Biographical File 1953 1979-1985 undated
Speeches and Writings 1985-2003 undated
Drafts undated
Drafts (cont.) undated
First version undated
Final version undated
Drafts with research materials undated
Research materials undated
Final version undated
"Ulitsa Mandel'shtama," typescript (cont.) 2003 undated
"Interv'iu," typescript undated
Essays 1984-2001
"Nekotorye razmyshlenia o moei antisovetskoi deiatel'nosti," typescript 1984
Untitled (Neschastnye grazhdane kapitalistiheskikh stran), typescript 1984
"Chto nas zhdet?" typescript 1984-1985
"Govoriat russkie emigranty," typescript with holograph notes ca 1985
"K voprosu ob okhrane detstva i materinstva v Sovetskom Soiuze," typescript 1985
"O festivale," holograph 1985
"Ot Moskvy do Amsterdama," typescript 1985
"Iazyki i perestroika," typescript circa 1986
"Russkaia emigratsiia," typescript 1986
"Voslenskii," typescript 1986
Untitled (Dlia sovetskogo cheloveka...), typescript ca 1986
Untitled (Gollandiia - traditsionno otkrytaia strana), typescript 1986
Untitled (Organizatsiia "Za mirnuiu politiku" ob"ediniaet liudei...) typescript 1986
"Avtomatizatsiia na Volge," typescript 1987
"Razmyshleniia o svobode, glasnosti i mirnom sosushchestvovanii," typescript 1987
Untitled (21-22 maia 1987 g. v Amsterdame proshel 5-i Sakharovskii kongress...), typescript 1987
"Doktor Zhivago, razreshen!," typescript 1988
"Chitaia sovetskie gazety," typescript 1988
"Amsterdam - Warschau - Moskou," typescript circa 1990
"Literatura i kommertsiia," typescript 1990
"Liubimye druz'ia," typescript ca 1990
"Perezhivet li Gorbachev god 2000-i? Popytka prognoza," typescript circa 1990
"Poetom mozhesh' ty ne byt'," typescript ca 1990
"Postroivshii zamok," typescript circa 1990
"V dni radio," typescript circa 1990
"Vologodskii," typescript with holograph notes ca 1990
Untitled (Leo Geerts rodilsia v 1935 godu...), typescript circa 1990
Untitled (Leonid Batkin, odin iz samykh izvestnykh publitsistov SSSR), typescript 1990
Untitled (Govoriat, mirom praviat idei...), typescript circa 1990
"Deti Akhmatovoi," typescript 1991
"Dozhivet li Gorbi do 2000-go goda?," typescript 1991
"If the World is Ready for the New Revolution in Russia," typescript 1990s
"Komu nuzhny arkhivy KGB," typescript circa 1991
"Paruir," typescript circa 1991
"Poeziia i politika (beseda s Iunoi Morits)," typescript 1991
"Budushchii president Rossii?" typescript 1992
"Kak fashizm ni nazovi...," typescript 1992
"Pamiati Iana Palakha," typescript 1993
"Popytka memuarov," typescript 1993
"Pamiati Mariny," draft ca 1994
"Serp i molot," typescript 1994 (1995)
"Poet i vechnost' (pamiati Iosifa Brodskogo)," typescript 1996
"Progulki s d'iavolom (Melkie 'besy' v Mastere i Margarite Mikhaila Bulgakova)," typescript 1996
"Vbegaet mertvyi gospodin...," typescript 1997
"Ōe Kenzaburō," typescript undated
1989-1991 and undated
Interviews 1985-2000
Akeksandr Zinov'ev 1986
Mikhail Voslenskii 1986
Gruppa Doverie 1986 1990
Vladimir Bukovskii 1990
Viktor Anpilov circa 1991
Viktor Anpilov circa 1991
Lectures and presentations 1986-1992
"Kharms sobiraet knigu," in the Russkaia literatura journal, no. 1, 1989, photocopy 1989
Golitsyn, Vladimir, two poems on the occasion of Grivnina's family emigration, holograph, 1985
Iudkovskaia, Irina circa 2003 2013
Untitled (Seichas menia, konechno, smeshat liudi...), typescript circa 2003
"V Rossii u menia takikh vozmozhnostei ne bylo..., " typescript circa 2013
Kim, Iulii, and Vladimir Dashkevich, "Klop,"opera libretto after Mayakovsky plays, typescript (photocopy) undated
Vvedenskii, Aleksandr, Nikolai Oleinikov and Nikolai Zabolotskii. "Vecher v sumasshedshem dome," typescript 1989
Miller, Larisa. "Pogovorim o strannostiakh liubvi," typescript, 1990
Morits, Iuna, "Katorga, kakaia blagodat'! (Boris Pasternak - ispytanie zhizneliubiem)," typescript, photocopy, circa 1990
Nekipelov, Viktor, Untitled poem (Ot naviazshikh slov, ot istlevshikh idei...), typescript undated
Podrabinek Aleksandr, interview transcript 1997
Temchin, Evgenii, "Chuzhoi," typescript 1970s
Subject File 1928-1976
Elena and Pavel Al'tshuller 1928-1976
1951-1976 (cont.)
Andrei Sakharov project 1973 1984-1993
Research material (cont.) 1973 1989-1991
Printed Matter 1980-1994
Bloch, Sidney and Peter Reddaway. Diagnoz: Inakomyslie 1981
Pochta v SSSR, informatsionnyi biulleten' organizatsii Freedom of Communications 1987-1990
Featuring Irina Grivnina with her family, friends, and political figures (cont.) 1950s-1986
Dissidents 1970s-1986
Cultural and political figures 1980s-1990s
Cultural and political figures (cont.) 1980s-1990s
Prague Spring 1989
Unidentified undated
Prints from Tamara's album 1920s-1957 1983 undated 1920
Soviet prisons and psychiatric hospitals 1970s
Frankfurt Book Fair 1987
Pushkin Congress, Bonn 1987
Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam 1989
Prague Spring 1989
Glasnost' Congress, Amsterdam 1990
Road to Freedom, Cato Institute conference 1990
Memorabilia 1937-1998
Sound and Video Recordings 1980-2002
Recordings of individuals 1980-2002
Airikian, Paruir, and Don Askarian undated
Akhmadulina, Bella circa 1989
Al'tshuller, Boris 1990
Ar'ev, Andrei, Joseph Brodsky, and Arsenii Roginskii undated
Askarian, Don, three cassettes 1989 1993.
Averintsev, Sergei, two cassettes undated
Babenysheva, Inna undated
Bakhmin, Viacheslav, two cassettes undated
Batkin, Leonid, two cassettes undated
Bek, Tat'iana, Andrei Vorontsov, and Evgenii Lagutin undated
Boland, Hans 1989
Brodsky, Joseph, three cassettes 1988 1991 undated
Bukovskii, Vladimir undated
Chudakov and Natan Eidel'man undated
Eidel'man, Natan, and Efim Etkind undated
Eidel'man, Natan, two cassettes undated
Edel'man, Natan, and Veniamin Smekhov undated
Erofeev, Viktor undated
Erlikh, Viktor 1995
Yeltsin, Boris, two cassettes undated
Gandlevskii, Sergei 1989
Ginzburg, Iurii 1990
Gladilin, Anatolii 1993
Glotzer, Vladimir, two cassettes 1993-1994
Gorin, Grigorii, two cassettes undated
Guberman, Igor' 2002
Gvozditskii, Viktor undated
Havel, Václav, press-conference undated
Iudkovskaia, Irina 1999
Karminskii undated
Katsis, Marina undated
Kigai, Natalia undated
Khardzhiev, Nikolai undated
Khazanov, Boris undated
Kichikhin, Aleksandr(?), and Georgii Khatsenkov 1990
Kim, Iulii, sixteen cassettes 1980-2002
Klenskaia, Irina undated
Kliamkin, Igor', two cassettes undated
Lennon, John, Prague undated
Lifshits, Sofia (wife of Lev Slavin) undated
Livnev, Sergei undated
Lokshin undated
McCartney, Paul, interview and concert undated
Mesiats, Vadim 2001
Mikhailov, Aleksandr, KGB press-center undated
Miller, Larisa, and Iurii Karabchievskii undated
Mnukhin, Lev 1994
Nemtsova, Dana (maybe Dina) undated
Nikolaeva, Olesia ca 1989
Petrushevskaia, Liudmila, two cassettes 1989-1990
Plisetskii, German, two cassettes undated
Polonskaia, Veronika undated
Popovskii, Mark 1987
Rein, Evgenii, and Bella Akhmadulina 1989
Reve, Karel van het, two cassettes 1996
Roginskii, Arsenii, and Marietta Chudakova unated
Roginskii, Arsenii, three cassettes 1992-1994
Rybakov, Anatolii, and Vladimir Voinovich undated
Rybakov, Anatolii, Frankfurt 1981
Saakiants, Anna undated
Saushkin undated
Sezeman, Dmitrii undated
Shaitanov, Igor', two cassettes undated
Shcharannskii, Anatolii (Natan) 1986 1988
Shteiger undated
Shveitser, Viktoriia 1995
Smelianskii, Anatolii 1994
Strelianyi, Anatolii 1990
Sumerkin, Aleksandr 1995
Sysoev, Viacheslav 1990
Tolstaia, Tat'iana, three cassetes undated
Urban, Ian, two interviews undated
Valiullina, Sana undated
Venclova, Tomas undated
Verheul, Kees undated
Voinovich, Vladimir, two cassettes circa 1986
Vozdvizhenskii, Viacheslav undated
Vysotskii, Vladimir undated
Yeltsyn, Boris, two cassettes undated
Zholkovskii, Aleksandr 1997
Day (Den') newspaper undated
Copenhagen conference, 1987
Israeli-Palestinian relations, three cassettes, ca 2000
Mayakovsky museum, by Muza Nemirova, undated
OBERIU evening, 1997
Občanské fórum (Civic Forum), Czechoslovakia, undated
Poetry International festival, Rotterdam, 1997
Rock groups in the Soviet Union, undated
Sakharov Congress, 1990
Young writers, undated
Zakharov theater (Lenkom), by Mikhail Levitin undated
Unidentified recordings 1996 undated
Video recordings, four video cassettes (VHS) 1986 1998 undated
Death of Poet: "Give me another Life!" Joseph Brodsky, 1940-1946 undated
Tijdsein 'Irina Grivnina' 1986
Iulii Kim na kontserte v DK "Meridian", two cassettes 1996
Film reels undated
Oversize Material 1942-1943 2002-2013