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Beaudin (Christy L.) dissertation research collection
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This collection (1988-1999) is made up of research materials including newspaper clippings and health reports used for Christy Beaudin's 1997 dissertation, "Determinants of utilization in a community-based AIDS service organization." Christy Beaudin's professional life has been devoted to promoting quality health care in a myriad of clinical settings. She is the author of several peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, case studies, and medical reports.
Christy Beaudin received her PhD from the UCLA School of Public Health, her LCSW from San Diego State University, and a bachelors degree in criminal justice from California State Univesity, San Bernadino. She is the author of 27 peer-reviewed articles in journals, book chapters, and case studies; along with 24 articles in other publications, studies, and reports. In 2005, Beaudin received the "Golden Pen Award" from the National Association for Health Care Quality for the article, "Using the Quality Improvement Committee to Establish Accountability and Yield Results," that appeared in the 2004 Journal for Health and Quality. Beaudin is a frequent speaker at national meetings and conferences pertaining to public health. She is the former Vice President and Chief Quality Officer for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (2006-2010) and Natioanl Director of Quality for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (2011-2014). Beaudin currently serves as Vice President of Prototypes, a program that serves women, children, and communities impacted by substance abuse.
1.25 Linear Feet 1 box.
All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the ONE Archivist. Permission for publication is given on behalf of ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives at USC Libraries as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained.
The collection is open to researchers. There are no access restrictions.