Academic Senate committees Series 1. 1971-2012
Series Scope and Content Summary
Committee on Privilege and Tenure 1972-1994
Committee on Affirmative Action annual reports 1993-1995
Committee on Affirmative Action policies, minutes, and reports 1995-1996
Committee on Affirmative Action, University of California, Berkeley meeting 1995
Committee on Affirmative Action changes 1988-1989, undated
Committee on Affirmative Action correspondence and workplans 1994-1995
Committee on Affirmative Action, University of California, Irvine 1994-1996
Student Affirmative Action 1995
Affirmative Action review 1995
University of California admin - central 1971-1973
Committee on Affirmative Action response to the Academic Task Force report 1990-1994
Committee on Affirmative Action statistics, minutes, and reports 1989-1994
Affirmative Action Status Report for the University of California, Irvine campus and medical center 1979 April 1
"Faculty Women's Struggle for Equality at the University of California, Davis" by Martha West 2000
Committee on Affirmative Action minutes, University of California, Irvine 1993-1995
Registrar - GPAs by sex 1974
US Department of Labor, The Earnings Gap Between Women and Men booklet 1979
University of California newspaper clippings 1973-1974
Committee on Affirmative Action culture and diversity 1994-1995
Joan Wilson report on Affirmative Action 1974-1975
Target of Opportunity Program (TOP) 1991-1995
Don Bunker: Affirmative Action report and various Academic Senate materials 1972-2012 1972-1976
California Women in Higher Education (CWHE) Series 2. 1969-2018
Series Scope and Content Summary
University of California, Irvine chapter 1975-1979
Dagmar Barnouw case 1977
Founding convention 1973
Private colleges 1973
Correspondence, minutes, and reports 1974-1981
Grievances, women elsewhere 1974
Barbara Honegger, Stanford case 1976
Lucy Sells, University of California, Berkeley 1969-1973
Lucy Sells - report and obituary 1973-2018
Cases - women at University of California, Irvine 1981-1982
Renée Hubert obituary 2005
Administrative files 1973-1979
Contact list and application undated
Letter to lapsed members undated
Letters for new members undated
Resolutions 1974-1976
Mary Key obituary and Fatima Alikhan business card 2003
Cases Series 3. 1968-2017
Series Scope and Content Summary
Richard Regosin and Eloise Kloke 1973-1974
Newspaper clipping about women faculty members and notes 1976
Palmquist appeal 1974
May Loh 1970-1975
Lecturers 1977
Complaint - Department of Labor 1978-1983
University of California, San Diego - Paul Saltman 1972
Mary Key 1980
Sharlie 1974-1977
Eloise Hay at University of California, Santa Barbara - California Women in Higher Education case 1980
Dagmar and University of California, San Diego, Affirmative Action, etc. 1971-1973
Dagmar Mss. undated
Jackie Desbarats 1979-1984
Marjorie Mosier 1988-1997
Jane Newman 1988
Pamela Prete 1988
Therese Lynn case 1979-2017
Dr. Anita Newman 1974
Mei Bickner case 1974
Alice Laborde 1979-1980
Dagmar Barnouw 1968-1997
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) - individual complaint - Karen Leonard 1970-1972
New University on Comparative Culture Asian Languages, May Loh and Kay Wilson 1975
Vera Skubic 1974
Obituaries of Mei Bickner and Jean Carlin, information about Norma Chinchilla 2017
Women and Tenure, UCI 1979
Emily Hicks 1978-1979
Norma Chinchilla's case 1979-1983
Dagmar Barnouw on her case by Emily Abel 1980
Therese Lynn and Alice Laborde 1978
Faculty women's cases 1975
Norma Chinchilla case 1975-1990
University of California, San Diego, women 1972-1973
San Diego National Organization of Women (NOW) task force 1972
Local colleges - University of California, San Diego (third) legislative information, women 1970-1972
Retirement system - women and University of California 2017
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) Community College San Diego County 1972
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) official request for 1421 1972
Community College data - San Diego. re: Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) complaint 1971-2017
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) 1972-1973
University of California, Berkeley women 1976
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC): How To 1973-1975
Orange County sex discrimination in Community Colleges 1973-1974
University Council-American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT) Series 4. 1972-1995
Series Scope and Content Summary
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) guidelines University Council - American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT) comment 1974
Salary inequities 1974-1995
Administrative files 1972-1977
Booklet 1974 September
Affirmative Action, official preparations 1973-1974
By and about others/non-AA, state and local issues 1973-1974
Affirmative Action 1974-1976
University of California, Irvine Series 5. 1970-2018
Series Scope and Content Summary
News clippings UCI women 1973-1979
UCI women: Senate lists 1982-1994
Recruitment 1972-1995
Resignations and separations 1980-1989
Women at UCI, Karen Leonard 1973-1979
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (ACSW) minutes etc. 1971-1973
Women at UCI 1972-1978
Early women at UCI 1987-2009
Initial women's moves 1972
Proposed outline, book - Women in Higher Education circa 1973
Unspecified full-time equivalent (FTE) 1974
Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs 1974
McGaugh, James L. 1975
General information 1980-1989
Interviews 1974
Booklet and draft of one for faculty women 1975
Proposal - Jane Freeburg 1974-1975
Women's Studies 1975-1982
Statistics 1975-1999
UCI women 2001
Faculty Women's Association (FWA) circa 1980-1989
Faculty women 1987-1996
Annual statistics 1987-2009
Women meeting 2000-2009
Report of the Women's Studies Planning Committee 1975 October
Report on the West Cost Women's Studies Conference 1974
Chapter I of Woman's Place by Cynthia F. Epstein 1971
Readings, Comparative Culture II 1973, undated
Women's Studies, on structure elsewhere 1972-1975
Women's Studies original surveys HS girls and dean's attitudes undated
Various Women's Studies undated
Women's Studies proposals and memos undated
Women's Studies file, summer 1975
Personal notes on Women's Studies, time record 1974-1976
Women's Studies history at University of California, Irvine to 1975 1971-1979
Various articles circa 1970s
Women at Irvine own compilations and correspondence 1972-1978
Correspondence 2017-2018