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Hall (John R.) Papers
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Box 1

box 1:1

Hall, John R., Jonestown/People's Temple Book, Reviews/letters 1987

box 1:2

Hall, John R., People's Temple/Jonestown Book, Correspondence, misc. materials undated

box 1:3

John R. Hall, Comments on "Developing Societies" 1983

box 1:4

Hall, John R., Feudalism and Capitalism, Unpublished paper 1986

box 1:5

Hall, John R., Civil/Liberal Religion, Unpublished conference paper 1982

box 1:6

Hall, John R. + Riddle, Richard A., "Towards a Sociology of Religious Migration", Unpublished ms. 1981

box 1:7

John R. Hall + Paul Pascon, Capitalism/Morrocco Project, Correspondence undated

box 1:8

John R. Hall, Kenya, Misc. field notes etc. 1980-1981

box 1:9

John R. Hall, "The Apocalypse at Jonestown", Early drafts and notes 1979

box 1:10

John R. Hall, The Ways Out, Reviews 1978

box 1:11

John R. Hall, Marx and the Communards 1978

box 1:12

John R. Hall, Perspectives on Time in Communal Groups, Conference papers 1977

box 1:13

John R. Hall, "Alfred Schutz, his critics and applied phenomenology", Editorial correspondences before publication undated

box 1:14

John R. Hall, "Time and Utopia: typology of countercultural carrier groups," Unpublished ms. 1977

box 1:15

John R. Hall, "Time, The Established Order and Social Change", Unpublished ms. 1975

box 1:16

Hall, John R., Labor Supply + Wages, Yakima Valley (LWA) Asparagus, Unpublished white paper 1972

box 1:17

John R. Hall, University of Washington-Sociology Graduate Program, Misc. papers undated

box 1:18

John R. Hall, Farm Labor Research, Abt Associates/PRAG undated

box 1:19

John R. Hall, Abt Associates, Cambridge MA undated

box 1:20

John R. Hall, Psychiatric Ward Study, Yale college honors thesis 1968

box 1:21

John R. Hall, Misc. college papers undated

box 1:22-23

Correspondence undated

box 1:24

Center for History, Society, and Culture undated

box 1:25

UCD Sociology Grad Program undated

box 1:26

UCD Sociology-Central 7/2000- 2000

box 1:27-28

UCD Sociology-Central-7/1989-6/2000 1989-2000


Box 2

box 2:1

Hall, John R., Journal Publication, Offprints, selected undated

box 2:2

Hall, John R., Cultures of Inquiry, Substantive correspondence and notes undated

box 2:3

Hall, John R., Author/Critics Jeff Alexander, Presentation + email undated

box 2:4

ESRC Workshop 3 Civil Society 1999

box 2:5

Classes/Knowledge, ASA 1998

box 2:6

Hall, John R., Reworking Class, Editorial reviews undated

box 2:7

Hall, John R., Intro. Reworking Class, Substantive correspondence undated

box 2:8

Hall, John R., ASA Historical Sociology Section, Newsletter editor. undated

box 2:9

Hall, John R., Comments on Jay+Jacoby, Unpublished comments 1995

box 2:10

Hall, John R., ASA Theory Section, Interview 1995

box 2:11

Hall, John R., Princeton University Presentation, Presentation draft 1995

box 2:12

Hall, John R., Theory+Cultural Studies, Presentation draft 1994

box 2:13

Hall, John R., "Up From Postmodernism" ASA, Paper draft for book, letters 1994

box 2:14

Hall, John R., Reworking Class ISA Section, Edited book w/ papers 1994

box 2:15-16

Hall, John R.+ Philip D. Schuyler, Solar Temple, Correspondence 1994

box 2:17

Hall, John R., Branch Davidians ("Waco"), Correspondence and notes undated

box 2:18

Black, Fred + Hall, John R., California Tax/Policy, Unpublished white paper 1992

box 2:19

Hall, John R., Capital(s) of Culture, Letters and notes 1992

box 2:20

Hall, John R., Where History and Sociology Meet, Letters and notes 1992

box 2:21

Hall, John R., Parsons + Simmel ASA Paper, Revision incorporated Cultures of Inquiry 1992

box 2:22

Hall, John R., The Spectacle of Performance, Unpublished paper 1992

box 2:23

Hall, John R., Explanation, History, ASA Paper-Cultures of Inquiry book 1992

box 2:24

Hall, John R., Originality in Social Science History Session Comments, Paper+letters undated

box 2:25

Hall, John R., Effects vs. Reception, Audience, Midwest Sociological Society Nations Paper (unpublished) 1991

box 2:26

Hall, John R., "A Case for the Case Study" Editorial Review, Review + letters 1990

box 2:27

Hall, John R., "Epistemology + Sociohistorical Inquiry", Letters 1990

box 2:28

Hall, John R., The Patrimonial Dynamic in Colonial Brazil, Notes and letters 1991

box 2:29

Hall, John R., Epistemology in the Post-Modern Shadows of Discourse, Conf. paper 1989

box 2:30

Hall, John R., Symbolic Interaction, History, Culture, Letters 1987

box 2:31

Hall, John R., Max Webber and Rational Choice Theory on Religion, Unpublished paper 1989

box 2:32

Hall, John R., Sociology/History, Precursor of Cultures of Inquiry 1988

box 2:33

Hall, John R., "Soc. Org. Pathways of Commitment", Research materials 1988

box 2:34

IRE Jonestown Retro 1988

box 2:35

Hall, John R., Discussion of Michael Mann's The Sources of Social Power, Draft presentation 1987

box 2:36

John R. Hall, Webber, Parsons, Epistemology, Correspondence + reviews undated

box 2:37

John R. Hall, "Brazil + The World System", Drafts + correspondence ~1980s

box 2:38

Paul Pascon, La Maison D'Iligh undated

box 2:39

ABT Associates, A Procedure for Force Structure Effectiveness Evaluation (Miller, P.S., Abt, C.C.) 1966

box 2:40

Y2k Paranoia: Extremists Confront the Millennium undated

box 2:41

Rev Ewing undated

box 2:42

Pajneesh/Rajneeshpuram undated

box 2:43

Lihg Buead Co., Interviews undated

box 2:44

Communes-Chips undated

box 2:45

Communities Project undated


Box 3

box 3:1

John R. Hall, Addendum to Communal Groups undated

box 3:2

S.L.A., Clipping files undated

box 3:3

Communities undated

box 3:4

Leaves of Twin Oaks undated

box 3:5

Utopian Eyes-A Journal if Utopian Thought 1975

box 3:6

Liberation 1975

box 3:7

The Patty Hearst 1974

box 3:8

Krishna, The Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays 1970

box 3:9

The Modern Utopian undated

box 3:10

Communities-Journal of Cooperative Living undated

box 3:11

Lifestyle! - A Magazine of Alternatives undated

box 3:12

Easy Journey-The Other Planets undated

box 3:13

Pattania Trial Clips undated

box 3:14

New Uvindabim (cassette tape) 1973


Box 4

box 4:1-2

Center for History, Society, and Culture Event Flyers and Posters 1995-2004

box 4:3

"American Avatar" undated