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Dasmann (Raymond F.) papers
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Professional activities 1948-2000


In this series, materials that pertain to a specific organization are listed first, in alphabetical order by name of organization. These are followed by other professional activities files, arranged chronologically.

Scope and Contents

Materials in this series correspond to Dasmann's professional activities. This includes his work with organizations such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). The series includes relevant correspondence, conference materials such as brochures and reports, presentations by Dasmann at conferences and various seminars, book reviews by Dasmann, employment records from UCSC, royalty statements from publishers, letters of recommendation by Dasmann, and materials from research projects of which Dasmann was a part.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Box 1, Folder 1

AAAS/National Park Service - Agency for International Development (AID) project 1981

Box 1, Folder 2

AAAS 1981

Box 1, Folder 3

AAAS animal panel (July 9-10, 1981) 1981-1982

Box 1, Folder 4

AAAS/National Park Service 1981-1982

Box 1, Folder 5

AAAS Symposium, New York (May 24-29, 1984) 1983

Box 1, Folder 6

AAAS Symposium, Chicago 1987 February 14-19

Box 1, Folder 7

AAAS Southwestern and Rocky Mountain division (SWARM) symposium 1987-1988


Conservation Foundation

Box 1, Folder 8

Conference 1964-1965

Box 1, Folder 9

Report 1969


Earth Island Institute (EII)

Box 1, Folder 10

EII 1980-1983

Box 1, Folder 11

EII 1982-1992

Box 1, Folder 12

EII Friends of the Earth 1984-1987

Box 2, Folder 1

EII Baikal Watch 1985-1990

Box 2, Folder 2

EII Baikal Watch expedition 1990

Box 2, Folder 3

EII Baikal Watch 1990-1991

Box 2, Folder 4

EII Baikal Watch 1992-1993

Box 2, Folder 5

EII 1993-1994

Box 2, Folder 6

EII 1996-1998


Fish and Game Commission (F&G)

Box 2, Folder 7

F&G Commission 1978-1980

Box 2, Folder 8

F&G Deer relocation 1978-1983

Box 2, Folder 9

F&G Endangered Plant program 1979

Box 2, Folder 10

F&G Commission 1980-1982

Box 3, Folder 1

Department of Fish and Game 1980-1983

Box 3, Folder 2

F&G Code book 1981

Box 3, Folder 3

F&G Pack Trip binder, Holcomb Lake 1981

Box 3, Folder 4

F&G Exhibit number 17 1982-1983

Box 3, Folder 5

California Fish and Game 1987-1990


Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Box 3, Folder 6

IPU 1972-1984

Box 3, Folder 7

IPU conference, Kenya 1984 November-December


Man and the Biosphere (MAB)

Box 3, Folder 8

MAB 1969-1979

Box 3, Folder 9

MAB Congress, Minsk 1978-1984

Box 3, Folder 10

MAB 1986


National Park Service (NPS)

Box 4, Folder 1

NPS 1963-1986

Box 4, Folder 2

NPS Environmental Management seminar speech 1969 February 19

Box 4, Folder 3

NPS Anacapa/Santa Barbara Islands Ecological Reserves 1978

Box 4, Folder 4

NPS 1980-1987

Box 4, Folder 5

NPS/Agency for International Development (AID) report 1983

Box 4, Folder 6

NPS Conference on Science, Colorado 1986 July 13-18

Box 4, Folder 7

NPS circa 1986


National Wildlife Refuge System

Box 4, Folder 8

National Wildlife Refuge 1982-1991

Box 5, Folder 1

National Wildlife Refuge 1982-1991

Box 5, Folder 2

National Wildlife Refuge System 1984-1991

Box 5, Folder 3

National Wildlife Refuge briefing book 1989-1992

Box 5, Folder 4

National Wildlife Refuge System 1990-1992


Office of Technology Assessment (OTA)

Box 5, Folder 5

OTA background paper 1983

Box 5, Folder 6

OTA 1984-1986

Box 6, Folder 1

OTA assessment draft 1986


International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Box 6, Folder 2

IUCN, Bangkok 1965 November-December

Box 6, Folder 3

IUCN miscellaneous talks 1972

Box 6, Folder 4

IUCN occasional papers 1973-1975

Box 6, Folder 5

IUCN 1973-1989

Box 6, Folder 6

IUCN energy policy 1974-1979

Box 6, Folder 7

IUCN, Omo-Fadak, Jimoh 1976

Box 6, Folder 8

IUCN 1976-1993

Box 6, Folder 9

IUCN Caribbean Marine Programme meeting, Guadeloupe, February 20-21, 1978 1978 February 20-21

Box 6, Folder 10

IUCN World Parks Congress 1980-1982

Box 6, Folder 11

IUCN South Pacific Report 1981

Box 7, Folder 1

IUCN 1983-1998

Box 7, Folder 2

IUCN review 1984

Box 7, Folder 3-4

IUCN Madrid meeting 1984

Box 7, Folder 5

IUCN workshop, Canada, 1984 1984

Box 7, Folder 6

IUCN Commission on Environmental Planning (CEP) 1984

Box 7, Folder 7

IUCN Traditional Ecological Knowledge 1984-1986

Box 7, Folder 8

IUCN report 1986

Box 7, Folder 9

IUCN Costa Rica meeting 1986-1988

Box 8, Folder 1

IUCN 1987-1992

Box 8, Folder 2

IUCN Costa Rica meeting 1988

Box 22, Folder 3

IUCN Costa Rica meeting 1988

Box 8, Folder 3

IUCN Population and Sustainability workshop 1988

Box 8, Folder 4

IUCN meeting, Davis 1988 August 16-18

Box 8, Folder 5

IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA) 1989-1996

Box 8, Folder 6

IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning (CESP) 1989-1996

Box 8, Folder 7

IUCN Species Survival Commission meeting, Australia 1990 November 25-26

Box 8, Folder 8

IUCN World Conservation Congress, Montreal 1996 October 13-23

Box 8, Folder 9

IUCN 2000



Box 8, Folder 10-12

UCSC employment 1976-1987

Box 8, Folder 13

UCSC 1989


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Box 8, Folder 14

UNESCO Food and Agriculture Organization 1957-1959

Box 8, Folder 15, Box 9, Folder 1

UNESCO Biosphere Conference, Paris 1968 September 4-13

Box 9, Folder 2

UNESCO report undated


Wildlife Society

Box 9, Folder 3

Wildlife Society meeting, San Jose 1968 February 9-10

Box 9, Folder 4

Wildlife Society speech, Berkeley 1969 January 31

Box 9, Folder 5

Wildlife Society presidency 1970

Box 9, Folder 6

Wildlife Society 1979-1983

Box 9, Folder 7

Wildlife Society meeting 1989 January 26-28

Box 9, Folder 8

Wildlife Society 1995-1996


World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Box 9, Folder 9

WWF 1977-1991

Box 9, Folder 10

WWF Board of Directors 1984-1991

Box 10, Folder 1

WWF Wildlands and Human Needs program 1987

Box 10, Folder 2

WWF 1987-1989

Box 10, Folder 3

WWF meeting 1992 January

Box 10, Folder 4

WWF meeting of the National Council, Washington, D.C. 1992 September 30

Box 10, Folder 5

WWF meeting, Washington, D.C. 1996 September 11

Box 10, Folder 6

Club organizations and memberships 1948-1955

Box 10, Folder 7

Nineteenth North American Wildlife Conference (March 8-10, 1954) 1953-1954

Box 10, Folder 8

Miscellaneous conference talks 1953-1984

Box 10, Folder 9

Soil Vegetation Survey training session 1955

Box 10, Folder 10

Wiley royalty statements and contracts 1957-1983

Box 10, Folder 11

Royalty reports for Pacific Coastal Wildlife Region 1958-1983

Box 10, Folder 12

Rhodesia presentations and papers 1960-1961

Box 10, Folder 13

Book reviews 1960-1988

Box 10, Folder 14

National Science Foundation (NSF) Extension lecture 1961

Box 10, Folder 15

Pacific Science Association, 10th Congress, Honolulu 1961 August-September

Box 11, Folder 1

Royalty statements 1962-1978

Box 11, Folder 2

International Union of Game Biologists, 6th Congress 1963 October

Box 11, Folder 3

Audubon Society talk 1963

Box 11, Folder 4

Department of Interior, science advisory position 1963-1965

Box 11, Folder 5

Macmillan royalties and contracts 1963-1983

Box 11, Folder 6

Sonoma State College summer institute 1964 June - August

Box 11, Folder 7

Environmental Research Institute report 1964-1965

Box 11, Folder 8

VII INQUA symposium (August-September 1965) 1964-1965

Box 11, Folder 9

California Academy of Sciences Yosemite centennial 1964-1988

Box 11, Folder 10

UC Riverside talk 1965 November 9

Box 11, Folder 11

American Institute of Planners conference 1965

Box 11, Folder 12

Miscellaneous conference talks 1965-1984

Box 12, Folder 1

Book reviews 1965-1999

Box 12, Folder 2

Ohio State University symposium 1966

Box 12, Folder 3

National Education Television, "The Environmental Revolution" 1966

Box 12, Folder 4

Rookery Bay Project 1966-1969

Box 12, Folder 5

Smithsonian Symposium 1967

Box 12, Folder 6

UN Development report 1967

Box 12, Folder 7

Everglades conference, Miami (February 26-28, 1970) 1967-1970

Box 12, Folder 8

Book reviews 1967-1998

Box 12, Folder 9

Pacific Science conference report 1968

Box 13, Folder 1

Affluents and Effluents speech 1968

Box 13, Folder 2

New York Farmers speech 1968-1969

Box 13, Folder 3

Colorado State University speech for Short Course in Game and Fish 1968-1969

Box 13, Folder 4

Royalties and book sales 1968-1987

Box 13, Folder 5

First National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment 1969-1970

Box 13, Folder 6

UN Environmental conference, 1972 1969-1970

Box 13, Folder 7

Florida Defenders of the Environment 1970

Box 13, Folder 8

Oregon State University, Western Students Wildlife Conclave 1970

Box 13, Folder 9

Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling (OWRR) grant progress report 1970

Box 13, Folder 10

Miscellaneous conference talks 1970-1991

Box 13, Folder 11

Landscape Architecture in Conservation conference, Adelaide 1971 August 19-22

Box 21, Folder 1

Noumea meeting (August 4-14, 1971) and "Islands for Science" materials 1971

Box 13, Folder 12

Miscellaneous reports and speeches 1971-1973

Box 13, Folder 13

Miscellaneous conference lists of participants 1972-1975

Box 13, Folder 14

World National Parks Congress session papers 1972, 1982

Box 13, Folder 15

Miscellaneous conference talks 1973-1985

Box 13, Folder 16

South African Association for the Advancement of Science 72nd annual congress, keynote speech 1974

Box 14, Folder 1

Social Science Research Council (SSRC) symposium on the Future of Traditional 'Primitive' Societies, Cambridge 1974 December 16-20

Box 21, Folder 2

South Pacific Conference on National Parks and Reserves 1975

Box 14, Folder 2

Natural Communities of California 1975-1988

Box 14, Folder 3

Miscellaneous conference brochures 1975-1995

Box 14, Folder 4

Advisory committee on Marine Resources Research, Working Group on Conservation and Management 1976

Box 14, Folder 5

UC Berkeley Albright lecture 1976

Box 21, Folder 3

South Pacific Commission and International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1976

Box 14, Folder 6

Systemic Botany, Plant Utilization, and Biosphere Conservation symposium, Uppsala, Sweden 1977 May 16-19

Box 21, Folder 4-5

Second International Conference on Environmental Future 1977 June 6-11

Box 14, Folder 7

International Conference on Environmental Future, Iceland meeting 1977

Box 14, Folder 8

World Council of Indigenous Peoples meeting, Sweden 1977 August 24-27

Box 14, Folder 9

Governor's office world atlas project 1977

Box 14, Folder 10

Ecodevelopment study 1977-1983

Box 14, Folder 11

Friends of the Earth 1977-1984

Box 14, Folder 12

Conservation Biology conference, UC San Diego 1978 September 6-9

Box 14, Folder 13

Whole Earth Jamboree 1978 August 25-27

Box 21, Folder 6, Box 22, Folder 1

Second South Pacific Conference, Sydney 1979 April 24-27

Box 14, Folder 14

Listening to the Earth symposium, San Francisco 1979 April 7-10

Box 14, Folder 15

Approaches to Wildlife Management, San Jose 1979 March 13-14

Box 14, Folder 16

Foundation for National Progress 1979-1980

Box 14, Folder 17

Conference on the Long-term Worldwide Biological Consequences of Nuclear War (October 31-November 1, 1983) 1979-1983

Box 14, Folder 18

North Coast 2000 conference, Eureka 1980 September 13

Box 14, Folder 19

Nevada County Library Council 1980

Box 14, Folder 20

University of Montana meeting 1980 May 1-2

Box 14, Folder 21

Tufts University lecture 1980-1981

Box 14, Folder 22

Department of Parks and Recreation speeches 1980-1983

Box 14, Folder 23

Ethnology conference, Big Game workshop 1980-1986

Box 15, Folder 1

South Pacific Regional Environment Programme 1980-1982

Box 15, Folder 2

Miscellaneous newsletters 1980-1993

Box 15, Folder 3

Agency for International Development 1981-1982

Box 15, Folder 4

World National Parks conference, Bali 1982 October 11-22

Box 15, Folder 5

Stanford Environment Engineering Sciences seminar 1982

Box 15, Folder 6

On the Fate of the Earth conference, New York City 1982 October 19-21

Box 15, Folder 7

Santa Cruz Mountain Bioregional Project 1982-1983

Box 15, Folder 8

Sigma Xi lectureship 1982-1985

Box 15, Folder 9

Institute for World Conservation and Development (IWCD) 1982-1990

Box 15, Folder 10

Native Animal Rescue 1983-1984

Box 15, Folder 11

Bioregional congress 1983-1986

Box 15, Folder 12

Studies in Environment and History series, Worster, Donald 1983-1988

Box 15, Folder 13

Miscellaneous speeches circa 1983-1990

Box 15, Folder 14

Environmental Liaison Center global meeting on environment and deveopment (NGOs) 1984

Box 16, Folder 1

Ladakh project 1984-1989

Box 16, Folder 2

California Natural History guides 1984-1992

Box 16, Folder 3

California Academy of Sciences 1984-1999

Box 16, Folder 4

California Endowment project 1985

Box 16, Folder 5

National Science Foundation (NSF) Gambia River study 1985

Box 16, Folder 6

Seminar on the role of protected areas in rural and national development, Yala National Park 1985 September 3-6

Box 16, Folder 7

Fate of the Earth conference, Ottawa 1986 June 4-8

Box 16, Folder 8

Tucker, Richard - World Resources Institute book 1985-1987

Box 16, Folder 9

Minimal Critical Size of Ecosystems report 1986

Box 16, Folder 10

Humboldt State University, Resource Sustainability and Risk Assessment workshop 1986

Box 16, Folder 11

Sri Lanka 1986

Box 16, Folder 12

California Native Plant Society conference, Sacramento 1986 November 5-8

Box 17, Folder 1

Conference on Conservation and Development, Ottawa 1986 May-June

Box 17, Folder 2

Mountain Lion/Deer study 1986

Box 17, Folder 3

Society for Conservation Biology 1986-1987

Box 17, Folder 4

International Society for Arboriculture meeting, Santa Cruz (May 15-18, 1987) 1986-1987

Box 17, Folder 5

Aldo Leopold Centennial 1986-1987

Box 17, Folder 6

Bioscience drafts and reviews 1986-1988

Box 17, Folder 7

Fourth World Wilderness conference, Colorado 1987

Box 17, Folder 8

Author's Guild 1987-1988

Box 17, Folder 9

Tucker, Richard - World Resources Institute book 1987-1988

Box 17, Folder 10

Land Trust of Santa Cruz county 1987-1991

Box 17, Folder 11

Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Integrated Hardwood Rand 1988

Box 17, Folder 12

Speech for "Conservation of Diversity in Forest Ecosystems: A Symposium," UC Davis 1988 July 24-25

Box 17, Folder 13

New Zealand Resource Management review 1988

Box 18, Folder 1

Greening of the West Western Regional Green Gathering report 1988 September-October

Box 18, Folder 2

Institute for Sustainable Development paper by Senanayake, Renil 1988

Box 18, Folder 3

Evergreen Environment Studies program review 1989

Box 18, Folder 4

Save Mount Shasta committee 1989

Box 18, Folder 5

Envisioning California Conferences 1989-1990

Box 18, Folder 6

Forest Service circa 1990

Box 18, Folder 7

San Francisco Bay Area Conference on Christianity and Ecology 1990 April 7

Box 18, Folder 8

UN Conference on Environment and Development 1990

Box 18, Folder 9

Campaign for the Earth conference, Sweden 1990

Box 18, Folder 10

Monterey Institute of International Studies meeting 1990 August 7

Box 18, Folder 11

Californians for Population Stabilization 1990

Box 18, Folder 12

Review for Jensen, Deborah, et al. 1990

Box 18, Folder 13

Yosemite Centennial symposium 1990 October 13-14

Box 18, Folder 14

Sacred Land series 1990-1991

Box 18, Folder 15

UC Press, Natural History series 1990-1992

Box 18, Folder 16

Friends of Historic San Antonio Mission 1990-1992

Box 18, Folder 17

Land Trust of Santa Cruz county 1990-1998

Box 18, Folder 18

Eastern Sierra Recreation workshop, Bishop 1991 October 17-18

Box 18, Folder 19

Black-tailed Deer workshop 1991 April 13-14

Box 18, Folder 20

Green Gulch conference 1991-1992

Box 19, Folder 1

Environmental Education Alliance 1992

Box 19, Folder 2

Gammon manuscript review 1992

Box 19, Folder 3

UCSC Roots and Shoots Symposium 1992 July 24-27

Box 19, Folder 4

Sierra Now conference, Sacramento 1992 August 7-9

Box 19, Folder 5

University of Montana, Wildlife Conservation and the Hunting Tradition conference 1992-1993

Box 19, Folder 6

Reinventing Nature conference, UCSC 1993 March 26-28

Box 19, Folder 7

California History reviews 1993-1994

Box 22, Folder 2

Conference on Conservation and Management of the Wildlife in Mediterranean Ecosystems, Alicante 1993 December

Box 19, Folder 8

Symposium on Biodiversity of the Central California Coast (March 3-5, 1995) 1994

Box 19, Folder 9

San Francisco Estuary Institute 1995

Box 19, Folder 10

Gold Rush Exhibition, Oakland Museum 1995-1996

Box 19, Folder 11

Gold Rush symposium and paper 1995-1996

Box 19, Folder 12

Bay Area Wetlands project 1996

Box 19, Folder 13

Geographic Information System (GIS) land use report 1997

Box 19, Folder 14

Santa Cruz Mountain Bioregional council 1998

Box 20, Folder 1

Wild Thinking meeting, Marin 1998

Box 20, Folder 2-3

Golden Gate Biosphere Reserve 1999-2000

Box 20, Folder 4

Unsorted talks and speeches undated


Writings and publications 1950-2002


Major publications are listed first in this series, followed by other writings and publications. Materials are arranged chronologically by date of writing or, for published works, by date of first publication.

Scope and Contents

Materials in this series correspond to Dasmann's writings, including books and articles, both published and unpublished. The series includes manuscripts of Dasmann's books, such as Environmental Conservation, The Last Horizon , The Destruction of California, and Called by the Wild . Some manuscripts include annotations, outlines, and original photographs and maps. The series also includes drafts and reprints of various journal articles, correspondence where relevant, and book reviews of Dasmann's publications.

Environmental Conservation 1959

Box 20, Folder 10

Manuscripts undated

Box 23, Folder 1-6

Manuscripts undated

Box 24, Folder 1-2

Manuscripts undated

Box 24, Folder 3

Unbound copy 1968

Box 24, Folder 4-5

3rd edition manuscript circa 1972

Box 24, Folder 6

Manuscript circa 1975-1976

Box 25, Folder 1-3

4th edition manuscript circa 1976

Box 22, Folder 6

5th edition manuscripts 1983

Box 25, Folder 4-6

5th edition manuscripts circa 1984

Box 26, Folder 1-7

5th edition manuscripts circa 1984

Box 27, Folder 1

5th edition manuscripts circa 1984

Box 73

5th edition galley proof circa 1984


The Last Horizon 1963

Box 27, Folder 12

References circa 1962

Box 27, Folder 13

Manuscript circa 1963


Wildlife Biology 1964

Box 28, Folder 6-9

Manuscripts 1964

Box 29, Folder 1

Manuscripts 1964

Box 29, Folder 2

Index circa 1964

Box 29, Folder 3

Photos and negatives circa 1964

Box 22, Folder 4

Illustrations circa 1964

Box 74

Graphs and illustrations circa 1964

Box 22, Folder 5

Galley proofs circa 1964

Box 29, Folder 4

2nd edition manuscript 1980

Box 29, Folder 5

2nd edition galley proof 1980


The Destruction of California 1965

Box 29, Folder 7

Manuscript circa 1965

Box 30, Folder 1

Outline and references circa 1965


A Different Kind of Country 1968

Box 31, Folder 1-4

Manuscripts 1967-1968

Box 31, Folder 5

Collier Books correspondence 1969-1970


No Further Retreat 1971

Box 32, Folder 4

Manuscript circa 1971


California's Changing Environment 1981

Scope and Contents

Also referred to as The Changing Environment of California in some drafts.
Box 33, Folder 3

Manuscript 1979

Box 33, Folder 4

Annotated and corrected manuscript 1979

Box 33, Folder 5

Photocopy 1979

Box 33, Folder 6

Drafts and correspondence 1979-1982


Wild California 1985

Box 33, Folder 9

Manuscript and references circa 1987

Box 34, Folder 1

First draft circa 1987

Box 34, Folder 2

Annotated manuscript circa 1987

Box 22, Folder 7

Galley proofs, unmarked circa 1987


Called by the Wild 2002

Scope and Contents

This is Dasmann's autobiography, which is also referred to as Last Call for the Wild in some drafts.
Box 34, Folder 11

Early draft circa 2000

Box 35, Folder 1

Annotated and corrected manuscript 2000

Box 35, Folder 2-5

Manuscripts, bound and unbound circa 2002

Box 20, Folder 5

Deer reproduction 1950

Box 20, Folder 6-7

Various publications 1952-1968

Box 20, Folder 8

Manuscripts for publication 1953-1956

Box 20, Folder 9

Wildlife Management Techniques chapter and correspondence 1955-1957

Box 27, Folder 2

Africa progress reports 1959-1960

Box 27, Folder 3

Book reviews 1959-1966

Box 27, Folder 4

Deer succession - coastal forest 1959-1961

Box 27, Folder 5

Some Techniques for Determining Abundance of African Ungulates 1959-1961

Box 27, Folder 6

Various manuscripts 1960-1963

Box 27, Folder 7

Africa manuscripts published and reports completed 1961-1962

Box 27, Folder 8

Journal of Mammology draft and correspondence 1961-1962

Box 27, Folder 9

Mule Deer in Relation to a Climatic Gradient manuscript and correspondence 1962

Box 27, Folder 10

Population fluctuation in deer 1962

Box 27, Folder 11

Pacific Discovery column manuscripts and correspondence 1962-1966

Box 28, Folder 1

Biological Relationships encyclopedia article 1963-1965

Box 28, Folder 2

American Annual articles and correspondence 1963-1969

Box 28, Folder 3-5

Various publications 1963-1970

Box 29, Folder 6

National Park study 1964

Box 30, Folder 2

Contract with Macmillan 1965

Box 30, Folder 3-4

Time-Life Regional America Nature series 1965

Box 30, Folder 5

Sand Dune Ecology manuscript 1965

Box 30, Folder 6

Christian Science Monitor article 1966-1967

Box 30, Folder 7

The Nation article and correspondence 1966-1968

Box 30, Folder 8-9

The Environmental Revolution manuscript 1967

Box 30, Folder 10

Triumph article and correspondence 1967-1968

Box 31, Folder 6

Vital Issues article and correspondence 1968

Box 31, Folder 7

Dictionary of the History of Ideas drafts and correspondence 1968-1970

Box 31, Folder 8-9

Anthology articles - Wild to Call 1968-1999

Box 32, Folder 1

Biological Conservation reprints 1969

Box 32, Folder 2

National Geographic drafts and correspondence 1970-1971

Box 32, Folder 3

Encyclopedia Britannica draft and correspondence 1970-1971

Box 32, Folder 5

Biological Conservation article 1972

Box 32, Folder 6-7

Various publications 1974-1979

Box 32, Folder 8

Albright lectureship 1976

Box 32, Folder 9

The Ecologist article 1976-1983

Box 33, Folder 1

Okavango foreword 1977

Box 33, Folder 2

Planet Earth 1980

Box 33, Folder 7

A Place Called California manuscript circa 1981

Box 33, Folder 8

Appropriate technology exchange program 1983

Box 34, Folder 3

Development and Diversity 1987

Box 34, Folder 4

Encyclopedia Britannica - "Conservation of Natural Resources" 1987

Box 34, Folder 5

Ecodevelopment outline circa 1989

Box 34, Folder 6

Life on the Edge draft 1992

Box 34, Folder 7

Encyclopedia of Conservation and Environmentalism 1993-1994

Box 34, Folder 8

Gold rush article 1997-1998

Box 34, Folder 9-10

Farewell, Promised Land correspondence and preface circa 1999

Box 36, Folder 1

African Game Ranching manuscript undated

Box 36, Folder 2

California book first draft undated

Box 36, Folder 3

California Changes undated

Box 36, Folder 4

The Islands of California manuscript undated

Box 36, Folder 5

Methods for Estimating Deer Populations from Kill Data undated

Box 36, Folder 6

The Importance of Cultural and Biological Diversity undated

Box 36, Folder 7

North American Wilderness manuscript undated

Box 36, Folder 8

Preface for prospectus by Silk, Nicole A. undated

Box 36, Folder 9

Some Thoughts on Ecological Planning undated

Box 36, Folder 10

Untitled manuscript undated

Box 36, Folder 11, Box 37, Folder 1-2

Photo plates undated

Box 37, Folder 3, Box 73

Book illustrations undated


Unsorted reprints

Scope and Contents

Includes reprints of articles by Dasmann, as well as a small amount of drafts.
Box 37, Folder 4


Box 37, Folder 5


Box 37, Folder 6


Box 38, Folder 1


Box 38, Folder 2


Box 38, Folder 3


Box 38, Folder 4


Box 38, Folder 5


Box 38, Folder 6


Box 39, Folder 1


Box 39, Folder 2


Box 39, Folder 3

1971, 1977

Box 39, Folder 4


Box 39, Folder 5


Box 40, Folder 1


Box 40, Folder 2


Box 40, Folder 3

1976 and undated

Box 40, Folder 4


Box 40, Folder 5



Correspondence 1950-2001


Materials are arranged alphabetically by subject or last name of correspondent.

Scope and Contents

This series includes correspondence between Dasmann and other scholars, publishers, and various colleagues. This includes correspondence with specific professionals with whom Dasmann worked such as Jimoh Omo-Fadakah and Nicholas Polunin. There is also correspondence with publishers, most notably J. Wiley and Sons, Macmillan, and University of California Press. There are also letters between Dasmann and members of organizations such as The Conservation Foundation and the World Wildlife Foundation. Also included in this series is correspondence between Dasmann and his former students and other personal acquaintances.
Box 40, Folder 6

ABC TV program 1965

Box 40, Folder 7-8

Africa 1960-1965

Box 40, Folder 9, Box 41, Folder 1-3

Africa correspondence 1957-1965

Box 41, Folder 4

Africa - Liebigs 1958-1960

Box 41, Folder 5

American Society & Range Management 1962-1964

Box 41, Folder 6

Australia 1966

Box 41, Folder 7

Australian deer 1954-1955

Box 41, Folder 8

Big game, deer 1964

Box 41, Folder 9

Brown, Vinson 1955-1972

Box 41, Folder 10

California Islands 1967-1969

Box 41, Folder 11

California Mountain Lions 1985-1986

Box 41, Folder 12

California Tomorrow 1966-1967

Box 41, Folder 13

Coevolution Quarterly 1978-1980

Box 41, Folder 14, Box 42, Folder 1

Conservation Foundation 1965-1968

Box 42, Folder 2

Coolidge Center 1978-1983

Box 42, Folder 3

CRM Books 1970

Box 42, Folder 4

Destruction of California 1964-1968

Box 42, Folder 5-6

Environmental Conservation 1957-1970

Box 42, Folder 7

Environmental Conservation, 3rd edition 1971-1973

Box 42, Folder 8

Environmental Conservation, 4th edition 1973-1975

Box 42, Folder 9

Environmental Conservation, 5th edition 1982-1984

Box 43, Folder 1

Ferretti, Janine and Gallon, Gary 1980-1983

Box 43, Folder 2

Fiat Lux Society, UCSC 1983

Box 43, Folder 3

Fish & Game Commission, North Kings Deer Herd 1981-1984

Box 43, Folder 4

Florida Natural Areas 1967-1968

Box 43, Folder 5

Former students 1981-1992

Box 43, Folder 6

Freeman, Peter 1981

Box 43, Folder 7

Fulbright 1964

Box 43, Folder 8

Gustaitis, Rasa 1973-1978

Box 43, Folder 9

Hines, William 1959

Box 43, Folder 10

Indigena 1972-1978

Box 43, Folder 11

IUCN 1977-1979

Box 43, Folder 12

Johnson, Huey 1981-1992

Box 43, Folder 13

Koford, Carl B. 1963-1964

Box 43, Folder 14

Leadabrand, Russ 1968

Box 43, Folder 15

Leopold book 1981-1985

Box 43, Folder 16

McGinnis, Michael V. 1994

Box 43, Folder 17-18

Macmillan 1965-1975

Box 43, Folder 19

Macmillan, Last Horizon 1961-1966

Box 44, Folder 1

Mossman, Archie 1992-1993

Box 44, Folder 2

Myers, Norman 1992

Box 44, Folder 3

National Council on Gene Resources 1979-1984

Box 44, Folder 4

National Park Service 1988 and undated

Box 44, Folder 5-6

No Further Retreat 1967-1973

Box 44, Folder 7-9

Omo-Fadaka, Jimoh 1977-1992

Box 44, Folder 11

Oza, G.M. 1989-1991

Box 44, Folder 12

Pergamon Press 1962-1973

Box 44, Folder 13

Planet in Peril 1974-1982

Box 44, Folder 14-15

Polunin, Nicholas 1977-1992

Box 44, Folder 16

Publishers 1983-1988

Box 44, Folder 17

Ray, G. Carleton 1984-1985

Box 45, Folder 1

Smith, Roger 1990

Box 45, Folder 2

Sri Lanka 1984-1987

Box 45, Folder 3

State of California 1978-1979

Box 45, Folder 4

Time-Life Books 1965

Box 45, Folder 5

Tucker, Richard 1994

Box 45, Folder 6

Sheperd, Earl 1970-1971

Box 45, Folder 7

UCSC miscellaneous 1980, 1989

Box 45, Folder 8

UNESCO, Planet in Peril and Biosphere 1970-1975

Box 45, Folder 9

University of Wyoming 1983-1984

Box 45, Folder 10

Ward, Kennan 1988

Box 45, Folder 11

Webb, William L. 1991

Box 45, Folder 12

Wildlife Biology 1964-1966

Box 45, Folder 13-14

Wildlife Society 1960-1969

Box 45, Folder 15

J. Wiley 1970-1973

Box 45, Folder 16-18

J. Wiley & Sons 1975-1989

Box 45, Folder 19

J. Wiley & Sons - The Conservation Alternative 1973-1975

Box 45, Folder 20

J. Wiley & Sons - Wildlife Biology, 2nd edition 1979-1980

Box 46, Folder 1

J. Wiley - Wildlife Conservation 1959-1966

Box 46, Folder 2

World Book Encyclopedia 1972-1976


Unsorted correspondence

Box 46, Folder 3-9


Box 47, Folder 1-6


Box 48, Folder 1-6


Box 49, Folder 1-9


Box 50, Folder 1-9



Teaching files 1949-1994

Scope and Contents

This series includes Dasmann's teaching materials, primarily from his time at Humboldt State University and at University of California, Santa Cruz. These materials include course readers, syllabi, and lecture notes for the Environmental Studies courses taught by Dasmann at UCSC.
Box 51, Folder 1

Vertebrate Review, Zoology 243 1949-1953

Box 51, Folder 2

Field trip data 1955

Box 51, Folder 3-4

Range Management 1962-1964

Box 51, Folder 5

Winter 1978 - E.S. 175 Ecodevelopment 1978

Box 51, Folder 6

E.S. 175 reader 1980

Box 51, Folder 7

Winter 1980 - E.S. 175 Ecodevelopment 1980

Box 51, Folder 8

Fall 1980 - E.S. 24 reader 1980

Box 51, Folder 9

Fall 1981 - E.S. 175 1981

Box 51, Folder 10

Fall 1981 - E.S. 175 Ecodevelopment 1981

Box 51, Folder 11

Winter 1981 - E.S. 175 reader 1981

Box 51, Folder 12

Ecodevelopment course notes & syllabi 1981-1988

Box 51, Folder 13

Spring 1982 - E.S. 120 1982

Box 51, Folder 14

Winter 1983 - E.S. 101 1983

Box 51, Folder 15

Ecodevelopment lecture poster, University of Montana circa 1980

Box 52, Folder 1

Fall 1985 - E.S. 175 Ecodevelopment 1985

Box 52, Folder 2

E.S. 175 reader 1985

Box 52, Folder 3

ENVS 175A syllabus and exam questions 1986

Box 52, Folder 4

E.S. Ecodevelopment lecture notes 1986-1987

Box 52, Folder 5-6

E.S. 100B - Culture & Environment reader 1987

Box 52, Folder 7

E.S. 175B - Ecodevelopment Seminar 1987

Box 52, Folder 8

E.S. 120A readings 1987-1989

Box 52, Folder 9

Unsorted course syllabi & notes 1987-1989

Box 52, Folder 10

E.S. 175B Ecodevelopment reader 1988

Box 52, Folder 11

Fall 1988 - E.S. 100B 1988

Box 52, Folder 12

Spring 1988 - E.S. 120A 1988

Box 53, Folder 1-2

Spring 1988 - E.S. 120A reader 1988

Box 53, Folder 3

Spring 1989 - E.S. 175A Ecodevelopment 1989

Box 53, Folder 4

Spring 1989 - E.S. 175A/B reader 1989

Box 53, Folder 5

E.S. 100B, Culture & Environment lecture 1991

Box 53, Folder 6

Course syllabi 1994

Box 53, Folder 7

E.S. 100B reader undated

Box 53, Folder 8

Ecodevelopment lecture notes undated

Box 53, Folder 9

E.S. 101 reader undated

Box 53, Folder 10

E.S. 120A materials undated

Box 53, Folder 11

Unsorted lecture notes undated


Education 1938-1955

Scope and Contents

This series includes materials from Dasmann's academic career, including manuscripts of his Master's thesis and Ph.D. dissertation. The series also includes materials from grade school until graduate school, including course materials and assignments.
Box 54, Folder 1

Lassen Junior College Bulletin 1938

Box 54, Folder 2

Plant Identification Correspondence Course 1941

Box 54, Folder 3

Forest Fire Protection & the Weather 1941

Box 54, Folder 4

SF State College Bulletin 1943-1944

Box 54, Folder 5

Ecology of the Ground Squirrel in the Strawberry Canyon Area 1948

Box 54, Folder 6

M.A. thesis notes and manuscript 1948

Box 54, Folder 7

M.A. thesis 1948

Box 54, Folder 8

M.A. thesis draft 1948

Box 54, Folder 9

Zoology 128 notes 1950

Box 54, Folder 10

Geography 153 1950

Box 54, Folder 11

Zoology 222 1950

Box 54, Folder 12

Zoology 224 term paper 1951

Box 54, Folder 13

Zoology 219 1952

Box 54, Folder 14

Botany 1952-1953

Box 54, Folder 15

Vertebrate review 1953

Box 55, Folder 1-2

Ph.D. dissertation 1954

Box 55, Folder 3

Range Ecology 1955

Box 55, Folder 4

Australian Forests & Forestry undated

Box 55, Folder 5

College field books undated

Box 55, Folder 6

The Effects on Predation on Deer Populations in California undated

Box 55, Folder 7

Notes on Prehistoric America undated

Box 55, Folder 8

Principal Tree Regions of North America, Jassen Jr. College undated

Box 55, Folder 9

Zoology 199 undated

Box 55, Folder 10

Zoology 220 undated


Research files 1947-1970


Materials are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Scope and Contents

This series includes materials from Dasmann's research, primarily field notes and raw data. There is significant material from Dasmann's research in Africa, as well as raw data from his field work in California. The series also includes field journals and maps.
Box 55, Folder 11-12

Africa - Rhodesia info and notes 1958-1960

Box 56, Folder 1-2

Africa analysis - Census methods circa 1960 and undated

Box 56, Folder 3

Africa analysis - Impala biology circa 1959

Box 56, Folder 4

Africa analysis - Kill data, weight, aging 1959-1960

Box 56, Folder 5

Africa analysis - Livingston road strips undated

Box 56, Folder 6

Africa analysis - Ostrich report undated

Box 56, Folder 7

Africa analysis - Sex, age, & ratios 1959-1961

Box 56, Folder 8

Africa analysis - Vegetation survey 1960

Box 56, Folder 9

Africa maps undated

Box 56, Folder 10

Africa maps, sight records of game undated

Box 56, Folder 11

Africa notes - Central Estates 1959-1960

Box 56, Folder 12

Africa notes - Fort Tuli 1960

Box 56, Folder 13

Africa notes - Henderson & Mossman 1959-1960

Box 56, Folder 14

Africa notes - Henderson Ranch 1959-1960

Box 56, Folder 15

Africa notes - Kariba-Urungwe 1959

Box 57, Folder 1

Africa notes - Livingstone Game Park undated

Box 57, Folder 2

Africa notes - Wankie National Park 1960

Box 57, Folder 3

Big game 1955-1958

Box 57, Folder 4

Biomass - Ungulates undated

Box 57, Folder 5

Bird list undated

Box 57, Folder 6

Climatic change undated

Box 57, Folder 7

Climatology - Deer undated

Box 57, Folder 8

Coast Guard area 1955-1958

Box 57, Folder 9

Daily movement maps 1951-1954

Box 57, Folder 10

Data abstracted from files & publications on deer undated

Box 58, Folder 1

Deer trapping 1953

Box 58, Folder 2

Dune grassland plant communities 1957-1958

Box 58, Folder 3

Ecoculture, Fiji, Samoa notes circa 1966

Box 58, Folder 4-6

Field notes 1947-1951

Box 58, Folder 7

Field notebook undated

Box 58, Folder 8

Individual deer movement maps 1951-1953

Box 58, Folder 9

Journal 1954-1955

Box 59, Folder 1, Box 72, Folder 5

Lake County 1950-1952

Box 59, Folder 2

Maps - cover and photography 1951

Box 59, Folder 3

No Further Retreat notes circa 1970

Box 59, Folder 4

Population dynamics 1951-1955

Box 59, Folder 5

Range survey results 1949-1958

Box 59, Folder 6

Redwood big game 1955

Box 59, Folder 7

Sage hen & correspondence 1961

Box 59, Folder 8-9

Sand dune ecology 1955-1959

Box 59, Folder 10

Sequence sheets 1958

Box 59, Folder 11-12

Statewide survey 1948-1950

Box 60, Folder 1

Statewide survey - Methods for estimating populations circa 1950

Box 60, Folder 2

Strawberry Canyon data undated

Box 60, Folder 3

Territoriality and spacing mobility and social behavior 1951-1953

Box 60, Folder 4

Vegetation & food habits 1952-1953

Box 60, Folder 5

Vegetation Study, Redwood Forest undated

Box 60, Folder 6-8

Unidentified research records, notes, and data 1948-1953 and undated


Personal and biographical files 1941-2003

Scope and Contents

This series includes personal materials such as journals, calendars, and materials by or about Dasmann's family members. This includes interviews, employment and army records, calendars and planners, resumes, bibliographies, and tributes following Dasmann's death.
Box 72, Folder 1

WWII diary, diary timeline 1941-1995

Box 60, Folder 9

Employment records 1945-1957

Box 60, Folder 10

Journal 1953-1955

Box 60, Folder 11

Unsorted biographical material 1954-1993

Box 60, Folder 12

List of publications 1952-1960

Box 60, Folder 13

Dasmann, Elizabeth - manuscript & correspondence 1960-1961

Box 61, Folder 1-2

Destruction of California reviews 1964-1965

Box 61, Folder 3

Last Horizon reviews 1964-1964

Box 61, Folder 4

Awards 1965, 1974

Box 61, Folder 5-6

A Different Kind of Country reviews 1968-1970

Box 61, Folder 7-8, Box 74

Calendars & planners 1969-2001

Box 62, Folder 1

Book reviews 1976-2002

Box 62, Folder 2

Fish & Game Commissioner announcement 1978

Box 62, Folder 3

Newspaper profiles 1978, 1990

Box 62, Folder 4

Unsorted materials about family members 1982

Box 62, Folder 5

Obituaries, tributes, spotlights about Dasmann 1984-2003

Box 62, Folder 6

Bio-bibliography 1985-1990

Box 62, Folder 7

Writings about Dasmann 1999-2001

Box 62, Folder 8

Interview with China Galland 1999

Box 62, Folder 9

Oral history - Raymond F. Dasmann: A Life in International Conservation Biology 2001

Box 62, Folder 10

Tributes, obituaries, etc. 2002

Box 62, Folder 11

Tributes to Ray Dasmann 2002-2003

Box 62, Folder 12-13

Dasmann, William - Manuscripts undated

Box 62, Folder 14

Unsorted postcards & photos undated


Subject files 1937-2000


Materials are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Scope and Contents

This series includes materials that pertain to Dasmann's research interests. It includes publications and reprints by other scholars as well as reports published by organizations such as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There are materials pertaining to Dasmann's specific projects, such as information regarding African wildlife and game management. It also includes various newsletters from organizations of which Dasmann was a part, as well as materials about specific issues such as population growth and flooding.
Box 62, Folder 15

Africa 1972, 1985

Box 63, Folder 1-2

African wildlife undated

Box 63, Folder 3

Archaeology 1969-1970

Box 63, Folder 4

Author's Guild 1983

Box 63, Folder 5

Biological diversity 1987

Box 63, Folder 6

Biosphere, bioregionalism 1976, 1984, 1991

Box 63, Folder 1-6

Birds circa 1968

Box 63, Folder 8

Bureau of Land Management 1979-1986

Box 64, Folder 1-2

Borgstrom, Georg 1980-1981

Box 64, Folder 3

California 1987-1988

Box 72, Folder 2

California flood 1955-1956

Box 72, Folder 3

California islands undated

Box 64, Folder 4

The Condor 1947-1951

Box 64, Folder 5

Channel Islands, Virgin Islands 1968-1978

Box 64, Folder 6

Costa Rica 1987

Box 64, Folder 7

Deer & climate circa 1947

Box 65, Folder 12-31

Deserts circa 1972

Box 65, Folder 2

Development 1980-1986

Box 65, Folder 3-5

Ecodevelopment 1973-1992

Box 65, Folder 1-5

Energy 1984

Box 65, Folder 7

Extinction 1983

Box 65, Folder 8-9

Fort Hunter Liggett Deer Herd Management Plan 1979-1990

Box 66, Folder 1

Game 1961-1984

Box 66, Folder 2

Geographical Society 1964

Box 66, Folder 3

George Wright Society 1995

Box 66, Folder 1-3

Gliessman, Stephen 1987-1989

Box 66, Folder 5

Gold Rush 1998

Box 66, Folder 6-7

1991 Green Gulch Conference - Population growth 1973-1991

Box 72, Folder 4

Henderson Ranch 1957

Box 66, Folder 8

Information - Africa research 1959-1961

Box 66, Folder 9

Interstate Deer Herd 1948-1956

Box 66, Folder 10

IUCN 1988-1992

Box 67, Folder 1

IUCN occasional papers 1975

Box 67, Folder 2

Kassas, Mohammed circa 1983

Box 67, Folder 3

Kekreti Dam undated

Box 67, Folder 4

Kennan Ward Photography, Bear book 1993

Box 67, Folder 5

Land Use 1979-1983

Box 67, Folder 6

Leopold, Aldo 1940-1957

Box 67, Folder 7

Malaya - Tropical ecology undated

Box 67, Folder 8

Marine reserves 1973, 1975

Box 67, Folder 1-8

Maps 1937-1943

Box 67, Folder 10

Myers, Norman 1988

Box 67, Folder 11-12

National Parks 1943-1992

Box 67, Folder 13

Oil spills 1969

Box 68, Folder 1

Omo-Fadakah, Jimoh undated

Box 68, Folder 2

Overpopulation & food 1974-1988

Box 68, Folder 3

Park management 1980-1989

Box 68, Folder 4-5

Parks, proposals, refuges 1961-1973

Box 68, Folder 6

Report - writing 1954

Box 68, Folder 7

Rhodesian game 1960-1972

Box 68, Folder 8

Rookery Bay 1968

Box 68, Folder 1-8

Schonewald-Fox, Christine 1985-1990

Box 68, Folder 10

SCMP references 1973-1984

Box 69, Folder 1-3

Sri Lanka 1974-1987

Box 69, Folder 4

Taber, Richard undated

Box 69, Folder 5-6

Technology over the Invisible Line? 1980

Box 70, Folder 1

UN Economic & Social Council 1968

Box 70, Folder 2

Watershed & Habitat Protection Act 1991

Box 70, Folder 1-2

Wiley authors guides 1977-1984

Box 70, Folder 1-3

Yellowstone circa 1988

Box 70, Folder 5-8, Box 71, Folder 1-3

Unsorted newsletters, articles, and subject files 1946-2000