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Finding Aid for the Robert Vincent Derrah papers, circa 1929-circa 1942 0000128
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Office Records I. 1926-1946

Physical Description: 1.0 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This series contains newspaper articles and clippings about Robert Derrah and the various buildings he designed and built, with emphasis on the Coca-Cola company buildings. The series also contains Derrah's files of patent drawings and his submissions for inventions.

Articles and Clippings A. 1935-1946

Physical Description: 0.25 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This sub-series contains newspaper clippings and ephemera regarding specific projects, including the Coca Cola buildings in Los Angeles and Pasadena.
Box 1, Folder 1

Architectural Forum magazine Civil Defense issue January 1942

Box 1, Folder 2

Coca-Cola Bottling Company (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1936

Box 1, Folder 3

Coca-Cola Building N. Grand Oaks Ave. (Pasadena, Calif.) undated

Box 1, Folder 4

Coca-Cola Bottling Company factory (Waco, Tex.) 1939

Box 1, Folder 5

Crossroads of the World (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1936

Box 1, Folder 6

Derrah, Robert biographical articles 1940, 1944, 1946

Box 1, Folder 7

Mauro, J.F (West Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Box 1, Folder 8

National Screen Service Corp. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Box 1, Folder 9

New Small Homes of California 1936

Box 1, Folder 10

Reed, J.W. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Box 1, Folder 11

South Coast Boat Company (Newport Beach, Calif.) undated

Box 1, Folder 12

Southern California Gas Company Office Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940-1942, 1945

Box 1, Folder 13

Southern California Gas Company Office (Visalia, Calif.) 1941


Project Files/ Patent Drawings B. 1926-1945

Physical Description: 0.25 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This sub-series contains patent paperwork and sketches for various inventions created by Derrah. These include many automobile engine/transmission inventions.
Box 1, Folder 14

Blank Job Cost Estimate and Patent Drawing paper samples undated

Box 1, Folder 15

Auto Ornament for Radiator Patent 1931-1934

Box 1, Folder 16

Fruit Squeezer Patent 1934

Oversize-box 4, Folder 13

Illustrations of Mechanical Tools 1914

Box 1, Folder 17

Miscellaneous Inventions 1929-1938

Box 1, Folder 18

Thermostat Patent 1937-1942

Box 1, Folder 19

Transmission Motor Patent 1926

Box 1, Folder 20

Transmission Patent 1926, 1933

Box 1, Folder 21

Transmission Patent 1942

Box 1, Folder 22

Transmission Patent 1933-1934, 1945

Box 1, Folder 23

Universal Ratio Power Transmission 1930-1943


Project Records II. 1922-1946

Physical Description: 15.0 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This series contains photographs of Derrah-designed buildings, with a large number of photographs of the Coca-Cola buildings. The series also contains the architectural drawings of residences, apartment buildings, and commercial buildings, which he designed from the 1920s to 1946.

Photographs A. 1932-1946

Physical Description: 1.0 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This sub-series contains photographs of many of Derrah's commercial buildings, including the Coca-Cola buildings and the Southern California Gas buildings in Los Angeles, as well as unidentified residences.
Box 2, Folder 24

Allen Auto Finance 1932

Box 2, Folder 25

Busy Bee Home Society undated

Box 2, Folder 26

Calhoun, Noel Engineering-Contractor undated

Box 2, Folder 27

Carnation Company (Oakland, Calif.) undated

Box 2, Folder 28

Cincolor Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1938

Box 2, Folder 29-30

Coca-Cola Plant 1334 S. Central (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940

Box 2, Folder 31

Coca-Cola Building N. Grand Ave. (Pasadena, Calif.) 1935

Box 2, Folder 32

Coca-Cola building (Waco, Tex.) 1938

Box 2, Folder 33

Coca-Cola building 1936

Box 2, Folder 34

Coca-Cola building 1940

Box 2, Folder 35

Crossroads of the World (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Box 2, Folder 36

Dr. Pepper Bottling Company (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939-1940

Box 2, Folder 37

Fresh Farm & Dairy Products 1937

Box 2, Folder 38

Mauro, J.F. house 1937

Box 2, Folder 39

National Screen Service Corp. 1937

Box 2, Folder 40

Nesbitt Fruit Products Inc. 1935-1939

Box 2, Folder 41

Pro-to-Con building undated

Box 2, Folder 42

Quality Cleaning & Dye Works undated

Box 2, Folder 43

Reed, J.W. house (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933

Box 2, Folder 44

RVD Career 1933-1946

Box 2, Folder 45

Rose, L.M. house (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Box 2, Folder 46

Safeway Store undated

Box 2, Folder 47

South Coast Boat Mart (Newport Beach, Calif.) undated

Box 2, Folder 48

Southern California Gas Co. vehicle storage 1942

Box 2, Folder 49

South Coast Marine Supply undated

Box 2, Folder 50-51

Southern California Gas Co. 820 S. Flower (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940-1941

Box 2, Folder 52

Southern California Gas building (Visalia, Calif.) 1941

Box 2, Folder 53

Transmission-Motor Patent 1926

Box 2, Folder 54-55, Box 3, Folder 1

Unidentified Residences undated

Box 2, Folder 56

Unidentified Commercial buildings undated

Box 2, Folder 57

Winston, L.A. house (West Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937


Architectural Drawings B. 1922-1946

Physical Description: 14.0 Linear feet

Scope and Contents note

This sub-series is arranged alphabetically by client and contains drawings, sketches, and plans for his architectural projects, circa 1922-1946, including the Coca-Cola buildings, the Crossroads of the World buildings (for Ella Crawford), apartment complexes, film studios, and many private residences.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 1

Acme Brewing Co. storage sheds 2080 E. 49th St. (Vernon, Calif.) 1942

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, and details.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 2

Associated Film Enterprises laboratory (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of floor plans for proposed film laboratory.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 3

Automobile Ornament for Radiator, Patent Drawings 1932

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of sections, views, and full size drawings.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 4

Barbee, Stanley gate 718 Linden (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1936

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of details and elevations for gate and lamp post.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 5

Barbee, Stanley house 1014 Laurel Way (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 6

Barker Brothers office building 7th St. & Flower (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, and details for alterations to 11th floor for the Association for the Advancement of Architecture offices.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 7

Bohemian Distributing Co. storage shed 2254 E. 49th St. (Vernon, Calif.) 1942

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan, sections, and elevations.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 8

Borcherding, E. F. A apartments Pacific Ave. (Long Beach, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plans.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 9

Bowman, Ralph Company restaurant undated

Drawer 362, FlatFile 10

Brewster, P. O. Mrs. buliding 1032 N. Highland (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937-1939

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of brick underpinning for building (sections and elevations).
Drawer 362, FlatFile 11

Brissell, George store 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of elevation and floor plan.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 12

Brown Derby Corp. restaurant 3427 Wilshire Blvd. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevations for addition to restaurant.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 13

Brown, Howard cottage 7747 Torreyson Dr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for caretakers cottage.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 14

Busy Bee Home Society dormitories Kirkby Rd. & Verdugo Rd. (Glendale, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

19 drawings of floor plans and plot plans for dormitories, servant's cottages, and administration facilities.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 15

California Motor Hotels / Harry Taylor Highland Ave. & Camrose Dr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

25 drawings of site plans and floor plans for proposed hotel.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 16

Carter, R. W. laundry plant 1400 Freeman Ave. (Long Beach, Calif.) 1945

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 17

Chaplin, Charles house 1085 Summit Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of floor plans for bedroom alterations, as well as sections, elevations, and details for sun porch addition.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 18

Chaplin, Charles house 1937

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of floor plans and elevations for alterations.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 20, Drawer 362, FlatFile 19

Charles Chaplin Studios machinery building 1416 La Brea (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for motor generator building. 2 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 21

Chiatte, Ed market group Beverly Blvd & La Cienega (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of site plan for proposed market.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 22

Cline, Walter greenhouse 600 Doheny (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 23

Coca-Cola Bottling Company warehouse Santa Fe & Anaheim (Long Beach, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of floor plans and elevations.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 24

Coca-Cola Bottling Company warehouse Scott Rd. & S. Fernando Blvd. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1941

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 25

Coca-Cola Bottling Company 1334 S. Central (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935-1940

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of floor plans.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 26, Drawer 362, FlatFile 27, Drawer 362, FlatFile 28

Coca-Cola Bottling Company warehouse Grand Oaks & Colorado Blvd. (Pasadena, Calif.) 1935-1940

Scope and Contents note

15 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for building and additions. 6 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations for various alterations and additions.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 29

Coca-Cola Bottling Company warehouse Sunset St. & 4th St. (Venice, Calif.) 1941

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans and plot plans.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 30

Coca-Cola Bottling plant (Waco, Tex.) 1938

Scope and Contents note

16 drawings of floor plans and exterior elevations.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 31

Columbia Phonograph Company warehouse and office undated

Scope and Contents note

One preliminary drawing of floor plan and elevation.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 32

Compere, W. M. house 702 N. Walden Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans and elevations for alterations and additions and boiler room.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 33

Compere, W. M. garage and apartments 939 S. Serrano Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for apartment alterations and garage and loggia.
Drawer 362, FlatFile 34, Drawer 362, FlatFile 45, Drawer 362, FlatFile 35, Drawer 362, FlatFile 37, Drawer 362, FlatFile 36, Drawer 362, FlatFile 40, Drawer 362, FlatFile 39, Drawer 362, FlatFile 38, Drawer 362, FlatFile 42, Drawer 362, FlatFile 41, Drawer 362, FlatFile 43, Drawer 362, FlatFile 44

Crawford, Ella / Crossroads of the World 6665 Sunset Blvd. (Hollywood, Calif.) 1936

Scope and Contents note

9 drawings of floor plans, sections, and elevations for various buildings in the complex. 13 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for shop and studio building #1. 10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for shop and studio building #2. 12 drawings of site plans, floor plans, and exterior elevations for buliding complex. 16 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for shop and studio building #7. 27 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for shop and studio building #6. 10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for shop buildings # 8 and #9. 6 drawings of plans, sections, elevation, details, and full size details for shop building #10. 23 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for shop and studio building #3. 14 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for shop and office building #4. 22 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for shop building #5. 2 oversize photographs.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 46

Davidge, Roy laboratories undated

Scope and Contents note

2 diagrams for film supply boxes.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 47

Dee, Dan film building (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939-1941

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of floor plans and elevations.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 48

Dentzel, E. P. house 514 N. Linden (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 49

Dentzel, E. P. house 721 N. Roxbury (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

11 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 50

Dentzel, E. P. house 816 N. Roxbury (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

18 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 51

Dentzel, E. P. house 910 N. Roxbury (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 52

Dentzel, E. P. apartments 9936-9942 Durant Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 53

Derrah, Robert cottage (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1922

Scope and Contents note

19 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 54

Derrah, Robert duplex 452 Smithwood Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1936-1940

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for duplex alterations.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 55

Derrah, Robert fruit juicer patent drawings 1934

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of fruit juicer plans.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 56

Derrah, Robert office furniture 316 Bank America Bldg. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of sections and details for office furniture.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 57, Drawer 360, FlatFile 75, Drawer 361, FlatFile 58

Derrah, Robert miscellaneous inventions 1924-1941

Scope and Contents note

70 miscellaneous invention drawings and sketches.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 159, Drawer 358, FlatFile 160, Drawer 358, FlatFile 161

Derrah, Robert Patent Drawings 1926-1941

Scope and Contents note

20 blueprints of patent drawings for thermostat. 19 drawings and blueprints for universal ratio power transmission patent. 3 drawings of patent/invention of transmission motor; also includes copies of other patents.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 59

Derrah, Robert sign (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of sign for Derrah's office.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 162

Derrah, Robert standard details 1936-1941

Scope and Contents note

14 drawings of various types of standard details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 60

Desart Sound Corporation recording studios 1932

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan and front elevation.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 61

Dosset, A. J. house 719 N. Elm (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations and additions.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 62

Dr. Pepper Bottling Plant 5950 Avalon (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939-1940

Scope and Contents note

30 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and structural and electrical drawings.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 63

Dyer, J. H. house 10351 Tennessee Ave. (West Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 64

Ellis, Kimpton house Lamego Dr. (Glendale, Calif.) 1936-1938

Scope and Contents note

8 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 65

First Church of Christ Scientist 1937

Scope and Contents note

One full color presentation board (damaged).
Drawer 361, FlatFile 66, Drawer 361, FlatFile 67

First Federal Savings & Loan office (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1945

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of voided floor plan. 3 presentation boards.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 68

Franklin, Mrs. house 2nd St. & Harvard (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1932

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plans for converting single family house into apartments.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 69

Golden State Co. factory 1739 Albion St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1943

Scope and Contents note

10 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 70

Good Humor Ice Cream Company refridgerator doors 1938

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of section and elevation for mechanical door.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 71

Gordon, J.N. house Havelock Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1936

Scope and Contents note

10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 72

Gortner, Robert house 705 N. Maple (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 73

Gray, Kathryn buildling (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1938

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevation for light manufacturing building.
Drawer 361, FlatFile 74

Gray, Marion house (La Canada, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of house alterations.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 76

Hair, Jeanette studio duplex Smithwood Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1938

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plans.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 77

Harwood, Ben apartment buildng (Westwood, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of proposed floor plan.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 78

Hastings / Calhoun autoservice garage 1937

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and exterior elevation.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 79

Hastings, Howard Holmby Ave (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1936

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan survey.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 80

Hawley, R. G. house 1008 Hilts Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 81

Hawley, R. G. country house (Whittier Heights, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

8 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 82

Hawthorne School banners and poles (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of sections and elevations for booths and banners for pet show.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 83, Drawer 360, FlatFile 84

Hollywood State Bank 6801 Santa Monica Blvd. (Los Angles, Calif.) 1938-1941

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of floor plans and elevations. 12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations and additions.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 85

Holmes, C. B. house (Montecito, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations and addition.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 86

Hubbard Marine Supply Co. / South Coast Boat Mart 23rd & Central (Newport Beach, Calif.) 1935-1938

Scope and Contents note

13 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for boat sales office.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 87

Hubbard, Walton window 444 S. Serrano (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plan and elevation for bay window addition.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 88

Industrial Management Corp. 523 S. Spring (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1946

Scope and Contents note

10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations to office building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 89

Karlsten, H. / Davis, Margaret triplex 118 N. La Pere (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 90

Karlsten, H. cottage (Mission Springs, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 91

Karlsten, H. duplex Croft St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1928

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 92

Karlsten, H. 4-unit apartment 6200 Orange (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for 4-unit apartment building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 93

Karlsten, H. 4-unit apartment 4336 S. Normandie (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for 4-unit apartment building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 94

Karlsten, H. store Burton Way (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 95

King, Junie store 133 N. Weatherly (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1933

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 96

Knudsen Creamery automotive buildng 1914 Santee St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1946

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 97

Knudsen Creamery office (Visalia, Calif.) 1945

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 98

Kolberg, V. M. 4-unit building 200 S. Rexford Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1929

Scope and Contents note

10 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 99

L.A. Importing Company office (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevation.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 100

La Paz Realty Company apartment building 6221 Fountain Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1931

Scope and Contents note

11 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 101

Lail, R. L. automobile sales building (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1936-1937

Scope and Contents note

8 drawings of floor plans.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 102

Lobdell, W. L. house 581 San Marino Dr. (San Marino, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plans, sections, and elevations for addition.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 103

Maas, Arthur laboratory Alvarado St. & Valley St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plans and exterior elevations.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 104

Martin, Bernard house (Hawthorne, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 105

Mauro, Mary house 744 Holmby (West Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

23 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 106

McCluny, Herbert garden seat 1938

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of garden seat plans.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 107

McCluny Brothers Sheet Metal 1023 Santa Fe Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plans and sections for air washer machine.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 108

McConaughy, R. E. house (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1925

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 109

McLean, Donald building Detroit St. & Beverly Blvd. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plan and exterior elevation.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 110

McQuarrie. Clarice store and office building 7777 Sunset Blvd. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans and exterior elevations for store and office building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 111

Medical Group office building 6361 Sunset Blvd. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1932

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans for alterations and additions to building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 112

Methodist Church / Euclid Heights ME Church 2916 Euclid Sq. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1924

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 113

Miller, George house 150 S. Alta Vista (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 114

Miller, J. D. market 6621 Emmet Terr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1931

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for market building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 115

Mission Dry Corp. 1939

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of prelimiary operating diagram.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 116

Moore, E. S. apartment building 1932

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans for 6 story apartment building.
Drawer 360, FlatFile 117

Moreton, J.B. 1059 Millitary Dr. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1937

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plan and sections for alterations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 118

National Screen Service Corporation studio 7026 Santa Monica Blvd. (Hollywood, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 119

National Screen Service Corporation building 2018 S. Vermont Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

21 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 120

National Screen Service Corporation building Hyde & Turk (San Francisco, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of floor plans and exterior elevations for proposed film exchange building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 121

Neaves, Hope house 1720 Chevy Chase Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations and addition.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 122

Nesbitt Fruit Products Inc. laboratory 2946 E. 11th St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for laboratory alterations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 123

Nesbitt Fruit Products Inc. building 11th St. & Evergreen (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

31 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for manufacturing building and alterations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 124

Nesbitt Fruit Products Inc. office 750 S. Ceres Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for office building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 125

Nesbitt Fruit Products Inc. manufacturing 760 S. Ceres Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

18 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 126, Drawer 359, FlatFile 127, Drawer 359, FlatFile 128

Norris Stamping & Manufacturing 5215 S. Boyle St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1942-1943

Scope and Contents note

9 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for a cartridge case scrubber. 9 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for cartridte case washer. 3 drawings of plans for miscellaneous equipment.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 129

Olsen, Martin service station 1913 Hillhurst (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933, 1939

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for service station and alterations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 130

Olshausen, B.A. restaurant Wilshire Blvd. & Bedford Ave. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1936, 1939

Scope and Contents note

11 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for restaurant and alterations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 131

Ott, R. C. apartment building 444 Bedford Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plan and details for alterations to apartment building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 132

Ott, R. C. apartments Wellworth Ave. & Midvale Ave. (Westwood, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

9 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for apartment building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 133

Overell, I. R. factory and warehouse 1936, 1938

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plan and elevations.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 134

Pennant Oil & Grease Co. plant Washington St. & Indiana St. (Los Angeles County, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 135

Prutzman, Paul house Granada Estates (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 136

Ralke, Carl house 604 N. Walden Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plans, sections, and details for alterations and addition.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 137

Reed, J. W. house 933 S. Ridgely (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933

Scope and Contents note

11 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 138

Reeves, Jack house W. Wanda Dr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 139

Rex Theater Movie Poster (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1913

Scope and Contents note

One movie theater poster featuring the Salt Lake City high school glee club.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 140

Richards & Rowan building 5143 Anaheim-Telegraph Rd. (Los Angeles County, Calif.) 1946

Scope and Contents note

14 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for sales and shop buildings.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 141

Ritter store (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1938

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of floor plans and elevations for commercial building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 142

RKO Studios 780 Gower St. (Hollywood, Calif.) 1929-1931

Scope and Contents note

6 blueprints of various plans, sections, and elevations for film laboratories, studios, and front gate.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 143

RKO/Pathe Studios Stage 6 (Culver City, Calif.) 1931

Scope and Contents note

8 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 144

Rockett, A. L. estate Branford Ave. 1936

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of landscape and plot plan by Lowell Fuller (landscape architect).
Drawer 359, FlatFile 145

Rose, C. H. building 1907 S. Vermont (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1933

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations for a film building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 146

Rose, L. M. house 842 S. Citrus (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

5 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 147

Schwenk, Charles apartment 1327 S. Catalina St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, and elevations for apartment house.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 148

Seeman, E. W. beach cottage La Costa (Malibu, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 149

Seven Up Bottling Company 5101 S. Alameda St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plans and sections for water softener building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 150

Sheehan, W. R. greenhouse 1197 Angelo Dr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

9 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for a conservatory group of buildings.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 151

Sieh, S. J. apartments Whitworth & Genesee (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

8 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for 6 unit apartment building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 152

Slocum, DeWitt ridge ventilators 1941

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plan for ridge ventilators.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 153

Smith, Ella garage 3rd St & Oakhurst (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of plans, elevations, and details for garage for tenants.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 154

Southern California Gas Company office Juanita & Third St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1941

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of plot plan and exterior elevation.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 155

Squirt Company manufacturing plant Foothill & 3rd St. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1941

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of preliminary plot plan and floor plan.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 156

Stevens, Franklin 9-unit apartment building (Hollywood, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plans for apartment building.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 157

Substantial Homes Ltd. / McCarthy Vista-Carthay Center undated

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 359, FlatFile 158

System Auto Parks & Garages 735 S. Hill St. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plan and section for public storage garage in theater auditorium building.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 163

Temple Baptist Church auditorium (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan for auditorium alterations.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 12

UCLA Chapter House (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings on board of floor plan for sorority house.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 164

Unidentified Apartments: various buildings undated

Scope and Contents note

21 drawings of floor plans for various types of apartment buildings.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 165

Unidentified Apartment building Eastbourne & Fairburn (Westwood, Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan and floor plan for 5 unit apartment building.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 166

Unidentified Apartment buildng Burton Way & Oakwood (Beverly Hills, Calif.?) undated

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan with floor plan.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 1

Unidentified Beach Cottage undated

Drawer 358, FlatFile 167

Unidentified Cafe undated

Scope and Contents note

2 drawings of floor plan for unidentified cafe/restaurant.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 168

Unidentified Cafe 6676 Santa Monica Blvd. (Hollywood, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevation.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 2

Unidentified Cartoons undated

Drawer 358, FlatFile 169

Unidentified Church Charleyville & Rexford (Beverly Hills, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of floor plans and elevations.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 3

Unidentified Commercial Building undated

Drawer 358, FlatFile 170

Unidentified Film Studio 1932-1936

Scope and Contents note

17 drawings of floor plans and elevations for various unidentified film and movie buildings.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 171

Unidentified Office 1938

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevations for office adjacent to residence (job #896).
Drawer 358, FlatFile 191

Unidentified Office/Film building S. Vermont & Cordova (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of floor plans and elevations for proposed building (job #910).
Drawer 358, FlatFile 172

Unidentified Residence circa 1941

Scope and Contents note

One perspective drawing of exterior of residence.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 4-10

Unidentified Residences undated

Drawer 358, FlatFile 173

Unidentified Residence 510 N. Arden Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1928?

Scope and Contents note

11 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 174

Unidentified Residence 304 N. Palm Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1927

Scope and Contents note

9 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 175

Unidentified Skylight undated

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of skylight section.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 176, Drawer 358, FlatFile 177

Unidentified Stores 1938

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of floor plans and exterior elevations for multi-story retail/commercial buildng (job #892). One drawing of floor plan and elevations for retail building (job #912).
Drawer 358, FlatFile 178

Unidentified Store Remodeling 15th St. & Hope Ave (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan.
Oversize-box 4, Folder 11

Unidentified Sunday School and Church undated

Drawer 358, FlatFile 179

Unidentified Super Market Santa Monica Blvd. & Virgil (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1931

Scope and Contents note

7 drawings of plot plans and exterior elevations.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 180

Unidentified Warehouse & Factory 1938

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of floor plan and elevation.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 181

United States Post Office building 1237 S. Flower (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

3 drawings of floor plans and elevation.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 182

Universal Pictures Corp. (Universal City, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of ventilating plans and sections for sound stage.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 183

Waknitz, A. J. outbuilding 1327 N. Las Palmas (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1934

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plans, sections, and elevations for outbuilding/guest cottage.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 184

Walt Disney Studios animators building 1934

creator: Weber, Kem, 1889-1963

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plans and sections for addition.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 185

Whelan, R. I. house 150 S. Martel Ave. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1935

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 186

Wilhelm, John house 510 Walden Dr. (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1939

Scope and Contents note

4 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for alterations and additions.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 187

Wilken, E. G. apartment building S. Orange Grove Ave. & Edgewood Pl. (Los Angeles, Calif.) undated

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details for 8-unit apartment building.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 188

Winston, L. A. house 10481 Wyton Dr. (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

12 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, and full size details.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 189

Wooten store 4024 S. Vermont (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1937

Scope and Contents note

One drawing of plot plan.
Drawer 358, FlatFile 190

Young's Market Company office 7th & Union (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1940

Scope and Contents note

6 drawings of plans, sections, elevations, and details for office alterations.