Robert Saunders Dundas collection 1783-1807
HM 81128 Schank, John. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1812. June 8)
HM 81129 Schank, John. Letter to Sir George Prevost [1812, July 25]
HM 81130 Schank, John. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1812, July 25)
HM 81131 Chalmers, George. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1812, Aug. 3)
HM 81132 Franklin, William. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1812, Aug. 22)
HM 81133 Manderson, James. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1812, Aug. 25)
HM 81134 Manderson, James. Observations on War with America (1812, August)
HM 81136 Shaw, Sir James. Memorandum: American War (1812, Dec. 25)
HM 81137 Unknown author. Memorandum [on the American Navy] (1812, Dec. 28)
HM 81138 Unknown author. Memoranda respecting American Ships (1812, Dec. 30)
HM 81139 Great Britain. Admiralty. Memorandum of Force on American Stations, [1810-1812] [1812, Dec. ]
HM 81140 Unknown author. Memorandum: "...Our 38 Gun Frigates are not a match for the American large Frigates..." (1813, Jan. 1)
HM 81141 Unknown author. Memorandum [for changes in the building and manning of British Frigates] (1813, Jan. 5)
HM 81142 Stanhope, Sir Henry Edwyn, Bart. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1813, Jan. 5)
HM 81143 Unknown author. Memorandum [recommending the building of British Frigates "to be a match for the Americans"] (1813, Jan. 11)
HM 81145 Unknown author. Memorandum [recommending the building of 1400 Ton Frigates] (1813, Jan. 13)
HM 81146 Schank, John. Letter To Robert Saunders Dudnas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1813, Feb. 16)
HM 81147 Unknown author. Memorandum, [pointing out the difference in tonnage and manpower, between the British & American Frigates] (1813, Feb. 24)
HM 81148 Unknown author. Memorandum [for the use which can be made of large frigates] (1813, Feb. 28)
HM 81149 Unknown author. Memorandum of men raised for the Fleet at breaking out of the American War] [1813, Feb.]
HM 81152 Tunno, John. [Memorandum] The American Blockade should extend…from Rhode Island to the Rover St. Mary [1813, Apr. 13]
HM 81153 Tunno, John. Letter to Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1813, Apr. 13)
HM 81154 [Great Britain. Admiralty]. A comparative statement of the force of His Majesty's Squadron and that of the Enemy employed on Lake Ontario,…Lake Erie, &…Lake Champlain (1813, July 24)
HM 81156 Beresford, Sir John Pos. [Remarks on the Growth of the United States, since the American Revolution] [1813, Dec. ]
HM 81157 Unknown author. To Lord Henry Paulet: minutes for employt of officers on Lake Service (1814, Feb. 19)
HM 81158 Dundas, Robert Saunders, 2nd Viscount Melville. Memorandum of what has passed at the Admiralty with respect to the Naval force on the Lakes of Canada (1814, Feb. 19)
HM 81159 Owen, Sir Edward Campbell Rich. Letter to [Robert Saunders Dundas 2nd.] Viscount Melville (1814, Dec. 8)
HM 81163 O'Conor, Richard. Statement of the Naval Force on Lake Ontario [1814, ?Dec. 19]
HM 81165 Colpays (formerly Griffith), Sir Edward. Memorandum respecting the Island of Campo Bello - otherwise called Passamaquoddy outer Island [1814]
HM 81166 Unknown author. Sketch of Passamaquoddy Bay etc. [1814?]