The Howard Hoffman KABC collection consists of 22 boxes, or 22 linear feet of mostly scripts, correspondence, news, and memoranda
pertaining to KABC radio between 1943-1954. The remaining materials consists of public relations materials like photographs,
biographies, and scrapbooks from the 1990s. Howard Hoffman was the creative/production director at KABC Radio and unofficial
historian of the station.
Howard Hoffman (1954- ) is a voice actor and broadcast branding producer in Washington State and operates
the internet radio station Great Big Radio. He was the host of Top 40 radio shows on the east as well as the west
coast. From 1994 to 2011 Howard was the creative/production director at KABC Radio and unofficial historian
of the station.
22 Linear Feet;
(22 boxes: 19 record boxes, 2 document boxes, 1 flat box)
Property rights to the collection and physical objects belong to the Regents of the University of California acting through
the Department of Special Research Collections at the UCSB Library. All applicable literary rights, including copyright to
the collection and physical objects, are protected under Chapter 17 of the U.S. Copyright Code and are retained by the creator
and the copyright owner, heir(s), or assigns.
The collection is open for research.