Series 1. Administration 1998-2000
Series Scope and Content Summary
General correspondence 1998-11-1999-04
General correspondence 1999-05; 1999-06
Genera correspondence 1999-07-1999-09
General correspondence 1999-10-2000-01
Notes 1998-12-1999-11
Contacts undated
Business cards undated
Meeting notes 1998-12-1999-11
Thank you letters 1999-09; 1999-10
Visitors log undated
Stationery undated
Permits and licenses undated
Insurance undated
Contracts undated
Estimates 1998-01-1999-07
Bass estimate undated
Invoices 1999-01-1999-06
Invoices 1999-07; 1999-08
Invoices 1999-09; 1999-10
Invoices 1999-11; 1999-12
Budgets 1998-12-1999-12
Fundraising 1999-04-1999-10
Individual financial reports undated
Final financial report undated
Special event reservations undated
Teacher tour reservations undated
Attendance reports undated
Tour confirmation undated
School tours, A-C undated
School tours, D-G undated
School tours, H-M undated
School tours, N-S undated
School tours, T-Z undated
Series 2. Staffing and training 1998-2000
Series Scope and Content Summary
Job descriptions undated
Policies and procedures undated
Comstock Staffing undated
Volunteers undated
Series 3. Security 1998-2000
Series Scope and Content Summary
Security procedures undated
Alarm undated
Fire prevention undated
Incident reports 1998-07-1999-12
Correspondence 1998-05-1999-10
Chief Security Officer folder undated
Log book undated
Series 4. Facilities
Series Scope and Content Summary
Facilities report undated
Equipment undated
Phone equipment undated
Maps undated
Series 5. Public relations 1998-2000
Series Scope and Content Summary
General promotional packets undated
Teacher promotional packets undated
Volunteer promotional packets undated
Promotional information undated
Posters undated
Website undated
TV ads (listing the contents of one of the videos) undated
Newspaper undated
Magazine undated
Oakland undated
Autry undated
Series 6. Exhibition 1998-2000
Series Scope and Content Summary
Planning, general information undated
Inventory list undated
De-installation undated
Oakland general information undated
Autry general information undated
Set-up images undated
Signs undated
Souvenirs undated
Entertainment, community undated
Performers undated
Education, general information undated
Training manuals undated
Book undated
California timeline undated
Labels undated
Drafts for panel undated
Days of 49 exhibit undated
Fate cards undated
Audio guide information undated
Audio guide transcript undated
Audio guide, Oakland undated
Series 7. Audiovisual material 1998-2000
Photographs, equipment undated
Photographs, display undated
Photographs, exhibition undated
Photographs, exhibition undated
Photographs, special events undated
Slides undated
Computer Disks undated
VHS - Monday undated
VHS - Tuesday undated
VHS - Wednesday undated
VHS - Thursday undated
VHS - Friday undated
VHS - Saturday undated
VHS - Sunday undated
VHS - Gold Fever: 30 Spot 6 1921 1999
VHS - Gold Fever: 30 PSA logo, 30PSA no-logo, 15 PSA no-logo undated
VHS - Gold Fever: 4 spots undated
VHS - Gold Fever: 30 spots, CA Lottery undated
VHS - Gold Fever: spot, Client Review Copy undated
VHS - “Gold Fever! The Lure and the Legacy of the California Gold Rush” (stills of exhibit) 1998