Series I. Family papers, 1916-1995 (bulk 1942-1960) 1942-1960
Scope and Content Note
Series I.A. Correspondence, 1916-1994, undated
Scope and Content Note
Original letters, 1918-1995, undated
Otto Mühl, 1936-1995, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters sent, 1936-1995
Family, 1936-1995, undated
Both parents, 1936-1943
Wilma Mühl, 1944-1994, undated
Scope and Content Note
Others, 1949-1970, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters received, 1942-1961, 1993
Various people, 1943-1961, 1993, undated
Ottomar F. Tuider, 1942-1948, undated
Tilde Wendelin (also letters to Wilma Mühl), 1942-1953
Scope and Content Note
Postcards sent, 1937-1960, undated
Both parents and Wilma Mühl, 1937-1960, undated
Other people, undated
Edwin Mühl, 1938-1945, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters sent, 1943-1945, undated
Letters received, 1938-1944
Wilma Mühl, 1920-1994, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters sent, 1921-1994
Otto Mühl (father), 1921-1944
Edwin and Otto Mühl, 1937-1945, undated
Otto Mühl, 1944-1994, undated
1968-1994, undated
Other people, 1943-1991, undated
Letters received (various people), 1920-1994, undated
Envelopes (empty), 1920s-1930s, undated
Letters, 1944-1994
1989-1994, undated
Color photographs
Otto Mühl (father), 1918-1944, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters sent, 1920-1944
Wilma Mühl (in Hungarian), 1920-1928, undated
Family, 1930-1943
Family (sent from the front), 1943-1944
Postcards to Wilma Mühl, 1918-1944
In Hungarian, 1921
In German, 1918-1944
Letters received (various people), 1928-1944
Relatives and friends, 1923-1990, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters sent, 1923-1990, undated
Grandmother, 1934-1838
Scope and Content Note
Klein, Helene, 1935-1990, undated
Scope and Content Note
Letters, 1935-1990, undated
Color photographs, undated
Leopold, Maria, 1970-1975, undated
Mühl, Fritz, 1937-1942
Mühl, Resi, 1935-1973
Various people, 1923-1986, undated
Postcards received, 1936-1985
Mühl, Edwin, 1939-1942
Mühl, Otto (father), 1938-1945
Mühl, Otto, 1942-1951
Mühl, Wilma, 1936-1985
Other people, 1941, undated
Photocopies, 1916-1986, undated
Scope and Content Note
Otto Mühl, 1943-1986, undated
Letters formerly in three-ring binders, 1943-1986
1943-1954, undated
1946-1986, undated
Album Historische Korrespondenz der Familie Mühl, erster Teil von 1916 bis 1943 , 1916-1943
Postcards to Wilma Mühl, undated
Mühl family and friends, 1928-1983, undated
1928-1983, undated
Mühl, Otto (father), 1920-1942
Letters to Wilma Mühl (in Hungarian), 1920-1928
Various letters sent and received, 1937-1942
Mühl, Wilma, 1920-1988, undated
Letters sent, 1920-1988
Otto Mühl (father), 1920-1944
Otto Mühl (son), 1936-1988, undated
Series I.B. Photographs, circa 1900-1993, undated
Scope and Content Note
Bound abums, 1920s-1960s
Scope and Content Note
Original prewar album, 1920s-1940s
Three albums (compiled postwar), 1920s-1960s
"Sammlung Vilma Mühl Edwin & Otto"; "Sammlung Vilma Mühl Kriegszeit"
"Sammlung Vilma Mühl Die Eltern"
"Fotoarchiv Vilma & Otto", circa 1900-1993, undated
Scope and Content Note
Prewar photographs, circa 1900-1930s
Prewar photographs (enlargements), undated
Postwar photographs, 1968-1993, undated
Son David as a young child, 1968-1969
House of Wilma Mühl in Gols, 1986
Wilma Mühl with Otto Mühl, 1970s-1993
Black-and-white photographs, 1970s-1990
Black-and-white photographs continued, 1984-1986
Color photographs, 1980-1993
Various loose photographs, 1919-1980, undated
Scope and Content Note
Black-and-white photographs, 1919-1960s, undated
Regular size
Scope and Content Note
Color photographs, 1974-1980, undated
Series I.C. Documents and records, 1911-1995, undated
Scope and Content Note
By family member, 1916-1995, undated
Mühl family, 1930-1961, undated
Edwin Mühl, 1938-1943, undated
Otto Mühl (father), 1916-1944
Scope and Content Note
Otto Mühl, 1932-1982, undated
Passports, certificates, 1942-1982
University ID cards, 1946-1951, undated
Various other ID cards, 1946-1973, undated
Bank savings books, 1940-1955, undated
Business receipts, 1970-1971
School report cards, 1937-1946
University certificates, 1947-1950
Teching certificates, job application, 1950-1964, undated
Tutoring notes (math), 1968-1970
Various certificates/curriculum vitae, 1932-1965
Address books, undated
Travel to US/notes and addresses, undated
Welfare stamps, 1943-1949, undated
Notes and note books, undated
Wilma Mühl, 1911-1995, undated
Scope and Content Note
Various records, 1911-1995, undated
Floor plan of Wilma Mühl's house in Gols, 1947
Other people, 1946, 1989
Eva Huss, 1989
Hans Miksch, 1946
Various documents, circa 1920s-circa 1980s, undated
Obituaries, 1920s-1980s, undated
Postcards, circa 1920s-1980s
Postal stamps, circa 1920s-circa 1980s
Various printed matter, undated
Series II. Early drawings and writings, circa 1930-1958, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series II.A. Drawings, undated
Scope and Content Note
Loose drawings
Series II.B. Writings, circa 1930-1948, undated
Scope and Content Note
Poetry, undated
Prose, undated
"In Memoriam Theophil Kratschky"
"Das Medusenantlitz"
"Der Schwarzfahrer"
"Des Sängers Fluch"
"Wie der Stinkovitz Josef fünf Liter Wein gewann"
Unidentified drafts
Plays, 1948, undated
"Elisa's Geburtstag," 1948, undated
"Es war einmal," undated
"Der Räuber," undated
Unidentified plays, undated
Notes, undated
High school notes, circa 1930s-1946
University notes, 1948, undated
History, 1948, undated
Literature, 1948, undated
Psychology, 1948
Notes for high school reunion, 1948
Notes for autobiography and list of diaries, undated
Series II.C. Diaries, 1942-1958, undated
Scope and Content Note
Photocopies, undated
[untitled], 1942-1954
Tagebuch Nr. 1, 1942-1943
Tagebuch Nr. 2, 1943-1944
RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst in Gattendorf 21.5.-11.8.1943 , 1943
Otto Muel Tagebuch 20.12.44 bis 28.2.46, 1944-1946
Tagebuch V. 10.3.1946 bis 25.8.1946, 1946
Tagebuch VI. Mühl Otto, 1946-1947
VII 21.3. 47-25.8.47, 1947
Tagebuch 28.8.47-20.6.49 Otto, 1947-1949
[ IX] Tell Arbeitsbuch für Mühl Otto, 21.6.49-3.6.53 , 1949-1953
[untitled], 1949-1953
Scope and Content Note
[untitled], 1949-1953
Scope and Content Note
Tagebuch 1953/58, 1953-1958
Scope and Content Note
[untitled], 1959-1961
Original diaries, 1942-1958
Series III. Correspondence, 1960-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series III.A. Actionism: letters sent, 1964-1973, undated
Scope and Content Note
Birgit & Wilhelm, 1971
Elke, 1973
Fahrenheit/Vlado, 1971
Fritz, 1970
Henny, 1966
Jeannee, 1971
Solveigh, 1970
Ursula, 1971
Abolins, Valdis, 1968
Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1964
Aktuelle Dienst (ORF), 1968
Baier, Hans Alexander ( Kunst), 1965-1966
Beck, Heinz, 1967-1968
Becker, Jürgen (Rowohlt Verlag), 1964
Bertz, [?], 1969
Brinkmann, Jan, 1971
Broder, Henryk M., 1971
Castillejo, José Luis, 1968
Caux, [?], 1967
Dunkel, Ole (ASTA der SHFBK), 1970
Durgnat, Raymond, 1970
Eggenkamp, Henno, 1970
Ehlers, D. (Südwestfunk, Baden-Baden), 1969
Fried, Kurt (Ulmer Studio F), 1965-1968
Fürstenau, Peter, 1969
Galerie Dahlen, Darmstadt, 1968
Galerie Grossbach, Frankfurt am Main, 1970-1971
Galerie Hartmann, Munich, 1968
Galerie Thelen, Essen, 1968
Galerie Tobies & Silex, Cologne, undated
Galerie van de Loo, Munich, 1968
Gorsen, Peter, 1966-1969
Haage, [?], 1969
Hamburger Filmschau, 1969
Hansen, Al, 1967
Hein, Karlheinz, 1969
Heneleers, Jacques, 1968
Hörner, [?] (Der Consultant, Zurich), 1971
Houwer, Robert, 1971
Hundertmark, Armin, 1970
Jäggli, Rudolf, 1970-1971
Kaltenbäck, Franz, 1969
Kochenrath, Jutta, 1969-1970
Kolleritsch, Alfred, 1964-1966
Kröger, Ernst Otto, 1968
Kultermann, Udo, 1964-1965, undated
Laszlo, Carl, 1964
Lauhus, Haro, 1965
Marggraff, Paul, 1971
Metzger, Gustav, 1966
Micheli, Erika, 1970
Most, Mica, 1971, undated
Neumann, Michael ( Westermanns Monatshefte), 1969
Nibbe, Horst, 1966
Odermatt, B., 1969
Olschewski, Malte, 1968
Scope and Content Note
Peisker, Horst, 1970
Pellegrini, Carla, 1969
Petersen, Jes, 1964-1967
Plopp Versand, Bremen, 1971
Prior, Walter, 1969
Raubach, Dieter Rudolf (Galerie Edition Press, St. Gallen), 1966
Roth, Karl Heinz, 1964-1967
Rumler, Fritz ( Der Spiegel), 1969
Schäuffelen, Konrad Balder, 1965-1967
Schernich, Ulrich, 1969
Schierle, Otwin, 1968
Schilling, Alfons, 1967-1973
Schlenzig, Gerhard, 1965
Schmidt, Uwe, 1969
Schöfer, Elena, 1970
Schröder, Jörg (Josef Melzer Verlag), 1968
Schulz, Werner (Independent Filmcenter, Munich), 1968
Sodoma, Heinz, 1972
Seide, Adam, 1968
Settje, Gerd W., 1970
Sohm, Hanns, 1966-1969
Der Spiegel, Hamburg, 1965
Stumpfl, Herbert, undated
Thorsen, Jens Jörgen, 1968
Tschakos, Patsy, 1971-1973
Weiermair, Peter, 1965
Weyer, Brigitte, 1970
Wide White Space Gallery, Antwerp, 1968
Wiest, Rolf & Georgia, 1969
Zacharias, Gerhard, 1968
Zeithammer, [?], 1969
Zettl, Walter, 1964
Unidentified, 1964
Series III.B. Various correspondence, 1960-1996, undated
Scope and Content Note
Fronns, undated
Scope and Content Note
Henny, 1966, undated
Scope and Content Note
Karl Heinz, 1972
Scope and Content Note
Kurt [?] (Othmar Baller), 1985
Scope and Content Note
Ute, undated
Scope and Content Note
Willi, 1985-1986
Scope and Content Note
Aktions-Analytische Organisation, 1977
Scope and Content Note
Allman, K., 1992
Scope and Content Note
Bauer, Otmar, 1969-1970
Scope and Content Note
Beck, Julian, 1967
Scope and Content Note
Berman, Doris [?], undated
Scope and Content Note
Borries, Volker von, 1978, undated
Scope and Content Note
Brus, Günter, 1968-1983, undated
Scope and Content Note
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Austria, 1962
Scope and Content Note
Diaz-Bertrada, Carlos, 1992
Scope and Content Note
Doll, Elke, 1971-1974
Scope and Content Note
Duhm, Dieter, 1979
Scope and Content Note
Eggenkamp, Henno (The Wet Dream Film Festival), 1970
Scope and Content Note
Ewert, Bernd R., 1972
Scope and Content Note
Fogel, [?], 1971
Scope and Content Note
Israel, Joachim, 1978-1979
Scope and Content Note
Justizanstalt Stein, Anstaltsleitung, 1996
Scope and Content Note
Kunzelmann, Dieter, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Lippert, Werner, 1967, undated
Scope and Content Note
Mühl, Friedl, 1964-1988
Scope and Content Note
Mühl, Wilma, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Park, Seo-Bo, 1961
Scope and Content Note
Stocker, Erika, 1960-1985, undated
Walter, Helmut, 1962
Scope and Content Note
Weibel, Peter, 1966
Scope and Content Note
Weiermair, Peter, 1965
Scope and Content Note
Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne, 1969
Scope and Content Note
Weyer, Brigitte (Asta der SHFBK Braunschweig), 1969
Scope and Content Note
Wiener, Oswald, 1966-1971, undated
Scope and Content Note
Wiest, Rolf, 1969
Scope and Content Note
Wörlen, Hanns Egon, 1967
Scope and Content Note
Unidentified correspondents, 1966, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series III.C. Letters from prison, 1991-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
November 1991
December 1991
January 1992
February 1992
March 1992
April 1992
May 1992
June 1992
July 1992
August 1992
September 1992
October 1992
November 1992
December 1992
January 1993
February 1993
April 1993
May 1993
June 1993
July 1993
August 1993
November 1993
January 1994
December 1995
June 1997
Series IV. Court documents, 1948-1979, undated
Scope and Content Note
Totalaktion and Vietnamparty, 1966-1967
Fest des psycho-physischen Naturalismus, 1965-1969
Direkt Art Festival Porrhaus, 1967
Kunst und Revolution, 1968-1974, undated
Seizure of films by Kurt Kren, 1968
Kirchheim-Teck-Aktion, 1968-1969
O Tannenbaum Braunschweig, 1969-1975
Kohlkunstverlag, Mama & Papa, 1969-1970
Illegal drug trade, 1971
Suicide of Hermann Flasch, 1974
Seizure of films California boys-California Supermen, Sodoma, Der geile Wotan, 1974
Seizure of films by Karlheinz Hein's agency Progressive Art Production, 1973-1979
VIDA Graphic invoices, 1970 January 26-1971 January 2
Document concerning Micaela Grashof, 1948
Empty folder inscribed, undated
Series V. Manuscripts, 1960-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series V.A. Scripts for material actions, 1963-1971, undated
Scope and Content Note
Versumpfung Nr. 1, 1963
Klarsichtpackung, Gesässpanierung, Aktion Nr. 3, 1964
Leda und der Schwan, 1964
Materialspiele, Die Beschmutzung eines Stillebens , Musik für 10 Luftballone..., 1964
"Materialaktionen" (various), 1964
"Materialaktionen" (various), 1964-1965
"Aktion VI 64/65/66 November Dezember," 1964-1966
"Materialactionen Otto Muell," 1964
Scope and Content Note
"Materialactionen Otto Muell," 1964
Scope and Content Note
Bimmel Bammel, 1965
Actionsconcert für Al Hansen, 1966
Direct Art Happening, Student Ohnesorg, 1967
Scope and Content Note
Oh Sensibility, 1970
Manopsychotische Aktion, 1970
Scope and Content Note
Blow Up, 1970
Scope and Content Note
SS und Judenstern, 1971
Die Hornissen kommen, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Aktion blood cloud, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Concept for an action, 1971
Scope and Content Note
Reiter Jodler, 1971
Scope and Content Note
"2 Kopien Zacharias Heft," undated
Scope and Content Note
List of films, 1969?
Scope and Content Note
Series V.B. Various writings, 1960-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
"Träume 13.10.60"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"Implosion über 21 Runden," 1962 or 1963
"Lebenslauf," 1964 or 1965
"Gespräche Mühl-Brus," 1965
"IDA 67" ("Zock Press 67"), 1967
Letter from prison
Notebook "68 XV"
Notebook "68/69 XVIII," 1968-1969
Notebook "Aktion bis 1969"
"Die Entwicklung der Materialaktion seit 1963-1996"
Writings from prison
"Otto über David 10.11.69"
"Die Bedutung der Materialaktion"
Fragment of a letter about Elke and Friedl
Untitled notebook
Notes about Actionism
"Viennale und die Filme des Wiener Aktionismus"
"Text zu den Materialaktionsfotos"
Writings on Zock
"Der Staat und seine Verbrechen"
"Der geile Wotan"
"Wie ficken Hunde"
"Gegen das Filmmuseum"
"Die ausführenden Organe des Staatsaparates" and "Gibt es eigentlich einen Charakter?"
Various texts
"Über die Arena 70 Kulturscheisze"
"Aktion in Amsterdam 16.5.1971 und in Zürich" and "Der Sinn der Sache"
"Aktion mit einer schwangeren Frau"
"Brief an Jesus (über Trip)"
"Comune. An alle meine Völker"
"Filmproject LSD"
"Menschlich - Unmenschlich"
"Tagebuch Mappe 35" and "Tagebuch Mappe 55"
"Tagebuch Mappe 55.2"
Text written in Bibione, Italy on 22 August 1971
"Trip an der Donau 10.6.71"
"Über Aktionen"
"Über den Staat"
"Über die Gruppe (eine erste Form von Struktur)"
"Über Malerei (April) Theaterstück"
"Über Otmar"
"Umsturztribunal Aufruf an die Gefangenen"
"Was einer macht, das ist er"
"Was Kunst macht, ist selbstverständlich krank"
"Wohnung und Kindererziehung"
Various texts
"Filmprojekt Ludwig XIV"
Various texts
"Otto Umpfa"
"Briefe/Texte 71/72"
"Otto über David"
"Jesus (Film)"
"Das Ende des Aktionismus"
"Kommune, Landkommune"
"Verschiedene Schriften"
Scope and Content Note
"Verschiedene Schriften"
"Fragmente" (some from "Nach der Weltrevolution")
Notebook "1972/1"
Texts and letters from a visit to the United States
Scope and Content Note
"Fragment eines Briefes (Über die Kommune)"
"Verschiedene Schriften"
"Chronik 1970-1973"
"Verschiedene Fragmente"
"AA-Kurve" and "Analysebericht Erika"
"Erlebnisse im Krieg"
"Über Kleidung"
"Grundsätze der Therapiekommune"
"Das Eigentum in der KFG"
"Über die Kommune"
"Aktionsanalytische Gruppenanalyse"
"Über Günter Brus"
"Über Kinder in der Kommune (Urschl 3 Wochen alt)"
"Ziel der Aktionsanalyse"
"Übers Ficken 16. Juni 73"
"Aktion "Sauberes Österreich"
"Otto Biographie"
"Wiener Aktionismus und Materialaktion"
"Therapiekommune Friedrichshof"
"Meine Entwicklung über Aktionismus"
"Aktionen seit 1970"
"Manifest der Therapiekommune Friedrichshof"
"Briefe an versch. Leute"
"Verschiedene Schriften"
"3. Schriften von Wiener Aktionismus bis Malereiaktion"
"Texte Otto 75"
Scope and Content Note
"Bertram Sorbes: Gespräch mit Otto, dem Erfinder der Materialaktion"
"Apostel Brief an die Berliner"
"Gary Gilmore Werbeeinblendungen für Multi-Service"
"KFM-Geschichte (Jesus, Alexander der Grosse, Cäsar)"
"Mitschrift Manifest der Therapie - Kommune Friedrichshof"
"Mitschrift Otto erzählt einen Traum"
"Parabel Zeichnung"
"Zeichnungen Entwürfe für Möbel"
"Existentieller Aktionismus (Kommune-Inviroment)"
"Der Grössenwahnsinn der KFM"
"2 Briefe an Brus (über Aktionismus und den FH)"
"Gründungsprinzipien der AA Kommune" and "Kommunemanifest"
"Zu den Bildern"
"3 A Box"
"Kriegserlebnisse" and "Leutnant Kümmer"
"Verschiedene Artikel"
"AA Aggressiv"
"Die Berufsrolle des Künstlers" and "Die Rolle des Künstlers in der KFG und der Kommunegesellschaft"
"Konzept für den Weltfrieden"
"Über Kunst in AAO (Selbstdarstellung)"
"Geschichte des Wiener Aktionismus"
"Entwurf für eine AA Partei"
"Kriminalität und Verbrechen in der Kleinfamiliegesellschaft"
"Homosexualität" and "KFM Minderwertigkeit"
"Selbstdarstellungvin der AA Kommune"
"Familie Ehe Sexualität in der Kommune"
"Entwurf der Hausordnung AA Grundprinzipien" and two other writings
"Zeittafel Entwicklung der Kommune" and "Entstehung und Entwicklung der Kommune"
"Über Josef Dvorak"
"Verschiedene Schriften (Teil eines Tagebuchs)"
"Entwicklung der Kommune"
"Die Überwindung der Nationalstaaten" and two other writings
"Der revolutionäre Spiesser"
"Die Physiologie des aggressiven Körpers"
"Manuscripte 1. Fassung" (four writings)
"Texte von anderen Leuten" (two writings)
"Beschreibung von Aktionen" and two other writings
"Geschichte des Wiener Aktionismus"
"AA Aktionsanalyse, Körperanalyse, Therapiekommune Friedrichshof"
"In einem durchgeschrieben"
Fragments of various texts
1975 calendar, annotated
Cover and index to 1976 writings
Scope and Content Note
"Wiener Aktionismus und Selbstdarstellung"
"Briefe 1976"
"Briefe an Minister, Bürgermeister, Kanzler, usw."
"Kunst und Landschaftsmalerei" and two other writings
"Theaterstücke" (six plays)
"Positive Geschichtsbetrachtung"
"Über die 60iger Jahre und über Revolution"
"Entwurf Gutachten Claus Carbach"
"Ein Gespenst geht in der Bundesrepublik um: die AAO"
"O' Tannenbaum 1. und 2. Fassung"
"AA Wehrkonzept (2. Entwürfe)"
"Arena-Bewegung und die AAO"
"Vorwort zu Theorie und Praxis der Aktionsanalyse"
"Jahr 2017"
"Das Ende der Ehe"
"Die grosse Liebe"
"Direkte Demokratie und Organisationsstruktur"
"AA Kommune Theorie und Praxis der Aktionsanalyse"
"AA Prinzipien..." and two other writings
"Selbstdarstellung" and "Entwicklung der AAO Organisation"
"Die WC-Parabel"
"Geschichtlicher Überblick über die Entwicklung des Staates"
"Die Entwicklung des Staates"
"Der Staat"
"Gespräch Gonzales-Mühl. Möglichkeiten der gesellschaftlichen Weiterentwicklung"
"Hasen auf der Parndorfer Heide"
"Das Ende der Kleinfamiliegesellschaft"
"Kosmisches Bewusssein" and "AA Kosmologie"
"Freie Sex" and three other writings
"Unterdrückung der Frau in der KFG"
"Zum Tod der Ulrike Meinhof"
"Disposition des Menschen" and "Vampirismus"
"Homosexualität als Mittel der Befreiung"
"Besprechung von Peter Nischk, Kursbuch für die Seele"
"Zukunftsforschung durch bewusste Lebenspraxis"
"Wilhelm Reich und AA Lebenspraxis" and "Kunst und Selbstdarstellung"
"Die Kunst des 21. Jh."
"Geburtserlebnis, Reise durch die Kindheit" and two other writings
"Organisation der AAK und ihre Weiterentwicklung"
"Marathon in Genf" and "Rest vom Marathon, Besuch bei einem Milionär"
"Zurück zur Natur" and two other writings
"MSD (Materialselbstdarstellung)"
"Die österr. Schädigung"
"Gründung und Entwicklung der AAO" and "Aufbau der AAO"
"Aufbau der AAO"
"Ziele der AAO, Tagesablauf am Freidrichshof"
"Über einen Artikel von René Zind"
"Entwicklung der AA zur Selbstdarstellung" and "Entwicklung der SD"
"Biologische Aktionsanalyse"
"Christus und Christentum" and "Vatermord und Christentum"
"Hierarchie und Autorität"
"Kollektiver Ursprung des Theaters"
"Das AA Modell" and "Warum wir so gut sind"
"Kunst und Weltgestaltung"
"Gestaltungskunst wird nicht gebraucht"
"Marathon Genf"
"Biologisches Eigentum"
"Internationale Probleme aus der Sicht der AA"
"Das zerstörte Bild, oder, Kurt Kalb"
"Vorläufiges Manuscript für die Wirklichkeitskunst"
"Faschismus. 1. Fassung"
"Kapitalismus - Kommunismus Gefühlsmässig Zweierbeziehung"
"AA Kongress 10.-20. 1. 76"
"Kinderaufwachsen" (nine writings)
"Kritik der AAO" and seven other writings
"Party with Ossi Wiener"
"Weiterentwicklung der AAO"
"Ist das noch Arbeit?"
"Das Leben wird freundlicher genossen"
"Sepp Gradl"
"Experimentelle Gesellschaftsgestaltung"
"Malerei do it yourself"
"Lieber Francesco (Brief)"
"Zum Wehrkonzept"
"Theaterstück Russische Revolution"
"Revolution am Friedrichshof"
"Verwirklichung der freien Sexualität in der AAO"
"Marxismus & AAOismus"
"Über Organisation der AAO"
"Über Brockdorf"
"Ziele der AAO"
"Direkte Demokratie und BAG (Bewusstseinsarbeitsgruppen)"
"Aktionismus Selbstdarstellung. 1. Fassung"
"Aufstieg aus dem Sumpf"
"Über die Liebe"
"Brief an die Bewusstseinsverbreiter" and "Interview Kunst"
"Otto Mühl als Künstler"
"Über berühmte Männer der KFG"
"Kapitalismus und AAO"
"AAO und Kommunismus"
"Die Programmierung"
"Ein neuer geiler Sozialismus"
"Lebende Computer Documenta 77"
"Der Mensch als biologische Maschine"
"Brief an Therese"
"Text für Kursbroschüre"
"Gesellschaftliche Gestaltung" and three other writings
"Auszug von Max und Benn"
"Zentralismus in der AAO"
"Wird die AAO zur Massenbewegung"
"Was tragen die AAO unter ihren Latzhosen"
"Warum ich wieder male"
"Wie werde ich von allen geliebt?"
"Bewusstseinsrevolution am Friedrichshof"
"Über den AA Kongress"
"Darstellung der Sexualität in der Selbstdarstellung"
"Mein Elvis"
"Terrorismus der Frauen" and "Vorwürfe gegen die AAO"
"Kosmische Gestaltung"
"Vorwort zu Pro und Contra" and "Angstfreie Gesellschaft"
"Weder Links noch Rechts"
"Goethe" and four other writings
"Psychische Gesundheit" and two other writings
"Darstellung der geschädigten Sexualität" and "Über die Sexualität Weg aus dem Sumpf"
"Theaterstück Russische Revolution" and several other writings
"Noch ist Polen nicht verloren" and several other writings
"Biologische Gestaltung"
"Brief an Herbert in Berlin" and two other writings
"Gruppenbrief AA Revolution"
"Brief an Gruppen"
"Ideologische Mitteilungen über Atomkraftwerke"
"Vom Affen bis zur Krawatte" and "AA Kongress Friedrichshof"
"Die Umwälzung des Kleinfamilien-Bewusstseins"
"Internationaler AA Brief" and "Brief an Dieter Duhm"
"Brief an Claudia in Genf"
"Warum Trotzky versagte"
"Trotzky, der unglückselige Revolutionär"
"Einfache Welt" and "Biologische Energie"
"Gemeinsames Wohnen" and "Nutzkunst"
"Fragwürdige Methoden gegen die AAO" and "Ist die AAO noch zu stoppen"
"Kinderaufwachsen Seite 9-14"
"Organisation der AAO (Teil eines Artikels)"
Various unidentified writings
"Bibione 410.8.77"
"Über Mao" and "Manifest für den Osten"
"Energetische Kunst"
"Cafe Pengo" and several other writings
"Der Roman"
Various unidentified writings
"TG Otto," 1979
Scope and Content Note
"Für Archiv von Francesco Conz"
Various unidentified writings
"Lili Märchen 15.1.82-29.2.83"
"Lilis Märchenbuch"
Scope and Content Note
"Philosophie," 1985
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Muehl Gespräche mit seiner Mutter" 1985
Scope and Content Note
"Weg aus dem Sumpf 1. Überarbeitung," 1991
Scope and Content Note
"Zurück in den Sumpf," 1991
1992 calendar, annotated, 1992
"Duchamp," 1993
1994 calendar, annotated, 1994
Scope and Content Note
1995 calendar, annotated, 1995
Scope and Content Note
1996 calendar, annotated, 1996
Scope and Content Note
1997 calendar, annotated
1990s (undated)
Various texts and poetry
Drafts of letters and notes
Photocopies of various letters and texts
Photocopies of various texts
undated (decade uncertain)
Unidentified text about the AAO
Scope and Content Note
"Gibt es einen Ausweg?"
Various writings on Actionism
Manuscript for Weg aus dem Sumpf
Scope and Content Note
Drafts for "Die wilden 60er"
"Imaginäres Spielfeld"
"Wilde 60er"
"Gigantischer Lärm"
"Senschnaps 60ziger"
"Die wilden 60er, zweites Buch"
Untitled draft
"Die wilden 60er"
"Die wilden Sechziger"
"Die wilden Sechziger"
"Die wilden 60er"
"Die wilden Sechziger" (bound manuscript)
Drafts for screen play "Freud's Träume"
Interviews, 1970, 1971
Writings by others, 1970-1983, undated
Doll, Romina, 1970
Herbst, Helmut, 1983
Schweizer, René, undated
Sommer, Ed, 1968
Stumpfl, Herbert, 1971
Zind, René, undated
Unidentified, undated
Series V.C. Diaries, 1967-1997
Scope and Content Note
"Tagebuch 1967 Nr.1," 1967
"6. Tagebuch," 1968-1970
"68 74 August," 1968-1974
Untitled, 1970
"Tagebuch (Ordner Ottoschriften 1971, Mappe 8), 1972
Scope and Content Note
"Tagebuch 1972-74," 1972-1974
"Tagebuch 1973," 1973
"Otto AA 19.6.1974," 1974
"Tagebuch 1975 AAOO"
"Tagebuch 2/75"
"Tagebuch 77"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Tagebuch 1977. 20.9.1977. Über Mao"
Scope and Content Note
"Morphologische Unterhaltung," 1983
Scope and Content Note
"Tagebuch," 1984-1985
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Mühl 10.7.91"
"Otto Mühl 17.6 - 10.7. 91"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Texte 8.9 - 97," 1997
Series VI. Photographs and negatives, 1963-1988, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series VI.A. 1960s Actionism, 1963-1971, undated
Scope and Content Note
List of negatives, undated
Material actions, 1963-1969, undated
Contact sheets and negatives, 1963-1969, undated
Versumpfung eines weiblichen Körpers Nr. 1
Contact sheets
Versumpfung eines weiblichen Körpers Nr. 2
Contact sheets
Mama und Papa
Contact sheets
Stillleben mit Pferdekopf
Contact sheets
Stilleben mit einem weiblichen Kopf und einem Schweinekopf
Contact sheets
Cosinus Alpha
Contact sheets
Stillleben mit einem weiblichen Modell und einem Rinderkopf
Contact sheets
Penis in Pappteller und Rose
Contact sheets
Leda und der Schwan
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Verfremdung in der Kiste
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Kreuzigung eines männlichen Körpers
Contact sheets
Der Kopf Nr. 24
Contact sheets
Der Kopf Nr. 24/III
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Der Kopf Dez. 1965
Contact sheets
Penisaktion mit Teesieb
Contact sheets
Penisaktion mit Buch von O. Wiener
Contact sheets
Aktion mit einem toten Hasen
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Aktion mit Ziemi
Contact sheets
Bimmel Bammel
Contact sheets
Turnstunde in Nahrungsmitteln
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Aktionskonzert für Al Hansen
Contact sheets
Stillleben mit Finger and Pressekonferenz
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
St. Anna
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Das Ohr and Waschschüssel/Hinrichtung
Contact sheets
Otto after action Hinrichtung
Contact sheets
Pop Plakat
Contact sheets
Boîte de nuit at nightclub Annagasse, 1968
Contact sheets
Apollo 11, 1969
Contact sheets
Contact sheets
Unidentified actions
Scope and Content Note
Photographs, undated
Regular size
Other topics, 1968, undated
Hermann Nitsch release from jail, 1968
Scope and Content Note
Collage by Otto Mühl, undated
Scope and Content Note
Portraits of Otto Mühl, Erich Fischer, Hermann Nitsch, Peter Weibel, undated
Scope and Content Note
Group portraits of Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, Hermann Nitsch and women, undated
Scope and Content Note
Actions by Hans Christof Stenzel, 1968
Action I ( Die Blumen des Bösen)
Contact sheets
Action II
Contact sheets
Action III
Contact sheets
Negatives by Ludwig Hoffenreich, 1963-1971
Scope and Content Note
Series VI.B. Friedrichshof Commune, 1977, 1987-1988, undated
Scope and Content Note
Negatives, 1980, 1987-1988
1980 January 13
Scope and Content Note
Photographs, 1977, 1987, undated
Otto Mühl and Maria Lassnig, 1987
Scope and Content Note
Otto Mühl and communards, undated
Photographs of Otto Mühl, 1977, undated
Regular size
Sealed material from box 57 1977, 1987-1988
Scope and Content Note
Series VII. Sketchbooks, 1979-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"I. 79 Otto"
"II. Juli-August October Otto"
"III. Sept. 79 Otto Tagebuch"
"IV. Otto Kunst 1979"
Scope and Content Note
"V. Oktober 79 Otto"
"V. Otto November 1979 Otto"
"VI. November Dezember 79 Otto"
"VII. 11. Dezember 79 bis 11 Jänner 80"
"FH MO Otto"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"I/80 11. Jänner"
"26.2.80 bis 17.4.80"
"Erinnerungen 1.3.80"
"Der andere Stern Geschriebenes 1980 31.3.-31.7"
"Malerei 17.4-18.7. April-Juli 1980"
"18. Juli-24.8 1980 Malerei"
"1980 Literatur 4.8.80-12.9.80"
"Otto 80 12.9.-11.10."
Scope and Content Note
"Verdichtungen Joe Carner IV. 30.Dez. 1980-25.5.1981 und 20. Sept. 1981 - 18.10. IV. 81."
"Tagesprotokoll 12.10.80 26.1.81"
"Tagesprotokoll 12.10.80 26.1.81 Otto"
"I/81 Protokoll 27.1.81-20.6.81"
"II 20.6.81-7.8 Otto"
"III. 81 7. August-20.September"
"Bilder 1981 8.11 1983"
"Protokoll 81 26.11.-31.12."
Untitled sketchbook with drawings
Sketchbook with drawings titled Otto
"1981 Zeichnungen 1. August"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"1 Protokoll 82 1.1.-"
"Protokoll 82 II"
"Protokoll 3 82"
"Protokoll 4 82"
"Protokoll 82 5"
"Protokoll 82 6"
"Protokoll 82 7"
"Protokoll 82 8"
Scope and Content Note
"Protokoll 83 1"
"Protokoll 83 2"
"Otto 83 4"
"Otto 5/83"
"10.5.83 7"
"Otto 6/83"
"15.VI. 83 m 6"
"1983 m 9"
"17.IX.- 10 m 83"
"23.VII 83 m 8"
"83/3 every day"
Untitled volume
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Zeichnungen 83/1"
Untitled volume
Scope and Content Note
"Zeichnungen Otto"
Scope and Content Note
"m 84 1 31.1"
"m 84 15.3 29.3 2"
"m 84 30.3. 3.4. 3"
"m 84 4.5. 5.6 4"
"m 84 5.VI.-23.6. 5"
"m 84 6 24.-10.7. 6"
"m 84 10.7.-7.8. 7"
"m 84 8.8.-12.9. 8"
"m 84 13.9.-25.10. 9"
"m 84 25.10.-19.11. 10"
"m 84 19.11.- 11"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"m 85 31.1.-3.3. 85"
"3.3.85 8.5.85 2"
"9.5.85 8.8.85"
"Otto Muehl"
Scope and Content Note
"23.9.85-3.11. Otto"
"m 3.10.85"
"26.10.85 Otto 85"
"Otto 21.11.85 Otto"
"Otto 21.11.85"
"Otto 15.12.-24.12. 85"
"Otto 24.12. 85"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto 1986"
"16.1.86 - 25.1.80 Otto"
"25.1.86-26.2.86 Otto"
Scope and Content Note
"26.2.86 - 4.7.86"
Scope and Content Note
Press clipping
Scope and Content Note
"Gomera 10.1.87"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto Gomera [23.-24.4.87"]
"Gomera II"
"Otto 9.5.87 2.8.87"
Scope and Content Note
Press clippings
"87 Otto Mühl 2.7.12"
"Otto 3.8.87 1.9.87"
"Otto 1.9.87 22.9.87"
Scope and Content Note
"30.10.-9.11. 1987"
"Otto 9.11. 1987"
"Otto 21.11. 3.12. 1987"
"Otto 87 88"
Scope and Content Note
"El cubrito 10.2.88 [10.-27.2.88]"
Scope and Content Note
"El cubrito 10.2.88 [ [12.2.88-2.6.89]"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto August 1989"
"Otto 29.11"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
"Otto 90/1 [7.1.90-25.1.90]"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto 25.1.-15.2. 90"
Scope and Content Note
"Otto 16.2 - [16.2.90-26.2.90]"
"Otto 26.2-13.3. 1990"
"Otto 1990 13.3-26.1.91 24.10.-"
Scope and Content Note
undated [1991?]
Scope and Content Note
Small untitled volume
Untitled volume
Untitled bound sketchbook, May-June
"Alte Skizzen vom 1993"
1993, 1994, undated
Scope and Content Note
1993, 1995, undated
Scope and Content Note
"1994 24. Oktober November"
Scope and Content Note
"1.9.94 Tod u. Mädchen"
Scope and Content Note
"Men's world" and "Spanische Malerei"
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
Scope and Content Note
1997 March 19
April, July
undated (1997)
1990s (undated)
Scope and Content Note
"Mittersteig" sketchbooks, 1996-1997
"1 Mittersteig 27.9.96-8.11.96 Otto"
"2 Mittersteig 7.11- Otto"
"3 Mittersteig Otto"
"5 Mittersteig Otto 22.1.97-"
"Michelangelo" sketchbook, 1997 September 14
Scope and Content Note
Various drawings, 1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Other items, 1981-1997, undated
Sketchbook with blank pages, undated
Scope and Content Note
Guestbook, 1984-1991
Scope and Content Note
Exhibition catalog New spirit in painting, 1981
Book by Peter Handke with drawings by Mühl, 1997
Scope and Content Note
Series VIII. Publications, 1921, 1961-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Series VIII.A. Press reviews, 1961-1975
Scope and Content Note
Exhibitions and material actions, 1961-1975
Films, 1966-1974
Series VIII.B. Publications and ephemera, 1921, 1967-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Publications related to Actionism and Action Analysis, 1967-1985
Direct Art Press, 1967
Die Schastrommel, 1969
Otto Muehl will Menschen schlachten ( Supervisuel 6, Sondernummer ), 1970
Scope and Content Note
O Tannenbaum Dokumentation über Otto Muehls Materialaktion in der SHFBK Braunschweig und deren Folgen , 1970?
ZOCK Aspekte einer Totalrevolution 66/71, 1971
AA Kommune musikalische Selbstdarstellungen 1975 , 1975?
Scope and Content Note
The AA model volume 1,, 1977
Scope and Content Note
Wiener Aktionismus, May 1981?
Scope and Content Note
Otto Muehl Gerümpelskulpturen 1961-62 Zeichnungen, Fotos, Texte , 1985
Scope and Content Note
Ephemera related to Actionism, 1965-1983, undated
Scope and Content Note
Regular size
Scope and Content Note
Other art-related ephemera, 1969-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Various other items, 1996-1997, undated
Scope and Content Note
Books owned by Mühl, 1921, 1991-1992, undated
Scope and Content Note
Cardboard box with pencil drawings, undated
Scope and Content Note