G. Prat photograph album of China and Japan, Series I./repositories/3/archival_objects/1004551
[G. Prat photograph album of China and Japan]: 1878-1896
box 1*
Album, /repositories/3/archival_objects/1004554
In original order.
box 1*, item front cover
Front cover, 98.R.14-fc/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004558
box 1*, page front paste-down
Front paste-down endpaper, 98.R.14-fpe/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004561
box 1*, page front free
Front free endpaper, 98.R.14-ffe/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004562
Scope and Contents
Inscribed on page: G. Prat.
box 1*, page Verso of front free
Verso of front free endpaper, 98.R.14-fev/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004565
box 1*, page 1
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Vue de la maison W. Pustau & Co., 98.R.14-p1/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004567
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Considérations sur la Chine. The lower text describes the trading house depicted in the photograph.
box 1*, page 2
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Le go down de Messrs. Siemssen & Co. en partie du consulat anglais, 98.R.14-p2/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004570
Scope and Contents
The word godown, meaning warehouse, likely came into English from the Malay
gedong (
Header for upper text: Climat.
box 1*, page 3
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Vue des maisons Jardine, Matheson & Co. (côté nord), 98.R.14-p3/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004573
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Tourbillons - trombes et typhons - calamités.
box 1*, page 4
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Jardine, Matheson & Co. (côté nord), 98.R.14-p4/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004582
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Typhons.
box 1*, page 5
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Vue du quartier chinois en face de Shameen, prise entre Messrs. Thomas
& Mercer
Co. & W. Pustau & Co.,
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de page 4).
box 1*, page 6
Photographer unidentified, Trombe du 10 avril 1878: Vue du quai chinois (prise du fort) en face du Concordia Hall, 98.R.14-p6/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004588
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de page 5).
box 1*, page 7
Photographer unidentified, Shameen: L'église anglicane et la maison du commissaire des douanes chinoises, 98.R.14-p7/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004591
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Histoire de Chine.
box 1*, page 8
Photographer unidentified, Shameen: Messrs. Olyphant & Co., 98.R.14-p8/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004594
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente, 7).
box 1*, page 9
Photographer unidentified, Verandah de la maison Russell & Co., 98.R.14-p9/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004597
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente, 8). The two men sitting on the veranda are identified as F. Koch
and J. B.
box 1*, page 10
Photographer unidentified, Le bateau à vapeur
Kin-shaw faisant le service entre Canton et Hong
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente 9).
box 1*, page 11
Photographer unidentified, Hong Kong: Vue prise des jardins publics, 98.R.14-p11/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004603
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente, 10).
box 1*, page 12
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La pagode de Pa-choc près Wampoa, 98.R.14-p12/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004606
box 1*, page 13
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La pagode des Fleurs en 1878 avant sa réparation, 98.R.14-p13/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004609
Scope and Contents
Two dates are present: 1878 in the caption above the image and 1874 in the caption below the image. The former date corresponds
to the date
when Prat was in Guangzhou, while the later date is the date of the photograph.
No header for the upper text is present.
box 1*, page 14
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La pagode des Fleurs depuis sa réparation en 1878, 98.R.14-p14/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004612
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Portes d'honneur.
box 1*, page 15
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La porte du nord, 98.R.14-p15/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004615
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Histoire de Chine (suite et fin des pages 7 à 11).
box 1*, page 16
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La cité tartare et la pagode mahométane, 98.R.14-p16/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004618
Scope and Contents
No header for upper text which discusses the city of Canton.
box 1*, page 17
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La Brillante Pagode ou pagode mahométane, 98.R.14-p17/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004621
Scope and Contents
No header for upper text which continues from the previous page.
box 1*, page 18
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La porte de l'est, 98.R.14-p18/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004624
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Mandarins.
box 1*, page 19
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La Cour des Examens, 98.R.14-p19/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004627
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Les lettrés.
box 1*, page 20
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La porte d'entrée des bureaux du général tartare, 98.R.14-p20/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004630
Scope and Contents
No header for upper text which discusses the Tartar general.
box 1*, page 21
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Le Temple de Longévite, 98.R.14-p21/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004633
Scope and Contents
There is no upper text. A later note added below the lower caption notes that the temple was burned in a Chinese riot in 1881.
box 1*, page 22
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise sur la rivière de Canton près Messrs. Russell & Co., 98.R.14-p22/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004636
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Geographie physique de Canton. Histoire.
box 1*, page 23
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Les jonques de Tientsin, 98.R.14-p23/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004639
Scope and Contents
No header for the upper text which continues from the previous page.
box 1*, page 24
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Ho-chu, vue prise sur la rivière de Canton près l'arsenal chinois, 98.R.14-p24/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004642
Scope and Contents
No upper text.
box 1*, page 25
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La pagode des cinq étages et les murailles de Canton, 98.R.14-p25/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004645
Scope and Contents
No upper text.
box 1*, page 26
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise hors des murs, 98.R.14-p26/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004648
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Fonctionnaires.
box 1*, page 27
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Le fort de Macao, 98.R.14-p27/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004651
Scope and Contents
The Tai-wang-kow or Yellow Pagoda Fort, also known as Macao Fort, is located on an islet approximately three miles south of
Header for upper text: Voies de communication.
box 1*, page 28
Lai Fong, Canton: Ling-Wong ou gardiens du portail, 98.R.14-p28/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004654
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Sculpture. Depicts two guardians, one with his arm raised above his head.
box 1*, page 29
Lai Fong, Canton: Ling-Wong ou gardiens du portail, 98.R.14-p29/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004657
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de la page 28). The image depicts two guardians, one holding a stringed instrument.
Other copies of this image are captioned: No 349. Ting-Wong, or Guardians of the Portal. The number 349 had been crossed out
in pencil and
renumbered 350. (See: University of Bristol accession no. 6287; UB01-22).
box 1*, page 30
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Riche appartement chinois, 98.R.14-p30/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004660
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: La famille. La femme.
box 1*, page 31
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Intérieur d'un appartement chinois, 98.R.14-p31/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004663
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de la page 30).
box 1*, page 32
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Cimetière mahométan et mosquée, 98.R.14-32/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004666
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Mahométans.
box 1*, page 33
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Wuhan, 98.R.14-p33/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004669
Scope and Contents
The text, which begins below the image and wraps around to the right margin, describes Wuhan and the photograph of houses
along a canal.
box 1*, page 34
Lai Fong, Canton: Intérieur du Temple des 500 Génies, 98.R.14-p34/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004672
Scope and Contents
There is no upper text. The text below the image discusses religion and temples including the temple depicted.
box 1*, page 35
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Temple Li-Fat, 98.R.14-p35/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004675
Scope and Contents
The upper text discusses temple architecture.
box 1*, page 36
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Consulat de France, entrée du yamén français à Canton, 98.R.14-p36/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004678
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Chaises à porteurs.
box 1*, page 37
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise du Temple de Pan-lo-hang, 98.R.14-p37/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004681
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: La propriété. Les produits.
box 1*, page 38
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Trombe du 10 avril 1878, 98.R.14-p38/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004684
Scope and Contents
The view is of rooftops and rebuilding after the typhoon. Header for upper text: Pétitions.
box 1*, page 39
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Trombe du 10 avril 1878, faubourg occidental de Canton face au nord, 98.R.14-p39/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004687
Scope and Contents
The photograph shows destruction from the typhoon that had not yet been cleared. Header for upper text: Pétitions.
box 1*, page 40
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise dans la campagne, 98.R.14-p40/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004690
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: L'agriculture.
box 1*, page 41
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue de Shamien, 98.R.14-p41/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004693
Scope and Contents
The oblique view along the river looks towards the European settlement. Below the caption various European trading houses
are identified:
Pustan & Co.; Thomas & Mercer; Coare, Lind & Co.
Header for upper text: Linguistique.
box 1*, page 42
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue de Shamien, 98.R.14-p42/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004696
Scope and Contents
The view along the river looks towards the European settlement. Below the caption various European trading houses are identified
Olyphant & Co. and Carlowitz & Co.
Header for upper text: (suite de page 41).
box 1*, page 43
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue de Shamien, 98.R.14-p43/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004699
Scope and Contents
This view along the river looks towards the European settlement. Below the caption European trading houses are identified:
Birley & Co.;
Deacon & Co. (bungalow).
Header for upper text: (suite de page 42).
box 1*, page 44
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Ancien maison Vogel Hagedorn, 98.R.14-p44/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004702
Scope and Contents
The caption continues: ...en suite Vogel & Co., et plus tard louée par Messrs. Thomas, Rowe & Smith par leurs employés. It
also notes
that the building burned in 1883. The three men on the second story balcony are identified from left to right as: J. D. Monro;
G. Prat; and E.
W. Mitchell. The man sprawled on a seat near the front gate is identified as A. B. Tomkins.
Header for upper text: (suite de page 44).
box 1*, page 45
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Ancien maison Vogel Hagedorn, 98.R.14-p45/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004705
Scope and Contents
The continuing caption text is a repeat of the previous page. The four men grouped on the front steps are identified as: E.
W. Mitchell; G.
Prat; A. B. Tomkins (holding a small dog); and J. D. Monro.
Header for upper text: (suite de page 44).
box 1*, page 46
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Maison Russell & Co., vue prise du sud-est, 98.R.14-p46/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004708
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de page 45).
box 1*, page 47
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Maison Russell & Co., vue prise du sud, 98.R.14-p47/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004711
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Langues et dialects chinois.
box 1*, page 48
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, vue prise de l'ouest à la est, 98.R.14-p48/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004714
Scope and Contents
Depicted are the English church, the docks, and the Pearl River.
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente 47).
box 1*, page 49
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, vue prise de l'ouest à l'est, 98.R.14-p49/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004717
Scope and Contents
Depicted are the allée Henry Parkes and the corner of the Anglican church with the tents of Chinese soldiers pitched nearby
following the
anti-foreign riots on 10 September 1883.
Header for upper text: (suite et fin de la page précédente 48).
box 1*, page 50
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Allée principale de Shamien, 98.R.14-p50/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004720
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (continuation de la page précédente 49).
box 1*, page 51
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Allée principale de Shamien, vue prise de l'est à l'ouest vers le point central de la concession
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Etiquette chinoise.
box 1*, page 52
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise du sud-est, 98.R.14-p52/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004726
Scope and Contents
Depicts the American and German consulates. Header for upper text: (suite de la page précédente 51).
box 1*, page 53
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise du sud-ouest, 98.R.14-p53/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004729
Scope and Contents
The view is of the corner of the German consulate and several trading houses.
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 54
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shaimen, le club, 98.R.14-p54/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004732
Scope and Contents
The Canton Club is pictured in the center flanked by Carlowitz & Co. on its left, and the home of the American millionaire,
Mr. White, on
its right.
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 55
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, la condition des soies brûlées le 10 sept. 1883, 98.R.14-p55/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004735
Scope and Contents
The photograph shows the state of the Thomas, Rowe, & Smith and Russell & Co. silk houses and the recently established Condition
soies (Silk Inspection House) after the anti-foreign riots.
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 56
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, allée sud de la concession, 98.R.14-p56/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004738
Scope and Contents
The image shows the tents of the Chinese army pitched on the green after it was called in to defend the concession following
the September 10
anti-foreign riots.
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 57
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, soldats chinois chargés de la défense de la concession après le 10 septembre
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Mandarins et leurs cortèges. Header for text on left border: Parasols rouges.
box 1*, page 58
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, le théâtre, 98.R.14-p58/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004837
Scope and Contents
View of the theater after it was partially burned during the September 10 riots.
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 59
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise sur la rivière de la concession, 98.R.14-p59/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004840
Scope and Contents
View across dock crowded with sampans to the steamer Powan.
Header for upper text: Voies de communication (suite de la page 27).
box 1*, page 60
Photographer unidentified, [Canton: Chinese Army Encampment], 98.R.14-p60/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004843
Scope and Contents
The page contains two photographs with a text in the right margin regarding the Chinese army encampment. The caption for the
upper photograph
reads: Vue prise sur la quai de Shamien et campement des soldats chinois. The caption for the upper photograph reads: Concession
française et
campement chinoises du côté de la ville indigène. The burned icehouse appears in the middle ground of this image.
box 1*, page 61
Photographer unidentified, [Canton: Boats on the River], 98.R.14-p61/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004846
Scope and Contents
The page contains two photographs with a text in the left margin regarding various boats and ships. The caption for the upper
photograph reads:
Cannonière chinoise
Cheng-Bo. The text below the lower photograph notes the gunboats
Swift and
Epsilon, the cargo ships S.S.
Posang and S.S.
Ningbo, and the cannonboat
box 1*, page 62
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Émeute du 10 septembre 1883 - maison incendiée - Mr. Hollwill, Mr. Rocher, 98.R.14-p62/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004849
Scope and Contents
No upper text.
box 1*, page 63
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Émeute du 10 septembre 1883, Mr. Holwill, Mr. Rocher, Mr. Raven, Mr. Pustau, Mr.
Scope and Contents
The photograph shows a row of damaged trading houses.
box 1*, page 64
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Messrs. Thomas, Row & Smith (junior men) pilée et brûlée le 10 septembre 1883, 98.R.14-p64/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004855
box 1*, page 65
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Messrs. Thomas, Row & Smith (junior men) vue du côté de l'entrée principale (sud) pilée
brûlée le 10 septembre 1883,
box 1*, page 66
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La condition des soies brûlées le 10 septembre 1883, 98.R.14-p66/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004861
Scope and Contents
The photograph depicts the former house of Pustau & Co. encased in bamboo scaffolding.
box 1*, page 67
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Tentes chinoises - bowling alley - le théâtre - le poste de police et l'incendie - brûlés
le 10
septembre 1883,
Scope and Contents
The photograph shows the theater and the tents of the Chinese army pitched opposite it.
box 1*, page 68
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Campement chinois établi le long du canal vers la ville indigène, 98.R.14-p68/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004867
Scope and Contents
The view includes the corner of a tent and part of the icehouse; more tents and burned trading[?] houses are in the distance.
box 1*, page 69
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Shamien, vue de la concession anglaise, 98.R.14-p69/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004870
Scope and Contents
View of the S.S.
Chinkiang and the
Lutin on the Pearl River with the English
concession to the left.
box 1*, page 70
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Vue prise de la rivière des Perles, 98.R.14-p70/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004873
Scope and Contents
Caption continues: pouvant donner une idée du mouvement continuel qui y existe et de l'importance de la population flotante.
Header for upper text: Les missionaires.
box 1*, page 71
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Ville de Canton et cathéderal catholique à l'intérieur des murs construite sur l'emplacement
Yámen de l'ancien Vice-Roi "Yeh,"
Scope and Contents
The view looks across a river crowded with sampans to the cathedral in the distance.
There is no header for the upper and side texts which continue from the previous pages.
box 1*, page 72
Lai Fong, Canton: Rivière des Perles, 98.R.14-p72/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004879
Scope and Contents
View of the dock and river crowded with sampans bearing passengers and goods.
Header for upper text: Gouvernement - Administration.
(See: University of Bristol accession no. BL-s218).
box 1*, page 73
Lai Fong, Whampoa: Docks, 98.R.14-p73/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004882
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: (suite de la page 72).
box 1*, page 74
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Ancienne maison Russell & Co., 98.R.14-p74/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004885
Scope and Contents
The caption continues: ...seriez l'emplacement des anciens comptoirs chinois (hongs) (1858-1879). Header for upper text: (suite
de page
box 1*, page 75
Photographer unidentified, [Canton: Rooftop View], 98.R.14-p75/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004888
Scope and Contents
Among the sites idenfied below the image are the French and English concessions and the "faubourgs occidentaux." Header for
upper text: (suite
de la page précédente 74).
box 1*, page 76
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Bureaux de la douane chinoise (Haï-Kouan), 98.R.14-p76/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004891
Scope and Contents
The caption continues: Bâteaux des indigènes. Résidence des européens au service de la douane chinoise. Bouée de vapeur de
Header for upper text: Les douanes.
box 1*, page 77
Lai Fong, Canton: Le principale rue de bibelots, 98.R.14-p77/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004894
Scope and Contents
There is no header for the texts flanking either side of the photograph which discuss Chinese streets.
box 1*, page 78
Photographer unidentified, Canton: La porte de l'ouest, 98.R.14-p78/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004897
Scope and Contents
Header for upper text: Dons; cadeaux; présents.
box 1*, page 79
Photographer unidentified, [Canton: View of the City from the Countryside], 98.R.14-p79/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004900
Scope and Contents
Sites identified below the image include: Marché de Koun-shoun, chef-lieu de district; Montagnes de Saï-chou; Plantation de
cane à sucre.
Header for upper text: Les champs, les impôts.
box 1*, page 80
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Riche tombe chinoise, 98.R.14-p80/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004903
Scope and Contents
Header for upper and side texts: Dévotion envers des ancêtres.
box 1*, page 81
Photographer unidentified, Canton: Báteau
Fleur de Canton,
Scope and Contents
There is no upper text.
box 1*, page 82
Blank page, 98.R.14-p82/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004909
box 1*, page 83
Blank page, 98.R.14-p83/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004912
box 1*, page 84
Blank page, 98.R.14-p84/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004915
box 1*, page 85
Blank page, 98.R.14-p85/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004918
box 1*, page 86
Blank page, 98.R.14-p86/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004921
box 1*, page 87
Blank page, 98.R.14-p87/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004924
box 1*, page 88
Blank page, 98.R.14-p88/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004927
box 1*, page 89
Blank page, 98.R.14-89/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005763
box 1*, page 90
Blank page, 98.R.14-p90/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004930
box 1*, page 91
Photographer unidentified, Le Japon en 1896: Vue de Nagasaki, 98.R.14-p91/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004933
Scope and Contents
Hand-colored albumen print. No upper text.
box 1*, page 92
Kusakabe Kinbē, Kobe, 98.R.14-p92/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004936
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: B. 1205. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue panoramique de
Kobé ou Hiogo et de
ses quais. Hand colored-albumen print.
box 1*, page 93
Kusakabe Kinbē, Kobe, 98.R.14-p93/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004939
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: A. 1205. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue panoramique de
Kobé ou Hiogo et les
ses quais. Hand colored-albumen print.
box 1*, page 94
Kusakabe Kinbē, Biwa Lake, from Miidera, 98.R.14-p94/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004942
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Caption and numbered in negative: 1259. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Otsou et
le lac Bioua ou Biwa.
Vue prise de la terrasse Meiidera. Hand colored-albumen print.
box 1*, page 95
Kusakabe Kinbē, Festival Lanterns, Bentendori, Yokohama, 98.R.14-p95/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004945
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 520. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: la fête des lanternes,
rue Bendentori à
Yokohama. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 96
Kusakabe Kinbē, Yokohama, 98.R.14-p96/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004948
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 560. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue panoramique de Kobé
(portion de la
ville commerçante indigène et des quartiers européens). Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 97
Kusakabe Kinbē, Yokohama, 98.R.14-p97/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004951
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 545. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Autre vue panoramique
de Yokohama (ville
japonaise). Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 98
Photographer unidentified, Le Japon en 1896: Le consulat de France à Yokohama, 98.R.14-p98/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004954
Scope and Contents
The view is from the canal and the consulat is shown in the middle ground on the bank above it.
box 1*, page 99
Kusakabe Kinbē, Railway Station Yokohama, 98.R.14-p99/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004957
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 544. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: La gare de chemin de fer
à Yokohama.
Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 100
Kusakabe Kinbē, Main Steet, Tokio, 98.R.14-p100/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004960
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 626. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue de la principale rue
de Tokio.
Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 101
Kusakabe Kinbē, Prince Hotta's Garden, Tokio, 98.R.14-p101/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004963
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 643. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue du jardin du Prince
Hotta à Tokio.
Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 102
Kusakabe Kinbē, Autumn View of Maples, Oji, Tokio, 98.R.14-p102/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004966
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 637. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Aspect automnal d'érables
à Odji, quartier
de Tokio. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 103
Kusakabe Kinbē, Uyeno Park, Tokio, 98.R.14-p103/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004969
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 667. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue du coin du park Uyeno
ou Ouyeno à
Tokio. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 104
Kusakabe Kinbē, Osaka, 98.R.14-p104/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004972
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 1228. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue de Osaka. Hand-colored
albumen print.
The view is of the rooftops of the city.
box 1*, page 105
Kusakabe Kinbē, Fuji from Yoshiwara (Tokaido), 98.R.14-p105/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004975
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: P 81. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue du Fusi-yama et du
Tokaïdo prise de
Yoshiwara. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 106
Kusakabe Kinbē, Fuji from Hakone's Lake, 98.R.14-p106/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004978
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: E. 47. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Vue de Fusi-yama prise
de lac Hakoné.
Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 107
Kusakabe Kinbē, Fuji from Otometōge, 98.R.14-p107/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004984
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: E. 5r. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: autre vue de Fuji-yama
et de la campagne
japonaise prise de Otométogué. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 108
Kusakabe Kinbē, Girl in Summer Costume, 98.R.14-p108/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004981
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 337. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Une mousmée ou jeune fille
japonaise en
costume d'été. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 109
Kusakabe Kinbē, Winter Costume, 98.R.14-p109/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004987
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 86. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Une mousmée ou jeune fille
japonaise en
costume d'hiver. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 110
Kusakabe Kinbē, Eating, 98.R.14-p110/repositories/3/archival_objects/1004990
Scope and Contents
Title from caption in negative. Numbered in negative: 51. Caption on album page: Le Japon en 1896: Repas de jeunes filles
ou mousmées dans une
maison de thé à Yokohama. Hand-colored albumen print.
box 1*, page 111
Photographer unidentified, [Actors in
Alonso the Brave and the Fair Imogene or Faust and
Scope and Contents
Page with three photographs of actors in the December 22, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS) production of
Alonso the Brave and the Fair Imogene or Faust and Mephistopheles. Depicted from left to right are Faust and Imogene, the first and
second soldiers, and Sybel. The other roles and the names of the actors playing them are noted.
Header for upper text: Barbares-diables étranges.
box 1*, page 112
Photographer unidentified, [Two Scenes from
Alonso the Brave and the Fair Imogene or Faust and
Scope and Contents
Page with two photographs of actors in the December 22, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS) production of
Alonso the Brave and the Fair Imogene or Faust and Mephistopheles. Depicted on the left are Dr. Faust and Alonso, and on the right,
Alonso and Imogen. The other roles and the names of the actors playing them are noted.
Header for upper text: (suite de la page précédente 111).
box 1*, page 113
Photographer unidentified,
Alonso the Brave, Mrs. Jack (G. Prat), dans le rôle de Dame
Scope and Contents
Page with two photographs of G. Prat in the December 22, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS) production of
Alonso the Brave and the Fair Imogene or Faust and Mephistopheles.
Header for lower text: (suite de la page 112 ci-contre).
box 1*, page 114
Photographer unidentified,, Translation des restes mortels de l'ancien vice-roi de Canton "Yeh," 98.R.14-p114/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005002
ca. 1883
Scope and Contents
Photographic reproduction of a painting by M. Baptista showing the return of the remains of Ye Mingchen, the viceroy of Liang
Kuang, to China
after he died in exile in Calcutta. Header for upper text: Mandarins, sceaux, boutons, et décorations.
box 1*, page 115
Photographer unidentified, [Five Actors in
L'amour d'une ingénue],
Scope and Contents
Scene from the November 11, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's (CATS) one act productions. Actors and their lines are
Note for lower text: (voir la suite page 116 ci-derrière).
box 1*, page 116
Photographer unidentified, [Two Scenes from
L'amour d'une ingénue],
Scope and Contents
Page contains two photographs of scenes from the November 11, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's (CATS) one act productions.
The roles
and the names of the actors playing them are noted.
Note for lower text: (suite de la page 115 ci-derrière).
box 1*, page 117
Photographer unidentified, [Two Scenes from
J'invite le colonel],
Scope and Contents
Scenes from the November 11, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's (CATS) one act production. The roles and the names
of the actors playing
them are noted.
Note for lower text: (suite de la page 116 ci-contre).
box 1*, page 118
Photographer unidentified, [Two Scenes from
Le serment de Horace],
Scope and Contents
Scenes from the December 7, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's (CATS) one act productions. The roles and the names
of the actors playing
them are noted.
Note for lower text: (suite de la page 117 ci-derrière).
box 1*, page 119
Photographer unidentified, [Two Scenes from
Les deux Timedes],
Scope and Contents
Scenes from the December 7, 1882, Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's (CATS) one act production. The roles and the names of
the actors playing
them are noted.
Note for lower text: (suite de la page 118 ci-contre). The note is dated: Villenueve-de-Berg, novembre, 1900.
box 1*, page 120
Photographer unidentified, Canton: H. B. W.'s SS
box 1*, page 121
Photographer unidentified, Chine:
La Victorieuse cuirassé portant pavillon du contre-amiral
Scope and Contents
The names and ranks of the ship's personnel are listed and the text discusses the ship.
box 1*, page 122
Photographer unidentified, [Canton: The Community Members of Shamian Island], 98.R.14-p122/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005026
Scope and Contents
Group portrait taken on a lawn of the members of the European community in Canton. Individuals are identified below the photograph
and there is
a brief description of the community's composition.
box 1*, page 123
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Les jardins publics, 98.R.14-p123/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005029
Scope and Contents
Header for upper and side texts: Opium.
box 1*, page 124
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: L'Hôtel de Ville, 98.R.14-p124/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005032
Scope and Contents
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 123).
box 1*, page 125
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Le vapeur
City of Peking dans les docks Aberdeen,
Scope and Contents
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 124).
box 1*, page 126
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Quai Peddar et la tour de l'Horloge, 98.R.14-p126/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005038
Scope and Contents
Headers for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 125); Petits pieds et ongles longs.
box 1*, page 127
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Rue de la reine (centrale) partie occupée par les Chinois sur les deux côtés, 98.R.14-p127/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005041
Scope and Contents
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 126).
box 1*, page 128
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Bowrington Praya (quai Bowrington), 98.R.14-p128/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005114
box 1*, page 129
Photographer unidentified, Hongkong: Bowrington Praya, résidences ou bureaux de quelques maisons commerciales, 98.R.14-p129/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005117
Scope and Contents
The locations of the trading houses and other businesses are noted below the image.
box 1*, page 130
Photographer unidentified, Mr. E. W. Mitchell dans ses divers rôles, 98.R.14-p130/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005120
Scope and Contents
The page contains three photographs of Mitchell playing various roles for the Canton Amateur Theatrical Society. He was also
the troupe's stage
box 1*, page 131
Photographer unidentified,
Blue Beard Burlesque,
Scope and Contents
Cast portrait of the Canton Amateur Theatrical Society's February 17, 1881 production. Players and their roles are listed
below the image.
box 1*, page 132
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Le maison du gouveneur et le poste de police sur le quai, 98.R.14-p132/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005126
box 1*, page 133
Photographer unidentified, Macao: La grotte de Camoens, 98.R.14-p133/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005129
Scope and Contents
The text flanking the image discusses the Portuguese poet, Luís Vaz de Camões, who was exiled to Macau.
box 1*, page 134
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Casernes des troupes indiennes et bureau central de police, 98.R.14-p134/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005132
box 1*, page 135
Photographer unidentified, Macao: L'hôpital, 98.R.14-p135/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005135
box 1*, page 136
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Fort de Saint-François et casernes, 98.R.14-p136/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005159
box 1*, page 137
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Cimetière catholique, 98.R.14-p137/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005138
box 1*, page 138
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Le phare, 98.R.14-p138/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005141
box 1*, page 139
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Temple chinois sur les bords du port intérieur, 98.R.14-p139/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005162
box 1*, page 140
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Résidence d'été du gouverneur, 98.R.14-p140/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005144
box 1*, page 141
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Maison Thomas G. Mercer, 98.R.14-p141/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005147
Scope and Contents
The group portrait depicts G. Prat's friend, E. W. Mitchell, who worked for Mercer as a tea taster, with his Chinese staff.
box 1*, page 142
Photographer unidentified, Macao: Maison Thomas G. Mercer, 98.R.14-p142/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005150
Scope and Contents
View of the trading house with E. W. Mitchell standing on the veranda.
box 1*, page 143
Photographer unidentified, Bal masqué chez Mr. & Mm. G. M. Smith (Jardine, Matheson & Co.), 98.R.14-p143/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005153
Scope and Contents
The page contains two photographs of the costumed actors. The names of the players, their nationalities, and their roles are
listed below the
image. Header for upper text: Quelques locuitons pidgin english.
box 1*, page 144
Photographer unidentified, Bal masqué chez Mr. & Mm. G. M. Smith (Jardine, Matheson & Co.), 98.R.14-p144/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005156
Scope and Contents
Group portrait of all the actors in costume.
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 143).
box 1*, page 145
Photographer unidentified, [G. Prat and Friends], 98.R.14-p145/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005165
Scope and Contents
G. Prat and seven friends posed on porch steps.
box 1*, page 146
Photographer unidentified, [G. Prat and Friends on Porch], 98.R.14-p146/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005168
Scope and Contents
Prat, sitting on the steps, is posed with seven friends. Header for side texts: Quelques locutions pidgin english (suite de
la page précédente
box 1*, page 147
Photographer unidentified, Lawn Tennis, 98.R.14-p147/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005171
Scope and Contents
The names of the people gathered for the group portrait are recorded below the image. Although the British began playing tennis
on croquet
lawns in 1877, calling it lawn tennis, some of the people in this group portrait are holding croquet mallets, and there is
a croquet ball
centered on the lawn in front of the group. Only one man, seen in the back row left, holds a tennis racquet.
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 146).
box 1*, page 148
Photographer unidentified, Bungalow de Messrs. Thomas & Mercer, 98.R.14-p148/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005174
Scope and Contents
G. Prat and J. D. Monro sit on the steps of the employee bungalow flanked by three Chinese staff.
Header for upper and side texts: (suite de la page précédente 147).
box 1*, page 149
Blank page, 98.R.14-149/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005177
Scope and Contents
The page is unnumbered.
box 1*, page Back free
Back free endpaper 98.R.14-bfe/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005180
box 1*, page Back paste-down
Back paste-down endpaper 98.R.14-p/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005183
box 1*, item Back cover
Back cover, 98.R.14-bc/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005186
box 1*
Loose photographs, /repositories/3/archival_objects/1004557
Scope and Contents
Arranged topically in three groups: European community in Guangzhou; Guangzhou views; Rhone River Valley views.
box 1*
The European community in Guangzhou, /repositories/3/archival_objects/1005356
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [G. Prat and Friends on Porch], 98.R.14-1/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005189
Scope and Contents
This is another copy of the photograph on page 146 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [G. Prat and Friends], 98.R.14-2/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005198
Scope and Contents
This is another copy of the photograph that appears on page 145 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [Scene from
Le serment de Horace],
Scope and Contents
The photograph is another copy of the one that appears on the left side of page 118 of the album.
box 1*
Li Yong, [Studio Portrait of Four Mustachioed Young European Men] 98.R.14-4/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005192
Scope and Contents
The photographer's name and address are wet stamped on the mount below the image: Li Yong photography. Sheng Cheng, 18 Fu
(or Pu?).
Translation by Susan Chow.
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [Scene from
Les deux Timedes, with One Actor Seated],
Scope and Contents
The photograph is another copy of the one that appears on the right side of page 119 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [Scene from
Les deux Timedes],
Scope and Contents
The photograph is another copy of the one that appears on the left side of page 119 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer unidentified, [Scene from
Le serment de Horace] with Couple in the Center],
Scope and Contents
The photograph is another copy of the one that appears on the right side of page 118 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer unknown, [Studio Portrait of Six European Men, One Holding a Parasol], 98.R.14-8/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005389
between 1877 and 1883
box 1*
Photographer(s) unknown, Guangzhou views, /repositories/3/archival_objects/1005393
Scope and Contents
Written on the versos of all photographs in either pencil or pen: Canton 1900. The photographs themselves may be of an earlier
box 1*
[Two Guardian Statues] 98.R.14-9/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005390
Scope and Contents
Numbered in upper left corner of verso: Pages 28 bis et 29 bis. The ink description on the verso references the photographs
of the guardians
found on pages 28 and 29 of the album.
box 1*
La Crique (Back Road de Namseen) 98.r.14-10/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005394
Scope and Contents
Title from annotation pencilled on verso. The photograph depicts a narrow waterway crowded with tethered sampans.
box 1*
Intérieur du temple de 500 génies 98.R.14-11/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005395
Scope and Contents
Title from annotation pencilled on verso.
box 1*
Autre vue du quai chinois 98.R.14-12/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005397
Scope and Contents
Title from beginning of descriptive annotation pencilled on verso.
box 1*
Dockyard des torpilleures à Whampoa 98.R.14-13/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005398
Scope and Contents
Title from anotation pencilled on verso.
box 1*
Autre côté de Cour des Examens 98.R.14-14/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005399
Scope and Contents
Title from beginning of descriptive annotation pencilled on verso. Numbered in upper left corner of verso: Page 19 bis. This
image is related
to the one on page 19 of the album.
box 1*
Autre aspect du Macao fort 98.R.14-15/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005402
Scope and Contents
Title from beginning of descriptive annotation pencilled on verso. Numbered in upper left corner of verso: Page 27 bis. This
image is related
to the one on page 27 of the album.
box 1*
Photographer(s) unknown, Rhône Valley views, /repositories/3/archival_objects/1005403
Scope and Contents
Albumen prints mounted on gray or cream board.
box 1*
Rhône: Tombeau du maréchal de Castellane, 98.R.14-16/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005405
Scope and Contents
Title from annotation pencilled on verso.
box 1*
[Steamers and Cargo at the Docks], 98.R.14-17/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005408
box 1*
Barbe et le Mont d'Or, vue du Fort de Cuire, 98.R.14-18/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005409
Scope and Contents
Title from annotation on verso. Dated on verso: 4 juliett '80.
box 1*
L'Ardèche de la route de Ruoms, 98.R.14-19/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005411
Scope and Contents
Title from caption on verso, which continues: ...vue prise de la rive gauche. 26 septembre 80. Written in upper left corner
of verso:
box 1*
Toulon: Le port (darse vieille), 98.R.14-20/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005414
Scope and Contents
Title from annotation pencilled on verso.
box 1*
[Crowd and Parading Dignitaries], 98.R.14-21/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005417
box 1*, item Sheet 1
Liste de vues à demander à Canton, 98.R.14-s1/repositories/3/archival_objects/1005201
between 1884 and 1900
Scope and Contents
The single sheet folded in half to create four pages contains an undated manuscript list with descriptions of 19 photographs
of Canton that Prat
wishes to acquire. At the end of the list he explains that they could be sold to residents of Canton or to "globe trotters"
as souvenirs, and that
he hopes to be the one to facilitate this. He also explains which photographs would be easy to obtain and which would require
permission of the
subjects represented, or in the case of number 17, the festival of the dragon boat, would need to be taken on a specific date,
here "le 5me jour
de le 5me lune."