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Schranz, Antonio, 1850s

Scope and Contents

Schranz was the first professional photographer of note based in Egypt. He had established a studio in Cairo by at least 1849. The young Florence Nightingale was a visitor to Schranz's establishment.
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Tomb of the Mamelukes 2008.R.3-2958

Tomb of the Mamelukes

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from caption written on mount. Signed in the negative: A. Schranz.
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Mosque Karbakee 2008.R.3-2959

Mosque Karbakee

Scope and Contents

Mosque of Khayrbak. Salted paper print. Title from pencil caption on mount.
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Citadel, Cairo 2008.R.3-2960

Citadel, Cairo

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount. Signed in the negative.
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[General View of Cairo] 2008.R.3-2961

[General View of Cairo]

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Written on verso: Cairo.
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[Boulaq, Ship's Crew (?), Boat and Nile] 2008.R.3-2962

[Boulaq, Ship's Crew (?), Boat & Nile]

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Written on verso: M. Boulaq (?).
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[Cairo, View with Mosques and Minarets] 2008.R.3-2963

[Cairo, View with Mosques and Minarets]

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Written on verso: Cairo.
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Tombs of the Caliphs 2008.R.3-2964

Tombs of the Caliphs

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount.
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Walls of Cairo 2008.R.3-2965

Walls of Cairo

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount.
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Mosque of Corbaki Street in Cairo 2008.R.3-2966

Mosque of Corbaki Street in Cairo

Scope and Contents

Street with mosque mausoleum of Khayrbak. Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount.
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[Old Mosque with Cairo Citadel in the Distance] 2008.R.3-2967

[Old Mosque with Cairo Citadel in the Distance]

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print.
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Tombs of Sultan L[...] Caliph Tombs 2008.R.3-2968

Tombs of Sultan L[...] Caliph Tombs

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount.
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Entrance of the Tombs of the Caliph 2008.R.3-2969

Entrance of the Tombs of the Caliph

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print. Title from inscription on verso of mount. Name on verso.
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Schroeder & Cie, Le Caire au bord du Nil vers Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3363 1900

Schroeder & Cie: Le Caire bord du Nil vers Kasr-el-Nil

Scope and Contents

View on the bank of the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Edit. Schroeder & Cie Zurich. Numbered in negative: 5050.

Sébah & Joaillier, 1888-1893

Scope and Contents

In 1888 Jean (J.P.) Sébah went into business with Policarpe Joaillier after which photographs taken in Turkey were signed Sébah & Joiallier, rather than P. Sébah.
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Broussq Mosquée, 2008.R.3-3936 1888 or 1889

Broussq Mosquée

Scope and Contents

Interior of the Brusque Mosque. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: No. 63 [?].
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Dervische, 2008.R.3-3939 1890


Scope and Contents

Group of dervishes with arms raised. Albumen print. Title in negative (partially illegible). Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier.
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Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3941 1890

Marchand des dattes

Scope and Contents

Portrait of an old date merchant with a basket on his back and holding a scale. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 526.
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Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3942 1890

Marchand des dattes

Scope and Contents

Old date merchant, seated. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 528.
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Marchand de dattes, 2008.R.3-3945 1890

Marchand des dattes

Scope and Contents

Old date merchant weighing fruit. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 527.
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Marchand de léblébi, 2008.R.3-3946 1890

Marchand de léblébi

Scope and Contents

Street merchant holding a pan of leblebi (roasted chickpea snack). Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 522.
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Paysan turc, 2008.R.3-3947 1890

Paysan turc

Scope and Contents

Half-length portrait of the old date seller. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 524.
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Paysan turc fumant le narguilé, 2008.R.3-3948 1890

Paysan turc fumant le narguilé

Scope and Contents

Old date seller seated with pipe. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Sébah & Joaillier. Numbered in negative: 525.
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Bohémiennes, 2008.R.3-4635 1893


Scope and Contents

Two Bohemians dressed as women. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed and dated in negative: Sébah & Joaillier / 1893. Numbered in negative: 555.
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[Women's Ward, Constantinople], 2008.R.3-3951 1890

[Women's Ward, Constantinople]

Scope and Contents

Patients and visitors at Istanbul hospital. Albumen print. The firm's logos are printed on both the recto and verso of the card: Sebah & Joaillier / Photographes / de la cour royale de Prusse / 439. Grande rue de Péra. Constantinople.

Sébah, Jean, 1886-1899

Scope and Contents

After Pascal Sébah suffered a brain hemorrage in 1883, his brother Cosmi stepped in to help run the Istanbul studio, which he continued to run even after Jean Sébah, son of Pascal, went into business with Joaillier. Jean seems to have run the studio in Egypt, signing views of Egypt J. P. Sébah, in reference to his father's name.
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Karnak: reste du temple de Mouthe, 2008.R.3-3212 after 1886

Karnak: reste du temple de Mouthe

Scope and Contents

Karnak, tomb exterior with wall reliefs. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 846.
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Temple Deir-el-Bahari (bas-reliefs), 2008.R.3-3213 after 1886

Temple Deir-el-Bahari (bas-reliefs)

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 751.
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[Temple Deir-el-Bahari: Reliefs], 2008.R.3-3214 after 1886

[Temple Deir-el-Bahari: Reliefs]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 752.
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Dervis tourneurs (Derviches tourneurs), 2008.R.3-3938 1890s

Dervis tourneurs

Scope and Contents

Six dervishes. Albumen print. Title from annotation on verso. Numbered on verso: No. 246. Unsigned and Turkish subject matter, so possibly should be attributed to Sébah & Joaillier.
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[Woman with Umbrella], 2008.R.3-3940 1890

[Woman with Umbrella]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered in negative: 215. Unsigned and Turkish subject matter, so possibly should be attributed to Sébah & Joaillier.
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[Portrait of an Arab Man], 2008.R.3-3943 1890

[Portrait of an Arab Man]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Unsigned and Turkish subject matter, so possibly should be attributed to Sébah & Joaillier.
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Mosquée Touloun: fontaine des ablutions, 2008.R.3-3194 after 1886

Mosquée Touloun: fontaine des ablutions

Scope and Contents

Mosque of Ibn Toulon, Cairo. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 59. E.N. A copyright wet stamp is on the verso along with instructions for returning the photograph and a cataloging stamp. Written on verso: Cairo / The mosque of Ibn Toulon, showing the / Fountain of Ablutions.
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École & fontaine El-Nahassine, 2008.R.3-3195 after 1886

Ecole & fontaine El-Nahassine

Scope and Contents

School and fountain of El-Nahassine with students studying in the tower. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 76. Jacobson number 3196 is on reverse.
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Louxor, statue de Ramses II, 2008.R.3-3198 after 1886

Louxor, statue du Ramses II

Scope and Contents

Luxor, Statue of Ramses II. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 793. Jacobson number 3199 is on reverse.
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Mosquée El-Azhar: cour, 2008.R.3-3200 after 1886

Mosquée El-Azhar: cour

Scope and Contents

Mosque El-Azhar, courtyard. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 20.
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Rue Mourad Pacha, 2008.R.3-3201 after 1886

Rue Mourad Pacha

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 161.
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Pont de Ghèsireh, 2008.R.3-3202 after 1886

Pont de Ghèsireh

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 421.
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Mosquée Mohamed-Aly (sanctuaire), 2008.R.3-3203 after 1886

Mosquée Mohamed-Aly (sanctuaire)

Scope and Contents

Interior of the Mosque Mohammed Ali. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 7.
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Medinet Habou, 2008.R.3-3204 after 1886

Medinet Habou

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from annotation on verso. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah.
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Nubie, Abou-Simbel: le triomphe de Kamès, 2008.R.3-3205 after 1886

Nubie, Abou-Simbel: le triomphe de Kamès

Scope and Contents

Abu-Simbel, wall relief. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 956.
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Bas-relief, chambre de Phtak, 2008.R.3-3206 after 1886

Bas relief , chambre de Phtak

Scope and Contents

Chambre Phtah, relief. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 969.
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Abou Simbel: Ramsès et son ennemi, 2008.R.3-3209 after 1886

Abou Simbel: Ramses et son ennemi

Scope and Contents

Abu-Simbel, relief. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 954.
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Deir-Medinet: bas-relief à l'intérieur, 2008.R.3-3210 after 1886

Deir-Medinet: bas-relief à l'interieur

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. J. P.'s signature must be presumed to be after P. Sébah's death in 1886. Numbered in negative: No. 765.
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Intérieur du tombeau de Ji à Zakarah, 2008.R.3-3211 after 1886

Interieur du tombeau de Ji à Zakarah

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 525.
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Pyramide de Sakkarah, 2008.R.3-3215 after 1886

Pyramide de Sakkarah

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 585.
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Bord du Nil, 2008.R.3-3216 after 1886

Bord du Nil

Scope and Contents

Sailboats on the banks of the Nile. Albumen print. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 566.
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Abydos, colonnade de la 2me salle hypostyle, 2008.R.3-4144 after 1886

Abydos, colonnade de la 2me salle hypostyle

Scope and Contents

Colonade of the second hypostile hall, Abydos with the photographer's shadow on the front colume. Albumen print. Title from negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 1008.
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Vieux Caire (douane), 2008.R.3-4145 1890

Vieux Caire (douane)

Scope and Contents

Customs scene with ships docked, old Cairo. Albumen print. Title from negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 414.
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Rue Bab-el-Vazir, 2008.R.3-4631 after 1886

Rue Bab-el-Vazir

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 157.
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[Minarets of the Al-Azhar Mosque], 2008.R.3-4076 after 1886

[Minarets of the Al-Azhar Mosque]

Scope and Contents

Minarets of the Al-Azhar Mosque. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: J. P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 53.

Sébah, Pascal, 1860-1883

Scope and Contents

Pascal Sébah was active from approximately 1856 until he suffered a brain hemorrhage in 1883. He died in 1886.
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Fellahines portant de l'eau, 2008.R.3-607/5Seb 1870s

Fellahines portant de l'eau

Scope and Contents

Two Fellahines with jugs on their heads. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. In negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 135.
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Fête du Dosseh au Caire, 2008.R.3-612/7Seb 1870s

Fête du Dosseh au Caire

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. In negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 218 bis.
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Ile de Phylae: colonnade du temple de Mectanebo, 2008.R.3-3153 1880s

Ile de Phylae: colonnade du temple de Mectanebo

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from annotation on verso. Numbered on verso in pencil: 52.
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Le Sphinx Armachus à Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3156 between 1880 and 1883

Le Sphinx Armachus à Gyzeh

Scope and Contents

Pyramid and sphinx at Giza with a figure standig at its base. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 46.
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Groupe des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3157 between 1880 and 1883

Group des Pyramides

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative; P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 48a.
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Grande pyramide de Cheops, Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3158 between 1880 and 1883

Grande pyramide de Cheops, Gyzeh

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 44. A mobile darkroom and camera box can be seen in front of the pyramid in the center middleground of the image.
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Grande pyramide de Sakkarah, 2008.R.3-3159 between 1880 and 1883

Grande Pyramide de Sakkarah

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 49.
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Pont et caserne de Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3160 between 1880 and 1883

Pont et caserne de Kasr-el-Nil

Scope and Contents

Sailing boats on the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 281.
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Le port d'Alexandrie, 2008.R.3-3161 1880s

Le port d'Alexandrie

Scope and Contents

Port of Alexandria. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P Sébah. Numbered in negative: 213.
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Canal de Suez, 2008.R.3-3162 between 1880 and 1883

Canal de Suez

Scope and Contents

Ship coming up the Suez Canal. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 289.
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Dahabieh, 2008.R.3-3163 between 1880 and 1883


Scope and Contents

Boats on the canal. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 41.
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Canal de Suez, 2008.R.3-3164 between 1880 and 1883

Canal de Suez

Scope and Contents

Suez Canal with ship and boat in the distance. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 291.
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Promenade de Ghezeriah, 2008.R.3-3165 between 1880 and 1883

Promenade de Ghezeriah

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from annotation on verso. Numbered on verso: 379a. Written on photograph: Gezireh.
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Bords au Nil, forêt de palmiers, 2008.R.3-3166 between 1880 and 1883

Bords au Nil, forèt a palmiers

Scope and Contents

Palm trees along the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 118.
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Palmiers à Gyzeh, 2008.R.3-3167 between 1880 and 1883

Palmiers à Gyzeh

Scope and Contents

Palm trees near Giza. Albumen print. Title in negative. Numbered in negative: No. 43.
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Village à Gyzèh, 2008.R.3-3168 between 1880 and 1883

Village à Gyzèh

Scope and Contents

Village at Giza. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 171.
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La statue de Chéfren, 2008.R.3-3169 between 1880 and 1883

La statue de Chéfren

Scope and Contents

Statue of Chefren in the Boulaq Museum. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Numbered in negative: 124.
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Les sphynx de Thoulèmes III, 2008.R.3-3170 between 1880 and 1883

Les Sphynx de Thoulemes III

Scope and Contents

Statuary outside the Boulaq Museum. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Numbered in negative: 120.
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Osiris, Hathor et Isis, 2008.R.3-3171 between 1880 and 1883

Osiris, Hathor et Isis

Scope and Contents

Osiris, Hathor and Isis statues in the Boulaq Museum. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Numbered in negative: 123.
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[Young Arab Woman], 2008.R.3-3172 between 1880 and 1883

[Young Arab Woman]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 3173 is on the reverse.
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Dame arabe à la promenade, 2008.R.3-3175 between 1880 and 1883

Dame arabe a la promenade

Scope and Contents

Shows a veiled woman seated on a donkey outside a house. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 144. Written on mount: Arab woman riding.
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Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-3176 1870s

Femme arabe

Scope and Contents

Portrait of a barefooted woman leaning on a jug propped against a cardboard rock. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative; P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 196.
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Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-3177 1870s

Femme arabe

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 465.
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Pont de Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-3178 1870s

Pont de Kasr-el-Nil

Scope and Contents

Group near bridge. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 83.
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Épìcier arabe, 2008.R.3-3179 1870s

Èpìcier arabe

Scope and Contents

Spice shop. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: N. 372.
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Md. de sucreries (Marchand de sucreries), 2008.R.3-3180 1870s

Md. de sucreries

Scope and Contents

Sweet sellers. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 161.
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Halte des chameaux, 2008.R.3-3181 1870s

Halte des chameaux

Scope and Contents

Camels and attendants posed in front of an ornate false facade. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 167.
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Laveuxes arabe (Laveuxes arabes), 2008.R.3-3182 1870s

Laveuxes arabe

Scope and Contents

Washing clothes. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 362.
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Dame cophte (Dame copte), 2008.R.3-3184 between 1880 and 1883

Dame cophte

Scope and Contents

Copt woman holding her cloak open. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 481.
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[Woman on Donkey with Young Attendant], 2008.R.3-3185 1870s

[Woman on Donkey with Young Attendant]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered on verso: 143.
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Bord du Nil, à Beim-Hassan: fellahines portant de l'eau, 2008.R.3-3186 1870s

Bord du Nil, à Beim-Hassan: fellahines portant de l'eau

Scope and Contents

Women gathering water by the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 170.
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Café & bazar sur la place du tribunal, 2008.R.3-3187 between 1880 and 1883

Café and bazar sur la place du tribunal

Scope and Contents

Cafe and bazar by the Place de Tribunal. Albumen print. Titled and numbered on verso. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 91a.
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Dame syrienne, 2008.R.3-3188 1870s

Dame Syrienne

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Signed in negative: No. 237a. The sitter is possibly a man dressed as a woman.
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Femme fellah et son enfant, 2008.R.3-3189 1870s

Femme felah et son enfant

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: 158.
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Type de femme fellah, 2008.R.3-3190 1870s

Type de femme fellah

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 152.
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Danseur nègre, 2008.R.3-3191 1870s

Danseur nègre

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 177.
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Buffle, 2008.R.3-3192 1870s


Scope and Contents

Buffalo with boy rider. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 61.
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Fellahines puisant de l'eau du Nile, 2008.R.3-3193 1870s

Fellahines puisant de l'eau du Nile

Scope and Contents

Fallah women collecting water from the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 137.
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Fontaine de la mosquée Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-3196 between 1880 and 1883

Fontaine de la mosquée Sultan Hassan

Scope and Contents

Interior of mosque of Sultan Hassan. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: 48. Jacobson number 3195 is on reverse. Caption written on mount below photograph.
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[Muslim Scholars Studying], 2008.R.3-3345 1870s

[Muslim Scholars Studying]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered in pencil on verso: 380.
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Groupe de chameliers, 2008.R.3-4075 1870s

Groupe de chameliers

Scope and Contents

Group of eight men; three are playing pipes; two hold the skulls of an antlered animal. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Numbered in negative: No. 150.
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Rue du Caire quartier Touloun, 2008.R.3-3144 1870s

Rue du Caire quartier Touloun

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 127. This is a vertically trimmed version of a large format image; see Jacobson number 3140 for the full image.
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Tombe des califs, Kait-Bey, 2008.R.3-3145 between 1880 and 1883

Tombe des califs, Kait-Bey

Scope and Contents

Tomb of Caliphs, Kaithbey. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 449.
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Groupe de fellahs, 2008.R.3-3183 1870s

Groupe de fellahs

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 140.
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[Gathering Water along the Nile], 2008.R.3-3173 between 1880 and 1883

[Gathering Water along the Nile]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 3172 is on reverse.
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Citadelle au Caire et tombeaux des Mamelukes, 2008.R.3-3141 1870s

Citadelle au Caire et tombeaux des Mamelukes

Scope and Contents

Citadel and tombs of the Mamelukes. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 12.
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Rue de la citadelle au Caire, 2008.R.3-3142 1870s

Rue de la Citadelle au Caire

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 8.
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Rue du Caire, 2008.R.3-3143 1870s

Rue du Caire

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 7.
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Vue générale de tombeaux des kalifs (Vue générale des tombeaux des kalifs), 2008.R.3-3146 between 1880 and 1883

Vue générale de tombeaux des kalifs

Scope and Contents

View of the Tomb of Caliphs. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 21 bis.
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Porte de la citadelle, 2008.R.3-3147 between 1880 and 1883

Port de la citadelle

Scope and Contents

Gate of the Citadel. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 132.
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Village de Gizeh, 2008.R.3-3148 between 1880 and 1883

Village de Gizeh

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 237.
box 22

Caire: mosquée du Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-3149 between 1880 and 1883

Caire: mosquée du Sultan Hassan

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébahm. Numbered in negative: 16.
box 22

Caire: Vue générale des tombeaux des kalifes, 2008.R.3-3150 between 1880 and 1883

Caire: vue générale des tombeaux des kalifes

Scope and Contents

View of the Tomb of the Caliphs. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 22.
box 22

Mosquée Mohamet-Ali à la citadelle, Caire, 2008.R.3-3151 between 1880 and 1883

Mosquée Mohamet-Ali à la citadelle, Caire

Scope and Contents

Mosque of Mohammed Ali at Citadel. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 10.
box 22

Village arabe, 2008.R.3-3152 between 1880 and 1883

Village arabe

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 262.
box 22

Route des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3154 between 1880 and 1883

Route de Pyramides

Scope and Contents

Road to the pyramids. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 269.
box 22

Pyramides de Chefren et de Mycérinus, 2008.R.3-3155 between 1880 and 1883

Pyramides de Chefren et de Mycérinus

Scope and Contents

Pyramides at Giza. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 45.
box 22

Mariage arabe, 2008.R.3-4140 1870s

Mariage arabe

Scope and Contents

Arab wedding scene. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 156.
box 22

Magasin d'antiquités, 2008.R.3-4142 1870s

Magasin d'antiquités

Scope and Contents

Antique store. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 446. Wet stamp on verso: Albert Hautecoeur / Maison Martinet / 18, bd. des Capucines.
box 23

Marchand des tapis, 2008.R.3-604/2Seb 1870s

Marchand des Tapis

Scope and Contents

Carpet sellers. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 190. Jacobson note: This is the only large-format print we have seen of this image.
box 23

Groupe de fellahs, 2008.R.3-606/4Seb 1870s

Groupe de fellahs

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 138.
box 23

[Women Spinning Wool], 2008.R.3-3134 1870s

[Women Spinning Wool]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Caption in negative is faded.
box 23

Grand rue de Bazar, Khan-el-Khalili, 2008.R.3-3135 1870s

Grand rue de Bazar, Khan-el-Khalili

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 90.
box 23

Edfou: Colonnade de la cour, 2008.R.3-3136 1870s

Edfou: colonnade de la cour

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 85.
box 23

Table d'Adibôs au temple de Séti I, 2008.R.3-3137 1870s

Table d'Adibôs au temple de Séti I

Scope and Contents

Relief from the temple of Seti I with two figures. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 165.
box 23

Vue d'une partie du Caire, 2008.R.3-3139 1870s

Vue d'une partie du Caire

Scope and Contents

View of Cairo. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 6. Jacobson number 3140 is on the reverse.
box 23

Rue du Caire quartier Toulon, 2008.R.3-3140 1870s

Rue du Caire quartier Toulon

Scope and Contents

Street in the Toulon quarter, Cairo. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 127. Jacobson number 3139 is on reverse.
box 23

[Relief, Deir-Medinet], 2008.R.3-3208 between 1880 and 1883

[Relief, Deir-Medinet]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Titled on verso. Numbered in negative: No. 178 bis.

Sheet with six images, 2008.R.3-3217s between 1880 and 1883

box 23

[Crouching Man with Stick] 2008.R.3-3217

[Crouching Man with Stick]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed and captioned in negative, but faded; begins: Veill__. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3218 through 3222.
box 23

Dame arabe 2008.R.3-3218

Dame arabe

Scope and Contents

Veiled woman. Titled in negative. Albumen print. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3217 and 3219 through 3222.
box 23

[Man on Donkey] 2008.R.3-3219

[Man on Donkey]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed and titled in negative, but cut off. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3217; 3218; and 3220 through 3222.
box 23

Marchand d'eau 2008.R.3-3220

Marchand d'eau

Scope and Contents

Water seller with boy drinking. Albumen print. Titled in negative. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3217 through 3219; 3221; and 3222.
box 23

[Shoeshine Boys] 2008.R.3-3221

[Shoeshine Boys]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Caption in negative partially cut off: [...] de bottes. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3217 through 3220; 3222.
box 23

Alexandrie d'Egypte, place des Consuls 2008.R.3-3222

Alexandrie d'Egypte, place du Consuls

Scope and Contents

Alexandria, main square. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Writen on mount: Alexandria. On sheet (3217s) with five additional images: Jacobson numbers 3217 through 3221.
box 23

Tarantella, 2008.R.3-3223 between 1880 and 1883


Scope and Contents

A man and two crouching women watching a dancer. Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount. Signed and titled in negative. Jacobson number 3324 is on the reverse.
box 23

Fête du Dossen au Caire, 2008.R.3-3224 between 1880 and 1883

Fête du Dossen au Caire

Scope and Contents

Day of the treading, religious festival, Cairo. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 218 bis. Jacobson number 3323 is on reverse.
box 23

Porte de la mosquée du Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-4141 between 1880 and 1883

Porte de la mosquée du Sultan Hassan

Scope and Contents

Door of the Sultan Hassan mosque. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 217.
box 23

[Crowd in front of Sebah's Cairo Studio], 2008.R.3-4146 1870s

[Crowd in front of Sebah's Cairo Studio]

Scope and Contents

A man appears to be accosting a woman while a crowd looks on. Albumen print. This unsigned image is attributed to Sébah.
box 23

Intérieur d' une maison arabe, 2008.R.3-4633 1870s

Interieur a une maison arabe

Scope and Contents

Interior of an Arab house. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 12.
box 23

Dahabieh, 2008.R.3-4634 1870s


Scope and Contents

Dahabieh on the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 41b.
box 23

Groupe des pyramides (groupe de pyramides), 2008.R.3-3138 1870s

Groupe des pyramides

Scope and Contents

Pyramids in the distance with people and Nile in the foreground. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed and titled in negative, and numbered: 209(?).
box 31

Fontaine des Eaux douces d'Asie, 2008.R.3-3933 between 1880 and 1883

Fontaine des Eaux douces d'Asie

Scope and Contents

Fountain at the Sweet Waters of Asia. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: N. 165.
box 31

Fontaine et école de la Validé, 2008.R.3-3934 1860s

Fontaine et école de la Validé

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: No. 9.
box 31

Intérieur de Hain-Boghaz, 2008.R.3-3952 1870s

Interieur de Hain-Boghaz

Scope and Contents

View of Hain-Boghaz Pass. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative.
box 31

[Interior of St. Sophia], 2008.R.3-3953 1870s

[Interior of St. Sophia]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Copied from a large vertical three-part panorama. Jacobson number 3954 is on the reverse.
box 31

Tombeau du Sultan Mahmoud, 2008.R.3-3954 1870s

Tombeau du Sultan Mahmoud

Scope and Contents

Tomb of Sultan Mahmoud. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 106. Jacobson number 3943 is on the reverse.
box 31

Fontaine de la Validé, 2008.R.3-3956 1870

Fontaine de la Validé

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: 9.
box 31

Porte d'entrée du Sultan Béyazid, Consple, 2008.R.3-3957 1870

Porte d'entrée du Sultan Béyazid, Consple

Scope and Contents

Main entrance of the Sultan Béyazid mosque, Constantinople. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah Phot. Numbered in negative: No. 33.
box 31

Le désert, 2008.R.3-4165 1870s

Le Désért, Consple

Scope and Contents

Desert scene near Constantinople with camel skeletons in the foreground and a camel caravan in the distance. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: N. 246.
box 31

[St. Sophia Mosque], 2008.R.3-Suppl. 3 1870

[St. Sophia Mosque]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Attributed to Sébah, but not signed in negative.
box 89*

Kennèh, fabrique des gargulettes (Kennèh, fabrique des gargoulettes), 2008.R.3-605/3Seb 1870s

Kennèh, fabrique des gargulettes

Scope and Contents

Kenneh (Qinā) is an Egyptian town where pottery was produced. Albumen print. Titled in negative. In negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 151.
box 90*

[Dancer and Onlookers], 2008.R.3-4203 1870s

[Dancer and Onlookers]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title devised (title in negative is faded). Signed in negative: P. Sebah. Numbered in negative: No. 210. Numbered in ink, upper right corner of photograph: 65.
box 90*

Séïs, 2008.R.3-4204 1870s

Scope and Contents

Two sais or runners. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: P. Sebah. Numbered in negative: No. 165.
box 90*

Voiture turque, 2008.R.3-4134 1870s

Voiture turque

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 119. For another copy of this image see 2008.R.3-3949.
box 31

Voiture turque, 2008.R.3-3949 1870s

Voiture turque

Scope and Contents

Carriage pulled by oxen. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative (appears twice). Signed in negative: P. Sébah. Numbered in negative: 300. For another copy of this image see 2008.R.3-4134.
box 84*

Egyptian Woman, 2008.R.3-3451 between 1880 and 1883

Egyptian Woman

Scope and Contents

Cabinet card-sized albumen print mounted on larger sheet. Title from caption written on mount. On one sheet with 3450 and 3452. Reverse is Jacobson number 4721.
box 84*

Saïs, 2008.R.3-3452 between 1880 and 1883


Scope and Contents

Cabinet card-sized albumen print mounted on larger sheet. Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Saïs or runner. On sheet with 3450 and 3451. Reverse is Jacobson number 4721.
box 84*

Femme copte, 2008.R.3-3450 between 1880 and 1883

Femme Ccopte

Scope and Contents

Cabinet card-sized albumen print mounted on larger sheet. Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Coptic Woman. On sheet with Jacobson numbers 3451 and 3452. Reverse is Jacobson number 4721.
box 78

Femme arabe, 2008.R.3-4519 1870s

Femme arabe

Scope and Contents

Probably by P. Sebah. A woman rests her elbow on a large jug that is resting on a pile of artificial rocks in the photographer's studio. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Numbered in negative: 190. Written on mount: Arab woman. Jacobson number 4518 is on the reverse.
box 40

Sinclair, James A., Sunshine and Shadow, Aswan, 2008.R.3-4035 1926

Sinclair, James A.: Sunshine and Shadow, Aswan

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Titled in pencil beneath image. Signed in pencil below image: James A. Sinclair.

Smith, E. H., 1910

box 88*

Lake of Tiberias 2008.R.3-4353

Lake of Tiberias

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Title from caption on mount. Annotation on mount, lower right: Photos by Mr. E. H. Smith. Jacobson number 4554 is on the same side. Jacobson number 5050 is on the reverse.
box 88*

Garden of Gethsemane 2008.R.3-4354

Garden of Gethsemane

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Title from caption on mount. Annotation on mount, lower right: Photos by Mr. E. H. Smith. Jacobson number 4553 is on the same side. Jacobson number 5050 is on the reverse.
box 2

Soler, Ancien marché aux esclaves, 2008.R.3-2792 1890s

Soler: Ancien marché aux esclaves

Scope and Contents

The old slave market, Tunis. Albumen print. Title in negative. Signed in negative: Tunis. Soler phot.
box 40

Studio Mandel, [Orientalist Nude Study], 2008.R.3-649/1Mand approximately 1925

Studio Mandel: [Orientalist Nude Study]

Scope and Contents

Nude, veiled woman seated in profile. Gelatin silver print. Signed in negative: Studio / Mandel / Paris. Printed in negative, lower right: Ed. A. N. Paris 12.
box 38

Szathmari, Carol Popp de, Types et costumes valaques (Palicare et Tsigane), 2008.R.3-658/Szeth 1857

Types et costumes valaques (Palicare et Tsigane)

Scope and Contents

An elderly, bearded gentleman with a rifle sits with a woman on striped rug on the ground. Illustration after a photograph by Szathmari from Le monde illustré, no. 28, 24 octobre 1857, p. 16. The entire issue (up to page 16) is included. The engraver's signature appears to be: J. Gagnier (?).

Thompson, Stephen, 1870s

box 79

[Sarcophagus of Naskatu, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4680

[Sarcophagus of Naskatu, British Museum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell.
box 79

[Colossal Head of Thothmes III, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4682

[Colossal Head of Thothmes III, British Museum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell.
box 79

[Stela of Neswy, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4683

[Stela of Neswy, British Museum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell.
box 79

[False Door from the Tomb of Teta and Canopic Jars, British Museum], 2008.R.3-4684 1870s

[False Door from the Tomb of Teta and Canopic Jars, British Museum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell.
box 79

[Basalt Slab of Nectanebo I, British Museum] 2008.R.3-4685

[Basalt Slab of Nectanebo I, British Museum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Decorated relief of a kneeling priest. Photograph published by Mansell.
box 83*

[Egyptian Stone Vessels] 2008.R.3-4674

[Egyptian Stone Vessels]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. Items depicted in the photograph are held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Fowling in the Marshes: Fragment of a Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4675

[Fowling in the Marshes: Fragment of a Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. The wall painting fragment is held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Cattle Brought for Inspection: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4676

[Cattle Brought for Inspection: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. The wall painting fragment is held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Inspecting the Fields: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4677

[Inspecting the Fields: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. The wall painting fragment is held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Nebamun Inspecting Geese: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes] 2008.R.3-4678

[Nebamun Inspecting Geese: Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. The wall painting fragment is held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Egyptian Wooden Chests] 2008.R.3-4679

[Egyptian Wooden Chests]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. Items depicted in the photograph are held in the British Museum.
box 83*

[Egyptian Statue of a Husband and Wife] 2008.R.3-4681

[Egyptian Statue of a Husband and Wife]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph published by Mansell. The statue depicted in the photograph is held in the British Museum.
box 90*

[Statue of Osorkon I] 2008.R.3-670/1Thomp

[Statue of Osorkon I]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Quartzite statue of Osorkon I as the Nile-God Hapi 22nd Dynasty (about 900 BC) from Karnak, in The British Museum. Statue in profile, standing on granite mount in museum gallery display. Numbered in pencil on mount below image: 218. Photograph published by Mansell.

Trémaux, Pierre, 1850s

box 90*

Fille du Dar-four 2008.R.3-652/1Trém

Fille du Dar-Four

Scope and Contents

Calotype. Title printed below image. Printed on mount above image: Voyage au Soudan oriental. Pl. 38. See Jacobson number 653/Trém for the lithograph after this image.
box 90*

Fille du Dar-four 2008.R.3-653/Trém

Fille du Dar-four

Scope and Contents

Lithograph after Trémaux photograph of the same title (see Jacobson number 652/1Trém). Lithograph. Title printed on mount below image. Printed above image on mount: Voyage au Soudan Oriental. Pl. 38. Printed below image on mount: D'aprés la phot. Im. Lemercier Paris. J. B. Trémaux lith.

Valentine, James, 1870s-1880s

box 8

Lower Soko, Tangier, 2008.R.3-2951 1880s

Lower Soko, Tangier

Scope and Contents

Souk, Tangier. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Initialed in negative: J. V. Numbered in negative: 10473.
box 40

Cleopatra's Needle, London, 2008.R.3-672/1Vale 1870s

Cleopatra's Needle, London

Scope and Contents

Depicts one of the three Egyptian obelisks known as 'Cleopatra's Needle,' this one on a tree-lined road along the River Thames in London and flanked by two statues of lions. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Initialled in negative: J. V. Numbered in negative: 3378.
box 40

Tangier from S. W. , 2008.R.3-4147 1880s

Tangier from S. W.

Scope and Contents

View of Tangier from the southwest, showing rooftops. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 10494.
box 38

Vernet, Horace, Harem de Méhémet-ali à Alexandrie, 2008.R.3-663/Vern approximately 1839

Vernet, Horace, 1789-1863: Harem de Méhémet-ali à Alexandrie

Scope and Contents

The print depicts the harem of Mohammed Ali in Alexandria, with two figures in the doorway of the outer wall to the harem. Engraving. Title printed beneath image. Engraving after a daguerreotype by Vernet. Published in Excursions Daguerriennes with accompanying text by Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet describing the group of French artists'/daguerreotypists' encounter with Mohammed-Ali. Printed above the image: Egypte. Printed below image: Harem de Méhémet-Ali à Alexandrie / Daguerreotype Lerebours / Imp. de Bougeard / Weber, sc. Rittner & Goupil, Boulev'd Montmartre, 15. / Publie par / N. P. Lerebours / Place du Pont-Neuf, 13. / Hr. Bossange, quai Voltaire, 11.
box 78

Verzaschi, Enrico, [Studio Interior with Arrangement of Oriental Textiles and Suit of Armor], 2008.R.3-4574 1870s

Verzaschi, Enrico: [Studio Interior with Arrangement of Oriental Textiles and Suit of Armour]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Blind stamp on verso: E. Verzaschi / Roma.

Vignes, Louis, 1864


Ilustrations for Luynes, Honoré Théodore Paul Joseph d'Albert, duc de, Voyage d'exploration à la mer Morte, à Petra et sur la rive gauche du Jourdain

Voyage d'Exploration À La Mer Morte, À Petra Et Sur La Rive Gauche Du Jourdain

Scope and Contents

Publication of the results of an expedition undertaken by the Duc de Luynes around the Dead Sea. Charles Nègre was commissioned to use his new photogravure process to reproduce Vignes's photographs. Included here are 33 of the 64 photogravures included in the publication. Printed titles are centered below each image. Plate numbers are printed in the upper right corner. Printed on plates, lower left: L. Vignes photo. Printed upper left corner: Voyage du Duc de Luynes. Credit on plate: Photogravure sur acier par Ch. Nègre.
box 13

Nahr-el-Kelb. Grotte au-dessus de la source 2008.R.3-2883

Scope and Contents

Plate 4. Jeita grotto(?).
box 13

Abou-el-Aswaad. Pont romain 2008.R.3-2882

Scope and Contents

Plate 5. Ouâdi Abou el Assouad is a wadi located in Liban-Sud, Lebanon.
box 13

Sidon, prise du cimitière chrétien 2008.R.3-2873

Scope and Contents

Plate 6.
box 13

Sidon. Château de St. Louis 2008.R.3-2872

Scope and Contents

Plate 7.
box 13

Sidon. Château de St. Louis còte sud 2008.R.3-2876

Scope and Contents

Plate 8.
box 13

Sidon. Nécropole 2008.R.3-2877

Scope and Contents

Plate 9.
box 13

Sidon. Tombeau d'Esmunazar 2008.R.3-2874

Scope and Contents

Plate 10.
box 13

Sidon. Vue de Mar Elias prise du château de St. Louis 2008.R.3-2875

Scope and Contents

Plate 11. Mar Elias (St. Elie) is one of the Sands of Beirut prehistoric archaeolgoical sites.
box 13

Tyr 2008.R.3-2890

Scope and Contents

Plate 13. Ruins of a bridge(?) in the water.
box 13

Tyr 2008.R.3-2891

Scope and Contents

Plate 14. View of Tyre from the sea.
box 13

Port de Tyr. Rochers à la pointe nord 2008.R.3-2894

Scope and Contents

Plate 15.
box 13

Tyr. Brise-lames du port égyptien 2008.R.3-2892

Scope and Contents

Plate 16. View of shoals.
box 13

Tyr. Brise-lames du port égyptien 2008.R.3-2889

Scope and Contents

Plate 17.
box 13

Tyr. Brise-lames du port égyptien, vue prise des dunes 2008.R.3-2893

Scope and Contents

Plate 18.
box 13

Ain-Jidy. Pommier ou limon de Sodome 2008.R.3-2881

Scope and Contents

Plate 27. Calotropis procera or Sodom apple plant.
box 13

Arak-el-Emir 2008.R.3-2887

Scope and Contents

Plate 30. View of ruins (walls).
box 13

Arak-el-Emir 2008.R.3-2886

Scope and Contents

Plate 31. View of ruined wall with reliefs of two large four-legged animals whose heads are missing.
box 13

Arak-el-Emir 2008.R.3-2888

Scope and Contents

Plate 32. Ruined walls with faint remains of reliefs of two large four-legged animals whose heads are missing, and coastline in the distance.
box 13

Djebel-Mousa. Sanctuaire ruine situé au sommet 2008.R.3-2880

Scope and Contents

Plate 35.
box 13

Mkaur. Marchoerus 2008.R.3-2902

Scope and Contents

Plate 38.
box 13

Manfoumieh 2008.R.3-2884

Scope and Contents

Plate 40. Rock structure or cave.
box 13

Manfoumieh 2008.R.3-2885

Scope and Contents

Plate 41. Balancing rocks (dolmens).
box 13

Semoah 2008.R.3-2903

Scope and Contents

Plate 42. View of as-Samu' or es-Samu'.
box 13

Petra 2008.R.3-2879

Scope and Contents

Plate 48.
box 13

Djerash. Proscenium du Théâtre du Sud 2008.R.3-2900

Scope and Contents

Plate 50.
box 13

Djerash. Arc de triomphe 2008.R.3-2897

Scope and Contents

Plate 51.
box 13

Djerash. Temple du Sud 2008.R.3-2899

Scope and Contents

Plate 53.
box 13

Djerash. Grand théâtre et Temple du Sud 2008.R.3-2896

Scope and Contents

Plate 54.
box 13

Djerash. Temple de Jupiter 2008.R.3-2901

Scope and Contents

Plate 55.
box 13

Djerash. Petit théâtre 2008.R.3-2898

Scope and Contents

Plate 56.
box 13

Djerash. Bains et vue prise vers le sud 2008.R.3-2895

Scope and Contents

Plate 57.
box 13

Source du Jourdain, au pied de Tell-el-Kady 2008.R.3-2878

Scope and Contents

Plate 61.
box 13

Banias. Niche près de la grotte de Pan 2008.R.3-4734

Scope and Contents

Plate 63.

Wilson, G. W. (George Washington), 1870s-1880s

box 8

[Two Women in Moroccan Covered Dress], 2008.R.3-599/1Wils 1870s

[Two Women in Moroccan Covered Dress]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered on verso in pencil: 53.
box 8

Brighton Pavilion, East Front, 2008.R.3-671/2Wils 1870s

Brighton Pavilion, east front

Scope and Contents

The east facade of the Brighton Pavillion. Albumen print. Titled in negative. Initialed in negative: G. W. W. Numbered in negative: 3199.

Loose album page with two photographs, 1880s

[Two photographs]: 1880s

box 8

Tangiers, the Soko, Market Day 2008.R.3-2953

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount below image. Written on mount below image: May 7, 1881. On mount with Jacobson number 2954.
box 8

Water Seller of the Streets 2008.R.3-2954

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount below image. On mount with Jacobson number 2953.
box 76

Oban from the South, 2008.R.3-5058 1880s

Oban from the South

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: G. W. W. Numbered in negative: 2167. Jacobson number 4319 on the reverse.
box 78

West Front of the Brighton Pavillion, 2008.R.3-4648 1870s

West Front of the Brighton Pavillion

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title in negative. Signed in negative: G. W. W. Numbered in negative: 3774.

Photographer unknown, 1850-1959


Algeria, 1860-1905

box 15

[Group of Four Ouled Naïl Women], 2008.R.3-Suppl. 4 1905

[Group of Four Ouled Naïl women]

Scope and Contents

Albumen. Written on verso: 8635. Groupe de Damascus, Les Trois... (rest of inscription difficult to decipher). Presumably 'Damascus group' is incorrect as the women are wearing indigenous North African costume. This appears to be an early press print; there are printing instructions on the verso.
box 37

[Algerian Man Standing against a Rough Wall], 2008.R.3-600/11Unkn 1860s

[Algerian Man Standing against a Rough Wall]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

Un chef arabe allié, 2008.R.3-628/17Unkn 1870s

Un chef arabe allié

Scope and Contents

Algerian leader and French ally. Albumen print. Title from caption written on original mount. Publisher's wet stamp on verso: Maison Martinet / Albert Hautecœur / 28, bd. des Capucines. Numbered in the negative, near base of pedestal: 25. Written on verso in black ink: No. 39. Written on verso in pencil: 1229.
box 37

[Mosque Interior], 2008.R.3-636/21Unkn 1880

[Mosque Interior]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered on verso in pencil: 1019.
box 37

Blidah, cimetière musulman, 2008.R.3-4025 1880s

Blidah, cimetierè musulman

Scope and Contents

View of the Muslim cemetery at Blidah. Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount. Jacobson number 4026 is on the reverse.
box 37

[Women Talking at 'Harem' Window], 2008.R.3-4164 1890s

[Women Talking at 'Harem' Window]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 37

[Men Playing Chess], 2008.R.3-4168 1870s

[Men Playing Chess]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

Mustapha, Suburb of Algiers, 2008.R.3-4315 1870s

Mustapha, Suburb of Algiers

Scope and Contents

View of Mustapha harbor. Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on mount.
box 37

[Market Scene], 2008.R.3-4330 1880s

[Market Scene]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

An Arab Lady in Outdoor Costume, 2008.R.3-4334 1880s

An Arab Lady in Outdoor Costume

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption on mount. Numbered in negative: No. 1792.
box 37

[Young Boys Eating at Long Tables], 2008.R.3-4337 1870s

[Young Boys Eating at Long Tables]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

[Woman in African Costume, Breast Exposed and Holding a Drum], 2008.R.3-4653 1870s

[Woman in African Costume, Breast Exposed and Holding a Drum]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

Mosquée Sidi Abderhamam, 2008.R.3-4655 1905

Mosquée Sidi Abderhamam

Scope and Contents

Young woman and servant by mosque of Sidi-Abraham. Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on verso.
box 37

Une rue à Alger, 2008.R.3-4656 1870s

Une rue à Alger

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption on mount.
box 37

[Woman Posed Sideways with Her Shoulder and Back Bared], 2008.R.3-4658 1870s

[Woman Posed Sideways with Shoulder Bared]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. No. 572 in negative.
box 37

Arabe de la plaine, 2008.R.3-4659 1870s

Arabe de la [. . . ]laine

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption on mount. Man seated against a wall.
box 37

Femmes ouled nayls, 2008.R.3-4660 1870s

Femmes Ouled Nayls

Scope and Contents

Ouled Nail women posed in garden. Cyanotype print. Title from caption on mount.
box 37

[Young Woman Embroidering], 2008.R.3-4710 1870s

[Young Woman Embroidering]

Scope and Contents

Strips of photographs of embroidery form the borders of the image. Albumen print.
box 76

[Woman Posed in Studio by a Barleytwist Pillar], 2008.R.3-621/16Unkn 1870s

[Woman Posed in Studio by a Barleytwist Pillar]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

Ouled nail à Biskra, 2008.R.3-4024 1880s

Ouled Nail à Biskra

Scope and Contents

Ouled Nail woman of three different generations. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. No. 369 in negative.
box 76

[Children on Street Steps], 2008.R.3-4303 1880s

[Children on Street Steps]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4304 is on reverse.
box 76

Le désert pris du col de Sfa, 2008.R.3-4308 1890s

Le désert pris du col de Sfa

Scope and Contents

Bird's-eye view across the desert. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 266. Numbered on verso: No. 3[_]8.
box 76

Chaabet El Akra, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4309 1890s

Chaabet El Akra, Algérie

Scope and Contents

Shows a man sitting on a narrow paved road that passes through a gorge. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 221. Numbered on verso: No. 69.
box 76

Chaabet El Akra, Alégrie, 2008.R.3-4310 1890s

Chaabet El Akra, Alégrie

Scope and Contents

View of a river gorge. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 213. Numbered on verso: No. 88.
box 76

Bougie, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4311 1890s

Bougie, Algérie

Scope and Contents

View from across the water to Bejaïa. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 1043. Numbered on verso: No. 100.
box 76

Philippeville, vu de la jetée, 2008.R.3-4312 1890s

Philippeville, vu de la jetèe

Scope and Contents

View from across the water to Skikdah. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 1057. Numbered on verso: No. 99.
box 76

[Camel on Its Knees with Howdah], 2008.R.3-4316 1890s

[Camel on Its Knees with Howdah]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. From collection of the artist José Maria Sert, who drew grid lines on the photograph as a painting aid. Another smaller grid with directionals is drawn on the verso.
box 76

Bône, Algérie, 2008.R.3-4317 1890s

Bône, Algérie

Scope and Contents

Distant view of Annabah. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 549. Written on verso: No. 40.
box 76

Salon mauresque, Alger, 2008.R.3-4318 1890s

Salon mauresque, Alger

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 718.
box 76

[Moorish Gallery with Man Leaning against Balustrade], 2008.R.3-4319 1880s

[Moorish Gallery with Man Leaning against Balustrade]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4774, a Scottish view, is on the reverse.
box 76

[Young African Woman, Breast Exposed], 2008.R.3-4321 1870s

[Young African Woman, Breast Exposed]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Young African Woman, Topless with Hands Clasped], 2008.R.3-4322 1870s

[Young African Woman, Topless with Hands Clasped]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Woman Wearing a Grass Skirt], 2008.R.3-4323 1870s

[Woman Wearing a Grass Skirt]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

Alger, la mosquée de Sidi Abderhaman, 2008.R.3-4324 1905

Alger, la Mosquée de Sidi Abderhaman

Scope and Contents

Young woman by mosque of Sidi-Abraham. Photogravure postcard. Title from caption below image. Numbered on recto: 60; with monogram A [?]. Printed on verso: Cie Al[ea?]cienne des arts photoméchaniques. Strasbourg.
box 76

Alger, rue arabe, 2008.R.3-4325 1880s

Alger, rue Arabe

Scope and Contents

Women walking down a street in Algiers. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 26.
box 76

[Man on Camel], 2008.R.3-4326 1880s

[Man on Camel]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Bearded Old Man], 2008.R.3-4327 1880s

[Bearded Old Man]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Written on verso: N. Africa c. 1870.
box 76

[Soldier Holding Rifle with His Pack on his Back], 2008.R.3-4328 1880s

[Soldier Holding Rifle with His Pack on his Back]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

Café maure, Biskra, 2008.R.3-4329 1880s

Cafe maure, Biskra

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from annotation on verso. Annotation on verso: Moorish caffee [sic] at Biskra.
box 76

[Group of Arabs], 2008.R.3-4331 1880s

[Group of Arabs]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson numbers 4775 and 4776 are on the reverse.
box 76

[Street Scene], 2008.R.3-4332 1880s

[Street Scene]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4333 is on the reverse.
box 76

[Snake Charmer], 2008.R.3-4333 1880s

[Snake Charmer]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4332 is on the reverse.
box 76

[Water Sellers], 2008.R.3-4335 1860s

[Water Sellers]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Woman with Raised Veil Standing at the Edge of the Woods], 2008.R.3-4336 1870s

[Woman with Raised Veil Standing at the Edge of the Woods]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Construction Site with Buildings on Bluff above], 2008.R.3-4340 1860s

[Construction Site with Buildings on Bluff above]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Man Resting by an Olive Tree], 2008.R.3-4341 1860s

[Man Resting by an Olive Tree]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 76

[Rock Formations], 2008.R.3-4775 1880s

[Rock Formations]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4331 is on reverse. Jacobson number 4776 is on same side.
box 76

[Harbor with Boats], 2008.R.3-4776 1880s

[Harbor with Boats]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4331 is on reverse. Jacobson number 4775 is on same side.
box 82*

[Panorama of an Algerian City and Surrounding Countryside], 2008.R.3-4568 1880s

[Panorama of an Algerian City and Surrounding Countryside]

Scope and Contents

Albumen panorama.
box 82*

[Panorama of a Large Algerian City], 2008.R.3-4569 1880s

[Panorama of a Large Algerian City]

Scope and Contents

Albumen panorama.
box 92*

[Odalisque], 2008.R.3-620/15Unkn 1870


Scope and Contents

Woman lying on a divan. Albumen print.

Egypt, 1860s-1920s

Scope and Contents

See also: Yeman and Oman, Voyage to the Middle East.
box 23

[Three People at a Well], 2008.R.3-4632 1880s

[Three People at a Well]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4631 is on the reverse.
box 24

Alexandrie, place de Mohamet Alli, 2008.R.3-3298 1890s

Alexandria, Place de Mohamet Alli

Scope and Contents

Alexandria, main square. Albumen print. Title from caption on verso of photograph.
box 24

Vue générale, prise de la citadelle, 2008.R.3-3299 1890s

Vue générale, prise de la citadelle

Scope and Contents

View of Cairo from the citadel. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative.
box 24

Caire, hôtel du Nil, 2008.R.3-3300 1890s

Caire, hôtel du Nil

Scope and Contents

Avenue of the Hotel Nile, Cairo. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative.
box 24

Port de Port-Saïd, entrée du canal, 2008.R.3-3301 1890s

Port de Port-Saïd, entrée du Canal

Scope and Contents

Entrance of the Suez Canal at Port Said with ships. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 4.
box 24

[Men Working by Palm Trees and Mud Huts], 2008.R.3-3302 1890s

[Men Working by Palm Trees and Mud Huts]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Woman Balancing a Large Jug on her Head], 2008.R.3-3304 1890s

[Woman Balancing a Large Jug on Her Head]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

Caire, allée des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3305 1890s

Caire, alée des Pyramides

Scope and Contents

Tree-lined road with pyramids in the distance. Albumen print. Title in negative.
box 24

Allée des pyramides, 2008.R.3-3306 1890s

Allée des pyramides

Scope and Contents

View across water to the pyramids. Albumen print. Title in negative. Numbered in negative: 1447.
box 24

Vue du Nil, 2008.R.3-3307 1890s

Vue du Nil

Scope and Contents

Sailboats on the Nile. Albumen print. Title from caption on verso of photograph. Numbered on verso: 56.
box 24

[Train Wreck on Railway Bridge], 2008.R.3-3308 1890s

[Train Wreck on Railway Bridge]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson note: No clear identification of location but this came with other views, all of Egypt.
box 24

[Half-length Portrait of a Veiled Woman Seated and Holding a Vase], 2008.R.3-3309 1870s

[Half-length Portrait of a Veiled Woman Seated and Holding a Vase]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Arab Café], 2008.R.3-3310 1880s

[Arab Café]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. There are two small British views by Francis Frith on the verso of this image, Jacobson numbers 4744 and 4745. See also: Frith, Frances.
box 24

[Group of People and Boats by the Nile], 2008.R.3-3311 1890s

[Group of People and Boats by the Nile]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Group of People Working a Chadouf], 2008.R.3-3312 1880s

[Group of People Working a Chadouf]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Street in Cairo (?)], 2008.R.3-3313 1880s

[Street in Cairo(?)]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 3312 on the reverse.
box 24

From the Written Valley -- Wilderness of Sinai, 2008.R.3-3320 1860s

From the Written Valley -- Wilderness of Sinai

Scope and Contents

Inscription from the Written Valley, Sinai. Albumen print. Title from caption on mount.
box 24

[Tourists Posed in front of Pyramids], 2008.R.3-3321 1920s

[Tourists Posed in front of Pyramids]

Scope and Contents

Tourists on camels posed in front of pyramids, sphinx visible to right of pyramid. Albumen print.
box 24

[Large Tourist Group Posed in front of Pyramids], 2008.R.3-3322 1920s

[Large Tourist Group Posed in front of Pyramids]

Scope and Contents

Tourists on camels posed in front of pyramids; a man wearing a fez is blocking the view of the sphinx. Gelatin silver print.
box 37

[Large Group of Tourists in front of the Sphinx], 2008.R.3-4036 1920s

[Large Group of Tourists in front of the Sphinx]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 37

[Tourists Posed with Camels in front of the Sphinx], 2008.R.3-4712 1920s

[Tourists Posed with Camels in front of the Sphinx]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 24

Railway Station in the Desert, 2008.R.3-3323 1870s

Railway Station in the Desert

Scope and Contents

Fleming Station, Alexandria. Albumen print. Title from caption on mount. Jacobson number 3324 is on reverse.
box 24

Mosque of Omar, Cairo, 2008.R.3-3324 1870s

Mosque of Omar, Cairo

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption on mount. Jacobson number 3323 is on the reverse.
box 24

[First Cataract with the Temple at Philae in the Distance], 2008.R.3-4473 1860s

[First Cataract with the Temple at Philae in the Distance]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. See illustration: Der Geraubte Schatten, Eine Weltreise im Spiegel der ethnographischen Photographie, page 69. This image seems to part of this series, possibly by a German photographer.
box 24

[Cotton Sellers], 2008.R.3-4522 1870s

[Cotton Sellers]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered in negative: 341.
box 24

Colonnade de la Mosquée El-Azhar, 2008.R.3-4523 1870s

Colonade de la Mosquée El-Azhar.

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption on mount. Numbered in negative: 306. Jacobson number 4522 is on the reverse.
box 24

[Two Women Carrying Jugs on their Heads], 2008.R.3-4526 1890

[Two Women Carrying Jugs on their Heads]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Two Men Praying], 2008.R.3-4534 1890

[Two Men Praying]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4533 is on reverse.
box 24

Our Pilot, 2008.R.3-4535 1870s

Our Pilot

Scope and Contents

Vignetted portrait of a man. Albumen print. Title from caption on mount.
box 24

[Man Standing next to a Donkey], 2008.R.3-4536 1870s

[Man Standing next to a Donkey]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Crowded Market Street], 2008.R.3-4539 1870s

[Crowded Market Street]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Woman with Fan Sitting before a Studio Backdrop], 2008.R.3-4540 1870s

[Woman with Fan Sitting before a Studio Backdrop]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Woman Holding a Branch and a Vase], 2008.R.3-4541 1870s

[Woman with Plant and Vase]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Woman Posed with Jugs and Vases], 2008.R.3-4542 1870s

[Woman Posed with Jugs and Vases]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered in negative: 463.
box 24

[Old Man Standing before Elaborate Backdrop], 2008.R.3-4544 1870s

[Old Man Standing before Elaborate Backdrop]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

[Boys on Donkeys], 2008.R.3-4546 1870s

[Boys on Donkeys]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 24

Épicerie arabe (Arabic Shop), 2008.R.3-4548 1870s

Épicerie arabe (Arabic shop)

Scope and Contents

Market stalls. Albumen print. Title from caption on verso of photograph. Numbered on verso: 325.
box 32

Kasr-el-Nil, 2008.R.3-4750 between 1870 and 1889


Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 291. Two other images are on the same side of the mount: Jacobson numbers 699/4Good and 4751. Jacobson number 4732 is on the reverse.
box 37

[Western Surveyors with Egyptian Men], 2008.R.3-572/9Unkn 1863

[Western Surveyors with Egyptian Men]

Scope and Contents

Hand-colored albumen print with cropped corners. A hand-drawn black ink border around the image is closely bordered by a second line in red ink. Written on mount: Cairo / Feb'y 1863.
box 37

Porte intérieure du Khan Khalil, 2008.R.3-637/22unkn 1887

Porte intérieure du Khan Khalil

Scope and Contents

Bazaar interior, Khan Khalil. Albumen print. On verso written in black ink: Egypte / Caire / Porte extérieuse du Khan Khalil / mardi 25 avril 1887.
box 75

Les statues de Meidoum, 2008.R.3-4459 1920s

Les statues de Meidoum

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Title from pencil caption on verso.
box 75

Stele d'Atoti, Saqqara, 6th dynasty, 2008.R.3-4460 1920s

Stele d'Atoti, Saqqara, 6th dynasty

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Title from pencil caption on verso.
box 75

[Interior Corner with Columns, Philae], 2008.R.3-4461 1910

[Interior Corner with Columns, Philae]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Pencil annotation on verso, upper left corner: Phylae. Pencil annotation on verso, center: No. 37 / Phyleh.
box 75

[Columns, Medinet Habu], 2008.R.3-4462 1910

[Columns, Medinet Habu]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Pencil annotation on verso, upper left corner: 5. Medinet Habou.
box 75

[Gateway, Medinet Habu], 2008.R.3-4463 1910

[Gateway, Medinet Habu]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Pencil annotation on verso, upper left corner: Medinet Habou.
box 75

[Edfu Temple and Colonnade], 2008.R.3-4464 1910

[Edfu Temple and Colonnade]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Pencil annotation on verso, upper left corner: Edfou - Ptolemy III.
box 75

[Unidentified Small Temple], 2008.R.3-4465 1910

[Unidentified Small Temple]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Unidentified Gateway and Ruins], 2008.R.3-4466 1910

[Unidentified Gateway and Ruins]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Reliefs of Temple of Hathor, Dendara?], 2008.R.3-4467 1910

[Reliefs of Temple of Hathor, Dendara?]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Unidentified Temple Hall and Columns], 2008.R.3-4468 1910

[Unidentified Temple Hall and Columns]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Desert Scene, Sand and Rocks], 2008.R.3-4469 1910

[Desert Scene, Sand and Rocks]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Desert Landscape with Dry River Bed], 2008.R.3-4470 1910

[Desert Landscape with Dry River Bed]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[First Cataract of the Nile], 2008.R.3-4471 1910

[First Cataract of the Nile]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Swimmers in Rapids in the Nile], 2008.R.3-4472 1910

[Swimmers in Rapids on the Nile]

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print.
box 75

[Ship on the Suez Canal], 2008.R.3-4476 1880s

[Ship on the Suez Canal]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[Ships at Port Said], 2008.R.3-4477 1870s

[Ships at Port Said?]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[Harbor at Alexandria], 2008.R.3-4480 1870s

[Harbor at Alexandria?]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Print on verso.
box 75

Hotel de Zeek a l'Esbekie au Caire, 2008.R.3-4482 1860s

Hotel de Zeek a l'Esbekie au Caire

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on verso. Possibly by A. Beato.
box 75

[Sphinx and Pyramid], 2008.R.3-4485 1860s

[Sphinx and Pyramid]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Possibly by A. Beato.
box 75

Mosque of Mohamed Ali, 2008.R.3-4486 1880s

Mosque of Mohamed Ali

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title in negative. Numbered in negative: 3.
box 75

[Mashrabiyyas], 2008.R.3-4493 1860s


Scope and Contents

View of carved windows from the street. Albumen print.
box 75

[Moorish Man], 2008.R.3-4537 1870s

[Moorish Man]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[Villagers at Luxor], 2008.R.3-4538 1870s

[Villagers at Luxor]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[Two Sais Posed in a Studio], 2008.R.3-4543 1870s

[Two Sais Posed in a Studio]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[African Man Wearing a Turban], 2008.R.3-4545 1870s

[African Man Wearing a Turban]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 75

[Three Camels and Their Attendant], 2008.R.3-4547 1870s

[Three Camels and Their Attendant]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 78

Cairo, Mosque of Sultan Hassan, 2008.R.3-4487 1880s

Cairo, Mosque of Sultan Hassan

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from ink caption on mount below image. Jacobson number 4488 is on the reverse.
box 78

Cairo, Tombs of the Caliphs, 2008.R.3-4488 1880s

Cairo, Tombs of the Caliphs

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from ink caption on mount below image. Jacobson number 4487 is on the reverse.
box 78

Cairo, Mosque of Muhammed Ali and Tombs of Mamelukes, 2008.R.3-4489 1880s

Cairo, Mosque of Muhammed Ali and Tombs of Mamelukes

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from ink caption on mount below image. Jacobson number 4759 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Sphinx with Tourists at Its Base], 2008.R.3-4500 1870

[Sphinx with Tourists at Its Base]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Written on verso in pencil: Miss Ridout / Keep this for me.
box 14

[Large Sailing Ship Docked Parallel to the Shore], 2008.R.3-4737 1880s?

[Large Sailing Ship Docked Parallel to the Shore]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. On mount with Jacobson number 3494 (same side, partially pasted over bottom edge of 3494), and numbers 3493, 4738-4740 (on reverse).
box 78

Routes des pyramides (vue de loin), 2008.R.3-4501 1880s

Routes des pyramides (vue de loin)

Scope and Contents

Road leading to the pyramids. Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on verso. Numbered in negative: 269.
box 78

Pyramide Cheops, 2008.R.3-4502 1880s

Pyramide Cheops

Scope and Contents

Pyramid seen from across the river. Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on verso. Numbered on verso: 44A.
box 78

[Pyramids with Drinks Seller, Two Camels and Riders and Two Palms in the Foreground], 2008.R.3-4503 1880s

[Pyramids with Drinks Seller, Two Camels and Riders and Two Palms in the Foreground]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 78

[Great Pyramid and Sphinx with Excavation in the Foreground], 2008.R.3-4504 1880s

[Great Pyramid and Sphinx with Excavation in the Foreground]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Numbered in negative: 603.
box 78

[Tourists Climbing a Pyramid], 2008.R.3-4506 1880s

[Tourists Climbing a Pyramid]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 78

[House Facades, Cairo], 2008.R.3-4508 1880s

[House Facades, Cairo]

Scope and Contents

Street with crumbling buildings. Albumen print. Jacobson number 4509 is on the reverse.
box 78

The Sphinx, 2008.R.3-4509 1880s

The Sphinx

Scope and Contents

Egyptians with guns on sphinx, pyramid in background. Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount. Jacobson number 4508 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Palm Trees by Water], 2008.R.3-4516 1870s

[Palm Trees by Water]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 78

Bedouin, 2008.R.3-4518 1870s


Scope and Contents

A Bedouin on a camel, smoking a long pipe. Albumen print. Title from ink caption on mount. Jacobson number 4519 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Woman with Basket on Her Head], 2008.R.3-4529 1890

[Woman with Basket on Her Head]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4530 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Teacher and Class, Outdoors], 2008.R.3-4530 1890

[Teacher and Class, Outdoors]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4529 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Woman with Basket on Her Head Facing a Seated Woman], 2008.R.3-4531 1890

[Woman with Basket on Her Head Facing a Seated Woman]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4532 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Two Men Praying], 2008.R.3-4532 1890

[Two Men Praying]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4531 is on the reverse.
box 78

[Men Pulling up Water Baskets], 2008.R.3-4651 1870s

[Men Pulling up Water Baskets]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 84*

Entrance to Suez Canal, 2008.R.3-3454 1870s

Entrance to Suez Canal

Scope and Contents

Port Said (?) Albumen print. Title from caption written on mount. The mount is decorated with watercolor flowers and a bird on a branch. Reverse is Jacobson number 3453.
box 79

Place Lesseps, at Port Said, 2008.R.3-4481 1860s

Place Lesseps, at Port Said

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from pencil caption on mount.
box 79

[Building Facades, Cairo], 2008.R.3-4490 1870

[Building Facades, Cairo]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4758 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Courtyard with Bundles of Goods], 2008.R.3-4491 1870

[Courtyard with Bundles of Goods]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4757 is on the reverse.
box 79

[The Pyramids], 2008.R.3-4505 1880s

[The Pyramids]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 79

[Three Tourists on Camels at Giza, Pyramids and Sphinx in Background], 2008.R.3-4517 1910

[Three Tourists on Camels at Giza, Pyramids and Sphinx in Background]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 20

Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo, 2008.R.3-4271 1880s

Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from ink annotation on mount. Jacobson number 4269 is on the reverse.
box 79

Egyptian Gate at Alexandria, Khedive Guard, 2008.R.3-4520 1870s

Egyptian Gate at Alexandria, Khedive Guard

Scope and Contents

Mounted Egyptian soldiers in formation in front of the gate. Albumen print. Title from pencil annotation on mount. Jacobson number 4759 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Woman Standing next to a Table with a Vase of Dried Grasses], 2008.R.3-4524 1870s

[Woman Standing next to a Table with a Vase of Dried Grasses]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Jacobson number 4525 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Two Portraits of Men Holding Stringed Instruments], 2008.R.3-4527, 2008.R.3-4528 1880

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Portraits of two different men printed on the same sheet of paper and mounted uncut.

Sudan Campaign (Mahdist War), 1880s

Scope and Contents

Albumen prints.
box 79

[Military Battalion Ready for the War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4549

[Military Battalion Ready for the War with Sudan]

Scope and Contents

Jacobson number 4550 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Military Battalion and Band Parading before War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4550

[Military Battalion and Band Parading before War with Sudan]

Scope and Contents

Jacobson number 4549 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Battalion in Rectangular Formation Ready for War with Sudan] 2008.R.3-4551

[Battalion in Rectangular Formation Ready for War with Sudan]

Scope and Contents

Jacobson number 4760 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Military in Formation in Far Ground with City on the Horizon] 2008.R.3-4553

[Military in Formation in Far Ground with City on the Horizon]

Scope and Contents

Jacobson number 4554 is on the reverse.
box 79

[Military Formation in Middle Distance with City on the Horizon] 2008.R.3-4554

[Military Formation in Middle Distance with City on the Horizon]

Scope and Contents

Jacobson number 4553 is on the reverse.

Carvings and hieroglyphics from an Egyptian tomb excavation, approximately 1910

Scope and Contents

This group of 123 gelatin silver (printing-out paper?) prints is an unusually detailed photographic study of a tomb excavation. Pencil inscriptions are sometimes on the reverse of the prints. Some prints are annotated on the recto, possibly with the latitude or longitude for where they were uncovered.
box 12

[Tomb Entrance] 2008.R.3-3008

[Tomb Entrance]

box 12

[Man Standing in a Tomb] 2008.R.3-3089

[Man Standing in a Tomb]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light] 2008.R.3-3010

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3011

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3012

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3013

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3014

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3015

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3016

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3017

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3018

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3019

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3020

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3022

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3023

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3024

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3025

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail of Long Arms and Hands Surrounding a Figure] 2008.R.3-3026

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail of Long Arms and Hands Surrounding a Figure]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3027

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Legs?] 2008.R.3-3028

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Legs?]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3029

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3030

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3031

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3032

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3033

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3034

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3035

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3036

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3037

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3038

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3039

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3040

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3041

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3042

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3043

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3044

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3045

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3046

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Rows of Walking Men] 2008.R.3-3007

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Rows of Walking Men]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light] 2008.R.3-3009

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail in Raking Light]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3047

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3048

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3049

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3050

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Large Head and Arms] 2008.R.3-3051

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Large Head and Arms]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3052

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3053

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing and Crouching Figures] 2008.R.3-3054

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing and Crouching Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3055

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3056

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3057

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3058

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3059

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3060

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3061

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3062

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3063

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3064

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3065

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3066

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3067

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3068

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3069

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3070

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3071

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3072

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Iluminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3073

[Iluminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3074

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3075

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3076

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3077

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3078

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3079

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3080

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3081

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3082

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3083

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3084

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3085

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3086

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3087

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3088

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3090

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3091

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3092

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3093

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3094

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3095

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3096

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3097

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Standing Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures] 2008.R.3-3098

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Five Standing Figures]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3099

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3100

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3101

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3102

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Seven Standing Figures and One Seated Figure] 2008.R.3-3103

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Seven Standing and One Seated Figure]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3104

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3105

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3106

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3107

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3108

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3109

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3110

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3111

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3112

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3113

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3114

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3115

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3116

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3117

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3118

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Long Arms and Hands] 2008.R.3-3119

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail Showing Long Arms and Hands]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3120

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3121

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3122

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3123

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3124

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3125

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3126

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3127

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Four(?) Figures] 2008.R.3-3055a

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with Four(?) Figures]

box 12

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with a Line of Figures] 2008.R.3-3057a

[Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail with a Line of Figures]

box 12

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail] 2008.R.3-3021

[Illuminated Bas-relief Hieroglyph Detail]


Salted paper prints of Egypt, 1900?

Scope and Contents

This group of 22 salted paper prints seems to be an experimental process by an amateur photographer. The images are faint.
box 25

Philae from the East 2008.R.3-3373

Philae from the East

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

Ramasseum 2008.R.3-3374


Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

Halima 2008.R.3-3375


Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

[Philae (?)] 2008.R.3-3376

[Philae (?)]

box 25

Edfou 2008.R.3-3377


Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

[Houses along the Nile] 2008.R.3-3378

[Houses along the Nile]

box 25

[Desert Scene] 2008.R.3-3379

[Desert Scene]

box 25

Roman basilica, Philae 2008.R.3-3380

Roman basilica, Philae

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

Osiris Hall, Abu Simbel 2008.R.3-3381

Osiris Hall, Abu Simbel

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

[Desert Scene with Camel (?) Skeleton] 2008.R.3-3382

[Desert Scene with Camel (?) Skeleton]

box 25

[Temple at Luxor] 2008.R.3-3383

[Temple at Luxor]

box 25

"Big Gate," First Cataract 2008.R.3-3384

Big Gate, First Cataract

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

Temple of Isis, Philae 2008.R.3-3385

Temple of Isis, Philae

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

[Desert View] 2008.R.3-3386

[Desert View]

box 25

[Philae] 2008.R.3-3387


box 25

Entrance to First Cataract, from Philae 2008.R.3-3388

Entrance to First Cataract, from Philae

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 24

[View of the Temple, Karnak] 2008.R.3-3390

[View of the Temple, Karnak]

box 25

[Rocky Shore on the Nile] 2008.R.3-3389

[Rocky Shore on the Nile]

box 25

[First Cataract of the Nile with Rocks and Bather] 2008.R.3-3391

[First Cataract of the Nile with Rocks and Bather]

box 25

Mosque of Kait Bey 2008.R.3-3392

Mosque of Kait Bey

Scope and Contents

Title from caption on verso.
box 25

[Boats on the Nile] 2008.R.3-3393

[Boats on the Nile]

box 24

[Ruins] 2008.R.3-3394


box 90*

Ethiopia. [Children Preparing Lemon Oil], 2008.R.3-559/7Unkn 1860s

[Children Preparing Lemon Oil]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Annotated in French, in pencil, on verso. Writing is difficult to read. It appears to describe the manufacture of some kind of oil from lemons for hair. See illustration on page 69 of Thomas von Theye, Der Geraubte Schatten. Eine Weltreise im Spiegel der ethnographischen Photographie.

France, 1857-1900

box 14

É'tretat, vue générale, 2008.R.3-4738 1870s

E'tretat, vue générale

Scope and Contents

Harbor view. Albumen. Title from caption written below image. On mount with Jacobson numbers 3493, 4739-4740 (same side), and 3494 and 4737 (on reverse).
box 14

Porte de La Rochelle, 2008.R.3-4739 1870s

Porte de la Rochelle

Scope and Contents

Harbor view. Albumen print. Title from caption written below image. On mount with Jacobson numbers 3493, 4738, 4740 (same side), and 3494 and 4737 (on reverse).
box 14

Église de La Rochelle, 2008.R.3-4740 1870s

Eglise de La Rochelle

Scope and Contents

Church, La Rochelle. Albumen print. Title from caption written below image. On mount with Jacobson numbers 3493, 4738, 4739 (same side), and numbers 3494 and 4737 (on reverse).
box 37

[Male Models Posing for an Orientalist Study], 2008.R.3-571/8Unkn 1860s

[Male Models Posing for an Orientalist Study]

Scope and Contents

Albumen print.
box 37

[Orientalist Nude Study], 2008.R.3-647/23Unkn 1900

[Orientalist Nude Study]

Scope and Contents

Reclining nude European (?) woman. Gelatin silver print [?]. Numbered in the negative, lower left: 173. Wet stamp on verso: Reproduction Interdite.
box 37

[Portrait of Farouk Khan, Persian Ambassador], 2008.R.3-4042 1857

[Portrait of Farouk Khan, Persian Ambassador]

Scope and Contents

Salted paper print.
box 37

[Costumed Theatrical Players], 2008.R.3-4046 1890s

[Costumed Theatrical Players]

Scope and Contents

Two people posed in costume for an amateur tableau or theatrical production. Gelatin silver print.
box 37

[Maid Bathing a Woman in the Harem], 2008.R.3-4059 1880s

[Maid Bathing a Woman in the Harem]

Scope and Contents

Posed harem scene. Albumen print.
box 78

[Four Men and a Woman Playing Dice in an Orientalist's Studio #1], 2008.R.3-4007 1880s

[Four Men and a Woman Playing Dice in an Orientalist's Studio #1]

Scope and Contents