; Note lists additional authorities consulted. ; 100 x 120 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3416
The New World or Western Hemisphere with the addition of all the New Discoveries1801

Physical Description: Tracks of Cook and La Perouse ; 20 x 19 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3417
Western Hemisphere1820, ca.?

Physical Description: 21 x 21 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3418
Western Hemisphere / Wyld, artist ; / Hewitt, engraver1819, ca.

Physical Description: 26 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3419
Western Hemisphere or New World

Physical Description: 22.5 x 21 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3420
Western Hemisphere / [Bradford?], cartographer / 1835?

Physical Description: 22 x 20 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3421
Western Hemisphere / A. Findlay, artist ; / A. Findlay, engraver

Physical Description: 24 x 21 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3422
The Western Hemisphere1841

Physical Description: 36.5 x 36 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3423
[North and South America]J. & C. Walker, engraver1831

Physical Description: 29 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3424
Western HemisphereJ. & C. Walker, engraver

Physical Description: 34.5 x 33 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3425
The Western Hemisphere or New World1811

Physical Description: Watermark ; 24 x 23 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3426
Western Hemisphere1855

Physical Description: No. X ; 37 x 34 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3427 a,b
Geographical, Historical and Statistical Map of America(a) 1817

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) published by Carey, Philadelphia, 1821, 3rd edn.; Extensive text at sides and bottom ; map 22 x 39 cm; overall size 42 x 52 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3428
De l'Amérique Moderne en 18121824

Physical Description: Extensive text in French; Watermark; XXXIII ; map 42 x 28 cm.; overall size 49 x 65 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3429
Amérique Historique, Physique et Politique en 18251825 - 26

Physical Description: Extensive text in French; XXXIII bis ; map 48 x 27 cm.; overall size 49 x 65 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3430
Geographical Map of America

Physical Description: Extensive text; XIII ; map 40 x 36 cm.; overall size 47 x 67 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3432
America divided into North and South with their Several Subdivisions ...1800

Physical Description: 49.5 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3433

Physical Description: 50.5 x 60 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 3434
A New Map of America Exhibiting its Political Divisions ... / Cary, J., 1754-1835 or 1791-1852, cartographer / 1830

Physical Description: 45.5 x 63 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- N & S America -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 0010 A
Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgò Mar del Zur) cum regionibus circumacentibus insulisque in eodem passim sparsis, novissima descriptio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1592

Physical Description: Latin text; Magellan's "Victoria" depicted; Watermark (crossed arrows); Dedication: ... Dr. Nicolao Roccoxio, patricio Antwerpiensis ... 1589 ; 34.5 x 48.5 cm..Scale: 1: 40 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Pacific Ocean -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 0010 B
Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgò Mar del Zur) cum regionibus circumacentibus insulisque in eodem passim sparsis, novissima descriptio / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598, see note below

Physical Description: French text; Magellan's "Victoria" depicted; Watermark (crossed arrows); Dedication: ... Dr. Nicolao Roccoxio, patricio Antwerpiensis ... 1589 ; 34.5 x 49.5 cm..Scale: 1: 40 mill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Pacific Ocean -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 3310
Canal de Panama, Plan Général -- Visite des Travaux, Fevrier 1886 (verso) (Calendar of events)

Physical Description: French text; 5 vignettes ; 35.5 x 58 cm..Scale: 1: 200,000

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Panama Canal -- 19th c.

Call No: W Hem 0077
Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus Didaco Mendezio auctore -- La Florida auctore Hieron. Chiaves -- Guastecan Reg. / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1598

Physical Description: French text; Watermark ; 34 x 46.5 cm..Scale: see above

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Peru - Florida -- 16th c.

Call No: W Hem 3251
[West Indies, including gulf, South American & Central American coasts] / Jefferys, T.(?), cartographer /

Physical Description: 49 x 69.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- West Indies, etc. -- 18th c.

Call No: W Hem 3414
A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane (shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a globe), by J. Hardy (Teacher of Mathematics and WritingMaster) at Eton College / T. Bowen, artist ; / Hardy, J., cartographer / T. Bowen, engraver1776

Physical Description: 23 x 22.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Western Hemisphere -- Western hemisphere -- 18th c.



Call No: World 4834
Orbis Tabula ad Justinum -- Italia ad Justinum -- Grecia ad Justini Historiam1739 ?

Physical Description: 3 maps on 1 sheet ; 15.5 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- antiquity

Call No: World 3340
The Roman Empire in the Augustan Age, A. D. 1 (Br. Isles, Europe, N. Africa, Tartary, India, Malaysia, East Asia, coasts of Pacific, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 8 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3346
Period of the First Crusade, A. D. 1100 (Greenland, Iceland, Br. Isles, Europe, Russia, N. Africa, Arabia, India, Asia, coasts of Pacific, surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1829

Physical Description: No. 14 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 c.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1100 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3347
Exhibiting the Empire of Kublai Khan, A. D. 1294 (Greenland, Iceland, Br. Isles, Europe, Russia, N. Africa, Arabia, India, Asia, coasts of Pacific, surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1829

Physical Description: No. 15 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1294 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3339
At the End of the Third Punic War, B. C. 146 (Europe, N. Africa, Arabia, India, Tartary, Malaysia, coasts of Pacific, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 7 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 146 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3334
The Exodus of the Israelites, B. C. 1491 (Canaan, Syria, Armenia, Assyria, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 2 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1491 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3348
The Discovery of America, A. D. 1498 (Greenland, N. America, northern S. America, Europe, Africa, India, Asia, etc., suurrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1830

Physical Description: No. 16 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1498 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3349
At the Death of Charles V, A. D. 1551 (Greenland coast, N. & S. America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Japan, Indonesia, surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1930

Physical Description: No. 17 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1551 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3350
At the Restoration of the Stuarts, A. D. 1660 (Greenland, eastern & western hemispheres, New Holland, surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1830

Physical Description: No. 18 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1660 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3351
Independence of the United States, A. D. 1783 (both hemispheres) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1830

Physical Description: No. 19 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1783 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3352
Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte, A. D. 1811 (both hemispheres) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1830

Physical Description: No. 20 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1811 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3353
End of the General Peace, A. D. 1828 (both hemispheres) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1830

Physical Description: No. 21 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 47.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 1828 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 0047
Mappe - Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Representée en deux Plan-Hemispheres Reveiie et changé en plusieurs endroits Suivant les Relations les plus recentes Par le Sr Sanson Geographe ordinaire de sa Majesté / Sanson, N., 1600-1667, cartographer / 1669

Physical Description: California island; Watermark ; 42.5 x 56.5 cm.
Sutro, Adolph, gift (see Notes)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0066
Harmonie ou Correspondance du Globe avec la Sphere par les Points, Lignes, Circles, etc qui se descrivent en la Surface des Globes Terrestres et des Mappemondes pour respondre a ceux qui sont imaginés dans la Sphere coeleste ... 1659 / Sanson, N., cartographer / 1659

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark ; 41 x 53 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0200
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula ex officina Iustis Danckerts Amstelodami / Danckerts, J., 1635-1701, cartographer / c. 1680

Physical Description: Inset: 2 polar hemispheres, elaboately engraved corners and background; California as island ; 42.5 x 55.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0205
A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne according to ye truest Descriptions latest Discoveries & best Observations ty have been made by English or Strangers, 1651 / Speed, John, 1552-1629, cartographer / 1676

Physical Description: Insets: 2 celestial hemispheres, The 4 elements, eclipses, portraits, etc.; Information notes; California as island ; 29.5 x 52.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 17th c.

Call No: World 1527
Novissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auctore Nicolao Visscher / Visscher, N. (I), 1587-1637, or Visscher (II), 1618-1679, cartographer / 1680, ca.?

Physical Description: Small polar hemispheres, zodiacal figures, elaborately engraved background, etc.; California island ; 43 x 53 cm.
Hopkins, T. (probably)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0003
Mappe-Monde dressée sur les Observations de Mrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres et sur les memoires les plus recens. A son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc de Chartres par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur G. de l'Isle Geographe / de l'Isle, G., 1675-1726, cartographer / [1700]

Physical Description: Watermark ; 43 x 66 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0005
Planibglobii Terrestris cum utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis Repraesentatio / Homann, J. B., 1663-1724, cartographer / c.1702

Physical Description: 2 celestial hemispheres; 2 astronomical hemispheres; Mt. Etna, rainbow, vortex, tides, etc. ; 47.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0006 A
A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe according to the Ancient Discoveries and most general Divisions of it into Continents and Oceans / M. Burghers, artist ; / Wells, E., 1667-1727, cartographer / M. Burghers, engraver1700

Physical Description: California island; Vignettes: Sheldonian T. & Bodleian Lib. ; 37 x 51 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0006 B
A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe according to the latest Discoveries and most general Divisions of it into Continents and Oceans / M. Burghers, artist ; / Wells, E., 1667-1727, cartographer / M. Burghers, engraver1700

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark ; 37 x 50.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0007
L'Hydrographie ou Description de l'Eau c'est a dire des Mers, Golfes, Lacs, Destroits, et Rivieres principales qui sont dans la Surface du Globe Terrestre / Sanson, N., 17th c., cartographer / 1752

Physical Description: California as island; Watermark ; 40 x 53.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0009
Orbis Vetus et Orbis Veteris utraque Continens Terrarum qe Tractus Arcticus et Antarcticus ex Platone ... / Sanson, N., 17th c., cartographer / 1705

Physical Description: Insets: World of Strabo, 3 wind diagrams; California as island ; 39.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0021
A New Map of the World from the Latest Observations, Revis'd by J. Senex, Most Humbly Inscribed to his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales / Senex, John, d. 1740, cartographer / 1721

Physical Description: 1 armillary sphere; 4 polar hemispheres; California as island ; 42.5 x 54 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0025
Planisphaerium Terrestre cum utroque Coelesti Memisphaerio, sive diversa orbis Terraquei / Zurner, A. F., 1680-1712, cartographer / c.1700

Physical Description: 2 celestial and 6 small terrestrial hemispheres; 2 armillary and 18 small diagram spheres; Natural phenomena, volcano, tides, vortex, rainbow, etc.; California as island ; 50 x 57.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0039
Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre dressée d'apres les Observations les plus exactes. Pour servir à l'Intelligence de l'Histoire Philosophique des Etablissemens Europeens dans les deux Indes, 1773 / A. V. Krevelt, artist ; / Bellin, N., 1703-72, cartographer / A. V. Krevelt, engraver1773

Physical Description: 25.5 x 38 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0063
A New Map of the World with the latest DiscoveriesSudlow, engraver1788

Physical Description: Tracks of Cook and Anson ; 26 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0065
Planiglobii Terrestris - Mappe Monde / Lowitz, artist ; / Hase, J. M., 1684-1742, cartographer / S. Porn, engraver1746

Physical Description: 2 solar diagrams; 2 small hemispheres, Arctic & Antarctic; 2 small oblique hemispheres, horizons of Nuremberg & Antipodes ; 44.5 x 52 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0070
Orbis Vetus in utraque continente ... / Robert de Vaugondy, G., 1688-1766, or D., 1723-1786, cartographer / 1752

Physical Description: references to the classics, Plato, Seneca, etc. ; 47.5 x 71 cm.
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0204
Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universlis ... MDCCXXXXVI / Lowitz, M.G., 1722-74 (after Hase), cartographer / 1746

Physical Description: Insets: 4 polar hemispheres (2 oblique from Nuremberg), 2 astronomical & spherical diagrams; Watermarks ; 46 x 54.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0344
A New Map of the World (shewing the First Principles of Geography and the Use of the Globes) on the Globular Proj. of the Sphere / Richmond, M., cartographer / S. Pyle, engraver1779

Physical Description: Cloth-backed ; 65 x 128 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0384 1, 2
Scientia Terrarum et Coelorum: Northern hemisphere -- Southern hemisphere / Dunn, S., d. 1794, cartographer / 1772

Physical Description: 2 sheets : 5 hemispheric diagrams, charts of moon, seasons, etc.; Extensive astronomical and geographical text ; each 54 x 126 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0424
An Accurate Map of the World Comprehending all the New Discoveries in Both Hemispheres; carefully drawn from the Best Authorities by T. Conder ... Engraved for Moore's New and Compleat Voyages and Travels / Conder, T., fl. 1780-1801, cartographer / 1790?

Physical Description: 29 x 45 cm. .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3326
A New Map of the World Including All the Modern Discoveries1782

Physical Description: 20 x 37.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3331
The World in Three Sections describing the Polar Regions to the Tropics with all the Tracks of Lord Mulgrave and Captain Cook towards the North and South Poles and the Torrid Zone or Tropical Regions with the New Discoveries in the South Seas1784?

Physical Description: 2 hemispheres plus strip of Torrid Zone ; 24 x 39.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3691 OS
A New and Correct Map of the World laid down according to the newest Discoveries and from the most exact Observations / Moll, H., 1688-1745, cartographer / 1709

Physical Description: Small north polar hemisphere and several spheres and diagrams illustrating Ptolemaic and Copernican theories; trade winds California as island; Dedication to His Royal Highness George Prince of Denmark LordHigh Admiral Great Britain & Ireland etc. ; 58 x 98 cm.
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3723
A New Map of the World / Senex, J., d. 1740, cartographer / 1719

Physical Description: 2 small polar hemispheres and other projections and diagrams; Watermark; California island; Dedication to George Prince of Wales ; 42 x 64 cm.
de Lemos, Pedro, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3176
Map of the World from the best AuthoritiesBarlow, engraver1807

Physical Description: 19 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3319
Mappe Monde en deux Hémisphères / Brué, A. F., 1786-1832, cartographer / 1820

Physical Description: 31 x 56 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3327
The World with the latest Discoveries from the best AuthoritiesJn. Lodge, engraver

Physical Description: Inset: Small polar map showing countries from Lat. 50 to the North Pole. ; 28 x 50.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3328 a, b
The World from the Discoveries & Observations made in the Latest Voyages & Travels / Arrowsmith, A., cartographer / (a) J. Lodge, engraver1800, ca.?

Physical Description: 2 similar maps ; 23 x 44.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3329
The World from Arrowsmith's Map of the World1802

Physical Description: 21 x 39.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3330
WesternHemisphere, or New World -- Eastern Hemisphere, or Old WorldNeele, engraver1807

Physical Description: 20 x 38.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3332 a, b
The World with the Tracks and Discoveries of the latest Navigators / Findlay, A., 1812-1875, cartographer /

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) shows more details ; 22 x 42 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2 hemispheres -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3333
The Deluge, B.C. 2348 (Garden of Eden surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 1 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 2348 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3338
Exhibiting the Partition of the Empire of Alexander, B. C. 301 (S. Europe, N. Africa, N. Arabia, Scythia, N. India, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 6 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 301 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3337
Exhibiting the Empire of Alexander, B. C. 323 (S. Europe, N. Africa, Middle East, N. India, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quion, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 5 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 323 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3341
At the Death of Constantine, A. D. 337 (Br. Isles & Europe across to the Pacific Ocean surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 9 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm..Scale: 1828

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 337 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3342
The Division of the Roman Empire, A. D. 395 (Br. Isles,Europe, Asia, India, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1703/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 10 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 395 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3343
The Dissolution of the Western Empire, A. D. 476 (Br. Isles, Europe, N. Africa,Arabia, Asia, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 11 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 476 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3336
Exhibiting the Empire of Cyrus, B. C. 529 (S. Europe, N. Africa, Persia, Scythia, surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 4 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 529 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3335
The Foundation of Rome, B. C. 753 (S. Europe, Egypt, Middle East, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 3 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 753 B. C. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3344
Exhibiting the Empire of Charlemagne, A. D. 814 (Br. Isles, Europe, N. Africa, Arabia, Asia & Corea, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1829

Physical Description: No. 12 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 814 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3345
Dissolution of the Empire of Charlemagne, A. D. 912 (Br. Isles, Europe, N. Africa, Arabia, Asia & Corea, etc., surrounded by dark clouds) / Quin, E., 1793/4-1828, cartographer / S. Hall, engraver1828

Physical Description: No. 13 in series of 21 maps ; 33 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- 912 A. D. -- 19th c.

Call No:
Theatro d'Abrahamo Ortelio, Ridotto in Forma Piccola In Anversa nelle Stamparia Plantiniana MDXCIII a le spese di Philippo Galle / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1593

Physical Description: 106 maps

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- atlas (book) -- 16th c.

Call No:
Theatro del Mondo di Abraamo Ortelio Nel quale distintamente si dimostrano, in Tavole, tutte le Provincie, Regni, & Paesi del Mondo. / Ortelius, A., 1527-1598, cartographer / 1667

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- atlas (book) -- 17th c.

Call No: World 4755
New General Atlas of the Worl;d ... / Dower, John, fl. 1838, cartographer / 1832

Physical Description: 22 of 47 maps listed below : Disbound ; 49 x 40 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- atlas (part only) -- 19th c.

Call No: World 4557
A Letter from Olivier Van Noort Circumnavigator, pertaining to the first Dutch voyage around the world, 1598 - 1601 / Van Noort, Olivier, cartographer / 1930, ca.?

Physical Description: reproduction with modern text : Introduction by John Parker, Curator, James F. Bell Library; Translated, with historical commentary by Jan O. M. Broek; 14 leaves including 2 double-page maps ; 31 x 26 cm. booklet.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Circumnavig'n -- 16th-17th c.

Call No: World 1531
Eslam or the Countries which have professed the Faith of Mahomet / Baker, artist ; / Baker, E., cartographer / Bourne, engraver1817

Physical Description: Insets: History of Mahomet (text), Map contents, Mahomedan Sovereignties ; 29.5 x 43.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- 19th c.

Call No: World 1536
The Countries of the Ancient World Exhibiting the probable settlement of the descendants of NoahR. Scott, engraver

Physical Description: Inset: Bering Strait area ; 19.5 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- 19th c.

Call No: World 1542
Eastern Hemisphere1802

Physical Description: 59 x 57.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- 19th c.

Call No: World 0062 a, b
(a) Orbis Veteribus Novus, 1763 -- (b) Orbis Veteribus Novus Drawn and Engraved from D'Anville's Map of the Antient World / (b) Haywood, artist ; / d'Anville, J. B. B., 1697-1782, cartographer / (b) G. Allen, engraver(a) 1794 (b) 1788

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : (b) 38 x 50 cm., published by Harrison (copy on reduced scale) ; (a) 54 x 74.5 cm.
(b) CMC

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4236
Carte de la Navigation des Argonautes du Monde Primitif suivant les Periples de Timée, d'Hecatée, d'Apollonius, et d'Onomacrite ...19th c.?

Physical Description: 21.5 x 33 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4237
Terra Veteribus Nota1814

Physical Description: 22.5 x 28.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4238
Imperiorum AntiquorumE. Bourne, engraver1800

Physical Description: Inset: Tabula Regnorum Chronologica (Table of empires & rulers) ; 22.5 x 28.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4239
Carte de l'Empire Romain sous Auguste / Dussieux, cartographer / 1849

Physical Description: 28 x 39 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4241
Orbis Antiqui Mappa Nova / Delamarche, F., 19th c., cartographer / Barrière Frères, engraver1818

Physical Description: 28.5 x 42 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4242
The World according to the Idea of Herodotus as far as can be collected from his History ... Copied from Major Rennell by Permission / Rennell, J., fl. 1773-1784, cartographer / 1802

Physical Description: 29 x 43 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4245
Settlements of the Descendants of Ham19th c.

Physical Description: 28 x 43 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4543
Pinnocks Union Map ... Exhibiting at one View the Ancient and Modern Divisions of that Part of the Eastern Hemisphere Known to the Ancients1817

Physical Description: 21.5 x 31 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- eastern hemisphere -- antiquity

Call No: World 4948
The World on Mercator's Projection -- The Approximate Original Distribution of the Three Great Groups of the Human Race, viz: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid19th c.

Physical Description: 18 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- human race -- 19th c.

Call No: World 4970
Chart of the World showing Distances Saved by the Interocean Canal of Nicaragua and Costa Rica19th c.

Physical Description: 54 x 84 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- interocean canal -- 19th c.

Call No: World 4567
Nova et aucta orbis terrae descriptio ad usum navigantium emendate accommodata 1569 / Mercator, Gerardus, 1512-1594, cartographer / 1961

Physical Description: modern reproduction; 14 sheet; map of the world in atlas style : Published by Maritime Museum "Prins Hendrik" Rotterdam-The Hague; (Contents of the 14 sheets are listed below under "Notes".)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 16th c.

Call No: World 5008
A Map of all the Earth and how after the Flood it was divided among the Sons of Noah by J. Moxon Hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majestyisho / Moxon, J., 1627-1791, cartographer / 1671

Physical Description: 14 Biblical scenes form border; Keyed references; California as island; Dedication to Gilbert Sheldon Archbishop of Canterbury ; 32 x 47 cm.
Margaret C. Sowers gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0046
A New General Chart of the World exhibiting the DISCOVERIES made by Captains Jas Cook, Drake, Anson, Mulgrave, King, Wilson, Meares, Portlock, Dixon, Phillip, Hunter, etc.T. Conder, engraver1794

Physical Description: 31 x 47 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0057
Carte des Variations de la Boussole et des Vents Généraux que l'on Trouve dans les Mers les plus Frequentés (compass variations) / Bellin, J. N., 1703-1772, cartographer / 1765

Physical Description: 56.5 x 88 cm.
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0059
Essay d'une Carte Réduite Contenant les Parties Connuees de Globe Terrestre ... Dedié a M le Comte de Maurepas / Bellin, J. N., 1703-1772, cartographer / 1748

Physical Description: Watermark; (uncertain coast in NW America: "Vraisemblant l'Amerique s'étend jusqu'ici") ; 50 x 70 cm. .
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0060
Chart of the World shewing the latest Discoveries of Capt. Cook / Guthrie, W., 1708-1770, cartographer / 1792?

Physical Description: Tracks of Cook in Resolution ; 22.5 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0061
Chart of the Track of the Dolphin, Tamar, Swallow & Endeavor through the South Seas & the Track of M. Bougainville round the worldT. Bowen, engraver1785?

Physical Description: 25.5 x 62.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0422
New and Complete Mercator Chart of the World

Physical Description: 18.5 x 28 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0423
A Compleat Chart of the Coast of Asia and America with the Great South Sea / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-75, cartographer / Seale, R. W., engraver

Physical Description: 24.5 x 40.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0492 a, b
A New and Complete Chart of the World Displaying the Tracks of Captn Cook and other modern Navigators / T. Bowen, artist ; / Bowen, T., d. 1790, cartographer / T. Bowen, engraver(a) 1790, ca.?

Physical Description: 2 similar maps : Tracks & logs of Endeavor, Resolution, Racehorse & Carcass; (a) Engraved for Bankes's New System of Geography ; each 34 x 46.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3320
A Chart of the World according to Mercator's Projection ... / Dunn, S., d. 1794, cartographer / 1781

Physical Description: Watermark ; 30.5 x 41 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3321
A Chart shewing the Track of the Centurion round the World / R. W. Seale, artist ; / Seale, R. W., fl. 1732-1775, cartographer / R. W. Seale, engraver

Physical Description: 33.5 x 40.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3323
A Mercator Chart of the World / Bowen, T., d. 1790, cartographer / 1778

Physical Description: Tracks of Cook and Furneaux ; 34 x 45 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 3324
A New Mercator's Chart Drawn from the Latest Discoveries1794

Physical Description: Cook's track ; 26.5 x 43.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 4539
A New General Chart of the World ... Exhibiting Discoveries of Cook, Drake, Anson, Mulgrave, Meares, Mortlock, Dixon, Phillip, Hunter, etc.1794

Physical Description: 31 x 47 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0067 O S
Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection / Lizars, D., d. 1812, cartographer / 1831?

Physical Description: Tracks of Cook, Tasman, Quiros, Bougainville, Furneaux, Bouvet, et al. ; 53 x 80 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 0425
The Terraqueous Globe1802

Physical Description: 19 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3322
The World on Mercator's ProjectionA. Findlay, engraver

Physical Description: 25 x 40.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3325
The World on Mercator's Projection with all the latest Discoveries1805

Physical Description: 26.5 x 34 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3689
Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection

Physical Description: Pl. XXVIII ; 19 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- 19th c.

Call No: World 3988
Map of the Principal Countries of the Ancient World extending from the Alps to the Southern Frontier of Egypt and from Carthage to Persepolis / Hughes, W., 1817-1976, cartographer / 19th c.

Physical Description: Insets: Roman Empire, Persian Empire ; 43 x 60 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Mercator proj. -- antiquity

Call No: Map Group A BOX 1
[27 maps of various countries, probably from "Illustrated Atlas"]c. 1850

Physical Description: Several colored vignettes on each plate ; 36.5 x 26.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- miscellaneous -- 19th c.

Call No: Map Group B BOX 1
[13 maps of various countries]19th c,

Physical Description: 21 x 35 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- miscellaneous -- 19th c.

Call No: Map Group C BOX 1
[22 maps of various countries]c. 1817

Physical Description: 24 x 30 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- miscellaneous -- 19th c.

Call No: Map Group D BOX 1
[12 maps of various countries]19th c.

Physical Description: 19 x 22 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- miscellaneous -- 19th c.

Call No: World 5007
La Terre du Nord / van der Aa, P., 1659-1733, cartographer / 1710, ca

Physical Description: Map and border, 23 x 39 cm. ; map 14.5 x 20 cm.
Margaret C. Sowers gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- North polar -- 18th c.

Call No: World 5006
A Physical Planisphere wherein are represented the known Lands and Seas with the Great Chains of Mountains which traverse the Globe from the North Pole. Adapted to Monsr Buache's Memoire Read at the R. Academy of Sciences. The Superior Hemisphere of the Globe bounded by the Equator, is done according to the rules of Projections: but it was not thought proper to follow them for the inferior Hemisphere, / Cole, Benjamin, fl. 1695-1709, cartographer / Cole, engraver1757

Physical Description: (title cont'd) because it would have given the several Countries a very different figure from what they really have. ; 32 x 29 cm.
Margaret C. Sowers gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- North Polar projection -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0145
[German north polar map]

Physical Description: Watermark (upper left corner) ; 18.5 x 18.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- northern hemis. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0139
Mappemonde ou Carte Générale de l'Univers sur une Projection nouvelle d'une Sphére ovale pour mieux entendre les Distances entre l'Europe et Amerique avec le Tour du Monde du Lieut. Cook et tous les Découvertes Nouvelles / Lotter, M. A., 1741-1810, cartographer / 1778

Physical Description: 47.5 x 93.5 cm.
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- oval projection -- 18th c.

Call No: World 0066
Northern Hemisphere -- Southern HemisphereW. Faden, engraver1775

Physical Description: Watermark ; 36 x 70 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- polar projections -- 18th c.

Call No: World 4554
World Map from MS portolan atlas of 1511 in the John Carter Brown Library of Providence, Rhode Island / Maggiolo, Vesconte, 16th c., cartographer / 1963

Physical Description: reproduction ; 38 x 55.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- portolan -- 16th c.

Call No: World 4561
Map of the World by Vicont de Maiollo 1527: Reproduced in facsimile from photographs obtained by Arthur James Weise in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan in April 1903 / Maggiolo, Vesconte, 16th c., cartographer / 1905

Physical Description: reproduction; 4 sheets : (A type of portolan chart) ; 61 x 181 cm.
Hispanic. S. of America gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- portolan atlas -- 16th c.

Call No: World 0029
Ptolemeisch General Tafel de halbe Kugel der Welt begreissende / Munster, S., 1481-1552, cartographer / 1628

Physical Description: German text; Verso - diagram of winds, their names, etc.; Woodcut ; 32.5 x 36 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Ptolem. world -- 16th c.

Call No: World 0045
Ptolemaei Typus / Ruscelli, 16th c. (after Ptolemy), cartographer / 1561

Physical Description: Verso, Universalis Orbis Descriptio, Latin text; Watermark ; 15.5 x 26 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- Ptolemaic world -- 16th c.

Call No: World 0101
[South Pole at center, originally Polus Antarcticus] / de Wit, F., 1616-1698, cartographer / 1680

Physical Description: 43.5 x 49 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- southern hemis. -- 17th c.

Call No: World 0359
Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle with the Countries adjoining, According to the New Hypothesis of M. Buache From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris / Buache, P., 1700-1773, cartographer / 1763

Physical Description: 19.5 x 22.3 cm.
Sowers, Margaret Cosgrave, gift

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- southern hemis. -- 18th c.

Call No: World 4947
Map Showing the Distribution of Vegetation / after A. Engler, cartographer / 19th c.

Physical Description: 15 x 25 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- vegetation -- 19th c.

Call No: World 0023
[World map] / [Schedel, H.?], cartographer / 1493

Physical Description: woodcut : Panels of monsters recto & verso & rubricated initials Latin text on recto, German text on verso Watermark Woodcut ; 31.5 x 44 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- world -- 15th c.

Call No: World 0030
Die Erst General Tafel die Beschreibung und den Circkel des gantzen Erdtrichs und Meers innhaltende / Munster, S., 1461-1552, cartographer / 1628

Physical Description: Woodcut ; 32.5 x 35.5 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- world -- 16th c.

Call No: World 0040
Universi Orbis Descriptio / Magini, G. A, 1555-1617, cartographer / 1596

Physical Description: 6 wind boys, etc. ; 13 x 17 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- world -- 16th c.

Call No: World 0105
Carta Marina Nuova Tavola / Ruscelli, after Ptolemy, cartographer / 1561

Physical Description: 18 x 24 cm.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

World -- world -- 16th c.
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