Register of the Miron Dolot papers next hit

Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Staff
Hoover Institution Library and Archives
© 2020
434 Galvez Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6003

Title: Miron Dolot papers next hit
Date (inclusive): 1915-2008
Collection Number: 2015C22
Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Language of Material: Mainly in Ukrainian and English
Physical Description: 22 manuscript boxes (6.2 Linear Feet)
Abstract: Correspondence, writings, notes, instructional materials, and printed matter relating to Ukrainian history and literature, the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933, and the Ukrainian émigré community.
Creator: Dolot, Miron
Physical Location: Hoover Institution Library & Archives


The collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.


For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

Acquisition Information

Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 2015.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], previous hit Miron Dolot papers , [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

Biographical Note

Miron Dolot is a pseudonym of Simon Starow, a Ukrainian-American writer and professor of Slavic languages. Starow was born in Ukraine to Ukrainian parents. His father was killed in 1919 for his loyalty to the Ukrainian Independent Republic while Starow was an infant. Starow served in the Soviet 44th Army Infantry Division during the Soviet-Finnish War on the Ukhta Front. He fled the Soviet Union to West Germany as a political refugee and lived in Frankfurt am Main, where he was a member of the Ukrainian émigré press, which he took an active part in until 1949, when he immigrated to the United States. From 1952 to 1955, Starow lived in Los Angeles and worked as a language instructor for the Voluntary Training Unit of the Marine Corps Reserve. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1954. In 1955 he moved to Monterey, California to work as Ukrainian language instructor at the Army Language School.

Scope and Content of Collection

The materials include manuscripts and notes of Dolot's (Starow's) publications, including Execution by Hunger on the Ukrainian genocide and famine of 1932-1933. Other topics relating to Ukrainian history include the Winter War in Finland, the Ukrainian émigré community (especially displaced persons), Ukrainian national identity, history of Kievan Rus, Christianity in Ukraine, Ukrainian genocide, Ukraine under the Bolsheviks and Soviet Union, and Ukrainian writers and poets. Materials include correspondence, writings, notes, instructional materials, and printed matter, in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Finnish, and German.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Ukrainian literature
Ukrainian Americans
Ukraine -- History
Ukraine -- History -- Famine, 1932-1933
Ukraine -- Emigration and immigration


Academic Career File 1948-1989

Scope and Contents

includes course material, examination records, research papers, memoranda, minutes, proposals, studies, and correspondence, arranged chronologically by university.
box 3

Career appointments 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence.
box 13

Correspondence 1948-1989

Scope and Contents

Includes editorial and other official correspondence.

The United States Army Language School 1956-1966

box 14

General catalogs circa 1960


Language cources 1956-1966


Ukrainian basic coursebooks 1956-1966

box 14


box 15


box 13

German basic coursebooks 1962

box 15

Russian Song Book of Russian Student Choir 1965

box 13

Biographical File 1993-1998

Scope and Contents

Includes a photograph and obituary of Miron Dolot.

Speeches and Writings 1945-1996

Scope and Contents

Includes drafts of books, essays, notes, reviews, speeches with related correspondence, and research material, arranged alphabetically.

General 1946-1986

Scope and Contents

Includes notes, drafts, and miscellaneous writings on a variety of subjects.
box 6


box 3


box 4


box 1


box 22


box 1

Books review 1955-1968

box 4

"Case Study- the Ukrahiah Genocide" 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence.

Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust 1980-1989


Book reviews 1980-1989

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence and clippings.
box 6


box 2



Typescripts circa 1980

Scope and Contents

Includes drafts,
box 8

First dtraft

box 2

Second draft

box 13

Galley proofs

box 1

"Голод 1932-1933-го року " 1958

Scope and Contents

Speech at Patriotic Hall, Los Angeles.
box 4

"Дух Украинськой Революции" 1955

Scope and Contents

Includes manuscript and printed matter.
box 6

Юбiлейна сесiя Об'еднаних Нацiй 1955

box 4

"Notes on My Way to the United States of America" 1949

box 6

Розбита дивiзiя 1948-1967

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence.
box 6

"Оповiдь мертвого" circa 1945

box 6

Остання зустрiч з Гетьманом Скоропадським 1949

box 6

Tragediia 44-oi sovets'koi divizii (Трагедiя 44-ой советськой дивiзii) 1956

box 22

"Украiнське Село" 1965

Scope and Contents

Includes notes, drafts, and research material.
box 6

"Життя i праця украiнской емiграцii" 1947-1949

Scope and Contents

Includes other writings on Ukrainian emigration.
box 16

"Змова, якоi не було " circa 1980

box 6

Зустрiч з поетом Т, Осьмачкою 1948-1996


Subject File 1917-2008

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, interviews, questionnaires, and research notes, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 9

Anti-Semitism and Ukraine 1959-1987

Scope and Contents

Includes articles, notes, and printed matter.
box 1

Battle of Poltava 1956-1959

Scope and Contents

Includes historical notes and clippings.
box 10

British policy toward Ukrainian statehood 1917-1922

Scope and Contents

Includes collected copies of the British public records.
box 18

Bukovina and Galicia 1975-1985

Scope and Contents

box 22

Carpatho-Ukraine 1966-1978

Scope and Contents

Uncludes articles, clippings, and other printed matter.

Famine-Genocide in Ukraine (Holodomor) 1930-2008

Scope and Contents

Includes articles, drafts, bibliography, research notes, and printed matter, arranged chronologically.
box 3


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence, articles, and clippings.
box 11


Scope and Contents

Includes articles, clippings, drafts, bibliography, and research notes, arranged chronologically.
box 12


box 3


box 1

History of Kievan Rus' 1983-1985

Scope and Contents


History of Ukraine 1946-1985

Scope and Contents

Includes clippings.
box 12


box 16


box 21


box 20


box 1


box 22

Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (KGB) 1971-1985

Scope and Contents

box 4

Millennium of Christianity of Ukraine 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Includes writings and printed matter.

Soviet minority nationalism 1952-1985

Scope and Contents

Includes writings, notes, study reports, and printed matter.
box 16


box 10


box 9


box 7


Scope and Contents

Collected writings
box 2


Scope and Contents

box 4

Petliura, Simon (Петлюра Симон) 1955

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence, writings, and printed matter.
box 12

Shevchenko, Taras (Шевченко Тарас) 1949-1981

Scope and Contents

Includes speeches and writings by Dolot, historical notes, and printed matter.
box 19

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1975-1985

Scope and Contents

box 1

Soviet Citizenship Law 1971-1979

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence and printed matter.
box 19

Soviet communism 1971-1985

box 22

Soviet Ukraine 1973-1982

Scope and Contents

box 1

Stefanik, Vasil' (Стефаник Василь) 1973-1978

Scope and Contents

box 4

Tragedy of Vinnytsia 1953-1989

Scope and Contents

Includes clippings and reports.
box 22

Tragedy of Vinnytsia 1953-1989

box 20

Ukraine and Russia 1980-1985

Scope and Contents

box 3

Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus 1973-1985

Scope and Contents

Includes historical note and printed natter.
box 19

Ukrainian church 1974-1980

Scope and Contents

box 16

Ukrainian culture 1974-1986

box 20

Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) 1974-1984

Scope and Contents

box 12

Ukrainian Law on Languages 1988-1989

Scope and Contents

box 17

Ukrainian literature 1874-1988

box 22

Ukrainian music 1974-1986

box 20

Ukrainian nationalsm 1977-1984

Scope and Contents

box 18

Ukrainian science and education 1972-1985

box 18

Ukrainian Rukh 1983-1984

box 20

Ukrainians in Brazil 1983-1986

Scope and Contents


Ukrainians in the United States and Canada 1947-2008

Scope and Contents

Includes articles and printed matter.
box 3


box 21


Scope and Contents

box 18


box 11


box 7

Ukrainians in World War II 1973-1987

Scope and Contents

Includes notes and research material.

War crimes and war against humanity 1976-1987

Scope and Contents

Includes annotated articles and printed matter.
box 4

circa 1980 1980

box 9


box 5

Winter War in Finland 1983-1993

Scope and Contents

Includes notes, drafts, and printed matter.
box 19

World War I 1976-1988

Scope and Contents


Writings by others 1915-1990

box 13

Bilo, Iosip (Било Иосип) 1977

box 13

Brejcha, Leander 1915

box 1

Chaplenko, Vasil' (Чапленко Василь) 1965

box 4

Garasevich, Andrii (Гарасевич Андрiй) 1940

box 1

Klinovii, Iurii (Клиновий Юрiй) 1970

box 13

Morshen, Nikolai (Моршен Николай) 1967

box 1

Ponedilok, Mykola (Понедiлок Микола) 1975

box 10

Ros', S. 1957-1958

Scope and Contents

"Ribaki," manuscript
box 9

Skal'kovskii, A. (Скальковскiй А.) 1956

box 4

Smith, Joseph 1970

Scope and Contents

Includes Dolot's translation.
box 13

Stone, Steve 1990

box 16

"Татовi Спогади" 1968-1973

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence.
box 5

Zakhodi, Danilo (Заходи Данило) 1990