Chinese, undated
Pre-historic, undated
Shang, undated
Shang-Zhou, undated
Zhou, undated
Qin, undated
Han, undated
Three Kingdoms, undated
Northern Wei, undated
Northern Qin, undated
T'ang, undated
Song, undated
Yuan, undated
Ming, undated
Ming-Qing, undated
Qing, undated
Unidentified eras, undated
Ceramics, undated
Furniture, undated
Jade, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Pottery, undated
Rugs, undated
Sculpture, undated
Vases and vessels, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Chinese/Japanese, pottery in archaic styles, undated
Japanese, undated
Jomon, undated
Yayoi, undated
Kofun, undated
Nara, undated
Heian, undated
Kamakura, undated
Ashikagi-Muromachi, undated
Momoyama, undated
Edo, undated
Edo-Meiji, undated
Unidentified eras, undated
Ceramics, undated
Lacquer, undated
Masks, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Sculpture, undated
Gandharan, undated
Himalayan, undated
Indian, undated
Korean, undated
Southeast Asian, undated
Asian/Far Eastern, unidentified culture undated
African, undated
Angola, undated
Cameroon, undated
Congo, undated
Gabon, undated
Ivory Coast, undated
Liberia, undated
Mali, undated
Nigeria, undated
Sierra Leone, undated
Upper Volta, undated
Unidentified nations, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Central American, undated
Mexican, undated
American Indigenous, undated
South American, undated
Oceanian, undated
Egyptian, undated
Animals, undated
Masks, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Museum views, undated
Orient Occident Gallery, undated
Paintings, undated
Pottery, undated
Sculpture, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Coptic, undated
Aegean, undated
Cypriot, undated
Greek, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Pottery, undated
Sculpture, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Villanovan, undated
Etruscan, undated
Centuripae, undated
Roman, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Mosaic, undated
Sculpture, undated
Vessels, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Palmyrene, undated
Byzantine, undated
Greco-Roman, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Sculpture, undated
Vases and vessels, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
Greek/Roman, copies and fakes, undated
Near East, undated
Day Collection, undated
Austrian, undated
English, undated
Flemish, undated
French, undated
German, undated
Northern European, undated
Drawings, undated
Decorative arts, undated
Sculpture, undated
Color polaroids and transparencies, undated
European, unidentified nations, undated
Italian, undated
Cameo, undated
Ceramics, glass and mosaic, undated
Drawings, undated
Sculpture, undated
Color polaroids, 1972
Spanish, undated
Negatives, undated
Slides, undated
Miscellaneous papers, Series II. 1935-1978, undated
Inventory of archival documents, undated
Bolivar signed painting photographs, 1970
Clippings, undated
Correspondence, 1935-1978
Bruce, Alpine, 1974, 1977-1978
Bier, Justus, 1957
Borheim, Walter, 1953
Bretschneider, Ludwig, 1977
Burchard, Otto, 1946, 1953, 1956-1958
Hollart, 1955
Packard, Harry, undated
Randall, Richard H., 1955, 1959
Suida, William, 1955
Tietze, Hans and Erica, 1953-1954
Voss, Hermann, 1955
Witt, Robert, 1949
Chinese, circa 1940-1951, undated
Art photographs notebook/binder, circa 1940
Chou lacquer works, photographs from Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO, undated
Imperial Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty, exhibition by Mathias Komor, 1951
Kuanyin statue photographs, 1950
Ming landscape scroll manuscript, translations & description by Alan Packard, 1946
Mirrors photographs, undated
Paintings photographs, undated
Shang photographs, undated
Egyptian, Frosch und Kroete bei den alten Aegyptern article by Fritz Egger, 1935
Far eastern bronze, color photographs from Mr. Rice, undated
Galerie Kamer, photographs of artifacts, 1963
Greco-Roman, color photographs of artifacts, 1956
Japanese, 1955, 1971, undated
Catalog of Japanese Collection, list by M.C. Packard, includes photographs, 1955
Fujinara Buddhist tile, photographs and description, undated
Haniwa from Matsubara photographs, undated
Jomon pottery photographs, from Everett Rassiga, undated
Unidentified man in Japan color photographs, undated
Komor office blueprints, 1958
Komor office views, photographs by Richard Averill Smith, undated
Personal reminder lists written on envelope, undated
Unidentified photographs, undated
Varia, 1970, undated