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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Polish Broadcasting Department records
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box 5826, folder 5

1989 January 4-5

box 5826, folder 6

1989 January 6-8

box 5827, folder 1

1989 January 9-11

box 5827, folder 2

1989 January 12-13

box 5827, folder 3

1989 January 14-16

box 5827, folder 4

1989 January 17-18

box 5827, folder 5

1989 January 19-20

box 5827, folder 6

1989 January 21-23

box 5828, folder 1

1989 January 24-25

box 5828, folder 2

1989 January 26-27

box 5828, folder 3

1989 January 28-29

box 5828, folder 4

1989 January 30-31



box 5828, folder 5

1989 February 1-2

box 5828, folder 6

1989 February 3-4

box 5828, folder 7

1989 February 5-6

box 5829, folder 1

1989 February 7-9

box 5829, folder 2

1989 February 10-13

box 5829, folder 3

1989 February 14-16

box 5829, folder 4

1989 February 17-18

box 5829, folder 5

1989 February 19-20

box 5830, folder 1

1989 February 21-23

box 5830, folder 2

1989 February 24-25

box 5830, folder 3

1989 February 26-28



box 5830, folder 4

1989 March 1-3

box 5830, folder 5

1989 March 4-6

box 5831, folder 1

1989 March 7-8

box 5831, folder 2

1989 March 9-10

box 5831, folder 3

1989 March 11-12

box 5831, folder 4

1989 March 13-14

box 5831, folder 5

1989 March 15-17

box 5831, folder 6

1989 March 18-19

box 5832, folder 1

1989 March 20-21

box 5832, folder 2

1989 March 22-23

box 5832, folder 3

1989 March 24-25

box 5832, folder 4

1989 March 26-28

box 5832, folder 5

1989 March 29-31



box 5832, folder 6

1989 April 1-2

box 5833, folder 1

1989 April 3-4

box 5833, folder 2

1989 April 5-7

box 5833, folder 3

1989 April 8-10

box 5833, folder 4

1989 April 11-12

box 5833, folder 5

1989 April 13-15

box 5833, folder 6

1989 April 16-17

box 5834, folder 1

1989 April 18-19

box 5834, folder 2

1989 April 20-21

box 5834, folder 3

1989 April 22-23

box 5834, folder 4

1989 April 24-25

box 5834, folder 5

1989 April 26-27

box 5834, folder 6

1989 April 28-30



box 5835, folder 1

1989 May 1-3

box 5835, folder 2

1989 May 4-6

box 5835, folder 3

1989 May 7-9

box 5835, folder 4

1989 May 10-12

box 5835, folder 5

1989 May 13-16

box 5836, folder 1

1989 May 17-19

box 5836, folder 2

1989 May 20-22

box 5836, folder 3

1989 May 23-25

box 5836, folder 4

1989 May 26-27

box 5836, folder 5

1989 May 28-29

box 5836, folder 6

1989 May 30-31



box 5837, folder 1

1989 June 1-2

box 5837, folder 2

1989 June 3-5

box 5837, folder 3

1989 June 6-8

box 5837, folder 4

1989 June 9-10

box 5837, folder 5

1989 June 11-12

box 5837, folder 6

1989 June 13-14

box 5838, folder 1

1989 June 15-17

box 5838, folder 2

1989 June 18-19

box 5838, folder 3

1989 June 20-22

box 5838, folder 4

1989 June 23-25

box 5838, folder 5

1989 June 26-27

box 5838, folder 6

1989 June 28-30



box 5839, folder 1

1989 July 1-3

box 5839, folder 2

1989 July 4-6

box 5839, folder 3

1989 July 7-9

box 5839, folder 4

1989 July 10-11

box 5839, folder 5

1989 July 12-14

box 5839, folder 6

1989 July 15-17

box 5840, folder 1

1989 July 18-20

box 5840, folder 2

1989 July 21-23

box 5840, folder 3

1989 July 24-25

box 5840, folder 4

1989 July 26-28

box 5840, folder 5

1989 July 29-31



box 5841, folder 1

1989 August 1-3

box 5841, folder 2

1989 August 4-5

box 5841, folder 3

1989 August 6-7

box 5841, folder 4

1989 August 8-10

box 5841, folder 5

1989 August 11-12

box 5841, folder 6

1989 August 13-14

box 5842, folder 1

1989 August 15-17

box 5842, folder 2

1989 August 18-20

box 5842, folder 3

1989 August 21-23

box 5842, folder 4

1989 August 24-26

box 5842, folder 5

1989 August 27-28

box 5842, folder 6

1989 August 29-31



box 5843, folder 1

1989 September 1-3

box 5843, folder 2

1989 September 4-6

box 5843, folder 3

1989 September 7-9

box 5843, folder 4

1989 September 10-11

box 5843, folder 5

1989 September 12-14

box 5843, folder 6

1989 September 15-17

box 5844, folder 1

1989 September 18-20

box 5844, folder 2

1989 September 21-23

box 5844, folder 3

1989 September 24-26

box 5844, folder 4

1989 September 27-28

box 5844, folder 5

1989 September 29-30



box 5844, folder 6

1989 October 1-2

box 5845, folder 1

1989 October 3-5

box 5845, folder 2

1989 October 6-8

box 5845, folder 3

1989 October 9-10

box 5845, folder 4

1989 October 11-12

box 5845, folder 5

1989 October 13-15

box 5845, folder 6

1989 October 16-18

box 5846, folder 1

1989 October 19-21

box 5846, folder 2

1989 October 22-23

box 5846, folder 3

1989 October 24-25

box 5846, folder 4

1989 October 26-28

box 5846, folder 5

1989 October 29-31



box 5846, folder 6

1989 November 1

box 5847, folder 1

1989 November 2

box 5847, folder 2

1989 November 3

box 5847, folder 3

1989 November 4

box 5847, folder 4

1989 November 5

box 5848, folder 1

1989 November 6

box 5848, folder 2

1989 November 7

box 5848, folder 3

1989 November 8

box 5848, folder 4

1989 November 9

box 5849, folder 1-2

1989 November 10

box 5849, folder 3-4

1989 November 11

box 5849, folder 5-6

1989 November 12

box 5850, folder 1-2

1989 November 13

box 5850, folder 3-4

1989 November 14

box 5850, folder 5

1989 November 15

box 5850, folder 6-7

1989 November 16

box 5851, folder 1-2

1989 November 17

box 5851, folder 3-4

1989 November 18

box 5851, folder 5-6

1989 November 19

box 5851, folder 7-8

1989 November 20

box 5852, folder 1-2

1989 November 21

box 5852, folder 3-4

1989 November 22

box 5852, folder 5-6

1989 November 23

box 5853, folder 1-2

1989 November 24

box 5853, folder 3-4

1989 November 25

box 5853, folder 5-6

1989 November 26

box 5853, folder 7-8

1989 November 27

box 5854, folder 1-2

1989 November 28

box 5854, folder 3-4

1989 November 29

box 5854, folder 5-6

1989 November 30



box 5855, folder 1-2

1989 December 1

box 5855, folder 3-4

1989 December 2

box 5855, folder 5-6

1989 December 3

box 5855, folder 7-8

1989 December 4

box 5856, folder 1-2

1989 December 5

box 5856, folder 3-4

1989 December 6

box 5856, folder 5-6

1989 December 7

box 5857, folder 1-2

1989 December 8

box 5857, folder 3-4

1989 December 9

box 5857, folder 5

1989 December 10

box 5857, folder 6-7

1989 December 11

box 5858, folder 1-2

1989 December 12

box 5858, folder 3-4

1989 December 13

box 5858, folder 5-6

1989 December 14

box 5859, folder 1-2

1989 December 15

box 5859, folder 3-4

1989 December 16

box 5859, folder 5-6

1989 December 17

box 5860, folder 1-2

1989 December 18

box 5860, folder 3-4

1989 December 19

box 5860, folder 5-6

1989 December 20

box 5860, folder 7-8

1989 December 21

box 5861, folder 1-2

1989 December 22

box 5861, folder 3-4

1989 December 23

box 5861, folder 5

1989 December 24

box 5861, folder 6

1989 December 25

box 5862, folder 1

1989 December 26

box 5862, folder 2-3

1989 December 27

box 5862, folder 4-5

1989 December 28

box 5863, folder 1-2

1989 December 29

box 5863, folder 3-4

1989 December 30

box 5863, folder 5

1989 December 31





box 5864, folder 1

1990 January 1-2

box 5864, folder 2

1990 January 3-4

box 5864, folder 3

1990 January 5-6

box 5864, folder 4

1990 January 7-8

box 5864, folder 5

1990 January 9-10

box 5865, folder 1

1990 January 11-12

box 5865, folder 2

1990 January 13-14

box 5865, folder 3

1990 January 15-16

box 5865, folder 4

1990 January 17-18

box 5865, folder 5

1990 January 19-21

box 5866, folder 1

1990 January 22-23

box 5866, folder 2

1990 January 24-25

box 5866, folder 3

1990 January 26-27

box 5866, folder 4

1990 January 28-29

box 5866, folder 5

1990 January 30-31



box 5866, folder 6

1990 February 1

box 5867, folder 1

1990 February 4-6

box 5867, folder 2

1990 February 7-8

box 5867, folder 3

1990 February 9-10

box 5867, folder 4

1990 February 11-12

box 5867, folder 5

1990 February 13

box 5868, folder 1

1990 February 14-16

box 5868, folder 2

1990 February 17-18

box 5868, folder 3

1990 February 19-20

box 5868, folder 4

1990 February 21-23

box 5869, folder 1

1990 February 24-26

box 5869, folder 2

1990 February 27-28



box 5869, folder 3

1990 March 1-2

box 5869, folder 4

1990 March 3-4

box 5869, folder 5

1990 March 5-7

box 5870, folder 1

1990 March 8-9

box 5870, folder 2

1990 March 10-12

box 5870, folder 3

1990 March 13-14

box 5870, folder 4

1990 March 15-17

box 5870, folder 5

1990 March 18-19

box 5871, folder 1

1990 March 20-22

box 5871, folder 2

1990 March 23-24

box 5871, folder 3

1990 March 25-26

box 5871, folder 4

1990 March 27-28

box 5871, folder 5

1990 March 29

box 5871, folder 6

1990 March 30-31



box 5872, folder 1

1990 April 1-2

box 5872, folder 2

1990 April 3-4

box 5872, folder 3

1990 April 5-6

box 5872, folder 4

1990 April 7-8

box 5872, folder 5

1990 April 9

box 5873, folder 1

1990 April 10-11

box 5873, folder 2

1990 April 12-13

box 5873, folder 3

1990 April 14-15

box 5873, folder 4

1990 April 16-17

box 5873, folder 5

1990 April 18-19

box 5874, folder 1

1990 April 20-21

box 5874, folder 2

1990 April 22-23

box 5874, folder 3

1990 April 24-25

box 5874, folder 4

1990 April 26-27

box 5874, folder 5

1990 April 28-29

box 5874, folder 6

1990 April 30



box 5875, folder 1

1990 May 1-2

box 5875, folder 2

1990 May 3-4

box 5875, folder 3

1990 May 5-6

box 5875, folder 4

1990 May 7-8

box 5875, folder 5

1990 May 9-10

box 5876, folder 1

1990 May 11-12

box 5876, folder 2

1990 May 13-14

box 5876, folder 3

1990 May 15-16

box 5876, folder 4

1990 May 17-18

box 5876, folder 5

1990 May 19-20

box 5877, folder 1

1990 May 21-22

box 5877, folder 2

1990 May 23-24

box 5877, folder 3

1990 May 25-26

box 5877, folder 4

1990 May 27-28

box 5877, folder 5

1990 May 29-30

box 5877, folder 6

1990 May 31



box 5878, folder 1

1990 June 1-2

box 5878, folder 2

1990 June 3-4

box 5878, folder 3

1990 June 5-6

box 5878, folder 4

1990 June 7-8

box 5878, folder 5

1990 June 9-10

box 5879, folder 1

1990 June 11-12

box 5879, folder 2

1990 June 13-14

box 5879, folder 3

1990 June 15-16

box 5879, folder 4

1990 June 17-18

box 5879, folder 5

1990 June 19-20

box 5880, folder 1

1990 June 21-22

box 5880, folder 2

1990 June 23-24

box 5880, folder 3

1990 June 25-26

box 5880, folder 4

1990 June 27-28

box 5880, folder 5

1990 June 29-30



box 5881, folder 1

1990 July 1-2

box 5881, folder 2

1990 July 3-4

box 5881, folder 3

1990 July 5-6

box 5881, folder 4

1990 July 7-9

box 5881, folder 5

1990 July 10-11

box 5882, folder 1

1990 July 12-13

box 5882, folder 2

1990 July 14-15

box 5882, folder 3

1990 July 16-17

box 5882, folder 4

1990 July 18-19

box 5882, folder 5

1990 July 20-21

box 5882, folder 6

1990 July 22-23

box 5883, folder 1

1990 July 24-25

box 5883, folder 2

1990 July 26-27

box 5883, folder 3

1990 July 28-29

box 5883, folder 4

1990 July 30-31



box 5883, folder 5

1990 August 1-2

box 5883, folder 6

1990 August 3-4

box 5884, folder 1

1990 August 5-6

box 5884, folder 2

1990 August 7-8

box 5884, folder 3

1990 August 9-10

box 5884, folder 4

1990 August 11-13

box 5884, folder 5

1990 August 14-15

box 5885, folder 1

1990 August 16-17

box 5885, folder 2

1990 August 18-19

box 5885, folder 3

1990 August 20-21

box 5885, folder 4

1990 August 22-23

box 5885, folder 5

1990 August 24-25

box 5886, folder 1

1990 August 26-27

box 5886, folder 2

1990 August 28-29

box 5886, folder 3

1990 August 30-31



box 5886, folder 4

1990 September 1-2

box 5886, folder 5

1990 September 3-4

box 5887, folder 1

1990 September 5-6

box 5887, folder 2

1990 September 7-8

box 5887, folder 3

1990 September 9-10

box 5887, folder 4

1990 September 11-12

box 5887, folder 5

1990 September 13-14

box 5888, folder 1

1990 September 15-16

box 5888, folder 2

1990 September 17-18

box 5888, folder 3

1990 September 19-20

box 5888, folder 4

1990 September 21-22

box 5888, folder 5

1990 September 23-24

box 5889, folder 1

1990 September 25-26

box 5889, folder 2

1990 September 27-28

box 5889, folder 3

1990 September 29-30



box 5889, folder 4

1990 October 1-2

box 5889, folder 5

1990 October 3-4

box 5890, folder 1

1990 October 5-6

box 5890, folder 2

1990 October 7-8

box 5890, folder 3

1990 October 9-10

box 5890, folder 4

1990 October 11-12

box 5890, folder 5

1990 October 13-14

box 5891, folder 1

1990 October 15-16

box 5891, folder 2

1990 October 17-18

box 5891, folder 3

1990 October 19-20

box 5891, folder 4

1990 October 21-22

box 5891, folder 5

1990 October 23-24

box 5892, folder 1

1990 October 25-26

box 5892, folder 2

1990 October 27-28

box 5892, folder 3

1990 October 29-30

box 5892, folder 4

1990 October 31



box 5892, folder 5

1990 November 1-2

box 5893, folder 1

1990 November 3-4

box 5893, folder 2

1990 November 5-6

box 5893, folder 3

1990 November 7-8

box 5893, folder 4

1990 November 9-10

box 5893, folder 5

1990 November 11-12

box 5894, folder 1

1990 November 13-14

box 5894, folder 2

1990 November 15-16

box 5894, folder 3

1990 November 17-18

box 5894, folder 4

1990 November 19-20

box 5894, folder 5

1990 November 21-22

box 5895, folder 1

1990 November 23-24

box 5895, folder 2

1990 November 25-26

box 5895, folder 3

1990 November 27-28

box 5895, folder 4

1990 November 29-30



box 5895, folder 5

1990 December 1-2

box 5896, folder 1

1990 December 3-4

box 5896, folder 2

1990 December 5-6

box 5896, folder 3

1990 December 7-8

box 5896, folder 4

1990 December 9-10

box 5896, folder 5

1990 December 11-12

box 5897, folder 1

1990 December 13-14

box 5897, folder 2

1990 December 15-16

box 5897, folder 3

1990 December 17-18

box 5897, folder 4

1990 December 19-20

box 5897, folder 5

1990 December 21-22

box 5898, folder 1

1990 December 23-24

box 5898, folder 2

1990 December 25-26

box 5898, folder 3

1990 December 27

box 5898, folder 4

1990 December 28-29

box 5898, folder 5

1990 December 30-31





box 5899, folder 1

1991 January 1

box 5899, folder 2

1991 January 2

box 5899, folder 3

1991 January 3

box 5900, folder 1

1991 January 4

box 5900, folder 2

1991 January 5

box 5900, folder 3

1991 January 6

box 5901, folder 1

1991 January 7

box 5901, folder 2

1991 January 8

box 5901, folder 3

1991 January 9

box 5902, folder 1

1991 January 10

box 5902, folder 2

1991 January 11

box 5902, folder 3

1991 January 12

box 5903, folder 1-2

1991 January 13

box 5903, folder 3-4

1991 January 14

box 5903, folder 5-6

1991 January 15

box 5904, folder 1-2

1991 January 16

box 5904, folder 3-4

1991 January 17

box 5904, folder 5-6

1991 January 18

box 5905, folder 1-2

1991 January 19

box 5905, folder 3-4

1991 January 20

box 5905, folder 5-6

1991 January 21

box 5906, folder 1-2

1991 January 22

box 5906, folder 3-4

1991 January 23

box 5906, folder 5-6

1991 January 24

box 5907, folder 1-2

1991 January 25

box 5907, folder 3-4

1991 January 26

box 5907, folder 5-6

1991 January 27

box 5908, folder 1-2

1991 January 28

box 5908, folder 3-4

1991 January 29

box 5908, folder 5-6

1991 January 30

box 5909, folder 1-2

1991 January 31



box 5909, folder 3-4

1991 February 1

box 5909, folder 5-6

1991 February 2

box 5910, folder 1-2

1991 February 3

box 5910, folder 3-4

1991 February 4

box 5910, folder 5-6

1991 February 5

box 5911, folder 1-2

1991 February 6

box 5911, folder 3-4

1991 February 7

box 5911, folder 5-6

1991 February 8

box 5912, folder 1-2

1991 February 9

box 5912, folder 3-4

1991 February 10

box 5912, folder 5-6

1991 February 11

box 5913, folder 1-2

1991 February 12

box 5913, folder 3-4

1991 February 13

box 5913, folder 5-6

1991 February 14

box 5914, folder 1-2

1991 February 15

box 5914, folder 3-4

1991 February 16

box 5914, folder 5

1991 February 17

box 5915, folder 1-2

1991 February 18

box 5915, folder 3-4

1991 February 19

box 5915, folder 5-6

1991 February 20

box 5916, folder 1-2

1991 February 21

box 5916, folder 3-4

1991 February 22

box 5916, folder 5-6

1991 February 23

box 5917, folder 1

1991 February 24

box 5917, folder 2-3

1991 February 25

box 5917, folder 4-5

1991 February 26

box 5918, folder 1-2

1991 February 27

box 5918, folder 3-4

1991 February 28



box 5918, folder 5-6

1991 March 1

box 5919, folder 1-2

1991 March 2

box 5919, folder 3-4

1991 March 3

box 5919, folder 5-6

1991 March 4

box 5920, folder 1-2

1991 March 5

box 5920, folder 3-4

1991 March 6

box 5920, folder 5-6

1991 March 7

box 5921, folder 1-2

1991 March 8

box 5921, folder 3-4

1991 March 9

box 5921, folder 5-6

1991 March 10

box 5922, folder 1-2

1991 March 11

box 5922, folder 3-4

1991 March 12

box 5922, folder 5-6

1991 March 13

box 5923, folder 1-2

1991 March 14

box 5923, folder 3-4

1991 March 15

box 5923, folder 5-6

1991 March 16

box 5924, folder 1-2

1991 March 17

box 5924, folder 3-4

1991 March 18

box 5924, folder 5-6

1991 March 19

box 5925, folder 1-2

1991 March 20

box 5925, folder 3-4

1991 March 21

box 5925, folder 5-6

1991 March 22

box 5926, folder 1-2

1991 March 23

box 5926, folder 3-4

1991 March 24

box 5926, folder 5-6

1991 March 25

box 5927, folder 1-2

1991 March 26

box 5927, folder 3-4

1991 March 27

box 5927, folder 5-6

1991 March 28

box 5928, folder 1-2

1991 March 29

box 5928, folder 3-4

1991 March 30

box 5928, folder 5

1991 March 31



box 5929, folder 1

1991 April 1

box 5929, folder 2

1991 April 2

box 5929, folder 3

1991 April 3

box 5929, folder 4

1991 April 4

box 5930, folder 1

1991 April 5

box 5930, folder 2

1991 April 6

box 5930, folder 3

1991 April 7

box 5930, folder 4

1991 April 8

box 5931, folder 1

1991 April 9

box 5931, folder 2

1991 April 10

box 5931, folder 3

1991 April 11

box 5931, folder 4

1991 April 12

box 5931, folder 5

1991 April 13

box 5931, folder 6

1991 April 14

box 5932, folder 1

1991 April 15

box 5932, folder 2

1991 April 16

box 5932, folder 3

1991 April 17

box 5932, folder 4

1991 April 18

box 5932, folder 5

1991 April 19

box 5932, folder 6

1991 April 20-21

box 5933, folder 1

1991 April 22

box 5933, folder 2

1991 April 23

box 5933, folder 3

1991 April 24

box 5933, folder 4

1991 April 25

box 5933, folder 5

1991 April 26

box 5933, folder 6

1991 April 27-28

box 5934, folder 1

1991 April 29

box 5934, folder 2

1991 April 30



box 5934, folder 3

1991 May 1

box 5934, folder 4

1991 May 2

box 5934, folder 5

1991 May 3

box 5934, folder 6

1991 May 4

box 5935, folder 1

1991 May 5-6

box 5935, folder 2

1991 May 7-8

box 5935, folder 3

1991 May 9-10

box 5935, folder 4

1991 May 11-12

box 5936, folder 1

1991 May 13

box 5936, folder 2

1991 May 14

box 5936, folder 3

1991 May 15

box 5936, folder 4

1991 May 16

box 5936, folder 5

1991 May 17

box 5936, folder 6

1991 May 18-19

box 5937, folder 1

1991 May 20

box 5937, folder 2

1991 May 21

box 5937, folder 3

1991 May 22

box 5937, folder 4

1991 May 23

box 5937, folder 5

1991 May 24

box 5937, folder 6

1991 May 25-26

box 5938, folder 1

1991 May 27

box 5938, folder 2

1991 May 28

box 5938, folder 3

1991 May 29

box 5938, folder 4

1991 May 30

box 5938, folder 5

1991 May 31



box 5939, folder 1

1991 June 1-2

box 5939, folder 2

1991 June 3

box 5939, folder 3

1991 June 4

box 5939, folder 4

1991 June 5

box 5939, folder 5

1991 June 6-7

box 5940, folder 1

1991 June 8-9

box 5940, folder 2

1991 June 10

box 5940, folder 3

1991 June 11

box 5940, folder 4

1991 June 12

box 5940, folder 5

1991 June 13

box 5940, folder 6

1991 June 14

box 5941, folder 1

1991 June 15-16

box 5941, folder 2

1991 June 17-18

box 5941, folder 3

1991 June 19

box 5941, folder 4

1991 June 20

box 5941, folder 5

1991 June 21

box 5942, folder 1

1991 June 22-23

box 5942, folder 2

1991 June 24

box 5942, folder 3

1991 June 25-26

box 5942, folder 4

1991 June 27

box 5943, folder 1

1991 June 28

box 5943, folder 2

1991 June 29-30



box 5943, folder 3

1991 July 1

box 5943, folder 4

1991 July 2

box 5943, folder 5

1991 July 3

box 5944, folder 1

1991 July 4

box 5944, folder 2

1991 July 5

box 5944, folder 3

1991 July 6-7

box 5944, folder 4

1991 July 8

box 5944, folder 5

1991 July 9

box 5944, folder 6

1991 July 10

box 5945, folder 1

1991 July 11

box 5945, folder 2

1991 July 12

box 5945, folder 3

1991 July 13-14

box 5945, folder 4

1991 July 15

box 5945, folder 5

1991 July 16

box 5946, folder 1

1991 July 17

box 5946, folder 2

1991 July 18

box 5946, folder 3

1991 July 19

box 5946, folder 4

1991 July 20

box 5946, folder 5

1991 July 21

box 5946, folder 6

1991 July 22

box 5947, folder 1

1991 July 23

box 5947, folder 2

1991 July 24

box 5947, folder 3

1991 July 25

box 5947, folder 4

1991 July 26

box 5947, folder 5

1991 July 27-28

box 5948, folder 1

1991 July 29

box 5948, folder 2

1991 July 30

box 5948, folder 3

1991 July 31



box 5948, folder 4

1991 August 1

box 5948, folder 5

1991 August 2

box 5948, folder 6

1991 August 3

box 5949, folder 1

1991 August 4-5

box 5949, folder 2

1991 August 6

box 5949, folder 3

1991 August 7

box 5949, folder 4

1991 August 8

box 5949, folder 5

1991 August 9

box 5950, folder 1

1991 August 10-11

box 5950, folder 2

1991 August 12

box 5950, folder 3

1991 August 13

box 5950, folder 4

1991 August 14

box 5950, folder 5

1991 August 15

box 5950, folder 6

1991 August 16

box 5951, folder 1

1991 August 17-18

box 5951, folder 2

1991 August 19

box 5951, folder 3

1991 August 20

box 5951, folder 4

1991 August 21

box 5951, folder 5

1991 August 22

box 5952, folder 1

1991 August 23

box 5952, folder 2

1991 August 24-25

box 5952, folder 3

1991 August 26

box 5952, folder 4

1991 August 27

box 5952, folder 5

1991 August 28

box 5952, folder 6

1991 August 29

box 5953, folder 1

1991 August 30-31



box 5953, folder 2

1991 September 1

box 5953, folder 3

1991 September 2

box 5953, folder 4

1991 September 3

box 5953, folder 5

1991 September 4

box 5954, folder 1

1991 September 5

box 5954, folder 2

1991 September 6

box 5954, folder 3

1991 September 7

box 5954, folder 4

1991 September 8-9

box 5954, folder 5

1991 September 10

box 5955, folder 1

1991 September 11

box 5955, folder 2

1991 September 12

box 5955, folder 3

1991 September 13

box 5955, folder 4

1991 September 14-15

box 5955, folder 5

1991 September 16

box 5955, folder 6

1991 September 17

box 5956, folder 1

1991 September 18

box 5956, folder 2

1991 September 19

box 5956, folder 3

1991 September 20

box 5956, folder 4

1991 September 21-22

box 5956, folder 5

1991 September 23

box 5957, folder 1

1991 September 24

box 5957, folder 2

1991 September 25

box 5957, folder 3

1991 September 26

box 5957, folder 4

1991 September 27

box 5957, folder 5

1991 September 28-29

box 5958, folder 1

1991 September 30



box 5958, folder 2

1991 October 1

box 5958, folder 3

1991 October 2

box 5958, folder 4

1991 October 3

box 5958, folder 5

1991 October 4-5

box 5959, folder 1

1991 October 6-7

box 5959, folder 2

1991 October 8

box 5959, folder 3

1991 October 9

box 5959, folder 4

1991 October 10

box 5959, folder 5

1991 October 11

box 5960, folder 1

1991 October 12-13

box 5960, folder 2

1991 October 14

box 5960, folder 3

1991 October 15

box 5960, folder 4

1991 October 16

box 5960, folder 5

1991 October 17

box 5961, folder 1

1991 October 18

box 5961, folder 2

1991 October 19

box 5961, folder 3

1991 October 20-21

box 5961, folder 4

1991 October 22

box 5961, folder 5

1991 October 23

box 5961, folder 6

1991 October 24

box 5962, folder 1

1991 October 25

box 5962, folder 2

1991 October 26

box 5962, folder 3

1991 October 27-28

box 5962, folder 4

1991 October 29

box 5962, folder 5

1991 October 30

box 5962, folder 6

1991 October 31



box 5963, folder 1

1991 November 1

box 5963, folder 2

1991 November 2-3

box 5963, folder 3

1991 November 4

box 5963, folder 4

1991 November 5

box 5963, folder 5

1991 November 6

box 5963, folder 6

1991 November 7

box 5964, folder 1

1991 November 8

box 5964, folder 2

1991 November 9

box 5964, folder 3

1991 November 10-11

box 5964, folder 4

1991 November 12

box 5964, folder 5

1991 November 13

box 5964, folder 6

1991 November 14

box 5965, folder 1

1991 November 15

box 5965, folder 2

1991 November 16-17

box 5965, folder 3

1991 November 18

box 5965, folder 4

1991 November 19

box 5965, folder 5

1991 November 20

box 5966, folder 1

1991 November 21

box 5966, folder 2

1991 November 22

box 5966, folder 3

1991 November 23-24

box 5966, folder 4

1991 November 25

box 5966, folder 5

1991 November 26

box 5967, folder 1

1991 November 27

box 5967, folder 2

1991 November 28

box 5967, folder 3

1991 November 29

box 5967, folder 4

1991 November 30



box 5967, folder 5

1991 December 1-2

box 5968, folder 1

1991 December 3

box 5968, folder 2

1991 December 4

box 5968, folder 3

1991 December 5

box 5968, folder 4

1991 December 6

box 5968, folder 5

1991 December 7

box 5969, folder 1

1991 December 8

box 5969, folder 2

1991 December 9

box 5969, folder 3

1991 December 10

box 5969, folder 4

1991 December 11

box 5969, folder 5

1991 December 12

box 5970, folder 1

1991 December 13

box 5970, folder 2

1991 December 14-15

box 5970, folder 3

1991 December 16

box 5970, folder 4

1991 December 17

box 5970, folder 5

1991 December 18

box 5971, folder 1

1991 December 19

box 5971, folder 2

1991 December 20

box 5971, folder 3

1991 December 21-22

box 5971, folder 4

1991 December 23

box 5971, folder 5

1991 December 24

box 5972, folder 1

1991 December 25-26

box 5972, folder 2

1991 December 27

box 5972, folder 3

1991 December 28-29

box 5972, folder 4

1991 December 30

box 5972, folder 5

1991 December 31





box 5973, folder 1

1992 January 1-2

box 5973, folder 2

1992 January 3

box 5973, folder 3

1992 January 4-5

box 5973, folder 4

1992 January 6

box 5973, folder 5

1992 January 7

box 5974, folder 1

1992 January 8

box 5974, folder 2

1992 January 9

box 5974, folder 3

1992 January 10

box 5974, folder 4

1992 January 11-12

box 5974, folder 5

1992 January 13

box 5975, folder 1

1992 January 14

box 5975, folder 2

1992 January 15

box 5975, folder 3

1992 January 16

box 5975, folder 4

1992 January 17

box 5975, folder 5

1992 January 18

box 5975, folder 6

1992 January 19

box 5976, folder 1

1992 January 20

box 5976, folder 2

1992 January 21

box 5976, folder 3

1992 January 22

box 5976, folder 4

1992 January 23

box 5976, folder 5

1992 January 24

box 5976, folder 6

1992 January 25

box 5977, folder 1

1992 January 26

box 5977, folder 2

1992 January 27

box 5977, folder 3

1992 January 28

box 5977, folder 4

1992 January 29

box 5977, folder 5

1992 January 30

box 5977, folder 6

1992 January 31



box 5978, folder 1

1992 February 1-2

box 5978, folder 2

1992 February 3

box 5978, folder 3

1992 February 4

box 5978, folder 4

1992 February 5

box 5978, folder 5

1992 February 6

box 5979, folder 1

1992 February 7

box 5979, folder 2

1992 February 8-9

box 5979, folder 3

1992 February 10

box 5979, folder 4

1992 February 11

box 5979, folder 5

1992 February 12

box 5980, folder 1

1992 February 13

box 5980, folder 2

1992 February 14

box 5980, folder 3

1992 February 15-16

box 5980, folder 4

1992 February 17

box 5980, folder 5

1992 February 18

box 5981, folder 1

1992 February 19

box 5981, folder 2

1992 February 20

box 5981, folder 3

1992 February 21

box 5981, folder 4

1992 February 22

box 5981, folder 5

1992 February 23

box 5981, folder 6

1992 February 24

box 5982, folder 1

1992 February 25

box 5982, folder 2

1992 February 26

box 5982, folder 3

1992 February 27

box 5982, folder 4

1992 February 28

box 5982, folder 5

1992 February 29



box 5982, folder 6

1992 March 1

box 5983, folder 1

1992 March 2

box 5983, folder 2

1992 March 3

box 5983, folder 3

1992 March 4

box 5983, folder 4

1992 March 5

box 5983, folder 5

1992 March 6

box 5984, folder 1

1992 March 7

box 5984, folder 2

1992 March 8

box 5984, folder 3

1992 March 9

box 5984, folder 4

1992 March 10

box 5984, folder 5

1992 March 11

box 5984, folder 6

1992 March 12

box 5985, folder 1

1992 March 13

box 5985, folder 2

1992 March 14

box 5985, folder 3

1992 March 15

box 5985, folder 4

1992 March 16

box 5985, folder 5

1992 March 17

box 5985, folder 6

1992 March 18

box 5986, folder 1

1992 March 19

box 5986, folder 2

1992 March 20

box 5986, folder 3

1992 March 21

box 5986, folder 4

1992 March 22-23

box 5986, folder 5

1992 March 24

box 5987, folder 1

1992 March 25

box 5987, folder 2

1992 March 26

box 5987, folder 3

1992 March 27

box 5987, folder 4

1992 March 28

box 5987, folder 5

1992 March 29

box 5987, folder 6

1992 March 30

box 5988, folder 1

1992 March 31



box 5988, folder 2

1992 April 1

box 5988, folder 3

1992 April 2

box 5988, folder 4

1992 April 3

box 5988, folder 5

1992 April 4-5

box 5989, folder 1

1992 April 6

box 5989, folder 2

1992 April 7

box 5989, folder 3

1992 April 8

box 5989, folder 4

1992 April 9

box 5989, folder 5

1992 April 10

box 5989, folder 6

1992 April 11-12

box 5990, folder 1

1992 April 13

box 5990, folder 2

1992 April 14

box 5990, folder 3

1992 April 15

box 5990, folder 4

1992 April 16

box 5990, folder 5

1992 April 17

box 5990, folder 6

1992 April 18

box 5991, folder 1

1992 April 19-20

box 5991, folder 2

1992 April 21

box 5991, folder 3

1992 April 22

box 5991, folder 4

1992 April 23

box 5991, folder 5

1992 April 24

box 5992, folder 1

1992 April 25-26

box 5992, folder 2

1992 April 27

box 5992, folder 3

1992 April 28

box 5992, folder 4

1992 April 29

box 5992, folder 5

1992 April 30



box 5993, folder 1

1992 May 1

box 5993, folder 2

1992 May 2

box 5993, folder 3

1992 May 3-4

box 5993, folder 4

1992 May 5-6

box 5993, folder 5

1992 May 7

box 5994, folder 1

1992 May 8

box 5994, folder 2

1992 May 9

box 5994, folder 3

1992 May 10-11

box 5994, folder 4

1992 May 12

box 5994, folder 5

1992 May 13

box 5995, folder 1

1992 May 14

box 5995, folder 2

1992 May 15

box 5995, folder 3

1992 May 16

box 5995, folder 4

1992 May 17-18

box 5995, folder 5

1992 May 19

box 5996, folder 1

1992 May 20

box 5996, folder 2

1992 May 21

box 5996, folder 3

1992 May 22

box 5996, folder 4

1992 May 23

box 5996, folder 5

1992 May 24-25

box 5997, folder 1

1992 May 26

box 5997, folder 2

1992 May 27

box 5997, folder 3

1992 May 28

box 5997, folder 4

1992 May 29

box 5997, folder 5

1992 May 30-31



box 5998, folder 1

1992 June 1

box 5998, folder 2

1992 June 2

box 5998, folder 3

1992 June 3

box 5998, folder 4

1992 June 4

box 5998, folder 5

1992 June 5

box 5998, folder 6

1992 June 6-7

box 5999, folder 1

1992 June 8

box 5999, folder 2

1992 June 9

box 5999, folder 3

1992 June 10

box 5999, folder 4

1992 June 11

box 5999, folder 5

1992 June 12

box 5999, folder 6

1992 June 13-14

box 6000, folder 1

1992 June 15

box 6000, folder 2

1992 June 16

box 6000, folder 3

1992 June 17

box 6000, folder 4

1992 June 18

box 6000, folder 5

1992 June 19

box 6001, folder 1

1992 June 20-21

box 6001, folder 2

1992 June 22

box 6001, folder 3

1992 June 23

box 6001, folder 4

1992 June 24

box 6001, folder 5

1992 June 25

box 6001, folder 6

1992 June 26

box 6002, folder 1

1992 June 27

box 6002, folder 2

1992 June 28-29

box 6002, folder 3

1992 June 30



box 6002, folder 4

1992 July 1

box 6002, folder 5

1992 July 2

box 6002, folder 6

1992 July 3

box 6003, folder 1

1992 July 4-5

box 6003, folder 2

1992 July 6

box 6003, folder 3

1992 July 7

box 6003, folder 4

1992 July 8

box 6003, folder 5

1992 July 9

box 6004, folder 1

1992 July 10

box 6004, folder 2

1992 July 11-12

box 6004, folder 3

1992 July 13

box 6004, folder 4

1992 July 14

box 6004, folder 5

1992 July 15

box 6005, folder 1

1992 July 16

box 6005, folder 2

1992 July 17

box 6005, folder 3

1992 July 18-19

box 6005, folder 4

1992 July 20

box 6005, folder 5

1992 July 21

box 6005, folder 6

1992 July 22

box 6006, folder 1

1992 July 23

box 6006, folder 2

1992 July 24

box 6006, folder 3

1992 July 25

box 6006, folder 4

1992 July 26-27

box 6006, folder 5

1992 July 28

box 6007, folder 1

1992 July 29-30

box 6007, folder 2

1992 July 31



box 6007, folder 3

1992 August 1-2

box 6007, folder 4

1992 August 3

box 6007, folder 5

1992 August 4-5

box 6008, folder 1

1992 August 6

box 6008, folder 2

1992 August 7

box 6008, folder 3

1992 August 8-9

box 6008, folder 4

1992 August 10

box 6008, folder 5

1992 August 11

box 6008, folder 6

1992 August 12

box 6009, folder 1

1992 August 13

box 6009, folder 2

1992 August 14

box 6009, folder 3

1992 August 15-16

box 6009, folder 4

1992 August 17

box 6009, folder 5

1992 August 18

box 6009, folder 6

1992 August 19

box 6010, folder 1

1992 August 20-21

box 6010, folder 2

1992 August 22-23

box 6010, folder 3

1992 August 24

box 6010, folder 4

1992 August 25

box 6011, folder 1

1992 August 26

box 6011, folder 2

1992 August 27

box 6011, folder 3

1992 August 28

box 6011, folder 4

1992 August 29-30

box 6011, folder 5

1992 August 31



box 6012, folder 1

1992 September 1-2

box 6012, folder 2

1992 September 3

box 6012, folder 3

1992 September 4-5

box 6012, folder 4

1992 September 6-7

box 6013, folder 1

1992 September 8

box 6013, folder 2

1992 September 9

box 6013, folder 3

1992 September 10

box 6013, folder 4

1992 September 11

box 6013, folder 5

1992 September 12-13

box 6014, folder 1

1992 September 14

box 6014, folder 2

1992 September 15

box 6014, folder 3

1992 September 16

box 6014, folder 4

1992 September 17

box 6014, folder 5

1992 September 18-19

box 6015, folder 1

1992 September 20-21

box 6015, folder 2

1992 September 22

box 6015, folder 3

1992 September 23-24

box 6015, folder 4

1992 September 25-26

box 6016, folder 1

1992 September 27-28

box 6016, folder 2

1992 September 29

box 6016, folder 3

1992 September 30



box 6016, folder 4

1992 October 1-2

box 6017, folder 1

1992 October 3-4

box 6017, folder 2

1992 October 5

box 6017, folder 3

1992 October 6

box 6017, folder 4

1992 October 7

box 6017, folder 5

1992 October 8

box 6018, folder 1

1992 October 9

box 6018, folder 2

1992 October 10-11

box 6018, folder 3

1992 October 12

box 6018, folder 4

1992 October 13

box 6018, folder 5

1992 October 14

box 6019, folder 1

1992 October 15-16

box 6019, folder 2

1992 October 17-18

box 6019, folder 3

1992 October 19

box 6019, folder 4

1992 October 20

box 6019, folder 5

1992 October 21

box 6020, folder 1

1992 October 22

box 6020, folder 2

1992 October 23

box 6020, folder 3

1992 October 24-25

box 6020, folder 4

1992 October 26-27

box 6021, folder 1

1992 October 28

box 6021, folder 2

1992 October 29

box 6021, folder 3

1992 October 30

box 6021, folder 4

1992 October 31



box 6021, folder 5

1992 November 1-2

box 6022, folder 1

1992 November 3

box 6022, folder 2

1992 November 4

box 6022, folder 3

1992 November 5

box 6022, folder 4

1992 November 6

box 6022, folder 5

1992 November 7-8

box 6023, folder 1

1992 November 9

box 6023, folder 2

1992 November 10

box 6023, folder 3

1992 November 11

box 6023, folder 4

1992 November 12

box 6023, folder 5

1992 November 13-14

box 6024, folder 1

1992 November 15-16

box 6024, folder 2

1992 November 17-18

box 6024, folder 3

1992 November 19

box 6024, folder 4

1992 November 20

box 6025, folder 1

1992 November 21-22

box 6025, folder 2

1992 November 23

box 6025, folder 3

1992 November 24

box 6025, folder 4

1992 November 25-26

box 6025, folder 5

1992 November 27

box 6026, folder 1

1992 November 28-29

box 6026, folder 2

1992 November 30



box 6026, folder 3

1992 December 1

box 6026, folder 4

1992 December 2-3

box 6026, folder 5

1992 December 4

box 6027, folder 1

1992 December 5-6

box 6027, folder 2

1992 December 7-8

box 6027, folder 3

1992 December 9-10

box 6027, folder 4

1992 December 11

box 6028, folder 1

1992 December 12-13

box 6028, folder 2

1992 December 14-15

box 6028, folder 3

1992 December 16

box 6028, folder 4

1992 December 17-18

box 6028, folder 5

1992 December 19

box 6029, folder 1

1992 December 20-21

box 6029, folder 2

1992 December 22-23

box 6029, folder 3

1992 December 24-25

box 6029, folder 4

1992 December 26-27

box 6030, folder 1

1992 December 28-29

box 6030, folder 2

1992 December 30-31





box 6030, folder 3

1993 January 1-3

box 6030, folder 4

1993 January 4

box 6031, folder 1

1993 January 5-6

box 6031, folder 2

1993 January 7

box 6031, folder 3

1993 January 8

box 6031, folder 4

1993 January 9-10

box 6032, folder 1

1993 January 11-12

box 6032, folder 2

1993 January 13-14

box 6032, folder 3

1993 January 15

box 6032, folder 4

1993 January 16-17

box 6033, folder 1

1993 January 18

box 6033, folder 2

1993 January 19

box 6033, folder 3

1993 January 20

box 6033, folder 4

1993 January 21

box 6033, folder 5

1993 January 22-23

box 6034, folder 1

1993 January 24-25

box 6034, folder 2

1993 January 26

box 6034, folder 3

1993 January 27

box 6034, folder 4

1993 January 28

box 6034, folder 5

1993 January 29

box 6035, folder 1

1993 January 30-31



box 6035, folder 2

1993 February 1-2

box 6035, folder 3

1993 February 3-4

box 6035, folder 4

1993 February 5

box 6036, folder 1

1993 February 6-7

box 6036, folder 2

1993 February 8-9

box 6036, folder 3

1993 February 10

box 6036, folder 4

1993 February 11

box 6036, folder 5

1993 February 12

box 6037, folder 1

1993 February 13-14

box 6037, folder 2

1993 February 15

box 6037, folder 3

1993 February 16

box 6037, folder 4

1993 February 17

box 6037, folder 5

1993 February 18

box 6037, folder 6

1993 February 19

box 6038, folder 1

1993 February 20-21

box 6038, folder 2

1993 February 22

box 6038, folder 3

1993 February 23

box 6038, folder 4

1993 February 24

box 6038, folder 5

1993 February 25

box 6038, folder 6

1993 February 26

box 6039, folder 1

1993 February 27-28



box 6039, folder 2

1993 March 1

box 6039, folder 3

1993 March 2

box 6039, folder 4

1993 March 3

box 6039, folder 5

1993 March 4

box 6040, folder 1

1993 March 5

box 6040, folder 2

1993 March 6-7

box 6040, folder 3

1993 March 8

box 6040, folder 4

1993 March 9

box 6040, folder 5

1993 March 10

box 6041, folder 1

1993 March 11

box 6041, folder 2

1993 March 12

box 6041, folder 3

1993 March 13-14

box 6041, folder 4

1993 March 15

box 6041, folder 5

1993 March 16

box 6042, folder 1

1993 March 17

box 6042, folder 2

1993 March 18

box 6042, folder 3

1993 March 19

box 6042, folder 4

1993 March 20-21

box 6042, folder 5

1993 March 22

box 6043, folder 1

1993 March 23

box 6043, folder 2

1993 March 24

box 6043, folder 3

1993 March 25

box 6043, folder 4

1993 March 26

box 6043, folder 5

1993 March 27-28

box 6044, folder 1

1993 March 29

box 6044, folder 2

1993 March 30

box 6044, folder 3

1993 March 31



box 6044, folder 4

1993 April 1

box 6044, folder 5

1993 April 2

box 6044, folder 6

1993 April 3-4

box 6045, folder 1

1993 April 5

box 6045, folder 2

1993 April 6

box 6045, folder 3

1993 April 7

box 6045, folder 4

1993 April 8

box 6045, folder 5

1993 April 9

box 6046, folder 1

1993 April 10-11

box 6046, folder 2

1993 April 12-13

box 6046, folder 3

1993 April 14

box 6046, folder 4

1993 April 15

box 6046, folder 5

1993 April 16

box 6047, folder 1

1993 April 17-18

box 6047, folder 2

1993 April 19-20

box 6047, folder 3

1993 April 21

box 6047, folder 4

1993 April 22

box 6047, folder 5

1993 April 23

box 6048, folder 1

1993 April 24-25

box 6048, folder 2

1993 April 26

box 6048, folder 3

1993 April 27

box 6048, folder 4

1993 April 28

box 6048, folder 5

1993 April 29

box 6049, folder 1

1993 April 30



box 6049, folder 2

1993 May 1-2

box 6049, folder 3

1993 May 3

box 6049, folder 4

1993 May 4

box 6049, folder 5

1993 May 5

box 6050, folder 1

1993 May 6

box 6050, folder 2

1993 May 7

box 6050, folder 3

1993 May 8-9

box 6050, folder 4

1993 May 10

box 6050, folder 5

1993 May 11

box 6051, folder 1

1993 May 12

box 6051, folder 2

1993 May 13

box 6051, folder 3

1993 May 14

box 6051, folder 4

1993 May 15-16

box 6051, folder 5

1993 May 17

box 6052, folder 1

1993 May 18-19

box 6052, folder 2

1993 May 20-21

box 6052, folder 3

1993 May 22-23

box 6053, folder 1

1993 May 24

box 6053, folder 2

1993 May 25

box 6053, folder 3

1993 May 26

box 6053, folder 4

1993 May 27

box 6053, folder 5

1993 May 28

box 6054, folder 1

1993 May 29-30

box 6054, folder 2

1993 May 31



box 6054, folder 3

1993 June 1

box 6054, folder 4

1993 June 2

box 6054, folder 5

1993 June 3

box 6055, folder 1

1993 June 4

box 6055, folder 2

1993 June 5-6

box 6055, folder 3

1993 June 7

box 6055, folder 4

1993 June 8

box 6055, folder 5

1993 June 9

box 6056, folder 1

1993 June 10

box 6056, folder 2

1993 June 11

box 6056, folder 3

1993 June 12-13

box 6056, folder 4

1993 June 14

box 6056, folder 5

1993 June 15

box 6057, folder 1

1993 June 16

box 6057, folder 2

1993 June 17

box 6057, folder 3

1993 June 18

box 6057, folder 4

1993 June 19-20

box 6057, folder 5

1993 June 21

box 6058, folder 1

1993 June 22

box 6058, folder 2

1993 June 23

box 6058, folder 3

1993 June 24

box 6058, folder 4

1993 June 25

box 6058, folder 5

1993 June 26-27

box 6059, folder 1

1993 June 28

box 6059, folder 2

1993 June 29

box 6059, folder 3

1993 June 30



box 6059, folder 4

1993 July 1

box 6059, folder 5

1993 July 2

box 6060, folder 1

1993 July 3-4

box 6060, folder 2

1993 July 5

box 6060, folder 3

1993 July 6

box 6060, folder 4

1993 July 7

box 6060, folder 5

1993 July 8

box 6061, folder 1

1993 July 9

box 6061, folder 2

1993 July 10-11

box 6061, folder 3

1993 July 12

box 6061, folder 4

1993 July 13

box 6061, folder 5

1993 July 14

box 6062, folder 1

1993 July 15

box 6062, folder 2

1993 July 16

box 6062, folder 3

1993 July 17-18

box 6062, folder 4

1993 July 19

box 6062, folder 5

1993 July 20

box 6063, folder 1

1993 July 21

box 6063, folder 2

1993 July 22

box 6063, folder 3

1993 July 23

box 6063, folder 4

1993 July 24-25

box 6063, folder 5

1993 July 26

box 6064, folder 1

1993 July 27

box 6064, folder 2

1993 July 28

box 6064, folder 3

1993 July 29

box 6064, folder 4

1993 July 30-31



box 6064, folder 5

1993 August 1

box 6065, folder 1

1993 August 2

box 6065, folder 2

1993 August 3

box 6065, folder 3

1993 August 4

box 6065, folder 4

1993 August 5

box 6065, folder 5

1993 August 6

box 6066, folder 1

1993 August 7-8

box 6066, folder 2

1993 August 9

box 6066, folder 3

1993 August 10

box 6066, folder 4

1993 August 11

box 6066, folder 5

1993 August 12

box 6067, folder 1

1993 August 13

box 6067, folder 2

1993 August 14-15

box 6067, folder 3

1993 August 16

box 6067, folder 4

1993 August 17

box 6067, folder 5

1993 August 18

box 6068, folder 1

1993 August 19

box 6068, folder 2

1993 August 20

box 6068, folder 3

1993 August 21-22

box 6068, folder 4

1993 August 23

box 6068, folder 5

1993 August 24

box 6069, folder 1

1993 August 25

box 6069, folder 2

1993 August 26

box 6069, folder 3

1993 August 27

box 6069, folder 4

1993 August 28-29

box 6069, folder 5

1993 August 30

box 6070, folder 1

1993 August 31



box 6070, folder 2

1993 September 1

box 6070, folder 3

1993 September 2

box 6070, folder 4

1993 September 3

box 6070, folder 5

1993 September 4-5

box 6070, folder 6

1993 September 6

box 6071, folder 1

1993 September 7

box 6071, folder 2

1993 September 8

box 6071, folder 3

1993 September 9

box 6071, folder 4

1993 September 10

box 6071, folder 5

1993 September 11-12

box 6072, folder 1

1993 September 13-14

box 6072, folder 2

1993 September 15-16

box 6072, folder 3

1993 September 17

box 6072, folder 4

1993 September 18-19

box 6073, folder 1

1993 September 20

box 6073, folder 2

1993 September 21

box 6073, folder 3

1993 September 22

box 6073, folder 4

1993 September 23-24

box 6073, folder 5

1993 September 25-26

box 6074, folder 1

1993 September 27

box 6074, folder 2

1993 September 28

box 6074, folder 3

1993 September 29

box 6074, folder 4

1993 September 30



box 6074, folder 5

1993 October 1

box 6074, folder 6

1993 October 2-3

box 6075, folder 1

1993 October 4

box 6075, folder 2

1993 October 5

box 6075, folder 3

1993 October 6

box 6075, folder 4

1993 October 7

box 6075, folder 5

1993 October 8

box 6075, folder 6

1993 October 9-10

box 6076, folder 1

1993 October 11

box 6076, folder 2

1993 October 12

box 6076, folder 3

1993 October 13

box 6076, folder 4

1993 October 14

box 6076, folder 5

1993 October 15

box 6076, folder 6

1993 October 16

box 6077, folder 1

1993 October 17-18

box 6077, folder 2

1993 October 19

box 6077, folder 3

1993 October 20

box 6077, folder 4

1993 October 21

box 6077, folder 5

1993 October 22

box 6078, folder 1

1993 October 23-24

box 6078, folder 2

1993 October 25

box 6078, folder 3

1993 October 26

box 6078, folder 4

1993 October 27

box 6078, folder 5

1993 October 28

box 6078, folder 6

1993 October 29

box 6079, folder 1

1993 October 30-31



box 6079, folder 2

1993 November 1-3

box 6079, folder 3

1993 November 4-5

box 6079, folder 4

1993 November 6-8

box 6080, folder 1

1993 November 9-10

box 6080, folder 2

1993 November 11-12

box 6080, folder 3

1993 November 13-15

box 6080, folder 4

1993 November 16-17

box 6080, folder 5

1993 November 18-19

box 6081, folder 1

1993 November 20-22

box 6081, folder 2

1993 November 23-25

box 6081, folder 3

1993 November 26-28

box 6081, folder 4

1993 November 29-30



box 6081, folder 5

1993 December 1-2

box 6082, folder 1

1993 December 3-6

box 6082, folder 2

1993 December 7-9

box 6082, folder 3

1993 December 10-11

box 6082, folder 4

1993 December 12-14

box 6082, folder 5

1993 December 15-16

box 6083, folder 1

1993 December 17-20

box 6083, folder 2

1993 December 21-22

box 6083, folder 3

1993 December 23-26

box 6083, folder 4

1993 December 27-28

box 6083, folder 5

1993 December 29-31





box 6084, folder 1

1994 January 1-4

box 6084, folder 2

1994 January 5-8

box 6084, folder 3

1994 January 9-11

box 6084, folder 4

1994 January 12-14

box 6085, folder 1

1994 January 15-17

box 6085, folder 2

1994 January 18-20

box 6085, folder 3

1994 January 21-23

box 6085, folder 4

1994 January 24-26

box 6086, folder 1

1994 January 27-28

box 6086, folder 2

1994 January 29-31



box 6086, folder 3

1994 February 1-2

box 6086, folder 4

1994 February 3-4

box 6086, folder 5

1994 February 5-6

box 6087, folder 1

1994 February 7-8

box 6087, folder 2

1994 February 9-11

box 6087, folder 3

1994 February 12-15

box 6087, folder 4

1994 February 16-17

box 6087, folder 5

1994 February 18-20

box 6088, folder 1

1994 February 21-23

box 6088, folder 2

1994 February 24-28



box 6088, folder 3

1994 March 1-3

box 6088, folder 4

1994 March 4-7

box 6089, folder 1

1994 March 8-9

box 6089, folder 2

1994 March 10-13

box 6089, folder 3

1994 March 14-16

box 6089, folder 4

1994 March 17-19

box 6090, folder 1

1994 March 20-23

box 6090, folder 2

1994 March 24-28

box 6090, folder 3

1994 March 29-31



box 6091, folder 1

1994 April 1-4

box 6091, folder 2

1994 April 5-6

box 6091, folder 3

1994 April 7-9

box 6091, folder 4

1994 April 10-11

box 6092, folder 1

1994 April 12-13

box 6092, folder 2

1994 April 14-16

box 6092, folder 3

1994 April 17-19

box 6092, folder 4

1994 April 20-22

box 6093, folder 1

1994 April 23-25

box 6093, folder 2

1994 April 26-27

box 6093, folder 3

1994 April 28-30



box 6093, folder 4

1994 May 1-5

box 6094, folder 1

1994 May 6-9

box 6094, folder 2

1994 May 10-12

box 6094, folder 3

1994 May 13-15

box 6094, folder 4

1994 May 16-17

box 6094, folder 5

1994 May 18

box 6095, folder 1

1994 May 19-21

box 6095, folder 2

1994 May 22-24

box 6095, folder 3

1994 May 25-26

box 6095, folder 4

1994 May 27-28

box 6095, folder 5

1994 May 29-31



box 6096, folder 1

1994 June 1-3

box 6096, folder 2

1994 June 4-6

box 6096, folder 3

1994 June 7-9

box 6096, folder 4

1994 June 10-12

box 6097, folder 1

1994 June 13-15

box 6097, folder 2

1994 June 16-30


Program scripts (RWE) 1953-1986

Physical Description: 63 DVDs


Digital materials are not available until processed. If interested in accessing these materials, please contact us for more information.

Scope and Contents

DVDs of scans from microfilm. Reels identified in title for each DVD.


box 14769, item 1

51b-52b part 1 1955-1956

box 14769, item 2

51b-52b, part 2. 53b-54b, part 1

box 14769, item 3

53b-54b, part 2 1955-1956

box 14769, item 4

53b-54b, part 3 1955-1956

box 14769, item 5

55b-56b 1954-1956

box 14769, item 6-10

57b-58b, part 1-5 1955-1956

box 14769, item 11

60b 1955-1957

box 14769, item 12

61b 1953-1956



box 14769, item 13-14

1-6 1982 August 1-24

box 14769, item 15

7-10 1982 September 5-November 10

box 14769, item 16

11-15 1982 November 27-December 2



box 14769, item 19

26-30 1985 April 26-30

box 14769, item 20

31-34 1985 June 1-6

box 14769, item 21

35-38 1985 June 28-August 3

box 14769, item 22-24

39-48 1985 August 4-December 13

box 14769, item 25

49-51 1985 December 14-1986 January 23

box 14769, item 17-18

16-25 1985 March 7-April 9

box 14769, item 26

55-57 1986 March 12-April 29

box 14769, item 27

52-54 1986 January 27-March 11

box 14769, item 28

58-60 1986 April 29-June 12

box 14769, item 29

61-63 1986 June 13-July 24


Special programs 1953-1997, undated


General 1979-1994, undated

Scope and Contents

Contains production reports
box 6098, folder 1-7

1979-1982, undated

box 6099, folder 1-6


box 6100, folder 1-8


box 6101, folder 1-3


box 6102



Arranged by Author 1983-1989, undated

box 6103, folder 1-3

Bagiński, Marian (pen name Marian Gomułka) 1987-1989, undated

box 6104

Hemar, Mariam 1953-1962, undated


Zawadzki, Tadeusz 1984-1986, undated

box 6105, folder 1

Open slot 1984

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 313-314. Subtitle: Rozmowy o powstaniu (parts 1-2)
box 6105, folder 2

Polish contemporary history 1985

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 430-445. Subtitle: Wspomnienia Ambasadora Edwarda Raczyńskiego, seria druga (English: The memoirs of Ambassador Edward Raczyński, series two)
box 6105, folder 3

Reading aloud 1986

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 3905-3914. Subtitle: Rozmowy z Amb[asadorem] Edwardem Raczyńskim (English: A conversation with Ambassador Edward Raczyński)
box 6105, folder 4

Special program undated

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 1-10. Main subtitle: Rozmowa: E.Raczyński i T.Zawadzki (English: Conversation: E.Raczyński and T.Zawadzki)

Zbyszewski, W.A. 1983-1984


My Journey through Europe

Scope and Contents

See Wedrówki po Europie
box 6106, folder 1-4

Prominent Poles 1983-1984


Prominent pre-war Poles

Scope and Contents

See Prominent Poles
box 6106, folder 5

Wedrówki po Europie 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

English: A journey through Europe). Includes production reports nos. 1-82
box 6107, folder 1-2

Wedrówki po Europie 1983-1984


Arranged by Program Title 1954-1997, undated

Scope and Contents

Contains program scripts and related materials
box 6107, folder 3

Calling the Communist Party 1971

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 992 (January 15)
box 6107, folder 4

Cultural commentary 1963

Scope and Contents

Contains script no. 335 (June 19)

Curiosity shop 1972

Scope and Contents

Arranged by number
box 6107, folder 5

Nos. 137-149

box 6107, folder 6

Nos. 150-169

box 6107, folder 7

Daily commentary 1970-1971, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes scripts nos. 1484,1486,1496,1500
box 6107, folder 8

Democratic thought in Poland in the 19th century 1957

Scope and Contents

Includes scripts (nos: 1-6) and related materials
box 6107, folder 9

Economics 1970-1971

Scope and Contents

Contain scripts nos.821,822
box 6107, folder 10

Europe bez granic 1995

Scope and Contents

(English: Europe without borders). Contains scripts dated February 13, 24

European kaleidoscope 1974-1975

box 6107, folder 11-13

1974 January-March

box 6108, folder 1-9

1974 April-December

box 6109, folder 1-8

1975 January-August

box 6110, folder 1-4

1975 September-December

box 6110, folder 5

Evening show 1971

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 127 (October 21), 154 (November 21)

Facts and views 1970-1997

Scope and Contents

Fakty, wydapzenia, opinie
box 6110, folder 6

1970 December

box 6110, folder 7

1971 January 2-10

box 6111, folder 1-2

1971 January 11-24

box 6111, folder 3-9

1977 August-1978 February

box 6112, folder 1-7

1978 March-1988 August

box 6113, folder 1-8

1988 September 14-December 26

box 6114, folder 1-6

1989 January 2-March 14

box 6115, folder 1-8

1989 March 15-October

box 6116, folder 1-2

1989 November-1990 September

box 14820

1994 November 1-1995 January 31

box 6116, folder 3-6

1995 February 1-March 30

box 14821

1995 February 1-May 31

box 14822

1995 June 1-October 31

box 6116, folder 7-8

1996 November-December

box 6117, folder 1-5

1997 January-May

box 6117, folder 6

Fighting theatre 1954-1955

box 6117, folder 7

Fireside chat 1955

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 105 dated August 14
box 6117, folder 8

Focus on Poland 1971

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 75 dated January 3
box 6118, folder 1-2

Historical reminiscences 1963-1966, undated


History of Polish Army 1975

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 283-334
box 6118, folder 3-9

1975 January-July

box 6119, folder 1-5

1975 August-December

box 6119, folder 6

History of the Polish Home Army 1963

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 186-706. Includes English translations by M.Staniszewska and D.Nowakowska

Kaleidoscope 1963-1973

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 186-706. Includes English translations by M.Staniszewska and D.Nowakowska
box 6119, folder 7-10

1963 October-1964 January

box 6120, folder 1-6

1964 February-July

box 6121, folder 1-8

1964 August-1965 March

box 6122, folder 1-10

1965 April-1966 January

box 6123, folder 1-9

1966 February-October

box 6124, folder 1-11

1967 January-November

box 6125, folder 1-9

1967 December-1968 August

box 6126, folder 1-11

1968 September-1969 August

box 6127, folder 1-12

1969 October-1970 September

box 6128, folder 1-13

1970 October-1971 November

box 6129, folder 1-12

1971 November-1972 October

box 6130, folder 1-7

1972 November-1973 May

box 6131, folder 1-7

1973 June-Decmeber

box 6132, folder 1

Literary Corner 1962

Scope and Contents

Contains script no. 140 (November 10)
box 6132, folder 2-6

Literature by Radio 1962 January-1963 May

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 284-334 (1962), 335-362 (1963)
box 6132, folder 7

On your screen 1963

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 235 (October 30), 237 (November 1)

Open Mic 1981-1982, 1990-1991

box 6132, folder 8

nos. 908-1115 1981 March 9-December 24

box 6132, folder 9

nos. 1121/a-1234 1982 January 4-May 20

box 6132, folder 10

nos. 1-24 1988 January 4-30

box 6132, folder 11

no. 19, no 107. 1990 September 3, 1991 February 7

box 6133, folder 1-5

Open slot 1987-1993


Panorama 1970-1989

Scope and Contents

Includes Panorama of the week, Spesial Panorama, Sunday Panorama "B", and Panorama of the year
box 6133, folder 6

1970 December

box 6133, folder 7-8

1971 January

box 6133, folder 9



Poland's possibilities 1978-1991

box 6134, folder 1-2

General 1978-1991

Scope and Contents

Contains background materials for the program

Scripts 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 63-84 (1985), 102-120 (1986)
box 6134, folder 3-7

1985 June-November

box 6135, folder 1-5

1986 April-August

box 6135, folder 6-7

Press review 1970 December-1971 January

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 3900-3904 (1970), 3906-3919 (1971)

ProFiles from the past 1958-1974

Scope and Contents

Other titles include ProFiles of the past, Historical proFiles. Contains scripts nos. 1-82
box 6135, folder 8-13

1958 April-November

box 6136, folder 1-10

1958 December-1959 September

box 6137, folder 1-2

1959 October-November

box 6137, folder 3

1965 December

box 6137, folder 4

1972 December

box 6137, folder 5

1974 March-October


Program poranny 1996-1997

box 6137, folder 6-12

1996 November-1997 May 14

box 6138, folder 1

1997 May 15-30



box 6138, folder 2-3

Rendez-vous at four ten 1988 April-1989 June

Scope and Contents

Contains scripts nos. 71-284 (1988), 332-418 (1989)

Round table discussion 1962-1971

box 6138, folder 4

1962 September

box 6138, folder 5

1963 March-September

box 6138, folder 6

1971 January

box 6138, folder 7-9

Solidarity talks to Solidarity 1984-1988

Scope and Contents

Variant titles: Solidarity abroad talks to Solidarity in Poland, Solidarity abroad talks to Solidarity, Solidarity to Solidarity, Solidarity abroad to Solidarity

Special program 1963-1994

Scope and Contents

Arranged in chronological order. Contains scripts nos. 2032 (1963), 5409-5432 (1970), 6954 (1977), 8201-9861 (July 23, 1982 - January 31, 1988), 1-1255 (February 7, 1988 - July 30, 1990), 1-261 (August 5, 1990 - May 26, 1991), 1-232 (May 27, 1991 - August 16, 1992), 1-294 (August 18, 1992 – June 19, 1994). Inconsistent numbering. Includes live reportages from Rome/Vatican (1982-1983), Reading aloud no. 336 (May 22, 1989), Special: Election Day (June 4, 1989), Special: After Election Day (June 5, 1989)
box 6138, folder 10

1963 August 4

box 6138, folder 11

1970 December 23

box 6138, folder 12

1971 January 16, 24

box 6138, folder 13

1977 December 18



box 6138, folder 14

1982 July

box 6139

1982 August-October

box 6140, folder 1-5

1982 November-December



box 6140, folder 6-7

1983 January

box 6141

1983 February-June

box 6142

1983 June-October

box 6143, folder 1-2

1983 November-December



box 6143, folder 3-5

1984 January-March

box 6144

1984 March-July

box 6145

1984 July-Noveber

box 6146, folder 1-3

1984 November-December



box 6146, folder 4-5

1985 January-February

box 6147

1985 March-July

box 6148

1985 August-November

box 6149, folder 1-3

1985 December



box 6149, folder 4-7

1986 January-February

box 6150

1986 March-June

box 6151

1986 July-October

box 6152, folder 1-4

1986 November-December



box 6152, folder 5-6

1987 January

box 6153

1987 February-May

box 6154

1987 May-August

box 6155

1987 August-November

box 6156, folder 1-3

1987 November-December



box 6156, folder 4-8

1988 January-April

box 6157

1988 MaySeptember

box 6158, folder 1-7

1988 September-December



box 6158, folder 8

1989 January

box 6159

1989 February-May

box 6160, folder 1

1989 May-July

box 6161

1989 August-October

box 6162, folder 1-4

1989 November-December



box 6162, folder 5-7

1990 January-February

box 6163

1990 February-June

box 6164

1990 June-December



box 6165

1991 January-July

box 6166, folder 1-5

1991 August-December



box 6166, folder 6-12

1992 January-July

box 6167, folder 1-5

1992 August-December



box 6167, folder 6-8

1993 January-March

box 6168, folder 1-7

1993 April-December

box 6168, folder 8

1994 January-June

box 6168, folder 9

They Witnessed History, nos. 19-28 1963 June 25-August 27


Through Polish eyes 1988-1989

box 6168, folder 10

nos. 1-14 1988 December

box 6169, folder 1-4

nos. 15-80 1989 January-April

box 6169, folder 5-7

Tyrmand, Leopold. "Zly"

Scope and Contents

Based on the novel by Leopold Tyrmand "Zły" (English: Bad) published in English as "The man with the white eyes"
box 6170, folder 1

Week in Poland 1962

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 114 (July 30)
box 6170, folder 2

Week in review 1990

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 3-4 (February 18, 25)
box 6170, folder 3

Window to the West 1962

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 499 (June 19)

Worker's program 1970-1971

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 536-537 (1970 December), 540-542 (1971 January)
box 6170, folder 4

1970 December

box 6170, folder 5

1971 January

box 6170, folder 6

Youth program 1987

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 208-209 (March 14, 21), 216 (May 9), 223 (June 27)

Arranged by Topic 1953-1994, undated


Christmas and New Year 1980-1994, undated

box 6170, folder 7


box 6170, folder 8-11

1980 December 21-31

box 6170, folder 12

1981 January 1

box 6170, folder 13-14

1981 December 24-25

box 6171, folder 1-4

1981 December 26-1982 January 1

box 6171, folder 5-8

1983 December 23-31

box 6172, folder 1

1984 January 1

box 6172, folder 2-5

1989 December 24-1990 January 1

box 6172, folder 6-9

1990 December 24-1991 January 1

box 6173, folder 1-4

1991 December 24-1992 January 1

box 6173, folder 5-7

1992 December 24-27

box 6174, folder 1-2

1992 December 31-1993 January 1

box 6174, folder 3

1993 October 10

box 6174, folder 4

1993 December 24-26

box 6174, folder 5

1994 January 1


Easter 1962-1994, undated

box 6174, folder 6


box 6174, folder 7

1962 April 23

box 6174, folder 8

1971 April 11

box 6174, folder 9-13

1980 March 30-April 7

box 6174, folder 14

1981 April 12-17

box 6175, folder 1-3

1981 April 18-20

box 6175, folder 4-6

1982 April 4-11

box 6176, folder 1

1982 April 12

box 6176, folder 2-3

1987 April 14-20

box 6176, folder 4-5

1988 April 1-4

box 6176, folder 6-7

1990 April 13-16

box 6177, folder 1-4

1991 March 29-April 1

box 6177, folder 5-7

1992 April 17-20

box 6177, folder 8

1993 April 9

box 6178, folder 1-3

1993 April 10-12

box 6178, folder 4-6

1994 April 1-4


Katyn massacre 1961-1983

Scope and Contents

Contains various programs on the Katyn massacre including Daily commentary
box 6178, folder 7-9

1961-1962, 1966

box 6178, folder 10


box 6179, folder 1-7



1956 October, 1961-1974

Scope and Contents

Contains various programs on the Polish October including Daily commentary
box 6179, folder 8


box 6180, folder 1-3


box 6180, folder 4



Popiełuszko, Jerzy, Father 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Contains various programs (Facts and views, Open slot, Panorama, Press review, Special New Year program, Special program) concerning murder of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, and the Toruń trial
box 6180, folder 5-7

1984 October-1985 January 9

box 6181, folder 1-4

1985 January 10-February


Światło, Jósef 1953–1965, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes Jósef Światło's (real name Izaak Fleishfarb; a Polish defector, and a former high-ranking security official) recordings, interviews, scripts, and associated materials. In Polish and English
box 6181, folder 5-7

Associated materials 1953-1965, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes biographical data
box 6182, folder 1-3

Associated materials 1953-1965, undated


Scripts - By title 1954-1955, undated

box 6182, folder 4

From our point of view 1954

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 47 (November 18). Subtitle: The whole Bezpieka in Peoples Councils
box 6182, folder 5

Gossip 1954

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 78 (October 31), 79 (November 7)
box 6182, folder 6

Information 1954

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 1-15-A (October 28-December 1)

Inside story of Bezpieka and the Party 1954-1955

Scope and Contents

Incomplete. Includes English translations by K.Bauer-Czarnomski and A.Krzeczunowicz (nos. 116, 117, 120, 125, 126, 128-131, 138)


box 6182, folder 7

Nos. 1-25

box 6183, folder 1

Nos. 27-45

box 6183, folder 2

Nos. 46-66



box 6183, folder 3

Nos. 67-120

box 6183, folder 4

Nos. 121-139

box 6183, folder 5

Other side of the coin 1954-1955

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 769 (November 6, 1954), 1008-A (August 21, 1955)
box 6183, folder 6

Reading aloud - Special undated

Scope and Contents

Subtitle: Field's saga
box 6183, folder 7

Reflector 1954

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 24-79 (October 26-December 20)

Special program 1954-1964

Scope and Contents

Includes English translation by M.Lasocka and J.Rynas (October 28, 1954)
box 6184, folder 1


box 6184, folder 2



Special reading aloud

Scope and Contents

See Reading aloud - Special
box 6184, folder 3

World commentary 1954

Scope and Contents

Contains no. 934 (December 3)

Vatican City 1976-1987

Scope and Contents

Contains various programs including Daily commentary, Facts and views, Faith and life, Open mike, Panorama, Polonia, Press review, Special program, and Through the village. Includes programs on the Pope John Paul II, and the Pope's 1979 and 1987 pilgrimages to Poland
box 6184, folder 4

General 1987

Scope and Contents

Includes Daily schedules, Program analysis, and schedule of the live programs during the Pope's 1987 pilgrimage to Poland

Scripts 1976-1987

box 6184, folder 5

1976 August 13

box 6184, folder 6

1978 July 4-11

box 6184, folder 7-10

1978 October 16-30

box 6185, folder 1

1978 November 3

box 6185, folder 2

1979 June 3-7

box 6185, folder 7

1987 June 8-14


Warsaw uprising 1964-1977

Scope and Contents

Includes scripts on the Warsaw uprising of 1944
box 6185, folder 8

General undated


Scripts - By title 1964-1977


Special program 1964-1977

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 2561, 2577, 2585, 2586 (1964), 3564 (1966), 6176 (1974), 6895, 6897, 6899 (1977)
box 6185, folder 9


box 6186, folder 1


box 6186, folder 2

Round table discussion 1969

Scope and Contents

Contains nos. 496, 497

Wyszyński, Stefan 1964-1981, undated

Scope and Contents

Contains various programs including Coffee table, Facts and views, Faith and life, Open mike, Political bloc, Press review, and related material
box 6186, folder 3

General 1981, undated


Scripts - By date

box 6186, folder 4


box 6186, folder 5


box 6186, folder 6-8

1981 May 28-June 3

box 6186, folder 9

Statistical reports 1978-1989, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes statistical reports on programming and related materials

Thumbnail sketches 1954-1991

Scope and Contents

Contains a comprehensive description of all programs in the Polish schedules, including program schedules nos. 5-46
box 6186, folder 10


box 6187, folder 1


box 6187, folder 2


box 6187, folder 3


box 6187, folder 4



Oversize file 1954-1994


Editor's file 1954-1997, undated

box 14840, folder 1

Military balance - General 1975-1989, undated


Poland 1954-1997, undated

box 14840, folder 2

Administrative regions 1991

box 14840, folder 3

Church-state relations - General 1964-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 4

Civil service 1976-1988, undated

box 14840, folder 5

Economic reform - General 1982-1991, undated

box 14840

Foreign relations 1959-1992, undated

box 14840, folder 6

Germany (East) 1986-1990, undated

box 14840, folder 7

Soviet Union 1981-1991, undated

box 14840, folder 8

United States 1959-1992, undated

box 14840, folder 9

Human rights- General 1960-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 10

Industry - Coal industry 1981-1993, undated


Law and legislation 1961-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 11

Acts of amnesty 1977-1987, undated

box 14840, folder 12

Advocacy 1983-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 13

Constitutional Tribunal 1981-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 14

Electoral Law 1991-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 15

Labor Law 1981-1989, undated

box 14840, folder 16

Labor Union Law 1981-1990, undated

box 14840, folder 17

Law on Associations 1980-1989, undated

box 14840, folder 18

Law on Foundations 1987-1988

box 14840, folder 19

Martial Law - General 1981-1992, undated

box 14840, folder 20

Prosecution 1973-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 21

State Tribunal 1981-1993, undated

Scope and Contents

Polish: Trybunał Stanu, TS
box 14840, folder 22

Supreme Court 1974-1992, undated

Scope and Contents

Polish: Sąd Najwyższy
box 14840, folder 23

National minorities 1967-1992, undated


NSZZ "Solidarność" (Labor organization) 1981-1991, undated

Scope and Contents

English: Independent Self-governing Trade Union "Solidarity"
box 14840, folder 24

Amnesty and re-legalization 1983-1990, undated

box 14840, folder 25

Parasite Law 1982-1988, undated

box 14840, folder 26

Regions - Gdańsk 1981-1990, undated

box 14840, folder 27

Parliamentary elections - General 1982-1993, undated

box 14840, folder 28

People's Councils elections 1975-1988, undated


Personalia File 1955-1994, undated

box 14840, folder 29

General - Lublin(various) 1984-1989, undated

box 14840, folder 30

Frasyniuk, Władysław 1991

box 14840, folder 31

Gulbinowicz, Henryk 1981-1986, undated

box 14840, folder 32

Herbst, Lothar 1982-1989

box 14840, folder 33

Popiełuszko, Jerzy, Father 1955-1994, undated

box 14840, folder 34

Przemyk, Grzegorz 1983-1993, undated

box 14841, folder 1

Szaniawski, Józef 1990, undated

box 14841, folder 2

Polish debt - General 1984-1991, undated

box 14841, folder 3

Political parties and movements - General 1969-1993, undated

box 14841, folder 4

Political prisoners 1981-1993, undated


Presidential elections 1990-1995, undated

box 14841, folder 5

General 1990

box 14841, folder 6

Candidates - Tymiński, Stanisław 1990-1993, undated

box 14841, folder 7

Re-defection campaign - General 1955-1956, undated

box 14841, folder 8

Round table talks 1989-1992, undated

box 14841, folder 9

Strikes - General 1982-1991, undated

box 14841, folder 10

Students movement 1988-1989, undated

box 14841, folder 11

Trade Unions 1976-1987, undated

box 14841, folder 12

Polish emigration 1954-1992, undated


Polish people-Soviet Union 1954-1992, undated

box 14841, folder 13

General 1957-1991, undated

box 14841, folder 14

Lithuania 1954-1991, undated

box 14841, folder 15

Soviet Union-Law 1962-1993, undated


Employee papers - Chciuk-Celt, Tadeusz 1929-1987, undated

Scope and Contents

Variant names: Tadeusz Chciuk [original name]; Tadeusz Chciuk-Celt [officially changed name]; pseudonyms: Tadeusz Celt, Marek Celt [pen name]; Michal Lasota
box 14841, folder 16

Poland 1929-1987, undated

box 14841, folder 17

Jewish-Polish relations 1983

box 14841, folder 18

Retinger, Józef H. undated

box 14841, folder 19

Letters from listeners - Chronological and alphabetical, Set 4, A-J 1990-1994


Sound recordings 1952-1996

Conditions Governing Access

Original audiovisual materials are not available until they have been reformatted. If interested in accessing these materials, please contact us for more information.


Arranged by format.

Scope and Contents

Contains 16,534 sound recordings of broadcast programs, interviews, and music.

1/4-inch sound tape reels 1952-1995 undated

box 11048

1952 May-1953 December

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11049

1953 March-1954 March

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11050

1953 August-1954 March

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11051

1953 December-1955 August

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11052

1954 April-August

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11053

1953 May-1959 January

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11054

1954 October-1955 February

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11055

1954 December-1955 January, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11056

1954 December-1955 April

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11057


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11058


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11059

1955 October-December, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11060

1955 December-1956 March

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11061

1956 March-April

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11062

1956 May-July

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11063

1954 July-September, 1956 April-November

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11064


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11065


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11066

1956 December 28-1957 May 19, undated

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11067

1957 April 19-September 15

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11068

1957 September 22-1958 January 1

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11069


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11070


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11071


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11072

1964-1965, 1974 March-April

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11073

1960 July-October, 1964-1965, undated

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11074


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)
box 11075


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11076


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11077

1962 May-October, 1964 October, 1968 January-December

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11078


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11079

1964 September-1967 November

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11080


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11081


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11082


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11083


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11084


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11085


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11086


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11087


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11088


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11089


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11090


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11091


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11092


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11093

1959-1974, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11094


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11095

1964 December-1965 August

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11096

1965 September-1968 November

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11097

1966 April-1967 April

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11098

1967 April-1969 February

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11099


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11100


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11101


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11102


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11103


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11104


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11105


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11106


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11107


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11108


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11109


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11110


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11111


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11112


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11113


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11114


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11115


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11116


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11117


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11118


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11119


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11120


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11121


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11122


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11123


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11124


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11125


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11126


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11127


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11128


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2150-2174; Special Easter Program
box 11129


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2175-2199; Special Easter Program
box 11130


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2200-2224; Special Easter Program
box 11131


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2225-2249; Special Easter Program
box 11132


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2250-2274; Special Programs
box 11133


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2275-2299; Special Programs
box 11134


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2300-2324; Historical Reminiscences
box 11135


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2325-2349; Historical Reminiscences
box 11136


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2350-2374; Historical Reminiscences
box 11137


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2375-2399; Historical Reminiscences
box 11138


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2400-2424; Historical Reminiscences
box 11139


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2425-2448; Historical Reminiscences
box 11140


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11141


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11142


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11143


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11144


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2550-2575; Special X-Mas Special
box 11145


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2576-2601; Special X-Mas Special
box 11146


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11147


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11148


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11149


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2679-2703; Special X-Mas Special
box 11150


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11151


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11152


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11153


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

2785-2809; Special Programs
box 11154


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11155


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11156


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11157


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11158


Physical Description: 22, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11159

1957-1992, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11160


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11161

1959-1988, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11162

1988 May, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11163

1959-1975, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11164

1960 April, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11165

1960-1989, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11166


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11167


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11168

1954-1974, undated

Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11169


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11170

1958-1974, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11171


Physical Description: 24, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11172

1962 March-October, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11173


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11174


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11175


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11176

1977-1983, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11177

1981 December 25, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11178

1981 May 30, December 13-14, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11179

1981 December 14, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11180

1981 December 13-14, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11181

1966 May 22, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11182

1982 April 11-12, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11183


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11184


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11185

1982-1989, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11186


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11187


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11188


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11189


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11190


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11191


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11192

1969-1972, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11193

1969-1972, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11194

1967-1969, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11195


Physical Description: 26, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11196


Physical Description: 26, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11197

1963 June 22, undated

Physical Description: 26, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11198

1963 October 7, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11199


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11200

1959 January 13, 1978 October 22, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11201

1978-1981, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11202

1975 December 25, 1985 August 19-20, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11203

1978-1981, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11204


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11205

1978-1979, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11206


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11207


Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11208

1961 October 23, undated

Physical Description: 25, 1/4-inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Scope and Contents

box 11209

1966 August 27, undated