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Collection Contents


Series 1. Administration 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series is made up of administrative files that document the logistics for putting on the exhibition and its establishment and transfer to the city of Sacramento. Material includes correspondence, legal documents, financial records, tour records, permits, estimates, budgets, invoices, and reports. The series is arranged chronologically, except for tours, which are arranged alphabetically.
Box 1, Folder 1

General correspondence 1998-11-1999-04

Box 1, Folder 2

General correspondence 1999-05; 1999-06

Box 1, Folder 3

Genera correspondence 1999-07-1999-09

Box 1, Folder 4

General correspondence 1999-10-2000-01

Box 1, Folder 5

Notes 1998-12-1999-11

Box 1, Folder 6

Contacts  undated

Box 1, Folder 7

Business cards  undated

Box 1, Folder 8

Meeting notes 1998-12-1999-11

Box 1, Folder 9

Thank you letters 1999-09; 1999-10

Box 1, Folder 10

Visitors log  undated

Box 1, Folder 11, Mapcase 19:04, Folder 1

Stationery undated

Box 1, Folder 12

Permits and licenses  undated

Box 1, Folder 13

Insurance  undated

Box 1, Folder 14

Contracts  undated

Box 1, Folder 15

Estimates 1998-01-1999-07

Box 1, Folder 16

Bass estimate  undated

Box 1, Folder 17

Invoices 1999-01-1999-06

Box 1, Folder 18

Invoices 1999-07; 1999-08

Box 1, Folder 19

Invoices 1999-09; 1999-10

Box 1, Folder 20

Invoices 1999-11; 1999-12

Box 1, Folder 21

Budgets 1998-12-1999-12

Box 1, Folder 22

Fundraising 1999-04-1999-10

Box 1, Folder 23

Individual financial reports  undated

Box 1, Folder 24

Final financial report  undated

Box 1, Folder 25

Special event reservations  undated

Box 1, Folder 26

Teacher tour reservations  undated

Box 1, Folder 27

Attendance reports  undated

Box 1, Folder 28

Tour confirmation  undated

Box 1, Folder 29

School tours, A-C   undated

Box 1, Folder 30

School tours, D-G  undated

Box 2, Folder 31

School tours, H-M  undated

Box 2, Folder 32

School tours, N-S  undated

Box 2, Folder 33

School tours, T-Z  undated


Series 2. Staffing and training 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

Material in this series is related to the staffing and training needs of the exhibition. Due to the short length of the exhibition, the majority of the staffing was supplied and managed by Comstock Staffing. Material includes job descriptions, policies and procedures, Comstock Staffing records, and volunteer records.
Box 2, Folder 34

Job descriptions  undated

Box 2, Folder 35

Policies and procedures  undated

Box 2, Folder 36

Comstock Staffing   undated

Box 2, Folder 37

Volunteers   undated


Series 3. Security 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series contains material related to the security of the exhibit and the items on loan for it, including security procedures, alarm and fire prevention records, correspondence, chief security officer administrative material, a log book, and incident reports. The incident reports are of particular interest because they detail a dispute between exhibition organizers and the activist group Indigenous Community Outreach Network (ICON) that lasted for the entire duration of the exhibit and eventually involved city and county officials, community members, and Oakland Museum staff. ICON felt the exhibition failed to fully include the Native voice, and they staged protests outside of the exhibit and requested that certain aspects of the exhibition be changed. This series is arranged roughly chronologically.
Box 2, Folder 38

Security procedures  undated

Box 2, Folder 39

 Alarm  undated

Box 2, Folder 40

Fire prevention  undated

Box 2, Folder 41

Incident reports 1998-07-1999-12

Box 2, Folder 42

Correspondence 1998-05-1999-10

Box 2, Folder 43

Chief Security Officer folder  undated

Box 2, Folder 44

Log book  undated


Series 4. Facilities

Series Scope and Content Summary

Material in this series documents the layout of the exhibition at Memorial Auditorium, including records related to the establishment of a phone system and other equipment provided for the proper operation of the event, a facilities report, equipment records, and maps.
Box 2, Folder 45 

Facilities report  undated

Box 2, Folder 46, Mapcase 19:04, Folder 1

Equipment  undated

Box 2, Folder 47

Phone equipment   undated

Box 2, Folder 48, Mapcase 19:04, Folder 1

Maps   undated


Series 5. Public relations 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of promotional material created for the exhibit, which was heavily publicized throughout the Sacramento Valley with television commercials, newspaper and magazine articles, and the establishment of an official website. Material includes promotional packets made for the general public, teachers, and volunteers, plus posters, website records, and television, newspaper, and magazine promotions. Also included are examples of promotional material from the Oakland Museum and the Autry, which were provided to the city for guidance.
Box 2, Folder 49

General promotional packets  undated

Box 2, Folder 50

Teacher promotional packets  undated

Box 2, Folder 51

Volunteer promotional packets  undated

Box 2, Folder 52 

Promotional information  undated

Box 2, Folder 53, Mapcase 19:04, Folder 1

Posters undated

Box 2, Folder 54

Website  undated

Box 2, Folder 55

TV ads (listing the contents of one of the videos)  undated

Box 2, Folder 56, Mapcase 19:04, Folder 1

Newspaper undated

Box 2, Folder 57

Magazine   undated

Box 2, Folder 58

Oakland  undated

Box 2, Folder 59

Autry  undated


Series 6. Exhibition 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series documents the planning, installation, and interpretation of the exhibit and the items used in it. Material includes lists of individual exhibit items, exhibit labels, installation and de-installation records, public education records, audio guide records, signs, souvenirs, and records from both the Oakland Museum and the Autry that assisted the Memorial Auditorium with the exhibit.
Box 2, Folder 60

Planning, general information  undated

Box 2, Folder 61

Inventory list  undated

Box 2, Folder 62

De-installation  undated

Box 2, Folder 63

Oakland general information  undated

Box 2, Folder 64

Autry general information  undated

Box 2, Folder 65

Set-up images  undated

Box 2, Folder 66

Signs  undated

Box 2, Folder 67

Souvenirs  undated

Box 2, Folder 68

Entertainment, community   undated

Box 2, Folder 69

Performers  undated

Box 2, Folder 70

Education, general information    undated

Box 2, Folder 71

Training manuals  undated

Box 2, Folder 72

Book  undated

Box 2, Folder 73

California timeline  undated

Box 2, Folder 74

Labels  undated

Box 3, Folder 75

Drafts for panel  undated

Box 3, Folder 76

Days of 49 exhibit  undated

Box 3, Folder 77

Fate cards  undated

Box 3, Folder 78

Audio guide information  undated

Box 3, Folder 79

Audio guide transcript  undated

Box 3, Folder 80

Audio guide, Oakland  undated


Series 7. Audiovisual material 1998-2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series contains photographs, slides, computer disks, and videos related to the exhibit. Photographs document the equipment, display arrangement, final exhibition layout, and various special events from throughout the life of the exhibition.
Box 3, Folder 81

Photographs, equipment  undated

Box 3, Folder 82

Photographs, display  undated

Box 3, Folder 83

Photographs, exhibition  undated

Box 3, Folder 84

Photographs, exhibition  undated

Box 3, Folder 85

Photographs, special events   undated

Box 3, Folder 86

Slides  undated

Box 3, Folder 87 

Computer Disks  undated

Box 4

VHS - Monday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Tuesday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Wednesday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Thursday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Friday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Saturday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Sunday   undated

Box 4

VHS - Gold Fever: 30 Spot 6 1921 1999

Box 4

VHS - Gold Fever: 30 PSA logo, 30PSA no-logo, 15 PSA no-logo   undated

Box 4

VHS - Gold Fever: 4 spots   undated

Box 4

VHS - Gold Fever: 30 spots, CA Lottery   undated

Box 4

VHS - Gold Fever: spot, Client Review Copy   undated

Box 4

VHS - “Gold Fever! The Lure and the Legacy of the California  Gold  Rush” (stills of exhibit)   1998