The collection consists of around 100 stories, articles, and comics written by author Eric (Raymond) St. Clair from the late
1940s to late 1960s. The stories in the collection, written mostly for children and often featuring bear protagonists, were
published in a variety of publications, notably
Treasure Chest,
Junior Catholic Messenger,
Young Catholic Messenger, and
Story Parade, and were credited to either Eric or Ray St. Clair.
Raymond "Eric" St. Clair was an American children's author, who wrote and published over 100 short stories and comics, usually
featuring bears as the main characters. Born in Upland, California, on July 30, 1903, St. Clair initially pursued a career
in statistics, having received a degree in economics, and worked as a research statistician prior to World War II. During
the war St. Clair shifted careers to become a shipfitter and metalworker, and throughout his life held a variety of other
occupations, including a social worker, horticulturist, and laboratory assistant at the University of California, Berkeley
Physics Department.
1.46 linear feet
(4 boxes)
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The collection is open for research.