University of California Cooperative Extension Records, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties UCCE.SBSLO

Kelsey Raidt, Carolina Villa, Rebecca Gourevitch
University of California, Merced Library
5200 North Lake Road
Merced 95343

Contributing Institution: University of California, Merced Library
Title: University of California Cooperative Extension Records, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties
Identifier/Call Number: UCCE.SBSLO
Physical Description: 15 Linear Feet
Date (inclusive): 1923-2013, undated
Language of Material: English

Conditions Governing Use

This collection is intended to support teaching, research, and private study. Copyright belongs to the Regents of the University of California. Use of the materials beyond that allowed by fair use or by any Creative Commons licenses assigned requires the written permission of the copyright owner(s). For further information, please contact the University of California, Merced Library at

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research. A portion of the records have been digitized and are freely available online. The material is located at the University of California, Merced Library. For help locating material please contact

Organizational History

At the turn of the previous century, growing concern over the quality of life for rural Americans prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to appoint a Commission on Country Life in 1908. One of the direct outcomes of the Commission's recommendations was the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914, which established a national extension service to place the knowledge generated at land-grant universities into the hands of farmers and rural citizens. The Agricultural Extension Service formalized and built upon existing efforts of land-grant universities to enhance the knowledge of farmers and apply scientific discoveries for improved agricultural practices. Beginning in 1913, the Agriculture Extension Service, later known as UC Cooperative Extension, placed farm advisors employed by the University of California in every county that formed a farm bureau and agreed to sponsor Extension Service work. While arrangements have evolved, advisors continue to work in all California counties today and address problems ranging from soil conditions and land reclamation to irrigation; from livestock breeding to improved varietals; and from mechanization to disease and pest management, to enable farms to increase efficiency and productivity.
While the Farm Bureau was established in San Luis Obispo in 1916, it was difficult to raise funds to support a farm advisor. They finally succeeded in 1922 and hired their first extension agent Frank T. Murphy in 1923. Murphy worked with the Farm Bureau and established committees on dairy, beef, horticulture, grain growing, and poultry farming. In 1925, funds were raised to hire Edna Hewitt as a home demonstration agent and Parker Talbot took over as the head farm advisor for the office, a position he would maintain for 25 years.
In 1927, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors established a farm advisor's office in that county. Over the years, the Santa Barbara Cooperative Extension office expanded into two county offices and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Advisors often supported farmers in the tri-county area of Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo, and conducted research at UCSB and at California Polytechnic State University. With so much time spent outside of the county offices, the Santa Barbara County Board determined that it would be most cost effective to close the Santa Barbara county offices but continue to supply funds to advisors in the San Louis Obispo and Ventura county offices, so as to maintain Cooperative Extension services for the county.

Scope and Contents

The San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, University of California Cooperative Extension Records span the years 1914-2000 (bulk) and consist largely of material from the San Luis Obispo offices. The first series, Annual and Historical Reports (1923-1998, undated), contains statistical and narrative reports recorded on standardized forms, allowing for uniform reporting. The annual reports are written by farm advisors, specialists, and home demonstration agents and document their extension activities for the year. Narrative reports provide textual information on extension activities. Farm advisors and home demonstration agents describe the successes and challenges of their work, educational topics covered in trainings and demonstrations, and the variety of meetings held for farmers and their families. The reports provide a comprehensive indication of UCCE's influence in rural communities. Additional topics outlined in both the statistical and narrative annual reports involve dairy, grain, and poultry projects, 4-H club work, food and nutritional programs, home improvement projects such as septic tanks and utilities, and the results of crop and livestock production.
Many of the historical reports convey seeding and fertilization recommendations to ranches and farms in the region. Other records in this subseries offer information about seeding practices and soil conservation. There are also handwritten notes, correspondence, and reports of work, including a report about low-income projects. This report documents community programing and youth involvement in 4-H, as well as partnerships with Cuesta College. There are also references to bilingual programing and the difficulties of reaching various demographic groups, including senior citizens. Staff reports, written in narrative format, are also included in this subseries. They cover a range of topics such as family nutrition and food, water, dairy waste and disease, new home improvement technologies, 4-H activities like the selling of Christmas trees, county fairs and the 4-H Leadership Conference in Davis, CA.
Material regarding centennial history reflect the history and chronology of Agricultural Extension work in California. A document by B.H. Crocheron looks at the origins of itinerant teachings and how the program has developed since its inception. Another record highlights the history of agricultural education in San Luis Obispo County and synopsizes work conducted with various crops, including research trials and yields, and disease control. A dedication to Parker Talbot, who served as the San Luis Obispo County Director until 1949, is also found in this subseries.
The second series, Topical Files (1923-1999, undated), is further divided into subseries which are range and pasture, citrus and other sub-tropicals, water, weather and climate, soil, ornamental and lawns, vegetable crops, weeds, wildlife. Types of materials include, but are not limited to, trial results and reports, as well as documents about best practices in seeding, pasture and rangeland improvement, and fire hazard reduction. Information about lesser-grown crops in the United States such as pomegranates, mangoes, and kiwis are provided, as are materials regarding avocado and citrus production in the region and related production costs, economic trends, and disease prevention. Material about water includes irrigation system documents, economic analyses of water, and cost estimates of water systems. There is also material related to droughts and climatology.
Detailed reports about the production of several herbs including coriander, marjoram, thyme, and fennel, and more are included. Vegetables that are documented in the topical file include, but are not limited to, beans, carrots, artichokes, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, corn, potatoes, lettuce, and asparagus.
Please refer to the container list for a complete record of materials found in this series.
The third series, Photographs (1951-1968, 2002-2013, undated), primarily consists of undated black and white negatives and photographic prints. The image content varies, though some major themes can be identified. Many of the photographs showcase machinery and equipment used for harvesting. Other photographs demonstrate fire prevention and the creation of fire breaks. There are also several images that depict small specimens such as caterpillars and beetles. Color photographs in this series illustrate 4-H celebrations and events.


This collection consists of 4 series and 13 subseries:
Series 1. Annual and Historical Reports
Subseries 1. Annual Reports
Subseries 2. Historical Reports
Subseries 3. Centennial History
Series 2. Topical Files
Subseries 1. Range and Pasture
Subseries 2. Citrus and Other Sub-Tropicals
Subseries 3. Water
Subseries 4. Weather and Climate
Subseries 5. Soil
Subseries 6. Ornamental and Lawns
Subseries 7. Vegetable Crops
Subseries 8. Weeds
Subseries 9. Wildlife
Subseries 10. Berries
Series 3. Photographs
Series 4. Publications

Preferred Citation

University of California Cooperative Extension Records, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, UCCE SBSLO, UC Cooperative Extension Archive, University of California, Merced Library, 5200 North Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343


Annual and Historical Reports 1923-1975, undated

Series 1 Annual and Historical Reports

Physical Description: 2.5 Linear Feet


This series has three subseries. The first is Annual Reports, followed by Historical Reports and Centennial History. The materials in this series are arranged chronologically by year.

Annual Reports

box 1, folder 1

Annual report 1923

box 1, folder 2

Annual report 1924

box 1, folder 3

Annual report 1925

box 1, folder 4

Annual report 1926

box 1, folder 5

Annual report 1927

box 1, folder 6

Annual report 1928

box 1, folder 7

Annual report 1929

box 1, folder 8

Annual report 1930

box 1, folder 9

Annual report 1931

box 1, folder 10

Annual report 1932

box 1, folder 11

Annual report 1933

box 1, folder 12

Annual report 1934

box 1, folder 13

Annual report 1936

box 1, folder 14

Annual report 1938

box 1, folder 15

Annual report 1939

box 1, folder 16

Annual report 1940

box 1, folder 17

Annual report 1941

box 1, folder 18

Annual report 1942

box 1, folder 19

Annual report 1943

box 1, folder 20

Annual report 1944

box 1, folder 21

Annual report 1945

box 1, folder 22

Annual report 1946

box 1, folder 23

Annual report 1947

box 1, folder 24

Annual report 1948

box 1, folder 25

Annual report 1949


Historical Reports

box 2, folder 11

Agricultural stabilization 1962

box 2, folder 12

Agricultural stabilization 1963

box 2, folder 13

Agricultural stabilization 1964

box 2, folder 14

Agricultural stabilization 1965

box 2, folder 8

Annual report publications undated

box 1, folder 31

David L. Brown, monthly reports 1974

box 2, folder 6

John H. Evans, CEMIS 1a 1972

box 2, folder 3

John H. Foott, project plans and reports

box 2, folders 1-2

Mildred L. Townsend, plans and reports

box 2, folder 4

Mildred L. Townsend, CEMIS 1a 1971-1972

box 1, folder 26

Monthly reports 1970

box 1, folder 27

Monthly reports 1971

box 1, folder 28

Monthly reports 1972

box 1, folder 29

Monthly reports 1973

box 1, folder 30

Monthly reports 1974

box 1, folder 32

Monthly reports 1975

box 2, folder 7

Photographs of MFP class members undated

box 2, folder 10

Range seeding agricultural stabilization 1961

box 2, folder 15

Range seeding agricultural stabilization 1966-1968

box 2, folder 9

San Luis Obispo map and economic trends undated

box 2, folder 5

William H. Weitkamp, Jr., CEMIS 1a 1972


Centennial History

box 15, Folder 7

Cooperative Extension

box 15, Folder 8


box 15, Folder 9

San Luis Obispo County

box 15, folders 10-11

Historical information


Topical Files 1953-1982, 2003, undated

Series 2 Topical Files


This series has nine subseries. Within each subseries, material is arranged in the order in which it was received.

Range and Pasture

box 6, folder 15


box 6, folders 16-18

Dryland - brush control

box 7, folders 1-2

Dryland - controlled burning

box 7, folders 3-4

Dryland - fertilization

box 6, folder 19

Dryland - general

box 6, folders 13-14

Dryland - improvement

box 7, folder 5

Dryland - management

box 3, folders 1-2

Dryland - reseeding

box 3, folder 5


box 7, folder 7

Irrigated pasture

box 3, folder 4


box 7, folder 6

Range and pasture

box 7, folder 8

Range and pasture irrigated

box 7, folders 9-10

Range and pasture irrigated - management

box 2, folder 16

Range water quality and watersheds

box 2, folder 27


box 3, folder 6


box 3, folder 3



Citrus and Other Sub-Tropicals

box 4, folder 13

Avocados - cultural practices

box 4, folder 14

Avocados - disease and insect control

box 4, folder 15

Avocados - economics and marketing

box 4, folder 12

Avocados - general

box 4, folder 4


box 4, folders 2-3

Citrus - cultural practices

box 3, folders 18-19

Citrus - disease and insect control

box 4, folders 6-7

Citrus - economics and marketing

box 3, folder 20

Citrus - frost protection

box 4, folder 9

Citrus - general

box 3, folders 21-22

Citrus - nutrition

box 4, folder 8

Citrus - research

box 4, folder 5

Citrus - varieties

box 4, folder 1


box 10, folder 11


box 4, folder 11


box 3, folders 23-24




box 14, folder 21

Domestic water

box 12, folders 12, 15-18, box 15, folders 3-4


box 12, folders 12-14, box 15, folders 1-2


box 8, folder 8

Flood control

box 4, folders 17-18

Grapes - disease and insects

box 4, folder 16

Grapes (wine) articles Telegram-Tribune 1992

box 8, folder 9

Hydraulics and measurement

box 7, folders 11, 13-15, box 9, folder 14


box 9, folder 13

Irrigation districts and organizations

box 7, folder 16

Irrigation - economics

box 7, folder 17

Irrigation - efficiency

box 7, folder 18

Irrigation - engineering

box 7, folder 19

Irrigation - equipment

box 8, folder 3

Irrigation - land preparation

box 8, folders 1-2, 4-7

Irrigation methods

box 7, folder 12

Irrigation - ponds and reservoirs

box 8, folder 13

Irrigation survey

box 7, folder 20

Irrometer data

box 8, folder 15

Riparian/stream management

box 9, folders 3-4

Soil-water-plant relations

box 12, folder 11

Turfgrass water requirements

box 8, folders 10-11

Water requirements of crops

box 8, folder 12

Water supply surveys

box 15, folders 5-6


box 9, folder 12

Water laws and regulations

box 9, folders 5-9

Water quality

box 9, folders 17-18

Water resource development

box 9, folder 16

Water rights - application

box 9, folder 15

Water rights - laws and regulations

box 12, folder 10

Water standards

box 8, folder 14

Water storage

box 9, folder 1

Watershed management

box 9, folder 2


box 9, folders 10-11

Well water survey - San Luis Obispo County 1986


Weather and Climate

box 9, folder 22


box 10, folder 1

Frost protection

box 10, folder 3

Frost protection - equipment and use

box 10, folder 2

Frost protection - fruit frost report, National Weather Service

box 9, folder 21

Plant adaptation

box 9, folder 20


box 9, folder 19

Weather and climate



box 11, folder 12


box 10, folder 15


box 10, folders 16-18


box 10, folder 19

Conservation - dams

box 10, folders 25-26, box 11, folders 9-11

Conservation - erosion

box 11, folder 1

Conservation - terracing

box 11, folder 2


box 11, folder 3

Formation - capability fertility

box 11, folder 4

Formation - classification

box 11, folders 5, 21, box 12, folders 1-2

Formation surveys

box 11, folders 16-19


box 12, folders 4-5, 8-9


box 11, folder 20

Organic gardening

box 11, folder 13

Physics and structure

box 11, folders 6-8, 14-15

Salinity and alkalinity

box 10, folders 22-24, box 12, folder 6


box 18 (Oversize), folder 2

Soil and land classification surveys in California 1954, 1963

box 12, folder 3

Soil surveys

box 12, folder 19

Soils testing

box 10, folder 20

Testing - methods

box 10, folder 14

Testing - moisture

box 10, folder 21

Testing - plants

box 12, folder 7

Water repellent soils


Ornamentals and Lawns

box 2, folders 17-21, box 3, folders 7-9

Home floriculture

box 2, folders 22-24, box 3, folder 10


box 3, folders 15-17


box 3, folder 11

Nursery production

box 4, folders 19-23

Plant pathology

box 2, folders 25-26, box 3, folders 12-14

Turf and lawn


Vegetable Crops

box 13, folders 19-20


box 10, folder 12

Artichoke plume moth

box 13, folder 21


box 12, folder 20


box 12, folder 21


box 12, folder 22


box 12, folder 23

Brussels sprouts

box 13, folder 1


box 13, folder 2


box 13, folder 3


box 14, folder 15


box 14, folder 16


box 13, folder 7

Cultural practices

box 13, folder 8


box 13, folders 22-23

Economics and marketing

box 13, folder 4


box 13, folder 24

Greenhouse production

box 14, folder 14


box 14, folder 12

Home gardening

box 13, folder 25

Insect pests

box 10, folder 13


box 14, folder 1

Lima beans

box 13, folders 9-10

Master gardener program

box 13, folder 11

Meetings and grower lists

box 14, folder 19


box 14, folder 20

Miscellaneous crops

box 14, folder 17


box 14, folder 18


box 14, folder 2


box 14, folder 3


box 14, folder 4


box 14, folder 5


box 13, folder 12

Processing, storage, and transportation

box 13, folder 5


box 14, folder 6


box 13, folder 6


box 14, folder 7


box 14, folder 8

Sweet corn

box 14, folders 10-11


box 14, folder 9

Sweet potatoes

box 13, folders 13-17


box 14, folder 13


box 13, folder 18




box 10, folders 5-10


box 6, folders 10-12

Identification and description of poisonous plants

box 10, folder 4




box 5, folders 8-11

Bird control

box 5, folders 5-7

Control and management

box 5, folder 1


box 4, folders 24-26

Fish control and management

box 6, folder 8

Fur animal control and management

box 6, folder 5-7

Game animal control and management

box 6, folder 2

Hantavirus infection

box 5, folder 14

Legislation and regulations

box 5, folders 12-13

Predator control and management

box 6, folders 1, 3-4

Rodent control and management

box 5, folder 15

Snail control and management

box 6, folder 9

Trout and salmon

box 5, folders 2-4


box 5, folder 16

Worm control and management


Berries 1920, 1938, 1951-1982, 1999, undated

box 17, folder 1

Berry production and disease control 1969-1980

box 17, folder 2

Blackberries and raspberries 1951, 1965, 1974-1975, undated

box 17, folder 3

Blueberries 1951, 1962, 1971, 1978, 1999

box 17, folder 4

Boysenberries and olallieberries 1948-1952, 1973, 1982, undated

box 17, folder 5

Bushberries, caneberries, and loganberries 1920, 1951-1956

box 17, folder 6

Currants, gooseberries, and strawberries 1938, 1965, 1975

box 15, box 16, box 18 (Oversize), folder 1

Photographs 1951-1968, 2002-2013, undated



Photographs in this series are primarily arranged in the order in which they were received.

Publications 1915-1985, undated

box 17, folder 7

Agricultural Extension Service handbook 1946

box 17, folder 8

county farm advisor, The 1915

box 17, folder 9

Fruit drying 1917, 1925-1930

box 17, folder 10

Shipping fresh fruits and vegetables 1930

box 17, folder 11

Vegetable production 1954-1962, 1985, undated