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box 63, page 6 recto

Façade de Saint-Sépulcre, Jérusalem 2008.R.3-1985

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 246. Caption written on mount: Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. Number 11 in album.
box 63, page 6 verso

Arc de l'Ecce Homo, Jérusalem 2008.R.3-1986

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 252. Caption written on mount: Ecce Homo Arch, Jerusalem. Number 12 in album.
box 63, page 7 recto

Mur des Juifs un vendredi 2008.R.3-1973

Scope and Contents

The Western or 'Wailing' wall. Title from caption in negative. Signed in the negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 245. Caption written on mount: The Jews' 'Wailing Place,' Jerusalem. Number 13 in album.
box 63, page 7 verso

Mosque El Aksa, Mt. Moriah 2008.R.3-1987

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Title and negative number faded. Number 14 in album.
box 63, page 8 recto

Jerusalem, the Holy Rock in the Mosque Omar 2008.R.3-1988

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Title and negative number faded. Number 15 in album.
box 63, page 8 verso

Jérusalem, chaire dans l'intérieur de la mosquée El-Aksa 2008.R.3-1989

Scope and Contents

Minbar in mosque of El-Aksa. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 264. Caption written on mount: Pulpit in the mosque El-Aksa. Number 16 in album.
box 63, page 9 recto

Ferblantier jeuf à Jérusalem 2008.R.3-1990

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 643 (?). Caption written on mount: Tin merchant of Jerusalem. Number 17 in album.
box 63, page 9 verso

Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem 2008.R.3-1991

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Number 18 in album.
box 63, page 10 recto

Grotte de la Nativité à Béthlehem 2008.R.3-1992

Scope and Contents

ATitle from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils.Numbered in negative: 335. Caption written on mount: Grotto of the Nativity. Number 19 in album.
box 63, page 10 verso

Vue générale de Bethanie 2008.R.3-1993

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 346. Caption written on mount: View of Bethany. Number 20 in album.
box 63, page 11 recto

Montagne de la quarantaine, Palestine 2008.R.3-1994

Scope and Contents

Mount Quarantania. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 344. Caption written on mount: Mount of Temptation, Palestine. There is a second caption in the negative repeating the first one. Number 21 in album.
box 63, page 11 verso

Monastery near Jericho 2008.R.3-1995

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Numbered in negative: 1045. Caption in negative faded. Number 22 in album.
box 63, page 2 recto

Vue générale de Jericho prise de la plaine 2008.R.3-1996

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 906. Caption written on mount: View of Jericho and the plain. Number 23 in album.
box 63, page 12 verso

Sur les bords du Jordan 2008.R.3-1997

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Beginning of caption in negative and negative number are faded. Caption written on mount: River Jordan. Number 24 in album.
box 63, page 13 recto

Mer morte et montagne de Judée, Palestine 2008.R.3-1998

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 911. Caption written on mount: The Dead Sea and mountains of Judea. Number 25 in album.
box 63, page 13 verso

Beyrouth ou du collège américain 2008.R.3-1999

Scope and Contents

View of Beirut. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 488. Caption written on mount: Beyrout. Number 26 in album.
box 63, page 14 recto

Ponts du fleuve du Chien près de Beyrouth 2008.R.3-2000

Scope and Contents

Dog River. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 476. Caption written on mount: Dog River, Mt. Beyrout, Syria. Number 27 in album.
box 63, page 14 verso

Inscriptions au fleuve du Chien 2008.R.3-2001

Scope and Contents

Inscriptions on the Fleuve du Chien, commemorative stelae at the mouth of the river Nahr el-Kalb (ancient Lycus River or Dog River) near Beirut. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 477. Caption written on mount: Old inscriptions on the rocks, Mt. Beyrout. Number 28 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân

box 63, page 15 recto

Damas, vue générale prise de Salachie 2008.R.3-2002

Scope and Contents

View of the Salihiyya quarter, Damascus. Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Damascus, general view. Number 29 in album.
box 63, page 15 verso

Damas, l'entrée avec le Barada 2008.R.3-2003

Scope and Contents

Entering the old city of Damascus at the River Barada. Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: The River Barada, Damas. Number 30 in album.
box 63, page 16 recto

Damas, mur de St. Paul 2008.R.3-2004

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Damascus, wall of St. Paul. Number 31 in album.
box 63, page 16 verso

Damas, court de la Grande Mosquée 2008.R.3-2005

Scope and Contents

Facade of the Umayyad Mosque. Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: The Great Mosque, Damascus. Number 32 in album.
box 63, page 17 recto

[Interior of the Umayyad Mosque] 2008.R.3-2006

Scope and Contents

Title devised. Caption on mount: Damascus, interior of the Mosque Omar. The caption misidentifies the mosque. Number 33 in album.
box 63, page 17 verso

Maison Bonfils, Damas, arc de triomphe 2008.R.3-2007

Scope and Contents

Triumphal arch. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 421. Caption written on mount: Triumphal arch, Damascus. Number 34 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân

box 63, page 18 recto

Damas, depart de la caravane par la Mecque 2008.R.3-1972

Scope and Contents

View of the Haj departing from Damascus for Mecca. Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Damascus, pilgrims going to Mecca. Number 35 in album.
box 63, page 18 verso

Damas, interéiur de l'hôtel Dimitri 2008.R.3-1975

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. In negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Interior of the Hotel Dimitri, Damascus. Number 36 in album.
box 63, page 19 recto

Liban, Zachleh 2008.R.3-2008

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Zachleh, Lebanon. Number 37 in album.
box 63, page 19 verso

Maison Bonfils, Vue générale de la fôret des cèdres du Liban 2008.R.3-2009

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 1021. Caption written on mount: Cedars of Lebanon. Number 38 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân

box 63, page 20 recto

Cèdres du Liban 2008.R.3-2010

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Cedars of Lebanon. Number 39 in album.
box 63, page 20 verso

Baalbek, vue générale 2008.R.3-2011

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: General view of Baalbek. Number 40 in album.
box 63, page 21 recto

Baalbek, chapiteaux de Proanos 2008.R.3-2012

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Balbek. Number 41 in album.
box 63, page 21 verso

Baalbek, temple du Soliel 2008.R.3-2013

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Baalbek, Temple of the Sun. Number 42 in album.
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Baalbek, la mosquée 2008.R.3-2014

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Baalbec, the mosque. Number 43 in album.
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Baalbek, le octogon 2008.R.3-2015

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Baalbec. The Octagon. Number 44 in album.
box 63, page 23 recto

Maison Bonfils, Baalbek, intérieur du temple de Jupiter 2008.R.3-2016

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 454. Caption written on mount: Baalbek, interior of the Temple of Jupiter. Number 45 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân

box 63, page 23 verso

Baalbek, Temple du Jupiter 2008.R.3-2017

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek. Number 46 in album.
box 63, page 24 recto

Baalbek, chapiteaux de Proanos 2008.R.3-2018

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: The capitals of Proanos, Baalbek. Number 47 in album.

Maison Bonfils

box 63, page 24 verso

Baalbek, Details of the Temple 2008.R.3-2019

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Numbered in negative: 824. Number 48 in album.
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Balbek, temple circulaire 2008.R.3-2020

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative. No. 465. Caption written on mount: Baalbek, the circular temple. Number 49 in album.
box 63, tube 25 verso

Mur cyclopéen à Baalbek 2008.R.3-2039

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 468. Caption written on mount: Great wall of the temple. Number 50 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân

box 63, page 26 recto

Baalbec, la carrière 2008.R.3-2021

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Baalbek, large stone in the quarry. Number 51 in album.
box 63, page 26 verso

Palmyre, colonne monolith 2008.R.3-2022

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Palmyre, monolithe columns. Number 52 in album.
box 63, page 27 recto

Palmyre 2008.R.3-2023

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: S. Hakim. Caption written on mount: Palmyre. Number 53 in album.
box 63, page 27 verso

Palmyre, arc de triomphe 2008.R.3-2024

Scope and Contents

Palmyra, triumphal arch. Title from caption in negative. Caption written on mount: Palmyre, triumphal arch. Number 54 in album.

Maison Bonfils

box 63, page 28 recto

Habitants de Bethléhem, marchands de chapelet 2008.R.3-2025

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. In negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 762 (?). Caption written on mount: Bead merchants of Bethlehem. Number 55 in album.
box 63, page 28 verso

Musulmans en prière dans la grande mosquée à Damas 2008.R.3-2026

Scope and Contents

Prayer in the courtyard of the Umayyad mosque. Title from caption in negative. In negative: Bonfils. Number in negative: 651. Caption written on mount: Mohammedans at prayer in the Great Mosque, Damascus. Number 56 in album.
box 63, page 29 recto

Canvas et employé du consulat de France 2008.R.3-2027

Scope and Contents

French consulate employees. Title from caption in negative. In negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 777. Caption written on mount: Kavass in the employ of the French Consul. Number 57 in album.

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân (attributed)

box 63, page 29 verso

Bédouins 2008.R.3-2028

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Number 58 in album.
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Bédouins 2008.R.3-2029

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Number 59 in album.

Maison Bonfils

box 63, page 30 verso

Groupe de Bédouins de Djerasch 2008.R.3-2030

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 775. Caption written on mount: Bedouins. Number 60 in album.
box 63, page 31 recto

Femme syrienne promenant à âne 2008.R.3-2031

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 698. Caption written on mount: Syrian woman & donkey. Number 61 in album.
box 63, page 31 verso

Photographer unknown, Abd el Kader 2008.R.3-2032

Scope and Contents

Portrait of Abdelkadir (Abd al-Qādir al-Jazairi / Abd al-Qādir ibn Muḥyī al-Dīn, Amir of Mascara), the Algerian sharif who led the struggle against the French invasion of Algeria. He was exiled to Damascus. Title from caption written on mount. Number 62 in album.
box 63, page 32 recto

Al-Hakîm, Sulaymân (attributed), Interior of a Room in Damascus 2008.R.3-2033

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Number 63 in album.

Maison Bonfils

box 63, page 32 verso

Port de Tripoli, Syrie 2008.R.3-2034

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Numbered in negative: 495. Caption written on mount: Tripoli, Syria. Number 64 in album.
box 63, page 33 recto

Port d'Alexandrette, Syrie 2008.R.3-2035

Scope and Contents

Port at Iskenderun, Turkey. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Number in negative: 496. Caption written on mount: Alexandrette, Syria. Number 65 in album.
box 63, page 33 verso

Port de Mersina, Syrie 2008.R.3-2036

Scope and Contents

Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Bonfils. Number in negative: 497. Caption written on mount: Mersina, Syria. Number 66 in album.

Photographer unknown

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Smyrna 2008.R.3-2037

Scope and Contents

View of the Smyrna harbor. Title from caption written on mount. Number 67 in album.
box 63, page 34 verso

Hotel Huck, Smyrna 2008.R.3-2038

Scope and Contents

Title from caption written on mount. Number 68 in album.
box 54

Egypt album, 2008.R.3-5122 compiled 1905

Egypt album

Scope and Contents

Black leather bound album, front cover gold-stamped with "Egypt" and an indecipherable logo, containing 104 albumen and gelatin silver photographs and collotypes of Egypt taken by both amateur and professional photographers. This travel album was likely compiled by an amateur photographer. Photographers include: Adelphoi Zangaki; G. Lékégian; P. Perdis; and Photoglob.
box 54, item Front cover

Front cover 2003.R.8-4814

box 54, page 1 recto

Peridis, P., Caire, panorama de la citadelle 2008.R.3-1856

Scope and Contents

Cairo from the citadel. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: 250. Photograph number 1 in album.

Lékégian, G.

box 54, page 1 verso

Rue Bab-el-Charis [?] 2008.R.3-1857

Scope and Contents

Street in Cairo. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian. Photograph number 2 in album.
box 54, page 2 recto

Mosquée Kait-bey 2008.R.3-1858

Scope and Contents

Mosque of Kaitbey. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: G. Lékégian. Numbered in negative: No. 80. Photograph number 3 in album.
box 54, page 2 verso

Intérieur de la mosquée Sultan Hassan 2008.R.3-1859

Scope and Contents

Interior, Mosque of Sultan Hassan. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: No. 39. Photograph number 4 in album.
box 54, page 3 recto

Mosquée (intérieur) 2008.R.3-1860

Scope and Contents

Interior of a mosque. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Photograph number 5 in album.
box 54, page 3 verso

Mosquée Mohamed Aly (fontaine d'ablutions) 2008.R.3-1861

Scope and Contents

Mosque of Mohammed Ali. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: No. 34. Photograph number 6 in album.
box 54, page 4 recto

[Tombs of the Mamelukes] 2008.R.3-1862

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Photograph number 7 in album.
box 54, page 4 verso

Lékégian, G., Savoy, hôtel 2008.R.3-1863

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: No. 213. Photograph number 8 in album.
box 54, page 5 recto

Photographer unknown, Page 5 recto 2008.R.3-4815

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 9-11 in album.
box 54, item 5 recto-1

[Women Having Tea] 2008.R.3-1891

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 9 in album.
box 54, item 5 recto-2

[Young Boy in Fez, Saluting] 2008.R.3-1892

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 10 in album.
box 54, item 5 recto-3

[Young Boy in Fez] 2008.R.3-1893

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 11 in album.

Lékégian, G.

box 54, page 5 verso

Pont du Ghéziréh 2008.R.3-1865

Scope and Contents

Ghezireh Bridge. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: No. 148. Photograph number 12 in album.
box 54, page 6 recto

Ghéziréh Palace Hôtel (casino) 2008.R.3-1864

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: No. 240. Photograph number 13 in album.
box 54, page 6 verso

Le tapis sacré 2008.R.3-1855

Scope and Contents

View of the Mahmal ready to depart for Mecca. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: No. 1359. Photograph number 14 in album.
box 54, page 7 recto

Pyramide de Ghiseh 2008.R.3-1866

Scope and Contents

Pyramid and Sphinx. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: No. 18. Photograph number 15 in album.
box 54, page 7 verso

Peridis, P., Statue de Memphis à Sakkra 2008.R.3-1867

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: No. 232. Photograph number 16 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 8 recto

Page 8 recto 2008.R.3-4816

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 17-18.
box 54, item 8 recto-1

[Tourists Looking at the Colossus of Memnon] 2008.R.3-1894

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 17 in album.
box 54, item 8 recto-2

[People Crouched in a Field with Wind-blown Palm Trees] 2008.R.3-1895

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 18 in album.
box 54, page 8 verso

Page 8 verso 2008.R.3-4817

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 19-21.
box 54, item 8 verso-1

[Docked Steamer] 2008.R.3-1896

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 19 in album.
box 54, item 8 verso-2

[Small Boat Unloading Cargo] 2008.R.3-1897

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 20 in album.
box 54, item 8 verso-3

[People Gathered on Mound with Wind-blown Palm Trees] 2008.R.3-1898

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 21 in album.
box 54, page 9 recto

Lékégian, G., Fellahines (porteuses d'eau) 2008.R.3-1868

Scope and Contents

Fellahines carrying water. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Photog. Art. G. Lékégian & Co. Numbered in negative: N. 45. Photograph number 22 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 9 verso

Page 9 verso 2008.R.3-4818

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 23-25.
box 54, item 9 verso-1

[Tomb, Beni-Hasan] 2008.R.3-1899

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 23 in album.
box 54, item 9 verso-2

[Entrance to Tomb of Khnumhotep II [?], Beni-Hasan] 2008.R.3-1900

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 24 in album.
box 54, item 9 verso-3

[Touring Party at Entrance to Tomb of Khnumhotep II [?], Beni-Hasan] 2008.R.3-1901

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 25 in album.
box 54, page 10 recto

Adelphoi Zangaki, Beni-Hussan, tombeau de Khnoum-Chotep XII 2008.R.3-1956

Scope and Contents

Tomb of Khnumhotep II [?], Beni-Hasan. Gelatin silver print. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Numbered in negative: N. 867. Photograph number 26 in album.
box 54, page 10 verso

Photographer unknown, Page 10 verso 2008.R.3-4819

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 27-29.
box 54, item 10 verso-1

[Bridge across the Nile] 2008.R.3-1902

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 27 in album.
box 54, item 10 verso-2

[Bridge across Nile and Boats] 2008.R.3-1903

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 28 in album.
box 54, item 10 verso-3

[Bird's-eye View of a Road and Distant City, Egypt] 2008.R.3-1904

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 29 in album.

Adelphoi Zangaki

box 54, page 11 recto

[Rooftops] 2008.R.3-1869

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Photograph number 30 in album.
box 54, page 11 verso

Pylon du temple d'Athor à Dendre 2008.R.3-1870

Scope and Contents

Temple of Hathor, Dendera. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Numbered in negative: No. 909. Photograph number 31 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 12 recto

Page 12 recto 2008.R.3-4820

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 32-35.
box 54, item 12 recto-1

[Arch at Temple of Hathor, Dendera] 2008.R.3-1905

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 32 in album.
box 54, item 12 recto-2

[Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Shadow] 2008.R.3-1906

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 33 in album.
box 54, item 12 recto-3

[Dendera ?] 2008.R.3-1907

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 34 in album.
box 54, item 12 recto-4

[Dendera ?] 2008.R.3-1908

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 35 in album.
box 54, page 12 verso

Page 12 verso 2008.R.3-4821

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 36-39.
box 54, item 12 verso-1

[Interior Columns with Hieroglyphs] 2008.R.3-1909

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 36 in album.
box 54, item 12 verso-2

[View along the Nile] 2008.R.3-1910

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 37 in album.
box 54, item 12 verso-3

[Group of Tourists in a Field] 2008.R.3-1912

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 38 in album.
box 54

[Sailboat on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1913

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Item: 12v-4. Photograph number 39 in album.
box 54, page 13 recto

Page 13 recto 2008.R.3-4822

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 40-43.
box 54, item 13 recto-1

[Sailboat on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1914

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 40 in album.
box 54, item 13 recto-2

[Crowd] 2008.R.3-1915

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 41 in album.
box 54, item 13 recto-3

[Luxor from the Nile] 2008.R.3-1916

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 42 in album.
box 54, item 13 recto-4

[Obelisk, Luxor] 2008.R.3-1917

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 43 in album.
box 54, page 13 verso

Page 13 verso 2008.R.3-4823

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 44-46.
box 54, item 13 verso-1

[Sailboats on the Banks of the Nile] 2008.R.3-1918

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 44 in album.
box 54, item 13 verso-2

[Luxor, with Obelisk in Background] 2008.R.3-1919

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 45 in album.
box 54, item 13 verso-3

[Ramesses II, Luxor] 2008.R.3-1920

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 46 in album.

Peridis, P.

box 54, page 14 recto

Colonnades du Grand Temple à Luxor 2008.R.3-1871

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: N. 1003. Photograph number 47 in album.
box 54, page 14 verso

Columns at Luxor 2008.R.3-1872

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridise [sic]. Numbered in negative: N. 1011. Photograph number 48 in album.
box 54, page 15 recto

Statue Ramses 2008.R.3-1873

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: N. 24_. Photograph number 49 in album.
box 54, page 15 verso

[Row of Small Sphinxes] 2008.R.3-1874

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Signed in negative: Peridis. Photograph number 50 in album.
box 54, page 16 recto

Vue générale du Karnak 2008.R.3-1875

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: N. 1004. Photograph number 51 in album.
box 54, page 16 verso

Adelphoi Zangaki, [View at Karnak] 2008.R.3-1876

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title in negative is too faint to read. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Photograph number 52 in album.
box 54, page 17 recto

Peridis, P., Columns at Karnak 2008.R.3-1877

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: N. 1077. Photograph number 53 in album.

Adelphoi Zangaki

box 54, page 17 verso

Salle hypostyle de grand temple au Karnak 2008.R.3-1878

Scope and Contents

Hypostyle hall, Karnak. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Numbered in negative: 984. Photograph number 54 in album.
box 54, page 18 recto

Karnak, colonnade du grand temple 2008.R.3-1879

Scope and Contents

Karnak, colonnade. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Photograph number 55 in album.
box 54, page 18 verso

Peridis, P., Rhamaseon à Karnak 2008.R.3-1880

Scope and Contents

Rhamasseum. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Photograph number 56 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 19 recto

Page 19 recto 2008.R.3-4824

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 57-58.
box 54, item 19 recto-1

[Tourists atop an Embankment] 2008.R.3-1921

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 57 in album.
box 54, item 19 recto-2

[View of Karnak] 2008.R.3-1922

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 58 in album.
box 54, page 19 verso

Page 19 verso 2008.R.3-4825

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 59-61.
box 54, item 19 verso-1

[View towards Obelisk, Karnak] 2008.R.3-1923

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 59 in album.
box 54, item 19 verso-2

[Colossal Statues, Karnak] 2008.R.3-1924

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 60 in album.
box 54, item 19 verso-3

[Columns, Karnak] 2008.R.3-1925

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 61 in album.

Peridis, P.

box 54, page 20 recto

Luxor Bazaar 2008.R.3-1881

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: 1036. Photograph number 62 in album.
box 54, page 20 verso

Colossus Memnon 2008.R.3-1882

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: N. 1034. Photograph number 63 in album.
box 54, page 21 recto

Thèbes, Ramseon 2008.R.3-1883

Scope and Contents

Thebes, Rhamsseum. Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: 1964. Photograph number 64 in album.
box 54, page 21 verso

Photographer unknown, Page 21 verso 2008.R.3-4826

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 65-67.
box 54, item 21 verso-1

[Guide Pointing to Reliefs on a Wall] 2008.R.3-1926

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 65 in album.
box 54, item 21 verso-2

[Ruins] 2008.R.3-1928

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 67 in album.
box 54, item 21 verso-3

[Bust on a Column] 2008.R.3-1927

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 66 in album.
box 54, page 22 recto

Photoglob Co., Thèbes, Medinet-Abou, First Yard 2008.R.3-1884

Scope and Contents

Medinet-Habou. Photomechanical print. Title from caption in negative. Photograph number 68 in album.
box 54, page 22 verso

Adelphoi Zangaki, Thèbes, entrée de tombe du roi 2008.R.3-1885

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Numbered in negative: 945. Photograph number 69 in album.
box 54, page 23 recto

Photographer unknown, Page 23 recto 2008.R.3-4827

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 70-71.
box 54, item 23 recto-1

[Tourists Riding along a Road, Egypt] 2008.R.3-1929

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 70 in album.
box 54, item 23 recto-2

[Road, with Tourists Riding in the Distance, Egypt] 2008.R.3-1930

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 71 in album.
box 54, page 23 verso

Peridis, P., [View of Tombs] 2008.R.3-1886

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph number 72 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 24 recto

Page 24 recto 2008.R.3-4828

Scope and Contents

Photographs 73-75.
box 54, item 24 recto-1

[Tourist and Guard in front of a Temple] 2008.R.3-1931

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Photograph number 73 in album.
box 54, item 23 recto-2

[Tourist Lying in Ancient Sarcophagus] 2008.R.3-1853

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Photograph number 74 in album.
box 54, item 24 recto-3

[Egyptians in a Temple Courtyard] 2008.R.3-1932

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver print. Photograph number 75 in album.
box 54, page 24 verso

Page 24 verso 2008.R.3-4829

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 76-78.
box 54, item 24 verso-1

[Palm Trees] 2008.R.3-1933

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 76 in album.
box 54, item 24 verso-2

[Tourist Standing by Columns] 2008.R.3-1934

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 77 in album.
box 54, item 24 verso-3

[Crowd on River Bank] 2008.R.3-1935

Scope and Contents

Item: 24v-3. Photograph number 78 in album.
box 54, page 25 recto

Peridis, P., Columns at Esnah 2008.R.3-1854

Scope and Contents

Albumen print. Title from caption in negative. Signed in negative: Peridis. Numbered in negative: No. 1123. Photograph number 79 in album.
box 54, page 25 verso

Photoglob Co., Edfou, the Big Hall 2008.R.3-1887

Scope and Contents

Photomechanical print. Title printed on image and numbered: 547. Photograph number 80 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 26 recto

Page 26 recto 2008.R.3-4830

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 81-84.
box 54, item 26 recto-1

[Bird's-eye View over Edfu] 2008.R.3-1936

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 81 in album.
box 54, item 26 recto-2

[Water Buffalo and Herders] 2008.R.3-1937

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 82 in album.
box 54, item 26 recto-3

[Courtyard Columns, Edfu] 2008.R.3-1938

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 83 in album.
box 54, item 26 recto-4

[Courtyard Columns in Shadow, Edfu] 2008.R.3-1939

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 84 in album.
box 54, page 26 verso

Page 26 verso 2008.R.3-4831

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 85-87.
box 54, item 26 verso-1

[Bas-relief with Two Figures, Edfu] 2008.R.3-1940

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 85 in album.
box 54, item 26 verso-2

[Bas-relief with One Figure, Edfu] 2008.R.3-1941

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 86 in album.
box 54, item 26 verso-3

[Bas-relief of Servant Bringing Offerings, Edfu] 2008.R.3-1942

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 87 in album.
box 54, page 27 recto

Adelphoi Zangaki, Edfu, cella de granite dans le temple 2008.R.3-1888

Scope and Contents

Edfu, entrance. Albumen print. Signed in negative: Zangaki. Photograph number 88 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 27 verso

Page 27 verso 2008.R.3-5055

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 89-92.
box 54, item 27 verso-1

[Ruins Seen from a Distance, Egypt] 2008.R.3-1943

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 89 in album.
box 54, item 27 verso-2

[Ruins, Egypt] 2008.R.3-1944

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 90 in album.
box 54, item 27 verso-3

[Tourists in Ruins] 2008.R.3-1945

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 91 in album.
box 54, item 27 verso-4

[Town on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1946

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 92 in album.
box 54, page 28 recto

Page 28 recto 2008.R.3-4832

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 93-95.
box 54, item 28 recto-1

[Men in a Boat Seen from above] 2008.R.3-1947

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 93 in album.
box 54, item 28 recto-2

[Nile with Sailboat] 2008.R.3-1948

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 94 in album.
box 54, item 28 recto-3

[View across the Nile to a Modern Building] 2008.R.3-1949

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 95 in album.

Peridis, P.

box 54, page 28 verso

Kiosk du Philoe 2008.R.3-1889

Scope and Contents

Kiosk at Philae. Albumen print. Signed in negative: Peridis. Photograph number 96 in album.
box 54, page 29 recto

Philoe, colonnades et temple d'Isis 2008.R.3-1890

Scope and Contents

Colonnade of the Temple of Isis. Albumen print. Signed in negative: Peridis. Photograph number 97 in album.

Photographer unknown

box 54, page 29 verso

[View of the Nile during Flood Season] 2008.R.3-1950

Scope and Contents

Collotype. Photograph number 98 in album.
box 54, page 30 recto

[Thebes] 2008.R.3-1951

Scope and Contents

Collotype. Photograph number 99 in album.
box 54, page 30 verso

[Dam on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1952

Scope and Contents

Collotype. Photograph number 100 in album.
box 54, page 31 recto

Page 31 recto 2008.R.3-4833

Scope and Contents

Gelatin silver prints. Photographs 101-104.
box 54, item 31 recto-1

[Tourists Looking at Hieroglyphs] 2008.R.3-1953

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 101 in album.
box 54, item 31 recto-2

Photographer unknown, [Hieroglyphs] 2008.R.3-1954

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 102 in album.
box 54, item 31 recto-3

[Guide Pointing to Wall] 2008.R.3-1955

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 103 in album.
box 54, item 31 recto-4

[Tourist Pointing to Wall] 2008.R.3-4813

Scope and Contents

Photograph number 104 in album.
box 64-65

Photographer unknown, Views of Egypt albums, 1910

Scope and Contents

Two albums bound in red leather, each containing 47 matte gelatin prints of Egypt taken by an unidentified amateur photographer. Titles from captions written on mounts, except for those in square brackets, which are devised.
box 64

Volume 1 2008.R.3-5132

[Views of Egypt Album #1]

Scope and Contents

Sites depicted include Dandara; Medinet Habu; Deir-el-Bahari; Banī Hasan; Idfū; Isnā; and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
box 64, item Front cover

Cover 2008.R.3-4993

box 64, page 1 recto

Dendera 2008.R.3-1760

Scope and Contents

Tourists and guides visiting the ruins of Dandara with view of the Propylon of Domitian and Trajan.
box 64, page 1 verso

Dendera 2008.R.3-1761

Scope and Contents

Facade of the Temple of Hathor, Dandara.
box 64, page 2 recto

The Iseium, Dendereh 2008.R.3-1762

Scope and Contents

Temple of Isis, Dandara.
box 64, page 2 verso

Cleopatra and Caesar, Dendera 2008.R.3-1763

Scope and Contents

Reliefs on the south wall of the Temple of Hathor, Dandara.
box 64, page 3 recto

Royal Staircase, Dendera 2008.R.3-1764

box 64, page 3 verso

Procession of Gods, Dendera 2008.R.3-1765

Scope and Contents

Reliefs on south wall of Temple of Hathor, Dandara.
box 64, page 4 recto

Roof of Temple of Isis, Dendera 2008.R.3-1766

Scope and Contents

Reliefs at Dandara.
box 64, page 4 verso

Medinet Habou 2008.R.3-1767

box 64, page 5 recto

Hatasu 2008.R.3-1768

Scope and Contents

View with columns and relief, Deir el-Bahri.
box 64, page 5 verso

Hatasu 2008.R.3-1769

Scope and Contents

View of temple complex at Deir el-Bahri with camel and western tourists in foreground.
box 64, page 6 recto

Hatasu 2008.R.3-1770

Scope and Contents

Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri, doorway to upper court.
box 64, page 6 verso

Thebes 2008.R.3-1771

Scope and Contents

Statues of enthroned pharaoh and goddess.
box 64, page 7 recto

Beni Hassan, Tombs 2008.R.3-1772

Scope and Contents

Western tourists in front of tombs at Bani Hasan.
box 64, page 7 verso

Edfu 2008.R.3-1773

Scope and Contents

Statue of Horus at entrance to courtyard, Temple of Edfu.
box 64, page 8 verso

Edfu 2008.R.3-1774

Scope and Contents

Temple of Horus.
box 64, page 8 recto

[Relief, Temple of Horus] 2008.R.3-1775

Scope and Contents

Relief in the corridor of the Temple of Horus, Edfu, depicting Ptolemy VIII being led to Horus. Caption on mount misidentifies the location as Komombo (Kom Ombo).
box 64, page 9 recto

Edfu, Bas Reliefs 2008.R.3-1776

Scope and Contents

Temple of Horus, relief from corridor, Ptolemy VIII crowned by goddesses.
box 64, page 9 verso

Museum 2008.R.3-1777

Scope and Contents

View of gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, including statues of Osiris, Hathor and Isis.
box 64, page 10 recto

Museum 2008.R.3-1778

Scope and Contents

View of a gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 10 verso

Museum, Romish Cases 2008.R.3-1779

Scope and Contents

Mummy cases from the Roman period in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 11 recto

Museum, Hippo God of Nile 2008.R.3-1780

Scope and Contents

View of gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, including statue of Taweret.
box 64, page 11 verso

Museum, God Hathor 2008.R.3-1781

Scope and Contents

View of gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, including statue of Hathor.
box 64, page 12 recto

Seti, Gold Teeth 2008.R.3-1782

Scope and Contents

Mummy of Seti in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 12 verso

[Statue of Ka-aper in the Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1783

box 64, page 13 recto

The Runner, Museum 2008.R.3-1784

Scope and Contents

Statue of a runner in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 13 verso

Scribe, Museum 2008.R.3-1785

Scope and Contents

Statue of seated scribe in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 14 recto

Tomb of Ramses, Museum 2008.R.3-1786

Scope and Contents

Statues of Ramses in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 14 verso

[Relief Sculpture in the Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1787

box 64, page 15 recto

[Statue of Siren in the Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1788

box 64, page 15 verso

Museum 2008.R.3-1789

Scope and Contents

View of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, from across Tahir Square.
box 64, item 16 recto

Mummy Cases 2008.R.3-1790

Scope and Contents

in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
box 64, page 16 verso

Coffin Contents, Nubian soldiers, Found in 1338, P527 2008.R.3-1791

Scope and Contents

View of a gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, with wooden models.
box 64, page 17 recto

Hathor 2008.R.3-1792

Scope and Contents

View of a gallery in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, including statue of Hathor.
box 64, page 17 verso

[View of a Gallery in the Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1793

box 64, page 18 recto

[View of a Gallery in the Egyptian Museum Showing Statue of Rahotep and Nofret] 2008.R.3-1794

box 64, page 18 verso

[Looking down on the Main Gallery, Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1795

box 64, page 19 recto

[Arches with Sculptures, Egyptian Museum] 2008.R.3-1796

box 64, page 19 verso

Dendera 2008.R.3-1797

Scope and Contents

Two female tourists flanking a statue of Sekhmet, Dandara.
box 64, page 20 recto

Edfu 2008.R.3-1798

Scope and Contents

Depicts a man and a boy, both wearing a tarboosh, in front of reliefs.
box 64, page 20 verso

Abydos 2008.R.3-1799

Scope and Contents

Painted relief in Temple of Sethos I, Abydos.
box 64, page 21 recto

Abydos 2008.R.3-1800

Scope and Contents

Painted relief in Temple of Sethos I, Abydos.
box 64, page 21 recto

Abydos, Mr. Stewart, New York 2008.R.3-1759

Scope and Contents

An amateur photographer being photographed at Abydos.
box 64, page 22 recto

Blank page 2008.R.3-1801

box 64, page 22 verso

Abydos 2008.R.3-1802

Scope and Contents

Reliefs, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos.
box 64, page 23 recto

Abydos, Mrs. Brown 2008.R.3-1803

Scope and Contents

Tourists dining in the hypostyle hall, Abydos.
box 64, page 23 verso

Esna, Selling Beads 2008.R.3-1804

Scope and Contents

Men selling beads to a female tourist, Isnā.
box 64, page 24 recto

[Bead Seller] 2008.R.3-1805

box 64, page 24 verso

Esna 2008.R.3-4992

Scope and Contents

Hypostyle hall, Isnā.
box 65

Volume 2 2008.R.3-5131

[Views of Egypt Album, Vol. 2]

Scope and Contents

Sites depicted include Kom Ombo; Luxor; Aswan; Philae; and Thebes. Numerous views and scenes are not identified by site.
box 65, item Front cover

Cover 2008.R.3-4991

box 65, page 1 recto

Komombo 2008.R.3-1806

Scope and Contents

Western woman seated in the Temple of Sobek and Haroeris, Kom Ombo.
box 65, page 1 verso

Venice 2008.R.3-1807

box 65, page 2 recto

[Kom Ombo, Temple of Haroeris and Sobek, Reliefs] 2008.R.3-1808

box 65, page 2 verso

[Kom Ombo, Temple of Haroeris and Sobek, Reliefs] 2008.R.3-1809

box 65, page 3 verso

[Closer View of Reliefs, Kom Ombo, Temple of Haroeris and Sobek] 2008.R.3-1810

box 65, page 3 verso

Komombo 2008.R.3-1811

Scope and Contents

Kom Ombo villagers with donkey and goat.
box 65, page 4 recto

[Kom Ombo, Villagers and Western Man] 2008.R.3-1812

box 65, page 4 verso

Blank page 2008.R.3-1813

box 65, page 5 recto

[Columns, Kom Ombo, Temple of Haroeris and Sobek] 2008.R.3-1814

box 65, page 5 verso

Blank page 2008.R.3-1815

box 65, page 6 recto

[Kom Ombo, Temple of Haroeris and Sobek] 2008.R.3-1816

box 65, page 6 verso

Temple of Luxor 2008.R.3-1817

box 65, page 7 recto

[Egyptian Boy with Tourists and Obelisk in Background] 2008.R.3-1818

box 65, page 7 verso

Luxor 2008.R.3-1819

Scope and Contents

View of a grain market(?) at Luxor.
box 65, page 8 verso

Assouan 2008.R.3-1820

Scope and Contents

View of a grain market(?) at Aswan.
box 65, page 8 verso

[Market Scene?] 2008.R.3-1821

box 65, page 9 recto

[Market Scene?] 2008.R.3-1822

box 65, page 9 verso

Bischeren Arabs 2008.R.3-1823

box 65, page 10 verso

[Two Little Boys Standing by Cart] 2008.R.3-1824

box 65, page 10 verso

[Egyptian Girl, with Western Woman in Background] 2008.R.3-1825

box 65, page 11 recto

[Egyptian Man with Walking Stick] 2008.R.3-1826

box 65, page 11 verso

[View of the Nile with Dahabieh Moored beneath Ruins] 2008.R.3-1827

box 65, page 12 recto

[Camels and Children, Village in Background] 2008.R.3-1828

box 65, page 12 verso

Assuoan Barrage 2008.R.3-1829

box 65, page 13 recto

[View of Aswan Barrage] 2008.R.3-1830

box 65, page 13 verso

[Islands in the Nile] 2008.R.3-1831

box 65, page 14 recto

Messina, Straits of 2008.R.3-1832

box 65, page 14 verso

Cleopatra's Bed 2008.R.3-1833

box 65, page 15 recto

Child and Boiling Pot 2008.R.3-1834

box 65, page 15 verso

[Temple of Philae, with Nile in Flood] 2008.R.3-1835

box 65, page 16 recto

[Trajan's Kiosk, Philae, with Nile in Flood] 2008.R.3-1836

box 65, page 16 verso

[Egyptians in front of a Mud Brick Structure] 2008.R.3-1837

box 65, page 17 recto

[Village Scene with Women Carrying Jars on their Heads] 2008.R.3-1838

box 65, page 17 verso

[Men Filling and Transporting Waterskins] 2008.R.3-1839

box 65, page 18 recto

[Town on the Bank of the Nile] 2008.R.3-1840

box 65, page 18 verso

[Boat on the Nile at Sunset] 2008.R.3-1841

box 65, page 19 recto

[Boat on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1842

box 65, page 19 verso

Shakkieh 2008.R.3-1843

Scope and Contents

Shows a sakia or water-wheel.
box 65, page 20 recto

[Mud Brick Structures with Camel] 2008.R.3-1844

box 65, page 20 verso

Mama and Baby 2008.R.3-1845

Scope and Contents

Mother camel with her baby and people.
box 65, page 21 recto

[Livestock on a Road] 2008.R.3-1846

box 65, page 21 verso

[Sailboat on the Nile] 2008.R.3-1847

box 65, page 22 recto

Sacred Pigeons at Home 2008.R.3-1848

Scope and Contents

View of a barnyard?
box 65, page 22 verso

Rameseum, Thebes, Anointing the King by Thoth and Horus 2008.R.3-1849

Scope and Contents

Relief from the Ramasseum.
box 65, page 23 recto

Rameseum, Store Houses 2008.R.3-1850

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, vaulted structures.
box 65, page 23 verso

Mahmout 2008.R.3-1851

Scope and Contents

Portrait of a tall man.
box 65, page 24 recto

En route, Tombs of Kings 2008.R.3-1852

box 65, page 24 verso

[Man Riding a Bicycle towards a Church] 2008.R.3-4988

box 65

Wall of Ramaseum, the Anointing of the King by Thoth and Horus 2008.R.3-4990

Scope and Contents

Loose print inserted at 22 verso.
box 57

Fotocelere Coloniale, Africa Speaks to You with These 100 Pictures, 2008.R.3-5135 approximately 1935

Scope and Contents

Post-bound album with tooled dark brown leather covers containing 100 gelatin silver prints on 32 leaves, recto and verso, of people and views of Eritrea.
Various "hieroglyphic" motifs surround a central oasis scene on the front cover; all are enhanced with green, red and tan coloring. The back cover bears hieroglyphic scenes in three registers and is not colored. The album is currently disbound.
A four-page printed list of the numbered photographs accompanies the album; titles are taken from this list. The photographs are not laid out in numerical order within the album.
box 57, item Front cover

Front cover 2008.R.3-5049

Cover of Africa Speaks to You with These 100 Pictures

box 57

List of images 2008.R.3-5048

Scope and Contents

Four-page printed list of the numbered photographs in the album.
box 57

Album page with photographs 1 and 15 2008.R.3-5030

box 57

Eritrean Girl Hairdress 2008.R.3-1075

box 57

[Dancala Woman with Firewood at her Feet] 2008.R.3-1076

Scope and Contents

No. 15. There is no such number on the printed list.
box 57

Eritrean Girl 2008.R.3-1074

Scope and Contents

Depicts two girls and a woman. Number 2.
box 57

Album page with photographs 14 and 3 2008.R.3-5039

box 57

[Young Dancala Women, One Standing, One Seated, with Donkeys and Camels behind Them] 2008.R.3-1100

Scope and Contents

Number 14.
box 57

Eritreran Children 2008.R.3-1101

Scope and Contents

Number 3.
box 57

Album page with photographs 4 and 17 2008.R.3-5038

box 57

Eritrean Woman with Child 2008.R.3-1097

Scope and Contents

Number 4.
box 57

[Dancala Woman Holding One Hand behind Her Head] 2008.R.3-1098

Scope and Contents

Number 17.
box 57

Album page with photographs 5 and 20 2008.R.3-5032

box 57

Eritrean Bride and Bridegroom 2008.R.3-1081

Scope and Contents

Number 5.
box 57

[Dancala Woman] 2008.R.3-1082

Scope and Contents

Number 20. There is no such number on the printed list.
box 57

Leprous Woman 2008.R.3-1102

Scope and Contents

Number 6.
box 57

Album page with photographs 7 and 8 2008.R.3-5031

box 57

Mohammedan Child Wearing the Amulets of his Religion 2008.R.3-1078

Scope and Contents

Number 7.
box 57

Bilene Girl 2008.R.3-1079

Scope and Contents

Number 8.
box 57

Bilene Girls 2008.R.3-1077

Scope and Contents

Bust portrait of two girls. Number 9.
box 57

Album page with photographs 10 and 63 2008.R.3-5037

box 57

Bilene Child 2008.R.3-1094

Scope and Contents

Number 10.
box 57

Market Day Comes to an End... 2008.R.3-1095

Scope and Contents

Number 63. Continues: ...and the Dancali woman gets the 'matruffa' ready for her camel.
box 57

Album page with photographs 16 and 26 2008.R.3-5034

Scope and Contents

Album page bearing numbers 16; 26.
box 57

[Young Dancala Woman Wearing a Necklace] 2008.R.3-1087

Scope and Contents

Same woman as in number 15. Number 16. There is no such number on the printed list.
box 57

Mohammedans 2008.R.3-1088

Scope and Contents

Depicts a turbaned man wearing a vest. Number 26.
box 57

Album page with photographs 27 and 12 2008.R.3-5035

box 57

Islander 2008.R.3-1073

Scope and Contents

Number 27.
box 57

Amara Woman 2008.R.3-1072

Scope and Contents

Number 12.
box 57

Album page with photographs 21 and 23 2008.R.3-5033

box 57

[Dancala Woman and Young Girl] 2008.R.3-1084

Scope and Contents

Number 21. There is no such number on the printed list.
box 57

Dancala Men 2008.R.3-1085

Scope and Contents

Depicts one man. Number 23.
box 57

Album page with photographs 32 and 22 2008.R.3-5036

box 57

Young Mother with Child 2008.R.3-1091

Scope and Contents

Profile view of a woman carrying a baby on her back in a pouch. Number 32.
box 57

[A Dancala Woman with Her Hands on Her Hips] 2008.R.3-1092

Scope and Contents

Number 22. List for numbers 13 and 22 reads: Peculiar tipes [sic] of women of the Dancala race.
box 57

Album page with photographs 28 and 66 2008.R.3-5042

box 57

Scioa Woman in Dance Costume 2008.R.3-1119

Scope and Contents

Number 66.
box 57

Islander 2008.R.3-1120

Scope and Contents

Number 28.
box 57

Album page with photographs 31 and 64 2008.R.3-5043

box 57

A Cunama Man 2008.R.3-1122

Scope and Contents

Number 31.
box 57

Dancali Woman with a Leather Bag Full of Honey 2008.R.3-1123

Scope and Contents

Number 64.
box 57

Unmistaken Oriental Touch in the Dresses of Mohammedan Women 2008.R.3-1071

Scope and Contents

Number 33.
box 57

Eritrean Village 2008.R.3-1086

Scope and Contents

Number 34.
box 57

Amara Huts 2008.R.3-1083

Scope and Contents

Number 35.
box 57

And the Primitive Ones of the Dancali 2008.R.3-1089

Scope and Contents

View of a hut. Number 36.
box 57

Lowland Wells 2008.R.3-1126

Scope and Contents

Number 37.
box 57

Tombs of Faghe Sons 2008.R.3-1090

Scope and Contents

Number 38.
box 57

Native Fishing 2008.R.3-1110

Scope and Contents

Number 39.
box 57

Cebaratà Players 2008.R.3-1118

Scope and Contents

Number 40.
box 57

Dancalia Mohammedan School 2008.R.3-1112

Scope and Contents

Number 41.
box 57

Wood Carriers 2008.R.3-1099

Scope and Contents

Two women with large bundles of firewood on their backs. Number 43.
box 57

The Daily Water Supply is Done Entirely by Women and Children 2008.R.3-1096

Scope and Contents

Number 44.
box 57

[Family Obtaining Their Water Supply] 2008.R.3-1105

Scope and Contents

Title on list: Otherwise by Donkeys if the Family is Well-off. Number 45.
box 57

[Bringing the Water Supply Home] 2008.R.3-1106

Scope and Contents

Title from printed list: Otherwise by Donkeys if the Family is Well-off. Number 46.
box 57

Mohammedan Goldsmith at Work 2008.R.3-1134

Scope and Contents

Number 48.
box 57

Thread Counting for the Loom 2008.R.3-1104

Scope and Contents

Number 49.
box 57

Tailors Have Become Modernised 2008.R.3-1124

Scope and Contents

Number 49.
box 57

Basket and Mat Makers 2008.R.3-1132

Scope and Contents

Number 50.
box 57

Local Sale: So Much a Heap 2008.R.3-1127

Scope and Contents

Number 52.
box 57

And the Salesman of the Same 2008.R.3-1129

Scope and Contents

Women of the western lowlands selling baskets and mats. Number 51.
box 57

[Men, Women, Chickens and Feed at the Market] 2008.R.3-1135

Scope and Contents

Title from printed list: At the Native Market. Number 53.
box 57

[Vendor with Wheelbarrow Full of Produce] 2008.R.3-1131

Scope and Contents

Title from printed list: At the Native Market. Number 54.
box 57

Gèbenè (Native Coffee Pots) Sellers 2008.R.3-1121

Scope and Contents

Number 55.
box 57

Market Day Inland 2008.R.3-1130

Scope and Contents

Number 56.
box 57

Zebù Gaila at Work 2008.R.3-1133

Scope and Contents

Oxen plowing field. Number 57.
box 57

Camel Drivers Back from Market 2008.R.3-1103

Scope and Contents

Number 58.
box 57

Camel Drivers Back from Market 2008.R.3-1152

Scope and Contents

Two camels and three young men going down a road. Unnumbered on mount. Same image as number 58.
box 57

Wash before Prayers (Mohammedans) 2008.R.3-1080

Scope and Contents

Two men preparing to pray. Number 59.
box 57

Album page with photographs 60 and 68 2008.R.3-5041

box 57

A Witch Doctor 2008.R.3-1116

Scope and Contents

Number 60.
box 57

Mascal Feast: Preparing the Damerà 2008.R.3-1117

Scope and Contents

Number 68.
box 57

Characteristic Value (Emolie) Blocks of Salt so Much in Use among the Dancali 2008.R.3-1093

Scope and Contents

A woman sits under an umbrella while another woman bends over to inspect tubes or logs of salt. Number 62.
box 57

Women of the Western Lowlands 2008.R.3-1128

Scope and Contents

Two women making something in shallow round pans. Number 65.
box 57

Propitiating Dance of an Inland Tribe 2008.R.3-1125

Scope and Contents

Number 67.
box 57

Catholic Native Procession with Embeltì and Cebaratà 2008.R.3-1115

Scope and Contents

Number 69.
box 57

Enda Mariam Sion Church (Abyssinain Holy City) 2008.R.3-1109

Scope and Contents

Number 71.
box 57

The First Enclosure to the Church of Enda Marianm Sion 2008.R.3-1108

Scope and Contents

Number 72.
box 57

Album page with photographs 73 and 75 2008.R.3-5040

box 57

The Famous Obelisks of Axum 2008.R.3-1113

Scope and Contents

Number 73.
box 57

An Abuna (Head of Church) 2008.R.3-1114

Scope and Contents

Number 75.
box 57

In Prayers at the Entrance of the Second Enclosure 2008.R.3-1111

Scope and Contents

I.e. of the Church of Enda Marianm Sion. Number 74.
box 57

Enda Mariam Sion Treasures: Menelik's Crown in Pure Gold 2008.R.3-1107

Scope and Contents

Depicts a two-story octagonal building. Number 76.
box 57

Cacias Tree 2008.R.3-1136

Scope and Contents

Number 81.
box 57

Sycomore Tree (Sycamore Tree) 2008.R.3-1139

Scope and Contents

Number 82.
box 57

Album page with photographs 84 and 85 2008.R.3-5045

box 57

Coco-nut Palms 2008.R.3-1140

Scope and Contents

Coconut palms. Number 84.
box 57

Dun Palm 2008.R.3-1141

Scope and Contents

Number 85.
box 57

Album page with photographs 86 and 87 2008.R.3-5044

box 57

Giant Baobab Tree 2008.R.3-1137

Scope and Contents

Number 86.
box 57

An Obel Tree 2008.R.3-1138

Scope and Contents

Number 87.
box 57

Album page with photographs 88 and 83 2008.R.3-5046

box 57

Papaw Tree 2008.R.3-1143

Scope and Contents

Number 88.
box 57

Agave in Flower 2008.R.3-1144

Scope and Contents

Number 83.
box 57

Eucaliptus Tree (Eucalyptus Tree) 2008.R.3-1142

Scope and Contents

Number 90.
box 57

Oxen Drinking at the Auax River 2008.R.3-1151

Scope and Contents

Oxen wading across the river. Number 91.
box 57

Camels in Caravan 2008.R.3-1146

Scope and Contents

Number 92.
box 57

Crocodiles of the Auax River 2008.R.3-1147

Scope and Contents

Number 95.
box 57

Locusts 2008.R.3-1148

Scope and Contents

Number 96.
box 57

Album page with photographs 97 and 98 2008.R.3-5047

box 57

Ostrich 2008.R.3-1149

Scope and Contents

Number 97.
box 57

Birds of Bright Plumage 2008.R.3-1150

Scope and Contents

Depicts a single bird on a branch. Number 98.
box 57

A Hunting Party 2008.R.3-1145

Scope and Contents

Game and a rifle. Number 100.
box 103

Allen, Peter Christopher, Journal of a Visit to Russia, 1960

Sir Peter Christopher Allen, [Journal of a Visit to Russia]

Scope and Contents

The travel journal of Sir Peter Christopher Allen, former director of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), dates from 20 April to 5 May, 1960. It contains 59 pages of typewritten diary entries interspersed with 52 chromogenic color photographs. Entries and images focus on Moscow, St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod, and the mosques and tombs of Samarqand and Bukhoro in Uzbekistan. The journal has blue cloth covers with gilt decorations. Titles from captions written on mounts.
box 103, item Front cover

Cover 2008.R.3-4979

box 103, page 1 recto

This Day I Stood on the Registan of Samarkand 2008.R.3-255

box 103, page 1 verso

The Tiles of Samarkand 2008.R.3-256

box 103, page 2 recto

Text, page 1 2008.R.3-4919

box 103, page 2 verso

Text, page 2 2008.R.3-4920

box 103, page 3 recto

Text, page 3 2008.R.3-4921

box 103, page 3 verso

Text, page 4 2008.R.3-4922

box 103, page 4 recto

Views of the Kremlin, Moscow 2008.R.3-4982

Scope and Contents

Page contains two photographs.
box 103, item 4 recto-1

[View of the Kremlin from River] 2008.R.3-257

box 103, item 4 recto-2

[View of the Kremlin] 2008.R.3-258

box 103, page 5 verso

Text, page 5 2008.R.3-4923

box 103, page 6 recto

Text, page 6 2008.R.3-4924

box 103, page 6 recto

The Gateway to the Monastary of St. Sergins, Zagorsk 2008.R.3-259

Scope and Contents

View of the Trinity Lavara of St. Sergius.
box 103, page 6 verso

Text, page 7 2008.R.3-4925

box 103, page 6 verso

The Monastery Cathedral 2008.R.3-260

Scope and Contents

Showing the blue onion domes of the Trinity Lavara of St. Sergius.
box 103, page 7 recto

The Monastery Cathedral of St. Sergius, Zagorsk, 1559 2008.R.3-261

Scope and Contents

box 103, page 7 verso

Text, page 8 2008.R.3-4926

box 103, page 8 recto

Text, page 9 2008.R.3-4927

box 103, page 8 verso

Text, page 10 2008.R.3-4928

box 103, page 9 recto

[Views of Moscow] 2008.R.3-4983

Scope and Contents

Contains two photographs.
box 103, item 9 recto-1

Evening Light on the Kremlin 2008.R.3-262

box 103, item 9 recto-2

St. Basil's Cathedral and Red Square Decorated for May Day 2008.R.3-263

box 103, page 9 verso

Text, page 11 2008.R.3-4929

box 103, page 10 recto

Text, page 12 2008.R.3-4930

box 103, page 10 verso

Text, page 13 2008.R.3-4931

box 103, page 11 recto

Text, page 14 2008.R.3-4932

box 103, page 11 verso

Text, page 15 2008.R.3-4933

box 103, page 12 recto

Text, page 16 2008.R.3-4934

box 103, page 12 verso

Text, page 17 2008.R.3-4935

box 103, page 13 recto

[Views of Samaqand] 2008.R.3-4984

Scope and Contents

Two photographs.
box 103, item 13 recto-2

The Tomb of Tamerlane in Evening Light 2008.R.3-254

box 103, item 13 recto-1

First View of Samaraand 2008.R.3-264

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: ...the ruins of the huge Bibi Khanum mosque seen from the road in from the airport.
box 103, page 13 verso

Text, page 18 2008.R.3-4936

box 103, page 14 recto

Evening Sunlight on the Tiles of the Shir Dar Medrasseh 2008.R.3-265

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: ...on the registan of Samarkand, built in 1630.
box 103, page 14 verso

Text, page 19 2008.R.3-4937

box 103, page 15 recto

On the Registan 2008.R.3-266

Scope and Contents

Sir Allen standing on Registan Square.
box 103, page 15 verso

Text, page 20 2008.R.3-4938

box 103, page 16 recto

The Row of Tombs at the Shakh Zinda at Samarkand 2008.R.3-267

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: ...in the last light of April 24th.
box 103, page 16 verso

Text, page 21 2008.R.3-4939

box 103, page 17 recto

[Shakh Zinda] 2008.R.3-4985

Scope and Contents

Two photographs.
box 103, item 17 recto-1

Entrance to the Shakh Zinda Tombs, Samarkand 2008.R.3-268

box 103, item 17 recto-2

Shakh Zinda Gateway 2008.R.3-269

box 103, page 17 verso

The Steps of the Shakh Zinda Tombs 2008.R.3-270

box 103, page 18 recto

What You See through the Arch at the Top of the Steps of the Shakh Zinda Tombs 2008.R.3-271

box 103, page 18 verso

[Tomb of Turka] 2008.R.3-272

Scope and Contents

Caption reads: At the head of the steps of the Shakh Zinda tombs, there are five tombs in a group, of Timur's son (the Emir Zade), of Turkah, his first wife (the one seen above), of his sister, a daughter, and of Emir Hussein.
box 103, page 19 recto

Closer View of the Tomb of Turkan, Tamerlane's First Wife 2008.R.3-273

box 103, page 19 verso

One of the Panels in the Tomb of Turkan, Shakh Zinda 2008.R.3-274

box 103, page 20 recto

View at the Top of the Steps of the Shakh Zinda 2008.R.3-275

box 103, page 20 verso

Pathway among the Upper Tombs of the Shakh Zinda 2008.R.3-276

box 103, page 21 recto

Archway and Darker Tiled Tomb at the End of the Shakh Zinda Passage 2008.R.3-277

box 103, page 21 verso

Another Group of Shakh Zinda Tombs 2008.R.3-278

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: Here are buried Timur's wife Khutluk and his daughter Nuri. These date from about 1370.
box 103, page 22 recto

The End Tomb, That of Kassim, the Living King 2008.R.3-279

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: Pursued by his enemies, with his head cut off, he sprang down the well here; one day he is expected to return to earth.
box 103, page 22 verso

Text, page 22 2008.R.3-4940

box 103, page 23 recto

In the Garden of the Ruined Bibi Khanum Mosque 2008.R.3-280

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: The mosque commemorates Timur's favorite wife, a Chinese. It was damaged by earthquakes and by Russian artillery in 1868.
box 103, page 23 verso

Text, page 23 2008.R.3-4941

box 103, page 24 recto

Bibi Khanum Mosque, Built 1398-1404 2008.R.3-281

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: The remaining tiles on the dome are brilliant.
box 103, page 24 verso

Tiles on the Bibi Khanum Mosque 2008.R.3-282

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: Some fell at my feet and are before me as I write.
box 103, page 25 recto

Ruined Arch and Shattered Dome at the Bibi Khanum 2008.R.3-283

box 103, page 25 verso

Text, page 24 2008.R.3-4942

box 103, page 26 recto

Remains of a Minaret at the Bibi Khanum Mosque 2008.R.3-284

box 103, page 27 recto

[Samarqand Registan] 2008.R.3-4986

Scope and Contents

Two photographs.
box 103, item 27 recto-1

The Tilla Kari Medrasseh (1630) on the North Side of the Registan of Samarkind 2008.R.3-285

box 103, item 27 recto-2

The Oldest Medrasseh of the Samarakand Registan, the Ulug Beg, Built in 1417 2008.R.3-286

box 103, page 27 verso

Text, page 26 2008.R.3-4943

box 103, page 28 recto

The Tomb of Tamerlane, Completed 1404 2008.R.3-287

box 103, page 28 verso

Text, page 27 2008.R.3-4944

box 103, page 29 recto

Tamerlane's Tomb with Its Restored Tiles of Turquoise, Ultramarine, White and Yellow 2008.R.3-288

box 103, page 29 verso

Text, page 28 2008.R.3-4945

box 103, page 30 recto

[Samarqand] 2008.R.3-4987

Scope and Contents

Two photographs.
box 103, item 30 recto-1

Smargand Street and Bibi Khanaum Ruins 2008.R.3-289

box 103, item 30 recto-2

Shakh Sinda, Afternoon Light 2008.R.3-290

box 103, page 30 verso

Text, page 29 2008.R.3-4946

box 103, page 31 recto

Text, page 30 2008.R.3-4947

box 103, page 31 verso

Text, page 31 2008.R.3-4948

box 103, page 32 recto

The Crumbling Walls of Bukhara 2008.R.3-291

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: ...with the Tower of Death flanked by the two domes of the Mir Arab medresseh; on the right the dome of the Kalyan mosque.
box 103, page 32 verso

Text, page 32 2008.R.3-4949

box 103, page 33 recto

Bukhara: the Kaylan Mosque 2008.R.3-292

box 103, page 33 verso

Text, page 33 2008.R.3-4950

box 103, page 34 recto

Goldwyn, Samuel: Our Man in Bokhara by Sam Goldwyn, Jr. 2008.R.3-293

Scope and Contents

Sir Allen standing before ruins in Bukhoro.
box 103, page 34 verso

Text, page 34 2008.R.3-4951

box 103, page 35 recto

The Tower of Death, Bokhara 2008.R.3-294

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: 170 m. high, built 1127.
box 103, page 35 verso

Text, page 35 2008.R.3-4952

box 103, page 36 recto

The 18th Century Char Minar Mosque, with Two Storks' Nests 2008.R.3-295

box 103, page 36 verso

Text, page 36 2008.R.3-4953

box 103, page 37 recto

The Mir Arab Madresseh, Still an Islamic College, Bokhara 2008.R.3-296

box 103, page 37 verso

Text, page 37 2008.R.3-4954

box 103, page 38 recto

Text, page 38 2008.R.3-4955

box 103, page 38 verso

Text, page 39 2008.R.3-4956

box 103, page 39 recto

The Kremlin, Moskow 2008.R.3-297

box 103, page 39 verso

Text, page 40 2008.R.3-4957

box 103, page 40 recto

Text, page 41 2008.R.3-4958

box 103, page 40 verso

Text, page 42 2008.R.3-4959

box 103, page 41 recto

St. Isaac's Cathedral and Peter the Great's Statue, Leningrad 2008.R.3-298

box 103, page 41 verso

Text, page 43 2008.R.3-4960

box 103, page 42 recto

The Ice Going out of the Neva and View of St. Peter and Paul, Leningrad 2008.R.3-299

box 103, page 42 verso

Text, page 44 2008.R.3-4961 1960

box 103, page 43 recto

Text, page 45 2008.R.3-4962

box 103, page 43 verso

Text, page 46 2008.R.3-4963

box 103, page 44 recto

May Day in Leningrad with the Ice Near Gone, St. Peter & Paul 2008.R.3-300

box 103, page 44 verso

Text, page 47 2008.R.3-4964

box 103, page 45 recto

St. Sophia, Veliki Novgorod, A. D. 1045 2008.R.3-301

box 103, page 45 verso

Text, page 48 2008.R.3-4965

box 103, page 46 recto

Novgorod: St. Sophia, the 18th Century Church 2008.R.3-302

box 103, page 46 verso

Text, page 49 2008.R.3-4966

box 103, page 47 recto

Text, page 50 2008.R.3-4967

box 103, page 47 verso

Text, page 51 2008.R.3-4968

box 103, page 48 recto

Text, page 52 2008.R.3-4969

box 103, page 48 verso

Text, page 53 2008.R.3-4970

box 103, page 49 recto

Text, page 54 2008.R.3-4971

box 103, page 49 verso

Text, page 55 2008.R.3-4972

box 103, page 50 recto

Moscow: Nova Devichi Monastery 2008.R.3-303

box 103, page 50 verso

Text, page 56 2008.R.3-4973

box 103, page 51 recto

Text, page 57 2008.R.3-4974

box 103, page 51 verso

Text, page 58 2008.R.3-4975

box 103, page 52 recto

Text, page 59 2008.R.3-4976

box 103, item s1

[Market Scene] 2008.R.3-4977

Scope and Contents

Inserted between 52 verso and 53 recto.
box 103, item s2

[Three Men Riding Donkeys down a Street] 2008.R.3-4978

Scope and Contents

Inserted between 52 verso and 53 recto.

Books, Series IV 1848-1930

Scope and Contents

The series contains ten photographically illustrated books published between 1848 and 1930. The dates of the individual images found within them were taken are included, if known.
Seven of these publications are Christian texts or describe the Christian Holy Land through text and photographs. Two of the titles take ancient Egypt as their primary subject; and one presents a pictureseque view of North Africa.
Two titles, Tristan's Scenes in Egypt and Keith's Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion contain illustrations (photographic and otherwise) by a variety of makers. For the remainder of the titles the author and the photographer are one and the same.


Arranged alphabetically by author.
box 68

Abney, William de Wiveleslie, Sir, Thebes and its Five Greater Temples, 2008.R.3-5137 photographed 1874, published 1876

Thebes and its five greater temples by Captain W. de W. Abney

Scope and Contents

Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, Thebes and its Five Greater Temples / by Captain W. de W. Abney; Illustrated with Forty Large Permanent Photographs by the Author . London: Sampson Low, Marstion, Searle, & Rivington, 1876. Contains 40 photographs (woodburytypes); six plans (papyrotypes ?) and 87 pages of text. Titles from captions printed below images.
For the 1874 transit of Venus (when the planet passes between the earth and the sun), the British Observatory sent expeditions to different parts of the world. Abney was asked to organize the photographic observation of the transit of Venus in Egypt. In Abney's party were Sapper Laffeaty, Abney's chief photographer, and his photographic assistants, Corporal Milne and Sapper Farr. The 40 photographs included in this volume were taken during this expedition.
box 68

Front cover 2008.R.3-5093

box 68

A Sunset at Thebes 2008.R.3-1489

Scope and Contents

Plate I. (frontispiece).
box 68

Title page 2008.R.3-1491

box 68

Plan of Modern Thebes 2008.R.3-1492

Scope and Contents

Photolithograph, facing page vi. Title from caption printed above image. Printed below image: Papyrotype. School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Abney invented the Papyrotype process, a type of photolithograph.
box 68

Plan of the Temples of Medinet Haboo 2008.R.3-1493

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Morturary temple of Ramsesses III. Woodburytype. Title from legend printed on plan. Facing page viii.
box 68

The Colossi of the Plain 2008.R.3-1494

Scope and Contents

Colossal statues at Medinet Habu. Woodburytype. Title from caption printed below image. Plate II.
box 68

Exterior of the Small Temple, Medinet Haboo 2008.R.3-1495

Scope and Contents

Plate III.
box 68

Gateway of the Small Temple 2008.R.3-1496

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate IV.
box 68

Interior of the Small Temple 2008.R.3-1497

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate V.
box 68

The King's Palace 2008.R.3-1498

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate VI.
box 68

Second Pylon of the Great Temple 2008.R.3-1499

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate VII.
box 68

Osiride Columns in the First Court of the Great Temple 2008.R.3-1500

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate VIII.
box 68

Second, or Grand Court of the Great Temple 2008.R.3-1501

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate IX.
box 68

Northern Corridor of the Grand Court 2008.R.3-1502

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate IX.
box 68

East End of the Northern Corridor of the Grand Court 2008.R.3-1503

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate XI.
box 68

Remains of the Hypostyle Hall 2008.R.3-1504

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate XII.
box 68

Side Chamber from the Hypostyle Hall 2008.R.3-1505

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate XIII.
box 68

General View of the Temple from the North 2008.R.3-1506

Scope and Contents

Medinet Habu. Plate XIV.
box 68

Plan of the Memnonium Temple 2008.R.3-1507

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Facing page 28.
box 68

The Temple from the South 2008.R.3-1508

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XV.
box 68

South-east Colonnade of the Second Court and the Fallen Colossus 2008.R.3-1509

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XVI.
box 68

View of the North-west End of the Inner Court 2008.R.3-1510

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XVII.
box 68

The Great Hall, Memnonium 2008.R.3-1511

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XVIII.
box 68

The Temple from the North 2008.R.3-1512

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XIX.
box 68

Tombs of Sheykh Abd-El-Koorneh 2008.R.3-1513

Scope and Contents

Ramesseum, Thebes. Plate XX.
box 68

Plan of the Temple of Goorneh 2008.R.3-1514

Scope and Contents

Plan of Qurna, Temple of Seti I. Facing page 42.
box 68

The Facade of Goorneh Temple 2008.R.3-1515

Scope and Contents

Qurna, Temple of Seti I. Plate XXI.
box 68

Interior View of the Temple of Goorneh 2008.R.3-1516

Scope and Contents

Qurna, Temple of Seti I. Plate XXII.
box 68

Plan of the Temple of Luxor 2008.R.3-1517

Scope and Contents

Following page 47.
box 68

Luxor from the River 2008.R.3-1518

Scope and Contents

Plate XXIII.
box 68

The Grand Colonnade 2008.R.3-1519

Scope and Contents

Temple at Luxor. Plate XXIV.
box 68

Grand Court 2008.R.3-1520

Scope and Contents

Temple at Luxor. Plate XXV.
box 68

Obelisk and Pylon 2008.R.3-1521

Scope and Contents

Temple at Luxor. Plate XXVI.
box 68

Plan of Great Temple of Karnak 2008.R.3-1522

Scope and Contents

Facing page 58.
box 68

The Modern Village, near Karnak 2008.R.3-1523

Scope and Contents

Plate XXVII.
box 68

Gateway of Ptolemy Euergetes 2008.R.3-1524

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXVIII.
box 68

Interior of the Small Temple, Karnak 2008.R.3-1525

Scope and Contents

Plate XXIX.
box 68

First Area of the Great Temple, Karnak 2008.R.3-1526

Scope and Contents

Plate XXX.
box 68

Northern Corridor of the Grand Area 2008.R.3-1527

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXXI.
box 68

The Grand Hall, Karnak 2008.R.3-1528

Scope and Contents

Plate XXXII.
box 68

The Sanctuary 2008.R.3-1490

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXXIV.
box 68

Smaller Court with the Obelisk of Thothmes 2008.R.3-5086

Scope and Contents

Obelisk of Thutmose, Karnak. Plate XXXIII.
box 68

The Sanctuary and Grand Hall from the South-east 2008.R.3-5087

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXXV.
box 68

A Pylon, with Colossi 2008.R.3-5088

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXXVI.
box 68

Edifice of Thothmes III 2008.R.3-5089

Scope and Contents

Edifice of Thutmose III, Karnak. Plate XXXVII.
box 68

Small Temple to the East 2008.R.3-5090

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XXXVIII.
box 68

Karnak from the South-east 2008.R.3-5091

Scope and Contents

Plate XXXIX.
box 68

View of the Great Temple from the North-west 2008.R.3-5092

Scope and Contents

Karnak. Plate XL.
box 71

Keith, Alexander, Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, images created between 1826 and 1844, book published 1848

Keith, Alexander, Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion

Scope and Contents

Keith, Alexander, Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion: Derived from the Literal Fulfillment of Prophecy: Particularly as Illustrated by the History of the Jews, and by the Discoveries of Recent Travellers. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1848. [36th edition]
In 1844 Dr. George Skein Keith accompanied his father, the Reverend Alexander Keith, on his second trip to Palestine. Dr. Keith was the first person to photograph the region. As a result, in addition to the existing illustrations from previous editions, eighteen engravings after Dr. Keith's daguerreotypes were included in the 36th edition (1848) of Reverend Keith's extremely popular Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion. This is the only British book to have been illustrated with engravings after daguerreotypes. One of the 19th century's most revered treatises on prophecy (second edition printed 1836; date of first edition not known), Reverend Keith's book was reprinted as recently as 2015.
Dr. Keith's brother was the eminent calotypist, Thomas Keith.
Brown leather binding with elaborate gilt tooling. Dr. Keith's daguerreotypes were engraved by W. Forrest and W. Miller and printed by W. Wilding or A. McGlashon. Titles and a bible verse are printed below the images. In addition to his images, also present in the volume are five plates engraved by W. H. Lizars with no further artist given; one plate drawn by Max. Schmidt; four plates after Robert Ker Porter; two unattributed plates; and a plan of Petra drawn by Leon de Laborde. Also printed on mounts throughout: Published by William Whyte & Co. Edinburgh.
box 71

Title page 2008.R.3-5085

Title page of Keith, Alexander, Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion


Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

Zion 2008.R.3-2763


Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. This is the frontispiece of the book.
box 71

Wall of Caesarea 2008.R.3-2764

Wall of Caesarea

Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 124.
box 71

Jerash 2008.R.3-2765


Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by A. McGlashon. After page 135.
box 71

Jerash 2008.R.3-2766


Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 135. View of Gerasa with colosseum.
box 71

Temple at Jerash 2008.R.3-2767

Temple at Jerash

Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 136.
box 71

Athlite 2008.R.3-2768


Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 144.
box 71

Tower at Caesarea 2008.R.3-2769

Tower at Caesarea

Scope and Contents

Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 148.
box 71

Lizars, W. H., Sychar, 2008.R.3-2770 between 1826 and 1848


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed lower right corner below image: Engd. by W. H. Lizars. Facing page 216.

Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

Bay of Beyrout 2008.R.3-2771

Bay of Beyrout

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 227.
box 71

Hebron 2008.R.3-2772


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 228.
box 71

Schmidt, Max, The Cedars of Lebanon, 2008.R.3-2773 between 1826 and 1848

The Cedars of Lebanon

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed lower left corner below image: Max. Schmidt delt. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 242.

Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

Samaria 2008.R.3-2774


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by A. McGlashon. Facing page 249.
box 71

Jerusalem, Mosque of Omar 2008.R.3-2775

Jerusalem, Mosque of Omar

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 260.
box 71

Lizars, W. H., General View of Petra from the North East, 2008.R.3-2776 between 1826 and 1848

General View of Petra from the North East

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed lower right corner below image: Engd. by W. H. Lizars. Facing page 291.

Artist unknown, 1826-1848

Scope and Contents

Titles printed below images. Between pages 304 and 305.
box 71

Corinthian Columns in Petra 2008.R.3-2777 between 1826 and 1848

Corinthian Columns in Petra

box 71

Tomb in Petra, 2008.R.3-2778 1844

Tomb in Petra

Scope and Contents

Between pages 304 and 305. No engraver information given.
box 71

Laborde, Léon de, Plan of the Ruins in Petra, 2008.R.3-2779 1829

Plan of the Ruins in Petra

Scope and Contents

The title is printed on a large rock next to which are two Arab men, one sitting, one standing. Printed below the title: Drawn on the spot by / Leon de Laborde. MDCCCXXIX. Printed lower right corner below image: Engd. by W. H. Lizars. Between pages 308 and 309.
box 71

Lizars, W. H., Vue d'une colonne isolée dans Ouadi Mousa, 2008.R.3-5067 between 1826 and 1848

View of a [sic] Isolated Column in the Quadi Mousa

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed above image. Titled below French title: View of a [sic] Isolated Column in the Ouadi Mousa. A Bible caption is printed directly below the image and above the title. Printed lower right corner below image: Engraved by W. H. Lizars. Facing page 314.

Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

The Palace of Petra 2008.R.3-5070

The Palace of Petra

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by A. McGlashon. Facing page 317.
box 71

Petra (Corinthian Tomb) 2008.R.3-5071

Petra (Corinthian Tomb)

Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 323.
box 71

El Deir 2008.R.3-5072

El Deir

Scope and Contents

Mausoleum el-Deir, Petra. Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 327.
box 71

Lizars, W. H., Vue prise d'El Nakb de six lieues au sud du Mont Hor, 2008.R.3-5073 between 1826 and 1848

View Taken from El Nabk Six Leagues South of Mount Hor

Scope and Contents

Fold-out plate of a panoramic view of mountains around al-Nabk, Syria near Mount Hermon, Lebanon. Title from caption printed below image. English title: View Taken from El Nabk Six Leagues South of Mount Hor. Bible verse printed above titles. Printed lower right corner below image: Engraved by W. H. Lizars. Between pages 328 and 329.

Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

Ashkelon 2008.R.3-5074


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Forrest from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 370.
box 71

Ashdod 2008.R.3-5075


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 379.

Porter, Robert Ker, Sir, approximately 1820

Scope and Contents

Printed below titles: Engraved by permission from a print in The Travels of Sir Robert Ker Porter. (This title likely refers to Porter's Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, etc, etc, during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820.) Printed lower right corner below image: Engd. by W. H. Lizars. A Bible verse is printed below the images. Titles from captions printed above images.
box 71

Site of the Ruins of Bablyon 2008.R.3-5076

Site of the Ruins of Bablyon

Scope and Contents

Facing page 463.
box 71

Birs Nimrood 2008.R.3-5077

Birs Nimrood

Scope and Contents

Following page 472.
box 71

Birs Nimrood, North Face 2008.R.3-5078

Birs Nimrood, North Face

Scope and Contents

Facing page 473.
box 71

North and South View of the Mujelibé 2008.R.3-5079

North and South View of the Mujelibé

Scope and Contents

Facing page 478.

Keith, George Skene, 1844

box 71

Tyre 2008.R.3-5080


Scope and Contents

Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by A. McGlashon. Facing page. 497.
box 71

Ruins of Cathedral and Wall of Sûr (Modern Tyre) 2008.R.3-5081

Ruins of Cathedral and Wall of Sur (Modern Tyre)

Scope and Contents

View of Seir. Title from caption printed below image. Printed below image: Engraved by W. Miller from daguerreotype by G. S. Keith MD. Printed lower right margin: Printed by W. Wilding. Facing page 501.

Lizars, W. H., between 1826 and 1848

Scope and Contents

Titles from captions printed below images. Printed lower right corner below images: Engraved by W. H. Lizars.
box 71

Bedouin Tohrat Arabs of the Peninsula of Sinai 2008.R.3-5082

Bedouin Tohrat Arabs of the Peninsula of Sinai

Scope and Contents

Facing page 517.
box 71

Sardis 2008.R.3-5083


Scope and Contents

Facing page 529.
box 74

Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Photographs of Biblical Sites, 2008.R.3-5140 1875

Scope and Contents

Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Photographs of Biblical Sites. London: Society's Office: E. Stanford, 1875. Red cloth-bound book containing 12 albumen prints; titles are from text accompanying plates. Gold-stamped title on cover with black-stamped decorations. The author and photographer is the future Lord Kitchener. Kitchener thanks Lt. Conder for his help in the introduction. The photographs are mostly of Old and New Testament sites. "The present series of twelve is a selection from fifty photographs taken for the Palestine Exploration Fund" --page [1].
box 74

Front cover 2008.R.3-5069

box 74

Valley of Sorek 2008.R.3-1060

Valley of Sorek

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Return of the ark from captivity with the Philistines. Plate I.
box 74

The Valley of Michmash 2008.R.3-1061

The Valley of Michmash

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Scene of the attack of the Philistine camp by Jonathan and his armour-bearer. Plate II.
box 74

Mount of Moriah 2008.R.3-1062

Mount of Moriah

Scope and Contents

The site of Solomon's temple. Plate III.
box 74

Mosque of El Aksah 2008.R.3-1063

Mosque of El Aksah

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Solomon's palace. Plate IV.
box 74

Elisha's Fountain at Jericho 2008.R.3-1059

Elisha's Fountain at Jericho

Scope and Contents

Shows Lieutenant Conder reclining on a pile of rocks on the stream bank. Plate V.
box 74

Bethlehem 2008.R.3-1064


Scope and Contents

Shows the interior of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem. Plate VI.
box 74

Dome of the Rock Interior 2008.R.3-1065

Dome of the Rock Interior

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Presentation in the temple. Plate VII.
box 74

The Baptism in Jordan 2008.R.3-1066

The Baptism in Jordan

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Shows the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, where pilgrims come yearly to bathe. Plate VIII.
box 74

Kefr Kenna 2008.R.3-1067

Kefr Kenna

Scope and Contents

Title continues: Cana of Galilee. Plate IX.
box 74

Bethany 2008.R.3-1068


Scope and Contents

Plate X.
box 74

Via Dolorosa - the Way of the Cross 2008.R.3-1069

Via Dolorosa - the Way of the Cross

Scope and Contents

Plate XI.
box 74

The Holy Sepulchre 2008.R.3-1070

The Holy Sepulchre

Scope and Contents

Plate XII.
box 69

Kühnel, Ernst, Nordafrika: Tripolis, Tunis, Algier, Marokko..., 2008.R.3-5115 photographed between 1910 and 1924, published 1924

Nordafrika: Tripolis, Tunis, Algier, Marokko...

Scope and Contents

Ernst Kühnel, Nordafrika: Tripolis, Tunis, Algier, Marokko: Baukunst, Landschaft, Volksleben. Berlin: Ernest Wasmuth, 1924. Yellow cloth covers with title stamped in black on spine and front cover. Contains 240 photogravures after photographs by Lehnert & Landrock, Photo-Flandrin, and Max Nentwich. Captioned in English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian. Titles from English captions printed below images.
box 69

Front cover 2008.R.3-5095

box 69

Spine 2008.R.3-5112

box 69

Front endpapers 2008.R.3-5096

box 69

Flyleaf 2008.R.3-5097

box 69

Title page 2008.R.3-5098

box 69

Printer's imprint page 2008.R.3-5099



box 69

Page V 2008.R.3-5100

box 69

Page VI 2008.R.3-5101

Scope and Contents

Page VI.
box 69

Page VII 2008.R.3-5102

box 69

Page VIII 2008.R.3-5103

box 69

Page IX 2008.R.3-5104

box 69

Page X 2008.R.3-5105

box 69

Page XI 2008.R.3-5106

box 69

Orts- und Namenverzeichnis 2008.R.3-5107

Scope and Contents

Page XII.
box 69

Map of North Africa 2008.R.3-307

Scope and Contents

Opposite page XII.

Lehnert & Landrock

box 69

Flamingo in the Bahira of Tunis 2008.R.3-308

Scope and Contents

Plate 1.
box 69

Tunis, Calling to Prayer 2008.R.3-309

Scope and Contents

Plate 2.
box 69

Tunis, General View with the Chief Mosque 2008.R.3-310

Scope and Contents

Plate 3.
box 69

Tunis, Panorama 2008.R.3-311

Scope and Contents

Plate 4.
box 69

View of Tunis 2008.R.3-312

Scope and Contents

Plate 5.
box 69

Tunis, Souk el Belat 2008.R.3-313

Scope and Contents

Plate 6.
box 69

Tunis, Street in Old Town 2008.R.3-314

Scope and Contents

Plate 7.
box 69

Tunis, Entrance of the Zitouna Mosque 2008.R.3-315

Scope and Contents

Plate 8.
box 69

Tunis, rue des Andalous 2008.R.3-316

Scope and Contents

Plate 9.
box 69

Tunis, rue Halfaouine 2008.R.3-317

Scope and Contents

Plate 10.
box 69

Tunis, Bab Soulka 2008.R.3-318

Scope and Contents

Plate 11.
box 69

Tunis, the "Souk des Armes" 2008.R.3-319

Scope and Contents

Plate 12.
box 69

Tunis, Arabian Café 2008.R.3-320

Scope and Contents

Plate 13.
box 69

Tunis, rue Sidi ben Arous 2008.R.3-321

Scope and Contents

Plate 14.
box 69

Tunis, Shop 2008.R.3-322

Scope and Contents

Plate 15.
box 69

Tunis, Street in the Old Town 2008.R.3-323

Scope and Contents

Woman walking down a street with an arch. Plate 16.
box 69

Tunis, Street in the Old Town 2008.R.3-324

Scope and Contents

Group of people conversing in an archway in the street. Plate 17.
box 69

Tunis, the Tailors' Bazaar 2008.R.3-325

Scope and Contents

Plate 18.
box 69

Tunis, Cloth Bazaar 2008.R.3-326

Scope and Contents

Plate 19.
box 69

Tunis, Saint's Tomb in the Saddlers' Bazaar 2008.R.3-327

Scope and Contents

Plate 20.
box 69

Tunis, Women on the Promenade 2008.R.3-328

Scope and Contents

Plate 21.
box 69

Tunis, Group of Women in an Arab House 2008.R.3-329

Scope and Contents

Plate 22.
box 69

Tunisian Hat Weaver 2008.R.3-330

Scope and Contents

Plate 23.
box 69

Tunis, Potter's Apprentice 2008.R.3-331

Scope and Contents

Plate 24.
box 69

Tunis, Jewish Coppersmith 2008.R.3-332

Scope and Contents

Plate 25.
box 69

Tunis, the Jewish Money Changer 2008.R.3-333

Scope and Contents

Plate 26.
box 69

Tunis, Sudan Negro Musician 2008.R.3-334

Scope and Contents

Plate 27.
box 69

Tunis, Water-carrier 2008.R.3-335

Scope and Contents

Plate 28.
box 69

Tunis, Carpet-weaver 2008.R.3-336

Scope and Contents

Plate 29.
box 69

Tunis, the Potter's Shed 2008.R.3-337

Scope and Contents

Plate 30.
box 69

Tunisian Snake Charmer 2008.R.3-338

Scope and Contents

Plate 31.
box 69

Tunis, Jewish Women 2008.R.3-339

Scope and Contents

Plate 32.
box 69

Tunisian Horseman Dressed for the Fantasia 2008.R.3-340

Scope and Contents

Plate 33.
box 69

Tunisian Arab Ploughing 2008.R.3-341

Scope and Contents

Plate 34.
box 69

Tunisian Well 2008.R.3-342

Scope and Contents

Plate 35.
box 69

Tunisian Bedouin Woman with Child 2008.R.3-343

Scope and Contents

Plate 36.
box 69

Tunisian Bedouin Girl 2008.R.3-344

Scope and Contents

Plate 37.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said near Tunis 2008.R.3-345

Scope and Contents

Plate 38.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said near Tunis 2008.R.3-306

Scope and Contents

Plate 39.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, Street Scene 2008.R.3-346

Scope and Contents

Plate 40.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, Old Corner 2008.R.3-347

Scope and Contents

Plate 41.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, View of the Town from a Fig-garden 2008.R.3-348

Scope and Contents

Plate 42.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, Part View 2008.R.3-349

Scope and Contents

Plate 43.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, Gateway of an Old House 2008.R.3-350

Scope and Contents

Plate 44.
box 69

Sidi-Bou-Said, Harem Window 2008.R.3-305

Scope and Contents

Plate 45.
box 69

Kairuan 2008.R.3-351

Scope and Contents

View of Kairouan, Tunisia. Plate 46.
box 69

Kairuan 2008.R.3-352

Scope and Contents

Bird's eye view of Kairouan, Tunisia. Plate 47.
box 69

Kairuan, Street 2008.R.3-353

Scope and Contents

Plate 48.
box 69

Kairuan, Street Scene 2008.R.3-354

Scope and Contents

Plate 49.
box 69

Kairuan, Sabre Mosque 2008.R.3-355

Scope and Contents

Plate 50.
box 69

Kairuan, View of the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-356

Scope and Contents

Plate 51.
box 69

Kairuan, View of the Prayer Hall in the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-357

Scope and Contents

Plate 52.
box 69

Kairun, Courtyard of the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-358

Scope and Contents

Plate 53.
box 69

Kairuan, Interior of the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-359

Scope and Contents

Plate 54.
box 69

Kairuan, Main Nave of the Grand Mosque 2008.R.3-360

Scope and Contents

Plate 55.
box 69

Kairuan, Front-hall of the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-361

Scope and Contents

Plate 56.
box 69

Kairuan, Part View of the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-362

Scope and Contents

Plate 57.
box 69

Kairuan, Royal Box in the Great Mosque 2008.R.3-363

Scope and Contents

Plate 58.
box 69

Kairuan, Barbers' Mosque 2008.R.3-364

Scope and Contents

Plate 59.
box 69

Kairuan, Inner Court of the Barbers' Mosque 2008.R.3-365

Scope and Contents

Plate 60.
box 69

View of the Gafsa Oasis 2008.R.3-366

Scope and Contents

Plate 61.
box 69

Gafsa Oasis 2008.R.3-367

Scope and Contents

Plate 62.
box 69

Saint's Tomb near Gafsa Oasis 2008.R.3-368

Scope and Contents

Plate 63.
box 69

Gafsa Oasis, Women Mourning in Cemetery 2008.R.3-369

Scope and Contents

Plate 64.
box 69

Tozeur Oasis, Camping Caravan 2008.R.3-370

Scope and Contents

Plate 65.
box 69

Tozeur Oasis 2008.R.3-371

Scope and Contents

With three men and a child by a water hole. Plate 66.
box 69

Tozeur Oasis 2008.R.3-372

Scope and Contents

Man and boy walking down a road. Plate 67.
box 69

Brook in Tozeur Oasis 2008.R.3-373

Scope and Contents

Plate 68.
box 69

Tozeur Oasis, City Buildings 2008.R.3-374

Scope and Contents

Plate 69.
box 69

Tozeur Oasis, Mosque 2008.R.3-375

Scope and Contents

Plate 70.
box 69

In the Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-376

Scope and Contents

Plate 71.
box 69

Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-377

Scope and Contents

Man seated on cliff edge, with city in distance. Plate 72.
box 69

Nefta Oasis, Saint's Tomb 2008.R.3-378

Scope and Contents

Plate 73.
box 69

Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-379

Scope and Contents

Camels outside city walls. Plate 74.
box 69

In the Palm Wood of Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-380

Scope and Contents

Plate 75.
box 69

Nefta Oasis, Clay Buildings 2008.R.3-381

Scope and Contents

Exterior with group of women carrying water jugs. Plate 76.
box 69

Nefta Oasis, Clay Buildings 2008.R.3-382

Scope and Contents

View looking through an arch towards a rider on camel addressing a group of people. Plate 77.
box 69

In the Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-383

Scope and Contents

Boys contemplating the water. Plate 78.
box 69

Gazelle on the Edge of the Nefta Oasis 2008.R.3-384

Scope and Contents

Plate 79.
box 69

Gabès Oasis 2008.R.3-385

Scope and Contents

Palm tree over stream with town in background. Plate 80.
box 69

Gabès Oasis, Girl Washing 2008.R.3-386

Scope and Contents

Plate 81.
box 69

Gabès Oasis 2008.R.3-387

Scope and Contents

Water hole. Plate 82.
box 69

Market in Tripolis Oasis 2008.R.3-388

Scope and Contents

Plate 83.
box 69

Tripolis, General View 2008.R.3-389

Scope and Contents

Plate 84.
box 69

Tripolis, Street 2008.R.3-390

Scope and Contents

Plate 85.
box 69

Tripolis, Cemetery Mosque 2008.R.3-391

Scope and Contents

Plate 86.
box 69

Tripolis, Cemetery 2008.R.3-392

Scope and Contents

Plate 87.
box 69

Bengasi, Street Scene 2008.R.3-393

Scope and Contents

Plate 88.
box 69

Carthage, the Ancient Harbour 2008.R.3-394

Scope and Contents

Plate 89.
box 69

Carthage, Ruins of the Theatre 2008.R.3-395

Scope and Contents

Plate 90.
box 69

Carthage, Punic Graves 2008.R.3-396

Scope and Contents

Plate 91.
box 69

Roman Aqueduct near Bardo (Tunis) 2008.R.3-397

Scope and Contents

Plate 92.
box 69

Dougga, Temple of Caelestis 2008.R.3-398

Scope and Contents

Plate 93.
box 69

Dougga, Capitol 2008.R.3-399

Scope and Contents

Plate 94.
box 69

Dougga, Punic Mausoleum 2008.R.3-400

Scope and Contents

Plate 95.
box 69

Dougga, Theatre 2008.R.3-401

Scope and Contents

Plate 96.
box 69

Dougga, Triumphal Arch of Alexander Severus 2008.R.3-402

Scope and Contents

Plate 97.
box 69

Dougga, Triumphal Arch of Septimus Severus 2008.R.3-5121

Scope and Contents

Plate 98.
box 69

Sbeitla, Forum 2008.R.3-403

Scope and Contents

Plate 99.
box 69

Sbeitla, Back View of the Temple 2008.R.3-404

Scope and Contents

Plate 100.
box 69

Sbeitla, Temple 2008.R.3-405

Scope and Contents

Plate 101.
box 69

Sbeitla, Aqueduct 2008.R.3-406

Scope and Contents

Plate 102.
box 69

Kasserin, Mausoleum 2008.R.3-407

Scope and Contents

Plate 103.
box 69

El-Djem, Ampitheatre 2008.R.3-408

Scope and Contents

Exterior view. Plate 104.
box 69

El-Djem, Ampitheatre 2008.R.3-409

Scope and Contents

Interior view. Plate 105.
box 69

Timgad, General View with Trajan's Arch 2008.R.3-410

Scope and Contents

Plate 106.
box 69

Timgad, General View 2008.R.3-411

Scope and Contents

Plate 107.
box 69

Timgad, the Capitol 2008.R.3-412

Scope and Contents

Plate 108.
box 69

Timgad, Main Street 2008.R.3-413

Scope and Contents

Plate 109.
box 69

Nentwich, Max, Ruin of a Roman Bath in Algeria 2008.R.3-414

Scope and Contents

Plate 110.

Lehnert & Landrock

box 69

Algiers, Entrance to Harbour in a Storm 2008.R.3-416

Scope and Contents

Plate 111.
box 69

Algiers, in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-417

Scope and Contents

Street scene in shaft of light. Plate 112.
box 69

Algiers, in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-418

Scope and Contents

Street scene in shadow. Plate 113.
box 69

Algiers, in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-419

Scope and Contents

People gathered at the fountain. Plate 114.
box 69

Algiers, in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-420

Scope and Contents

Street scene with vegetable vendor. Plate 115.
box 69

Algiers, in the Kasbah quarter 2008.R.3-421

Scope and Contents

Woman walking up street steps as a man walks down them. Plate 116.
box 69

Algiers, Fruit Sellers in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-422

Scope and Contents

Plate 117.
box 69

Algiers, Street in the Old Town 2008.R.3-423

Scope and Contents

Plate 118.
box 69

Algiers, a Corner of the Old Town 2008.R.3-424

Scope and Contents

Plate 119.
box 69

Algiers, Cleaning the Streets in the Kasbah Quarter 2008.R.3-425

Scope and Contents

Plate 120.
box 69

Algiers, Sidi Abderrahman Mosque 2008.R.3-426

Scope and Contents

Plate 121.
box 69

Algiers, Sidi Abderrahman Mosque and Cemetery 2008.R.3-427

Scope and Contents

Plate 122.
box 69

Algiers, Arab Women in a Cemetery 2008.R.3-428

Scope and Contents

Plate 123.
box 69

Algiers, Beggar 2008.R.3-429

Scope and Contents

Plate 124.
box 69

Algiers, Berber Girl 2008.R.3-430

Scope and Contents

Plate 125.
box 69

Algiers, Women at Walk 2008.R.3-431

Scope and Contents

Plate 126.
box 69

Oran, Mosque Fountain 2008.R.3-432

Scope and Contents

Plate 127.
box 69

Oran, General View 2008.R.3-433

Scope and Contents

Plate 128.
box 69

Hammam Meskoutin, the Hot Sources 2008.R.3-435

Scope and Contents

Hammam Meskoutine hot springs. Plate 129.
box 69

Nentwich, Max, Kabylia, Mountain Scenery 2008.R.3-436

Scope and Contents

River gorge with bridge. Plate 130.
box 69

Lehnert & Landrock, Kabylia, Mountain Scenery 2008.R.3-437

Scope and Contents

Mountain road. Plate 131.
box 69

Nentwich, Max, Kabylia, Mountain Scenery 2008.R.3-438

Scope and Contents

River gorge. Plate 132.
box 69

Lehnert & Landrock, Kabylia, Snow Landscape 2008.R.3-439

Scope and Contents

Plate 133.

Nentwich, Max

box 69

An Algerian Cemetery 2008.R.3-440

Scope and Contents

Plate 134.
box 69

Blida, the Sacred Grove 2008.R.3-441

Scope and Contents

Plate 135.

Lehnert & Landrock

box 69

Blida, the Chiffa Gorge 2008.R.3-442

Scope and Contents

Plate 136.
box 69

Constantine, the Rhummel Gorge 2008.R.3-443

Scope and Contents

Two men on the floor of the gorge. Plate 137.
box 69

Constantine, the Rhummel Gorge 2008.R.3-444

Scope and Contents

Suspension bridge over the gorge. Plate 138.
box 69

Monks with Lioness in South Oran 2008.R.3-445

Scope and Contents

Plate 139.
box 69

Bou Saâda Oasis 2008.R.3-446

Scope and Contents

Group of people by a still stream. Plate 140.
box 69

Bou Saâda Oasis, Saint's Tomb 2008.R.3-447

Scope and Contents

Plate 141.
box 69

Bou Saâda Oasis 2008.R.3-448

Scope and Contents

Group by stream, boy sitting on wall. Plate 142.
box 69

Bou Saâda Oasis, Market 2008.R.3-449

Scope and Contents

Plate 143.
box 69

El-Kantara Oasis 2008.R.3-450

Scope and Contents

People by stream. Plate 144.
box 69

El-Kantara Oasis 2008.R.3-451

Scope and Contents

Men playing dominos? Plate 145.
box 69

El-Kantara Oasis, Passing Caravan 2008.R.3-452

Scope and Contents

Plate 146.
box 69

Biskra Oasis 2008.R.3-453

Scope and Contents

Plate 147.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, Street Scene 2008.R.3-454

Scope and Contents

Boys on donkey. Plate 148.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, Street Scene 2008.R.3-455

Scope and Contents

Three men standing around a donkey. Plate 149.
box 69

View in the Biskra Oasis 2008.R.3-456

Scope and Contents

Couple walking. Plate 150.
box 69

View in the Biskra Oasis 2008.R.3-457

Scope and Contents

House with palm trees. Plate 151.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, Street Scene 2008.R.3-458

Scope and Contents

Plate 152.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, Arab Feast 2008.R.3-459

Scope and Contents

Plate 153.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, Bedouin Women at a Brook 2008.R.3-460

Scope and Contents

Plate 154.
box 69

Biskra Oasis, the Great Prayer 2008.R.3-461

Scope and Contents

Plate 155.
box 69

Small Caravan near Biskra Oasis 2008.R.3-462

Scope and Contents

Plate 156.
box 69

Sidi Okba Oasis, Tomb Mosque of the Conqueror of North Africa 2008.R.3-464

Scope and Contents

Plate 157.
box 69

Algerian Sahara. Camping Nomads 2008.R.3-465

Scope and Contents

Plate 158.
box 69

Algerian Sahara, Arrival of the "Ouled Nial" 2008.R.3-466

Scope and Contents

Plate 159.
box 69

Arab Cafe in an Algerian Oasis 2008.R.3-467

Scope and Contents

Plate 160.
box 69

Touggourt Oasis, the Market 2008.R.3-468

Scope and Contents

Plate 162.
box 69

Ouled Nial' Dancing Girls 2008.R.3-304

Scope and Contents

Plate 161.
box 69

Touggourt Oasis 2008.R.3-469

Scope and Contents

Plate 163.
box 69

Touggourt Oasis, Pot Market 2008.R.3-470

Scope and Contents

Plate 164.
box 69

Touggourt Oasis, Market 2008.R.3-471

Scope and Contents

Plate 165.
box 69

Temacin Oasis, Street Scene 2008.R.3-472

Scope and Contents

Plate 166.
box 69

Well in the Algerian Desert 2008.R.3-473

Scope and Contents

Plate 167.
box 69

El-Oued Oasis 2008.R.3-474

Scope and Contents

Plate 168.
box 69

El-Oued Oasis, General View 2008.R.3-475

Scope and Contents

Plate 169.
box 69

Kettle Oases in the Souf (S. Algeria) 2008.R.3-476

Scope and Contents

Plate 170.
box 69

A Blockhouse (Bordj) in the Algerian Desert 2008.R.3-477

Scope and Contents

Plate 171.
box 69

A Koran School in El-Oued 2008.R.3-478

Scope and Contents

Plate 172.
box 69

Nomad Camp in the Desert 2008.R.3-479

Scope and Contents

Plate 173.
box 69

The Desert Ocean 2008.R.3-480

Scope and Contents

Plate 174.
box 69

Evening in the Desert 2008.R.3-481

Scope and Contents

Plate 175.
box 69

Dunes 2008.R.3-482

Scope and Contents

Plate 176.
box 69

Worshipping in the Desert 2008.R.3-483

Scope and Contents

Plate 177.
box 69

Transport of Women through the Sahara 2008.R.3-484

Scope and Contents

Plate 178.
box 69

Saharan Children 2008.R.3-485

Scope and Contents

Plate 179.
box 69

A Caravan on Its Way south 2008.R.3-486

Scope and Contents

Plate 180.
box 69

A Mile-stone in the Desert 2008.R.3-487

Scope and Contents

Plate 181.
box 69

Tetuan, View of the Town from the Jewish Cemetery 2008.R.3-488

Scope and Contents

Plate 182.


box 69

Tetuan, the Old Cemetery 2008.R.3-489

Scope and Contents

Plate 183.
box 69

Tetuan, Old City Gate 2008.R.3-490

Scope and Contents

Plate 184.
box 69

Tetuan, View of the Old Town 2008.R.3-491

Scope and Contents

Plate 185.
box 69

Tetuan, Sidi Saïda Mosque 2008.R.3-492

Scope and Contents

Plate 186.

Lehnert & Landrock

box 69

Tangiers, View of the Town with the Aissaula Mosque 2008.R.3-493

Scope and Contents

Plate 187.
box 69

Tangiers, Treasure House and Tribunal 2008.R.3-494

Scope and Contents

Plate 188.


box 69

Tangiers, 'Fantasia' on the Great Sokko 2008.R.3-495

Scope and Contents

Plate 189.
box 69

Arzila, Gateway in the Town Wall 2008.R.3-496

Scope and Contents

Plate 190.
box 69

Rabat, View of the Oudaya Point 2008.R.3-497

Scope and Contents

Plate 191.
box 69

Rabat, Storks in the Kasbah Oudaya 2008.R.3-498

Scope and Contents

Plate 192.
box 69

Salé (Rabat), Medersa Gate 2008.R.3-499

Scope and Contents

Plate 193.
box 69

Rabat, Hassan Tower 2008.R.3-500

Scope and Contents

Plate 194.
box 69

Volubilis, Ruins of Hadrian's Tomb 2008.R.3-501

Scope and Contents

Plate 195.
box 69

Moulay-Idris, General View 2008.R.3-502

Scope and Contents

Plate 196.
box 69

Moulay-Idris, Sultan's Sons on Pilgrimage 2008.R.3-503

Scope and Contents

Plate 197.
box 69

Moulay-Idris, Pilgrims' Camp 2008.R.3-504

Scope and Contents

Plate 198.
box 69

Fez, the "Students' Sultans" 2008.R.3-505

Scope and Contents

Plate 199.
box 69

Fez, General View 2008.R.3-506

Scope and Contents

Plate 200.
box 69

Fez, Feast before Bab Fetouh 2008.R.3-507

Scope and Contents

Plate 201.
box 69

Fez, Mosque of the Andalusians 2008.R.3-508

Scope and Contents

Plate 202.
box 69

Fez, Bab Dekakèn (Inner Side) 2008.R.3-509

Scope and Contents

Plate 203.
box 69

Fez, Console Frieze of an Old Building 2008.R.3-510

Scope and Contents

Plate 204.
box 69

Fez, Tannery in the Old Town 2008.R.3-511

Scope and Contents

Plate 205.
box 69

Fez, Street Scene 2008.R.3-512

Scope and Contents

Plate 206.
box 69

Fez, Town Wall 2008.R.3-513

Scope and Contents

Plate 207.
box 69

Fez, Pavilion in the University (Karaouin Mosque) 2008.R.3-514

Scope and Contents

Plate 208. Title from English caption printed below image on plate 209. (The images for plates 208 and 209 are transposed.)
box 69

Fez, Carpenters' Bazar 2008.R.3-515

Scope and Contents

Plate 209. Title from English caption printed below image on plate 208. (The images for plates 208 and 209 are transposed.)
box 69

Meknès, View of the Town 2008.R.3-516

Scope and Contents

Plate 210.
box 69

Meknès, the Jewellers' Lane 2008.R.3-517

Scope and Contents

Plate 211.
box 69

Meknès, Mosque 2008.R.3-518

Scope and Contents

Plate 212.
box 69

Meknès, Palace Gate (Bab Mansour) 2008.R.3-519

Scope and Contents

Plate 213.
box 69

Meknès, Bab Kaâ 2008.R.3-520

Scope and Contents

Plate 214.
box 69

Meknès, Ruins of the "Haras" 2008.R.3-521

Scope and Contents

Plate 215.
box 69

Mazagan, Vaults Dating from the Portuguese Occupation 2008.R.3-522

Scope and Contents

Plate 216.
box 69

Saffi, Crockery Market 2008.R.3-523

Scope and Contents

Plate 217.
box 69

Saffi, Ancient Saint's Tomb near the Town 2008.R.3-524

Scope and Contents

Plate 218.
box 69

Saffi, Garden Scene 2008.R.3-525

Scope and Contents

Plate 219.
box 69

Saffi, "Fantasia" 2008.R.3-526

Scope and Contents

Plate 220.
box 69

Mogador, Dunes near Town 2008.R.3-527

Scope and Contents

Plate 221.
box 69

Kasbah Tadia, Part View 2008.R.3-528

Scope and Contents

Plate 222.
box 69

Marrakech, View of the Town from Menara Park 2008.R.3-529

Scope and Contents

Plate 223.
box 69

Marrakech, the Chief Mosque (Kutubiya) 2008.R.3-530

Scope and Contents

Plate 224.
box 69

Marrakech, Kasbah Mosque 2008.R.3-531

Scope and Contents

Plate 225.
box 69

Marrakech, Bab Aguenaou 2008.R.3-532

Scope and Contents

Plate 226.
box 69

Marrakech, Saint's Tomb next to the Kutibaya 2008.R.3-533

Scope and Contents

Plate 227.
box 69

Marrakech, Palms on the Town Wall 2008.R.3-534

Scope and Contents

Plate 228.
box 69

Marrakech, Old Bridge near the Town 2008.R.3-535

Scope and Contents

Plate 229.
box 69

Marrakech, on the Oued 2008.R.3-536

Scope and Contents

Plate 230.
box 69

Marrakech, Road in the Palm Forest 2008.R.3-537

Scope and Contents

Plate 231.
box 69

Marrakech, Watering Place for Cattle 2008.R.3-538

Scope and Contents

Plate 232.
box 69

Kasbah Goundafi (Central Atlas Mountains) 2008.R.3-539

Scope and Contents

Plate 233.
box 69

Azrou, (Central Atlas Mountains), Cedars 2008.R.3-540

Scope and Contents

Plate 234.
box 69

Tanant, Weekly Meeting in a Forest Clearing 2008.R.3-541

Scope and Contents

Plate 235.
box 69

Ain-Leuh (Central Atlas Mountains), Panorama 2008.R.3-542

Scope and Contents

Plate 236.
box 69

Ain-Leuh, Part View of the City 2008.R.3-543

Scope and Contents

Plate 237.
box 69

Bou Denib (South Eastern Morocco) 2008.R.3-5113

Scope and Contents

Plate 238.
box 69

Touhar Pass near Taza (North Eastern Morocco) 2008.R.3-5066

Scope and Contents

Plate 239.
box 69

Moroccan Girl 2008.R.3-5094

Scope and Contents

Plate 240.
box 69

Blank page 2008.R.3-5108

Scope and Contents

Opposing Plate 240.
box 69

Back end papers 2008.R.3-5109

box 69

Back cover 2008.R.3-5111

box 72

Shadbolt, Cecil V., Walks in Palestine, 1894

Scope and Contents

Harper, Henry A., Walks in Palestine. London: Religious Tract Society, 1894. Leather bound book with gilt-decorated pictorial cover. Illustrated with 15 photogravures from photographs by Cecil V. Shadbolt. The photogravures were printed by Swan Electric Engraving Co. Printed beneath images: Photographed by C. V. Shadbolt. Swan Electric Engraving Co. Individual titles from list of photogravures in book.
C. V. Shadbolt was the son of the pioneering 1850's British photographer, George Shadbolt.
box 72

Front cover 2008.R.3-5064

Front cover, Walks in Palestine

box 72

Title page 2008.R.3-5065

box 72

A Bodyguard for the Journey to Jericho 2008.R.3-1957

A Bodyguard for the Journey to Jericho

Scope and Contents

box 72

Cecil V. Shadbolt 2008.R.3-1958

Cecil V. Shadbolt

box 72

Orange Groves at Jaffa 2008.R.3-1959

Orange Groves at Jaffa

Scope and Contents

Facing page 13.
box 72

David Street, Jerusalem 2008.R.3-1960

David Street, Jerusalem

Scope and Contents

Facing page 23.
box 72

Christian Street Bazaar 2008.R.3-1961

Christian Street Bazaar

Scope and Contents

Facing page 33.
box 72

Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem 2008.R.3-1962

Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem

Scope and Contents

Facing page 38.
box 72

The Garden of Gethsemane 2008.R.3-1963

The Garden of Gethsemane

Scope and Contents

Facing page 43.
box 72

The Valley of Jehoshaphat and the Mount of Olives 2008.R.3-1964

The Valley of Jehoshaphat and the Mount of Olives

Scope and Contents

Facing page 49.
box 72

The Ruins of the Muristan 2008.R.3-1965

The Ruins of the Muristan

Scope and Contents

Facing page 60.
box 72

The Jews' Wailing Place 2008.R.3-1966

The Jews' Wailing Place

Scope and Contents

Facing page 81.
box 72

Solomon's Pools 2008.R.3-1967

Solomon's Pools

Scope and Contents

Facing page 93.
box 72

Bethlehem 2008.R.3-1968


Scope and Contents

Facing page 98.
box 72

Rachel's Tomb 2008.R.3-1969

Rachel's Tomb

Scope and Contents

Facing page 108.
box 72

The Jordan 2008.R.3-1970

The Jordan

Scope and Contents

Facing page 113.
box 72

The Mount of Temptation near Jericho 2008.R.3-1971

The Mount of Temptation near Jericho

Scope and Contents

Facing page 118.
box 72

The Fountain of Elisha at Jericho 2008.R.3-5063

The Fountain of Elisha at Jericho

Scope and Contents

Facing page 124.
box 70

Tristram, H. B., Scenes in the East…, 2008.R.3-5138 book printed 1870

Scenes in the East…

Scope and Contents

Tristram, H. B., Scenes in the East: Consisting of Twelve Coloured Photographic Views of Places Mentioned in the Bible, with Descriptive Letter-press. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1870. Purple cloth covers with gilt and black decorations stamped on the front cover along with the title stamped in gilt and green. The book contains 12 colored chromolithographs after engravings made after photographs by George Wilson Bridges, Frances Frith, Albert Augustus Isaacs, James Graham, and John Cramb. Individual titles from captions printed below images.
box 70

Front cover 2008.R.3-5054

box 70

Title page 2008.R.3-5062

box 70

Isaacs, Albert Augustus, Bethlehem 2008.R.3-2789

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Rev. A. A. Isaacs, M. A., Photo. Printed beneath image, lower right corner: W. Dickes, Chromo. Plate 1 (facing title page).
box 70

Graham, James, Nazareth 2008.R.3-2786

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: J. Graham, Photo. Plate 2 (facing page C [9]).
box 70

Isaacs, Albert Augustus, River Jordan 2008.R.3-2787

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Rev. A. A. Isaacs, M. A., Photo. Printed beneath image, lower right corner: W. Dickes, Chromo. Plate 3 (facing page D [13]).
box 70

Graham, James, Tiberias 2008.R.3-2782

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: J. Graham, Photo. Plate 4 (facing page E [17]).
box 70

Graham, James, Jacob's Well 2008.R.3-2783

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: J. Graham, Photo. Plate 5 (facing page 21).
box 70

Isaacs, Albert Augustus, Sidon (South Side & Ancient Harbour) 2008.R.3-2788

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Rev. A. A. Isaacs, M. A., Photo. Plate 6 (facing page 27).
box 70

Bridges, George Wilson, Pool of Bethesda 2008.R.3-2780

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Rev. C. W. Bridges Phot. Plate 7 (facing page 31).
box 70

Bridges, George Wilson, Pool of Siloam 2008.R.3-2781

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Rev. C. W. Bridges Phot. Lithographer, printed beneath image, lower right corner: W. Dickes. Plate 8 (facing page G [33]).
box 70

Cramb, John, Jericho from S. W. 2008.R.3-2785

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: Cramb. Photo. Plate 9 (facing page 37).
box 70

Graham, James, Bethany 2008.R.3-2784

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower left corner: J. Graham, Photo. Plate 10 (facing page H [42]).
box 70

Frith, Francis, Gaza, the Old Town 2008.R.3-2791

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower right corner: F. Frith. Photo (Negretti & Zambra). The image was obtained from Frith's sometime publishers, Negretti & Zambra. Plate 11, (facing page 44).
box 70

Isaacs, Albert Augustus, Jaffa (Joppa) 2008.R.3-2790

Scope and Contents

Printed beneath image, lower right corner: W. Dickes, Chromo. Printed beneath image, lower right corner: W. Dickes, Chromo. Plate 12 (facing page 47).
box 73

Photographer unknown, Wonderful Egypt: 48 Artistic Pictures in Heliogravure, 2008.R.3-5139 approximately 1930

Wonderful Egypt: 48 artistic Pictures in Heliogravure.

Scope and Contents

String-bound red cloth boards with gilt illustration of the Sphinx and pyramids. Decorative front and end papers with hieroglyphic illustrations. No text; captions printed on mounts below images.
box 73

Front cover 2008.R.3-5068

box 73

Front endpapers 2008.R.3-5118

box 73

Cairo, the Sphinx Excavated with Pyramids at the Background 2008.R.3-3959

Scope and Contents

Caption continues: Built about 3000 B. C. The riddle in Egyptology. Plate 1.
box 73

Cairo, the Road to the Pyramids 2008.R.3-3961

Scope and Contents

Plate 2.
box 73

Cairo, General View of the Pyramids of Giza 2008.R.3-3962

Scope and Contents

Plate 3.
box 73

Cairo, the Pyramid of Kheops; the Sphinx; and the Great Temple 2008.R.3-3963

Scope and Contents

Plate 4.
box 73

Cairo, a Distance [sic] View of the Pyramid of Kheops 2008.R.3-3964

Scope and Contents

Plate 5.
box 73

Cairo, a Small Village by the Nile near the Pyramids 2008.R.3-3965

Scope and Contents

Plate 6.
box 73

Cairo, the Citadel 2008.R.3-3966

Scope and Contents

Plate 7.
box 73

Cairo, a View Showing the High Minarets of Several Mosques of Cairo 2008.R.3-3967

Scope and Contents

Plate 8.
box 73

Cairo, Mohamed Aly Mosque 2008.R.3-3968

Scope and Contents

Plate 9.
box 73

Cairo, the Citadel through Mohamed Aly Gateway 2008.R.3-3969

Scope and Contents

Plate 10.
box 73

Cairo, the Interior of Mohamed Aly Mosque 2008.R.3-3970

Scope and Contents

Plate 11.
box 73

Cairo, Sultan Hassam Mosque, and General View of Cairo 2008.R.3-3971

Scope and Contents

Plate 12.
box 73

Cairo, the Interior of Sultan Hassam Mosque 2008.R.3-3972

Scope and Contents

Plate 13.
box 73

Cairo, the Tombs of the Mamelukes at the Citadel 2008.R.3-3973

Scope and Contents

Plate 14.
box 73

Cairo, Bab el Fouela (the Town Gate) 2008.R.3-3974

Scope and Contents

Plate 15.
box 73

Cairo, El Azhar Mosque 2008.R.3-3975

Scope and Contents

Plate 16.
box 73

Cairo, the Interior of El Azhar Mosque 2008.R.3-3976

Scope and Contents

Plate 17.
box 73

Cairo, Ibrahim Agha Mosque 2008.R.3-3977

Scope and Contents

Plate 18.
box 73

Cairo, the Bazaars Founded in 1400 AD by Sharkas ek Khalil 2008.R.3-3978

Scope and Contents

Plate 19.
box 73

Cairo, General View 2008.R.3-3979

Scope and Contents

Plate 20.
box 73

Cairo, Obelisk of Matarieh 2008.R.3-3980

Scope and Contents

Plate 21.
box 73

Cairo, the Colossal Statue of Ramses II at Sakkara 2008.R.3-3981

Scope and Contents

Plate 22.
box 73

Cairo, the Step Pyramid of Sakkara, it is Believed to be the Oldest One 2008.R.3-3982

Scope and Contents

Plate 23.
box 73

Cairo, Boats Sailing on the Nile, and the Kasr el Nil Bridge 2008.R.3-3983

Scope and Contents

Plate 24.
box 73

Luxor, General View of the Temple of Luxor from the Nile 2008.R.3-3984

Scope and Contents

Plate 25.
box 73

Luxor, the Fourteen Colonades of Amen-Hotep III and the Forecourt of Rameses II 2008.R.3-3985

Scope and Contents

Plate 26.
box 73

Luxor, the Statue of Ramses II 2008.R.3-3986

Scope and Contents

Plate 27.
box 73

Luxor, General View of the Statues of Ramses II 2008.R.3-3987

Scope and Contents

Plate 28.
box 73

Karnak, Ptolomey Gateway and the Temple of Khonsu, God of the Moon 2008.R.3-3988

Scope and Contents

Plate 29.
box 73

Karnak, General View of the Great Temple of Amen-Ra and the Sacred Lake 2008.R.3-3989

Scope and Contents

Plate 30.
box 73

Karnak, the Beautiful Avenue of Sphinxes 2008.R.3-3990

Scope and Contents

Plate 31.
box 73

Karnak, the Interior of the Temple of Khonsu 2008.R.3-3991

Scope and Contents

Plate 32.
box 73

Thebes, Ramesseum, General View of the Temple of Rameses II 2008.R.3-3992

Scope and Contents

Plate 33.
box 73

Thebes, Medinet Habu, the Great Court of Rameses III 2008.R.3-3993

Scope and Contents

Plate 34.
box 73

Thebes, General View of Der-El-Bahari, Temple of Queen Hatshepsut 2008.R.3-3994

Scope and Contents

Plate 35.
box 73

Thebes, the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings and the Famous Tut-Onkh-Amen Tomb 2008.R.3-3960

Scope and Contents

Plate 36.
box 73

Thebes, the Famous Colossus of Memnon, Representing King Amen-Hotep III 2008.R.3-3995

Scope and Contents

Plate 37.
box 73

Dendera, General View of the Temple of the Goddess Hathor 2008.R.3-3996

Scope and Contents

Plate 38.
box 73

Dendera, Interior of the Temple, the Sign of the Zodiac 2008.R.3-3997

Scope and Contents

Plate 39.
box 73

Abydos, Temple of Seti I, Hypostyle Hall 2008.R.3-3998

Scope and Contents

Plate 40.
box 73

Abydos, the King Seti I Offering before the Sacred Boat of Amen-Ra 2008.R.3-3999

Scope and Contents

Plate 41.
box 73

Edfu, General View of the Temple of Horus 2008.R.3-4000

Scope and Contents

Plate 42.
box 73

Edfu, General View of the Complet [sic] Pylon in Egypt 2008.R.3-4001

Scope and Contents

Plate 43.
box 73

Kôm Ombo, General View of the Temple with the Sacred Lake 2008.R.3-4002

Scope and Contents

Plate 44.
box 73

Kôm Ombo, the Gods Crowning the Roman Emperor 2008.R.3-4003

Scope and Contents

Plate 45.
box 73

Philoe, Pharoah's Bed, Kiosk of Trajan 2008.R.3-4004

Scope and Contents

Plate 46.
box 73

Aswan Dam, General View 2008.R.3-4005

Scope and Contents

Plate 47.
box 73

Abu-Simbel, General View of the Temple of Abu-Simbel 2008.R.3-4006

Scope and Contents

Plate 48.
box 73

Back endpapers 2008.R.3-5119

box 73

Back cover 2008.R.3-5120

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