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Olive Bertha Smith Collection on Microfiche
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Olive Bertha Smith (1888-1988) served as a Southern Baptist foreign missionary and prayer center founder. Missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention, Miss Bertha, served as missionary to China from 1917-1948 and as the SBC's first missionary to Taiwan from 1948-1958. She traveled extensively around the world after her retirement from missions spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1973, she founded the Peniel Prayer Center in Cowpens, South Carolina, a prayer retreat for Christians across the nation. The collection comprises 380 microfiche of Smith's records.
The Spartanburg County Baptist Network in South Carolina donated the Olive Bertha Smith Collection to the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives in January 2004. Smith's official missionary papers are located at the International Mission Board, SBC in Richmond, VA.
380 microfiche
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