Printed Materials
75 Years of Pepperdine 2012-09-19
1989-1990 Academic Year Faculty Packet 1989-1990
Academic Advising Center Publications Undated
Admissions Floppy Disks 1995-1997
Admissions Materials circa 1970s
Admissions Materials circa 1980s
Admissions Materials 1990-1992
Admissions Materials 1992-1996
Admissions Materials 1996
Admissions Materials 1996-1997
Admissions Materials 1997-1999
Admissions Materials circa 1990s
Admissions Materials circa 2000s
Admissions Materials 2005-2009
Admissions Materials 2009-2014
Admissions Materials circa 2010s
Admissions Material 2016-2019
Advisor's Handbook 1977
Alexander Astin's Analysis of Seaver College Freshmen 1995 October 9
Application Flow 1992
Broadcasting Department 1985
Calendars and Schedules 2003
Career Center Undated
Career Planning and Placement Undated
Celebrating 10 Years at Malibu Booklet 1982
Code of Academic Ethics Undated
Communications Department circa 1970s-1980s
Counseling Services undated
Distinguished Lecture Series 2000-2014
Energy Programs circa 1970s
Equestrian Program circa 1970s
Faculty 2013
Faculty Memos 1995-1996
"Faith is Our Fortune: Recommendations from the Spiritual Development Task Force" 1998 April
Freshman Seminars 1990
General Education Program 2003
Grade Analysis for Seaver College 1978 September
Graduate Lecture Series 1997
Graduate Programs 1990-1991
Great Books Colloquium circa 1990s-2000s
Humanities Division 1977
Lectures at Seaver College undated
Loqui: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence 2012
Lower Division Seminar Catalog 1971-1976
Lower Division Seminars 1971-1976
Maps of Seaver College 1976-2000
The Mission of Seaver College 1995 April
Music Department 2012-2013
Natural Science Division circa 1970s-1980s
Office of Hispanic Affairs undated
Pepperdine History (Folder 1 of 2) 1968-1993
Pepperdine History (Folder 2 of 2) 1969-2002
Pepperdine Wave Classic 2001-2003
Physical Education Division 1973-1976
Political Science Major 1993-1994
Prospective Student Materials circa 2000s
Psychology Department Undated
Religion Division 1972-1996
"Remembering When" Historical Dates and Statistics 1950-2004
Scholarships and Fellowships 2003
Seaver College Events circa 2010s
Seaver College Honor Roll 2000-2001
Seaver College Posters circa 1990s
Seaver College "Honoring Excellence" Program circa 1980s-1990s
Seaver College Strategic Plan 1991
Social Science Department circa 1970s-1980s
Sociology Department 1993-1994
Summer Conference 1970s-2000s
Syllabus - Humanities 101 Western Heritage undated
Theater Department 2006-2008
Transfer Student Guides circa 1970s-1990s
Undergraduate Application Flow 1991
Various Seaver College Materials 1976-2011
Visiting Faculty undated
Volunteer Center 2008-2012
Washington D.C. Internship Program circa 2000s
Youth Programs 2003-2004
Photographs 1974-2009
Adamson Plaza 1992
Adamson Plaza undated
Aerials - Slides 1978-1999
Aerials 1978-1990
Aerials - Ocean Views 1976-1994
Aerials and Multiple Buildings - Photographs Undated
Aerial Campus - Photographs 1989
Alumni Park - Photographs December 11, 1978
Alumni Park & Campus - Photographs Undated
Appleby Center - Photographs Undated
Appleby American Studies Center - Photographs Undated
Alumni Park - Photographs 1973-1994
Alumni Park Sign - Photographs 1998
Shots of Alumni Campus - Photographs 2007
Pepperdine Outdoor Basketball - Photographs Undated
Board of Visitors Meeting Photographs 2009 March 19
Bookstore - Photographs Undated
Broadcasting Department - Photographs undated
Brock House - Photographs Undated
Buildings and Nature Shots - Photographs 1998
Building Details - Photographs 1992-1994
Campus Lights - Photographs 1992-1994
Career Development Center - Photographs undated
Career Day - Photographs 1990
Career Day - Photographs 1991 April
Career Fair - Photographs 1992 April
Catalog - Photographs 1990 December
Catalog - Photographs 1999-2000
Central Plant - Photographs 1995
Charles B. Thornton Administrative Center - Exterior - Photographs undated
Charles B. Thornton Administrative Center - Slides undated
Charles B. Thornton Administrative Center - Slides undated
Charles B. Thornton Administrative Center - Interior - Photographs undated
Charles B. Thornton Administrative Center - Interior - Photographs undated
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony - Photographs 1980 November 29
Christmas Tree Lighting - Photographs 1994 December
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony - Photographs 1994 December 8
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony - Photographs 1997 December 4
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides 1980-1985
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides 1977-1984
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides undated
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides undated
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides undated
Colored Slides of the Malibu Campus - Slides undated
Columbus Statue - Photographs 1994
Faculty and Students - Photographs 1993
Fouch Amphitheatre - Photographs 1990-1998
George Elkins Auditorium - Photographs undated
Guard Booths - Photographs 1987 October
Health Center - Photographs 1998
Helen Field Heritage Hall - Photographs undated
Howard A. White Center - Photographs 1995-1996
Humanities - Photographs 1979
Huntsinger Academic Center - Photographs undated
Joslyn Plaza - Photographs 1987-1994
Joslyn Plaza - Prints (Color) + Transparencies undated
Joslyn Plaza - Prints (B/W) + Color - Photographs undated
Fountain's Gushing Joslyn Plaza - Photographs 1983; 1992
Keck Center - Photographs 2001
KMBU Radio Station - Photographs 1981-1987
KMBU Radio Station - Photographs 1995
Main Campus Angle - Campus from N.E. Mountains, Ocean Background. Theme Tower foremost Campus Structure (Photographs) 1982-1997
Main Campus Angle 2 - Campus from N.W. Mountains, Santa Monica and Ocean Visible (Photographs) 1981-1997
Main Campus Angle 3 - Front of Campus from S.W. (across PCH), Chapel - Building furthest right, Mountain Background (Photographs) 1983-1984
Main Campus Angle 3 - Front of Campus from E & SE (from across Malibu Canyon Road & from Alumni Park) (Photographs) 1974-1997
Main Campus Angle 5 - "back" of Malibu Campus, Seaver College Sign visible, taken from Alumni near John Tyler Or. (Photographs) 1972-1984
Main Campus Angle 6 - Campus from Mountains behind, Ocean and Palos Verdes often visible; also Campus overviews from E & NE Mountains (i.e. closer-ups of main campus, dorms, athletic village) (Photographs) 1980-1996
Main Campus - w/ Pepperdine Sign and Misc. - Photographs 1988-1997
Main Campus - Dusk/Sunset/Night - Photographs 1981-1994
Malibu Campus - Colored Slides 1973-1974
Malibu Campus - Colored Slides 1975
Malibu Campus - Photographs 1980-1990
Malibu Campus - Photographs 1990-1994
Malibu Campus - Photographs undated
Malibu Campus - Slides 1992
Mallman House - Photographs undated
Natural Science - Photographs 1993-1994
Natural Science - Photographs 1994
Natural Science - Photographs undated
Natural Science Department Negatives undated
Natural Science - Colored Slides 1989
Natural Science Department Slides 1983 July
Galley - Pre Oasis - Photographs 1983
The Galley - Oasis - Photographs undated
Pendleton Learning Center - Photographs 1990-1996
Pendleton Computer Science Center - Photographs undated
Pepperdine Signs - Photographs 1976-1992
Phillips Theme Tower - Photographs undated
Phillips Theme Tower - Slides undated
Phillips Theme Tower - Slides undated
Phillips Theme Tower - Slides undated
Phillips Theme Tower - Negatives and Proof Sheets undated
Rockwell Academic Center - Photographs 1979
Rockwell Academic Center - Photographs 1985-2000
Pepperdine Sandlot Volleyball - Photographs undated
Scaife Terrace & Bridge - Photographs 1993-1994
Seaver Board of Visitors Group Photographs 2009 June
Seaver Campus - Slides undated
Seaver College Buildings - Photographs 1974, April 20
Seaver Catalogue - Photographs 1990 December
Seaver College Catalogue - Photographs 1998-1999
Seaver College Class Agents - Photographs circa 1990s
Seaver College - Colored Slides 1983
Seaver College - Photographs and Slides 1979
Seaver College - Slides 1976
Seaver College Students and Faculty (Dr. Moore with Students) - Photographs 1992
Seaver Gift Reception - Photographs 1996 November 13
Seaver Honor Roll - Photographs 1991 September
Seaver Honor Roll - Photographs 1992 September
Seaver Luncheon at Brock House - Photographs 1974 April
Seaver Signs (cont.) - Photographs 1994-1997
Seaver Stock Photographs 2010 April
Slides of Campus Buildings - Photographs 1976-1997, undated
Students and Faculty at Seaver College - Photographs 1994
Social Science Department - Photographs 1991 September
Stauffer Greenhouse - Photographs 1984
Stauffer Chapel - Photographs 1979-1996
Stauffer Chapel - Prints 1996-1998
Stauffer Chapel - Transparencies 1994
Stauffer Chapel + Interior - Photographs 1990-1996
Stauffer Chapel - Groundbreaking, Ded., Renderings - Photographs 1976-1996
Stauffer Telecom. Center - Photographs undated
Tyler Campus Center - Photographs 1990-1994
Mural in Tyler Cafeteria - Photographs undated
Tyler Campus Center - Photographs 1990; 1997
TV-3 - Photographs 1983 December
TV-3 Student Broadcasting - Photographs 1993
Various Photographs of Seaver College - Photographs undated
Various Seaver College Slides 1981
Various Seaver College Slides 1985
Wall of Names - Photographs 1992
Deans Lecture Series