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Komor (Mathias) Photographic Archive
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Photographs, Series I. 1972, undated

Physical Description: 9.8 Linear Feet (22 boxes)


Arranged by region and period. Classical, Near Eastern, and Egyptian materials further arranged typologically.

Chinese, undated

box 1, folder 1

Pre-historic, undated

box 1, folder 2-3

Shang, undated

box 1, folder 4-12

Shang-Zhou, undated

box 1, folder 13-15

Zhou, undated

box 2, folder 1

Qin, undated

box 2, folder 2

Han, undated

box 2, folder 3

Three Kingdoms, undated

box 2, folder 4

Northern Wei, undated

box 2, folder 5

Northern Qin, undated

box 2, folder 6-11

T'ang, undated

box 2, folder 12

Song, undated

box 2, folder 13

Yuan, undated

box 2, folder 14-15

Ming, undated

box 2, box 20

Ming-Qing, undated

box 2, folder 18

Qing, undated

box 3

Unidentified eras, undated

box 3, folder 1-4

Ceramics, undated

box 3, folder 5

Furniture, undated

box 3, folder 6

Jade, undated

box 3, folder 7

Decorative arts, undated

box 3, folder 8-9

Pottery, undated

box 3, folder 10

Rugs, undated

box 3, folder 11-15

Sculpture, undated

box 3, folder 16

Vases and vessels, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 3, folder 17

Chinese/Japanese, pottery in archaic styles, undated


Japanese, undated

box 4, folder 1

Jomon, undated

box 4, folder 2

Yayoi, undated

box 4, folder 3-6

Kofun, undated

box 4, folder 7

Nara, undated

box 4, folder 8-9

Heian, undated

box 4, folder 10

Kamakura, undated

box 5, folder 1

Ashikagi-Muromachi, undated

box 5, folder 2

Momoyama, undated

box 5, folder 3-13

Edo, undated

box 5, folder 14-18

Edo-Meiji, undated

box 6

Unidentified eras, undated

box 6, folder 1-5

Ceramics, undated

box 6, folder 6

Lacquer, undated

box 6, folder 7

Masks, undated

box 6, folder 8

Decorative arts, undated

box 6, folder 9-12

Sculpture, undated

box 7, folder 1

Gandharan, undated

box 7, folder 2

Himalayan, undated

box 7, folder 3

Indian, undated

box 7, folder 4

Korean, undated

box 7, folder 5

Southeast Asian, undated

box 7, folder 6

Asian/Far Eastern, unidentified culture undated


African, undated

box 8, folder 1

Angola, undated

box 8, folder 2

Cameroon, undated

box 8, folder 3

Congo, undated

box 8, folder 4

Gabon, undated

box 8, folder 5

Ivory Coast, undated

box 8, folder 6

Liberia, undated

box 8, folder 7

Mali, undated

box 8, folder 8-10

Nigeria, undated

box 8, folder 11

Sierra Leone, undated

box 8, folder 12

Upper Volta, undated

box 8, folder 13-17

Unidentified nations, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 9, folder 1

Central American, undated

box 9, box 20

Mexican, undated

box 9, folder 14-19

American Indigenous, undated

box 9, box 20

South American, undated

box 9, box 20

Oceanian, undated


Egyptian, undated

box 10, folder 1-4

Animals, undated

box 10, folder 5

Masks, undated

box 10, folder 6

Decorative arts, undated

box 10, folder 7

Museum views, undated

box 10, folder 8

Orient Occident Gallery, undated

box 10, folder 9

Paintings, undated

box 10, folder 10

Pottery, undated

box 10, folder 11-15

Sculpture, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 10, box 20

Coptic, undated

box 11, box 20

Aegean, undated

box 11, folder 6

Cypriot, undated


Greek, undated

box 11, folder 7-10

Decorative arts, undated

box 11, folder 11-12

Pottery, undated

box 11, folder 13-15

Sculpture, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 12, folder 1

Villanovan, undated

box 12, box 20

Etruscan, undated

box 12, folder 4

Centuripae, undated


Roman, undated

box 12, folder 5

Decorative arts, undated

box 12, folder 6

Mosaic, undated

box 12, folder 7-20

Sculpture, undated

box 12, folder 21

Vessels, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 12, folder 22

Palmyrene, undated

box 12, folder 23

Byzantine, undated


Greco-Roman, undated

box 13, box 19

Decorative arts, undated

box 13, folder 4-11

Sculpture, undated

box 13, folder 12-13

Vases and vessels, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 13, folder 15

Greek/Roman, copies and fakes, undated

box 14, box 20

Near East, undated

box 14, box 20

Day Collection, undated

box 15, folder 1

Austrian, undated

box 15, folder 2

English, undated

box 15, folder 3-4

Flemish, undated

box 15, folder 5-7

French, undated

box 15, folder 8-10

German, undated


Northern European, undated

box 15, folder 11

Drawings, undated

box 15, box 19

Decorative arts, undated

box 16, folder 1-8

Sculpture, undated

box 20

Color polaroids and transparencies, undated

box 17, folder 1

European, unidentified nations, undated


Italian, undated

box 17, folder 2

Cameo, undated

box 17, folder 3

Ceramics, glass and mosaic, undated

box 17, box 19

Drawings, undated

box 17, folder 5-10

Sculpture, undated

box 20

Color polaroids, 1972

box 17, folder 11-12

Spanish, undated

box 21, box 22

Negatives, undated

box 23

Slides, undated


Miscellaneous papers, Series II. 1935-1978, undated

Physical Description: 0.4 Linear Feet (1 box)
box 18, folder 1

Inventory of archival documents, undated

box 18, folder 32

Bolivar signed painting photographs, 1970

box 18, folder 2

Clippings, undated

box 18, folder 3-14

Correspondence, 1935-1978

box 18, folder 3

Bruce, Alpine, 1974, 1977-1978

box 18, folder 4

Bier, Justus, 1957

box 18, folder 5

Borheim, Walter, 1953

box 18, folder 6

Bretschneider, Ludwig, 1977

box 18, folder 7

Burchard, Otto, 1946, 1953, 1956-1958

box 18, folder 8

Hollart, 1955

Language of Material: French.
box 18, folder 9

Packard, Harry, undated

box 18, folder 10

Randall, Richard H., 1955, 1959

box 18, folder 11

Suida, William, 1955

box 18, folder 12

Tietze, Hans and Erica, 1953-1954

box 18, folder 13

Voss, Hermann, 1955

Language of Material: German.
box 18, folder 14

Witt, Robert, 1949

box 18, folder 15-23

Chinese, circa 1940-1951, undated

box 18, folder 15

Art photographs notebook/binder, circa 1940

box 18, folder 16

Chou lacquer works, photographs from Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO, undated

box 18, folder 17-19

Imperial Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty, exhibition by Mathias Komor, 1951

box 18, folder 20

Kuanyin statue photographs, 1950

box 18, folder 21

Ming landscape scroll manuscript, translations & description by Alan Packard, 1946

box 18, folder 22

Mirrors photographs, undated

box 18, folder 23

Paintings photographs, undated

box 19, folder 4

Shang photographs, undated

box 18, folder 24

Egyptian, Frosch und Kroete bei den alten Aegyptern article by Fritz Egger, 1935

box 18, folder 37

Far eastern bronze, color photographs from Mr. Rice, undated

box 18, folder 25

Galerie Kamer, photographs of artifacts, 1963

box 18, folder 26

Greco-Roman, color photographs of artifacts, 1956

box 18

Japanese, 1955, 1971, undated

box 18, folder 27

Catalog of Japanese Collection, list by M.C. Packard, includes photographs, 1955

box 18, folder 28

Fujinara Buddhist tile, photographs and description, undated

box 18, folder 29

Haniwa from Matsubara photographs, undated

box 18, folder 30

Jomon pottery photographs, from Everett Rassiga, undated

box 18, folder 35

Unidentified man in Japan color photographs, undated

box 19, folder 5

Komor office blueprints, 1958

box 18, folder 33

Komor office views, photographs by Richard Averill Smith, undated

box 18, folder 31

Personal reminder lists written on envelope, undated

box 18, folder 34

Unidentified photographs, undated

box 18, folder 36

Varia, 1970, undated