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Finding Aid to the Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of San Francisco Refugee Shacks Collection 1983-2005 (bulk 1983-1999)
SFH 9  
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Research files, correspondence, photographs, and clippings documenting the activities of the Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of San Francisco Refugee Shacks (SFPASFRS), an organization founded by Jane Cryan to identify and preserve the remaining small dwellings that were mass-produced to house San Franciscans displaced by the 1906 earthquake and fire.
Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of San Francisco Refugee Shacks was founded in 1983 by local activist Jane Cryan. Its purpose was to identify and advocate for San Francisco's surviving earthquake cottages that were built as part of the relief effort after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire.
1 carton, 1 box (2.5 cubic feet)
Copyright retained by San Francisco Public Library except where retained by specific authors for published and unpublished manuscripts, or those retained by photographers. Jane Cryan retains copyright for: Hope Chest: The True Story of San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake Refugee Camps (1998), "Hope Chest: A History of One of the Most Magnificent Charities of All Time"(1993), and "From Tents to Shacks: A guide to San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake Refugee Camps". Sergio Amunategui retains copyright for his thesis, Shelter, Dwellings and Metamorphosis. Jim Kanne retains copyright for all photographs marked as such.
The collection is available for use during San Francisco History Center hours, with photographs available during Photo Desk hours. Collections that are stored offsite should be requested 48 hours in advance.