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Tomb of the Mamelukes 2008.R.3-2958
Mosque Karbakee 2008.R.3-2959
Citadel, Cairo 2008.R.3-2960
[General View of Cairo] 2008.R.3-2961
[Boulaq, Ship's Crew (?), Boat and Nile] 2008.R.3-2962
[Cairo, View with Mosques and Minarets] 2008.R.3-2963
Tombs of the Caliphs 2008.R.3-2964
Walls of Cairo 2008.R.3-2965
Mosque of Corbaki Street in Cairo 2008.R.3-2966
[Old Mosque with Cairo Citadel in the Distance] 2008.R.3-2967
Tombs of Sultan L[...] Caliph Tombs 2008.R.3-2968
Entrance of the Tombs of the Caliph 2008.R.3-2969
Schroeder & Cie, Le Caire au bord du Nil vers Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3363 1900
Broussq Mosquée, 2008.R.3-3936 1888 or 1889
Dervische, 2008.R.3-3939 1890
Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3941 1890
Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3942 1890
Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3945 1890
Marchand de léblébi, 2008.R.3-3946 1890
Paysan turc, 2008.R.3-3947 1890
Paysan turc fumant le narguilé, 2008.R.3-3948 1890
Bohémiennes, 2008.R.3-4635 1893
[Women's Ward, Constantinople], 2008.R.3-3951 1890
Sébah, Jean, 1886-1899
Karnak: reste du temple de Mouthe, 2008.R.3-3212 after 1886
Temple Deir-el-Bahari (bas-reliefs), 2008.R.3-3213 after 1886
[Temple Deir-el-Bahari: Reliefs], 2008.R.3-3214 after 1886
Dervis tourneurs (Derviches tourneurs), 2008.R.3-3938 1890s
[Woman with Umbrella], 2008.R.3-3940 1890
[Portrait of an Arab Man], 2008.R.3-3943 1890
Mosquée Touloun: fontaine des ablutions, 2008.R.3-3194 after 1886
École & fontaine El-Nahassine, 2008.R.3-3195 after 1886
Louxor, statue de Ramses II, 2008.R.3-3198 after 1886
Mosquée El-Azhar: cour, 2008.R.3-3200 after 1886
Rue Mourad Pacha, 2008.R.3-3201 after 1886
Pont de Ghèsireh, 2008.R.3-3202 after 1886
Mosquée Mohamed-Aly (sanctuaire), 2008.R.3-3203 after 1886
Medinet Habou, 2008.R.3-3204 after 1886
Nubie, Abou-Simbel: le triomphe de Kamès, 2008.R.3-3205 after 1886
Bas-relief, chambre de Phtak, 2008.R.3-3206 after 1886
Abou Simbel: Ramsès et son ennemi, 2008.R.3-3209 after 1886
Deir-Medinet: bas-relief à l'intérieur, 2008.R.3-3210 after 1886
Intérieur du tombeau de Ji à Zakarah, 2008.R.3-3211 after 1886
Pyramide de Sakkarah, 2008.R.3-3215 after 1886
Bord du Nil, 2008.R.3-3216 after 1886
Abydos, colonnade de la 2me salle hypostyle, 2008.R.3-4144 after 1886
Vieux Caire (douane), 2008.R.3-4145 1890
Rue Bab-el-Vazir, 2008.R.3-4631 after 1886
[Minarets of the Al-Azhar Mosque], 2008.R.3-4076 after 1886
Fellahines portant de l'eau, 2008.R.3-607/5Seb 1870s
Fête du Dosseh au Caire, 2008.R.3-612/7Seb 1870s
Ile de Phylae: colonnade du temple de Mectanebo, 2008.R.3-3153 1880s
Le Sphinx Armachus à Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3156 between 1880 and 1883
Groupe des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3157 between 1880 and 1883
Grande pyramide de Cheops, Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3158 between 1880 and 1883
Grande pyramide de Sakkarah, 2008.R.3-3159 between 1880 and 1883
Pont et caserne de Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3160 between 1880 and 1883
Le port d'Alexandrie, 2008.R.3-3161 1880s
Canal de Suez, 2008.R.3-3162 between 1880 and 1883
Dahabieh, 2008.R.3-3163 between 1880 and 1883
Canal de Suez, 2008.R.3-3164 between 1880 and 1883
Promenade de Ghezeriah, 2008.R.3-3165 between 1880 and 1883
Bords au Nil, forêt de palmiers, 2008.R.3-3166 between 1880 and 1883
Palmiers à Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3167 between 1880 and 1883
Village à Gyzèh, 2008.R.3-3168 between 1880 and 1883
La statue de Chéfren, 2008.R.3-3169 between 1880 and 1883
Les sphynx de Thoulèmes III, 2008.R.3-3170 between 1880 and 1883
Osiris, Hathor et Isis, 2008.R.3-3171 between 1880 and 1883
[Young Arab Woman], 2008.R.3-3172 between 1880 and 1883
Dame arabe à la promenade, 2008.R.3-3175 between 1880 and 1883
Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-3176 1870s
Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-3177 1870s
Pont de Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3178 1870s
Épìcier arabe, 2008.R.3-3179 1870s
Md. de sucreries (Marchand de sucreries), 2008.R.3-3180 1870s
Halte des chameaux, 2008.R.3-3181 1870s
Laveuxes arabe (Laveuxes arabes), 2008.R.3-3182 1870s
Dame cophte (Dame copte), 2008.R.3-3184 between 1880 and 1883
[Woman on Donkey with Young Attendant], 2008.R.3-3185 1870s
Bord du Nil, à Beim-Hassan: fellahines portant de l'eau, 2008.R.3-3186 1870s
Café & bazar sur la place du tribunal, 2008.R.3-3187 between 1880 and 1883
Dame syrienne, 2008.R.3-3188 1870s
Femme fellah et son enfant, 2008.R.3-3189 1870s
Type de femme fellah, 2008.R.3-3190 1870s
Danseur nègre, 2008.R.3-3191 1870s
Buffle, 2008.R.3-3192 1870s
Fellahines puisant de l'eau du Nile, 2008.R.3-3193 1870s
Fontaine de la mosquée Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-3196 between 1880 and 1883
[Muslim Scholars Studying], 2008.R.3-3345 1870s
Groupe de chameliers, 2008.R.3-4075 1870s
Rue du Caire quartier Touloun, 2008.R.3-3144 1870s
Tombe des califs, Kait-Bey, 2008.R.3-3145 between 1880 and 1883
Groupe de fellahs, 2008.R.3-3183 1870s
[Gathering Water along the Nile], 2008.R.3-3173 between 1880 and 1883
Citadelle au Caire et tombeaux des Mamelukes, 2008.R.3-3141 1870s
Rue de la citadelle au Caire, 2008.R.3-3142 1870s
Rue du Caire, 2008.R.3-3143 1870s
Vue générale de tombeaux des kalifs (Vue générale des tombeaux des kalifs), 2008.R.3-3146 between 1880 and 1883
Porte de la citadelle, 2008.R.3-3147 between 1880 and 1883
Village de Gizeh, 2008.R.3-3148 between 1880 and 1883
Caire: mosquée du Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-3149 between 1880 and 1883
Caire: Vue générale des tombeaux des kalifes, 2008.R.3-3150 between 1880 and 1883
Mosquée Mohamet-Ali à la citadelle, Caire, 2008.R.3-3151 between 1880 and 1883
Village arabe, 2008.R.3-3152 between 1880 and 1883
Route des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3154 between 1880 and 1883
Pyramides de Chefren et de Mycérinus, 2008.R.3-3155 between 1880 and 1883
Mariage arabe, 2008.R.3-4140 1870s
Magasin d'antiquités, 2008.R.3-4142 1870s
Marchand des tapis, 2008.R.3-604/2Seb 1870s
Groupe de fellahs, 2008.R.3-606/4Seb 1870s
[Women Spinning Wool], 2008.R.3-3134 1870s
Grand rue de Bazar, Khan-el-Khalili, 2008.R.3-3135 1870s
Edfou: Colonnade de la cour, 2008.R.3-3136 1870s
Table d'Adibôs au temple de Séti I, 2008.R.3-3137 1870s
Vue d'une partie du Caire, 2008.R.3-3139 1870s
Rue du Caire quartier Toulon, 2008.R.3-3140 1870s
[Relief, Deir-Medinet], 2008.R.3-3208 between 1880 and 1883
Sheet with six images, 2008.R.3-3217s between 1880 and 1883
[Crouching Man with Stick] 2008.R.3-3217
Dame arabe 2008.R.3-3218
[Man on Donkey] 2008.R.3-3219
Marchand d'eau 2008.R.3-3220
[Shoeshine Boys] 2008.R.3-3221
Alexandrie d'Egypte, place des Consuls 2008.R.3-3222
Tarantella, 2008.R.3-3223 between 1880 and 1883
Fête du Dossen au Caire, 2008.R.3-3224 between 1880 and 1883
Porte de la mosquée du Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-4141 between 1880 and 1883
[Crowd in front of Sebah's Cairo Studio], 2008.R.3-4146 1870s
Intérieur d' une maison arabe, 2008.R.3-4633 1870s
Dahabieh, 2008.R.3-4634 1870s
Groupe des pyramides (groupe de pyramides), 2008.R.3-3138 1870s
Fontaine des Eaux douces d'Asie, 2008.R.3-3933 between 1880 and 1883
Fontaine et école de la Validé, 2008.R.3-3934 1860s
Intérieur de Hain-Boghaz, 2008.R.3-3952 1870s
[Interior of St. Sophia], 2008.R.3-3953 1870s
Tombeau du Sultan Mahmoud, 2008.R.3-3954 1870s
Fontaine de la Validé, 2008.R.3-3956 1870
Porte d'entrée du Sultan Béyazid, Consple, 2008.R.3-3957 1870
Le désert, 2008.R.3-4165 1870s
[St. Sophia Mosque], 2008.R.3-Suppl. 3 1870
Kennèh, fabrique des gargulettes (Kennèh, fabrique des gargoulettes), 2008.R.3-605/3Seb 1870s
[Dancer and Onlookers], 2008.R.3-4203 1870s
Voiture turque, 2008.R.3-4134 1870s
Voiture turque, 2008.R.3-3949 1870s
Egyptian Woman, 2008.R.3-3451 between 1880 and 1883
Saïs, 2008.R.3-3452 between 1880 and 1883
Femme copte, 2008.R.3-3450 between 1880 and 1883
Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-4519 1870s
Sinclair, James A., Sunshine and Shadow, Aswan, 2008.R.3-4035 1926
Smith, E. H., 1910
Lake of Tiberias 2008.R.3-4353
Garden of Gethsemane 2008.R.3-4354
Soler, Ancien marché aux esclaves, 2008.R.3-2792 1890s
Studio Mandel, [Orientalist Nude Study], 2008.R.3-649/1Mand approximately 1925
Szathmari, Carol Popp de, Types et costumes valaques (Palicare et Tsigane), 2008.R.3-658/Szeth 1857
Thompson, Stephen, 1870s
[Sarcophagus of Naskatu, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4680
[Colossal Head of Thothmes III, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4682
[Stela of Neswy, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4683
[False Door from the Tomb of Teta and Canopic Jars, British Museum], 2008.R.3-4684 1870s
[Basalt Slab of Nectanebo I, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4685
[Egyptian Stone Vessels] 2008.R.3-4674
[Fowling in the Marshes: Fragment of a Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4675
[Cattle Brought for Inspection: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4676
[Inspecting the Fields: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4677
[Nebamun Inspecting Geese: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4678
[Egyptian Wooden Chests] 2008.R.3-4679
[Egyptian Statue of a Husband and Wife] 2008.R.3-4681
[Statue of Osorkon I] 2008.R.3-670/1Thomp
Trémaux, Pierre, 1850s
Fille du Dar-four 2008.R.3-652/1Trém
Fille du Dar-four 2008.R.3-653/Trém
Valentine, James, 1870s-1880s
Lower Soko, Tangier, 2008.R.3-2951 1880s
Cleopatra's Needle, London, 2008.R.3-672/1Vale 1870s
Tangier from S. W. , 2008.R.3-4147 1880s
Vernet, Horace, Harem de Méhémet-ali à Alexandrie, 2008.R.3-663/Vern approximately 1839
Verzaschi, Enrico, [Studio Interior with Arrangement of Oriental Textiles and Suit of Armor], 2008.R.3-4574 1870s
Vignes, Louis, 1864
Ilustrations for Luynes, Honoré Théodore Paul Joseph d'Albert, duc de, Voyage d'exploration à la mer Morte, à Petra et sur la rive gauche du Jourdain
Wilson, G. W. (George Washington), 1870s-1880s
[Two Women in Moroccan Covered Dress], 2008.R.3-599/1Wils 1870s
Brighton Pavilion, East Front, 2008.R.3-671/2Wils 1870s
Oban from the South, 2008.R.3-5058 1880s
West Front of the Brighton Pavillion, 2008.R.3-4648 1870s
Photographer unknown, 1850-1959
Algeria, 1860-1905
[Group of Four Ouled Naïl Women], 2008.R.3-Suppl. 4 1905
[Algerian Man Standing against a Rough Wall], 2008.R.3-600/11Unkn 1860s
Un chef arabe allié, 2008.R.3-628/17Unkn 1870s
[Mosque Interior], 2008.R.3-636/21Unkn 1880
Blidah, cimetière musulman, 2008.R.3-4025 1880s
[Women Talking at 'Harem' Window], 2008.R.3-4164 1890s
[Men Playing Chess], 2008.R.3-4168 1870s
Mustapha, Suburb of Algiers, 2008.R.3-4315 1870s
[Market Scene], 2008.R.3-4330 1880s
An Arab Lady in Outdoor Costume, 2008.R.3-4334 1880s
[Young Boys Eating at Long Tables], 2008.R.3-4337 1870s
[Woman in African Costume, Breast Exposed and Holding a Drum], 2008.R.3-4653 1870s
Mosquée Sidi Abderhamam, 2008.R.3-4655 1905
Une rue à Alger, 2008.R.3-4656 1870s
[Woman Posed Sideways with Her Shoulder and Back Bared], 2008.R.3-4658 1870s
Arabe de la plaine, 2008.R.3-4659 1870s
Femmes ouled nayls, 2008.R.3-4660 1870s
[Young Woman Embroidering], 2008.R.3-4710 1870s
[Woman Posed in Studio by a Barleytwist Pillar], 2008.R.3-621/16Unkn 1870s
Ouled nail à Biskra, 2008.R.3-4024 1880s
[Children on Street Steps], 2008.R.3-4303 1880s
Le désert pris du col de Sfa, 2008.R.3-4308 1890s
Chaabet El Akra, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4309 1890s
Chaabet El Akra, Alégrie, 2008.R.3-4310 1890s
Bougie, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4311 1890s
Philippeville, vu de la jetée, 2008.R.3-4312 1890s
[Camel on Its Knees with Howdah], 2008.R.3-4316 1890s
Bône, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4317 1890s
Salon mauresque, Alger, 2008.R.3-4318 1890s
[Moorish Gallery with Man Leaning against Balustrade], 2008.R.3-4319 1880s
[Young African Woman, Breast Exposed], 2008.R.3-4321 1870s
[Young African Woman, Topless with Hands Clasped], 2008.R.3-4322 1870s
[Woman Wearing a Grass Skirt], 2008.R.3-4323 1870s
Alger, la mosquée de Sidi Abderhaman, 2008.R.3-4324 1905
Alger, rue arabe, 2008.R.3-4325 1880s
[Man on Camel], 2008.R.3-4326 1880s
[Bearded Old Man], 2008.R.3-4327 1880s
[Soldier Holding Rifle with His Pack on his Back], 2008.R.3-4328 1880s
Café maure, Biskra, 2008.R.3-4329 1880s
[Group of Arabs], 2008.R.3-4331 1880s
[Street Scene], 2008.R.3-4332 1880s
[Snake Charmer], 2008.R.3-4333 1880s
[Water Sellers], 2008.R.3-4335 1860s
[Woman with Raised Veil Standing at the Edge of the Woods], 2008.R.3-4336 1870s
[Construction Site with Buildings on Bluff above], 2008.R.3-4340 1860s
[Man Resting by an Olive Tree], 2008.R.3-4341 1860s
[Rock Formations], 2008.R.3-4775 1880s
[Harbor with Boats], 2008.R.3-4776 1880s
[Panorama of an Algerian City and Surrounding Countryside], 2008.R.3-4568 1880s
[Panorama of a Large Algerian City], 2008.R.3-4569 1880s
[Odalisque], 2008.R.3-620/15Unkn 1870
[Three People at a Well], 2008.R.3-4632 1880s
Alexandrie, place de Mohamet Alli, 2008.R.3-3298 1890s
Vue générale, prise de la citadelle, 2008.R.3-3299 1890s
Caire, hôtel du Nil, 2008.R.3-3300 1890s
Port de Port-Saïd, entrée du canal, 2008.R.3-3301 1890s
[Men Working by Palm Trees and Mud Huts], 2008.R.3-3302 1890s
[Woman Balancing a Large Jug on her Head], 2008.R.3-3304 1890s
Caire, allée des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3305 1890s
Allée des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3306 1890s
Vue du Nil, 2008.R.3-3307 1890s
[Train Wreck on Railway Bridge], 2008.R.3-3308 1890s
[Half-length Portrait of a Veiled Woman Seated and Holding a Vase], 2008.R.3-3309 1870s
[Arab Café], 2008.R.3-3310 1880s
[Group of People and Boats by the Nile], 2008.R.3-3311 1890s
[Group of People Working a Chadouf], 2008.R.3-3312 1880s
[Street in Cairo (?)], 2008.R.3-3313 1880s
From the Written Valley -- Wilderness of Sinai, 2008.R.3-3320 1860s
[Tourists Posed in front of Pyramids], 2008.R.3-3321 1920s
[Large Tourist Group Posed in front of Pyramids], 2008.R.3-3322 1920s
[Large Group of Tourists in front of the Sphinx], 2008.R.3-4036 1920s
[Tourists Posed with Camels in front of the Sphinx], 2008.R.3-4712 1920s
Railway Station in the Desert, 2008.R.3-3323 1870s
Mosque of Omar, Cairo, 2008.R.3-3324 1870s
[First Cataract with the Temple at Philae in the Distance], 2008.R.3-4473 1860s
[Cotton Sellers], 2008.R.3-4522 1870s
Colonnade de la Mosquée El-Azhar, 2008.R.3-4523 1870s
[Two Women Carrying Jugs on their Heads], 2008.R.3-4526 1890
[Two Men Praying], 2008.R.3-4534 1890
Our Pilot, 2008.R.3-4535 1870s
[Man Standing next to a Donkey], 2008.R.3-4536 1870s
[Crowded Market Street], 2008.R.3-4539 1870s
[Woman with Fan Sitting before a Studio Backdrop], 2008.R.3-4540 1870s
[Woman Holding a Branch and a Vase], 2008.R.3-4541 1870s
[Woman Posed with Jugs and Vases], 2008.R.3-4542 1870s
[Old Man Standing before Elaborate Backdrop], 2008.R.3-4544 1870s
[Boys on Donkeys], 2008.R.3-4546 1870s
Épicerie arabe (Arabic Shop), 2008.R.3-4548 1870s
Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-4750 between 1870 and 1889
[Western Surveyors with Egyptian Men], 2008.R.3-572/9Unkn 1863
Porte intérieure du Khan Khalil, 2008.R.3-637/22unkn 1887
Les statues de Meidoum, 2008.R.3-4459 1920s
Stele d'Atoti, Saqqara, 6th dynasty, 2008.R.3-4460 1920s
[Interior Corner with Columns, Philae], 2008.R.3-4461 1910
[Columns, Medinet Habu], 2008.R.3-4462 1910
[Gateway, Medinet Habu], 2008.R.3-4463 1910
[Edfu Temple and Colonnade], 2008.R.3-4464 1910
[Unidentified Small Temple], 2008.R.3-4465 1910
[Unidentified Gateway and Ruins], 2008.R.3-4466 1910
[Reliefs of Temple of Hathor, Dendara?], 2008.R.3-4467 1910
[Unidentified Temple Hall and Columns], 2008.R.3-4468 1910
[Desert Scene, Sand and Rocks], 2008.R.3-4469 1910
[Desert Landscape with Dry River Bed], 2008.R.3-4470 1910
[First Cataract of the Nile], 2008.R.3-4471 1910
[Swimmers in Rapids in the Nile], 2008.R.3-4472 1910
[Ship on the Suez Canal], 2008.R.3-4476 1880s
[Ships at Port Said], 2008.R.3-4477 1870s
[Harbor at Alexandria], 2008.R.3-4480 1870s
Hotel de Zeek a l'Esbekie au Caire, 2008.R.3-4482 1860s
[Sphinx and Pyramid], 2008.R.3-4485 1860s
Mosque of Mohamed Ali, 2008.R.3-4486 1880s
[Mashrabiyyas], 2008.R.3-4493 1860s
[Villagers at Luxor], 2008.R.3-4538 1870s
[Two Sais Posed in a Studio], 2008.R.3-4543 1870s
[African Man Wearing a Turban], 2008.R.3-4545 1870s
[Three Camels and Their Attendant], 2008.R.3-4547 1870s
Cairo, Mosque of Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-4487 1880s
Cairo, Tombs of the Caliphs, 2008.R.3-4488 1880s
Cairo, Mosque of Muhammed Ali and Tombs of Mamelukes, 2008.R.3-4489 1880s
[Sphinx with Tourists at Its Base], 2008.R.3-4500 1870
[Large Sailing Ship Docked Parallel to the Shore], 2008.R.3-4737 1880s?
Routes des pyramides (vue de loin), 2008.R.3-4501 1880s
Pyramide Cheops, 2008.R.3-4502 1880s
[Pyramids with Drinks Seller, Two Camels and Riders and Two Palms in the Foreground], 2008.R.3-4503 1880s
[Great Pyramid and Sphinx with Excavation in the Foreground], 2008.R.3-4504 1880s
[Tourists Climbing a Pyramid], 2008.R.3-4506 1880s
[House Facades, Cairo], 2008.R.3-4508 1880s
The Sphinx, 2008.R.3-4509 1880s
[Palm Trees by Water], 2008.R.3-4516 1870s
Bedouin, 2008.R.3-4518 1870s
[Woman with Basket on Her Head], 2008.R.3-4529 1890
[Teacher and Class, Outdoors], 2008.R.3-4530 1890
[Woman with Basket on Her Head Facing a Seated Woman], 2008.R.3-4531 1890
[Two Men Praying], 2008.R.3-4532 1890
[Men Pulling up Water Baskets], 2008.R.3-4651 1870s
Entrance to Suez Canal, 2008.R.3-3454 1870s
Place Lesseps, at Port Said, 2008.R.3-4481 1860s
[Building Facades, Cairo], 2008.R.3-4490 1870
[Courtyard with Bundles of Goods], 2008.R.3-4491 1870
[The Pyramids], 2008.R.3-4505 1880s
[Three Tourists on Camels at Giza, Pyramids and Sphinx in Background], 2008.R.3-4517 1910
Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo, 2008.R.3-4271 1880s
Egyptian Gate at Alexandria, Khedive Guard, 2008.R.3-4520 1870s
[Woman Standing next to a Table with a Vase of Dried Grasses], 2008.R.3-4524 1870s
[Military Battalion Ready for the War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4549
[Military Battalion and Band Parading before War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4550
[Battalion in Rectangular Formation Ready for War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4551
[Military in Formation in Far Ground with City on the Horizon] 2008.R.3-4553
[Military Formation in Middle Distance with City on the Horizon] 2008.R.3-4554
Carvings and hieroglyphics from an Egyptian tomb excavation, approximately 1910
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light] 2008.R.3-3010
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3011
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3012
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3013
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3014
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3015
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3016
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3017
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3018
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3019
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3020
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3022
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3023
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3024
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3025
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail of Long Arms and Hands Surrounding a Figure] 2008.R.3-3026
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3027
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Legs?] 2008.R.3-3028
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3030
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3031
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3032
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3033
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3034
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3035
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3036
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3037
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3038
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3040
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3041
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Rows of Walking Men] 2008.R.3-3007
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light] 2008.R.3-3009
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Large Head and Arms] 2008.R.3-3051
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3053
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing and Crouching Figures] 2008.R.3-3054
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3056
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3057
[Iluminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3073
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3092
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3095
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3096
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3097
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3098
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3099
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3101
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3102
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Seven Standing Figures and One Seated Figure] 2008.R.3-3103
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3105
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3106
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3107
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3109
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3111
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3113
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3114
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3115
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3116
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3117
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Long Arms and Hands] 2008.R.3-3119
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3125
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3126
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3127
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Four(?) Figures] 2008.R.3-3055a
[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with a Line of Figures] 2008.R.3-3057a
[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3021
Philae from the East 2008.R.3-3373
Roman basilica, Philae 2008.R.3-3380
Osiris Hall, Abu Simbel 2008.R.3-3381
[Desert Scene with Camel (?) Skeleton] 2008.R.3-3382
"Big Gate," First Cataract 2008.R.3-3384
Temple of Isis, Philae 2008.R.3-3385
Entrance to First Cataract, from Philae 2008.R.3-3388
[First Cataract of the Nile with Rocks and Bather] 2008.R.3-3391
Mosque of Kait Bey 2008.R.3-3392
Ethiopia. [Children Preparing Lemon Oil], 2008.R.3-559/7Unkn 1860s
France, 1857-1900
É'tretat, vue générale, 2008.R.3-4738 1870s
Porte de La Rochelle, 2008.R.3-4739 1870s
Église de La Rochelle, 2008.R.3-4740 1870s
[Male Models Posing for an Orientalist Study], 2008.R.3-571/8Unkn 1860s
[Orientalist Nude Study], 2008.R.3-647/23Unkn 1900
[Portrait of Farouk Khan, Persian Ambassador], 2008.R.3-4042 1857
[Costumed Theatrical Players], 2008.R.3-4046 1890s
[Maid Bathing a Woman in the Harem], 2008.R.3-4059 1880s
[Four Men and a Woman Playing Dice in an Orientalist's Studio #1], 2008.R.3-4007 1880s