Delta Kappa Alpha records 509875 1936-1979
DKA Banquet 511194
DKA Banquet Research 509944
DKA Banquets Research 511196
Audio Cassettes -- DKA Awards Banquet -- Spring 1978 -- Disney Tribute 510704 1978
Newspaper clipping 510719
DKA Chapters 509949
DKA -- National 509950
DKA -- Alpha (USC) 509951
DKA -- Beta (Boston) 509954
DKA -- Gamma (NYU) 509958
DKA -- Delta (UCLA) 509957
DKA -- Chapter Inquiries 510295
Newsletter Material 509952
DKA Certificates 512032
DKA Organization 512034
DKA Certificates, Receipts, Invoices 510706 1947-1983
Constitution of Delta Kappa Alpha 510702 1956
DKA Constitutions/By-Laws 511199
DKA Correspondence -- to Kantor & Cukor 510332
DKA -- Executive Committee 510713 1956
DKA -- Jewelry and Printing 510320
DKA Letterhead/Stationary 510309
DKA -- Membership 511195
DKA Membership (various) 510306
Membership Cards 510705
DKA Minutes 511200 1936-1942
DKA Minutes -- Xerox Masters 511282 1936-1951
DKA -- National -- Banking 510327
DKA Organization 511242
Pins & Keys 510693
DKA Records -- Copies 511198
DKA Publications 512031
DKA Film Screening Programs 510710
DKA Mailings, Newsletters, and Cine Journal 510297
DKA Newsletter 510296
DKA Newsletter Fall 1950 510716 1950
Film Review of Student Productions 509948 1952-1968
Other Organizations 512036
Alpha Phi Omega 510694
Los Angeles Herald Express Photos and Copies 510715 1948 September 13
Student SMPTE 509947
Curriculum files 1950s, 1974
Course files 1950s
Administrative course/curriculum documents
Non-CINEMA course files
CINEMA 127-310
CINEMA 315-455
CINEMA 460-600
CINEMA 610-686
"USC Cinema Publications" plan by Charles G. Allison
"CINEMA 241: Fundamentals of Film Syllabus" by Charles G. Allison 1974
"A Syllabus for Writing the Short Script" by Morton Zarcoff 1974
USC CNTV History Project research binders
USC Cinema School History Index [disbound binder 2] 1970-1989
USC Cinema School History Index [disbound binders 5-6] 1990-1999
Unprocessed materials