The George H. Dunne, S.J., Collection of Articles and Pamphlets consists of works by and about this well-known Jesuit advocate
for civil rights.
Father George H. Dunne, S.J., (1906-1998) was a pioneer Catholic voice for civil rights in the United States, a voice ably
expressed in numerous essays on the topic. Dunne earned his masters from Gonzaga University in 1932 and spent several years
in the mid-1930s in China as a Jesuit missionary. He returned to the United States and earned a doctorate in international
relations in 1944 from the University of Chicago. His first academic position was at the University of St. Louis, but his
criticism of the policies of racial segregation at the university resulted in his dismissal. He was transferred to Loyola
University (Los Angeles), where he was dismissed again, in this case because of his support of a strike of the stage employees
Father Dunne eventually served at Georgetown University and became the director of the university’s program at Fribourg, Switzerland,
until he retired in 1985, after which he lived at the Jesuit community at Loyola Marymount University.
Dunne’s article “The Sin of Segregation” was published in the journal Commonweal in 1945 and represented his opening salvo
against racial prejudice. The essay made him among the first Catholic clerics to label prejudice a sin and was only the first
of many essays condemning racism. Dunne also wrote a play (“Trial by Fire”) on the bombing of an African-American family who
had just moved to an all-white neighborhood. His best scholarly work was his study of Jesuits in China, “Generation of Giants”
(1962). Dunne’s autobiography “King's Pawn: The Memoirs of George H. Dunne, S.J.” was published in 1990.
4 archival document boxes (1.8 linear feet)
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