This collection contains various documents pertaining to the Sacramento Whiskers Club in the form of meeting minutes, letters,
a roster, and a proclamation. The Sacramento Whiskers Club formed in 1922 for the purpose of commemorating the California
Gold Rush.
The Sacramento Whiskers Club formed in 1922 for the purpose of commemorating the California Gold Rush. Its members, called
Whiskerinos, assumed the appearance of gold rush miners, donning period costume and growing luxuriant beards. The Whiskerinos
were actively involved in Sacramento's "Days of '49," a week-long celebration of the Gold Rush that was held May 23-28, 1922.
Although they dispersed shortly afterward, they came together briefly early the next year to celebrate Gold Discovery Day
(January 24). Clyde L. Seavey held the distinction of being both Sacramento's first city manager and "Grand Chief Whiskerino
of Camp '49 and the World."