The collection contains video recordings of raw footage, airchecks, and promotional materials related to the annual Unity
Shoppe Christmas (Holiday) Telethon as well as other recordings made by the organization.
Unity Shoppe History
24.33 Linear Feet
(105 DVDs, 230 videocassettes (U-Matic, Betacam, VHS), 2 one-inch video reels)
Property rights to the collection and physical objects belong to the Regents of the University of California acting through
the Department of Special Research Collections at the UCSB Library. All applicable literary rights, including copyright to
the collection and physical objects, are protected under Chapter 17 of the U.S. Copyright Code and are retained by the creator
and the copyright owner, heir(s), or assigns.
The collection is open for research. Audiovisual materials must be reformatted for access. Please contact the Department of
Special Research Collections in advance to request access.