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San José State University School of Library and Information Science Records
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Series I. Accreditation and Statistical Reports 1968-2003

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents used for and related to the San José State University (SJSU) School of Library and Information (SLIS) accreditation by the following associations: American Library Association; National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education; and the Association for Library and Information Science Education. The series includes self-study reports, alumni surveys, and statistical reports.


This series is arranged into three subseries: Subseries 1. American Library Association (ALA), 1968-2000; Subseries 2. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE); and Subseries 3. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).

Subseries 1: American Library Association (ALA) 1968-2000

Box 14, folder 22

Library and Information Science School 1966-1968

Box 1, Folder 1

Accreditation Report 1968-1969

Box 14, Folder 2

Accreditation Correspondence 1968-1969

Box 14, Folder 1

ALA Committee on Accreditation 1968-1969

Box 1, Folder 2

Accreditation Report 1969-1970

Box 1, Folder 3

Accreditation Report 1970-1971

Box 1, Folder 4

Accreditation Report 1971-1972

Box 1, Folder 5

Accreditation Report 1972-1973

Box 1, Folder 6

Accreditation Report 1974-1975

Box 14, Folder 17

Self Study Report November 1974

Box 1, Folder 7

Statement of Appeal 1975

Box 1, Folder 8

University's Statement of Appeal September 1975

Box 1, Folder 9

University's Statement of Appeal 1975

Box 1, Folder 10

Factual Corrections to Committee on Accreditation Reply to SJSU Statement of Appeal March 1976

Box 1, Folder 11

ASHEIM Report December 1976

Box 1, Folder 12

Accreditation Documents (1 of 2) April 21, 1972-January 10, 1979

Box 1, Folder 13

Accreditation Documents (2 of 2) April 21, 1972-January 10,1979

Box 14, Folder 18

Self Study Report April 1978

Box 1, Folder 14

Self Study Report 1978

Box 1, folder 15

Accreditation Report 1978-1979

Box 1, Folder 16

Final Accreditation Report on SJSU SLIS January 1979

Box 1, Folder 17

Accreditation Report 1979-1980

Box 1, Folder 18

Self-Evaluation Report December, 1979-October, 1980

Box 1, Folder 19

Accreditation Report 1980-1981

Box 1, Folder 20

Student Statistics

Box 1, Folder 21

Self Study Report (1 of 2) April-September 1985

Box 2, Folder 1

Self Study Report (2 of 2) April-September 1985

Box 2, folder 2

Visiting Team Report October 1985

Box 2, Folder 3

SJSU Response to Visiting Team Report December 1985

Box 2, Folder 4

Accreditation Report (1 of 2) 1985-1986

Box 2, Folder 5

Accreditation Report (2 of 2) 1985-1986

Box 2, Folder 6

Report on SJSU January 1986

Box 2, Folder 7

SJSU Response to ALA COA Recommendations May 1986

Box 2, Folder 8

SJSU Action Report to ALA COA December 1986

Box 2, Folder 9

Conditional Accreditation Correspondence 1986-1987

Box 2, Folder 10

Accreditation Report 1986-1987

Box 2, Folder 11

Space & Technology, etc. - Fullerton

Box 2, Folder 12

Accreditation Report 1987-1988

Box 2, Folder 13

Visiting Team Report January 1998

Box 2, Folder 14

Accreditation Report 1989-1990

Box 2, Folder 15

Accreditation Report 1990-1991

Box 2, Folder 16

Planning Documents 1992

Box 2, Folder 17

ALA 1992 Revisions to Accreditation Process 1992

Box 2, Folder 18

Self-Study Report April 1992

Box 2, Folder 19

Appendix to Self-Study Report April 1992

Box 2, Folder 20

Appendix to Self-Study Report April 1992

Box 2, Folder 21

Self-Study Report Addendum September 1992

Box 2, Folder 22

Visiting Team Report 1992

Box 2, Folder 23

Draft Visiting Team Report and SJSU Response October-November 1992

Box 3, Folder 1

Site Visit October 1992

Box 3, Folder 2

Assessment Tools 1992, 1998

Box 3, Folder 3

Standards & Guidelines 1992, 1998

Box 3, Folder 4

Final Report SJSU SLIS January, February, 1993

Box 3, Folder 5

Accreditation Report 1993-1994

Box 3, Folder 6

Students Data 1997-1999

Box 3, Folder 7

Sample Reports 1994

Box 3, Folder 8

Standards Drafts 1994, 1999

Box 3, Folder 9

Planning Documents 1994, 1998-2000

Box 3, Folder 10

Accreditation Report 1995-1996

Box 3, Folder 11

Program Presentation November Draft Submitted to COA 1999

Box 3, Folder 12

Students Draft (Edited) 1999

Box 3, Folder 13

Alumni Survey (1 of 3) 1999

Box 3, Folder 14

Alumni Survey (2 of 3) 1999

Box 3, Folder 15

Alumni Survey (3 of 3) 1999

Box 3, Folder 16

Alumni Survey-Mailing List 1999, 2002

Box 3, Folder 17

Alumni Questionnaire Curriculum 1998, 1999

Box 3, Folder 18

Alumni Survey COA Reports 1999, 2004

Box 3, Folder 19

Questionnaire Open-ended 2000

Box 3, Folder 20

Questionnaire-Coding 1999

Box 3, Folder 21

Program Presentation December 18, 1999

Box 3, Folder 22

Student Focus Group 2000

Box 3, Folder 23

Program Presentation, Final Edits 2000

Box 3, Folder 24

Program Presentation (1 of 2) January, 2000

Box 3, Folder 25

Program Presentation (2 of 2) January, 2000

Box 3, Folder 26

Site Visit 2000

Box 4, Folder 1

Review Panel Report 2000

Box 4, Folder 2

Accreditation 2000 ALA Final Report and Decision 2000

Box 14, Folder 3

Accreditation Pamphlets and Newspaper Clippings 1968-1977


Subseries 2: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) 1998-2003

Box 4, Folder 3

Program Approval Document 1998

Box 4, Folder 4

California Commission on Teaching Credentialing 1998

Box 4, Folder 5

Program Documents (Dean's Copy) 1998

Box 4, Folder 6

Documents Requested by NCATE Team 1997-1998

Box 4, Folder 7

Program Approval Document 2002-2003


Subseries 3: Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 1995-1999

Box 4, Folder 9

Statistics 1997-1999

Box 4, Folder 10

Report 1998

box 4, Folder 11

Report 1999


Series II. Administration 1957-2010

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents created by and used by San José State University's Administration, including annual reports, information packets and brochures, and files from Directors Guy Marco and James Healey.


This series is arranged into four subseries: Subseries 1. Annual Reports and Reviews; Subseries 2. Brochures and Information Packets; Subseries 3. Director's Files; and Subseries 4. Dean's Annual Report and Questionaire. Each subseries is arranged chronologically.

Subseries 1. Annual Reports and Reviews 1957-2010

Box 14, Folder 5

Annual Report 1957-1969

Box 14, Folder 6

Annual Report 1969-1970

Box 14, Folder 7

Annual Report 1970-1971

Box 14, Folder 8

Annual Report 1971-1972

Box 14, Folder 9

Annual Review 1972-1973

Box 4, Folder 12

Annual Review 2005-2007

Box 14, Folder 11

Annual Review 2008

Box 14, Folder 12

Annual Review 2009

Box 4, Folder 13

Annual Review 2010


Subseries 2. Brochures and Information Packets 1962-2000

Box 4, Folder 14

School of Library and Information Science Bulletins 1962-1964

Box 4, Folder 15

School of Library and Information Science Information Packets 1965

Box 4, Folder 16

School of Library and Information Science Brochures 1980-1982

Box 4, Folder 17

School of Library and Information Science Bulletins 1991-1994

Box 4, Folder 18

School of Library and Information Science Brochures 1999-2000

Box 4, Folder 19

School of Library and Information Science Brochures


Subseries 3. Director's Files 1974-1987


Guy Marco, Director 1981-1983

Box 4, Folder 20

Faculty Memos 1981

Box 4, Folder 21

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas 1981

Box 4, Folder 22

Faculty Memos 1982

Box 4, Folder 23

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas 1982

Box 4, folder 24

Faculty Memos 1983

box 4, Folder 25

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas 1983


James Healey, Director 1985-1993

Box 4, Folder 26

Placement Committee 1974-1979

Box 4, Folder 27

Scholarship and Recruitment Committee 1974-1981

Box 4, Folder 28

Faculty Evaluation Committee 1974-1982

Box 4, Folder 29

Continuing Education Committee 1973-1984

Box 4, Folder 30

Publications Committee 1974-1984

Box 4, Folder 31

Goals and Objectives 1976-1979

Box 4, Folder 32

Division Council 1984-1985

Box 4, Folder 33

Request for Probationary Faculty 1985-1986

Box 4, Folder 34

Accreditation Documents (1 of 3)

Box 4, Folder 35

Accreditation Documents (2 of 3)

Box 4, Folder 36

Accreditation Documents (3 of 3)

Box 4, Folder 37

Faculty Meeting Minutes 1985-1987


Subseries 4. Dean's Annual Report and Questionaire 1953-1979

Box 14, Folder 10

Dean's Annual Report 1978-1979

Box 14, Folder 20

Dean's Response to California Librarian Survey and Questionnaire 1953


Series III. Curriculum 1963-2005

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents relating to San José State University's curriculum including documents pertaining to the comprehensive exams, class schedules, and graduate catalogs.


This series is arranged into three subseries: Subseries 1. Comprehensive Exams; Subseries 2. SLIS Schedule Class Schedules; and Subseries 3. SJSU Graduate Catalogs.

Subseries 1. Comprehensive Exams 1990-1992

Box 5, Folder 1

Comprehensives Sign Up Sheet and Instructor's Comments 1990

Box 5, Folder 2

Comprehensives Responses Spring 1990, Students 1-12 1990

Box 5, Folder 3

Comprehensives Responses Spring 1990, Students 13-25 1990

Box 5, Folder 4

Comprehensives Responses Spring 1990, Students 26-38 1990

Box 5, folder 5

Comprehensives Responses Spring 1990, Students 42-52 1990

Box 5, Folder 6

Comprehensive Exam Spring 1992 1992


Subseries 2. SLIS Schedule Class Schedules 1963-2005

Box 14, Folder 19

Schedule of Classes Summer 1961-1971

Box 5, Folder 7

Schedule of Classes Fall 1977, Spring-Fall 1990

Box 5, Folder 8

SLIS Class Schedules Print Out Spring 2005-Spring 2003

Box 5, Folder 9

SLIS Class Schedules Print Out Fall 2002-Spring 2001

Box 5, Folder 10

SLIS Class Schedules Print Out Fall 2000-Fall 1998


Subseries 3. SJSU Graduate Catalogs 1970-1990

Box 5, Folder 11

Graduate Catalogs 1970-1972

Box 5, Folder 12

Graduate Catalog 1972-1974

Box 5, Folder 13

Graduate Catalog 1974-1976

Box 5, Folder 14

Undergraduate Catalog 1974-1976

Box 5, Folder 15

Graduate Catalog 1976-1978

Box 5, Folder 16

Graduate Catalog 1978-1980

Box 5, Folder 17

Graduate Catalog 1980-1982

Box 5, Folder 18

Graduate Catalog 1982-1984

Box 5, Folder 19

Graduate Catalog 1988-1990


Series IV. Faculty 1957-2004

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents relating to the SJSU Library and Information Science faculty, including policy and procedures, and meeting minutes and agendas.


This series is arranged into five subseries: Subseries 1. Division of Library Science Policy and Procedures Manual; Subseries 2. Faculty Meetings; Subseries 3. Curriculum Committee Meetings; Subseries 4. Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee Meetings; and Subseries 5. Faculty Workshop.
Box 5, Folder 20

Faculty-SJSU Faculty Reference Book (August 1985; Revised 1991) 1991


Subseries 1. Division of Library Science Policy and Procedures Manual 1981

Box 5, Folder 21

Division of Library Science Policy and Procedures Manual (1 of 2) 1981

Box 5, Folder 22

Division of Library Science Policy and Procedures Manual (2 of 2) 1981

Box 14, Folder 16

Policies Related to the Management of the Information Sources


Subseries 2. Faculty Meetings 1968-2004

Box 6, Folder 1

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas March 14, 1968-June 25, 1976

Box 6, Folder 2

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas July 29, 1976-July 25, 1977

Box 6, Folder 3

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas August 26, 1977-July 29, 1978

Box 6, Folder 4

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas August 29, 1979-July 28, 1980

Box 6, Folder 5

Faculty Meeting Minutes and Agendas August 13, 1980-May 1, 1981

Box 6, Folder 6

Faculty Committee Meetings Minutes and Agendas September 24, 1993-March 25, 1994

Box 6, Folder 7

Faculty Meeting Agenda March 13, 2004


Subseries 3. Curriculum Committee Meetings 1978-1984

Box 6, Folder 8

Curriculum Committee Minutes December 12, 1978-November 29, 1984

Box 6, Folder 9

Curriculum Committee-Alumni Survey and Course Work Info February 18, 1980


Subseries 4. Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee Meetings

Box 6, Folder 10

Faculty-Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee Retention and Tenure Actions May 31, 1978-March 4, 1982


Subseries 5. Faculty Workshops 1957-1960

Box 14, Folder 21

Drs. Holy and Semans' Questionnaire 1957

Box 14, Folder 14

Faculty Workshop 1957

Box 14, Folder 15

Faculty Workshop 1960


Series V. Students 1935-2008

Scope and Contents

This series contains documents relating to student programs and events, including graduation, career fairs, open houses, tours, speakers, and the 50th Anniversary.


This series is arranged into thirteen subseries: Subseries 1. Programs and Events; Subseries 2. Memorabilia; Subseries 3. Student Associations; Subseries 4. Concerned Library Students; Subseries 5. Multicultural Club; Subseries 6. Beta Phi Mu; Subseries 7. Alumni Associations; Subseries 8. LISS (Library and Information Science Students); Subseries 9. LISSTEN (Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking); Subseries 10. California State University, Fullerton (CSUF); Subseries 11. American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC); Subseries 12. Society of American Archivists Student Chapter (SAASC); and Subseries 13. Alumni Newsletters.

Subseries 1. Programs and Events 1986-2007

Scope and Contents

Documents pertaining to graduation include correspondence, meeting minutes, order forms, speeches, programs, certificates, newspaper advertisements, timetables, photographs, and etiquette information. Documents pertaining to career fairs include correspondence, flyers, speeches, and maps.
Box 6, Folder 11

Graduation 1990-1995

Box 6, Folder 12

Orientation undated

Box 6, Folder 13

Graduation 1992


Documents pertaining to graduation 1991-1992.
Box 6, folder 14

Graduation (1 of 2) 1993


Documents pertaining to graduation 1990-1998.
box 6, Folder 15

Graduation (2 of 2) 1993

Box 6, folder 16

Graduation 1994


Documents pertaining to graduation 1990-1994.
Box 6, Folder 17

Graduation 1995


Documents pertaining to graduation 1994-1995.
Box 6, Folder 18

Graduation Photographs 1995-1996, 2001

Box 6, Folder 19

Speaker Series

box 6, Folder 20


Box 6, Folder 21

Open House Photographs

Box 6, Folder 22

Graduation Photographs

Box 7, Folder 1

Commencement 1995

Box 7, Folder 2

Graduation 1996

Box 7, Folder 3

Graduation 1996-1998

Box 7, Folder 4

Graduation 1997

Box 7, Folder 5

LISSTEN Career Fair January 1997

Box 7, Folder 6

Graduation 1998

box 7, Folder 7

May Hill Arbuthnot Lecture 1999

box 7, folder 8

May Hill Arbuthnot Lecture 1999

box 7, folder 9

Graduation 2000

box 7, folder 10

Graduation 2000-2001

Box 7, Folder 11

Career Fair 2001

Box 7, Folder 12

Career Fair 2002

box 7, folder 13

Career Fair 2003

Box 7, Folder 14

Student and Staff Photos

Box 7, Folder 15

50th Anniversary (1 of 4) 2004

Box 7, Folder 16

50th Anniversary (2 of 4) 2004

Box 7, Folder 17

50th Anniversary (3 of 4) 2004

Box 7, Folder 18

50th Anniversary (4 of 4) 2004

Box 7, Folder 19

SLIS Students, 40 for 40 Alumni Celebration 2000

Box 7, Folder 20

LISSTEN Banned Book Week undated


Subseries 2. Memorabilia

Box 7, Folder 21

LISSTEN Memorabilia undated

Box 7, Folder 22

Los Angeles City Council Certificate of Appreciation c. 1992


Subseries 3. Student Associations

box 7, Folder 23

SLA (Special Library Association) Student Chapter

Box 7, Folder 24

List of Fullerton Graduates 1990-1991

Box 7, Folder 25

SLIS, Students Graduate Workshop

Box 7, Folder 26

SJSU Night Students


Subseries 4. Concerned Library Students 1976-1978

Box 7, Folder 27

Concerned Library Students 1976-1978


Subseries 5. Multicultural Club 1991-1994

Box 7, Folder 28

Multicultural Club 1992-1993

Box 7, Folder 29

Multicultural Club


Subseries 6. Beta Phi Mu 1998

Box 7, Folder 30

Beta Phi Mu 1998


Subseries 7. Alumni Associations 1994

Box 8, Folder 1

Alumni Association 1994


Subseries 8. LISS (Library and Information Science Students) 1986-1998

Box 8, Folder 2

LISS Constitution 1986, 1991

Box 8, Folder 3

LISS 1986-1995

Box 8, Folder 4

LISS Newsletter 1988, 1990

box 8, Folder 5

LISS Documents undated

Box 8, Folder 6

LISS Handbills Fall 1991

Box 8, Folder 7

SLA Salary Survey

Box 8, Folder 8

LISS Handbills Spring 1992

Box 8, Folder 9

LISS Handbills Fall 1992, Spring 1993

Box 8, Folder 10

LISS 1991-1994

Box 8, Folder 11

LISS Interviewer Visits

Box 8, Folder 12

LISS Student Directory 1991-1992

Box 8, Folder 13

Correspondence (with speakers, etc.) Spring 1992

Box 8, Folder 14

Mailboxes Fall 1992

box 8, Folder 15

LISS Membership Forms

box 8, Folder 16

LISS Mentor Program Fall 1992-Spring 1993

box 8, Folder 17

LISS FYI (For Your Information) Fall 1994

box 8, Folder 18

LISS Projects Fall 1994

box 8, folder 19

LISS (1 of 2) Fall 1994

Box 8, Folder 20

LISS (2 of 2) Fall 1994

Box 8, folder 21

LISS Fliers Fall 1994

Box 8, Folder 22

LISS Guidelines

Box 8, Folder 23

LISS 1994-1995

Box 8, Folder 24

LISS Materials

Box 8, Folder 25

Leya's Notes

Box 8, Folder 26

LISS Information

Box 8, folder 27

LISS Correspondence

box 8, Folder 28

LISS Spring 1998

box 8, Folder 29

Activities LISSTEN 1991-1992

Box 8, Folder 30

Correspondence Series

Box 8, Folder 31

Admin. Constitution Drafts

box 8, folder 32

Activities LISSTEN Survey Spring 1992

box 8, Folder 33

LISSTEN Call Number 1991

box 8, Folder 34

Admin. Elections 1991-1992

Box 8, Folder 35

Admin. Constitution Samples

box 8, Folder 36

The Call Number Mar. 1992

box 8, Folder 37

The Call Number Feb. 1992

box 8, Folder 38

The Call Number Editorial Policies

box 8, Folder 39

Faculty Profiles completed

box 8, Folder 40

Pubs. Faculty profiles & cover letter

Box 8, folder 41

Meeting Minutes Spring 1992

box 8, Folder 42

Call Number 1992

box 8, folder 43

Admin. LISSTEN Election 1992-1993

Box 8, Folder 44

Meeting Minutes 1992-1993

box 8, folder 45

Admin. LISSTEN 1992-1993

Box 8, Folder 46

Activities LISSTEN Survey Winter 1993

Box 8, Folder 47

Activities LISSTEN 1993-1994

box 8, Folder 48

LISSTEN Call Number 1993

box 8, Folder 49

LISSTEN 1993-1994

box 8, Folder 50

Meeting Minutes 1993-1994

box 8, Folder 51

Admin. LISSTEN Elections 1993-1994

Box 8, Folder 52

LISSTEN Call Number 1994-1995

Box 8, Folder 53

LISSTEN Activities 1994-1995

box 8, Folder 54

Administration Election 1994-1995

box 8, Folder 55

Meeting Minutes 1994-1995


Subseries 9. LISSTEN (Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking) 1991-2000

box 9, Folder 1

Items for LISSTEN

Box 9, Folder 2

Official Admin. Constitution

box 9, folder 3

LISSTEN Archives (1 of 3) 1996-1997

Box 9, folder 4

LISSTEN Archives (2 of 3) 1996-1997

box 9, folder 5

LISSTEN Archives (3 of 3) 1996-1997

Box 9, folder 6

Admin. Constitution Amended 1997

box 9, folder 7

LISSTEN (1 of 3) 1997-1998

box 9, folder 8

LISSTEN (2 of 3) 1997-1998

Box 9, Folder 9

LISSTEN (3 of 3) 1997-1998

box 9, Folder 10

Admin. Student Organizations Application

Box 9, folder 11

Admin. Constitution Amended 1998

Box 9, Folder 12

LISSTEN Correspondence (1 of 3)

Box 9, Folder 13

LISSTEN Correspondence (2 of 3)

Box 9, Folder 14

LISSTEN Correspondence (3 of 3)


Subseries 10. California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) 1992-2005

Box 9, folder 15

Commencement Planning Committee (1 of 2) 1992

Box 9, Folder 16

Commencement Planning Committee (2 of 2) 1992

Box 9, folder 17

Alumni Association

box 9, folder 18

Open House

Box 9, Folder 19

Graduation Notebook SJSU Fullerton Campus (1 of 2) 1994-1995

Box 9, folder 20

Graduation Notebook SJSU Fullerton Campus (2 of 2) 1994-1995

box 9, Folder 21

SJSU-CSUF SLIS LISSTEN (1 of 4) 1995-1996

box 9, folder 22

SJSU-CSUF SLIS LISSTEN (2 of 4) 1995-1996

box 10, folder 1

SJSU-CSUF SLIS LISSTEN (3 of 4) 1995-1996

box 10, folder 2

SJSU-CSUF SLIS LISSTEN (4 of 4) 1995-1996

box 10, Folder 3

Orientation Fall 1995-1996

Box 10, Folder 4

Administration: Student Survival Handbook

Box 10, Folder 5

Graduation Memories

Box 10, Folder 6


box 10, folder 6

Orientation Fall 1997

box 10, Folder 7

Orientation Spring 1998

Box 10, Folder 8

Orientation Fall 1998

Box 10, folder 9

Orientation & Career Fair Spring 1999

box 10, Folder 10

Orientation Fall 1999

Box 10, Folder 11

Graduation 1998-1999

Box 10, Folder 12

Graduation 1999-2000

box 10, Folder 13

LISSTEN Archives Binder (1 of 4) 2003-2004

Box 10, folder 14

LISSTEN Archives Binder (2 of 4) 2003-2004

box 10, Folder 15

LISSTEN Archives Binder (3 of 4) 2003-2004

Box 10, folder 16

LISSTEN Archives Binder (4 of 4) 2003-2004

Box 10, folder 17

Historian Binder (1 of 4) 2004-2005

Box 10, folder 18

Historian Binder (2 of 4) 2004-2005

Box 10, folder 19

Historian Binder (3 of 4) 2004-2005

box 10, Folder 20

Historian Binder (4 of 4) 2004-2005


Subseries 11. American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) 1999-2000

box 10, Folder 21



Subseries 12. Society of American Archivists Student Chapter (SAASC) 2002-2008

Box 10, Folder 22


Box 10, folder 23

SAASC Students

Box 10, Folder 24

SAASC Materials

Box 10, Folder 25

SAASC 2005

box 10, Folder 26

SAASC Constitution December 6, 2008

Box 10, Folder 27

SAASC 2006-2007

Box 10, Folder 28

SAASC 2007-2008


Subseries 13. Alumni Newsletters 1944-1962

Box 14, Folder 4

Alumni Newsletters   1944-1962


Series VI. California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) 1998-2001

Scope and Contents

This series contains SLIS administration and curriculum documents associated with the CSUF campus.


This series is arranged into two subseries: Subseries 1. Administration and Subseries 2. Curriculum.

Subseries 1. Administration 1998-2001

Box 11, Folder 1

SJSU-CSUF Agreements re: SoCal MLIS Program

Box 11, Folder 2

Budget/Interagency Agreements

Box 11, Folder 3

Cindy Mediavilla

Box 11, Folder 4

Video Classes

Box 11, Folder 5


Box 11, folder 6

Recruitment: Faculty

Box 11, Folder 7

Adjunct Handbook

Box 11, Folder 8

Faculty Reference Book Fall 1991

Box 11, Folder 9

Grants: HEA Title #13 1993-1994

Box 11, Folder 10

Appendix to Self-Study Report

Box 11, Folder 11

Faculty List

Box 11, Folder 12

Interactive Video Courses

Box 11, Folder 13

Interactive Video Course Handbook

Box 11, Folder 14

Interactive Video Course

box 11, Folder 15

Faculty Handbook

Box 11, folder 16

Faculty Handbook

Box 11, Folder 17

Nancy Burns (A.C.) Files-Fullerton Campus Histories

Box 11, Folder 18

Nancy Burns (A.D.) Files-Proposal

Box 11, Folder 19

Nancy Burns (A.D.) Files-Program

Box 11, Folder 20

Nancy Burns (A.D.) Files-Graduation 1992

Box 11, Folder 21

Nancy Burns (A.D.) Files-Administration

Box 11, Folder 22

Nancy Burns (A.D.) Files-Sample Letter

Box 11, Folder 23

Personnel-AD (So. Cal. Campus)

box 11, folder 24

Summer 1995

Box 11, folder 25

Fall 1995

Box 11, folder 26

Spring 1996

box 11, folder 27

Summer 1996

Box 11, Folder 28

Fall 1996

box 11, folder 29

Spring Schedules 1997

box 11, Folder 30

Summer School 1997

Box 11, Folder 31

Fall 1997 Class Schedule So. Cal.

Box 11, folder 32

Spring 1998 Schedule

Box 11, Folder 33

Summer School Schedule 1998

Box 11, Folder 34

Fall 1998 Class Schedule

Box 11, Folder 35

Spring 1999 Schedules

Box 11, Folder 36

Summer 1999 Schedules

Box 11, Folder 37

Fall 1999 Schedules

Box 11, Folder 38

Spring 2000 Student Survey

Box 11, Folder 39

Spring 2000 Final Sched

Box 11, Folder 40

Summer Schedule 2000

Box 11, Folder 41

Fall 2000 Schedule

Box 11, Folder 42

Debra Hansen Memos

Box 11, Folder 43

So Cal MLIS Program Misc.

Box 11, Folder 44

So Cal MLIS Program Misc.

Box 12, folder 1

Budget: ITV Interagency Agreements & Payments undated

Box 12, folder 2

1996-1997 Budget

Box 12, Folder 3

Budget 1997-1998 Interagency Agreements

Box 12, Folder 4

1997-1998 Budget Running Account

Box 12, folder 5

1997-1998 Revised Budget

Box 12, folder 6

1997-1998 Budget

Box 12, Folder 7

CSU Fullerton: Account FRS

Box 12, Folder 8

Interagency Agreement 1998-1999

Box 12, Folder 9

Budget 1998-1999 Allocations

Box 12, Folder 10

Budget 1998-1999 Final Report

box 12, Folder 11

Budget 1998-1999 Proposal & Final

Box 12, Folder 12

Budget 1998-1999 Notes

Box 12, Folder 13

1998-1999 Budget FRS

Box 12, Folder 14

Accounting Records given to Terry Roberts Aug. 2, 1999

Box 12, Folder 15

Budget Accounts Payable Records for LTC (IA 5005, 6005, 7005) July 30, 1999

box 12, Folder 16

Budget 1999-2000 Final Report

Box 12, Folder 17

Interagency Agreement 1999-2000

Box 12, Folder 18

1999-2000 Budget (Notes)

Box 12, Folder 19

Fullerton Account Contact Information

Box 12, Folder 20

2000-2001 Operating Budget

Box 12, folder 21

Correspondence-Hansen (1 of 3) 1995-1997

Box 12, folder 22

Correspondence-Hansen (2 of 3) 1995-1997

Box 12, folder 23

Correspondence-Hansen (3 of 3) 1995-1997

Box 12, Folder 24

CSUF-SJSU Memorandum of Understanding-Official Copy

Box 12, Folder 25

CSUF-SJSU Memorandum of Understanding

Box 12, Folder 26

CSUF Titan Access Account

Box 12, Folder 27

Office Plans & Move Jan. 1997, Jan. 1998

box 12, Folder 28

Administration-Basement offices LS (Working Files)

box 12, Folder 29

CSU Fullerton-Fee Waivers

Box 12, Folder 30

Distance Ed.-SJSU

Box 12, Folder 31

Distance Ed.-Mission Viejo Campus

Box 12, Folder 32

Distance Ed.-Mira Costa College

Box 12, Folder 33

Distance Ed.-Sacramento & Fresno

Box 12, Folder 34

Distance Ed.-San Marcos

Box 12, Folder 35

Distance Ed.-CSU SM (California State University San Marcos)

Box 12, Folder 36

Distance Education

Box 12, folder 37

Project Delta (1 of 3)

Box 12, folder 38

Project Delta (2 of 3)

Box 12, folder 39

Project Delta (3 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 40


Box 12, Folder 41


Box 12, Folder 42


Box 12, Folder 43

Virtual Library School White Paper


Subseries 2. Curriculum 1989-1995

box 12, Folder 44

Program Tracks

box 12, folder 45

Comprehensive Exam (1 of 3)

Box 12, folder 46

Comprehensive Exam (2 of 3)

box 12, Folder 47

Comprehensive Exam (3 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 48

Green Sheets (1 of 3)

Box 12, folder 49

Green Sheets (2 of 3)

Box 12, folder 50

Green Sheets (3 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 51

Curriculum Review 1993-1994

Box 12, Folder 52

Doctoral Program in LIB Science

Box 12, Folder 53



Series VII. Video Tapes 1988-2005

Scope and Contents

This series contains video tapes created by SLIS at CSUF.


This series is arranged into three subseries: Subseries 1. Administration; Subseries 2. Curriculum; and Subseries 3. Students.

Subseries 1. Administration 1988-2001

Box 13

Interview for MLS Faculty Position: Dr. Timothy Patrick March 14, 1995

Box 13

Interview for MLIS Faculty Position: Dr. Geoffrey Low March 17, 1995

box 13

Faculty Interview: Mark Giguere March 24, 1995

Box 13

Faculty Interview Judy Weedman April 10, 1995

Box 13

Library Faculty Interviews: Holly Willett and David Loertscher November 1995

Box 13

ALASC San Jose State University: Jeff Rottenberg February 16, 2000


Subseries 2. Curriculum 1989-1995

Box 13

San José State University: Library 200 March 7, 1995

Box 13

Dr. Satton: 202 June 2, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Dr. Sutton June 3, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Professor Sutton June 4, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Sutton

Box 13

Library 202: Sutton July 1, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Sutton July 3, 1995

Box 13

Library 202 July 28, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Sutton July 29, 1995

Box 13

Library 202: Dr. Sutton July 30, 1995

Box 13

Sutton- Culminating Expierance


Subseries 3. Students 1992-2005

Box 13

SLA and LISSTEN Tea and Talk November 18, 2001

Box 13

SJSU-CSUF School of Library and Information Science Open House (1 of 2) January 28, 1995

Box 13

SJSU-CSUF School of Library and Information Science Open House (2 of 2) January 28, 1995

Box 13

SJSU-CSUF School of Library and Information Science Commencement May 28, 1995

Box 13

Graduation Memories May 26, 1996

Box 13

Special Libraries Association A Practitioner's Perspective: "The Fault Dear Brutus" June 10, 1997