The Seaver Academic Council is the chief policy-making body for academic procedures, policies, and requirements for Seaver
College at Pepperdine University. Materials in the collection include meeting minutes and agendas, memorandums, proposals
for changes or revisions to the academic catalog, and reports on courses and departments within Seaver College. Items in the
collection span from 1974 to 1996.
The Seaver Academic Council is the chief policy-making body for academic procedures, policies, and requirements for Seaver
College at Pepperdine University. It reviews proposals submitted by faculty members or administrators for changes or additions
to the curriculum, graduation requirements, and general academic policies. The proposals and changes approved by the Seaver
Academic Council are then taken to the University Academic Council for final approval.
4.17 Linear Feet
(4 boxes)
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.
Advance notice required for access. Materials are restricted for 25 years after their date of creation; the entire collection
will be open in 2021.