Box 1
Hall, John R., Jonestown/People's Temple Book, Reviews/letters 1987
Hall, John R., People's Temple/Jonestown Book, Correspondence, misc. materials undated
John R. Hall, Comments on "Developing Societies" 1983
Hall, John R., Feudalism and Capitalism, Unpublished paper 1986
Hall, John R., Civil/Liberal Religion, Unpublished conference paper 1982
Hall, John R. + Riddle, Richard A., "Towards a Sociology of Religious Migration", Unpublished ms. 1981
John R. Hall + Paul Pascon, Capitalism/Morrocco Project, Correspondence undated
John R. Hall, Kenya, Misc. field notes etc. 1980-1981
John R. Hall, "The Apocalypse at Jonestown", Early drafts and notes 1979
John R. Hall, The Ways Out, Reviews 1978
John R. Hall, Marx and the Communards 1978
John R. Hall, Perspectives on Time in Communal Groups, Conference papers 1977
John R. Hall, "Alfred Schutz, his critics and applied phenomenology", Editorial correspondences before publication undated
John R. Hall, "Time and Utopia: typology of countercultural carrier groups," Unpublished ms. 1977
John R. Hall, "Time, The Established Order and Social Change", Unpublished ms. 1975
Hall, John R., Labor Supply + Wages, Yakima Valley (LWA) Asparagus, Unpublished white paper 1972
John R. Hall, University of Washington-Sociology Graduate Program, Misc. papers undated
John R. Hall, Farm Labor Research, Abt Associates/PRAG undated
John R. Hall, Abt Associates, Cambridge MA undated
John R. Hall, Psychiatric Ward Study, Yale college honors thesis 1968
John R. Hall, Misc. college papers undated
Correspondence undated
Center for History, Society, and Culture undated
UCD Sociology Grad Program undated
UCD Sociology-Central 7/2000- 2000
UCD Sociology-Central-7/1989-6/2000 1989-2000
Box 2
Hall, John R., Journal Publication, Offprints, selected undated
Hall, John R., Cultures of Inquiry, Substantive correspondence and notes undated
Hall, John R., Author/Critics Jeff Alexander, Presentation + email undated
ESRC Workshop 3 Civil Society 1999
Classes/Knowledge, ASA 1998
Hall, John R., Reworking Class, Editorial reviews undated
Hall, John R., Intro. Reworking Class, Substantive correspondence undated
Hall, John R., ASA Historical Sociology Section, Newsletter editor. undated
Hall, John R., Comments on Jay+Jacoby, Unpublished comments 1995
Hall, John R., ASA Theory Section, Interview 1995
Hall, John R., Princeton University Presentation, Presentation draft 1995
Hall, John R., Theory+Cultural Studies, Presentation draft 1994
Hall, John R., "Up From Postmodernism" ASA, Paper draft for book, letters 1994
Hall, John R., Reworking Class ISA Section, Edited book w/ papers 1994
Hall, John R.+ Philip D. Schuyler, Solar Temple, Correspondence 1994
Hall, John R., Branch Davidians ("Waco"), Correspondence and notes undated
Black, Fred + Hall, John R., California Tax/Policy, Unpublished white paper 1992
Hall, John R., Capital(s) of Culture, Letters and notes 1992
Hall, John R., Where History and Sociology Meet, Letters and notes 1992
Hall, John R., Parsons + Simmel ASA Paper, Revision incorporated Cultures of Inquiry 1992
Hall, John R., The Spectacle of Performance, Unpublished paper 1992
Hall, John R., Explanation, History, ASA Paper-Cultures of Inquiry book 1992
Hall, John R., Originality in Social Science History Session Comments, Paper+letters undated
Hall, John R., Effects vs. Reception, Audience, Midwest Sociological Society Nations Paper (unpublished) 1991
Hall, John R., "A Case for the Case Study" Editorial Review, Review + letters 1990
Hall, John R., "Epistemology + Sociohistorical Inquiry", Letters 1990
Hall, John R., The Patrimonial Dynamic in Colonial Brazil, Notes and letters 1991
Hall, John R., Epistemology in the Post-Modern Shadows of Discourse, Conf. paper 1989
Hall, John R., Symbolic Interaction, History, Culture, Letters 1987
Hall, John R., Max Webber and Rational Choice Theory on Religion, Unpublished paper 1989
Hall, John R., Sociology/History, Precursor of Cultures of Inquiry 1988
Hall, John R., "Soc. Org. Pathways of Commitment", Research materials 1988
IRE Jonestown Retro 1988
Hall, John R., Discussion of Michael Mann's The Sources of Social Power, Draft presentation 1987
John R. Hall, Webber, Parsons, Epistemology, Correspondence + reviews undated
John R. Hall, "Brazil + The World System", Drafts + correspondence ~1980s
Paul Pascon, La Maison D'Iligh undated
ABT Associates, A Procedure for Force Structure Effectiveness Evaluation (Miller, P.S., Abt, C.C.) 1966
Y2k Paranoia: Extremists Confront the Millennium undated
Rev Ewing undated
Pajneesh/Rajneeshpuram undated
Lihg Buead Co., Interviews undated
Communes-Chips undated
Communities Project undated
Box 3
John R. Hall, Addendum to Communal Groups undated
S.L.A., Clipping files undated
Communities undated
Leaves of Twin Oaks undated
Utopian Eyes-A Journal if Utopian Thought 1975
Liberation 1975
The Patty Hearst 1974
Krishna, The Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays 1970
The Modern Utopian undated
Communities-Journal of Cooperative Living undated
Lifestyle! - A Magazine of Alternatives undated
Easy Journey-The Other Planets undated
Pattania Trial Clips undated
New Uvindabim (cassette tape) 1973
Box 4
Center for History, Society, and Culture Event Flyers and Posters 1995-2004
"American Avatar" undated