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Guide to the Presidential Debate records
USDA_2001_001, USDA_2011_005  
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This collection contains planning materials, videos, and news clippings for the University of San Diego's hosting of the 1992 and 1996 Presidential Debates. The 1992 debate was ultimately canceled, but the 1996 debate went forth as scheduled.
In August 1992, the Commission on Presidential Debates selected the University of San Diego as one of four Presidential Debate venues. The debate between President George Bush, then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, and Texas businessman Ross Perot was to be held on Sunday October 4, 1992. Debates were also scheduled for Michigan State University, Louisville, Kentucky, and the University of Richmond in Virginia. The Bush campaign, however, had not formally confirmed attendance at these debates due to issue with the debate format. After confirmation deadlines passed, the debates in Kentucky and San Diego were canceled and the Michigan debate was rescheduled. Later dates were then added to the schedule, leaving a 9 day span for all of the debates. Debates were held at Washington University of St. Louis on October 11th, the University of Richmond on October 15th, and Michigan State University on October 19th. A Vice Presidential Debate was held on October 13th at Georgia Tech.
This collection is open for research.