This collection provides insight into NASA Ames Research Center's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Communications
documentation captures how Ames management adapted to challenging conditions, and a gives a view into the workforce culture
during lockdown (includes circulars; InsideAmes website postings; email correspondence; town hall meeting transcripts; and
an employee survey and results). Other documentation shows how research scientists and high-performance computing facilities
supported efforts to study the virus and seek solutions and tools to combat it (includes email correspondence; website postings;
meeting reminders, agendas, and summaries; symposium agendas and presentations; informational sheets; and exposure assessment
tool resources). The capture of documentation for this collection is ongoing and new materials will be added annually. All
of the material in this collection is in digital form.
This artificial collection is compiled by the Ames Research Center Response to COVID-19 Data Collection Project. The goal
of the project is to broadly capture how the center evolved and changed in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project
team consists of Ames archivists April D. Gage and Danielle K. Lopez, and historian James N. Anderson.January 29, 2020: The first announcement in an Ames centerwide communication regarding the coronavirus notes that cases have
been identified in travelers from China arriving in the United States, but the extent of person-to-person spread outside of
China remains unclear. The Public Health Officer of Santa Clara County issues a letter regarding the coronavirus, stating
that there is not yet any evidence that the virus is present in the community. The letter advises the use of a mask for anyone
experiencing respiratory symptoms for the protection of others.
Number of digital items: 150
Volume: 440 Megabytes
Copyright does not apply to United States government records. For non-government
material, researcher must contact the original creator.
Collection is open for research. Portions may be subject to restrictions.