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Box 1, Folder 1

Asian Affairs, 1974-1982

Box 1, Folder 1, Item 1

"A Feeling of Transparency" by Jan S. Prybyla, March 1974

Box 1, Folder 1, Item 2

"Impressions of Communist China's Economy" by Jan S. Prybyla, May 1974

Box 1, Folder 1, Item 3

"China: A Second Look" by Jan S. Prybyla, May 1982

Box 1, Folder 1, Item 4

"Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore: A Profile" by Peggy Durdin

Box 1, Folder 2

Asian Studies, 1969-1975

Box 1, Folder 2, Item 1

"Fundamental Aspects of China's Geography Influencing China's Political Policies" by Harold J. Wiens, December 1964

Box 1, Folder 2, Item 2

"An Essay on the Political Functions of Corruption" by James C. Scott, December 1967

Box 1, Folder 2, Item 3

"Pearl Buck and the Chinese Novel" by G. A. Cevasco, December 1967

Box 1, Folder 2, Item 4

"Heaven Sees as the People See, Heaven Hears as the People Hear" by William Henry Scott, August 1975

Box 1, Folder 2, Item 5

"The Status of Women in 'Pre-Communist' China," April 1978

Box 1, Folder 3

Asian Survey, 1961-1969

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 1

"Phantom Food in Communist China" by Reed J. Irvine, March 1961

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 2

"United States Aid to Latin America in Chinese Studies" by John K. Fairbank and John M. H. Lindbeck, November 1961

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 3

"Quemoy and American China Policy" by John Wilson Lewis, March 1962

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 4

"Population Control: Recent Developments in Mainland China" by H. Yuan Tien, July 1962

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 5

"The Impact of the Food Crisis on Peiping's Policies" by Edwin F. Jones, December 1962

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 6

"The Leadership Doctrine of the Chinese Communist Party: The Lesson of the People's Commune" by John Wilson Lewis, October 1963

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 7

"Red and Expert: The Politico-Ideological Foundations of China's Great Leap Forward" by Richard D. Baum, September 1964

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 8

"Chinese Regional Stereotypes" by Wolfram Eberhard, December 1965

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 9

"Communist China's Strategy of Economic Development 1961-1966" by Jan S. Prybyla, October 1966

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 10

"Coding and Analysis of Documentary Materials from Communist China" by Paul Wong, March 1967

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 11

"Parochialism and Paradox in Sino-American Relations" by Richard H. Solomon, December 1967

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 12

"Liu Shao-Ch'i and the Cadre Question" by Richard Baum and Frederick C. Teiwes, April 1968

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 13

"Implications of Changes in Family Authority Relations for the Development of Independence and Assertiveness in Hong Kong Children" by Robert Edward Mitchell and Irene Lo, April 1968

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 14

"Storage and Retrieval of Data on Communist China" by Paul Wong, May 1968

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 15

"The Impact of the Cultural Revolution on the Chinese Communist Party Machine" by Charles Neuhauser, June 1968

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 16

"China: Year of the Mangoes" by Richard Baum, January 1969

Box 1, Folder 3, Item 17

"China's Mineral Industries in 1967: Victims of the Cultural Revolution" by Kung-lee Wang, June 1969

Box 1, Folder 4

Asian Survey, 1970-1979

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 1

"Facades of Religion in China" by Holmes Welch, July 1970

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 2

"The Cultural Revolutions Ultra-Left Conspiracy: The 'May 16 Group'" by Barry Burton, November 1971

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 3

"The Red Guards: Instruments of Destruction in the Cultural Revolution" by Juliana Pennington Heaslet, December 1972

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 4

"Chinese Communist Agricultural Incentive Systems and the Labor Productive Contracts to Households: 1956-1965" by Frederick W. Crook, May 1973

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 5

"Treaties of the People's Republic of China: A Quantitive Analysis" by Gary L. Scott, May 1973

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 6

"Population Control in China: A Reinterpretation" by Raymond L. Morrison, Jr. and Jack D. Salmon, September 1973

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 7

"Chinese Agriculture in the 1970s: Production, Consumption, and Trade" by Roger Michael Field, October 1973

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 8

"The Fall of the Gang of Four: Background Notes on the Chinese Counterrevolution" by Peter R. Moody, Jr., August 1977

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 9

"Entrepreneurship Education in Developing Countries" by Robert E. Nelson, September 1977

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 10

"Domestic Politics and Industrialization in China: The Foreign Trade Factor" by Kent Morrison, 1978

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 11

"China's Nuclear Posture: An Evaluation" by P.R. Charl, 1978

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 12

"Agricultural Mechanization in China: Policies, Problems, and Prospects" by Robert C. Hsu, May 1979

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 13

"The Chinese Approach to City Planning: Policy, Administration, and Action" by Laurence J. C. Ma, September 1979

Box 1, Folder 4, Item 14

"University Admissions Policies in China, 1970-1978" by Dale Bratton, October 1979

Box 1, Folder 5

Asian Survey, 1980-1983

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 1

"Environmental Degradation in China" by Vaclav Smil, August 1980

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 2

"The Folklore of Corruption in Hong Kong" by Rance P. L. Lee, March 1981

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 3

"China's Technological Economics" by Erik Baark, September 1981

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 4

"Controlling the Bureaucracy in Post-Mao China" by Maria Chan Morgan, December 1981

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 5

"Birth Control: A View from a Chinese Village" by Stephen Westley Mosher, April 1982

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 6

"Deng and the Gun: Party-Military Relations in the People's Republic of China" by Richard D. Nethercut, August 1982

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 7

"From China, With Disdain: New Trends in the Study of China" by Harry Harding, October 1982

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 8

"What's Wrong with Chinese Political Studies?" by Chalmers Johnson, October 1982

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 9

"Nuances in Chinese Political Culture" by Lucian W. Pye and Nathan Leites, December 1982

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 10

"Food Policy in China: Recent Efforts to Balance Supplies and Consumption Requirements" by Edward L. Rada, April 1983

Box 1, Folder 5, Item 11

"Teaching in China: What We Give, What We Get" by Steve Thorpe, November 1983

Box 1, Folder 6

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 1983

Box 1, Folder 6, Item 1

"Changing Perceptions of China" by Leo A. Orleans, February 1983

Box 1, Folder 6, Item 2

"China's Nuclear Programs and Policies" by Chi Wang, March 1983

Box 1, Folder 6, Item 3

"Power Plays in Asia" by Miguel Wionczek, March 1983

Box 2, Folder 1

The Center Magazine: China, Japan and the United States in the 1980's, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 1, Item 1

"China's Three Preoccupations: Russia, Taiwan, Modernization" by Richard Baum, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 1, Item 2

"The West's Stake in China's Economic Struggle" by David Mozingo, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 1, Item 3

"Japan Sees No Security in Increased Militarization" by Haruhiro Fukui, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 1, Item 4

"Trade Barriers against Japan May Worsen U.S Position" by Leon Hollerman, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 1, Item 5

"U.S.-Soviet Tensions Colors All Relations in the Far East" by Chalmers Johnson, May/June 1982

Box 2, Folder 2

The China Letter, 1982-1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 1

Special Report (Supplement to Issue No. 132), 1982

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 2

Number 133, November 1982

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 3

Number 134, December 1982

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 4

Number 135, January, 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 5

Number 136, February 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 6

Number 137, March 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 7

Number 138, April 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 8

Number 139, May 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 9

Number 140, June 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 10

Number 141, July 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 11

Special Report (Supplement to Issue no. 141), 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 12

Special Report (Supplement to Issue no. 141), 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 13

Number 142, August 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 14

Number 143, September 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 15

Number 144, October 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 16

Number 145, November 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 17

Special Report (Supplement to Issue No. 145), 1983

Box 2, Folder 2, Item 18

Number 146, December 1983

Box 2, Folder 3

China Quarterly

Box 2, Folder 3, Item 1

Book Reviews

Box 2, Folder 3, Item 2

Book Reviews, March 1976

Box 2, Folder 3, Item 3

"Who Lost China? Chiang Kai-shek Testifies" by Lloyd E. Eastman, December 1981

Box 2, Folder 4

China Travel Guide

Box 2, Folder 4, Item 1

Travel Guide and Map of Various Chinese Cities

Box 2, Folder 5

Chinese Sociology and Anthropology: Excavation of Tomb No. 5, Vol. XV, No.3, 1983

Box 2, Folder 5, Item 1

Excavation of Tomb No. 5, 1983

Box 2, Folder 6

Chinese Sociology and Anthropology: Prison Memories, Vol. XV, No. 1-2, 1982

Box 2, Folder 6, Item 1

Liu Qing's Prison Memories, 1983

Box 2, Folder 6, Item 2

"An Investigation on the Participation of Youth in Individual-Managed Businesses [Individual Economy]" by Chen Rufeng

Box 2, Folder 6, Item 3

"Trouble in the Field: China's Encounter with an American Researcher," 1983

Box 2, Folder 6, Item 4

"Why Are Superstitious Activities on the Rise Again? An Investigation of Rural Superstitious Activities in Chuansha County, Shanghai Municipality" by Gong Jianlong

Box 2, Folder 7

China Trade and Economic Newsletter, 1983-1984

Box 2, Folder 7, Item 1

"Caution But No Cutback in Trade," October 1983

Box 2, Folder 7, Item 2

"Production Policy and Trade," November 1983

Box 2, Folder 7, Item 3

"Firmer Industrial Foundation for Trade," January 1984

Box 2, Folder 8

Course Outlines, 1985

Box 2, Folder 8, Item 1

"Course Policies and Outline" by Professor Charles Tzcinka, China MBA Program, Fall 1985

Box 2, Folder 8, Item 2

"Course Contents" by Professor S. Zionts, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Management, Fall 1985

Box 2, Folder 8, Item 3

"Northeast Asia Council Award Programs in Japanese Studies"

Box 2, Folder 8, Item 4

"MGM-625: Marketing Management" - Dr. Arun K. Jain, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Management

Box 2, Folder 9

Far Eastern Economic Review, 1982-1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 1

China '85: The Power of Pragmatism, March 21, 1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 2

"That Old Sleeping Dragon is Awakening at Last" by Louise de Rosario, March 21, 1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 3

"Black, White and Grey in China Research" by Peter van Ness, February 9, 1984

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 4

"Letter from Wolong," December 29, 1983

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 5

"Corruption: The Dark Side of the Liberalism Coin" by Mary Lee, March 21, 1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 6

"Portrait of a Premier" by Robert Delfs, March 21, 1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 7

"On the Road to a Second Founding" by Robert Delfs, March 21, 1985

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 8

"Alive and Kicking, the Kung Fu Film is a Legend" by Roger Garcia, October 20, 1983

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 9

Letter from Shamian, January 19, 1984

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 10

China: Politics/ Social Affairs, 1984

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 11

Macau: Politics/ Social Affairs, 1984

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 12

China '82: Promises, Promises- But the Old Men Stay On, October 1, 1982

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 13

China '83: Responsibility Reaps Rewards, October 5, 1983

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 14

"Arts & Society: Tales of Past Myths Now Serve a Proletarian Purpose in Peking" by Anna Slawinska, October 13, 1983

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 15

"China Shipping: Tremendous Peking New Buildings to Double the Fleet by 1990" by George Lauriat, February 16, 1984

Box 2, Folder 9, Item 16

China: Politics/Social Affairs, 1983

Box 2, Folder 10

Foreign Affairs, 1937-1950, 1980-1981

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 1

"Japan Attacks: China Resists" by Walter H. Mallory, October 1937

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 2

"Japan's War on Chinese Higher Education" by Chih Meng, January 1938

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 3

"Alternative American Policies in the Far East" by Tyler Dennett, April 1938

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 4

"China's Fighting Generalissimo" by Edgar Snow, July 1938

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 5

"Would Japan Shut the Open Door Policy in China?" by Nathaniel Peffer, October 1939

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 6

"The War in China Continues" by Rodney Gilbert, January 1939

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 7

"The Burma Road" by Walter H. Mallory, April 1939

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 8

"The Strategy of Chiang Kai-Shek" by Walter H. Mallory, July 1939

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 9

"On the Chinese Financial Front" by Arthur N. Young, January 1940

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 10

"Will Stalin Sell Out China?" by Edgar Snow, April 1940

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 11

"Japan's Economic Invasion of China" by John E. Orchard, April 1940

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 12

"The Future of the White Man in the Far East" by Pearl S. Buck, October 1940

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 13

"Stalemate in China" by Owen Lattimore, April 1941

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 14

"The Problem of Revolutionary Asia" by John K. Fairbank, October 1950

Box 2, Folder 10, Item 15

"China Policy for the 1980s," Winter 1980-1981

Box 2, Folder 11

International Affairs

Box 2, Folder 11, Item 1

"China's Food and Fuel Under New Management" by W. Klatt

Box 2, Folder 11, Item 2

"The PLA and Chinese Foreign Policy Decision-Making" by Gerald Segal

Box 2, Folder 12

The Journal of Asian Studies, 1982-1983

Box 2, Folder 12, Item 1

Book Reviews - China and Inner Asia, November 1982

Box 2, Folder 12, Item 2

Book Reviews, May 1983

Box 2, Folder 12, Item 3

"Organized Dependency and Cultures of Authority in Chinese Industry" by Andrew G. Walder, May 1983

Box 2, Folder 12, Item 4

Book Reviews

Box 3, Folder 1

Journal of Chinese Linguistics

Box 3, Folder 1, Item 1

Vol. 10: "Analysis of Mandarin" by Chao-Ming Cheng, 1982

Box 3, Folder 1, Item 2

Vol. 11, no 1: "Pan, Dish, and Drink in Chinese: A Case Study on Longitudinal and Latitudinal Developments of Language" by Mantaro J. Hashimoto

Box 3, Folder 2

National Geographic, Vol. 156. No.4, October 1979

Box 3, Folder 3

New York Times

Box 3, Folder 3, Item 1

Books of the Times: "A Fierce Rebel Who Prefigures Mao" by Richard Bernstein, January 24, 1996

Box 3, Folder 3, Item 2

"Warming Up to China, Neglecting Democracy" by Bei Ling and Andrea Huss, February 23, 2002

Box 3, Folder 4

New York Times Magazine

Box 3, Folder 4, Item 1

"A Flood of Trouble" by Jonathan Spence

Box 3, Folder 4, Item 2

"China Update: How the Hardliners Won" by Nicholas D. Kristof, November 12, 1989

Box 3, Folder 5

Problems of Communism, 1982

Box 3, Folder 5, Item 1

"China's Political Evolution: 1972-82" by Michel Oksenberg and Richard Bush, September-October 1982

Box 3, Folder 5, Item 2

"Books: Windows on a Changing China" by Lowell Dittmer, September-October 1982

Box 3, Folder 6

Loose Articles A to D

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 1

"Advertising in China" compiled by The Overseas Operations, Planning & Coordination Division Dentsu Incorporated, June 1982

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 2

"The Beijing Language Institute: An Inside View" by members of the Summer 1980 U.S Delegation of Teachers of Chinese

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 3

Book Reviews by Maureen Robertson, University of Rochester

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 4

Anthropology Newsletter, Vol. 24, No. 6, American Anthropological Association, September 1983

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 5

"China: Deng 'Revolution' Brings Hope" by Michael Parks, Los Angeles Times, January 1984

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 6

"Chinese Contradictions: We Ought to be Cautious Toward China" by Belinda Mathews, June 2, 1981

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 7

Book Review: "China Homecoming by Jean Fritz" by Orville Schell

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 8

"China on the Verge" by Jonathan D. Spence, July 18, 1991

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 9

"China Stinks" by James Kennson, Harper's Magazine, April 1982

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 10

"Reading Notes: The Chinese Wage System" by Michel Korzec and Martin King Whyte

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 11

"Coalitional Behavior Among the Chinese Military Elite: A Nonrecursive, Simultaneous Equations, and Multiplicative Causal Model" by William Pang-yu Ting, The American Political Science Review Vol. 73, 1979

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 12

"Computer-Assisted Instruction in Chinese: An Interim Report" by Ching-Hsiang Chen and Chin-Chuan Cheng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 13

"Death in the Morning" by Jonathan Mirsky, The Bulletin, January 10, 1984

Box 3, Folder 6, Item 14

"Dispute Resolution in the People's Republic of China" by Charles Pettit, The Arbitration Journal, Vol. 39. No. 4, March 1984

Box 3, Folder 7

Loose Articles F to L

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 1

"The Fall of Shanghai" by Noel Barber, 1979

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 2

"Finding Our Way Around Party and Government" by Tony Saich

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 3

"Focus on Archaeology: A Decade of US-China Relations in Archaeology" by K.C. Chang

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 4

"Fluor: Engineered or the Long Run" by Charles Regen, Chemical Marketing Reporter, November 16, 1981

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 5

"Joint Ventures with China" by Nellie Fong & David Koontz, The Chronicle, 1981

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 6

"For the Love of China" by Annie Dillard, Harvard Magazine

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 7

"Foundations of Chinese Life" by George B. Cressey, Economic Geography, January, 1939

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 8

"Government and Politics of China" by Richard Baum

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 9

"How to Make Chemical Deals with the Chinese" by David Webber, Chemical Business, March 10, 1980

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 10

Interview: A. Doak Barnett, The Bookings Review, Fall 1982

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 11

"A Little Touch of Capitalism" by Louis Kraar, Fortune, April 18, 1983

Box 3, Folder 7, Item 12

"Looking at China's Economy" by Martin Lockett

Box 3, Folder 8

Loose Articles M to P

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 1

"Mad Dogs and Expatriates," The Economist, March 3, 1984

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 2

"The Need for These Materials" by Joseph C. Kuo, The University of Kansas Radio Broadcast Research Project

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 3

"The New China," Price Waterhouse Review, 1982

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 4

"The New China Reaches Out" by Gene H. Hogberg, The Plain Truth, April 1984

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 5

"Off the Beaten Track" by Maurice Howard

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 6

"Our Mistakes About China" by Orville Schell, Newsweek, February 16, 1981

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 7

"Peasant Nationalism Revisited: The Biography of a Book" by Chalmers Johnson

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 8

"Peking Informers" edited by Chow Chingwen, July 1, 1983

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 9

"The Politics of Hsia-hsiang Youth" by D. Gordon White

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 10

"The Problems of Cadres in China" by Shu-Shin Wang, China Report, May/June 1981

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 11

"The Production and Application of Chemical Fertilizers in China" by Kang Chao

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 12

"Professionalism is on the Rise in China's Diplomatic Service" by Edward Marks, Foreign Service Journal, February 1984

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 13

"Progress Shows Less Imbalance in 1983," China Trade and Economic Newsletter, December 1983

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 14

"Professional Military Education in China: A Visit to the Military Academy of the People's Liberation Army" by William R. Heaton Jr.

Box 3, Folder 8, Item 15

Publication News

Box 3, Folder 9

Loose Articles R to Z

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 1

"Rice (Oryza Sativa) in Southern Shaanxi: The People's Republic of China" by Jonathan J. Lu, University of Northern Iowa, Asian Profile, April 1983

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 2

"China Policy for the Next Decade: Report of the Atlantic Council's Committee on China Policy"

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 3

"Sinological Shadows: The State of Modern China Studies in the United States" by Ramon H. Myers and Thomas A. Metzger, The Washington Quarterly, Spring 1980

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 4

"Sino-Soviet Negotiations: Retrospect and Prospect (VI)" by Chow Ching-wen, 1983

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 5

"Steven Mosher and The Politics of Cultural Exchange" by Jeffrey Lincoln, The Nation, September 3-10, 1983

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 6

"Struggling for the Soul of Social Science" by Irving Louis Horowitz, Society Vol.20, No.5, July/August 1983

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 7

Table of Contents, Chinese Culture Quarterly Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 1986

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 8

"To China, With Love" by Sheila K. Johnson, June 1973

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 9

"The Transformation of China" by Harry Harding, The Brookings Review, Spring 1984

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 10

"Trying to Make China Work" by Rose Terrill, Atlantic, July 1983

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 11

"Utopian Fevers" by John K. Fairbank, January 19, 1984

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 12

Map and Description of the Shanxi Chemical Fertilizer Plant

Box 3, Folder 9, Item 13

"What We Now Know About China" by Nick Eberstadt, March 1984