Views and scenes of China, Series I. 1860-1900
Liang Shitai (See Tay), [Portrait of Li Hongzhang, Viceroy of Zhili], 2006.R.1-2 1875
Watson, Major James Crombie, [Local Militia under Colonel Cooke, Ningbo, Zhejiang], 2006.R.1-3 circa 1870
Photographer unidentified, [Water Tower, Kiangsu Road, Shanghai, with British policeman in Foreground], 2006.R.1-4 between 1890 and 1900
Photographer unidentified, [View of Water Tower and Kiangsu Road Bridge from Hongkou, Shanghai], 2006.R.1-5 between 1890 and 1900
Photographer unidentified, [State Barges of Li Hongzhang, Viceroy of Zhili], 2006.R.1-8 1894
Pow Kee, [Confucian Temple on the Qinhuai River, Nanjing], 2006.R.1-21 1870s