Finding aid for the Nicholas Wilder Gallery records, 1927-1980
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Scope and Content of Collection
Series I. Artist files, 1927-1980, undated
Alexander, Peter, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Altoon, John, 1970-1980, undated
Black-and-white negatives, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1972-1973
Clippings, 1974
Color photographs, undated
Correspondence, 1970-1980
Avedisian, Edward, undated
Scope and Content Note
Almeida, Raymond, 1974-1977
Clippings, 1974
Color slides, 1974
Exhibition materials, 1974-1977
Arnoldi, Charles, 1973-1979, undated
Black-and-white negative, undated
Exhibition materials, 1973-1979
Exhibition reviews, 1973-1979
Baldwin, Gordon, 1977
Bannard, Darby, 1970
Scope and Content Note
Bell, Larry, undated
Scope and Content Note
Bengston, Billy Al, 1972-1975, undated
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Color slides, 1972-1975
Color transparencies, 1974-1975
Index card inventory, 1972-1975
Photographs and exhibition materials, 1974-1975
Brice, William 1961-1980, undated
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Clippings, 1978
Color photograph, undated
Exhibition materials, 1961-1980
Inventory cards, 1975-1978
Clemins, Vija, 1975-1980
Exhibition materials, 1975-1980
Fliers and calendars, 1977-1978
Christianson, Dan, 1969-1978, undated
Color photographs, undated
Color slides, 1969-1970
Photographs and documents, 1977-1978
De France, James, 1970-1976, undated
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Color slides, 1976
Gallery documentation, 1970-1976
DeLap, Tony, 1971-1979, undated
Black-and-white negatives, 1974-1979
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Clippings, 1974
Color slides, 1971-1977
Exhibition poster, 1975
Gallery documentation and reviews, 1973-1979
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Gallery materials and photographs, 1971-1976
De Maria, Walter, 1966-1967, undated
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Diebenkorn, Richard, 1976-1979
Flavin, Dan, 1962-1966, undated
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Francis, Sam, 1951-1980, undated
Clippings, 1973-1978
Color slides, 1973-1974
Color transparencies, undated
Correspondence and documentation, 1976-1979
Exhibition materials, 1973-1980
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Index card inventory, 1967-1978
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Photographs and exhibition materials, 1951-1974, undated
Scope and Content Note
Price lists, 1973-1978
Reviews, 1969-1978
Frankenthaler, Helen, 1955-1973, undated
Color transparencies, undated
Photographs and review, 1955-1973, undated
Goode, Joe, 1963-1978, undated
Black-and-white negative, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1963-1978, undated
Clippings, 1976
Color photographs, 1978
Scope and Content Note
Color slides, 1964-1977
Color transparencies, undated
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence, 1978
Exhibition materials, 1970-1978
Exhibition posters, 1976, undated
Gorky, Arshile, 1927-1973, undated
Acquisition of pieces, 1927-1973
Black-and-white negative, undated
Color transparency, 1946
Graham, Robert, 1978
Hall, Nigel, 1968
Scope and Content Note
Helm, Robert, 1976-1980, undated
Color slides, undated
Exhibition reviews and correspondence, 1976-1980
Inventory lists and biography, 1976-1980
Photographs, undated
Herms, George, 1963-1979
Correspondence and exhibition materials, 1973-1979
Scope and Content Note
Exhibition poster, 1975
Inventory cards, 1963-1977
Hockney, David, 1966-1979, undated
Clippings and exhibition materials, 1979
Scope and Content Note
Color slides, undated
Scope and Content Note
Black-and-white negative, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1966-1976, undated
Inventory lists and correspondence, 1979
Hoffman, Hans, 1965, undated
Color photograph, 1965
Photographs and inventory list, undated
Transparency, undated
Holland, Tom, 1965-1980, undated
Biography, undated
Black-and-white photographs and exhibition materials, 1965-1979, undated
Clippings, 1969
Color slides, 1976-1978
Scope and Content Note
Exhibition announcements, 1965-1980
Exhibition materials, 1971-1976
Exhibition posters, undated
Inventory and business correspondence, 1965-1979
Personal correspondence, 1965-1970
Scope and Content Note
Hoyland, John, 1967, undated
Color transparencies, undated
Photographs and exhibition announcements, 1967
Hudson, Bobby, 1976
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Louis, Morris, 1957-1961
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McCollum, Allan, 1972-1978
Clippings, 1973
Color slide, 1972
Correspondence and exhibition materials, 1973-1978
Scope and Content Note
McCracken, John, 1964-1980, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1972-1976
Black-and-white transparencies, 1972-1976
Clippings, 1974
Color slides, 1972-1976
Correspondence, 1965-1980
Exhibition fliers and materials, 1965-1980
Exhibition posters, 1967-1968, undated
Scope and Content Note
Inventory drawing, 1964-1965
McLaughlin, John, 1961-1979, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1961-1967
Color photograph, undated
Color slides, 1969-1970
Correspondence and exhibition materials, 1978-1979
Color transparencies, undated
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Uncut black-and-white negatives, undated
Scope and Content Note
Moses, Ed, 1971-1980, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1972-1976
Correspondence and exhibition materials, 1973-1980
Exhibition posters, 1973, undated
Inventory cards, 1971-1977
Murrill, Gwynn, 1969-1979
Black-and-white photographs, 1969-1977
Clippings, 1978
Color slides, 1974-1977
Exhibition materials, 1976-1979
Inventory cards, 1972-1978
Nauman, Bruce, 1971-1980, undated
Black-and-white photographs and exhibition materials, 1971-1976, undated
Clippings, 1975
Color photograph, 1975
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Color slides, 1974-1977
Exhibition posters, 1975, undated
Scope and Content Note
Exhibition poster, 1976
Exhibition materials, 1975-1980
Film reel and scraps, undated
Scope and Content Note
Inventory cards and loan paperwork, 1974-1979
Newton, Helmut, 1973-1977, undated
Correspondence, 1976
Inventory cards, 1973-1977
Reception invitation list, undated
Reviews, 1976
Olitski, Jules, 1966, undated
Black-and-white photographs and exhibition announcement, 1966, undated
Color slides, 1966
Price, Kenneth, 1974
Scope and Content Note
Raciti, Cherie, 1972-1979, undated
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Clippings, 1973
Color slides, 1975
Correspondence between Wilder and Raciti, 1975-1979
Exhibition announcements and reviews, 1972-1979
Exhibition posters, 1974-1977, undated
1974, undated
Scope and Content Note
Transparency, undated
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1977-1978
Ruppersberg, Allen, 1974
Scope and Content Note
Smith, Alexis, 1972-1978, undated
Black-and-white photographs, 1973-1976
Clippings, 1973
Color slides, 1976, undated
Scope and Content Note
Exhibition announcements and correspondence, 1975-1978
Exhibition announcements and reviews, 1972-1977
Exhibition materials (duplicates), 1975
Exhibition poster, undated
Transparencies, undated
Scope and Content Note
Snyder, Joan, 1976-1980, undated
Exhibition announcements and correspondence, 1976-1980
Exhibition poster, undated
Sorenson, Don, 1974-1979
Spence, Andrew, 1974-1976, undated
Black-and-white photographs, undated
Loan paperwork and reviews, 1974-1976
Todd, Michael, 1975-1976
Color slides, 1976
Exhibition materials and reviews, 1975-1976
Torres, Horatio, 1974-1975, undated
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Yokomi, Richard, 1969-1979, undated
Clippings, 1978
Color photograph, undated
Correspondence and exhibition materials, 1969-1979
Exhibition posters, undated
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Zecher, Peter, 1970-1980, undated
Bibliography and photographs, 1970-1975, undated
Black-and-white negatives, 1974
Clipping, 1975
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Color photograph, 1974
Color slides, 1974
Correspondence and reviews, 1974-1980
Unidentified artwork, 1977
Series II. Gallery files, 1960-1978, undated.
Clippings, 1977
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence and invoices, 1977-1978
Exhibition poster, 1978
Mailing list, undated
Photographs, undated
Black-and-white photographs
Color photographs
Color slides
Purchased and unpurchased paintings, 1965-1970
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