Finding Aid to the Arizona Toxics Information Records
Immediate Source of Acquisition
- ADEQ / AZDEQ - Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
- AHWMF - Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility
- ATI - Arizona Toxics Information
- BEP - Border Ecology Project
- BECA - Border Environment Cooperative Agreement
- BECC - Border Environment Cooperation Commission
- BLM - (United States) Bureau of Land Management
- BOLDER - Basic On Line Disaster/Emergency Response
- CMA - (United States) Chemical Manufacturers Association
- EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
- ENSCO - Environmental Services Company (Littlerock, Arkansas)
- EPA - (United States) Environmental Protection Agency
- FTA - Free Trade Agreement
- IBEP - Integrated Environmental Plan for the Mexican-U.S. Border Area
- IBWC - International Boundary and Water Commission
- ICP - Integrated Contingency Plan
- NAAEC - North American Agreement for Environmental Cooperation
- NACES - North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation
- NADB - North American Development Bank
- NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
- NCA - National Conservation Area
- NGO - Non Governmental Organization
- NRT - National Response Team
- NSO - Non-ferrous Smelter Order
- NWF - National Wildlife Federation
- OECD - Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development
- PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- PRTR - Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
- RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- RETC - Registros de Emisiones y Transferieas de Contaminantes
- RTK - Right to Know
- SEDESOL - Secretaria de Desarrollo Social (Secretary of Social Development and Ecology
- SIP - State implementation plan
- TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Program
- UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research
- USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
- USFS - United States Forestry Service
- USPHS - United States Public Health Service
- WAP - Waste Analysis Plan
- WHO - World Health Organization
Series 1: Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility 1981-1997 1988-1992
Subseries 1.1. Hazardous Waste Management 1981-1996
Arizona Department of Health Services, newsletter and report 1981-1982
Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement 1982
The Bertrand Russell Society and League of Women Voters of AZ, comments regarding the Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement 1982
Arizona Department of Health Services, Request for Proposals 1982
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, summary of hazardous waste generator annual report data, 1982-1988, and other hazardous waste statistics 1982-1990
Stop Incinerators Now (S.I.N.), informational packet about Environmental Impact Statements and ENSCO company including facility in El Dorado, AR 1982-1990
Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, draft Environmental Impact Statement on proposed AZ hazardous waste management facility 1983
Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, final Environmental Impact Statement on proposed AZ hazardous waste management facility 1983
Arizona Department of Health Services, recommendation of ENSCO for selection as contractor of Arizona hazardous waste management facility 1983
Sierra Club. Grand Canyon Chapter, AZ, statement regarding proposed amendment to the Arizona Water Pollution Statute, ARS-36-1851 1983
Arizona Department of Health Services and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, community data, surveys, interviews, reports, studies, maps regarding the AZ hazardous waste management facility in Mobile, AZ and Rainbow Valley, AZ 1985-1987
News and journal articles 1989-1990
Recontek company, correspondence and information including hazardous waste management facilities in Gila Bend, Arizona and Newman, Illinois 1989-1990
Correspondence with legislators regarding proposed Arizona hazardous waste management facility 1990
Concerned Citizens of South of South Mountain vs. Secretary of the Interior (Manual Lujan, Jr.), ENSCO, et al. re: complaint for equitable relief, demand for nullification of State Contract with ENSCO 1990
Greenpeace, comments on the state-sponsored ENSCO hazardous waste facility in Mobile, AZ 1990
The Southern Arizona Environmental Management Society, "Haz-Matters" newsletters 1990
Protest flyers, coalition statements and campaigns mostly by Don't Waste Arizona and Arizona Coalition for the Environment 1990
Protest performances, opposition benefit event fliers 1990
Protest bumper stickers (4) "Shut Down ENSCO and We'll Shut Up" 1990
Arizona Special Waste Bills, Arizona Legislature S.B. 1389, H.B. 2121, S.B. 1174 1991
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, correspondence and regulations 1991-1995
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Special Wastes Best Management Program Advisory Committee 1991-1994
Subseries 1.2. ENSCO 1986-1991
ENSCO proposal summary for Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility, volume 1 1983
ENSCO contract and proposal for Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility 1986
ENSCO permits - notices of deficiency regarding applications from state and federal agencies for Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility 1986-1990
ENSCO company information from BRS/After Dark and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 1986, 1991
ENSCO company history, ownership and newspaper marketing campaigns 1987-1990
ENSCO brochure "A Generator's Guide to the First and Second Third of Listed Hazardous Wastes" 1989
ENSCO booklet "Exceltech Statement of Qualifications" circa 1988
ENSCO permits from the Environmental Protection Agency - PCB disposal using the MWP-2000 Modular Incineration System 1988
ENSCO permits from AZ Department of Environmental Quality - groundwater quality protection for Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility 1988
ENSCO hydrogeologic site characterization report for Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility 1988
ENSCO report - risk assessment of transporting hazardous waste to the Arizona Waste Management Facility 1987-1988
ENSCO report - summary of the results from the RCRA trial burn conducted at ENSCO's MWP-2000 incinerator located at the El Dorado facility on August 22-26, 1988 1988
ENSCO permits - detailed table of contents for permit applications for Arizona Waste Management Facility 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - standard procedural conditions for all hazardous waste management facilities circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - trial burn plan for hazardous waste management facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - waste analysis plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - response action plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - leachate collection design plans and operating practices for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO report - exposure information report for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - procedures to prevents hazards for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - contingency plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - facility construction quality assurance plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1988
ENSCO plans and permits - facility construction for Arizona Waste Management Facility 1988-1990
ENSCO plans and permits - Toxic Substances Control Act, risk assessment reviews of Arizona Waste Management Facility by the Environmental Protection Agency and Sierra Club 1988-1990
ENSCO report - probabilistic health risk assessment of public exposure to PCB-related contaminants at Arizona Waste Management Facility, revision 1 and final report 1989-1990
ENSCO plans and permits - RCRA and PCB-related risk assessment Environmental Protection Agency documents for Arizona Waste Management Facility 1989-1990
ENSCO report - an analysis of the demand for commercial hazardous waste incineration services in the state of Arizona 1990
ENSCO plans and permits - correspondence and comments regarding building construction and installation of Arizona Waste Management Facility 1990
ENSCO plans and permits - public notices by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality for Arizona Waste Management Facility 1990
ENSCO permit and public comments regarding Arizona Waste Management Facility 1990
ENSCO plans and permits - post-closure inspection schedule for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1990-1991
ENSCO plans and permits - post-closure plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1991
ENSCO plans and permits - bank protection and closure plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility circa 1991
ENSCO contract - Statement by Governor Fife Symington regarding closure plan for Arizona Waste Management Facility 1991
ENSCO and Arizona Waste Management Facility, news clippings 1985-1995
Series 2. San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area 1966-1999
"Rainfall Effects on Soil Surface Characteristics Following Range Improvement Treatments" by David R. Kincaid and Gerald Williams, reprinted from Journal of Range Management 1966
"Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed" study by Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture 1967
U.S. Geological Survey reports on hydrologic conditions 1973, 1982
U.S. Geological Survey / Environmental Protection Agency report "Ground-Water Resources of the Bisbee-Naco Area, Cochise County, Arizona" 1987
U.S. Geological Survey report "Ground-Water Quality in the Sierra Vista Sub-basin, Arizona, 1996-1997" 1997
U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, Corps of Engineers "Report on Water Supply, Fort Huachuca and Vicinity, Arizona" 1974
U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, Corps of Engineers "Feasibility Phase Study" regarding flood control, project description and public comment 1990
Arizona Department of Health Services report "San Pedro River Basin Water Quality Status Report for Period 1973-1979" 1981
Arizona Department of Health Services, water supply and quality in Cochise County, Arizona 1985-1986
Environmental Impact Statement for Tenneco Realty Development Corporation's Sierra Vista Project, draft and final reports 1982-1983
City of Sierra Vista - Active Management Area Designation for Upper San Pedro Basin 1984
City of Sierra Vista - consolidation of water system feasibility study 1984
Sierra Vista Summit - development plan 1984
City of Sierra Vista - Sub-basin hydrology 1994
Sole source aquifer designation and comments for Bisbee-Naco area, Cochise County, Arizona 1983-1988
Arizona Department of Water Resources - Instream flows appropriations and Bureau of Land Management permit 1983-1992
Arizona Department of Water Resources - draft hydrology report "Water Resources of the Upper San Pedro Basin, Arizona", correspondence and notes 1984, 1987
Arizona Department of Water Resources - draft hydrology report "Water Resources of the Upper San Pedro Basin, Arizona", correspondence 1985
Upper San Pedro Basin water rights of Gila River Indian Community vs. American Smelting and Refining 1984-1985
San Pedro Water Resources Association - bylaws, minutes, agendas, meetings, memos, reports, correspondence 1984-1992
Governor Bruce Babbitt, correspondence 1984-1986
Cochise County Board of Supervisors and Planning Department, correspondence 1984-1997
Huachuca Audubon Society - newsletter, brochures, pamphlet and materials for pamphlet design 1984
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, correspondence and comments on hydrology report 1984-1987
Sierra Club. Grand Canyon Chapter, land protection and development 1985-1992
San Pedro Working Group / The Wilderness Society 1985-1988
Arizona Game and Fish Commission, correspondence and minutes 1985
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service "Department of the Interior Land Protection Plan: San Pedro River" report 1985
Bureau of Land Management - reports, resource directories, draft and final Environmental Impact Statements, correspondence, brochures 1985-1999
Legislator correspondence, bills, testimony 1985-1990
San Pedro Power Line Project - Arizona Electric Power Cooperative and Stronghold Protection League, correspondence and reports 1985-1986
University of Arizona reports on water resources and public perceptions of land use in the Upper San Pedro River Valley and Basin 1986, 1991
San Pedro Recreation Advisory Committee 1986-1989
Area Resources in Danger (A.R.I.D.) - mailers and correspondence 1987-1991
Lists of Operating and Installation permit applications in Arizona 1989-1992
San Pedro Water Management Council. Cochise County Advisory Commission 1987-1991
Upper San Pedro Water Management Council, Upper San Pedro River Basin Management Act legislative sub-committee - minutes, resolution, correspondence 1990-1992
Programa de Desarrollo Urbano del Centro de Poblacion, Naco, Sonora circa 1990-1996
Greater Huachuca Area Democratic Club 1992
Bureau of Reclamation / City of Sierra Vista / Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, final report "Sierra Vista Wetlands and Reuse Study" 1995
Semi-Arid Land-Surface-Atmosphere Program (S.A.L.S.A.) program overviews 1995
Border Ecology Project - Arizona Department of Health Services water quality lab data, Northeast Sonora 1997-1999
Commission for Environmental Cooperation - "September 8, 1998 Iteration, Draft Work in Progress: Sustaining and Enhancing Riparian Migratory Bird Habitat on the Upper San Pedro River" with Advisory Panel report 1998
News articles and clippings 1979-1999
Series 3. United States-Mexico Border: Air and Water Issues 1973-1999
Subseries 3.1. Agreements, Legislation, Reports and Research
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service report "Disease Detection survey - air pollution. Arizona and New Mexico, Region 3" 1973
Arizona Department of Health Services - State Implementation Plan for sulfur dioxide emissions 1979-1997
Studies and articles about farm workers and pesticides 1981-1992
Sierra Club - hazardous waste policy campaigns, "Hazardous Materials/Water Resources" newsletters and mini-grant program in Mexico 1983-1995
Border Environmental Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico 1983-1984
Border Environmental Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico - Annex IV, regarding transboundary copper smelter accord 1984-1989
Legislation and testimony regarding smelters and acid rain 1985
Mexico environmental law "La Ley General del Equilibrio Ecologico y La Proteccion al Ambiente" 1988
Contacts - non-governmental organizations and individuals 1989-1995
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of General Counsel International Activities Division - interim report and preliminary final report "Evaluation of Mexico's Environmental Laws and Regulations" 1991, 1993
Sonora, Mexico - border environment laws and information 1991-1993
Northeast Sonora Cochise County Health Council. Environmental Health Committee 1991-1996
Secretaria de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL) monograph "Regulacion y Gestion de Productos Quimicos en Mexico, Enmarcados en el Contexto Internacional" 1992
Pan American Health Organization "Regional Plan for Investment in the Environment and Health" includes report on plan progress 1992
United States-Mexico Border Progress Foundation - memos, mailers and newsletters "Borderlinks" 1992-1993
North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation - "North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation" - final draft, correspondence and meeting minutes 1992-1994
Interhemispheric Resource Center newsletter "Borderlines" 1992-1998
Pesticide disclosure study, original questionnaires and use surveys 1993
Environmental Protection Agency, Emergency Response Division "Curso para Concienizacion y Orientacion en Materiales Peligrosos a Nivel Ejecutivo Patrocinado por la U.S. EPA Region IX" 1993
Border Volunteer Corps 1993-1994
Texas Center for Policy Studies - Freedom of Information Act request 1993-1994
Environmental Protection Agency. Region IX - Border XXI program 1994-1995
Miscellaneous correspondence 1994-1996
Border Environment Protection Act 1995
Mexico environmental law "Propuesta de Reformas a La Ley General del Equilibrio Ecologico y La Proteccion al Ambiente" 1995
Arizona-Mexico Border Health Foundation - newsletters and brochure 1995
The Morris K. Udall Foundation "United States/Mexico Border Environmental Health Study" 1996
Arizona Department of Health Services. Office of Environmental Health - "Overview of Environmental Health in the Arizona-Sonora Border Region" 1996
Framework document for U.S./Mexico Border XXI program with Arizona Toxics comment and materials from meeting in Nogales (Arizona) 1996
Arizona Toxics Information comments on Arizona Department of Health Services. Office of Environmental Health - "Environmental Health in the Arizona-Sonora Border Region" 1996
Arizona Toxics Information "Tijuana River Watershed Toxics Data Project, Final Report" 1996
Arizona Toxics Information / Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion Ambiental "A U.S.-Mexico Border Toxics Reference List" 1996
Arizona Toxics Information "Proyecto de Datos sobre Toxicos para la Cuenca del Rio Tijuana, Reporte Final" 1996
Arizona Toxics Information "Cochise County Hazardous Materials Reference List" 1997
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, Interim Report submitted to the Ford Foundation - "Fortifying Transnational Linkages Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Information-sharing and Environmental Policy" 1997
Subseries 3.2. Emergency Response Planning and Integrated Contingency Plans
U.S./Mexico Joint Pollution Response Agreement, Joint Response Teams (Gulf Coast and Pacific Coast) 1980-1999
U.S./Mexico Joint Response Team, Contingency Planning Activities 1988-1999
Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, "Hazards Analysis" and "Hazardous Materials Incident Contingency Plan" 1988-1989
University of California, manual "Handling Hazardous Materials Incidents: Guidelines for First Responders" 1989
Cochise County Hazardous Materials Emergency Response and Recovery Plan, draft 1989-1990
Arizona Legislation, proposed draft "Department of Fire Safety and Emergency Response" 1990
Arizona and Texas - hazardous materials emergency plans 1992-1993
Environmental Compliance Group "Integrated Contingency Plan, first draft" with comment 1995-1997
B.O.L.D.E.R. Project (Basic OnLine Disaster/Emergency Response) 1996-1998
Environmental Protection Agency. Region 9, "Semi-Annual Reports on U.S.-Mexico Border Contingency Planning Activities" 1998-1999
Subseries 3.3. Conferences and Workshops
University of Arizona "U.S.-Mexico Conference on Border Smelter Emissions", planning and proposals 1983-1986
U.S.-Mexico Joint Response Team Conferences 1988-1990
Cochise County Hazardous Material Emergency Planning Committee, training 1988-1993
Miscellaneous conference, workshop and hazardous training materials 1990-1993
University of Arizona, Health Sciences Center - 1991 Legislative Forum: Arizona Health Care Issues 1991, undated
Conferencia Para Officiales Publicos de Arizona y Mexico Sobre Materiales Peligrosos 1991
Binational Border Health Issues Task Force Health Forum and Meetings, agenda and background information 1992-1995
Arizona-Mexico Border Health Foundation, conference and task force meeting 1993
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, workshops and conferences on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers 1993-1999
Binational Chemical Emergency Training Workshop (Douglas, AZ) 1994
Binational Network Meeting on the Environment (5th: Chihuahua, Mexico) 1994-1996
Border Environment Cooperation Commission - NGO workshop 1995
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy at the University of Arizona - Environmental Health Issues in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region Conference 1996
Subseries 3.4. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Environmental Plan for the Mexico-U.S. Border Area
Border Ecology Project 1988-1996
U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexico President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, joint communique of 1990 1990-1991
CIEMEX-WEFA, Mexican economic outlook 1991
Working draft 1991
The Other Economic Summit / North America, newsletters 1991
"The Environment and Free Trade: Meeting Halfway at the Mexican Border" paper by Melissa Hathaway McKeith for Pacific Basin Law Journal 1991
Border Ecology Project / Arizona Toxics Information, public forum and hearings 1991
Natural Resources Defense Council, comment 1991
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy at University of Arizona, comment 1991
Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion Ambiental, memo 1991
Yuma Audubon Society, comment 1991
Legislative and Executive testimony and comment 1991-1992
U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexico President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, pact re: NAFTA 1991-1992
Texas Center for Policy Studies, comment 1991-1992
Environmental and Energy Study Conference, U.S. Congress. Testimony and comment by Border Ecology Project 1991-1992
City of Nogales / County of Santa Cruz, Arizona, comment 1991-1992
Sierra Club, comment 1991-1992
Binational Environmental Health Council 1991-1992
Northeastern Sonora-Cochise County Health Council, meetings, memos 1991-1992
Resources and miscellaneous lists 1991-1992
Municipio Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, presupuesto y resumen ejecutivo 1991-1992
"Crossing the Line...", book outline by the Resource Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1992
Partido de la Revolucion Democratica, forum 1992
"Summary Environmental Plan for the Mexican-U.S. Border Area: First Stage (1992-1994)" by E.P.A., operating plan, meetings, notes 1992
Enviro MD, proposed Commission on Trade, Health and Environment 1992
Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy, environmental program proposal, research and development 1992-1993
Boundary Environmental Commission, Public Advisory Committee 1992-1993
U.S. Public Health Service, reports and meeting notes 1993
U.S.-Mexico Foundation for Science, call for proposals 1993
Naco Community Association, border friendship 1993
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, border activities plan 1993
"New Directions in U.S.-Mexican Transboundary Environmental Management: A Critique of Current Proposals" by Stephen P. Mumme circa 1993
"An Interagency Research Program to Address Environmental Health Issues Along the U.S.-Mexico Border", report by E.P.A. with comment by Border Ecology Project and Texas Center for Policy Studies 1993-1994
"Border 2000" memo by the Environmental Protection Agency with comment by Border Ecology Project 1994
Subseries 3.5. La Red Fronteriza de Salud y Ambiente
Planning and proposals 1991
Meetings, memos 1992-1996
"The Use of Pesticides in the Rural Coastal Region of Hermosillo", proposal to Arizona Toxics Information submitted for financing 1994-1995
Administrative documents 1994-1996
Subseries 3.6. Maquiladoras
Border Ecology Project and Colegio de la Frontera Norte, proposal for maquiladora study 1986
Border Ecology Project, inventories of hazardous materials at maquiladoras in Aqua Prieta, Mexico 1987-1991
Border Ecology Project, inventories of hazardous materials at maquiladoras in Aqua Prieta, Mexico with recommendations for U.S.-Mexico transboundary regulation 1988
Border Ecology Project, inventories of hazardous waste materials at maquiladoras 1988
El Colegio de Sonora, inventories of toxics used in maquiladoras in Sonora, Mexico 1989
Environmental regulations 1989, 1992
Worker health and occupational hazards 1989-1995
AFL-CIO statement on worker health, news articles, studies circa 1989-1996
AFL-CIO, proposed maquiladora campaign work-plan 1990
Papers and studies on maquiladora industry 1990
"The Maquiladora Industry: Generation, Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Waste at the California-Baja California, U.S.-Mexico Border" submitted to California Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Program Regions 3 and 4 by Diane M. Perry of the Environmental Science and Engineering Program, School of Public Health, UCLA 1990
Texas Center for Policy Studies, proposed work on maquiladora industry, memo 1990
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras / Maquiladora Coalition Organizing Committee, meetings and reports 1990-1995
Fourth International Symposium on Health "The Maquila Industry: Environment and Development" background document from the Pan American Health Organization field office 1990
The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, meeting information and news articles 1993-1994
5 Reunion Binacional E.P.A./SEDESOL - Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora de Exportacion 1992
U.S. General Accounting Office reports on U.S.-Mexico trade and maquiladoras 1992-1993
Research and source materials 1993-1997
NGOs - newsletters circa 1993-1998
Maquiladora Health and Safety Network - trainings 1994
News articles 1990-1997
Subseries 3.7. Border Environment Water Issues (mainly non-Arizona)
Environmental Protection Agency "A Water Quality Success Story" bulletins re: Florida, Maine, Massachusetts 1980
Water treatment and groundwater contamination in California 1984-1997
Federacion Conservacionista Mexicana AC, San Diego-Tijuana border area 1986
U.S. General Accounting Office - testimony and reports on water pollution in Massachusetts Bay and Michigan's Rouge River 1988, 1991
Canadian Labour Congress - policy statement on the environment 1991
U.S. International Trade Commission - report "The Effects of Greater Economic Integration Within the European Community on the U.S..." 1991
Texas border waste landfills 1992
Wastewater treatment in San Diego, California 1992-1998
Stringfellow Acid Pits, Riverside County, California - news articles 1993-1995
San Diego-Tijuana Border Initiative proposal, Daedalus Foundation and United Way of San Diego 1994
Mesquite Regional Landfill Lawsuit, San Diego, California 1995
San Diego Association of Governments "San Diego/Tijuana Planned Land Use" 1996
San Jose, Calfiornia - water policy framework 1996
Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy "Environmental Issues of the California-Baja California Border Region" 1996
Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California at San Diego "El Desarrollo Sustentable en la Region Tijuana-San Diego / Sustainable Development in the San Diego-Tijuana Region"" 1999
Mexico Environmental Impact Statement format, Environmental Impact Manifest circa 1988
Mexico, Secretary of Urban Development and Ecology (SEDUE) - privatization 1991-1992
Border Ecology Project / Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion Ambiental "Environmental and Health Issues in the Interior of Mexico: Options for Transnational Safeguards", working draft 1993
Secretaria de Desarrollo Social - SEDESOL/UNITAR report, cross-border meetings, inspection guidelines 1994
Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos en Mexico Responsabilidades del Generador circa 1994
Commission of European Communities: Directorate-General for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection - final report 1994
Subseries 3.8. News articles
Mexico - histories and maps circa 1978-1996
Integrated Environmental Plan for the Mexico-U.S. Border Area circa 1988-1994
Mining in Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Nevada 1988-1998
Border trade, industry, maquiladoras 1989-1994
Border pollution 1990-1992
U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Reporter - news articles, newsletter 1991
President George H.W. Bush and the E.P.A. 1991-1992
Mexico - Chiapas uprisings, Zapatistas 1994-1996
Mexico - politics and elections circa 1978-1996
Series 4. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Border Environment Cooperation Commission 1990-1999
Congressman Jim Kolbe - correspondence, testimony, news articles 1987-1993
Congressional Record - Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 1988
"U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Implementation and Elaboration", report by CRS report for Congress 1988-1989
U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement - text of agreement circa 1990
U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement - Canadian Environmental Law Association, brief and report 1991, 1993
Comments for and by the Environmental Protection Agency / William Reilly 1989-1992
Senator Dennis DeConcini - correspondence, testimony 1989-1993
U.S. Department of Commerce - U.S. exports to Mexico, data and analysis 1991
Senator Howard Metzenbaum - NAFTA hearings for Committee on Environment and Public Works 1991-1992
Senator Waxman - H. Con. Res. 246 and Public Citizen Trade Watch Campaign 1991-1992
Representative Ron Wyden - correspondence, hearings for Committee on Small Business 1991-1992
Government of Canada / Members of Parliament - Mexico / Canada Bilateral Cooperation on the Environment 1991-1992
Congressman Richard A. Gephardt - testimony, statements and news articles 1991-1993
Congressmen Ed Pastor, Bill Richardson and Donald Riegle 1991-1993
Congressman John McCain - U.S./Mexico Border Environment Protection Act 1991-1994
U.S. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration 1992
Committee on Education and Labor and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. House of Representatives "Joint Field Hearing to Address Proposed NAFTA... and H.R. 3878..." 1992
Senator Max Baucus - correspondence 1992
Representative George Brown - bills 1992
Congressman Patrick Leahy - letter to U.S. Trade Representative 1992
Congressman Jill Long - letter to President George H.W. Bush 1992
U.S. International Trade Commission - report "Review of Trade and Investment Liberalization Measures by Mexico..." 1990
U.S. International Trade Commission - hearings 1991
U.S. Trade Representative/Interagency Task Force - draft report, review of U.S.-Mexico Environmental Issues 1991-1992
Public Citizen et al. vs. U.S. trade representative - case documents, statements, news articles and press releases 1991-1995
U.S. trade representative - hearings, correspondence, news articles 1991-1994
Community Nutrition Institute - papers and correspondence 1990-1995
Public Citizen's Congress Watch - testimony and report 1991-1993
NAFTA/GATT - comment, papers, proposals and news articles by Sierra Club International and trade committees 1991-1995
NAFTA/GATT - news articles and correspondence from environmental organizations 1991-1995
NAFTA/GATT Uruguay Round negotiations - draft final act and comments 1991
NAFTA/GATT Uruguay Round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - comment by Sierra Club 1992-1993
NAFTA/Uruguay Round Agreement - Sierra Club Responsible Trade Campaign 19898-1999
Announcement memo to Congress for U.S. trade representative 1992
Text of NAFTA agreement 1992
"Description of the Proposed NAFTA" prepared by governments of Canada, Mexico and U.S. and press releases 1992
Implementing legislation - Border Ecology Project and Sierra Club comments 1993
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - NAFTA implementation 1993
U.S. legislation - trade standards, miscellaneous comments and news articles 1993
Representative Bill Richardson - 1992 International Committee Report to the Environmental Financial Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1993
U.S. legislature - testimony and reports re: trade and economy 1993-1997
Western Governors' Association - paper "International Trade, the Environment, and the States: An Evolving Federal-State Relationship" 1994
Chilean addition to NAFTA / H.R. 4375 and Sierra Club opposition 1994-1995
NAFTA Accountability Act - with comment by Sierra Club and Public Citizen 1995-1996
News articles and legislation 1991-1993
Subseries 4.2. Border Environment Cooperation Commission (NAFTA), North American Agreement for Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), North American Commission on the Environment (NACE)
Economic development - strategies, guides, seminars and papers 1986-1996
U.S. General Accounting Office reports - Mexican oil policies and issues for U.S. trade and investment 1991-1992
Statements, reports and testimony on NAFTA and environmental issues by Arizona Toxics, Border Ecology Project, Texas Center for Policy Studies, Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion Ambiental 1991-1993
Public participation and project criteria 1991-1996
Regional trade agreements including European states - articles, commission statements, reports from U.S. General Accounting Office 1991-1996
Sustainable development - studies and articles 1991-1996
Arizona Toxics Information - report "Environment, Sustainable Development, Public Participation and the NAFTA: A Retrospective" 1992
Border Ecology Project - reports on environmental health, safeguards circa 1992
Fact sheets and informational pamphlet by the Mexican government regarding free trade between Mexico-U.S.-Canada circa 1992-1993
North American Commission on the Environment - comment and recommendations by various NGOs 1992-1994
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation - statements and comment by Stephen Viederman 1992-1994
NACEC - Natural Resources Defense Council 1992-1994
BECC - confidentiality procedures, NGO working group 1992-1994
Sustainable development - NGO projects 1992-1996
NACEC - analysis by Public Citizen and Texas Center for Policy Studies circa 1993
Environmental Protection Agency - bulletins, correspondence and memos re: NACEC 1993-1996
BECC - confidentiality and disclosure procedures with comment by Arizona Toxics 1993-1995
NACEC - comment and recommendations by Border Ecology Project 1993-1997
BECC - updates, correspondence, reports 1994
Office of Wastewater Management's Mexico Border Program - definitions of colonias 1994-1995
National Advisory Committee to NACEC 1994-1995
NACEC - draft working agenda paper with comment by Arizona Toxics 1994-1995
BECC - complaint procedures with Arizona Toxic comments 1994-1996
BECC / Arizona-Mexico Commission - report "Arizona-Sonora Parallel Track Planning Process" 1995
BECC - draft guidelines and criteria, comment by NGOs 1995
BECC - final criteria for project certification 1995
BECC - projects submitted for certification 1995
BECC - criteria with comment, correspondence and notes on NACEC by Arizona Toxics 1995
NACEC - guidelines on factual submissions 1995
BECC - project certification criteria with NGO comments 1995-1996
BECC - correspondence with Arizona Toxics Information 1995-1996
BECC - correspondence, studies and reports 1995-2000
Subseries 4.3. Financial Feasibility and Funding
U.S./Mexico Border Fund for Environmental Monitoring 1989-1995
World Bank - environmental assessment procedures 1989, 1994-1995
World Bank, BECC - comment by NGOs 1991-1994
NAFTA bonding and environmental challenges - comment by the National Wildlife Federation 1992
World Bank - Mexico Environmental Project, staff appraisal report 1992
North American Development Bank - statements by NGOs 1992-1994
Arizona-Mexico Commission - planning grant for Border Volunteer Corps 1993
World Bank Plans for Mexico - comment by the Texas Center for Policy Studies 1993
North American Development Bank - agreement to establish by U.S. and Mexican governments 1993
North American Development Bank - memos and report on implementation by the Texas Center for Policy Studies 1993-1994
World Bank Northern Border Environment Project - loan documents, staff appraisal report 1993-1995
NAFTA environmental funding needs - comment by Sierra Club 1993-1996
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / Department of Interior funding cuts - comment by the National Audubon Society 1994
North American Development Bank - booklet "Loan and Guarantee Policies and Operational Procedures for Projects Certified by the Border Environment Cooperation Commission" 1995
World Bank "A Proposal for Implementation of Hazardous Waste Management Program in the Northern Border Area of Mexico" 1995
World Bank - Global Environment Facility 1995-1996
North American Development Bank - NGO and public input, updates from NGO representative Lynda Taylor 1995-1996
World Bank - comment by Arizona Toxics and other NGOs on sustainability criteria, funding issues 1996
Subseries 4.4. Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) and the Border Right-to-Know Project / El Derecho a Saber
Mexico PRTR - Project and participant information circa 1991
Arizona Toxics Information, correspondence 1992
Southwest Consortium for Environmental Research and Policy (SCERP) - NGO projects 1992
Border Right-to-Know Project - Aqua Prieta, Mexico - hazardous materials inventories, Enlace Ecologica 1992-1993
El Derecho a Saber - Comite Civico de Divulgacion Ecologica, A.C. 1992-1993
Border Right-to-Know Project - Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion 1992-1995
PRTR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Secretary of Social Development and Ecology, guidelines and program materials 1992-1995
PRTR and the Border Right-to-Know Project - description, correspondence, notes and comment with Arizona Toxics 1992-1996
Border Right-to-Know Project - proposal by the Southwest Center for Environment Research and Policy 1993
Border Right-to-Know Project - Red Fronterizo de Salud y Ambiente Objectivos y Metas Generales enero de 1993 1993
Border Right-to-Know Project - Northeast Sonora Project draft "Proyecto Fronterizo de Derecho a Saber" 1993-1994
Border Right-to-Know Project and OECD 1993-1994
PRTR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research, International Programme on Chemical Safety, reports of developing countries 1993-1995
Border Right-to-Know Project - final report drafts 1994
Border Right-to-Know Project - Proyecto Fronterizo de Educacion Ambiental, public inventories of hazardous materials 1994
Border Right-to-Know Project - Arizona Toxics / Enlace Ecologico report "Border Right-to-Know Project: The 1993 Northeastern Sonora Pilot Inventories" 1994
PRTR - California E.P.A. form letter to maquiladoras 1994
PRTR - Registro de Emision Transferencia de Contaminantes, Mexico pilot study project documents 1994-1996
PRTR - Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development "PRTR Guidance to Governments Document" drafts and workshop materials 1994-1996
PRTR - Development of a National inventory Program for Mexico 1995
PRTR - Unison Institute (Washington, D.C.), reports 1995
Border Right-to-Know Project - Inter-American Foundation, report on NGOs along northern Mexico border circa 1995
PRTR - Commission de Cooperation Environmentale (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), "North American Pollutant Release Inventory Information" report and correspondence with Arizona Toxics 1995-1996
PRTR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, guidelines and reports 1997-1998
PRTR - North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation, annual meeting 2001
Subseries 4.5. Non-Governmental and Trade Organizations
American Coalition for Competitive Trade and other organizational briefs 1988-1991
American Friends Service Committee and other organizations, testimony and briefs 1990-1991
Arizona Toxics Information, briefs, reports, testimony and presentations 1991-1993
Arizona Toxics Information, correspondence, notes and comments on environmental law and trade issues 1992-1996
Association Ecologica Coyoacan, comment on safeguard clauses 1992
Baker and Mckenzie, free trade agreement monitoring 1991-1992
Border Ecology Project, correspondence, papers and draft materials in response to U.S./Mexico free trade agreement 1989-1997
Border Trade Alliance, correspondence, papers, meeting agendas, newsletters 1991, 1996
The Business Roundtable, "Building a Comprehensive U.S.-Mexico Economic Relationship: Preliminary Negotiating Objectives" 1991
California State World Trade Commission, memos on California's stake in the U.S.-Mexico trade negotiations 1991
Caribbean Basin Initiative, joint letter to U.S. Trade Representative 1994
Center for Policy Alternatives, newsletters 1993
Center for Strategic and International Studies, policy papers, seminar materials, study group on Mexico, briefing with comment by Border Ecology Project 1989-1992
Center for the New West - comment 1992
The Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs - correspondence with Arizona Toxics Information 1991
Citizens Trade Campaign, planning and meeting materials 1995
Comite Civico de Divulgacion Ecologia, testimony and correspondence 1991-1993
Commission on Labor, draft labor side accord 1991-1993
Defenders of Wildlife, correspondence, statements and testimony 1993
The Development Group for Alternative Policies, Inc., correspondence, statements and "Naftathoughts" newsletters 1991-1994
Earth Island Institute, "At-Work/Appropriate Development Exchange" program 1993
DePauw University (Greencastle, Indiana) "The Changing Health of the Wabash River", study co-sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company 1995
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte "Frontera Norte 10", book of papers on NAFTA environmental issues 1993
EnviroMexico, newsletter 1992
Free Trade Campaign, newsletter and articles 1991-1992
Friends of the Earth, correspondence and comments 1991-1992
Greenpeace, policy briefs, reports and testimony 1993
Greenpeace Latin America, article on rural Mexico 1993
Grupo de Estudios Ambientales, pamphlet "Sustenable por un Comercio Justo" 1993
Grupo de los Cien, statements and news articles 1991-1993
Grupo de Trabajo Sobre las Nuevas Associaciones "Nuevos Associaciones en las Americas: El Espiritu de Rio" 1994
Industrial Ecology International, testimonies 1991
Inside U.S. Trade, reports "Inside NAFTA" 1993-1994
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, updates 1991
Institute for Policy Studies and citizen groups, responses to U.S. Administration Action Plan 1991-1993
Instituto Aleman de Desarrollo, "Politica Ambiental en Mexico: el Papel de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales" 1993
Inter-Hemispheric Resource Center, chapter on Mexico environment for book "Mexico: A Country Guide" 1991
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, statement circa 1992
The Mobilization on Development, Trade, Labor and the Environment, alternative development strategies for NAFTA and forum held with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation 1991-1992
Movimiento Ecologista Mexicano, presentation on concerns, problems, legislation and meeting announcement 1991-1992
National Commission for Employment Policy, research report "Using Basic Skills Testing to Improve the Effectiveness of Remediation in Employment and Training Programs for Youth" 1988
National Council of La Raza, memo on meeting 1991
National Latino Conference, draft preamble circa 1992
National Toxics campaign / Fair Trade Campaign 1991, undated
National Wildlife Federation, testimony, safeguards, comments and positions on environmental issues 1990-1993, undated
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), comments, recommendations on safeguards, news articles 1991-1993
Northeast Sonora / Cochise County Region, request to establish CAMEO-based hazardous materials database 1994
The Oxford Environmental Newsletter "Environmental Eye" 1992
PAN North America Regional Center, comment by Monica Moore 1993
Partidos Ecologista de Mexico, meeting program 1991
The People-Centered Development Forum, comment 1993
Pomona College (Claremont, California), policy analysis 1994
Rachel's Hazardous Waste News, newsletters 1992-1993
Red Mexicana de Accion Frente al Libre Comercio, correspondence and comments 1993
Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicologia, brochure, correspondence, news articles 1993-1995
South and Meso American Indian Information Center, correspondence, newsletter, news articles 1990-1991
Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice, statements, meeting information, news articles 1993
Southwest Organizing Project, news articles and "Voces Unidas" newsletters 1991-1993
Southwest Research and Information Center, publication "The Workbook" 1992
Southwest Voter Research Institute "Latino Consensus on NAFTA" informational mailers 1992
Texas Center for Policy Studies, comment, meetings, recommendations, remarks and reports 1980, 1991-1992
Texas Water Commission, comments 1991
Tohono O'Odham Nation, hearing agenda 1995
Tonatierra, correspondence on mushroom workers strike 1993
Torres-Martinez Indian Reservation (California), news articles 1995-1996
Trinational NAFTA Monitoring and Education Group, correspondence and memos 1995
W.K. Kellogg Foundation, "Trilateral Free Trade Agreement North American Initiative Briefing Paper: The Environment" 1992
World Environment Center, "U.S.-Mexico Environmental Cooperation Program Report" 1992
World Policy Journal, article "Another NAFTA" 1992
World Wildlife Fund, statement to Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, and paper "South-North Terms of Trade, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" 1992
Responses by various environmental organizations 1990-1992
Papers by Roberto A. Sanchez 1989-1993
"Open Letter of Concern to Government of Mexico from Prominent Mexicans" 1990
List of Short Standard Industrial Classification Titles 1990
Article and book publication news release by Sidney Weintraub 1990-1991
Papers and articles by Jan Gilbreath Rich 1990-1992
"Trade and Talks with Mexico: A Time for Realism" by Peter Morici 1991
"Free Trade: Can Mexico Win?" by Steven E. Sanderson 1991
"Trading Freedom" book publication and promotion information, by John Gershman 1991-1992
Papers by university professors and others 1991-1993
Papers by Stephen P. Mumme 1991-1993
Testimony, statements and articles by David A. Wirth 1992
"The Aspen Report on International Environment and Development Policy: Legal Issues" by Alberto Szekely 1992
"Environmental Considerations of the Emerging U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement" by Michael Scott Feeley and Elizabeth Knier circa 1992
"What Price Economic Growth?" by Jonathan Schlefer 1992
Sustainability articles by Robert Costanza 1992-1994
"The Border Initiative" draft proposal by Susan de Treville and Richard Davis 1993
"Binational Border-Wide Emergency Action Alert" draft report by Susan de Treville 1993
"Trading Away a Heritage of Diversity" by Angus Wright 1993
Papers by Sofia Gallardo 1993-1994
"The New Era of Global Environmental Protection" (parts I, II and III), by Rachel Hopp 1994
"NAFTA and the Environment" report by Jennings, Strauss and Salmon circa 1994
Comment by Ross Perot circa 1994
"Trade and Environment" by R.A. Reinstein undated
News articles, papers, clippings, fliers 1979-1996
General Accounting Office, reports 1987-1994
Series 5. Douglas, Arizona Smelter: Phelps-Dodge Corporation Douglas Reduction Works 1979-2001
Correspondence, notes, articles 1973-1980, 1985-1986
Environmental Protection Agency hearings on copper smelter emissions 1974-1976
Radiological analysis, mining effects 1979, 1995
Clean Air Act, visibility regulations - including Senator Robert Stafford correspondence, reports, federal register, news articles 1979-1987
Arizona Department of Health Services - air quality monitoring procedures and data 1981-1985
Public hearing on Nonferrous Smelter Order waiver 1982
Operating permit 1983-1986
Gray Triangle border smelter issues - correspondence, testimony, notes 1983-1984
Phelps Dodge Smelter - lawsuits including Environmental Defense Fund, State of New Mexico 1983-1985
Groups Against Smelter Pollution (GASP) and others - newsletters, flyers, mailers 1984-1986
Pulmonary health effects - notes and correspondence 1984-1986
Governor Bruce Babbitt - statements, correspondence and news articles on smelter triangle air pollution 1984-1986
Legislation - correspondence 1985
Stakeholders meeting 1985
Arizona Department of Health Services - Douglas air monitoring tests, data, correspondence 1985
Arizona Department of Health Services - public meeting and correspondence 1985
Committee for Justice - paper, reports and news articles 1985
Environmental Defense Fund statement and petitions regarding permit denial 1985
Arizona Air Pollution Control Hearing Board - case documents for Douglas permit 1985
Acid rain - papers and news article 1985
Third Biennial National Clean Air Colloquium (Washington, D.C.) 1985
State of New Mexico, Environmental Improvement Division - correspondence on air pollution 1985
Arizona Air Pollution Control Hearing Board - Douglas permit documents and correspondence 1985-1986
Closure, economics 1985-1986
Smelter Crisis Education Project "Estimates of Impacts on Agriculture in Sonora, Mexico from Copper Smelter-Derived Sulfur Dioixide Pollutants" 1986
Consent decree with comment by U.S., Arizona and Environmental Defense Fund 1986
Environmental Protection Agency - non-ferrous smelter order denial with comment by Environmental Defense Fund and Sierra Club 1986
Hazardous waste manifests 1986
Environmental Protection Agency assessment of employee effects from Douglas smelter closure includes worker relocation assistance reports and studies 1986-1990
Groundwater, Whitewater Draw test results 1986, 1990-1993
Northeast Sonora Cochise County Health Council - Douglas and Bisbee lead and arsenic testing 1986-1987, 1995
Agua Prieta - diagnostics, maps, reports including sulfuric acid spill 1986-1996
Clean Air Act, U.S.-Mexico Air Quality Improvement Act, including Waxman and Byrd amendments and Sierra Club comment regarding reauthorization 1987-1990
Colorado School of Mines, Energy and Minerals Field Institute Government Program - field guide 1988
Tennessee copper mines - worker retraining programs 1988-1990
Pearce, Arizona solid waste incinerator - notes, correspondence, reports, studies, articles 1988-1997
Aqua Prieta, Douglas and Nogales - air pollution monitoring, PM10 State Implementation Plan 1988-1992
Aqua Prieta - smelter slag and toxics monitoring 1989-1992
OSHA plant inspection records 1977-1985
Smelter Study Group, Southwest Environmental Service, Arizona Clean Air Coalition 1980-1982
Clean Air Act visibility regulations for wilderness areas - correspondence, mailers 1980-1984
Cochise Smelter Study Group "What's in the Smoke?: A Breather's Guide to Douglas Smelter Pollution" pamphlet, drafts and correspondence 1981-1982
Smelter Crisis Education Project - correspondence, notes, minutes, statements, reports 1984-1985
Operating permit 1985
Gray Triangle border smelter issues - legislation 1985
Arizona Department of Health Services - correspondence and studies 1985
Sierra Club. Grand Canyon Chapter - comments on permit denial 1985
Correspondence with Congressmen Jim Kolbe and Dennis DeConcini regarding smelter pollution in Arizona 1985-1986
NGO comment, including Sierra Club, Border Ecology Project and Environmental Defense Fund 1985-1986
Studies on metal smelters in Douglas, Arizona 1985-1986
News articles 1980-1986, 1995
Environmental Protection Agency - air monitoring near Cananea Mining Company (Sonora, Mexico) 1989
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System, screening test inspection - report 1989
Chemstar, Paul Lime Plant (Douglas, AZ) and Sonocal Lime Plant (Naco, Sonora, Mexico) 1990-1992
Scoring report 1991
Environmental Protection Agency. Technical Assistance Team, Zone II "Risk Profile for the Accidental Release of Hazardous Materials" 1993
Arizona Toxics Information - index to Phelps Dodge Copper Queen Environmental Docket circa 1993
Department of Health and Human Services, public health assessments and comments 1993-1995
Allied Signal - whistle blower case and cleanup 1993, 1997
Environmental Protection Agency, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Arizona Department of Health Services, Cochise Co. Department of Health and Social Services - "The Douglas-Pirtleville Environmental Study" 1994
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - Douglas public health assessment, comments by Phelps Dodge and Northeast Sonora Cochise County Health Council 1994-1995
Douglas/Aqua Prieta region - environmental health monitoring proposals 1994-1996
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - report "A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Lung Cancer Mortality in Four Arizona Smelter Towns" 1995
Border Ecology Project - air monitoring and Douglas Manufactured Gas Plant site 1996-1997
Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest - comment on proposed National Emission Standards for Primary Copper Smelters 1998
Whitewater slag site 2000-2001
News articles 1981-1991
Series 6. Pesticide, Insecticide and Herbicide Files 1959-1997
Subseries 6.1. Phenoxy Herbicide, 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D (Agent Orange) Spraying in Tonto National Forest near Globe, Arizona 1959-1994
Dow Chemical Company - Phenoxy herbicides monitoring and studies circa 1968-1978
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona 1969-1970
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Robert T. McKusick lawsuit, court documents 1969-1970
U.S. Forest Service spraying, Shoecraft vs. U.S.A. - correspondence, reports, analysis 1969-1981, 1994
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Shoecraft, et al. vs. U.S.A., settlements for McKusick and McCray lawsuits 1969-1978
Government Interdepartmental Panel - report "Investigation of Spray Project near Globe, Arizona" 1970
U.S. Forest Service - correspondence on pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona, Kellner Canyon-Russell Gulch Project 1970
John Pierovich working paper and claims on pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona, Kellner Canyon-Russell Gulch Project 1970-1971
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Raymond J. Flores and Willard Shoecraft claims and lawsuits 1970, 1974
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Robert John McCray lawsuit includes correspondence 1970-1979
Letters to Environmental Protection Agency and legislators 1974-1980
Correspondence with U.S.D.A. and U.S.F.S. 1974-1981
"Report on 2,4,5-T: A Report of the Panel on Herbicides of the President's Science Advisory Committee" Executive Office of the President. Office of Science and Technology 1971
"Report of the Advisory Committee on 2,4,5-T to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency" 1971
"Report on Background Information for the Phenoxy Herbicides 2,4-D 2,4,5-T 2,4,5-TP 1972
"The Use and Hazards of 2,4-D on Crops in Arizona", Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station / Arizona Cooperative Extension Service 1972
Environmental Protection Agency hearings on 2,4,5-T and other pesticide use - reports, announcements, news articles 1974-1980
U.S. Forest Service - correspondence and reports on pesticide spraying in national forests circa 1977-1984
Cibola National Forest Service - correspondence and report on 2,4-D spraying 1978
"Assessment of Human Health Risk Associated with the Use of 2,4-D in Forestry Management" Minnesota Department of Health 1978
U.S. Forest Service - Plumas National Forest (California), use requests and reports, Silvex 1978
U.S. Forest Service - pesticide and herbicide use Plumas National Forest (California), including 2,4-D 1978
Environmental Protection Agency - decisions and reports concerning suspension of 2,4,5-T and Silvex use 1978-1979
Prescott National Forest Service - 2,4-D spraying 1978-1980
Apache-Sitgreaves National Park Service - 2,4-D spraying 1978-1983
Sierra Club - newsletters, policy statements on pesticides and pest management policies 1978-1986
U.S. General Accounting Office reports - Vietnam Veterans exposure to Agent Orange 1978-1982
Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations - involuntary exposure to Agent Orange and other toxic spraying 1979
Association between herbicides and miscarriages, critique of Environmental Protection Agency Alsea II study (Alsea, Oregon) - reports 1979
U.S. Department of Agriculture - mesquite control program Sasabe, Arizona - Mesquite Alliance materials and correspondence 1979-1980
Final environmental statement - vegetation control with herbicides in Arizona 1979-1980
News articles - 2,4,5-T spraying 1979-1980
News articles - phenoxy herbcide spraying in Oregon 1979-1980
Interagency Work Group to Study the Possible Long-Term Health Effects of Phenoxy Herbicides and Contaminants and Cabinet Council Agent Orange Working Group 1980, 1983
Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Pesticide Programs - Pesticide Incident Monitoring System Report for 2,4-D 1980-1981
Bureau of Land Management - Oregon spraying, "Arizona Strip" 1980-1982
Agent Orange at the Crossroads of Science and Social Concern 1981-1982
U.S. Department of the Interior - Finding of No Significant Impact, Experimental Application of 2,4-D Herbicide for Data Collection at Fort Cobb Reservoir, Oklahoma 1981
Health effects of 2,4-D 1982-1983
Bureau of Land Management - pesticide use in Safford (Arizona) area 1983
Bureau of Land Management - 2,4-D Spraying near Pocum, Arizona and Pahcoon, Utah, appeals by Sierra Club 1983-1984
Bureau of Land Management - Phytocide use in Northeastern California and Northwestern Nevada 1983, 1986
Sierra Club - appeals regarding Agent Orange and Vietnam War veteran's health 1983, 1989
"Pesticide Control and Water Safety Provisions of the Environmental Quality Act" paper by Nadine K. Wettstein 1986
Residents for Alternative Pest Policy (R.A.P.P.) 1987-1994
Pesticide spraying in Gila National Forest 1987-1988
Human Ecology Action League of Southern Arizona - pesticide materials 1988-1989
Arizona Citizens Concerned Against Pesticides 1990-1991
A.R.I.D. (People Protecting Area Resource in Danger) - Bureau of Land Management correspondence on Safford and San Pedro water issues 1992
2,4-D Public Education Plan Initial Status Report to Environmental Protection Agency - Industry Task Force II on 2,4-D Research Data 1993
Bureau of Land Management, Safford District office - draft report "Dos Cabezas Mountains Wilderness Management Plan and Environmental Assessment" 1994
U.S. Forest Service - pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona 1969-1970
U.S. Forest Service - phenoxy herbicide and pesticide use in Tonto National Forest 1979, 1981
News articles - Tonto National Forest and Globe, Arizona 1980-1984
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Irene Satam lawsuit 1972-1976
Phenoxy herbicides - correspondence, research 1974-1980
Citizens Against Toxic Sprays - correspondence, newsletters 1977-1979
Citizens Against Toxic Sprays vs. Bob Bergland / U.S.D.A., et al. 1977
Pesticide spraying in Globe, Arizona - Willard Shoecraft vs. Dow Chemical Company, deposition of Paul S. Martin 1978
Citizens for Alternatives to Toxic Herbicides - correspondence and mailers 1978-1979
Citizens National Forest Coalition paper "people... not poisons", U.S. Department of Agriculture bulletins, 2,4,5-T toxicology circa 1970-1978
Citizens National Forest Coalition et al. Symposium - Rangeland Policies for the Future (Tuscon, Arizona), program materials and correspondence 1978-1979
Citizens National Forest Coalition - forestry conference, herbicides 1978-1980
Citizens National Forest Coalition - newsletters, mailers, position papers 1978-1980
Citizens National Forest Coalition - correspondence 1978-1983
Studies, research, news articles on chlorophenols and phenoxy herbicides circa 1959-1991
Subseries 6.2. Tebuthiuron, Diquat and Other Herbicide Spraying on Various USFS Rangelands and Lakes 1978-1994
Phenoxy herbicides - assembled studies by Dow Chemical Company 1978
Tebuthiuron spraying - Coronado National Forest, news articles 1980-1983
Tebuthiuron spraying - Jarillas Grazing Allotment, Coronado National Forest 1980-1983
U.S. Forest Service reforestation project - Coconino National Forest 1980-1984
U.S. Forest Service reforestation project - Lincoln National Forest, glyphosate spraying 1980-1987
U.S. Forest Service Rattle reforestation project - Coconino National Forest, environmental assessment and comments 1982
U.S. Forest Service Prescott National Forest - Battle Flat Project, correspondence, reports, comments 1982-1984
Citizens Against Aerial Application of Phenoxy Herbicides (Mendocino, California) - correspondence and mailers 1978-1980
U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management spraying - Southern Oregon Citizens Against Toxic Sprays, Inc. vs. William P. Clark (Department of Interior) 1980, 1983
U.S.F.S. Coronado National Forest - aquatic weed control, Diquat spraying 1981
Herbicide spraying - Alaska Survival vs. Francis Weeks (Alaska Railroad), lawsuit 1982-1983
Spraying on U.S.F.S. and Bureau of Land Management lands in Oregon - Paul E. Merrel vs. John R. Block (Department of Agriculture) 1983-1984
U.S. Forest Service Prescott National Forest - Battle Flat Chaparral Conversion, FOIA request materials 1983
Tebuthiuron spraying, Bureau of Land Management - Tenny Spray Area / Music Mountains / Kingman Resource Area, Arizona 1983
Tebuthiuron spraying, Bureau of Land Management, Safford District, Arizona 1983
Tebuthiuron spraying - Coronado National Forest, correspondence and U.S.F.S. reports circa 1983
Environmental Protection Agency - materials on Tebuthiuron, FOIA request 1983-1984
Tebuthiuron - toxicology, research and correspondence with Elanco Products Co., Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides 1983-1984
Herbicide study, Claunch Pinto RCA Special Environmental Assessment, U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service with comment by Sierra Club 1984-1985
U.S. Forest Service - Prescott National Forest, herbicide use and watershed improvement project 1985
Tebuthiuron spraying on Bureau of Land Management land - Wolfhole Valley and Shivwits Resource Area ("Arizona Strip") 1992-1994
Picloram, Tordon, Agent White - toxicology circa 1970-1984
Dow Chemical Company periodic reports to U.S.D.A. for permit for Tordon 144 brush killer, FOIA request 1967-1969
Dow Chemical Company, temporary U.S.D.A. permit application for Tordon 101 mixture, FOIA request 1968-1969
Dow Chemical Company, experimental U.S.D.A. permit for Tordon 225 mixture, FOIA request 1971
U.S. Forest Service - Final Environmental Impact Statement on Aquatic Weed Control, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest circa 1974
Data, FOIA requests circa 1974-1983
E.P.A., FOIA requests 1975-1987
Dow Chemical Company - registration applications and data to E.P.A. for Tordon 5K and 10K pellets, FOIA requests 1976, undated
Miscellaneous studies, reports, bio-assays circa 1977-1981
Dow Chemical Company - reports, assays, evaluation of Tordon, FOIA requests circa 1978-1982
U.S. Forest Service - pesticide use in Southwestern U.S., reports and correspondence 1978-1984
E.P.A. report on water contamination in Atlanta, Georgia 1980
Dow Chemical Company data to E.P.A. 1981
U.S. Forest Service - Anderson Springs Juniper Maintenance Project, Environmental Impact Statement 1981
Judith A. Dorsey - FOIA requests to E.P.A. 1983
U.S.F.S. and Bureau of Land Management - Noxious Weed Control Program, Environmental Impact Statement and comments 1985-1989
The Alaska Railroad - herbicide use 1992
Subseries 6.4. Western Spruce Budworm and Medfly Insecticide Spraying of Carbaryl and Calathion 1981-1994
U.S. Forest Service - draft Environmental Impact Statement on Kaibab National Forest and Grand Canyon National Park, includes comments 1979-1980
U.S. Forest Service - suppression and evaluation project using Carbaryl 1979-1984
Research articles and papers 1980-1994
Final Environmental Impact Statement - Kaibab National Forest / Grand Canyon National Park and Draft E.I.S. for Pandora Moth Management Plan 1981
U.S. Forest Service - Carson National Forest, management plan draft, reports, correspondence, comments 1981-1985
U.S. Forest Service - Lincoln National Forest and Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, New Mexico, reports and documents 1983-1985
U.S. Forest Service - Sante Fe National Forest and Jemez and Santa Clara Indian Pueblo, New Mexico, draft and final Environmental Impact Statement and reports 1983-1984
U.S. Forest Service - handbooks and bulletins 1983-1993
U.S. Forest Service - reports and papers 1983-1993
U.S. Forest Service - report "Population Dynamics of the Major North American Needle-Eating Budworms" 1993
"The Western Spruce Budworm in the Southwestern Region: Outbreak History, Management Alternatives, and Suppression Programs" report, draft report and comments by Sierra Club 1985
U.S. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region - "Management of Western Spruce Budworm in Oregon and Washington", draft Environmental Impact Statement 1993
Committee for Integrated Pest Management vs. U.S. Forestry Service 1983-1984
Integrated Pest Management Working Group - comprehensive review, recommendations, memos, minutes, correspondence 1984-1985
Integrated Pest Management Working Group 1984-1985
E.P.A. review of Malathion spraying 1991-1992
U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health "A Public Health Review of Control Alternatives for the Med. Fruit Fly" 1992
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - draft and final Environmental Impact Statements 1993
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - Arizona Toxics Information comment and notes on draft E.I.S. 1993
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - "Nontarget Risk Assessment" 1993
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - NGO comments and correspondence 1993
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - California and Malathion spraying 1993-1994
Correspondence with law office of Hannan Bentley / Pesticide Watch Action Now et al. vs. California Department of Food and Agriculture 1993
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - Action Now and Pesticide Watch, correspondence, bulletins, reports and comment 1993-1994
Malathion spraying - Arizona Toxics Information, letters to legislators 1993-1994
Medfly eradication programs 1994
Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program - eradication alternatives, news and research 1981-1997
News articles - Medfly insecticide spraying in California 1988-1995
News articles - Silverleaf whiteflies 1991-1995
U.S. Department of Agriculture report "Human Health Risk Assessment: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Programs" 1992
Arizona Toxics Information - New Solutions journal article on Medfly eradication 1994
Subseries 6.5. Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program Use of Insecticide Malathion 1983-1994
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper control program reports and financial statements, FOIA requests 1979-1989
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper control program, FOIA requests 1979-1990
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program, final Environmental Impact Statement 1980
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Grasshopper Control Program in Arizona, correspondence 1981
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Grasshopper Interagency Meeting Bioassess 1983
Arizona Game and Fish Department response to Malathion spraying 1985
National Parks and Conservation Association vs. John R. Block (U.S. Department of Agriculture), grasshopper control 1985-1986
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper management in Oregon, reports and comments by Audubon Society 1986
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper control program, Environmental Assessment of Utah counties, FOIA request 1986
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper control program, Environmental Assessment of Arizona and New Mexico, FOIA request 1986
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper management in Idaho and Malathion spraying, including comment by Audubon Activist 1986
Biological Assessment of Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program including in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah 1986-1987
U.S. Department of Agriculture - grasshopper control program and Malathion spraying in Coronado National Forest in Graham and Cochise Counties, Arizona 1986-1987
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program, draft and final Environmental Impact Statement including supplement 1986-1987
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program comments on U.S.D.A.'s draft Environmental Impact Statement by Sierra Club, Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides 1986-1987
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Grasshopper Interagency Meeting Bio Assessments in Colorado (Rocky Mountains) and Utah 1986-1987
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Grasshopper Control and U.S. Department of Interior, correspondence and agreements 1986-1987
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection, Plant Protection and Quarantine - Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management Project, annual report 1989
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection - Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management Project in Rocky Mountains (Colorado), FOIA request 1989
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program, Environmental Assessment for Northern Mojave and Coconino Counties 1989
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program, Environmental Assessment, Sierra Club comment. reports, FOIA requests 1989
Grasshopper control - Malathion spraying in Young, Arizona and Tonto National Forest 1989-1990
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Grasshopper Interagency Meeting, Coronado National Forest 1990
Grasshopper control - Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Arizona Strip District, report and comments 1990
Grasshopper control on conservation reserve program lands, including South Dakota 1990-1992
U.S. Department of Agriculture - release of biological control agent Entomophaga Proxibuli - reports, notes, FOIA requests 1993
U.S. Department of Agriculture - report "Assessment of the Proposed Release of Scelio parvicornis in the U.S.", includes correspondence 1994
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine - grasshopper program manual 1994
Research papers on grasshoppers circa 1970-1986
News articles and research papers on grasshopper management circa 1971-1995
Reports and studies on biological control of rangeland grasshoppers and use of Nosema locustae in Wyoming circa 1983-1986
Reports and information about application of rangeland grasshoppers and use of Nosema locustae on Navajo Reservation at Chinle, Arizona 1985-1986
News articles on Malathion spraying for grasshoppers in Cochise County, Arizona 1986
News articles and correspondence, U.S. Department of Agriculture Rangeland Grasshopper Control Programs 1986
News articles and issues of The Young Gazette (Young, Arizona) on grasshopper control in Young, Arizona area 1989-1990
Subseries 6.6. Legislation and Litigation 1973-1997
Minnesota Herbicide Coalition for Integrated Brush Control Management - forest management law suits, mailers, correspondence 1978-1981
People's Environmental Organization for Pesticide Legislation and Enforcement (Arizona) 1979-1980
U.S. Department of Agriculture - reports and studies on Pink Bullworm control in the Western U.S., includes "Pink Bullworm in Arizona: July 1958 through September 1960" 1961, 1980, 1987
Effects of 2,4,5-T on Man and the Environment - Hearings before the Senate Commerce Committee 1970
2,4,5-T legislation, health risks 1973-1983
2,4-D and 2,4,5-T in Cochise County, Arizona 1974
Pamphlets, papers and news articles on pesticides, 2,4,5-T, Silvex by Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and others 1976-1991
Arizona legislation, rules and regulations - pesticide use and application laws 1977-1992
Symposium on the Use of Herbicides in Forestry (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency) - proceedings and papers 1978
Arizona Toxics Information - pesticide legislation reform, correspondence, papers 1978-1996
California regulations - aerial application of phenoxy herbicides circa 1978-1979
Arizona pesticide and pest control legislation and regulations, including Arizona H.B. 2257 1978-1991
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) circa 1978-1992
Newton County Wildlife Association (Arkansas) vs. Larry Henson (U.S. Department of Agriculture) - agreement and stipulation regarding herbicides use in Ozark-St. Francis National Forests 1979
Sagebrush Rebellion, H.B. 2001 - correspondence, comments, statements, mailers, newsletters, news articles 1979-1982
2,4-D use in California State Park System - Sierra Club vs. Peterson (U.S.Forestry Service) 1979-1983
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides - 2,4-D information packet circa 1980
U.S. Forestry Service - Arizona trout restoration in Lee Valley Creek, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest 1981
"1982-1982 Commercial Vegetable Insect Control" Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona 1982
Natural Resources Defense Council - report "Pesticides in Food: What the Public Needs to Know" 1984
Arizona Department of Health Services - pesticide application and disposal rules, Sierra Club comments 1984-1987
Environmental Protection Agency - pesticide policy and reports 1985-1989
Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona - notice of public meetings of the Pesticide Advisory Committee 1986-1987
Arizona Commission of Agriculture and Horticulture - pesticide use rules and regulations, correspondence, Sierra Club comment 1986-1987
Sierra Club Public Lands Committee, Adhoc Pesticides Subcommittee 1986-1989
Locusts - studies and news articles 1986, 1993
Arizona Structural Pest Control Commission, H.R. 2347 and H.R. 2436 - handbooks, notes, public comment, Sierra Club comment, news articles 1987-1991
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Southwest Boll Weevil Project and Eradication Program 1987-1995
Civil Summons and Complaint, Pima County, Arizona - errors in structural pest control report 1988
Comment by Sierra Club on Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation by U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region 1988
Earthtalk - pesticide reform 1993
Federal Register - application to register pesticide products 1993
H.R. 1627 - testimony from chemical industry, opposition campaign by environmental NGOs, correspondence 1993-1994
Arkansas Wildlife Federation vs. ICI Americas, Inc. - lawsuit updates 1993-1994
Pesticide Reform Act of 1994 - Clinton administration testimonies, reports, correspondence 1993-1994
Pesticide Reform Act - Pesticide Reform Agenda, NGO comments and correspondence, including Sierra Club, World Wildlife Federation, National Campaign for Pesticide Policy Reform, grassroots meetings of Pesticide Coalition 1993-1996
Natural Resources Defense Council - lawsuits 1993-1994
National Grain Sorghum Producers Association vs. the Environmental Protection Agency - Carbofuran pesticide 1994-1996
Carbofuran litigation - Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund comment 1995
H.R. 1771 - Pesticide Safety and Right-to-Know Act of 1995 1995
National Campaign for Pesticide Policy reform - Southwest Regional Organizing Meeting (Austin, Texas) 1995
Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly newsletter articles - Malathion, DDT, Agent Orange, 2,4-D, 2,4,5,-T, Tetracycline, Beta-naphthylamine 1995
Arizona Forgotten Pollinators Workshop and papers about honey bees 1995-1996
"Voices for Pesticide Reform" by Beyond Pestcides 1996
Arizona pesticide legislation - news articles circa 1978-1997
Farmworker resolutions on pesticide safety and Portable Practical Educational Preparation 1978-1979
Arizona Farmworkers Union - pesticide use at Cactus Lane Ranch (Waddell, Arizona) 1987
Arizona farm worker safety / pesticide worker safety - administrative codes, Arizona Farmworkers Union documents 1987-1991, 1996
Environmental Protection Agency - project summary "Pesticide Exposure to Florida Greenhouse Applicators" 1988
Food safety - research on pesticide tolerance circa 1988-1994
Consumer Pesticide Project and Sierra Club 1988-1989
H.R. 1725 - Food Safety Amendments of 1989 1989
Bush administration Food Safety Act - responses 1989
Congressional Research Service reports - pesticide residues in foods 1992
Pollution Campaign Steering Committee - California farms pesticide issues 1993
Delaney Clause and Declaration of Opposition to Negligible Cause, Food and Water, Inc.- food safety 1993
Delaney Clause - environmental NGOs, response including National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides 1989-1996
Delaney Clause repeal and Synar Bill - environmental working groups and National Coalition for Pesticide Policy Reform 1993-1994
Delaney Clause and pesticide legislation - news articles circa 1982-1996
Arizona Department of Agriculture Pesticide Use Rules - drafts and revisions, comments by Arizona Toxics and Residents for Alternative Pesticide Policy 1993-1994
H.B. 4091 - Pesticide Food Safety Act of 1994 1993-1994
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources 1993
Farm viability and Pest Management Act sof 1993 and 1994 - environmental task forces and working groups 1993-1995
Environmental Protection Agency - "Reinventing the Tolerance Setting System", food safety proposal 1994
Arizona Farmworkers Committee on Pesticides 1994
H.R. 1627 - Food Quality Protection Act including materials by National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides 1994-1997
H.R. 2135 - Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools 1990-1993
Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - Residents for Alternative Pest Policy (R.A.P.P.), including correspondence, comment and Hug-a-Bug Teaching Program 1990-1993
Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - pilot program at Paradise Valley School District 1990-1993
Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - McQueen family chemical sensitivity discrimination lawsuit against Paradise Valley School District 1991-1995
Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - pilot project at Paradise Valley School 1992-1993
H.B. 2031 - Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - pest control information 1991
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides "Planning for Non-Chemical School Ground Maintenance" information packet circa 1991
Manual of Integrated Pest Management Control for School Sites, workshop (Phoenix, Arizona) booklet by William Currie and Lyndon Hawkins 1992
Arizona State Board of Education, R7-2-315 - pesticide application notification rule and H.R. 2135 1992-1993
Environmental Protection Agency - booklet "Pest Control in the School Environment: Adopting Integrated Pest Management" 1993
Integrated Pest Management in Arizona schools - East Valley, Sierra Vista and Dragonfly Charter School 1993-1995
Integrated Pest Management in non-Arizona schools - California, Colorado, Texas 1991-1995
"Pesticides in Schools: Reducing the Risks" manual by New York State Department of Law 1993
News articles and studies on pesticide use in schools circa 1986-1996
Series 7. Arizona Environmental Quality Act Campaign 1983-2000
Environmental Protection Agency - Bisbee-Douglas International Airport Superfund Removal site circa 1991
Sanitary Landfill Project (Aqua Prieta, Sonora) 1992-1997
Draft groundwater policy and Sierra Club comment 1983, undated
Clean Water, Pesticides Control Act - Citizens Initiative, Arizona Clean Water Advocates 1985
Ground-water pollution 1986
Commission of Agriculture and Horticulture - comments by Common Cause and Defenders of Wildlife 1986
Water quality legislation - overview of current water quality law, the water quality initiative and the water quality compromise proposal 1986
Surface water use and Environmental Protection Agency Region IX guidance on effluent dependent streams - drafts and Sierra Club comments 1986-1994
Arizona Department of Health Services, Pesticide Contamination Prevention Program and Groundwater Protection - proposed rules and Sierra Club comments 1987
H.B. 2518 - implementation plan for water quality control 1987
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - Pesticide Contamination Prevention Program, draft rules and Sierra Club comments 1987-1988
Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest vs. Milo J. Hassell (State Land Commissioner) - case documents for riverbed lawsuit 1987-1991
Border Ecology Project - water quality testing in Mexico border towns of Aqua Prieta, Nogales, Cananea 1988
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - Pesticide Unit Status Reports, water assessment and National Pesticides Survey participation 1988-1989
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - groundwater protection list 1989, 1992
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - application for federal assistance grant for groundwater, wellhead and pesticide programs 1990
Water Resources Research Center at University of Arizona "Instream Flow Rights: A Strategy to Protect Arizona's Streams" 1990
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - Pesticide Contamination Prevention Program, proposed rules, drafts, comments 1990-1991
Sierra Club, et al. vs. the Environmental Protection Agency - water quality case documents and correspondence 1990-1992
H.B. 2069 - pesticide contamination of water 1991-1992
H.B. 2478 - aquifier protection permits, water quality 1991-1994
S.B. 1403, S.B. 1330 - pesticide contamination of groundwater 1992-1993
Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest - proposed amendment to apply Clean Water Act to U.S. companies and agencies discharging to U.S. waters from foreign countries 1993
State of Arizona Management Plan for Pesticides in Groundwater - draft and Arizona Toxics comment 1993
H.B. 2316, H.B. 2073, H.B. 2603 - Arizona legislation on groundwater treatment 1993
Sierra Club vs. the Environmental Protection Agency - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, permits for Arizona companies and case documents 1993-1995
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality - Cleanup Standards Policy Task Force 1995
Arizona Department of Corrections ASPC Wastewater Treatment Plan - Aquifier Protection Permit Application Supplemental Documentation 1997
News articles - Arizona water quality and legislation 1984-1986, 1992
News articles - Arizona groundwater and riverbeds circa 1993-1995
Series 8. Chemical Manufacturers Association Community Advisory Panel 1991-2000 1994-2000
Community Advisory Panel - Responsible Care Program model and handbook 1991-1996
Community Advisory Panel - Responsible Care Program reports 1992-2001
Responsible Care Management Systems Verification Process Safety Code Measurement System 1993-1996
"A Plant Manager's Introduction to Environmental Justice" by CMA with comment by Community Advisory Panel 1994-1995
Community Advisory Panel - guidelines, meetings, minutes, agendas, notes, memos 1994-1996
Community Advisory Panel - "Building Communities Together: Community Dialog Workshop" (New Orleans, Louisiana) 1996
Environmental Protection Agency - permits improvement team on responsible care 1996
Responsible Care Conference "Delivering on the Promise" (Denver, Colorado) 1997
Case Histories 1997
Community Advisory Panel meeting (Arlington, Virginia) 1997
Community Advisory Panel meeting (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 1997-1998
Community Advisory Panel meeting (Orlando, Florida) 1998-1999
Community Advisory Panel meeting (Midland, Texas) 1999
Responsible Care Conference (Orlando, Florida) 2000
Miscellaneous Responsible Care materials circa 1995-1998
News articles - chemical and industrial proximity cancer linkage 1990-1994
News articles - environmental health hazards 1993-1994
News articles - chemical plant explosions 1994
Chemical Environmental News, newsletter 1994